
26 September 2012

NOTICE: International Conference „Lithuania – Poland – Sweden: European dynastic unions and historical-cultural ties“ (4-5 October 2012, Vilnius-Lithuania)

October 4, 2012 marks the 450th anniversary of the marriage in Vilnius of Catherine Jagiellon (1526–1583), the sister of the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund Augustus, to the Duke of Finland John Vasa (1537–1592). 
This international conference will commemorate the 450th anniversary of this dynastic union. It will be devoted to the European dynasties of the late Medieval and early Modern eras: the ties between them, their impact on state politics, social and cultural development.

For more information, please visit here

NOTICE: International scientific conference "The Quality of Legal Acts and its Importance in Contemporary Legal Space" (4-5 October 2012, Riga-Latvia).

On 4 and 5 October, 2012 the University of Latvia Faculty of Law will hold an international scientific conference “The Quality of Legal Acts and its Importance in Contemporary Legal Space”. The Conference will focus upon both the drafting of legal acts and analysis of the quality of their content.

For more information, please visit

NOTICE: Lithuanian – Polish Seminar ( LPS ) (21 – 28 October 2012, Kaunas-Lithuania)

Endless (Re)construction of Nations in the Space of Grand Duchy of Lithuania

First Lithuanian – Polish Seminar, devoted to students and PhDs from Poland and Lithuania will take place between 21 – 28 October 2012 in Kaunas. The aim of the LPS is to conduct a debate on relations between Poland and Lithuania and about history and present of Central and Eastern Europe.

For more information, please visit organizers website and

Contact person

Maciej Makulski
Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka - Jeziorańskiego we Wrocławiu.
pl. Biskupa Nankiera 17
50-140 Wrocław
tel. +48 691 849 726

NOTICE: The ESCLH Van Caenegem Prize

The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) President and Executive Council are pleased to announce the first ESCLH Van Caenegem Prize competition.

The prize will be awarded to a young legal historian deemed to have written the best article in Comparative Legal History, the ESCLH journal, in the two years before ESCLH conferences.

The details of the prize are as follows:

The Van Caenegem Prize

Art. 1 The Van Caenegem prize, named in honour of Raoul Charles Van Caenegem, a pioneering author in the field of comparative legal history, is awarded to the young legal historian(s) who wrote the best article published in the Society's journal, Comparative Legal History, in the two years preceding the Society's Conference at which the prize is to be awarded.

Art. 2 The Society awards the prize on the recommendation of the Van Caenegem Prize Committee. The committee consists of a president and four members. The president of the Society's Advisory Board serves as president of the Committee. The Society's Executive Council appoints members in the year before the award ceremony to serve until the prize is awarded. Two members must belong to the Society's Advisory Board. Two members will be chosen from the organisers of the Young Legal Historians Forum which took place within two years of the appointment of the Prize Committee. All members must have a different nationality. The Society's president can, by appointment, fill a vacancy on the Prize Committee.  The Executive Council must announce the Prize Committee’s nominations in the Society's blog and journal, before the Committee recommends a winner to the Society.

Art. 3 After reviewing the articles and consulting the editor and articles editor of Comparative Legal History, a majority of votes determines the winner. If articles receive the same number of votes, the Chairman may call for a second vote; if the votes remain equal on the second vote, the prize is shared by all the authors. A member cannot vote if the vote concerns a relative within the fifth degree, a co-author of a publication or co-applicant of a project or the author is or has been an employee or grantholder at the same institution.

Art. 4 To be eligible for the prize each author must not have reached the age of 38 on 1 January of the year of the award ceremony and must not have previously received it.

Art. 5 Co-authors share the prize.

Art. 6 The prize is awarded by the Society's president at the Society's Conference where the author will be given the chance to introduce the paper.  The award of the prize will be announced in the Society's blog and in the call for papers for the Conference.

Art. 7 The prize consists of a sum to be determined by the Executive Council and a certificate. The Prize Committee will write a one page report, detailing the academic qualities and importance of the article, for publication in the Society's Journal after the Conference. The president and the members of the Committee cannot communicate with those outside the Committee in any other way about their decision.

Art. 8 The first van Caenegem prize will be awarded at the Society's conference in 2014. Exceptionally, manuscripts accepted for publication in Comparative Legal History, but not yet published in 2013 will also be considered. Any manuscript submitted for the prize to be awarded in 2014 will not be considered for the prize to be awarded in 2016.

Art. 9 Any dispute in respect of a Van Caenegem Prize must be submitted to the president of the Society whose determination is final.

Potential authors should consult the submission information on the ESCLH blog and on the Comparative Legal History site.

25 September 2012

NOTICE: ARISTEC seminar, University of Trier (26-27 October 2012)

"Rechtseinheit und Subsidiarität"

What: ARISTEC international seminar

When: 26-27 October 2012

Where: University of Trier (Germany), Campus II, K 101

For information and registration:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rüfner
Address: Universität Trier – FB V, 54286 Trier
Tel.: ++49 / 651-201 2563 oder 2564
Fax: ++49 / 651-201-3838

To read the program, click here  

REMINDER: Articles sought for Comparative Legal History, the official journal of the European Society for Comparative Legal History

Contributors interested in being in the early issues of Comparative Legal History (CLH) should contact the editors as soon as possible!

The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) has agreed with Hart Publishing (UK) to produce a new journal. Comparative Legal History (CLH), an international and comparative review of law and history, will be the official journal of the ESCLH

The journal will be published, both online and in print, twice a year, appearing in the spring and the autumn. The first issue will appear in Spring 2013:

Articles will explore both 'internal' legal history (doctrinal and disciplinary developments in the law) and 'external' legal history (legal ideas and institutions in wider contexts). Rooted in the complexity of the various Western legal traditions worldwide, the journal will also investigate other laws and customs from around the globe. Comparisons may be either temporal or geographical and both legal and other law-like normative traditions will be considered. Scholarship on comparative and trans-national historiography, including trans-disciplinary approaches, is particularly welcome.

The Editors welcome scholarly submissions in the English language:

To submit an article please contact Articles Editor Heikki Pihlajamäki ( The optimal length for articles is between 7500 to 15000 words, including footnotes. All articles are submitted to double blind peer review.

To propose a review, please contact Reviews Editor Agustin Parise ( Book reviews will generally range from 1500 to 2500 words. Review articles will also be considered.

The Hart website also has information on the Editors (both the Editorial Staff and International Editorial Board), an Email alert service of the 'Table of Contents', and subscription information. 

Note that a special arrangement between the ESCLH and Hart has been made to ensure that, beginning next year, ESCLH membership fees will include a subscription to CLH.

Potential contributors should pay special attention to the ‘Notes for Contributors on the website. In particular, contributors whose first language is not English are strongly advised to have their papers edited by native Anglophone scholars in advance of their submission to ensure a clear presentation of their ideas and an accurate appraisal of their work.

Finally, note that CLH isn't likely to include short articles in its first few issues.  

Spread the word. 

23 September 2012

NOTICE: Seminar on "Civitas, iura, arma" (University of Cagliari, Italy, 5-6 October 2012)

The Department of Law of the University of Cagliari (Italy) will host, on the 5th and 6th October 2012, an international seminar entitled "Civitas, iura, arma. Organizzazioni militari, istituzioni giuridiche e strutture sociali alle origini dell'Europa (sec. III-VIII)".
The seminar will take place in the Aula Arcari of the Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza according to the follwing schedule:

Friday 5 October 2012:
4:00 pm: Chairman: Francesco Sitzia
                Introduction: Luca Loschiavo
                Il problema dei laeti (Valerio Marotta)
                Loi salique et droit militaire romain (Jean-Pierre Poly)
                I capti ab hostibus salvati dall’esercito (Maria Virginia Sanna)
                Das Militärstrafrecht der Lex Baiuvariorum (Stefan Esders)

Saturday 6 October 2012
9.00 am: Chairman: Emanuele Conte
                En torno a Lex Visigothorum 9,2: De his, qui ad bellum non vadunt aut de bello    
                refugiunt (Esperanza Osaba Garcia)

                Conclusions and introduction to the round-table: Fabio Botta
Gisella Bassanelli, Maria Josè Bravo Bosch, Giuseppina De Giudici, Elio Dovere, Riccardo Fercia, Eugenia Franciosi, Paolo Garbarino, Stefano Gasparri, Giovanna Mancini, Elvira Migliario, Pietro Paolo Onida, Pierfrancesco Porena, Salvatore Puliatti, Francesco Sini, Emanuele Stolfi.
Organization: Elisabetta Oro,, +39 070 6753044

17 September 2012

NOTICE: 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies (September 28-30 2012, Kaunas - Lithuania)

The Consortium of Belarusian and Lithuanian organisations under the auspices of the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and "Political Sphere" Institute (Belarus) is organising the 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies, that will be held on September 28-30, 2012 in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Around 200 scholars from around the world, engaged in studying Belarus and East-Central Europe region, are expected to participate. The Congress will bring together researches of social sciences and humanities, and offer the discussion of regional development issues, Belarus relations with other countries, and other topical problems. 

For more information, please visit here

NOTICE: 25th International Baltic Conference on the History of Science (October 4-6 2012, Vilnius - Lithuania)


The 25th International Baltic Conference on the History of Science will be held in Vilnius, October 4-6, 2012. 
For more information, please visit here 
To download the program, click here

13 September 2012

FINAL REMINDER - CALL FOR PAPERS: UK IVR CONFERENCE, 12-13 April 2013, Queen Mary, University of London


Deadline: 1 October 2012


Apart from some notable exceptions, much of contemporary legal theory is uninformed by history, including legal history. This is deeply regrettable, for legal theories may be vastly improved by being informed, and perhaps more importantly, challenged by historical contexts. Theories of law, one might say, are better if they are forged at the coal-face of historical research. Similarly, one could argue that legal histories are better when they draw on, and themselves contribute to, the conceptual resources of legal theory. Somewhat more radically, if one agrees law does not have a nature, but a culture, then one must account for how the culture of law changes, and has changed, over time. This, by necessity, demands a historically-informed methodology. Similarly, the problem of change is an unavoidable one in legal theory, whether that be change in legal regimes or changes in certain areas of the law – here, again, the resources of history, including the philosophy of history, are invaluable. Putting things a little more colourfully, one could say that legal ideas cannot but be understood historically. Further, legal theory has, of course, its own history: legal theories are not disconnected islands, but rather interventions in a long series of dialogues and polylogues amongst theorists. As many have observed, and described, legal theory’s history needs to be informed not only by such dialogues and polylogues amongst theorists, but also by awareness of the theorist’s immersion in political, economic and other conditions of his or her time and place – there, once more, a serious engagement with history is important. This conference - the annual conference of the UK Branch of the IVR (International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy) - is designed to bring together legal theorists and legal historians (including historians of legal theory and political thought) in an attempt to facilitate and encourage dialogue between the two disciplines.

The event is hosted by the Queen Mary Legal Theory and Legal History Research Group:

11 September 2012

NOTICE: Conference on "The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years. Citizenship and empire in Europe, 200-1900"

The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years. Citizenship and empire in Europe, 200-1900

20-22 September 2012
Rome:British School, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut, American Academy 

Thursday 20 September
British School at Rome, Via Gramsci 61
10:00-1:00 First Session. Chair: Olivier Hekster (Nijmegen)
10:00 Reception and welcome: Christopher Smith (St. Andrews and BSR)
10:30 Opening remarks: Clifford Ando (Chicago)
11:00-12:00 Ari Bryen (West Virginia): Reading the citizenship papyrus
12:00-1:00 Anna Dolganov (Princeton): Res publicae in the African countryside and the ideology of empire on   the eve of the Constitutio Antoniniana
1:00-3:00 LUNCH
3:00-6:00 Second Session. Chair: Olivier Hekster
3:00-4:00 Georgy Kantor (Oxford): Local law in Asia Minor after the Constitutio Antoniniana
4:00 Coffee
4:15-5:15 Claudia Moatti (Paris/USC): Respublica after the extension of citizenship
5:15-6:15 Hervé Inglebert (Paris): Les réflexions chrétiennes sur la citoyenneté romaine (200- 430)

Friday 21 September
Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome, Via Omero 10/12

10:00 Welcome: Gert-Jan Burgers (VU Amsterdam and KNIR)
10:00-12:00 Third session. Chair: Ruth Abbey (Notre Dame)
10:00-11:00 Daniel Lee (Toronto): Bodin on citizenship and status
11:00 Coffee
11:15-12:15 Anthony Pagden (UCLA): War, sovereignty and Roman citizenship from Alberico Gentili to Henry Sumner Maine

12:15-3:00 LUNCH

3:00-6:00 Fourth Session. Chair: Ruth Abbey
3:00-4:00 Jean-Frédéric Schaub (EHESS): Monarquía católica: between universalism and racial fragmentation
4:00 Coffee
4:15-5:15 António Manuel Hespanha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): The status personae in the Portuguese colonial empire5:15-6:15 Luigi Lacchè (Macerata): Expanding citizenship: French experience around the Code
6:15 Drinks at the Dutch Institute


Saturday 22 September
American Academy in Rome, Via Angelo Masina 5

10:00 Welcome: Kimberly Bowes (AAR and UPenn)
10:00-1:00 Fifth Session. Chair: Anne McGinness (Notre Dame)
10:00-11:00 Josep M. Fradero (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Turning an empire into a nation: The universal citizenship of Cadiz, 1812, qualified
11:00 Coffee
11:15-12:15 Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Civil law in the overseas: universalism, legal pluralism and citizenship in nineteenth century Portuguese Empire.
12:15-1:00 Commentary by Greg Woolf and David Nirenberg

THE CONFERENCE IS SPONSORED BY the Hellen Kellogg Institute for International Studies and Nanovic Institute, University of Notre Dame; the Center for the Study of Ancient Religions and Division of
Humanities, University of Chicago; the Faculty of Arts, Radboud University; the Koninklijk Nederlands
Instituut Rome; and the Loeb Classical Library Foundation, Harvard University.

For information please contact Clifford Ando ( or Anne McGinness

To download the program, click here

10 September 2012

New Journal: Rechtskultur - Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte/European Journal of Legal History/Journal européen d'histoire du droit

The first issue of a new European, tri-lingual journal on Legal Culture, has just been published, around the central theme "Justizgeschichte des Bürgerlichen Zeitalters - Legal History of the Bourgeois Era - Histoire de la justice à l'époque Bourgeoise".

  • Ulrike Müßig (Passau): Der Kampf um die gerichtliche Selbstverwaltung in der Entstehungsgeschichte des GVG 
  • Matthias Kradolfer (Zürich): Die „Freiherren von Regensberg“: Eine Komödie über Justiz und Politik 
  • Bruno Debaenst (Gent): Laborers in the courtroom: from a rock to a hard place? 
  • Christian Thomas Huber (Neustadt): Der Schutz feindstaatangehöriger Zivilisten durch deutsche Militärgerichte 1939 - 1945 
  • Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (Bergen): Dissenting votes in the Norwegian Supreme Court 1965-2009: A legal cultural analysis 
  • Katharina Theobaldy/Fabian Meyer (Regensburg): Überwachen und Strafen in einem bayerischen Zuchthaus des 19. Jahrhunderts 
  •  Sánchez de Andrés (Michuacan): Die Beratungsorgane der spanischen ​Kolonialverwaltung 1863-1899 
  • Jan Dirk Harke (Würzburg): Rapport de synthèse 
  • Marcel Senn (Zürich): Debatte/debat/debate: Wozu sind Juristen auszubilden?

Editorial Board:
Prof. Ignacio Czeguhn (FU Berlin)
Prof. Lukas Gschwend (St. Gallen)
Prof. Dirk Heirbaut (Gent)
Prof. Martin Löhnig (Regensburg)
Prof. Antonio Sánchez Aranda (Granada)

More information on

08 September 2012

NOTICE: Law, Lawyers and Texts

"Law, Lawyers and Texts. Studies in Medieval Legal History in Honour of Paul Brand", Ed. by Susanne Jenks, Jonathan Rose and Christopher Whittick, BRILL, 2012.

The essays in this volume in honour of Paul Brand, Senior Research Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, match his career and interests in the world of legal history as well as medieval social and economic history and textual studies. The topics explored include the Angevin reforms, legal literature, the legal profession and judiciary, land law, the relation between the crown and the Jews, the interaction of the Common Law with Canon and Civil Law, as well as procedural and testamentary procedures, the management of both ecclesiastical and lay estates and the afterlife of medieval learning. Like Brand’s own work, all the essays are grounded on detailed studies of primary sources. The result is a high quality scholarly book that will be of interest and use to medieval scholars, students and non-specialists with wide-ranging and varied interests.
To read more about the volume click here

NOTICE: International Francqui Professor Chair 2011-2012 (VUB & UGent)

International Francqui Professor Chair 2011-2012: Heikki Pihlajamäki 

What: Inaugural Lecture "Lay Judges in Criminal Trials: Historical Remnants or Living Law? Comparative Remarks on Western Legal History"
When: Wednesday, 24 October, 2012 - 18:00

Where: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Etterbeek (Brussels, Belgium)
Aula QD

The Francqui Foundation invites scientists from abroad to stay and work at Belgian universities. Two or more of those universities may propose an exceptional scientist, for the International Francqui Professor Chair.  The holder stays six months at the hosting universities, where he participates in scientific life. He will work with experts in his field, and with doctoral students. The stay culminates in a conference. Professor Heikki Pihlajamäki was granted the chair 2011-12, on the proposal of the Faculties of Law of Ghent University and of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Professor Pihlajamäki is professor of comparative legal history at the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki, and he is one of the leading legal historians and comparative lawyers in Northern Europe. He has published many books, peer-reviewed articles and contributions on legal-historical themes of the early modern period, but also on other subjects and other eras. Professor Pihlajamäki is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt, and of the editorial board of four international legal history journals.
   18.00 :  Welcome by Prof. Paul Van Cauwenberge (Rector Ghent University)

   18.10 :  Prof. Dave De ruysscher (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) ‘Comparative Legal History: A Revival’

   18.20 :  Prof. Pierre van Moerbeke (Francqui Foundation) ‘Introduction of Prof. Heikki Pihlajamäki and handing over of the Francqui Medal’

   18.30 :  Prof. Heikki Pihlajamäki (University of Helsinki) ‘Lay Judges in Criminal Trials: Historical Remnants or Living Law? Comparative Remarks on Western Legal History’

   19.30 :  Closing remarks by Prof. Piet Taelman (Dean of the Faculty of Law of Ghent University)

   19.40 :  Reception

On the hosting Institute and department
The Ghent Legal History Institute (, which is part of the Department of Legal Theory and Legal History, continues the high-level research that was initiated in Ghent by famous legal historians like the late François-Louis Ganshof and by Raoul C. baron van Caenegem. It has taken a leading role in the research on such themes as feudal law, codifications, legal iconography and the history of the legal profession. The Institute hosts three full-time legal history professors, Prof. Dirk Heirbaut, Prof. Georges Martyn and Prof. Rik Opsommer. The Brussels Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Law ( houses among others the disciplines of legal history and comparative law. It has a strong tradition in comparative legal history, which was initiated there by the late John Gilissen, and in the history of public law (social and social security law, constitutional law), under the wings of Michel Magits. Currently, the Department has two full-time legal history professors, Prof. Machteld De Metsenaere and Prof. Dave De ruysscher.  
Please confirm your attendance via email to before 17 October 2012.

For more information, please click here  


05 September 2012

Call for Papers: 'Preparing for Death in Medieval and Early Modern Europe'

Picture: Giacomo Borlone de Buschis, "Danza macabra", Oratorio dei discipini in Clusone, Italy (1485)

What: Conference
Where: Helsinki, Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24
When: 14-15 March 2013

"The conference 'Preparing for Death in Medieval and Early Modern Europe' will investigate and explore the various ways and strategies medieval and early modern people used in attempting to prepare themselves and others - body, soul, property and memory - for the inevitable and omnipresent death. Although the timeframe is historical in order to achieve certain consistency, the conference aims at interdisciplinarity. Papers dealing with religious, legal, visual, cultural, political, and philosophical perspectives on preparing for death are welcome.
Those interested in giving a twenty-minute presentation at the conference are requested to submit a paper proposal (about 200 words) by 30 October 2012 to MIA KORPIOLA: mia.korpiola[at], Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki"

For more information click here