What: Conference
New World(s) of Faith: Religion and Law in Historical Perspective, 1500-2000
Where: University of Pennsylvania Law School, 3501 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19014
When: June 13 - 14, 2013
Deadline call for papers: 15 December 2012.
"New Worlds of Faith" will explore the ways that religion and law have functioned in the Americas, from colonial periods through 2000. Although we do not intend to limit proposals by such examples, we would be interested in papers on witchcraft prosecutions, citizenship and religious identity, protections (or not) for religious speech and worship, legal repression of indigenous faiths, and so on. The conference will focus on showcasing the work primarily of junior scholars, including both graduate students and untenured faculty, although senior scholars' work will also be welcome. This conference, one of a series begun in 2007, is co-sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Law School and History Department, the University of Minnesota, University of Illinois, and University of Michigan Law Schools, and the University of Chicago History Department.
Interested participants should submit a proposal of no more than 300 words, in Word format, accompanied by a cv of no more than 3 pages. While proposals for entire panels will also be accepted for consideration, they are by no means required. All proposals are due by 15 December 2012. Applicants will be notified by email no later than 1 February 2013 whether their proposals have been accepted for presentation. No previously published work will be accepted, as the conference is designed to provide a forum for productive and supportive discussion of works in progress.
Accepted participants will be required to submit a full paper, in Word format, of no more than 10,000 words by 1 May 2013. All papers will be pre-circulated on a password-protected website, and read by all participants. While the convenors cannot promise to meet all travel expenses for each participant, there will be a modest travel and accommodations budget provided for all presenters and commentators. The convenors are also interested in hearing from senior scholars who may be interested in commenting or chairing panels.
All proposals and expressions of interest should be sent to Anna Gavin, Faculty Events Coordinator,
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