
31 March 2020

OPEN ACCESS: Brill's open access collection in Legal History

(image source: Brill)

Brill advertised its open access publications. Within this selection, the legal history-chapters, articles and books can be found here. Prof. Heikki Pihlajamäki (editor-in-chief of the Society's peer reviewed journal Comparative Legal History)'s monograph Conquest and the Law in Swedish Livonia can be found among them.

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BOOK: Robert W. GORDON, Taming the Past. Essays on Law in History and History in Law (Cambridge: University Press, 2017). ISBN: 9781316644003, pp. 446, $ 40.99

(Source: CUP)


Lawyers and judges often make arguments based on history - on the authority of precedent and original constitutional understandings. They argue both to preserve the inspirational, heroic past and to discard its darker pieces - such as feudalism and slavery, the tyranny of princes and priests, and the subordination of women. In doing so, lawyers tame the unruly, ugly, embarrassing elements of the past, smoothing them into reassuring tales of progress. In a series of essays and lectures written over forty years, Robert W. Gordon describes and analyses how lawyers approach the past and the strategies they use to recruit history for present use while erasing or keeping at bay its threatening or inconvenient aspects. Together, the corpus of work featured in Taming the Past offers an analysis of American law and society and its leading historians since 1900.


Robert W. Gordon is a Professor of Law at Stanford University, California. He was President of the American Society for Legal History in 2000-2, has served on several bar association committees and task forces devoted to reform of the profession, and has previously taught at the University of Wisconsin, Yale University, Connecticut, Harvard University Massachusetts and the University of Oxford.


Part I. The Common Law Tradition in Legal Historiography:
1. The common law tradition in American legal historiography
2. Holmes' common law as legal and social science
Part II. Legal Historians:
3. James Willard Hurst, against the common law tradition - social-legal history's pioneer
4. Hurst recaptured
5. Morton Horwitz and his critics: a conflict of narratives
6. The elusive transformation
7. Method and politics: Horwitz on lawyers' uses of history
8. E. P. Thompson's legacies
9. Owen Fiss, the constitution of liberal order at the 'Troubled Beginnings of the Modern State'
Part III. History and Historicism in Legal History and Argument:
10. Historicism in legal scholarship
11. Critical legal histories
12. The past as authority and social critic
13. Taming the past: three lectures on history in legal argument
14. Originalism and nostalgic traditionalism
15. Undoing historical injustice.

A PDF version of the table of contents is available here.

More information here.

BOOK: Giulio BARTOLINI (ed.), A History of International Law in Italy [History and Theory of International Law] (Oxford: OUP, 2020), 512 p. ISBN 9780198842934, 95 GBP

(image source: OUP)

Book abstract:
This edited volume critically reassesses the history of international law studies in the Italian context. It addresses certain basic issues, including: How such studies have been impacted by global dynamics, in terms of theories, methodologies, or professional networks, and by context-dependent solutions based on local features, through a constant process of attrition and cross-fertilization; The extent to which historical and political turning points have influenced such studies, when scholars have been part of broader academic and public debates or even active participants as legal advisers or politicians; Whether international law has been used - or misused - by relevant actors in such contexts. Bringing together scholars specialized in international law and legal history, this volume first provides a historical examination of the theoretical legal analysis produced in the Italian context, exploring its main features and dissident voices. The second section assesses the impact on international law studies of key historical and political events involving Italy, both international and domestic, and, conversely, how such events have been influenced by international law evaluations. Finally, a concluding section places the preceding analysis within a broader and contemporary perspective. This volume thus intervenes in the growing debate on the need to explore international law from comparative and situated viewpoints, in the light of the perpetual pendulum between the center and periphery of the international legal system.
Table of contents:
  • Giulio Bartolini, What is a History of International Law in Italy for? International Law through the Prism of National Perspectives 
  • Claudia Storti, Early “Italian” Scholars of Ius Gentium 
  • Walter Rech, International Law as a Political Language, 1600– 1859 
  • Edoardo Greppi, The Risorgimento and the “Birth” of International Law in Italy 
  • Eloisa Mura, The Construction of the International Law Discipline in Italy between the Mancinian and Positive Schools 
  • Giulio Bartolini, Italian Legal Scholarship of International Law in the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century
  • Antonello Tancredi, The (Immediate) Post- World War II Period 
  • Ivan Ingravallo, The Formation of International Law Journals in Italy: Their Role in the Discipline 
  • Mirko Sossai, Catholicism and the Evolution of International Law Studies in Italy 
  • Lorenzo Gradoni, Burn Out and Fade Away: Marxism in Italian International Legal Scholarship
  • Pietro Franzina, The Integrated Approach to Private and Public International Law— A Distinctive Feature of Italian Legal Thinking
  • Sergio Marchisio, The Unification of Italy and International Law 
  • Tommaso Di Ruzza, The “Roman Question”: The Dissolution of the Papal State, the Creation of the Vatican City State, and the Debate on the International Legal Personality of the Holy See 
  • Tullio Scovazzi, The Italian Approach to Colonialism: The First Experiences in Eritrea and Somalia 
  • Giulio Bartolini, Italy between the Two World Wars: International Law Issues
  • Roberto Virzo, The Influence of Italian International Law Scholars on the Crafting of the 1948 Constitution 
  • Enrico Milano, The Main International Law Issues Arising in the Aftermath of World War II 
  • Giovanni Distefano & Robert Kolb, Some Contributions from and Influence of the Italian Doctrine of International Law 
  • Paolo Palchetti, The Italian Doctrine over Recent Decades
On the contributors:
Edited by Giulio Bartolini, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Roma Tre
Giulio Bartolini is associate professor of International Law at the Department of Law, Roma Tre University. He is editor-in-chief of the 'Yearbook of International Disaster Law' (Brill) and managing editor of the bilingual e-journal 'Questions of International Law/Questions de droit international'.
List of Contributors
Giulio Bartolini, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Roma Tre
Giovanni DiStefano, Professor of International Law, University of Neuchâtel
Tommaso Di Ruzza, Director of the Financial Intelligence Authority, Holy See
Pietro Franzina, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Ferrara
Lorenzo Gradoni, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law
Edoardo Greppi, Professor of International Law, University of Turin
Ivan Ingravallo, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Bari
Robert Kolb, Professor of International Law, University of Geneva
Sergio Marchisio, Professor of International Law, Sapienza University of Rome
Enrico Milano, Professor of International Law, University of Verona
Eloisa Mura, Lecturer of Legal History, University of Cagliari
Paolo Palchetti, Professor of International Law, Universities of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Macerata
Walter Rech, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Tullio Scovazzi, Professor of International Law, University of Milano-Bicocca
Mirko Sossai, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Roma Tre
Claudia Storti, Professor of Legal History, University of Milan
Antonello Tancredi, Professor of International Law at the Universities of Cote d'Azur and Palermo
Roberto Virzo, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Sannio 
More information with OUP.

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

BOOK: Gian Savino PENE VIDARI, Storia del diritto in età medievale e moderna (Torino: Giappichelli, 2019). ISBN: 8892118358, pp. 312, € 31

Storia del diritto in età medievale e moderna


L’insegnamento della storia del diritto, collocato generalmente nel corso di studi magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza al 1 anno, intende offrire al giovane che si sta formando un inquadramento delle vicende che hanno portato al diritto attuale. Il giovane studente alle prime armi con gli studi di giurisprudenza deve quindi procurarsi una visione d’insieme della storia del diritto, praticamente dal sec. V al sec. XXI: non è certo poco, nel breve lasso di tempo delle lezioni di un anno accademico.
È presupposta perciò la persistenza di un minimo di conoscenze storiche apprese in precedenza, recuperabili anche grazie ad alcune Cartine storiche e genealogie riportate sul sito d’appoggio al volume. La storia giuridica europea di oltre 1500 anni presenta molteplici aspetti: è necessario perciò effettuare delle scelte, data l’esiguità del tempo a disposizione. È stato questo il problema più difficile e delicato da superare nel volume. All’Autore è parso opportuno preferire quegli argomenti, che sono sembrati essenziali per la formazione di un attuale giurista. In questa prospettiva, ha considerato perciò maggiormente adatti quelli più legati ai nostri interessi presenti, o per la vicinanza cronologica o per l’attuale sensibilità, come quelli sulla posizione del legislatore, del giurista o del giudice entro l’ordinamento. Si tratta di una scelta senza dubbio opinabile, ma necessaria, se si devono purtroppo operare dei ‘tagli’ per cercare di restare nel ristretto ambito temporale ed oggettivo indicato. Questa indispensabile limitazione ai punti ritenuti essenziali ha comportato una compressione della parte più nozionistica, con l’avvertenza però che per illustrare i diversi concetti si deve pur sempre partire dall’analisi e dall’apprendimento di un certo numero di elementi. 


Gian Savino Pene Vidari  è professore emerito di storia del diritto medievale e moderno.

More information here

30 March 2020

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Chris RILEY, "The Hermit and the Boa Constrictor: Jeremy Bentham, Henry Brougham, and the Accessibility of Justice" (American Journal of Legal History)

(image source: Oxford Journals)

This article examines the particularly complex relationship between Jeremy Bentham and Henry Brougham, with reference to the respective schemes that they devised in the late 1820s and early 1830s for achieving accessible justice through a new network of local courts across England and Wales. For a considerable part of the first few decades of the nineteenth century, Bentham and Brougham remained great friends and allies, but their disagreements gradually intensified, most notably following Brougham's six-hour law reform speech in the House of Commons on 7 February 1828, the printing of his Local Courts Bill on 7 June 1830, and the beginning of his Lord Chancellorship on 22 November of the same year. By analysing Bentham's highly detailed annotated copies of Brougham's law reform speech and Local Courts Bill—as well as Bentham's articles in the Westminster Review, and a substantial portion of his unpublished writings—it is shown how Bentham's complete loss of faith in Brougham as a reformer and as a legislator led him from describing Brougham as his own grandson to calling him an enemy of the people and a serpent. It is argued that the severity of Bentham's criticisms of the then Lord Chancellor in print, and the personal nature of the insults that he levelled towards him in manuscript, effectively dispel any suggestion that the two men were acting in concert on the issue of law reform in general, or on the matter of local courts in particular.
Read more with Oxford Journals.

BOOK SERIES: Per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno

Earlier this year, the book series Per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno has put many of its earlier editions in open access. The book series has published 122 books since 1973, and is part of the Centro Studi per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno, founded almos 50 years ago by Paolo Grossi in Florence.

Volumes now publicly avaliable:
112 ATTUALITÀ E STORIA DELLE CIRCOSTANZE DEL REATOUn istituto al bivio tra legalità e discrezionalitàA cura di Roberto Bartoli e Michele Pifferi(2016), 8º, p. 346
108 GIUSTIZIA PENALE E POLITICA IN ITALIA TRA OTTO E NOVECENTOModelli ed esperienze tra integrazione e conflitto
A cura di Floriana Colao, Luigi Lacchè e Claudia Storti
(2015), 8º, p. X-550
107 Irene Stolzi, LE INCHIESTE PARLAMENTARIUn profilo storico-giuridico (Italia 1861-1900)
(2015), 8º, p. XXXVIII-340
106 Paolo Grossi, NOBILTÀ DEL DIRITTOProfili di giuristi
Tomo II (2014), 8º, p. XII-344
104 STORIA E DIRITTOEsperienze a confrontoFirenze, 18-19 ottobre 2012A cura di Bernardo Sordi(2013), 8º, p. VI-522
103 DALLA COSTITUZIONE "INATTUATA" ALLA COSTITUZIONE "INATTUALE"?Potere costituente e riforme costituzionali nell'Italia repubblicana
Materiali dall'incontro di studio - Ferrara, 24-25 gennaio 2013
A cura di Giuditta Brunelli e Giovanni Cazzetta
(2013), 8º, p. VIII-430
(2013), 8º, p. VI-166
101 Massimiliano Gregorio, PARTE TOTALELe dottrine costituzionali del partito politico in Italia tra Otto e Novecento
(2013), 8º, p. XIV-450
100 Paolo Grossi, SCRITTI CANONISTICIA cura di Carlo Fantappiè
(2013), 8º, p. XLVI-314
99 Michele Pifferi, L'INDIVIDUALIZZAZIONE DELLA PENADifesa sociale e crisi della legalità penale tra Otto e Novecento
(2013), 8º, p. IV-336
98 Enrico Finzi, "L'OFFICINA DELLE COSE"Scritti minori
A cura di Paolo Grossi
(2013), 8º, p. LXXII-212
97 Rodrigo Míguez Núñez, TERRA DI SCONTRIAlterazioni e rivendicazioni del diritto alla terra nelle Ande centrali
(2013), 8º, p. X-360
(2012), 8º, p. VI-848
94 Rodolfo Savelli, CENSORI E GIURISTIStorie di libri, di idee e di costumi (secoli XVI-XVII)
(2011), 8º, p. XXXIV-410
93 DIRITTI INDIVIDUALI E PROCESSO PENALE NELL'ITALIA REPUBBLICANAMateriali dell'incontro di studio - Ferrara, 12-13 novembre 2010
A cura di Daniele Negri e Michele Pifferi
(2011), 8º, p. VI-442
92 Condorcet, DICHIARARE I DIRITTI, COSTITUIRE I POTERIUn inedito sulla dichiarazione dei diritti dell'uomo
A cura di Gabriele Magrin
Edizione del manoscritto a cura di Mercurio Candela
(2011), 8º, p. VI-190
91 Marco Sabbioneti, DEMOCRAZIA SOCIALE E DIRITTO PRIVATOLa Terza Repubblica di Raymond Saleilles (1855-1912)
(2010), 8º, p. XXXVIII-682
89 Arturo Carlo Jemolo, LETTERE A MARIO FALCOTomo II (1928-1943)
A cura di Maria Vismara Missiroli
(2009), 8º, p. IV-512
88 Mario Sbriccoli, STORIA DEL DIRITTO PENALE E DELLA GIUSTIZIAScritti editi e inediti (1972-2007)
Tomo I (2009), 8º, p. XVI-722
Tomo II (2009), 8º, p. IV-723-1338
87 Federigo Bambi, UNA NUOVA LINGUA PER IL DIRITTOI. Il lessico volgare di Andrea Lancia nelle provvisioni fiorentine del 1355-57
(2009), 8º, p. IV-816
85 DIRITTI E LAVORO NELL'ITALIA REPUBBLICANAMateriali dell'incontro di studio - Ferrara, 24 ottobre 2008
A cura di Gian Guido Balandi e Giovanni Cazzetta
(2009), 8º, p. IV-306
84 Aldo Sandulli, COSTRUIRE LO STATOLa scienza del diritto amministrativo in Italia (1800-1945)
(2009), 8º, p. XVIII-324
83 Paolo Grossi, TRENT'ANNI DI PAGINE INTRODUTTIVEQuaderni fiorentini 1972-2001
(2009), 8º, p. XXVIII-252
82 Bartolomé Clavero, GENOCIDE OR ETHNOCIDE, 1933-2007How to make, unmake, and remake law with words
(2008), 8º, p. VIII-268
81 Andrea Marchisello, LA RAGIONE DEL DIRITTOCarlantonio Pilati tra cattedra e foro nel Trentino del tardo Settecento
(2008), 8º, p. XXIV-532
80 Paolo Grossi, NOBILTÀ DEL DIRITTOProfili di giuristi
(2008), 8º, p. XII-742
79 Michael Stolleis, STORIA DEL DIRITTO PUBBLICO IN GERMANIAI. Pubblicistica dell'impero e scienza di polizia 1600-1800
(2008), 8º, p. X-632
78 Luciano Martone, DIRITTO D'OLTREMARELegge e ordine per le Colonie del Regno d'Italia
(2008), 8º, p. X-228
77 Rafael D. García Pérez, ANTES LEYES QUE REYESCultura jurídica y constitución política en la edad moderna (Navarra, 1512-1808)
(2008), 8º, p. XII-546
76 Carlo Fantappiè, CHIESA ROMANA E MODERNITÀ GIURIDICATomo I, L'edificazione del sistema canonistico (1563-1903), (2008), 8º, p. XLVI-520
Tomo II, Il Codex Iuris Canonici (1917), (2008), 8º, IV-521-1282
75 Manuela Mustari, IL LUNGO VIAGGIO VERSO LA "REALITÀ"Dalla promessa di vendita al preliminare trascrivibile
(2007), 8º, p. VI-284
74 Giovanni Cazzetta, SCIENZA GIURIDICA E TRASFORMAZIONI SOCIALIDiritto e lavoro in Italia tra Otto e Novecento
(2007), 8º, p. X-388
73 Joaquín Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, GOVERNO E PARTITI NEL PENSIERO BRITANNICO (1690-1832)(2007), 8º, p. VIII-156
72 Hasso Hofmann, RAPPRESENTANZA-RAPPRESENTAZIONEParola e concetto dall'antichità all'Ottocento
(2007), 8º, p. XL-586
71 Irene Stolzi, L'ORDINE CORPORATIVOPoteri organizzati e organizzazione del potere nella riflessione giuridica dell'Italia fascista
(2007), 8º, p. IV-464
70 Paolo Grossi, SOCIETÀ, DIRITTO, STATOUn recupero per il diritto
(2006), 8º, p. XX-346
69 Piero Fiorelli, INTORNO ALLE PAROLE DEL DIRITTO(2008), 8º, p. XXXII-548
68 Franco Cipriani, SCRITTI IN ONORE DEI PATRES(2006), 8º, p. XIV-502
(2006), 8º, p. XII-374
66 Michele Pifferi, GENERALIA DELICTORUMIl Tractatus criminalis di Tiberio Deciani e la "Parte generale" di diritto penale
(2006), 8º, p. 468
65 Ferdinando Mazzarella, NEL SEGNO DEI TEMPIMarchi persone e cose dalla corporazione medievale all'impresa globale
(2005), 8º, p. X-530
64 Arturo Carlo Jemolo, LETTERE A MARIO FALCOTomo I (1910-1927)
A cura di Maria Vismara Missiroli
(2005), 8º, p. XVIII-293
63 Mario Piccinini, TRA LEGGE E CONTRATTOUna lettura di Ancient Law di Henry S. Maine
(2003), 8º, p. XVI-286
62 Pietro Costa, IURISDICTIOSemantica del potere politico nella pubblicistica medievale (1100-1433)
(2002), 8º, p. XCVI-412
61 CODICIUna riflessione di fine millennio
Atti dell'Incontro di studio - Firenze, 26-28 ottobre 2000
A cura di Paolo Cappellini e Bernardo Sordi
(2002), 8º, p. VIII-604
60 Raffaele Volante, IL SISTEMA CONTRATTUALE DEL DIRITTO COMUNE CLASSICOStruttura dei patti e individuazione del tipo. Glossatori e ultramontani
(2001), 8, p. IV-502
58/59 Maurizio Fioravanti, LA SCIENZA DEL DIRITTO PUBBLICODottrine dello Stato e della Costituzione tra Otto e Novecento
Tomo I (2001), 8º, p. XXII-572
Tomo II (2001), 8º, p. IV-573-918
57 Franco Todescan, LE RADICI TEOLOGICHE DEL GIUSNATURALISMO LAICOIII. Il problema della secolarizzazione nel pensiero giuridico di Samuel Pufendorf
(2001), 8º, p. VIII-106
55/56 Sergio Caruso, LA MIGLIOR LEGGE DEL REGNOConsuetudine, diritto naturale e contratto nel pensiero e nell'epoca di John Selden (1584-1654)
Tomo I (2001), 8º, p. IV-432
Tomo II (2001), 8º, p. IV-433-1024
54 Stefano Mannoni, POTENZA E RAGIONELa scienza del diritto internazionale nella crisi dell'equilibrio europeo (1870-1914)
(1999), 8º, p. IV-276
53 Giovanni Cazzetta, PRÆSUMITUR SEDUCTAOnestà e consenso femminile nella cultura giuridica moderna
(1999), 8º, p. IV-426
52 Paolo Grossi, ASSOLUTISMO GIURIDICO E DIRITTO PRIVATO(1998), 8º, p. X-474
50 GIURISTI E LEGISLATORIPensiero giuridico e innovazione legislativa nel processo di produzione del diritto
Atti dell'Incontro di studio - Firenze, 26-28 settembre 1996
A cura di Paolo Grossi
(1997), 8º, p. VIII-530
49 Costantino Mortati, LA COSTITUZIONE IN SENSO MATERIALERistampa inalterata, con una premessa di Gustavo Zagrebelsky
(1998), 8º, p. XXXVIII-212
48 Costantino Mortati, L'ORDINAMENTO DEL GOVERNO NEL NUOVO DIRITTO PUBBLICO ITALIANORistampa inalterata, con una prefazione di Enzo Cheli
(2000), 8º, p. X-234
47 Bartolomé Clavero, TOMÁS Y VALIENTEUna biografía intelectual
(1996), 8º, p. XXXVI-374
45 Luca Mannori, IL SOVRANO TUTOREPluralismo istituzionale e accentramento amministrativo nel Principato dei Medici (Secc. XVI-XVIII)(1994), 8º, p. VIII-486
A cura di Carlo Mansuino
(1994), 8º, p. XIV-368
Atti dell'Incontro di studio - Firenze, 6-7 novembre 1992
A cura di Paolo Grossi
(1993), 8º, p. VIII-440
41 Paolo Grossi, IL DOMINIO E LE COSEPercezioni medievali e moderne dei diritti reali
(1992), 8º, p. 755
39 Bartolomé Clavero, ANTIDORAAntropología católica de la economía moderna
(1991), 8º, p. VI-259
38 Franco Cipriani, STORIE DI PROCESSUALISTI E DI OLIGARCHILa Procedura civile nel Regno d'Italia (1866-1936)
(1991), 8º, p. X-536
37 Bernardo Sordi, L'AMMINISTRAZIONE ILLUMINATARiforma delle Comunità e progetti di Costituzione nella Toscana leopoldina
(1991), 8º, p. 424
36 Osvaldo Cavallar, FRANCESCO GUICCIARDINI GIURISTAI ricordi degli onorari
(1991), 8º, p. XXII-396
34/35 HISPANIA ENTRE DERECHOS PROPIOS Y DERECHOS NACIONALESAtti dell'incontro di studio - Firenze/Lucca 25, 26, 27 maggio 1989
A cura di B. Clavero, P. Grossi, F. Tomas y Valiente
Tomo I (1990), 8º, p. VI-530
Tomo II (1990), 8º, p. IV-531-1036
(1990), 8º, p. 644
32 PIERO CALAMANDREIVentidue saggi su un grande maestro
A cura di Paolo Barile
(1990), 8º, p. 556
31 Thilo Ramm, PER UNA STORIA DELLA COSTITUZIONE DEL LAVORO TEDESCAA cura di Lorenzo Gaeta e Gaetano Vardaro
(1989), 8º, p. 195
30 Adam Smith, LEZIONI DI GLASGOWIntroduzione a cura di Enzo Pesciarelli
Traduzione di Vittoria Zompanti Oriani
(1989), 8º, p. CXXVIII-766
(1988), 8º, p. IV-144
28 LA STORIOGRAFIA GIURIDICA SCANDINAVAAtti dell'Incontro di studio - Firenze, 22-23 maggio 1987
A cura di Paolo Grossi
(1988), 8º, p. VI-87
27 Paolo Grossi, "LA SCIENZA DEL DIRITTO PRIVATO"Una rivista progetto nella Firenze di fine secolo 1893-1896
(1988), 8º, p. IX-206
26 Franco Todescan, LE RADICI TEOLOGICHE DEL GIUSNATURALISMO LAICOII. Il problema della secolarizzazione nel pensiero giuridico di Jean Domat
(1987), 8º, p. VIII-88
25 Bernardo Sordi, TRA WEIMAR E VIENNAAmministrazione pubblica e teoria giuridica nel primo dopoguerra
(1987), 8º, p. 378
24 Luca Mannori, UNO STATO PER ROMAGNOSIII. La scoperta del diritto amministrativo
(1987), 8º, p. VIII-254
23 Paolo Grossi, STILE FIORENTINOGli studi giuridici nella Firenze italiana 1859-1950
(1986), 8º, p. XV-230
22 STORIA SOCIALE E DIMENSIONE GIURIDICAStrumenti d'indagine e ipotesi dl lavoro
Atti dell'Incontro di studio - Firenze, 26-27 aprile 1985
A cura di Paolo Grossi
(1986), 8º, p. VIII-466
21 Pietro Costa, LO STATO IMMAGINARIOMetafore e paradigmi nella cultura giuridica fra Ottocento e Novecento
(1986), 8º, p. IV-476
20 Bernardo Sordi, GIUSTIZIA E AMMINISTRAZIONE NELL'ITALIA LIBERALELa formazione della nozione di interesse legittimo
(1985), 8º, p. 483
19 Paolo Cappellini, SYSTEMA IURISII. Dal sistema alla teoria generale
(1985), 8º, p. XII-416
18 Luca Mannori, UNO STATO PER ROMAGNOSII. Il progetto costituzionale
(1984), 8º, p. XII-656
17 Paolo Cappellini, SYSTEMA IURISI. Genesi del sistema e nascita della "scienza" delle Pandette
(1984), 8º, p. XII-638
16 Piero Barcellona, I SOGGETTI E LE NORME(1984), 8º, p. IV-204
15 Emanuele Castrucci, TRA ORGANICISMO E "RECHTSIDEE"Il pensiero giuridico di Erich Kaufmann
(1984), 8º, p. XIV-202
14 Franco Todescan, LE RADICI TEOLOGICHE DEL GIUSNATURALISMO LAICOI. Il problema della secolarizzazione nel pensiero giuridico di Ugo Grozio
(1983), 8º, p. VIII-124
13 LA "CULTURA" DELLE RIVISTE GIURIDICHE ITALIANEAtti del Primo Incontro di studio - Firenze, 15-16 aprile 1983
A cura di Paolo Grossi
(1984), 8º, p. Vl-198
11/12 CRISTIANESIMO, SECOLARIZZAZIONE E DIRITTO MODERNOA cura di Luigi Lombardi Vallauri e Gerhard Dilcher
(1981), 8º, p. 1527
10 Gioele Solari, SOCIALISMO E DIRITTO PRIVATOInfluenza delle odierne dottrine socialistiche sul diritto privato (1906)
Edizione postuma a cura di Paolo Ungari
(1980), 8º, p. 259
9 Peter Stein, John Shand, I VALORI GIURIDICI DELLA CIVILTÀ OCCIDENTALETrad. di Alessandra Maccioni
(1981), 8º, p. 465
7 Franz Wieacker, STORIA DEL DIRITTO PRIVATO MODERNOcon particolare riguardo alla Germania
Trad. di Umberto Santarelli e di Sandro A. Fusco
Vol. II (1980), 8º, p. 429
6 Franz Wieacker, STORIA DEL DIRITTO PRIVATO MODERNOcon particolare riguardo alla Germania
Trad. di Umberto Santarelli e di Sandro A. Fusco
Vol. I (1980), 8º, p. 560
5 Paolo Grossi, "UN ALTRO MODO Dl POSSEDERE"L'emersione di forme alternative di proprietà alla coscienza giuridica post-unitaria
(1977), 8º, p. 392
3 Pietro Costa, IL PROGETTO GIURIDICORicerche sulla giurisprudenza del liberalismo classico
Vol. I: Da Hobbes a Bentham
(1974), 8º, p. XIII-414
2 Mario Sbriccoli, CRIMEN LAESAE MAIESTATISIl problema del reato politico alle soglie della scienza penalistica moderna
(1974), 8º, p. 399
LA SECONDA SCOLASTICA NELLA FORMAZIONE DEL DIRITTO PRIVATO MODERNOIncontro di studio - Firenze, 17-19 ottobre 1972Atti, a cura di Paolo Grossi(1973), 8º, p. 484 

BOOK: Catherine HAGUENAU-MOIZARD, Arnaud DURANTHON, and Krzysztof WOJTYCZEK, eds., L’Autriche-Hongrie des années 1866-1918 : une contribution exceptionnelle à la protection des droits de l’homme (Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2020). ISBN 978-9-4624-0534-9, 59.95 EUR

Via the Portail universitaire du droit, we learned of the publication of an edited collection on law in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (with contributions in French and German).


Dans la deuxième moitié du 19e siècle, Vienne et Budapest sont devenues deux grandes capitales intellectuelles de l'Europe. L'Autriche-Hongrie est aussi à l'origine d'évolutions quelque peu oubliées en Europe occidentale, avec notamment une contribution exceptionnelle au développement de la culture juridique européenne. Les juristes de différentes nationalités, actifs dans l'Empire austro-hongrois, jouèrent un rôle majeur dans le développement du droit et de la science du droit en Europe. L'ouvrage, regroupant les rapports presentés au colloque tenu a Strasbourg les 17 et 18 novembre 2017, a pour but de rappeler quelques éléments particulièrement importants de cette contribution.


Arnaud Duranthon, Catherine Haguenau-Moizard, Krzysztof Wojtyczek, Avant-propos, p. VII

1. Introduction
Krzysztof Wojtyczek, L'Autriche-Hongrie des années 1867-1918 : un phénomène intellectuel et juridique exceptionnel, p. 1

2. La Constitution austro-hongroise de 1866-67
Andrzej Dziadzio, Die Grundrechte der Dezemberverfassung von 1867 in der administrativen Praxis - zwischen Bürokratie und Rechtsstaat, p. 15
Thomas Olechowski, Das Reichsgericht, p. 33
Sebastiaan Van Ouwerkerk, L’Autriche-Hongrie, la doctrine publiciste française et le problème des formes politiques, p. 47

3. La théorie du droit
Nicolas ChifflotAvant Kelsen. Le droit vivant de Eugen Ehrlich, p. 69
Mathias Jestaedt, Die „Entzauberung“ des Rechtsdenkens – Hans Kelsens „Hauptprobleme der Staatsrechtslehre“ aus dem Jahre 1911 –, p. 85
Clemens Jabloner, Zur Entwicklung der Reinen Rechtslehre gegen Ende der Österreichisch - Ungarischen Monarchie, p. 101
Mate Paksy, La Théorie pure du droit et l’interprétation juridique, p. 121
Johann Helwig, Cercle de Vienne et École viennoise de la théorie du droit, p. 151
Miriam Gassner, Hans Kelsen und die weltweite Verbreitung seiner Rechtslehre, p. 171

4. Le rayonnement du droit austro-hongrois en Europe
Fryderyk Zoll, Das österreichische Recht und die kulturelle Vielfalt der österreichischen Monarchie – eine juristische Geschichte aus Galizien mit einem Ausblick auf das heutige Europa, p. 185
Eszter Cs. Herger, Das Nebeneinanderleben des österreichischen und des ungarischen Privatrechts im Königreich Ungarn und in den Nebenländern der Ungarischen Krone zwischen 1848 und 1918, p. 195
Piotr Czarny, Einfluss des österreichischen öffentlichen Rechts aus der Periode der konstitutionellen Monarchie (1867-1918) auf polnisches Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht in der Zwischenkriegszeit und in der Gegenwart, p. 217

More info here

27 March 2020

BOOK: Max Wai Lun WONG, Chinese Marriage and Social Change - The Legal Abolition of Concubinage in Hong Kong (Cham: Springer, 2020). ISBN 978-981-15-1643-6, EUR 83,19

(Source: Springer)

Springer is publishing a new book on the legal history of the abolition of concubinage in Hong Kong.

This book provides a comparative account of the abolition of concubinage in East Asia, offering a new perspective and revised analysis of the factors leading to – and the debates surrounding  – the introduction of a new Marriage Reform Ordinance in Hong Kong in 1971. It uses this law as a platform to examine how the existence of concubinage – long preserved in the name of protecting Chinese traditions and customs — crucially influenced family law reforms, which were in response to a perceived need to create a ‘modern’ marriage system within Hong Kong’s Chinese community after the Second World War. This was, by and large, the result of continued pressure from within Hong Kong and from Britain to bring Hong Kong’s marriage system in line with international marriage treaties. It represented one of the last significant intrusions of colonial law into the private sphere of Hong Kong social life, eliminating Chinese customs which had been previously recognised by the colonial legal system’s family law. This book contextualizes the Hong Kong situation by examining judicial cases interpreting Chinese customs and the Great Qing Code, offering a comprehensive understanding of the Hong Kong situation in relation to the status of concubines in Republican China and other East Asian jurisdictions. It will be of particular interest to teachers and students of law, as well as researchers in gender studies, post-colonialism, sociology and cultural studies.


Dr. Max Wai Lun Wong is an Assistant Professor at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Hong Kong. He holds a PhD from SOAS, University of London. He is an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in the UK. His research interests include Law and Public Administration, Chinese Customary Law and Practice in South East Asia, Law and Creative Industries and Traditional Cultural Expression and Law in South East Asia.

More info here

BOOK: Martin HOFMAN, Joachim KURTZ & Ari Daniel LEVINE (eds.), Powerful Arguments. Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China [Sinica Leidensa; 146] (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2020), ISBN 978-90-04-42362-6, € 149

(image source: Brill)

Book abstract:
The essays in Powerful Arguments reconstruct the standards of validity underlying argumentative practices in a wide array of late imperial Chinese discourses, from the Song through the Qing dynasties. The fourteen case studies analyze concrete arguments defended or contested in areas ranging from historiography, philosophy, law, and religion to natural studies, literature, and the civil examination system. By examining uses of evidence, habits of inference, and the criteria by which some arguments were judged to be more persuasive than others, the contributions recreate distinct cultures of reasoning. Together, they lay the foundations for a history of argumentative practice in one of the richest scholarly traditions outside of Europe and add a chapter to the as yet elusive global history of rationality.

On the editors:
Martin Hofmann, Ph.D. (2007) is Assistant Professor for East Asian Intellectual History at Heidelberg University’s Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies. He has mainly published on historical cartography, practices of argumentation, and the text-image relation in late imperial China. Joachim Kurtz, Ph.D. (2003), is Professor of Intellectual History at Heidelberg University. He is the author of The Discovery of Chinese Logic (Brill, 2011), and has published widely on circulations of knowledge between China and Europe. Ari Daniel Levine, Ph.D (2002) is Associate Professor of History at the University of Georgia. The author of Divided by a Common Language (University of Hawai'i Press, 2008), he is currently the Editor of the Journal of Song-Yuan Studies.

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Manuel Galvis MARTINEZ, 'The Historical Evolution of Allegiance During Occupation' (American Journal of Legal History)

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The article traces the historical evolution of an understudied area of International Humanitarian Law (IHL): the rules on allegiance during occupation. By mapping state practice and scholarly opinions, the article shows the abandonment of the automatic transfer of the population’s allegiance to the occupant in favour of other theories. Nonetheless, the discussions surrounding this topic show a general struggle to label the relation between inhabitants and occupiers, and a general rejection of any theory that directly or indirectly presumes sovereignty of the occupier over the inhabitants. The article presents an element that is rarely included in debates on allegiance and occupation, i.e. the efforts of states to reinforce their sovereignty over occupied population through criminal prosecution of those who collaborated with the occupant. Finally, contemporary practice aimed at bypassing the regulations is presented as incongruent with the rules regarding occupation in the Geneva Conventions. Despite the landmarks achieved in regulating the matter, the article shows that many aspects remain under discussion and formation. Furthermore, many current rules, practices and discussions only serve the interests of states and are oblivious of the hardships faced by individuals under occupation.
Read more with Oxford Journals.
(source: ESILHIL Blog)

26 March 2020

JOB: Vacancies at Australian National University's Law School (Deadline 27 APR 2020)

(image source: ANU)

Australian National University is hiring a permanent member of its law faculty.

Position overviewThe ANU Law School invites applications from forward thinking academics who are ready to thrive in one of the world’s best law schools.
As an academic in the ANU Law School you will ensure our students and scholars are not just equipped to respond to the challenges of today, but are ready to capture the opportunities of tomorrow. You will be dedicated to legal education and research at the highest level, and strive towards continuous improvement in the law for the benefit of national and international communities. You will also share the commitment the College places on supporting staff to reach their full potential in an environment of collegiality and respect for diversity.
We welcome applications from candidates across all areas of legal expertise.
The ANU College of Law is recognised as one of Australia’s leaders in legal research and education. Located in Australia’s capital city, Canberra, the ANU College of Law is home to five research centres, a law reform and social justice initiative, and has built strong networks with lawmakers, the judiciary and legal academics throughout Australia and the world.
For all enquiries please contact Professor Sally Wheeler, Dean, ANU College of Law, T: +61 2 6125 4070 E: The University actively encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. For more information on employment opportunities at the ANU, visit
ANU values diversity and inclusion and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to those of all backgrounds and identities. For more information about staff equity at ANU, visit informationIn order to apply for this role please make sure that you upload the following documents:
  •  A statement addressing the selection criteria.
  •  A current curriculum vitae (CV) which includes details of education, professional training and qualifications, full list of publications, positions held (including relevant dates, titles, responsibilities and key achievements), details of teaching and/or research experience, and any other relevant information such as contributions to professional associations and learned societies, and community activities. 
Applications which do not address the selection criteria may not be considered for the position.

BOOK: Kate BATES, Crime, Broadsides and Social Change, 1800-1850 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). ISBN 978-1-137-59789-2, 63,59 EUR

(Source: Palgrave)

Palgrave is publishing a book on the form, function and meaning of crime and execution broadsides printed in nineteenth-century Britain.


This book explores the form, function and meaning of crime and execution broadsides printed in nineteenth-century Britain. By presenting a detailed discourse analysis of 650 broadsides printed across Britain between the years 1800-1850, this book provides a unique and alternative interpretation as to their narratives of crime. This criminological interpretation is based upon the social theories of Emile Durkheim, who recognised the higher utility of crime and punishment as being one of social integration and the preservation of moral boundaries. The central aim of this book is to show that broadsides relating to crime and punishment served as a form of moral communication for the masses and that they are examples of how the working class once attempted to bolster a sense of stability and community, during the transitional years of the early nineteenth century, by effectively representing both a consolidation and celebration of their core values and beliefs. 


Kate Bates is Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. She has extensive experience of criminal justice, having served as both a police officer and a civilian caseworker investigating police complaints, and has also served as a panel member for Children’s Hearings Scotland.


Introduction: The Broadside Enigma and Its Historical Development
Pages 1-16
Broadsides as Sources: A Methodological Discussion and Overview of Key Findings
Pages 17-40
A ‘Barbarous’ Trade: Early-Nineteenth-Century Broadsides in Social and Historical Context
Pages 41-86
 ‘A Full and Particular Account’: Representations of Morality and Justice in Broadside Discourse
Pages 87-147
Collective Representations: A Durkheimian Interpretation of Crime Broadsides
Pages 149-186
Ballads of Blood: The Form and Function of Crime Narratives
Conclusion: The Social Significance of Crime Broadsides—Bonding Not Binding
Pages 231-238

More info here

BOOK: Benjamin FARGEAUD, La doctrine constitutionnelle sous la IVe République (Paris: Dalloz, 2020), 564 p. ISBN 978-2-2471-9603-6, € 70

(image source: Univ-droit)

En 1945, la période de la Libération devait également être un moment de rénovation pour le droit constitutionnel. Au moment même où la France se dotait d’une nouvelle Constitution, une nouvelle génération de constitutionnalistes accède au devant de la scène. À la génération des « disciples » succède celle que Marcel Prélot avait baptisée la « troisième génération de constitutionnalistes » et qui devait être la génération des « novateurs ». La rénovation du droit constitutionnel s’avéra toutefois un programme difficile à mettre en œuvre. La IVe République, malgré l’adoption d’une Constitution nouvelle, est rapidement revenue aux pratiques et usages de la IIIe République antérieure, décevant ainsi les espoirs de la doctrine constitutionnelle et les tentatives de façonner un droit constitutionnel propre au nouveau régime. Constatant l’échec du droit constitutionnel à encadrer la vie parlementaire, les constitutionnalistes ont alors délaissé le terrain de la technique constitutionnelle et se sont tournés vers la science politique afin de refonder leur discipline. Si cette voie politiste a permis à la « jeune école de droit public » d’aborder des champs de recherches nouveaux, tels que les partis politiques ou l’histoire des idées politiques, elle l’a toutefois détournée du terrain de la technique constitutionnelle sur lequel allait finalement se jouer la révision constitutionnelle de 1958, qui a consacré la Constitution de la Ve République.
(source: univ-droit)

ARTICLE: Benjamin DERUELLE, "Au préjudice de la fidélité, du droit et de la nature. Les usages de la lèse-majesté dans le discours monarchique à la noblesse de France (1560-1598)" (Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine LXVII (2020), nr. 1, 163-189)

(image source: Cairn)

In France, the end of the Italian wars and the tragic death of King Henry II opened the period of the Wars of Religion. The monarchy then plunged into a religious, political and military crisis in which the nobility played a decisive role. Yet, more than ever, the king must rely on the noblemen responsible for the defence and internal order of the kingdom. Thus between the general uprising of the Huguenots, under the direction of the Prince of Condé in April 1562, and the capture of Amiens in 1597, Charles IX, Henri III and then Henri IV multiplied the declarations, the summonses of the ban and the rear ban and the general calls to the nobility. Among the arguments presented to convince the nobles to abandon the revolt or join the royal army, is that of the lese-majesty. This article focuses on the place of this legal category, its evolution in monarchical discourse and on the reshaping it undergoes during religious unrest. The discourse to the nobility is not only revealed as the place where the domains covered by the lese-majesty are redefined, but also as a place for redefining the power and the role of the nobility.
More information on cairn.

BOOK: Robert ANTONY, Stuart CAROLL & Caroline DODDS PENNOCK (eds.), The Cambridge World History of Violence, 1500-1800 (Cambridge: CUP, 2020), ISBN 9781316340592

(image source: CUP)

Book abstract:
In the period from 1500 to 1800 the problem of violence necessitated asking fundamental questions and formulating answers about the most basic forms of human organisation and interactions. Violence spoke to critical issues such as the problem of civility in society, the nature of political sovereignty and the power of the state, the legitimacy of conquest and subjugation, the possibilities of popular resistance, and the manifestations of ethnic and racial unrest. It also provided the raw material for profound meditations on humanity and for examining our relationship to the divine and natural worlds. The third volume of The Cambridge World History of Violence examines a world in which global empires were consolidated and expanded, and in which civilisations for the first time linked to each other by trans-oceanic contacts and a sophisticated world trade system.
Read more here.

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

BOOK: Mira L. SIEGELBERG, Statelessness. A Modern History (Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 2020), 336 p. ISBN 9780674976313, 28,95 GBP

(image source: Worldcat)

Book abstract:
Two world wars left millions stranded in Europe. The collapse of empires and the rise of independent states in the twentieth century produced an unprecedented number of people without national belonging and with nowhere to go. Mira Siegelberg's innovative history weaves together ideas about law and politics, rights and citizenship, with the intimate plight of stateless persons, to explore how and why statelessness compelled a new understanding of the international order in the twentieth century and beyond. In the years following the First World War, the legal category of statelessness generated novel visions of cosmopolitan political and legal organization and challenged efforts to limit the boundaries of national membership and international authority. By linking the emergence of mass statelessness to a revolution in legal consciousness, Siegelberg shows how the rights regime created after the Second World War ultimately empowered the territorial state as the source of protection and rights, against alternative political configurations. Today, more than twelve million people are stateless and millions more belong to categories of recent invention, including refugees and asylum seekers. As Statelessness makes clear, understanding the ideological origins of the international agreements that define approaches to citizenship and non-citizenship can better equip us to confront the dilemmas of political structure and authority at a global scale.
More information with amazon.
(source: ESILHIL Blog)

25 March 2020

CONFERENCE: Penser et administrer le territoire sans l'État (Lyon: Université Lyon III, 17-18 JUN 2020)

(image source: univ-droit)



Jeudi 18 juin 2020

9h00 : Accueil des participants
Discours introductifs et de bienvenueHervé de Gaudemar, Doyen de la Faculté de droit de l’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Chrystelle GazeauPhilippe DelaigueThérence Carvalho, Maîtres de conférences, organisateurs du colloque

I. Aux marges de la souveraineté

Thème 1 – Administrer le territoire loin du pouvoir central

Sous la présidence de Nicole Dockès, Professeur émérite, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

9h40 : Contourner l’État dans l’administration provinciale au Bas-Empire romainChristian Bruschi, Professeur émérite, Aix-Marseille Université
10h00 : L’Administration des territoires français en Inde face aux reculs de l’État : contraintes juridiques et économiques aux marges du Premier empire colonialClovis Bernardi, Doctorant, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
10h20 : Le pouvoir des gouverneurs généraux en matière d’accès à la citoyenneté des indigènes de l’Afrique Occidentale FrançaiseSarah Rahouadj, Doctorante, Aix-Marseille Université
10h40 : Administrer le territoire en marchand. L’aventure des Stroganov au XVIe siècle
Sébastien Le Gal, Professeur, Université Grenoble Alpes
11h00 : Discussion – Pause

Thème 2 – Sécuriser le territoire sans l’État

Sous la présidence de Guillaume Richard, Professeur, Université de Paris

11h20 : Défendre le territoire sans l’ÉtatPaul Chauvin-Hameau, Maître de conférences, Université de Tours François Rabelais
11h40 : L’administration des confins asiatiques de l’empire colonial français. Le cas de l’étude du maintien de l’ordre aux frontières entre Chine et TonkinJohann Grémont, Docteur en histoire et chercheur associé, Institut Français de Recherche sur l’Asie de l’Est
12h00 : La protection du territoire national sans l’État ? Recherche sur les « abandons » de l’État en matière de sécurité publique
Héritage Bita Heyeghe, Doctorant, Université de Lorraine
12h40 : Discussion

13h00 : Pause déjeuner

II. Aux limites de l'action publique

Thème 3 – Administrer la question sociale au-delà de l’État

Sous la présidence d’Anne-Sophie Chambost, Professeur, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne

14h20 : Le logement des pauvres au XIXe siècle : une compétence délaissée par les pouvoirs publicsPierre Belda, Maître de conférences, Université d’Orléans
14h40 : Penser et administrer la question sociale par la commune : types et pratiques des différents courants du « socialisme municipal »
Jérôme Henning, Maître de conférences, Université Paris Nanterre
15h00 : L’économie sociale et solidaire, de nouveaux outils au service de la solidarité dans les territoiresCharlotte Gustave-Huteau, Docteur en droit et chercheuse associée, Université de La Rochelle
15h20 : Discussion – Pause

Thème 4 – Abandonner le territoire au secteur privé

Sous la présidence de Sébastien Le Gal, Professeur, Université Grenoble Alpes

15h40 : La privatisation extrême : l’entreprise en tant qu’autorité territorialeMichael J. Strauss, Professeur, Centre d’Études Diplomatiques et Stratégique de Paris
16h00 : Les quartiers résidentiels fermés aux États-UnisMathilde Laporte, Doctorante, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
16h20 : Lorsque les sociétés privées deviennent propriétaires des villes. Étude de cas : la cité Al-Rehab en ÉgypteSami Sérageldin, Conseiller d’État en Égypte
16h40 : Discussion
17h00 : Fin de la 1ère journée

Vendredi 19 juin 2020

Thème 5 – Penser le droit face au retrait de l’État

Sous la présidence de Christophe Testard, Professeur, Université Clermont Auvergne

9h20 : La « question finlandaise », illustration doctrinale de la difficulté de penser le territoire sans l’ÉtatÉlise Fraysse, Docteur en droit, Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3
9h40 : L’administration du territoire sans l’État et le droit administratif globalRaphaël Maurel, Doctorant, Université Clermont Auvergne
10h00 : L’Union Européenne, instrument régional de retrait volontaire de l’État
Efthymia Lekkou, Maître de conférences, Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3
10h20 : Les conseils d’arrondissement : 140 ans de solitudeMarie-Odile Nicoud, Maître de conférences, Université Lumière Lyon 2
10h40 : Discussion – Pause

III. Au crépuscule de l'état

Thème 6 – Imaginer un nouveau territoire : expérimentations et projections

Sous la présidence d’Anthony Mergey, Professeur Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas

11h00 : Le Marquis d’Argenson et les petites Républiques à partir de son expérience dans le HainautAnne Dobigny-Reverso, Maître de conférences, Université d’Angers
11h20 : Les « dernières convulsions du moribond » : construire et organiser les ultimes communautés icariennes aux États-Unis d’Amérique, 1878-1898Étienne Lamarche, Doctorant, Université Paris Nanterre
11h40 : La renaissance de la cité idéale. Oubli de la ville étatique et élan du micro-fief urbain dans le monde contemporain. Origines et développements
Sonia Scognamiglio, Professeur, Université Naples Parthénope
12h00 : Discussion

12h20 : Pause déjeuner

Thème 7 – Rompre avec l’État

Sous la présidence de Karen Fiorentino, Professeur, Université de Bourgogne

14h20 : Le Pays Basque : comparaison des stratégies politiques et moyens juridiques d’affaiblissement du rôle de l’État en France et en Espagne
Pierre Barillé, Doctorant, Université de Bordeaux
14h40 : Penser et administrer le territoire sans l’État. Perspectives anarchistes, de P.-J. Proudhon à J. C. ScottAnne-Sophie Chambost, Professeur, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
15h00 : Penser et administrer sans l’État : un rêve mafieux ?
Jacques de Saint-Victor, Professeur, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
15h20 : Discussion – Pause

Thème 8 – Administrer lorsque l’État s’effondre

Sous la présidence de Florent Garnier, Professeur, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

15h40 : Administrer après l’effondrement de l’État. Réflexions à partir du cas des premières décennies de l’an mil
Laura Viaut, Maître de conférences, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
16h00 : De la crise de l’État au démantèlement de la civilisation étatique. Quand l’historiographie fait l’HistoireFrancesco Di Donato, Professeur, Université Naples Parthénope
16h20 : Discussion, conclusion
17h00 : Clôture du colloque
More information on the conference website.