31 May 2023
29 May 2023
LECTURES de… : René Cassin, La condition des sujets ennemis en France pendant la guerre (1916) et Cours radiodiffusé sur l’héritage (1938-1939) - 1er juin 2023 - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Site de Port-Royal
Sous la présidence d'Anne-Marie Leroyer, professeur de droit privé, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, directrice de l'Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne.
Xavier Lagarde, professeur de droit privé, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, directeur de l'Institut d'Etudes à Distance de l'Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne, Propos introductifs sur la diffusion des savoirs juridiques.
Michel Grimaldi, professeur émérite de droit privé, université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Existe-t-il un droit à l'héritage ?
Christophe Vernières, professeur de droit privé, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Les grands principes du droit successoral à travers le cours de René Cassin.
Sous la présidence de Nader Hakim, professeur d'histoire du droit, université de Bordeaux, Secrétaire général de la Société pour l'histoire des Facultés de droit.
Muriel Ubeda-Saillard, professeur de droit public, université de Lille, La neutralisation des personnes perçues comme dangereuses par la communauté en guerre, préfiguration du droit pénal de l'ennemi.
Sarah Durelle-Marc, maître de conférences en droit public, institut catholique de Lille, La condition des sujets ennemis et les prémices d'un droit des minorités.
Michel Erpelding, chercheur en droit international et européen, université du Luxembourg, René Cassin, la condition des sujets ennemis et l'émergence du juge international comme garant des droits de l'individu.
Nikolas Karmis, doctorant en droit public, université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, « Comme un otage économique pour l'heure du règlement de compte avec nos ennemis » : la possibilité de saisie des biens des civils ennemis.
Et en présence de Julien Broch, maître de conférences en histoire du droit, université d'Aix-Marseille.
Les cours de René Cassin publiés par Julien Broch offrent des témoignages inédits sur l'oeuvre protéiforme d'un géant du droit. Le premier, de 1916, alors que Cassin relève d'une grave blessure, porte sur La condition des sujets ennemis en France pendant la guerre. S'il demeure contraint par les préoccupations du moment, les valeurs du futur prix Nobel s'y révèlent déjà. Le second, sur l'héritage, radiodiffusé en 1938-1939, témoigne d'un souci d'innovation et de large diffusion du savoir juridique.
JOURNAL: Rechtskultur - Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte/European Journal of Legal History/Journal éuropéen d'histoire du droit XI (2022): Law and Reconstruction after crisis
The journal Rechtskultur publishes its back-issues in open access here.
Read more here.
26 May 2023
BOOK: Aldo Andrea CASSI, Le danze di Clio e Astrea. Fondamenti storici del diritto europeo (Torino: Giappichelli, 2023), ISBN: 9791221100662
ABOUT THE BOOK (from the "Preludio")
Uno spettro si aggira per l’Europa del futuro: è il giurista di domani. La sua pena errabonda non è causata dal sospetto dell’uomo della strada (che imputa ad avvocati, giudici e notai alchimie tecniche care per le sue tasche o lontane dai suoi bisogni) né dall’insofferenza dei management societari (che considerano i consulenti legali come “bastoni tra le ruote” nella speditezza degli affari aziendali), né dall’esser considerato superfluo, se non nocivo, da molti intellettuali (che gli imputano aridità culturale e inerzia nelle riforme) e bistrattato dal legislatore (il quale lo mette alla prova destrutturando l’ordinamento giuridico con estemporanee e continue riscritture di esso). Non è questo il problema: il giurista sa che è da tempo così; sa che il problema non è l’immaginario collettivo su di lui, perché questo appartiene alla sua stessa Storia – e del resto altre categorie professionali non stanno meglio da quel punto di vista ... La questione è ben altra: quale che sia la figura (avvocato, magistrato, notaio, legale aziendale, funzionario amministrativo, insegnante, ecc.) in cui il futuro giurista deciderà di incarnare la propria anima, rischierà di fare una scoperta orrenda: non ce l’avrà più, l’anima. Non avrà più, dopo quasi un millennio, un’anima da giurista, perché gliel’hanno strappata dal luogo dove essa gli sarebbe stata insufflata: l’Università.
25 May 2023
ARTICLE: Sandro NOTARI, "Statuta Urbis, 1469. La prima riforma pontificia dello statuto comunale di Roma.Profili storico-giuridici" (Historia et Ius 15 APR 2023) (OPEN ACCESS)
In 1469 Pope Paul II, as lord of the city, issued the municipal statutes of Rome (statuta Urbis). The essay examines these statutes, which represent the first reform of the Roman municipal law issued by a pope after the end of municipal autonomy and the establishment of the papal signoria in 1398. The papal statutes of 1469 are compared to the popular regime’s statutes of 1363, which remained in effect until then. The papal reform conforms the statutes to the new system of seignorial government by removing officials and organs elective of the commune. However, Paul II left intact the structure of the statutes of 1363 and introduced few changes to civil and criminal law. Thanks to this reform, many vestiges of medieval legal romanitas were transmitted to later ages: the statuta Urbis, after being revised and modified, remained in effect until the 19th century.
Read the article on Historia et Ius (an open access peer reviewed journal).
24 May 2023
BOOK: Paolo GROSSI, Un historiador del Derecho a la búsqueda de sí mismo (México: Tirant lo Blanch, 2023). ISBN: 9788411691420, 120 pp., $ 199.00 MXN
Series: Historia del Derecho en América Latina.
El trascurrir intelectual y vital de un historiador del Derecho durante el tránsito de la modernidad a la posmodernidad es revelado con nitidez y pasión en Un historiador del derecho a la búsqueda de sí mismo, publicado en italiano en 2008, antes que su autor fuera nombrado juez de la Corte Constitucional italiana por el presidente Giorgio Napolitano. Se integra con las tres lecciones magistrales que Paolo Grossi dictó durante diciembre de 2006 en el Palacio Strozzi de Florencia a un grupo de juristas y estudiantes, y en las cuales dibujó el magnífico fresco de su vida académica a lo largo de más de tres décadas, y durante las cuales se convirtió no sólo en uno de los más importantes historiadores del Derecho italiano sino en uno de los más lúcidos y críticos juristas contemporáneos. "Fruto de una inquietud intelectual y de una tensión moral nunca latente", las tres lecciones son testimonio, sin duda, de la aguda crisis actual de la ciencia jurídica y, a la vez, camino seguro para superarla desde el taller sapiencial y frente a las nuevas formas que asume el absolutismo jurídico.
Paolo Grossi (1933-2022) fue profesor ordinario de Historia del Derecho medieval y moderno; académico de la Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei; doctor honoris causa de diversas universidades europeas y latinoamericanas. Fundador y director del Centro di Studi per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno y de los Quaderni Fiorentini. Presidió la Corte Constitucional Italiana.
ÍndicePresentación 9
Agradecimiento 21
Primera Lección
1. Aclaración necesaria 23
2. El improbable nacimiento de un historiador del derecho 24
3. Al interior de la «Historia del derecho italiano»: insatisfacciones y frustraciones 26
4. Un historiador del derecho: a la búsqueda de una identidad 30
5. Una recuperación para el derecho 34
6. Una recuperación para la historia 39
Segunda Lección
1. En coloquio con Emilio Betti 45
2. Y con Francesco Calasso 50
3. Primeras líneas de investigación. Mi vena canónica 54
4. Primeras líneas de investigación: el derecho privado común 60
5. Y el persistente tema de una treintena de años: la relación hombre/cosa, hombre/tierra 65
6. Un proyecto cultural y su necesario soporte organizacional: «para la historia del pensamiento jurídico moderno». El Centro de Estudios y los «Quaderni fiorentini» 70
Tercera Lección
1. En Florencia: un centro de estudios, una revista científica, una comunidad de estudiosos 77
2. Continua el tema persistente durante treinta años: la relación entre hombre/cosa 79
3. En particular: Otro modo de poseer 82
4. El Centro de Estudios para la Historia del Pensamiento Jurídico Moderno y sus iniciativas de congresos. En particular, de dos congresos de los años ochenta: «La cultura de las revistas jurídicas italianas»;Historia social y dimensión jurídica» 865. Año 1985: La propiedad y las propiedades en el taller del historiador 916. Año 1988: Epitafio para el absolutismo jurídico 927. Los años noventa: aproximaciones al absolutismo jurídico 968. Tiempo de cosecha. Año 1995: El orden jurídico medieval 989. Tiempo de cosecha. Año 2001: Mitologías jurídicas de la modernidad 10210. Tiempo de cosecha. Año 2000: Ciencia jurídica italiana 10511. Tiempo de cosecha. Año 2003: Primera lección de derecho 10712. Tiempo de cosecha. Año 2006: Sociedad, derecho, Estado 109
13. Un saludo final 112
Obras de Paolo Grossi en castellano 115
CALL FOR PAPERS: International Law – Its Heritage as a Response to Modern Problems - Łódź, 16 and 17 May 2024 (DEADLINE: 30.09.2023)
The Chair of International Law and International Relations and the Centre for Anglo-American Legal Tradition of the University of Lodz invites you to participate in the conference "International Law – Its Heritage as a Response to Modern Problems" that will take place 16-17 (Thursday-Friday) May 2024.
Conference’s mission
International law is constantly under attack for its unsuitability in the context of modern international relations and its challenges, the war in Ukraine being one of the most recent and tragic examples. From theoretical negators to cynical politicians, it is said that it is tiger without fangs and claws. Simultaneously, different bodies are constantly searching for new instruments to ensure the stability of today’s world embodied in the rule of law.
We believe, however, that the international legal community already has the answers to this problem, and that there is no need for a revolution. That response is international law’s greatest strength, i.e. its heritage, deeply rooted in legal tradition and consciousness of humans. Whether embodied either in treaties, customary law, or general rules recognised by the civilised nations it bears its values stemmed from the historical experience of nations.
The subject itself is broad but we would like to suggest some key issues that can be discussed during the conference. Among them are: (1) rule of law, (2) constitutional values of states, (3) human rights, (4) war crimes, (5) international justice, (6) influence of national or local laws, (7) protection of national interests v. global governance. However, we are not limiting the scope of proposed papers to the above-mentioned themes.
Because the theme of the conference is so wide and interdisciplinary, we are looking forward to welcoming in Lodz the broadest possible range of scholars, including international lawyers, both scholars and practitioners, legal historians, sociologists of law, specialists in political studies and international relations and more. Especially warmly, we invite young and early career scholars.
Professor Fernanda Pirie (University of Oxford), Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary University of London), and Professor Joseph H.H. Weiler (New York University School of Law) have already generously agreed to participate as key speakers at the conference.
Applications can be submitted until 30 September 2023. It should contain:
• Name and surname
• Affiliation
• Short abstract (max 500 words)
• Author’s decision regarding paper / poster form of presentation (posters are predominantly recommended for Young and Early Career Scholars)
The Scientific Committee reserves its right to decide about the final programme until 31 October 2023. Authors of the accepted applications will be asked then to prepare longer abstracts (up to 1500 words) which will be collected in the Book of Abstracts (published by the end of January 2024).
Contact email:
Call for papers: here.
Center for Anglo-American Legal Tradition website.
23 May 2023
CALL FOR PAPERS : Le Juge et l'Expert : en quête de vérité (18-20 October 2023, Lille) (DEADLINE : 1 July 2023)
The University of Lille has a call for papers for a colloquium on the role of experts in the judicial system.
La pratique contemporaine a placé
l’avis scientifique au cœur des processus de décision. L’expertise judiciaire,
définie comme le « recours à un technicien consistant à demander à un
spécialiste (…) d’éclairer le tribunal sur certains aspects du procès nécessitant
l’avis d’un homme de l’art » (Termes juridiques, Dalloz, 1995,
v° Expertise), occupe de nos jours une place centrale dans le domaine de la
justice. Ce constat traverse plus généralement les disciplines et les
époques : de l’authentification de documents à l’expertise psychiatrique,
les conclusions apportées par les experts constituent un recours indispensable
pour la justice. Le rôle de ceux, depuis le médecin jusqu’au cyber-analyste, à
qui elle est confiée s’est cependant étendu depuis le XIXe siècle,
précisément au moment où les portes des tribunaux leur ont été plus largement
ouvertes. Depuis, il semble évident que si les conclusions d’une analyse ne
lient pas le magistrat, elles sont toutefois de nature à peser sur la décision
Cela rend légitime l’intérêt
porté, dans le cadre de cet appel à communication, à l’évolution des relations
entre experts et magistrats, un thème qui constituera l’axe majeur du colloque
organisé à l’automne 2023 à l’Université de Lille. Comment ces différents
acteurs, s’ils restent tournés vers la manifestation de la vérité, se
répartissent pouvoirs et responsabilités ? Cette manifestation scientifique
offre l’opportunité de croiser les regards, de questionner l’équilibre entre
les apports de l’expert et la décision rendue par le juge, et d’explorer toutes
les dimensions de l’expertise, au passé comme au présent.
Afin de pouvoir utilement guider
les personnes intéressées par la thématique du colloque, les organisateurs
mettent à leur disposition plusieurs pistes de réflexion qui pourront
constituer les différents axes développés dans le cadre de cet évènement (I).
Dans le même temps, une sélection bibliographique a été constituée afin
d’orienter les choix qui pourront être faits dans la détermination des propositions
de communication (II). Il est enfin proposé que ces dernières puissent être
déposées en ligne sur le site du congrès afin de pouvoir finaliser, dans les
meilleurs délais, les propositions d’intervention de même que les échanges avec
les organisateurs. A cette fin, des recommandations et instructions sont
fournies dans la rubrique vade-mecum (III).
More info as well as the link to
submit a proposal can be found here.
ARTICLE: Eileen DENZA & Lauge POULSEN, "Settling Russia's Imperial and Baltic Debts" (American Journal of International Law Advance Article)
The 1918 Soviet default is the longest and most complex sovereign debt dispute in history. The first settlement with a major western power came with the United Kingdom in 1986. It followed a settlement almost twenty years earlier for claims arising from the Soviet annexation of the Baltic states. We show how the two negotiations became intertwined and prompted both states to take pragmatic positions on international law. Whereas the Soviet Union showed little interest in legally justifying its inconsistent positions on debt succession, the United Kingdom developed contested legal arguments on state recognition to justify using gold belonging to the Baltic States to settle Soviet claims. In addition, we document how UK government lawyers admitted internally that Britain’s involvement in the Russian Civil War had been illegal, which in turn justified very limited compensation to British claimants.
Read the article here (DOI 10.1017/ajil.2023.23).
22 May 2023
LECTURE: James GORDLEY, “The Eclipse of Classical Thought in China and the West”, ONLINE/Louvain-la-Neuve 24 May 2023, 14:30”
James Gordley specializes in comparative law, contract law and legal history. He has been a professor at Tulane Law School since 2007, which he joined from the University of California, Berkeley, where he had been a law faculty member since 1978. He was a fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law at the University of Florence, an associate with the Boston firm of Foley Hoag & Eliot and an Ezra Ripley Thayer Fellow at Harvard before beginning his teaching career. Gordley has been a Guggenheim Fellow, a Fulbright Fellow, a Senior NATO Fellow and a fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Fribourg, Regensburg, Munich, Milan and Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi; a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law in Hamburg, the European University Institute in Fiesole and the University of Cologne; and the Jean Monnet Distinguished Professor in Comparative Law at the University of Trent. He received the UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award in 1984 and the Rutter Award for Teaching Distinction in 2001. Tulane Law School’s graduating class of 2010 selected him for the Felix Frankfurter Distinguished Teaching Award. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the European Law Institute, a titular member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. He is the author of several books, including The Eclipse of Classical Thought in China and the West (Oxford, OUP, 2022), An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Private Law (Cambridge, CUP, 2021, with Hao Jiang and Arthur von Mehren); The Jurists: A Critical History (Oxford, OUP, 2013); Foundations of Private Law (Oxford, OUP, 2006), The Enforceability of Promises in European Contract Law (Cambridge, CUP, 2001), and The Philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine (Oxford, Clarendon, 1991). His next book, Foundations of American Contract Law, is forthcoming with OUP.
Mardi 23 mai 2023 de 14h à 15h (Salle Dabin) : Foundations of American Contract Law - Conférence Mardi 23 mai 2023 de 15h à 17h (Salle Dabin) : Private Law and Legal History - Masterclass Mercredi 24 mai 2023 de 14h30 à 15h30 (Salle Dabin) : The Eclipse of Classical Thought in China and the West - Conférence
More information here.
BOOK: Damián FERNANDEZ, Molly LESTER, Jamie WOOD (eds.), Rome and Byzantium in the Visigothic Kingdom Beyond Imitatio Imperii (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023), ISBN: 9789463726412
This volume interrogates the assumption that Visigothic practices and institutions were mere imitations of the Byzantine empire. Contributors rethink these practices not as uncritical and derivative adoptions of Byzantine customs, but as dynamic processes in dialogue with not only the Byzantine empire but also with the contemporary Iberian context, as well as the Roman past. The goal of the volume is to approach Visigothic customs not as an uncritical adoption and imitatio of contemporary Roman models (an "acculturation" model), but as unique interpretations of a common pool of symbols, practices, and institutions that formed the legacy of Rome. The contributors argue that it is necessary to reconsider the idea of imitatio imperii as a process that involved specific actors taking strategic decisions in historically contingent circumstances.
Molly Lester is Assistant Professor of History at the United States Naval Academy. She is a historian of late antique and early medieval Christianity and has published on orthodoxy and heresy, liturgy, and canon law in Visigothic Iberia. Her current book project is The Word as Lived: Orthodoxy and Liturgy in Early Medieval Iberia.
BOOK PRESENTATION: "Diritti, costituzione, democrazia: una tensione irrisolta" - martedì 23 maggio 2023, Verona (anche in collegamento da remoto) 19/5/2023 Foto "Lombroso e il Sud. La questione meridionale nella prospettiva dell'antropologia criminale tra Otto e Novecento" - giovedì 26 maggio 2023, Catania (anche in collegamento da remoto)
19 May 2023
ARTICLE: Roman CUTTAT, "La constitution de l'Edit de 1570 à Genève" (Forum Historiae Iuris, OCT 2022) (OPEN ACCESS)
Despite the independence gained from the Duke of Savoy, Geneva, which took on the name Republic in the first half of the XVIth century, is no less, in its new constitutional form as in the exercise of power, dependent on an oligarchic political arrangement of which the "Eidguenots" are partly the instigators. Thus, there is less of an abrupt turnaround in the genesis of the Civil and Political Edicts of 1543 than an aristocratic model. Evidence of this is the Edict of 1570, which illustrates the unstoppable and explicit dispossession of the people in legislative matters. Although originally authorized by the Franchises of Adhémar Fabri to decide the weight of taxation, in 1570 the General Council ceded the permission to the patriciate for the right to levy taxes, but such delegation is part of singular circumstances. Indeed, this concession makes sense according to the bourgeoisie and citizens only because of imperative conditions, which are essentially due to external threats and to the situation of an economically cornered Geneva. In addition to appearing politically characteristic of an oligarchic inflection, the 1570 Edict was the subject of an ambivalent reception during the constitutional crises of the first half of the XVIIIth century, under the emergence, among others, of Natural Law, which served as a real political reason both for the bourgeoisie and citizens, as well as the patriciate. If, in many respects, the 1570 Edict reveals the oligarchic conditioning characteristic of the Geneva of the Ancien Régime, the whole issue will involve measuring the exact scope of this delegation, the ultimate purpose of which lies in this synthetic question: Whom does the power belong to?
Read the full article in open access here: DOI 10.26032/fhi-2022-13.
18 May 2023
ARTICLE: Rafael RAMIS BARCELÓ, "Egresados hispanos en el Colegio de Doctores de Nápoles (1584-1699)" (Memoria y civilización XXVI (2023/1), 147-180) (OPEN ACCESS)
This paper studies the presence of Spaniards in the Doctoral Colleges of Naples, from its erection in 1584 to 1699. The characteristics of the Colleges and the sociology of the doctors are explained and the graduates who declared themselves as Spaniard and those who were originally from Spain are studied. This provides a more accurate profile of the presence of Spaniard Doctors in Naples and allows new prosopographical studies.
Read the whole article in open access on the journal's website (DOI 10.15581/001.26.004)
17 May 2023
ARTICLE: Mathilde LEMÉE, "Les juristes publicistes du XIXe siècle et l’idée de droit administratif sous l’Ancien Régime" (Historia et Ius, 1 MAY 2023) (OPEN ACCESS)
The dispute over the existence of administrative law under the Ancien Régime is well known. Its origins, however are much less so. Yet, since the Mon- archy of July, many authors have attempted to investigate the history of adminis- trative law. Research on these ideas enables the understanding of the evolution of administrative law itself. It shows that while some authors highlight elements of continuity with the Ancien Régime, others insist upon the fondamental nature of the revolutionary breakage
Read the article on Historia et Ius (an open access peer reviewed journal) .
16 May 2023
BOOK: Immi TALLGREN (ed), Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023), 560 pp, ISBN 9780198868453, £140
Current histories seem to suggest that men alone have been capable of the development of ideas, analysis, and practice of international law until the 1990s. Is this the case? Or have others been erased from the collective images of this history, including the portrait gallery of notables in international law?
Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces? investigates the slow and late inclusion of women in the spheres of knowledge and power in international law. The forty-two textual and visual representations by a diverse team of passionate portraitists represent women and gender non-conforming people in international law from the fourteenth century onwards around the world: individuals and groups who imagined, developed, or contested international law; who earned their living in its institutions; or who, even indirectly, may have changed its course.
This rich volume calls for a critical identification of the formal and informal institutional practices, norms, and rituals of (white) masculinities, both in the past and in the research of international law today. By abandoning reductive histories, their biased frames, and tacit assumptions, this work brings previously unseen glimpses of international law and its agents, ideas, causes, behaviour, norms, and social practices into the spotlight.
Foreword: Looking at Portraits, Karen Knop
1:Re-curating the Portrait Gallery of International Law: The Objectives, Process, and Floorplan of the Exhibition, Immi Tallgren
2:Christine de Pizan: The Law of Warfare as Seen by a Medieval Woman, Franck Latty
3:Olympe de Gouges: Beyond the Symbol, Anne Lagerwall and Agatha Verdebout
4:The Reign of Order and the Rights of Siege According to Rosa Luxemburg, Deborah Whitehall
5:Maria van Reigersberch: Wife of Hugo Grotius, Henk Nellen
6:Bertha von Suttner: Locating International Law in Novel and Salon, Janne E. Nijman
7:Jane Addams: Positive Peace from the Everyday to the International, Kate Grady and Gina Heathcote
8:Anna Julia Cooper: A Voice from the (Global) South, Christopher Gevers
9:Homelands of Mary Ann Shadd, Sarah Riley Case
10:Avabai Wadia: A Gentle Rebel of (Other) Nations?, Vasuki Nesiah
11:Ghénia Avril de Sainte-Croix: Abolitionism and the League of Nations, Frédéric Mégret
12:Yayori Matsui: Challenging the Silences of International Law through Pan Asian Feminist Solidarity, Keina Yoshida
13:Canonizing the Memory of Annie Ruth Jiagge in the Global Efforts Toward Gender Equality, Michael Addaney
14:Alva Myrdal: The Rise and Fall of Social Democratic Internationalism, Anne Orford
15:Ester Boserup: Women and Development on the Margins, Miriam Bak Mackenna
16:Helvi Sipilä: Advocating Women's Rights at the UN, Raimo Lintonen
17:Suzanne Bastid: The First of the 'Firsts', Immi Tallgren and Antoine Buchet
18:Marguerite Frick-Cramer: A Life Spent Shaping the Geneva Conventions, Boyd van Dijk
19:Vijayalakshmi Pandit: Gendering and Racing against the Postcolonial Predicament, Parvathi Menon
20:The Timing of Felice Morgenstern, Jan Klabbers
21:Paula Escarameia: Envisioning the Humane Face of International Law in the Twenty-first Century, Ana Caldeira Fouto, António Pedro Barbas Homem, and Pedro Caridade de Freitas
22:Forgotten Female Actors in Private International Law: The International Social Service, Roxana Banu
23:Female Staff in the Legal Section of the League of Nations, Benjamin Auberer
24:The 'Indigenous Women' Behind the 'Other' Beijing Declaration, Bérénice K. Schramm
25:The Women's Caucus for Gender Justice: Writing Gender into International Criminal Law, Anna van der Velde
26:Sarah Wambaugh: Life at the Frontiers of International Law, Imogen Saunders
27:Exile and Access: Lilly Melchior Roberts and the Infrastructures of International Law, Alexandra Kemmerer
28:Lea Meriggi: A Fighter For the Wrong Cause, Serena Forlati
29:Isabella Diederiks-Verschoor: (A Life) Creating Spaces, Christiaan Verwer and Anna van der Velde
30:Gezina van der Molen: A Journey from Universalism to Pluralism, Sarah MH Nouwen and Wouter Werner
31:Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Ecology, Relationality, and Law of the Sea, Sara Seck
32:Marie Theres Fögen: The Universalization of a Rotten Deal, Reut Paz
33:Kalliopi Koufa: First Greek Female Academic of Public International Law, Marilena Papadaki
34:Thomas Baty in Japan: Seeing through the Twilight, Shinya Murase
35:Zheng Yuxiu and the Diplomacy of Nationalism and Feminism, Margaret Kuo
36:Marjorie M. Whiteman: Not Flowers but a Medal, Hatsue Shinohara
37:Aleksandra Kollontai: 'New Woman', Sergey Vasiliev
38:The Role of International Law in Paulina Luisi's Activism, Andrei Mamolea
39:Working from 'Rooms of Their Own': For a Realistic Portrait of Joyce Gutteridge CBE and Other Trailblazing Women, Luiza Leāo Soares Pereira
40:"If Only They Listened to Simone Weil": From Rights to Roots, Outi Korhonen
41:Helene Halperin-Ginsburg: The Social Function of International Law, Ksenia Shestakova
42:Human Rights and Communist Internationalism: On Inji Aflatoun and the Surrealists, Mai Taha
43:Fearless Speech: A Portrait of UN Typist Shirley Hazzard , Dianne Otto
Epilogue: Exit through the Gift Shop, Hilary Charlesworth
Immi Tallgren is Adjunct Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki and Senior KONE Research Fellow at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights. She has previously worked at the Finnish MFA, the Legal Affairs Unit of EUROPOL, the European Space Agency, and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg. Her research interests are primarily in international criminal law, history of international law, law and cinema, and feminist approaches to international law. Her recent publications include The Dawn of a Discipline: International Criminal Justice and its Early Exponents (with Frédéric Mégret, CUP, 2020) and Retrials: The New Histories of International Criminal Law (with Thomas Skouteris, OUP, 2019).
15 May 2023
SEMINAR: Premodern Composite Polities and Their Importance for the Post-national State (19.05.2023, hybrid form)
Programme13.00-13.15 Opening Addresses13.15-13.40 Dr Paul Srodecki (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel): Composite Polities: Terminology & Historiography13.40-13.55 Coffee break13.55-14.20 Prof. Julia Burkhardt (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Objects, Rituals and Symbolic Communication in Premodern Europe14.20-14.50 Discussion14.50-15.00 Conclusions
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BOOK: Yanna YANNAKAKIS, Since Time Immemorial: Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023), 352 pp, ISBN 9781478016984, $104.95
In Since Time Immemorial Yanna Yannakakis traces the invention of Native custom, a legal category that Indigenous litigants used in disputes over marriage, self-governance, land, and labor in colonial Mexico. She outlines how, in the hands of Native litigants, the European category of custom—social practice that through time takes on the normative power of law—acquired local meaning and changed over time. Yannakakis analyzes sources ranging from missionary and Inquisition records to Native pictorial histories, royal surveys, and Spanish and Native-language court and notarial documents. By encompassing historical actors who have been traditionally marginalized from legal histories and highlighting spaces outside the courts like Native communities, parishes, and missionary schools, she shows how imperial legal orders were not just imposed from above but also built on the ground through translation and implementation of legal concepts and procedures. Yannakakis argues that, ultimately, Indigenous claims to custom, which on the surface aimed to conserve the past, provided a means to contend with historical change and produce new rights for the future.
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xiii
Part I. Legal and Intellectual Foundations: Twelfth through Seventeenth Centuries
1. Custom, Law, and Empire in the Mediterranean-Atlantic World 23
2. Translating Custom in Castile, Central Mexico, and Oaxaca 45
Part II. Good and Bad Customs in the Native Past and Present: Sixteenth through Seventeenth Centuries
3. Framing Pre-Hispanic Law and Custom 73
4. The Old Law, Polygyny, and the Customs of the Ancestors 109
Part III. Custom in Oaxaca’s Courts of First Instance: Seventeenth through Eighteenth Centuries
5. Custom, Possession, and Jurisdiction in the Boundary Lands 139
6. Custom as Social Contract: Native Self-Governance and Labor 171
7. Prescriptive Custom: Written Labor Agreements in Indian and Spanish Jurisdictions 199
Epilogue 229
Notes 237
Bibliography 273
Index 305
Yanna Yannakakis is Associate Professor of History at Emory University, author of The Art of Being In-Between: Native Intermediaries, Indian Identity, and Local Rule in Colonial Oaxaca, and coeditor of Indigenous Intellectuals: Knowledge, Power, and Colonial Culture in Mexico and the Andes, both also published by Duke University Press.
12 May 2023
BOOK: Marie BASSANO, Luisa BRUNORI, Cristina CANCIO & Floren GARNIER (dir.), La Volonté. Italie-France allers-retours (Toulouse: Presses de l'Université Toulouse Capitole, 2022), ISBN 9782379281174, 525 p. [OPEN ACCESS]
La volonté. Voilà une notion qui est la croce e delizia de tout juriste. Elle n’a pas manqué de nourrir la réflexion depuis plusieurs siècles d’histoire juridique et suscite toujours des questionnements contemporains. La dimension diachronique, l’approche comparative et la réflexion collective sont au cœur des rencontres « France-Italie » depuis 2018. Par leur format original et l’ambition d’identifier et d’analyser la circulation des idées juridiques entre les deux pays et leurs juristes, les journées toulousaines de 2021 proposent d’interroger à nouveaux frais un thème déjà fécond. Les contributions réunies dans le présent volume ont permis de croiser les réflexions d’historiens du droit français et italiens pour saisir une notion qui n’est pas univoque ni un principe universel. Ils se sont également interrogés sur les moyens et les éléments qui ont façonné cette variabilité notionnelle en relation avec leur contexte d’élaboration et d’utilisation. Volonté individuelle et volonté collective, volonté juridique et volonté réelle sont quelques-unes des multiples facettes de la notion. Elles ont retenu l’attention d’une vingtaines de juristes historiens pour lesquels « l’une des tâches fondamentales de l’histoire du droit consiste à rappeler aux juristes que les principes et concepts généraux n’ont pas une signification absolue ou intemporelle ».
Contributions by Luisa Brunori, Alain Wijffels, Elena Giannozzi, Giovanni Rossi, Lorenzo Sinisi, Marie Bassano, Orazio Condorelli, David Deroussin, Giovanni Chiodi, Olivier Descamps, Alarico Barbagli, Victor Simon, Ferdinando Mazzarella, Paolo Alvazzi Del Frate, Guillaume Richard, Francesco Mastroberti, Katia Weidenfeld, Florent Garnier, Cristina Ciancio, Nicolas Derasse, Marco Cavina, Tanguy Le Marc'hadour and Damigela Hoxha.
Open access (DOI 10.4000/books.putc.15871).
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