
28 February 2012

NOTICE: Edinburgh Roman Law Group

Centre for Legal History


The next meeting of the Group will be held on Friday 16 March 2012 at 5.30 p.m. when

Professor Dr. Andreas Thier

Professor of Legal History, Canon Law, Legal Theory and Private Law at the University of Zurich

will speak on

The prince's power over money and medieval canon law
Lorimer Room, Old College
University of Edinburgh

All welcome

It would be of great assistance if you would email Dr. Paul du Plessis ( or write or telephone to him at the School of Law, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL, U.K. ((0)131 6509701), if you wish to join us afterwards for dinner “aux frais des participants”.

NOTICE: Revista Aequitas. Estudios sobre Historia, Derecho e Instituciones

The Revista Aequitas. Estudios sobre Historia, Derecho e Instituciones has been created by the Asociación Veritas para el Estudio de la Historia, el Derecho y las Instituciones (Veritas Association for the Study of History, Law and Institutions).

The field of study of the journal aims to cover as broad as its name suggests: history, law and institutions and, in particular, the interrelationships between these three fields of study.

In terms of geographical frame, studies about Spanish or Hispanic History, Law and Institutions will be preferred, but not in an exclusive manner. Topics related to other nations will be published in the Revista Aequitas if the studies are presented in Spanish or any other language commonly used to spread knowledge, science and culture, in order to ensure that the text can be accessed by a reasonable number of readers.

The journal is published on an annual basis.

NOTICE: Seeking Doctoral Research Fellows on Canon Law, Moral Theology and Conflict Resolution in the Early Modern Period

Doctoral Research Fellows (Junior Research Group)

The Junior Research Group “Canon Law, Moral Theology and Conflict Resolution in the Early Modern Period” within the LOEWE Research Focus “Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution” (Frankfurt am Main) is seeking to employ, to start 01.08.2012, four Doctoral Research Fellows (E 13/2 TVöD-Bund) settled at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, for a limited period to 31.12.2014.

The members of the Junior Research Group will be expected to collaborate with the other participants in the LOEWE Research Focus, which is a joint, interdisciplinary research project supported by the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History and the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt am Main. The LOEWE Project is funded as part of the State of Hessen’s Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence. You will find more information on the LOEWE Research Focus on It pursues the interdisciplinary and international analysis of conflicts and conflict resolution from a comparative, historical, and contemporary perspective.

23 February 2012

NOTICE: The 66th Conference of the Société Internationale ‘Fernand de Visscher’ pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA)

The 66th Conference of the Société Internationale ‘Fernand de Visscher’ pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA) will be held in Oxford from 18-22 September.

The theme is 'Reception of Law', which allows for any reception of law. Yet … contributions on the reception of Roman Law after 1100 are particularly welcome …. After all the title of our association contains the words 'de l'Histoire'. Still, papers on any subject are, as usual in our association, always welcome as long as they relate in some way to the name of our association.

For additional information, see the conference website or Boudewijn Sirks (Regius Professor of Civil Law, University of Oxford) at

WANTED: Legal History Blog Facebook Page Administrator

The Legal History Blog seeks a Facebook Page Administrator

We are looking for an administrator for the Legal History Blog Facebook page to manage page content and maintain daily updates and features. These tasks do not demand a substantial time commitment, but require consistent and daily attention. This is a great opportunity for a graduate student, but expressions of interest from any legal historian with basic Facebook knowledge are welcome. You should have experience using Facebook and have a personal profile, but you need not have experience administering a page. Ideally, we are looking for someone who can commit to working with the page for a year.

If you are interested, please contact Clara Altman at  with a copy of your cv and a brief description of your experience as a legal historian.

17 February 2012

RE: Crime and Criminal Process in Historical Perspective & The Confederate’s Last Battle: Judah Benjamin’s legal defence of Confederate assets in England

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and the London Legal History Seminar, warmly invites you and your colleagues to attend an afternoon on:


- HENRY MARES, University of Oxford on Star Chamber, King's Bench and the Criminal Information of the Attorney General in the Seventeenth Century
- DR RUTH PALEY, History of Parliament, on Uncovering the History of Certiorari. 
- PHIL HANDLER, University of Manchester, on Intoxication and Criminal Responsibility in Nineteenth Century England. 

Chair: Professor Michael Lobban, Queen Mary, University of London.

Date: Friday 24 February, 2pm to 5pm 

To Register:  This event is free but those wishing to attend are asked to register in advance by emailing:

Speaker:  CATHARINE MACMILLAN, Queen Mary, University of London; IALS Visiting Fellow.

Date: Friday 23 March 2012, 6pm

To register email:    

The venue for both events is the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR.