
30 June 2018

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Martin CLARK, A Conceptual History of Recognition in British International Legal Thought, British Yearbook of International Law (5 JUN 2018)

This article examines the development of the concept of recognition in the writings of British jurists. It first outlines methodologies of conceptual history as applied to international legal concepts, before examining four strands of development of the concept of recognition from the mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries. It shows how the concept of recognition moved from examining intra-European diplomatic disagreements, to a focus on Christianity, civilisation and progress that barred non-European communities, to a late colonial-era emphasis on technicalities of government and territory, and eventually a state-centric account that normalised inferiority into difference, before emerging in the interwar period as a ‘basic concept’ of international law: intensely debated and closely tied to a range of political projects. The article concludes with reflections on why British thinking turns away from recognition in the 1950s, as the decolonising world turns to a new international law and self-determination.

More information with Oxford Journals.

(source: International Law Reporter)

29 June 2018

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Jorge E. VIÑUALES, "The Organisation of the Anthropocene", Brill Research Perspectives in International Legal Theory and Practice I (2018), 1, pp. 1-81 (ISSN 2452-204X)

(image source: Brill)

This essay introduces the legal dimensions of the Anthropocene, i.e. the currently advocated new geological epoch in which humans are the defining force. It explores in this context two basic propositions. First, law as a technology of social organisation has been neglected in the otherwise highly technology-focused accounts by natural and social scientists of the drivers of the Anthropocene. Secondly, in those rare instances where law has been discussed, there is a tendency to assume that the role of law is to tackle the negative externalities of transactions (e.g. their environmental or social implications) rather than the core of the underlying transactions, i.e. the organization of production and consumption processes. Such focus on externalities fails to unveil the role of law in prompting, sustaining and potentially managing the processes that have led to the Anthropocene. After a brief introduction to the Anthropocene narrative and the possible role of law in it, it focuses on three main questions: the disconnection between natural and human history, the profound inequalities within the human variable driving the Anthropocene, and the technological transition required to reach a sustainable societal organisation.
More information with the publisher.

(source: ESIL IGHIL blog)

28 June 2018

TWITTER: Follow the ESCLH conference #esclh

(image source: Twitter)

BOOK: Martin LÖHNIG & Stephan WAGNER (Hrsg.), »Nichtgeborene Kinder des Liberalismus"? Zivilgesetzgebung im Mitteleuropa der Zwischenkriegszeit (Mohr/Siebeck, 2018), ISBN 978-3-16-156292-1; € 80

(image source: Mohr Siebeck)

Book abstract:
Die nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg neu entstehenden Staaten Ostmitteleuropas übernahmen zunächst das bislang auf ihrem Territorium geltende Recht. Jedoch wurde schon bald die Schaffung einer eigenen, einheitlichen Zivilrechtsordnung angestrebt. Die Arbeiten blieben aber zumeist im Entwurfsstadium stecken. Diese Entwürfe stehen an einer Schwelle. Einerseits sind sie die vielleicht letzten großen Leistungen des Zeitalters der liberalen Zivilrechtskodifikationen, andererseits enthalten sie auch soziale oder paternalistische Tendenzen, die den Übergang zum heutigen sozialen Privatrecht markieren. Allen Entwürfen ist gemeinsam, dass sie sich durch hohe Qualität auszeichnen. Diese Zivilgesetzbuchentwürfe der Zwischenkriegszeit werden hier erstmals umfassend und vergleichend untersucht.

Table of contents:
Mareike Preisner: Das Zivilrecht der ersten deutschen Demokratie – Nikolaus Linder: ZGB und BGB im Vergleich (1896–1933) – Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz: Das österreichische Zivilrecht und die österreichische Zivilrechtswissenschaft in der Zwischenkriegszeit – Mária Homoki-Nagy: Der Durchbruch des Allgemeinen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches in Ungarn – Pavel Salák: Rekodifizierung des Bürgerlichen Rechts in der Tschechoslowakei – Anna Moszyńska: Codification of Civil Law in interwar Poland – Gordana M. Drakić: Codification of Civil Law in Yugoslav State between the two World Wars – Christian Alunaru: Ein nichtgeborenes Kind des rumänischen Zivilrechts in der Zwischenkriegszeit: Der Zivilgesetzbuchsentwurf des Königs Karl II. – Marju Luts-Sootak/Hesi Siimets-Gross/Katrin Kiirend-Pruuli: Estlands Zivilrechtskodifikation – ein fast geborenes Kind des Konservatismus – Philipp Schwartz: Das Lettländische Zivilgesetzbuch vom 28. Januar 1937

On the editors:
Martin Löhnig ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsche und Europäische Rechtsgeschichte sowie Kirchenrecht an der Universität Regensburg. Stephan Wagner ist Privatdozent an der Universität Regensburg und vertritt derzeit den Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte und Juristische Zeitgeschichte, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
More information with the publisher.

BOOK: Alex IMRIE, The Antonine Constitution : An Edict for the Caracallan Empire [Impact of Empire] (Leiden/New York: Brill, 2018). ISBN 978-90-04-36822-4, €94.00

(Source: Brill)

Brill has just published a book on the Constitutio Antoniniana.


In The Antonine Constitution, Alex Imrie approaches the famous edict of AD 212 from numerous angles, offering an assessment of its rationale that is rooted in the dynamic period of the early third century. Controversial since its discovery, it is depicted here as a keystone in Caracalla’s attempt to revolutionise the public image of the Severan dynasty after murdering his brother.

There is an inherent paradox between the apparently progressive nature of the edict, and the volatile emperor responsible for it. The enigma is only heightened by a dearth of ancient evidence relating to the legislation. By combining literary and material evidence with the surviving papyrological record, Alex Imrie shows that Caracalla’s rationale is best understood in an embedded context.


Alex Imrie, Ph.D. (2015), is a Tutor in Classics at the University of Edinburgh. He divides his time between teaching and outreach activities across Scotland. He has published articles on Caracalla and the Severan period. This is his first monograph.


List of Abbreviations
List of Figures, Table and Illustration

 The Antonine Constitution in Scholarship
 An Edict for the Caracallan Empire

 The Historical Context: 193–212
 The Antonine Constitution in Ancient Literature
 The Role of the Jurists
 The Antonine Constitution and the Giessen Papyrus

The Fiscal Rationale
 Early Imperial Economic Activity
 Decline and Crisis in the High Empire
 The Severan Recovery
 The Economy under Caracalla
 The Economic Function of the Antonine Constitution
 The Vicesima Hereditatum
 The Purpose of Caracallan Fiscal Innovation

The Military Rationale
 Obstacles to Legionary Recruitment
 The Severan Reforms
 The Military Application of the Antonine Constitution

Alexander Imitatio
 Alexandrian Influences in the Antonine Constitution
 Alexander Iconography in the Caracallan Empire
 The Political Significance of Alexander Iconography

Securing the Caracallan Empire
 The Drive for Aequitas
 Re-writing the Severan Past
 A Religious Offering
 The Indulgentissimus Princeps
 A Social Contract


 Text, Translation and Commentary of the Giessen Papyrus

More information with the publisher

FELLOWSHIP: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Call in Social Science, University of Glasgow (DEADLINE 7 September 2018)

The University of Glasgow invites invites interested applicants for the Autumn 2018 rounds of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme. Lega history has been identified as one of the “key areas of research interest”. Here the call:

The College of Social Science at the University of Glasgow invites interested applicants for the Autumn 2018 rounds of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme.

The College of Social Science at the University of Glasgow invites outstanding early career researchers to register their interest in applying for a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship in the Autumn 2018 round. The College will consider supporting applications in any area of social sciences, business or law, but particularly invites expressions of interest from researchers working in one or more of the following key areas of research interest:

  • Urban and place-based learning
  • Migration, skills and refugee education
  • Adult learning and youth transitions
  • International law, conflict and security
  • Legal theory and history
  • Culture and creative economies
  • Law reform and public policy
  • Economics and finance of ageing
  • Future services
  • Design of new markets
  • Clean economic growth
  • Social Justice
  • Big Data & Society
  • Community and Social Resilience
  • End of Life Studies
The University of Glasgow’s Inspiring People have been changing the world since 1451. Glasgow’s researchers have always been at the forefront of innovation and today, we continue to change the world for the better. The University has four Colleges, each bringing together the research and teaching expertise of a number of schools and research institutes.

The College of Social Sciences incorporates: the Adam Smith Business School; the School of Law; the School of Education; the School of Social & Political Sciences; the School of Interdisciplinary Studies; and the Institute of Health & Well-Being. The College has a vibrant, collegial research community and encourages the development of interdisciplinary work with colleagues across the university through research networks, collaborative events and programming, and an active research student community. Our expertise covers all of the core social science, business and law disciplines and frequently cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Early Career Researchers - UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships

Applicants for UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships are expected to hold a doctorate by the start date of the fellowship or to be able to demonstrate equivalent research experience and/or training. These fellowships are for early career academics and innovators who are transitioning to / establishing independence. They are tenable on a 3+4 year basis and are subject to specific eligibility criteria, which are available here. Please ensure that you meet all of the criteria before seeking support from the School.

The closing date for candidates wishing to be considered for School support in the October 2018 round is September 7th. Candidates will be informed whether their applications will be supported by the School no later than September 21st. For those candidates successful in obtaining support from the School, we will provide further assistance in refining their applications to UKRI. The deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest to UKRI is October 4th.

To receive an application form, or to have an informal discussion prior to the  deadline please contact our Research Support Office via

More information here

BOOK: Alberico GENTILI, Les trois livres sur les ambassades (transl. Dominique GAURIER) [Cahiers de l'Institut d'anthropologie juridique] (Limoges: PULIM, 2015), 286 p. ISBN 9782842876715, € 25

(image source: LCDPU)

Book abstract:

Dominique Gaurier poursuit avec ce second ouvrage traduit d'Alberico Gentili la série de ses traductions. Celles-ci avaient déjà permis aux lecteurs francophones d’avoir affaire à des textes plus fidèlement traduits que les anciennes traductions anglaises qui avaient été principalement faites non par des juristes, mais par des professeurs de latin dans leur ensemble, peu connaisseurs du droit romain. Cette dernière traduction vient se rajouter aux deux autres précédentes portant sur cette même question du droit des ambassades, déjà publiées par les PULIM. Comme à son habitude, le traducteur présentera dans de nombreuses notes également les traductions des passages repris du droit romain auxquels l’auteur renvoie`; Il espère que cette dernière traduction favorisera un meilleur accès à un auteur que tout le monde cite souvent sans vraiment avoir pu consulter facilement ses ouvrages en langue latine, devenus souvent rares, voire introuvables.
Table of contents:

Livre I  sur les ambassades du très illustre jurisconsulte Alberico Gentili- Chapitre 1  Ceux qui sont appelés du nom d'ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 2  L'appellation multiple de cet ambassadeur dont nous allons parler et sa définition
- Chapitre 3  De l'ambassade sacrée
- Chapitre 4  Les répartitions des ambassades à partir des personnes de ceux qui sont envoyés et de ceux à qui elles sont envoyées
- Chapitre 5  Des différentes sortes d'ambassades suivant les commissions
- Chapitre 6  De l’ambassadeur de guerre
- Chapitre 7  Des ambassades officieuses
- Chapitre 8  De l’ambassade libre
- Chapitre 9  Ceux au soin desquels se trouve chez les Romains le soin d’envoyer et de recevoir les ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 10  Discussion sur un passage de Tacite [pour savoir] si ceux qui s’acquittent des ambassades étaient peut-être emmenés
- Chapitre 11  Des solennités des ambassades
- Chapitre 12  Du fécial et du père patrat
- Chapitre 13  Des herbes sacrées et des silex
- Chapitre 14  Explication du début de D. 33, 10, 7
- Chapitre 15  De l’endroit et du moment pour recevoir les ambassades
- Chapitre 16  Des présents et autres droits d’hospitalité que les Romains fournissaient aux ambassadeurs qui venaient à Rome
- Chapitre 17  Quel [était] l’usage des Grecs dans les ambassades ?
- Chapitre 18  Du caducée, des rameaux [d’olivier] entourés de bandelettes  et des autre solennités
- Chapitre 19  Glanage [de ce qui a échappé]
- Chapitre 20  De la cause et de l’ancienneté des ambassades
Livre II sur les ambassades du très illustre jurisconsulte Alberico Gentili- Chapitre 1  Du droit des ambassades
- Chapitre 2  De l’ambassade mensongère
- Chapitre 3  Les ambassadeurs seront-ils en sécurité même avec ceux vers qui ils n’ont pas été envoyés ?
- Chapitre 4  De l’ambassadeur espion et sans foi
- Chapitre 5  De l’ambassade interdite
- Chapitre 6  Celui qui a outragé les ambassadeurs d’autrui n’espérera pas conserver pour les siens le droit d’ambassade
- Chapitre 7  Y aura-t-il un droit d’ambassade avec des rebelles ?
- Chapitre 8  Il n’y a pas de droit d’ambassade avec des brigands
- Chapitre 9  Lors de désaccords civils, le droit d’ambassade restera-t-il ?
- Chapitre 10  Les ambassadeurs ne sont à bon droit envoyés ni par des sujets, ni à des sujets
- Chapitre 11  Des ambassades des criminels
- Chapitre 12  Du droit de la libre ambassade, [de l’ambassade] officieuse  et [de l’ambassade] résidente
- Chapitre 13  Du droit de l’ambassade [qui a été] reçue
- Chapitre 14  Si le droit d’ambassade est dédaigné
- Chapitre 15  Des gens de la suite et des autres compléments ajoutés des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 16  Des contrats des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 17  Du juge des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 18  Si un ambassadeur a comploté contre le prince auprès duquel il est ambassadeur
- Chapitre 19  Si un ambassadeur a commis quelque méfait, son prince ne doit pas être consulté
- Chapitre 20  Si un ambassadeur a mal parlé envers le prince, de la liberté de parole
- Chapitre 21  Des autres infractions et peines des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 22  Du droit des ambassadeurs avec les leurs
- Chapitre 23  Du droit des coutumes envers ses propres ambassadeurs
Livre III sur les ambassades du tres illustre jurisconsulte Alberico Gentili- Chapitre 1  Combien de grandes qualités devront se rassembler dans un ambassadeur our qu’il puisse exécuter son office
- Chapitre 2  Les choses extérieures que nous voulons voir rassembler dans un ambassadeur
- Chapitre 3  Un ambassadeur ne peut être privé de la nature et de bonnes [qualités]
- Chapitre 4  Les bonnes choses de la fortune doivent se rassembler dans un ambassadeur
- Chapitre 5  Il faut un ambassadeur qui se signale par son intelligence
- Chapitre 6  Pour qu’un ambassadeur soit un orateur [par excellence]
- Chapitre 7  L’ambassadeur tiendra l’idiome de celui chez lequel il agit
- Chapitre 8  On requiert dans un ambassadeur une grande connaissance de l’histoire
- Chapitre 9  Dans quelle mesure la philosophie conviendra-t-elle à un ambassadeur ?
- Chapitre 10  Des ambassadeurs lettrés
- Chapitre 11  De la loyauté des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 12  Du courage des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 13  De la modération des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 14  De la prudence des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 15  De la prudence et de la loyauté des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 16  Un ambassadeur devra-t-il tromper son prince, s’il croit que c’est de l’intérêt [de ce dernier] ?
- Chapitre 17  De la force d’une libre commission
- Chapitre 18  De la prudence et du courage des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 19  Du fait de défendre la dignité de l’ambassade
- Chapitre 20  De la prudence et de la tempérance des ambassadeurs
- Chapitre 21  Des raisons d’un ambassadeur prudent
- Chapitre 22  Du parfait ambassadeur
Index des personnages cités dans l’ouvrage
The book comes with a CD-ROM (MS-DOS/Macintosh).

(more information with the publisher)

(source: ESIL IGHIL Blog)

27 June 2018

ESCLH CONFERENCE DAY 1: PhD Workshop (09:00) and Opening (14:45)

(image source: ENS)

The 5th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Comparative Legal History ("Laws Across Codes and Codes Decoded") starts tomorrow with the opening ceremony at 14:45 at the École normale Supérieure rue d'Ulm (RER Luxembourg, right in the middle of the legendary Quartier Latin). Registration is possible from 14:00 onwards.

In the morning, the PhD-workshop will take place from 09:00 on in the other site of the ÉNS: 48 Boulevard Jourdan (Porte d'Orléans).

Full programme here.

JOB: Call for Research Professorships, KU Leuven (DEADLINE 28 SEP 2018)


Each year a number of research professors can be appointed. These positions are financed by a university fund called 'BOF' (Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds) that is funded by the Flemish Government. This type of positons are also called 'BOFZAP'. ZAP is an acronym for academic positions at KU Leuven (Zelfstandig Academisch Personeel). Each year a limited number of BOFZAP positions are made available for excellent researchers with a high-quality research program. These positions are primarily research-oriented, but the applicants must be prepared to undertake limited teaching assignments according to the BOF-decree. Candidates must be willing to take additional teaching duties after the 10-year period.
An overview of the current research professorships at the KU Leuven can be found via this webpage.


The applicant must meet the following conditions:
  • At the start of the mandate the candidates must have at least 3 full years of experience in scientific research, counting from the day of their PhD defense. The board of the BOFZAP advisory Committee may authorize exceptions because of extraordinary potential and track record.
  • These professorships are not meant for ZAP members with a KU Leuven appointment of more than 20%.
  • The candidate must be a highly internationally recognized researcher in the field (senior BOFZAP) or a researcher with high research potential (junior BOFZAP), which is illustrated by internationally recognized scientific publications. Candidates also possess the appropriate didactic skills.


Up to 16 full-time BOFZAP positions are vacant. The number of vacant positions depends on the available budget.
The BOFZAP positions are open for candidates from all research disciplines and scientific domains. For some of these positions a research profile is defined (with 9 specific research profiles for this call). So you can apply for a position in any kind of research disciplines, or you can choose to join one of the following research profiles:
 information concerning the BOFZAP profiles will be made available soon.
There are two BOFZAP categories:
1. Junior BOFZAP: young researchers with at least 3 years and less than 7 full years of postdoctoral experience at the time of appointment (from the date the PhD was awarded until October 1, 2019).
2. Senior BOFZAP: advanced researchers with at least 7 years of postdoctoral experience at the time of appointment (from the date the PhD was awarded until October 1, 2019).
Important remarks:
  • There is no quota on the number of BOFZAP positions in each category.
  • For junior BOFZAP an extension of the eligible period of up to 1 year may be allowed in case of eligible career breaks, which must be properly documented. Eligible career breaks include maternity and / or paternity leave and other valid medical reasons.


Candidates will be appointed in an academic staff position (ZAP), with a rank depending on the junior and senior candidate's qualifications. A junior BOFZAP is basically appointed in a Tenure Track position, without excluding a higher academic position.
Start-up grantAll BOFZAP researchers receive a BOF start-up grant of 100.000 euro for the two first years (not combinable with other research funding as ERC, VIB or Odysseus). During the start-up grant the BOFZAP researcher must submit at least one research project to an external funding agency. A project application to Internal Funds is possible in accordance to the general guidelines of Internal Funds 2018-2019.


The openings for research professorships (BOFZAP positions) will be published at the beginning of June 2018 by the Research Coordination Office in consultation with the Human Resources Department of the KU Leuven. Prior to the BOFZAP candidacy, applicants must consult a principal investigator (PI) at KU Leuven with whom the planned research activities are discussed. The PI must be a member of the academic staff at KU Leuven.
The application process will proceed in two phases:
1. Pre-application (September 28 at 5 pm)
 All BOFZAP applicants must submit a pre-application via the DOC webapplication.  The deadline for submission of the pre-application is September 28th, 2018 at 5 pm. The link to the web application will be made available early July.
The pre-application contains: 
  1.  personal data; 
  2. Biosketch (mandatoray attachlment, max.  2 pages) Use standard template and upload pdf in application tool);
  3. Detailed curriculum vitae with a full publication list included (use standard template and upload pdf in application tool); 
    In the CV a link must be provided to the full online publication list: Lirias for KU Leuven researchers and ResearcherID for Non-KU Leuven researchers.
  4. Name of the principal investigator (PI) at the KU Leuven with whom preliminary the planned research activities are discussed. Each applicant must have the support of at least one PI at the KU Leuven who accompanies the BOFZAP application both at administrative and scientific issues. This PI must be a member of the Academic Staff at the KU Leuven.
Following the pre-selection deadline, the DOC will contact the dean or the department chair concerning the possible financial incorporation in the policy plans after mid term (after 5 years) and long term (after 10 years).

As of October 12th, 2018 the DOC will inform all candidates who have submitted a pre-application, regarding the positive or negative decision to submit a full BOFZAP application. This decision is binding.

2. Full Application (November 5th 
at 5 pm)
The instructions for the full applications will be communicated by the DOC along with the decision on the full proposal.
The full application is written in English and consists of four parts.
Part 1: Four appendices uploaded in PDF-format in an on-line application.
  • Apendix 1: Biosketch (mandatoray attachlment, max.  2 pages) Use standard template and upload pdf in application tool)
  • Appendix 2:
    a) Detailed curriculum vitae with a full publication list included (use standard template and upload pdf in application tool) including studies, career history, scientific research, editorial activities, invited lectures, research grants and current research projects, current and finished PhDs, scientific prizes and awards, long stays abroad, organizing of seminars, participation in committees, and if applicable, valorisation activities, societal impact, teaching experience, ...
  • b) In the CV a link must be provided to the full publication list: Lirias for KU Leuven researchers and  ResearcherID for Non-KU Leuven researchers. 
  • Appendix 3: list of the candidate's five most important publications and/or realizations. For each publication/realization an abstract or summary and a brief comment is required explaining why the publication and/or realization was selected.
  • Appendix 4:
    a) proposal of the research program for the coming five years with a maximum of five pages, the reference list not included. The proposed research program should be situated in a wider context, has a broad relevance and indicates cooperation opportunities within the KU Leuven.
    b) National and international perspective of the planned research in Leuven. (max. 1 page)
Part 2: a list of at least 15 international referees not linked to a Belgian university. For each referee a list of three publications is required indicating the expertise of the referee that is also addressed in the application of the candidate. The given referee cannot have any form of conflict of interest with the candidate: no collaborations or publications with the candidate during the last five years and no former colleagues. The referees are active in geographically sufficiently diversified scientific institutions (this information must be delivered through an on-line application form). Candidates who re-apply and following the full procedure, are required to give at least 8 new referees. Candidates are not allowed to contact these referees with respect to their BOFZAP application.
Part 3: a recommendation letter by the principal investigator at KU Leuven, with whom the applicant discussed the planned research activities. This recommendation letter considers the quality of the candidate, the credentials as a researcher, the proposed research, and the expected integration into the research of the unit.
Part 4: availability of the candidate for the seminar, at least 4 data within the given time frame (November 14 - December 7): form and instructions will be made available early July.


Based on scientific criteria, a shortlist of BOFZAP candidates will be drawn up by the Executive Body of the BOFZAP Advisory Committee. A negative decision is binding.  As forthe BOFZAP profiles, the Executive body of the BOFZAP advisory committee will request a recommendation with a motivated shortlist from the chairman of the relevant faculty advisory committee, who also appoints one expert in order to follow the discussion and to draw up the final shortlist in the Executive bodyfor the relevant BOFZAP profile. 

Following the pre-selection deadline, the DOC will contact the dean or the department chair concerning the possible financial incorporation in the policy plans after mid term (after 5 years) and long term (after 10 years). Based on this information, the Vice Rector of the Sciences Group concerned and the Vice Rector for Research decide whether the candidate is allowed to submit a full application. A negative decision is binding.
Candidates who have applied earlier will be informed whether they need a full new application, depending on the earlier assessment outcome contact Christelle Maeyaert.

Final selection
The final selection is based on the recommendations of two parallell committees:
 1.  The BOFZAP Advisory Committee evaluates:
  • The candidate's research quality.
  • The candidate's research proposal. 
The scientific criteria for the assessment of junior and senior BOFZAP are equal, but the focus differs. For junior BOFZAP the focus is particulary on the high research potential of the candidate whereas for senior BOFZAP the past performance, leadership qualities and the international position in the scientific field will be of importance.

Applications are assessed on the basis of reviews by international referees and by members of the BOFZAP Advisory Committee. International referees are chosen 1) from a list of fifteen referees given by the candidate, 2) a DOC database and 3) proposed by the members of the BOFZAP Advisory Committee. 
The BOFZAP candidates will be offered the chance to reply to the anonymous evaluation report of the external referees with respect to the research program. This will be before the meeting of the Board. This reply, further referred to as rebuttal, will be added to the application. This rebuttal will be organized from 7 to January 9, 2019.
The BOFZAP Advisory Committee consists of all members of the Research Council with the rank of at least associate professor. With exception of the pre-selection, the Vice Rectors of the three scientific Groups do not participate in the discussion of the BOFZAP Advisory Committee as they are involved in the final selection at a later stage. The internal regulations of the Research Council apply. The composition of this Committee is approved by the University board.  More information about the composition:
For both categories the organization of a seminar is obligatory and will be organized by the Research Coordination Office (DOC). The members of the Faculty Advisory Committee involved will be invited and can ask questions to the candidates, especially regarding the educational part of the application and the services. The seminar will take place between November 1 and December 7. Upon final submission, all candidates will be asked to give their availabilities within this period: form and instructions.
2.  The Faculty Advisory Committee evaluates amongst other things the candidate's didactical and management qualities.  The faculty advisory committee determines whether atrial lesson and / or other activities can be organized, such as a consultationabout possible collaborations and embedding in the Leuven research group.

The result of both committees (BOFZAP Advisory Committee and Faculty Advisory Committee) is the input for the further decision making process by the Special Academic Council (meeting will take place on February 5, 2019). In this stage of the selection procedure the global research and education policy of the university is taken into account.
Gender balance is pursued in case of BOFZAP appointments: maximum three-fifths of the academic staff members with a PhD are of the same sex. As long as this target is not reached on the level of the concerned scientific group, within this group and with equal qualifications, priority will be given in principle to candidates of the underrepresented gender. These qualifications are evidenced by the advice of the BOFZAP Advisory Committee and the Faculty Advisory Committee. This priority is not automatically and unconditionally given because the assessment always takes the personal situation of each candidate into account.

Language requirement
The official administrative language used at KU Leuven is Dutch. If you do not speak Dutch (or do not speak it well) at the start of employment, KU Leuven will provide language training to enable you to take part in administrative meetings.
Before teaching courses in Dutch or English, you will be given the opportunity to learn Dutch respectively English to the required standard.

The KU Leuven pursues a policy of equal opportunity and diversity and encourages underrepresented groups at the university to apply.


The candidates will receive feedback on the decision by the dean of the Faculty and possibly the Vice Rector of the scientific group.
For the evaluation that is made by the BOFZAP Advisory Committee, candidates are given the opportunity to make an appointment through the DOC for a feedback meeting with the Vice Rector for Research and the president of the BOFZAP Advisory Committee (who is also the president of the Research Council). The candidates will also receive the full reviews made by the referees without compromising the identity of the referees involved.


Friday, September 28 2018Declaration of intent.


(source: KULeuven)

BOOK: Jeffrey R. WIGELSWORTH, All Souls College, Oxford in the Early Eighteenth Century. Piety, Political Imposition, and Legacy of the Glorious Revolution [Scientific Learned Cultures and Their Institutions, 24] (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2018), 190 p. ISBN 789004375352, € 103

(image source: Brill)

Book abstract:
In the first detailed history of All Souls College under the Wardenship of Bernard Gardiner, Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth offers a character driven story that addresses scheming, duplicity, and self-righteousness projected against some of the most important political and religious episodes of the early eighteenth century and the people who animated them. Throughout this book, Wigelsworth illuminates the ways in which All Souls and its warden were caught between competing visions of what England, and consequently Oxford, would look like in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution of 1688. 
Table of contents:
 Introduction (1-27)
Gardiner and the House of Commons Bill (28-48)
Gardiner, Matthew Tindal, and The Rights of the Christian Church Asserted (49-70)
Gardiner and the Trouble with Medicine (71-85)
Gardiner and the Case of William Blencowe (86-112)
John Stead’s Marriage and Gardiner’s Final Loss of Authority (113-143)
Gardiner and the Attempted Reform of Universities (144-176)
Conclusion (177-190)
Bibliography (191-201)

On the author:
Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth, PhD (2006) University of Saskatchewan, is Head of History at Red Deer College, Canada. His books include Deism in Enlightenment England (2009) and Selling Science in the Age of Newton (2010). He was also the co-editor of Atheism and Deism Revalued (2015).

BOOK: Jacques DE SAINT VICTOR and Thomas BRANTHÔME, Histoire de la République en France - Des origines à la Ve République [Corpus histoire du droit], series ed. Albert RIGAUDIÈRE (Paris: Economica, 2018). ISBN 9782717870022, € 59.00

(Source: Economica)

Economica has just published a new book dealing with the history of the French republic


Des origines à la Ve République

Qu’est-ce que la République ? Quels sont ses principes et ses valeurs ? Certains prétendent que la République ne serait plus qu’un mot « vide de sens ». Pourtant, elle continue de fédérer les Français autour d’un même espoir de « dignité pour tous ».

Paradoxalement, l’histoire de la République reste mal connue. Ce manuel retrace dans son ensemble l’histoire politique, institutionnelle et juridique de la Ire à la Ve République, exercice jusqu’à présent inédit. Présenter cette histoire controversée et toujours amplement débattue impose de remonter à ses fondements idéologiques à partir de la redécouverte d’Aristote au Moyen Âge qui donna naissance à un « républicanisme classique » qui se répandra des Cités italiennes aux États-Unis d’Amérique. Mais les « Lumières radicales » vont donner à ce républicanisme une connotation particulière en France, en l’associant à la démocratie, ce qu’on appellera l’ « exceptionnalisme républicain français ».

À partir de 1789-1792, la République devient l’objet de grands affrontements politiques et pendant plus d’un siècle source de divisions, parfois même au sein du camp républicain. Plus complexe que ne le laissait jadis entrevoir l’étude téléologique de l’idée républicaine, cette histoire révèle qu’il n’y a pas une tradition républicaine mais plusieurs (conservatrice, libérale, jacobine, plébéienne). Ces sensibilités se sont parfois confondues mais aussi souvent affrontées autour des périmètres d’un régime qui se veut la chose de tous.


Jacques de SAINT VICTOR est Professeur d’Histoire du droit à l’Université de Paris XIII et au CNAM.

Thomas BRANTHÔME est Maître de conférences en Histoire du droit à Paris Descartes (Paris V) et à Sciences Po (Paris).


Titre introductif - La République sous la monarchie : L’émergence de la singularité républicaine française (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles)
Chapitre introductif – L’idée républicaine en France avant 1789
Chapitre I – Le retour de la « République des Anciens » (XIIIe-XVe siècles)
Chapitre II – L’émergence de la « République des Modernes » ou l’affirmation de l’État en France (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)
Chapitre III – L’affirmation de « l’exceptionnalisme républicain » français au XVIIIe siècle (1715-1789)

Titre I - Naissance de la République en France (1789-1814)
Chapitre I – Le « récit des origines » ou la République qui s’ignore (1789-1792)
Chapitre II – La République absolue (1792-1794)
Chapitre III – La République désenchantée (1794-1799)
Chapitre IV – Le crépuscule républicain (1799-1814)

Titre II - La République incertaine (1814-1870)
Chapitre I – La nuit républicaine (1814-1848)
Sous-chapitre I – La République sous la Restauration (1814-1830)
Sous-chapitre II – La monarchie de Juillet : la « meilleure des Républiques » ?
Chapitre II – La Deuxième République ou le Janus républicain (1848-1852)
Chapitre III – La gestation d’une troisième République : les Républicains à l’épreuve du Second Empire (1852-1870)

Titre III La consécration républicaine (1870-1919)
Chapitre I – Naissance de la IIIe République (1870-1879)
Chapitre II – La « période athénienne » : le sacre du Républicanisme libéral (1879-1885)
Chapitre III – Des « Opportunistes » aux « Progressistes » : la première « République du Centre » (1885-1899)
Chapitre IV – L’enracinement républicain : de la « Défense républicaine » à la Victoire (1899-1918)

Titre IV Heurs et malheurs républicains – De 1919 à la Ve République
Chapitre I – Le « Bas Empire » de la République (1919-1940)
Chapitre II – Agonie, Exil et Restauration de la République (1940-1946)
Chapitre III – La Ive République ou la rémanence du « Bas Empire » républicain (1947-1958) ?
Chapitre IV – La grande synthèse – Les fondations de la Ve République
« Normalisation », mutations, dénaturations ?

More information with the publisher

CALL FOR PUBLICATIONS: Canadian State Trials Volume 5 (DEADLINE 15 SEPTEMBER 2018)

Via H-Announce, we have a call for publications for Canadian State Trials Volume 5, which will focus on 20th century Canadian legal history. Here the call 

Call for Publications

June 1, 2018 to September 15, 2018


Subject Fields:
Canadian History / Studies, Labor History / Studies, Law and Legal History, Military History, Native American History / Studies

Editors Susan Binnie, Eric Tucker and Barry Wright are planning the fifth volume of the Canadian State Trials series and invite expressions of interest and proposals for chapter contributions. Volume 5 will examine Canadian political trials, national security measures and related legal developments and proceedings for the period c.1939 to the 1980s or early 1990s. We seek scholarly studies that balance historical and legal analyses. Context for these studies may include a comparative perspective that refers to other jurisdictions. Collaborative work is welcome.

We anticipate that the volume will include chapters on the following topics or on related matters: the administration of the Canadian War Measures Act and military justice in the second World War; developments during the Cold War including the Gouzenko Affair, the Official Secrets Act and the Emergency Powers Act 1951; organized labour and the resort to political policing and criminal proceedings; indigenous assertions of rights and resistance to continuing Canadian state impingement; national unity and Felquiste trials (Front de Libération du Québec) 1962-72; and the aftermath of the October Crisis 1970, and the McDonald Royal Commission.

The editors welcome expressions of interest from academics including doctoral students. Please contact one of the editors directly at or or to obtain a full version of the Call for Expressions of Interest and/or Chapter Proposals. The shape of the volume will be settled immediately after the deadline of September 15, 2018.

Contact Info:
Dr. Susan Binnie, P.O.Box 100, Pontypool, Ontario, Canada L0L 2H0, or Professor Eric Tucker, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3, or Professor Barry Wright, Associate Dean and Director - Arthur Kroger College of Public Affairs, Loeb Building Room D119, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6

Contact Email:

(Source: H-Announce)

26 June 2018

CALL FOR PANELS/PAPERS: Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe (Madrid: 20-22 JUN 2019); DEADLINE 5 OCT 2018

(image source: UC3M)
The Council for European Studies (CES) at Columbia University invites proposal submissions for the 26thth International Conference of Europeanists on the themes of Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe. The conference will be held at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid on June 20-22, 2019.
Conference Information:
Sovereignty is at the crux of current developments in Europe and at the center of political debate—of which the 2016 referendum on Brexit is just one example.  The claim to regain national sovereignty vis-a-vis EU policy-making is common to populist movements throughout Europe today, and it currently dominates the rhetoric of the national governments of Hungary and Poland as well.  Anxieties about sovereignty are also key to understanding the demands put forward by regional entities such as Scotland, Catalonia, and Lombardy.

These fights for new forms of sovereignty – or the restoration of old ones – are surprising, even bewildering, to those who imagined that the process of European integration would render the concept of sovereignty obsolete.  Yet recent developments clearly show that sovereignty again has become a crucial concept in political, social and cultural fields.  It is increasingly invoked not only by regions, nations, and Europe itself, but also by minority populations, marginalized groups, and even individuals as the reason justifying their claims of self-governance, emancipation, or political empowerment.

Recent developments and the material challenges that complicate them – globalization, the digital revolution, mobility – call upon us to reflect on the motives, polities, concepts, and rhetorics of sovereignty more profoundly and, given the complexity of the challenges, to seek fresh approaches that transcend disciplinary boundaries.  “Sovereignties in Contention in Europe: Nations, Regions and Citizens” aims to provide an opportunity to bridge the gap between different models for the study of sovereignty: from a governmental and institutional perspective to looking at bottom-up processes, from socio-economic and legal aspects to questions of identity, nationhood, and historical memory.
Submission Information:
We particularly welcome proposals in these areas, including cross-thematic and interdisciplinary papers, as well as proposals in other areas relevant to contemporary Europe.
Proposals may be submitted from August 10 to October 5, 2018. Priority will be given to panel submissions. Participants will be notified of the Program Committee’s decision by December 14, 2018.

Information on how to submit proposals will be posted on the CES website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter visit:
.  For information on how to submit a proposal, please consult the Submission Help page or our newsletter.
For more details:

Founded in 1970, the Council for European Studies (CES) produces, supports, and recognizes outstanding, multi-disciplinary research on Europe through a wide range of programs and initiatives.

(source: H-Diplo)

25 June 2018

BOOK: Sebastiaan VANDENBOGAERDE, Vectoren van het recht. Geschiedenis van de Belgische juridische tijdschriften [Justitie & samenleving/Justice & Société eds. Dirk HEIRBAUT & Xavier ROUSSEAUX] (Bruges: dieKeure/la Charte, 2018), 444 p. ISBN 9789048632626, € 75

(image source: die Keure)

Book abstract:

This book searches for the roots, the actors and the most significant topics in Belgium’s legal periodicals published since 1830. In its etymological sense legal periodicals are vectors of law. They carry legal information, whether it be case-law, legislation or doctrine to the reader. The periodical press surpasses the carrier-function since editors have a certain goal in mind, which might be politically inspired. This means that the selection of contributions is seldom neutral. Through their publications, editorial boards and authors have the possibility to influence the readership, in this case legal professionals. It allows legal titles to shape law and legal practices. Central questions are: who are the actors in the journals? What is their background and which goals do they want to achieve? How do editors want to fulfil their objectives and do they succeed? How are different legal titles related to each other? And are they vectors of law?w?
More information with the publisher.

JOURNAL: The Journal of Legal History XXXIX (2018), No. 2

(image source: Uni Glasgow)

‘The Right to Shoot Himself’: Secession in the British Commonwealth of Nations (Donnal K. Coffey)
Judging a Judge: A Reappraisal of Lord Mansfield and Somerset’s Case (Alexander Jackman)
The Failure of the First Income Tax: A Tale of Commercial Tax Evaders? (Katherine Cousins)
Constitutional Rights in the Irish Home Rule Bill of 1893 (Tom Allen)

Book reviews:
Lawyers' Empire, Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950 (Catharine MacMillan)
Law in Theory and History: New Essays on a Neglected Dialogue (Cerian Charlotte Griffiths)
Constitution-making in Asia: Decolonisation and State-building in the Aftermath of the British Empire (Donnal Coffey)
(source: Routledge)

24 June 2018

BOOK: Bruce A. ACKERMAN, We the People, Volume 3: The Civil Rights Revolution (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018). ISBN 9780674983946, €20.00

Next month, Harvard University Press will publish Bruce Ackerman’s third volume of “We the People”. The 3rd volume focuses on the Civil Rights Revolution of the 20th century in the United States.


The Civil Rights Revolution carries Bruce Ackerman’s sweeping reinterpretation of constitutional history into the era beginning with Brown v. Board of Education. From Rosa Parks’s courageous defiance, to Martin Luther King’s resounding cadences in “I Have a Dream,” to Lyndon Johnson’s leadership of Congress, to the Supreme Court’s decisions redefining the meaning of equality, the movement to end racial discrimination decisively changed our understanding of the Constitution.
Ackerman anchors his discussion in the landmark statutes of the 1960s: the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Challenging conventional legal analysis and arguing instead that constitutional politics won the day, he describes the complex interactions among branches of government—and also between government and the ordinary people who participated in the struggle. He showcases leaders such as Everett Dirksen, Hubert Humphrey, and Richard Nixon who insisted on real change, not just formal equality, for blacks and other minorities.

The Civil Rights Revolution transformed the Constitution, but not through judicial activism or Article V amendments. The breakthrough was the passage of laws that ended the institutionalized humiliations of Jim Crow and ensured equal rights at work, in schools, and in the voting booth. This legislation gained congressional approval only because of the mobilized support of the American people—and their principles deserve a central place in the nation’s history. Ackerman’s arguments are especially important at a time when the Roberts Court is actively undermining major achievements of America’s Second Reconstruction.


Bruce Ackerman is Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale University.


Introduction: Confronting the Twentieth Century
I. Defining the Canon
1. Are We a Nation?
2. The Living Constitution
3. The Assassin’s Bullet
4. The New Deal Transformed
5. The Turning Point
6. Erasure by Judiciary?
II. Landmarks of Reconstruction
7. Spheres of Humiliation
8. Spheres of Calculation
9. Technocracy in the Workplace
10. The Breakthrough of 1968
III. Dilemmas of Judicial Leadership
11. Brown’s Fate
12. The Switch in Time
13. Spheres of Intimacy
14. Betrayal?

More information with the publisher