
31 August 2014

BOOK: "Jews in Early Christian Law", J. V. Tolan, N. de Lange, L. Foschia, C. Nemo-Pekelman (eds.)

Jews in Early Christian Law 
Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries

379 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014

All information here

The sixth to eleventh centuries are a crucial formative period for Jewish communities in Byzantium and Latin Europe: this is also a period for which sources are scarce and about which historians have often had to speculate on the basis of scant evidence. The legal sources studied in this volume provide a relative wealth of textual material concerning Jews, and for certain areas and periods are the principal sources. While this makes them particularly valuable, it also makes their interpretation difficult, given the lack of corroborative sources.
The scholars whose work has been brought together in this volume shed light on this key period of the history of Jews and of Jewish-Christian relations, focusing on key sources of the period: Byzantine imperial law, the canons of church councils, papal bulls, royal legislation from the Visigoths or Carolingians, inscriptions, and narrative sources in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The picture that emerges from these studies is variegated. Some scholars, following Bernhard Blumenkranz, have depicted this period as one of relative tolerance towards Jews and Judaism; others have stressed the intolerance shown at key intervals by ecclesiastical authors, church councils and monarchs.
Yet perhaps more than revealing general tendencies towards "tolerance" or "intolerance", these studies bring to light the ways in which law in medieval societies serves a variety of purposes: from providing a theologically-based rationale for social tolerance, to attempting to regulate and restrict inter-religious contact, to using anti-Jewish rhetoric to assert the authority or legitimacy of one party of the Christian elite over and against another. This volume makes an important contribution not only to the history of medieval Jewish-Christian relations, but also to research on the uses and functions of law in medieval societies.

CFP: Criminal Law and Emotions in European Legal Cultures (Berlin, 2015)

What: Criminal Law and Emotions in European Legal Cultures. From 16th Century to the Present
Where: Center for the History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
When: 21-22 May 2015

Deadline: October 1st 2014

Laura Kounine
Gian Marco Vidor

Elizabeth Lunbeck (Vanderbilt University)
David Sabean (UCLA)

Roundtable Discussion
Dagmar Ellerbrock (MPIB/ TU Dresden)
Terry Maroney (Vanderbild University)

Legal institutions and jurists have often perceived themselves and promoted an image of their role and activity as essentially 'rational'. Yet, emotions have always been integral to the law, particularly in the case of criminal law. Emotions were and are taken explicitly or implicitly into consideration in legal debates, in law-making, in the codified norms and in their application, especially in relation to paramount categories such as free will, individual responsibility and culpability, or the aggravating and mitigating circumstances of a crime. Emotions could directly or indirectly play a role in defining what conduct was legally relevant, worthy of legal protection or in need of legal proscription; in why and how it was necessary to punish, and what feelings punishment was meant to evoke.
Legal scholars in the past did not shun the complex relationship between law and emotions. Yet it is in the last two decades that specialists from different disciplines, from law theory to psychology, from philosophy to history, have shown an increasing and lively interest in unravelling the role played by passions, feelings and sentiments in criminal law. Special attention has been focused on three key areas: norms, practices and people.
This two-day conference seeks to historicize the relationship between law and emotions, focusing on the period from the sixteenth century to the present. It aims to ask how legal definitions, categorizations and judgments were influenced by, and themselves influenced, moral and social codes; religious and ideological norms; scientific and medical expertise; and perceptions of the body, gender, age, social status. By examining the period between the sixteenth century and the present day, this conference also seeks to challenge and problematize the demarcation between the early modern and the modern period, looking at patterns and continuities, as well as points of fissure and change, in the relationship between law and emotions. In particular, it seeks to question the extent to which ideas about law and emotions fundamentally shifted around the eighteenth century—the traditional marker of the ‘modern’ period.
This conference will explore how legal professionals, as judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and other legal officials, handled different forms of knowledge about emotions in the practice of law, in accordance with, or in opposition to, general social and cultural attitudes and public opinion. It will further investigate the presence and absence—and their meanings—of emotions in the courtroom, as a fundamental aspect of criminal law practices. It will take into consideration not only the emotions which were shown, expected and provoked but also the ones which were repressed, controlled or proscribed by different legal actors and the public. Finally it will also include analysis of how legal understandings of emotions were portrayed in the media and in the wider society.
We invite submissions from scholars of different historical disciplines, working on early modern and modern periods and particularly encourage proposals from scholars working on Northern, Central and Eastern European countries, and the non-Western world.

The conference will be held in English.

Accommodation and travel expenses for those presenting will be covered by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. If you are interested in participating in this conference, please send us a proposal of no more than 300 words and a short CV by 1 October 2014 to

Papers should be no longer than 20 minutes, in order to allow time for questions and discussion.

For more information click HERE

30 August 2014

ARTICLE: S. Balossino on « Notaire et institutions communales dans la basse vallée du Rhône, XIIe-XIIIe siècles »

S. BALOSSINO, « Notaire et institutions communales dans la basse vallée du Rhône, XIIe-XIIIe siècles », in "Le notaire, entre métier et espace public en Europe (Moyen Âge – Temps modernes)", L. Faggion - A. Mailloux - L. Verdon (ed.), Aix-en-Provence, Presses de l’Université de Provence, 2008, p. 183-197

All information here

BOOK: "La legislazione antimagnatizia a Firenze", edited by Silvia Diacciati and Andrea Zorzi


Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale
edited by Silvia Diacciati - Andrea Zorzi, 2013, n. 36, pp. 382

All information here
Table of contents:
Ordinamenta Iustitie
Firenze, Archivio di Stato, Statuti del Comune di Firenze, 1 
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Fondo Nazionale, II, 1 153
Firenze, Archivio di Stato, Capitoli, Registri, 41
Firenze, Archivio di Stato, Statuti del Comune di Firenze, 2

ARTICLE: R. Gibbs on "The 13th-century development of illumination in Bolognese copies of the Decretals of Gregory IX"

R. GIBBS, "The 13th-century development of illumination in Bolognese copies of the Decretals of Gregory IX", in G.P. Brizzi, M.G. Tavoni, (ed.) "Dalla pecia all'e-book : libri per l'università : stampa, editoria, circolazione e lettura", Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Bologna, October 21-25 2008), CLUEB 2009, pp. 1-19 

BOOK: "Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean. Studies in Honour of John Pryor", Edited by Ruthy Gertwagen and Elizabeth Jeffreys

  • Edited by Ruthy Gertwagen, Haifa University, Israel, and Elizabeth Jeffreys, University of Oxford, UK
  • May, 2012
  • The cutting-edge papers in this collection reflect the wide areas to which John Pryor has made significant contributions in the course of his scholarly career. They are written by some of the world's most distinguished practitioners in the fields of Crusading history and the maritime history of the medieval Mediterranean. His colleagues, students and friends discuss questions including ship construction in the fourth and fifteenth centuries, navigation and harbourage in the eastern Mediterranean, trade in Fatimid Egypt and along the Iberian Peninsula, military and social issues arising among the crusaders during field campaigns, and wider aspects of medieval warfare. All those with an interest in any of these subjects, whether students or specialists, will need to consult this book.
all information here

29 August 2014


 Pictures: the certificate of the Van Caenem prize. Photo of Prof. em. dr. dr. h.c. mult. Raoul Van Caenegem congratulating Bram Delbecke.

To encourage promising young  researchers, the ESCLH established the Van Caenegem prize, named after  R.C. Van Caenegem a leading scholar  in the field of comparative legal history.  The prize is awarded biyearly to a young legal historian deemed to have written the best article in Comparative Legal History, the ESCLH journal, in the two years before ESCLH conferences.

On recommendation of the Van Caenegem Prize Committee the ESCLH has decided at its meeting in Macerata in July 2014 to give this prize to Bram Delbecke for his article

"The Political Offence and the Safeguarding of the Nation State: Constitutional Ideals, French Legal Standards and Belgian Legal Practice, 1830–70."

The members of the Van Caenegem Prize Committee were:  Kjell Åke Modéer (Lund) (president of the Committee), Thomas Duve (Frankfurt), Richard H. Helmholz (Chicago), Bruno Debaenst (Ghent) and  Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz (Vienna).

The motives of the Committee
“The article on the political offence and it's reproduction in the Belgium constitutional law is a convincing paper, which combines solid scholarship, readings of historical texts, with a clear question of great importance for the comparative constitutional history of Europe.  We regard it as an added value that he has brought up a problem within comparative constitutional law, also masterly handed by Raoul van Caenegem himself. Delbecke obviously masters his topic, he has both an eye for detail, while always keeping the general overview. Even if he concentrates on the legal aspects of his topic, he also contextualizes by putting the legal development in relation to socio-religious as well as economic questions. The dynamic, expressive way in which the article is written, demonstrates Bram Delbecke’s skilful approach to comparative European legal history. To sum up: It fits perfectly within the framework of “comparative legal history”.”

The board of the ESCLH wants to congratulate dr. Bram Delbecke for his fine piece of scholarship. The board and the editors of Comparative legal history call for other young legal historians who are eligible under the rules of the Van Caenegem prize to send manuscripts for review to the articles editor of Comparative legal history (

The prize consists of certificate and a sum of money.
(text: Dirk Heirbaut (Gent))

26 August 2014

CONFERENCE: Historiography and Sources of Commercial Law

Historiography and Sources of Commercial Law
Helsinki, September 1st – 3rd, 2014

“The Making of Commercial Law The Making of Commercial Law: Common Practices and National Legal Rules from the Early Modern to the Modern Period”
Project funded by the Academy of Finland and Finnish Cultural Foundation
Prof. Heikki Pihlajamäki, University of Helsinki; and the
Steering Group: Prof.  Albrecht Cordes (Frankfurt), Prof. Serge Dauchy (Lille) and Prof. Dave De ruysscher (Brussels)


Monday, 1 September 2014

Session 1: Sources and Commercial Law, 9.30-12.00, venue: Lecture room P545 (Faculty Meeting Room), Faculty of Law, Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3

Eberhard Isenmann: Legal, moral-theological and genuinely economic opinions on questions of trade and economy in 15th and early 16th century Germany
Dave De ruysscher: Merchant manuals as sources
Heikki Pihlajamäki: Constructing a Field of Law: The Birth of Commercial Law in Early Modern Sweden

CONFERENCE: What Kept the Holy Roman Empire Together: The Relationship Between Imperial and Local Jurisdiction in The Holy Roman Empire (Vienna, 2-3 October)

The Research Network on Jurisdiction in the Holy Roman Empire hosts an interesting two-day conference in Vienna, early in October.

Platform text:
Fragen nach dem Zusammen- und Wechselspiel von Reichs- und Territorialebene erscheinen aktueller denn je – insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der vor einigen Jahren geführten Debatte um die staatliche Qualität des Reiches.
Offen ist jedoch nach wie vor, welche Bedeutung nicht nur die Rechtsprechung, sondern auch die verschiedenartig ausgestalteten Gerichtsverfassungen bei der Verdichtung der Territorien in der Praxis spielten. Die verliehenen Exemtions- und Appellationsprivilegien bewirkten, dass zahlreiche reichsmittelbare Untertanen nur eingeschränkten oder gar keinen Zugang zum Kaiser als obersten Richter besaßen. Insbesondere große Reichsstände bemühten sich im Laufe der Frühen Neuzeit um eine weitgehende Herauslösung aus der Reichsgerichtsbarkeit. Kam es in den betreffenden Regionen zu parallelen (Rechts-)Entwicklungen oder ist gleichwohl mit wechselseitigen Einflüssen zu rechnen? Auf letztere weisen aktuelle rechtshistorische Forschungen zu territorialen Obergerichten hin, und es wird mit Bezugnahme auf die Reichsgerichtsbarkeit von einer integrierenden Wirkung der Reichsgerichte gesprochen.
Auf der anderen Seite zeigen neuere kulturgeschichtlich orientierte Arbeiten, dass das Reich mehr zusammenhielt als die Reichsverfassung und das Recht. So stellten Kommunikation und Repräsentation unverzichtbare Instrumente im Kampf um Statuserhalt und Prestigegewinn dar. Zudem waren in der ständedominierten Lehnsordnung des Heiligen Römischen Reiches der soziale Rang sowie die aktive Wahrnehmung von Privilegien oder von Statusansprüchen, die nicht oder nur partiell schriftlich fixiert waren, wesentliche Fundamente. Von Interesse sind daher nicht nur Herrschaftspraktiken, die im Einklang mit der Reichsverfassung und der Rechtsordnung standen, sondern auch jene, die neben oder gegen selbige (erfolgreich oder nicht) eingesetzt wurden. All diese Faktoren besaßen eine nicht zu unterschätzende Bedeutung bei der Um- und Durchsetzung von Herrschaft über „Land und Leute“.
Sich diesen Komponenten auf aktuelle Weise zu nähern, die Ansätze zusammenzuführen und danach zu fragen, was das Reich im Inneren zusammenhielt, ist das Anliegen der 13. Nachwuchstagung des Netzwerks Reichsgerichtsbarkeit.
All jene, die an der Erforschung der Reichsgerichte interessiert sind, sind sehr herzlich eingeladen!
Wir bitten um verbindliche Anmeldung unter bis zum 15. September 2014.
Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014
9.30 Uhr Empfang
10.00-11.00 Uhr
Begrüßung – Mag. Thomas Just, Direktor des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs
Grußwort – Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Oberhammer, Dekan der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien
Einführung – Dr. des. Alexander Denzler, Ellen Franke M. A., Britta Schneider M. A.
11.00-12.20 Uhr – Sektion 1
Das Reich und die Territorien – Patronage und Konkurrenz
Moderation – Avraham Siluk M. A. (Marburg)
Kommentar – Prof. Dr. Johannes Burkhardt (Augsburg)
Dr. Andreas Flurschütz da Cruz M. A. (Würzburg)
Kaiser oder Kurfürst? Rechtsprechung als Konfliktmedium. In der Konkurrenz zwischen Reich und Territorien
Sven Solterbeck M. A. (Münster)
„in regard Ihro hochgräflichen Excellenz von kaunitz=Rittberg“. Korruption und soziales Kapital am Reichskammergericht – ein Fallbeispiel
12.20-14.00 Uhr Mittagspause
14.00-15.00 Uhr
Führung durch das Magazin des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs, Erschließungsprojekt Reichshofratsakten (Wien)
15.00-17.00 Uhr – Sektion 2
Das Reich und die Territorien – Rechtsschutz in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten?
Moderation – Josef Bongartz (Würzburg)
Kommentar – Prof. Dr. Anette Baumann M. A. (Gießen/Wetzlar)
Dr. Christian Hillen (Bonn)
Reichsgericht als Rettungsring: Die Abtei Marienstatt gegen die Grafen von Sayn
Avraham Siluk M. A. (Marburg)
Zwischen Reich und Territorium. Strukturelle und konfessionelle Herausforderungen für die politische Organisation der Juden im Reformationszeitalter
Fabian Schulze M. A. (Augsburg)
Silent leges inter arma? Zur Rolle reichsrechtlicher Normen und Verfahrensweisen bei Kontributionsforderungen im Dreißigjährigen Krieg
17.00-17.30 Uhr – Pause
17.30-18.00 Uhr – Buchpräsentation
„Die Anatomie frühneuzeitlicher Imperien“ – Hofrat Prof. Dr. Leopold Auer in Ehren zugeeignet
19.00 Uhr – Öffentlicher Abendvortrag
Hörsaal 32, Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien, Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Wien
Moderation – Britta Schneider M. A. (Würzburg/Bamberg)
Kommentar – Prof. Dr. Miloš Vec (Wien)
Dr. Stephan Wendehorst (Gießen/Wien)
Das Völkerrecht: Sprengsatz oder Klammer für das Heilige Römische Reich?
Anschließend gemeinsames Abendessen
Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014
8.30-10.30 Uhr – Sektion 3
Das Reich und die Territorien – Appellationen als Rechtsschutzfaktor?
Moderation – Dr. Stefan Andreas Stodolkowitz (Lüneburg)
Kommentar – Prof. Dr. Thomas Simon (Wien)
Hendrik Baumbach M. A. (Marburg)
Aus dem Territorium an den Kaiser, und wieder zurück! Das Verhältnis zwischen Appellation und Kommission in der Zeit Friedrichs III. als Ausdruck kaiserlicher Konfliktverwaltung
PD Dr. Robert Riemer (Greifswald)
Ich mag dich …, ich mag dich nicht … Betrachtungen zum zuweilen schwierigen Verhältnis von territorialer Gerichtsbarkeit und Reichskammergericht
Ellen Franke M. A. (Berlin)
So fern und doch so nah. Ostfriesische Appellationen vor dem Reichshofrat 1648 bis 1740
10.30-11.00 Uhr Pause
11.00-12.20 Uhr – Sektion 4
Das Reich als Rechtsverband im Spiegel der rechtsgelehrten Literatur
Moderation – Dr. des. Alexander Denzler (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Kommentar – Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sellert (Göttingen)
Dr. Stefan Andreas Stodolkowitz (Lüneburg)
De novo iudicandi genere. Neue Wege des Zivilprozesses im 18. Jahrhundert
Dr. Nils Jörn (Wismar)
Eine Bibliothek als Bindeglied zwischen dem Alten Reich und Schweden?
12.20-14.00 Uhr Mittagspause
14.00-15.20 Uhr – Sektion 5
Das Reich als Lehns- und Untertanenverband
Moderation – Ellen Franke M. A. (Berlin)
Kommentar – Prof. Dr. Siegrid Westphal (Osnabrück)
Thomas Dorfner M. A. (Aachen)
Multiplikatoren des kaiserlichen Willens. Zur Bedeutung der Reichshofratsagenten bei Lehensinvestituren (1650–1750)
Ulrich Hausmann M. A. (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Ringen ums Recht: Supplikationen süddeutscher Untertanen als Schlüssel zur Reichs- und Territorialgerichtsbarkeit unter Kaiser Rudolf II. (1576–1612)
15.20-16.00 Uhr – Abschlussdiskussion
Josef Bongartz, Dr. des. Alexander Denzler, Ellen Franke M. A., Britta Schneider M. A., Dr. Stefan Andreas Stodolkowitz

Potential participants can register until 15 September 2014.

Source: HSozUKult.

20 August 2014

NOTICE: "Southern France Illuminated Juridical Manuscript Production", new Facebook page

A new Facebook page on the theme "Southern France Illuminated Juridical Manuscript Production"

Click here to see the page

An artistic crossroad between French “Midi”, Italy and Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Catalonia and Portugal) - 13th-14th centuries

The page has been created to share contents, especially publications, news, events, discoveries, related to the academic study of the southern France illuminated juridical manuscript production (13th-14th centuries) and it's directly linked to the current postdoctoral research project of Dr. Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH-UNL) on «Portuguese juridical manuscripts production and illumination between 14th and 15th centuries and theirs connections with manuscripts production and illumination in the French “Midi” (specially Toulouse, Avignon and Montpellier) and in the North-Mediterranean regions (Italy and Cataluña)», carried out within the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM: of the Nova University of Lisbon and funded by the FCT (SFRH / BPD / 74298 / 2010).

19 August 2014

SCHOLARSHIP: Two more post-doctoral fellowships in Paris (IFER/Fernand Braudel incoming programme) DEADLINE 30 SEPTEMBER

In the same category as the previous post, reports two more post-doctoral one year positions in the most beautiful city on earth:


Two post-doc fellowships are offered at the Collège d’études mondiales in Paris in connection with the Fernand Braudel incoming program.
These research stays are designed to enable researchers :
  • to carry out a research project in a host laboratory
  • to integrate scientific networks in France and other European countries
  • to build lasting partnerships between their home institution and the host institution. Applicant’s projects should match the areas of research of these institutions.
All social and human sciences are eligible. An interdisciplinary approach to research topics is encouraged. This programme is open to applicants from all countries, belonging to a foreign research centre, who wish to undertake a research residency in France.
The duration of the fellowship is 9 months (however, the length of the research stay can be adjusted if warranted for scientific reasons). Fellowship holders must start their research stay maximum 6 months after obtaining the grant. 

Guidelines submission

Candidates can apply to general fellowships and specific fellowships, offered by several research institutions and “Laboratories of excellence” (Labex) who are partners of the programme.
Applicants must have a PhD and reside outside France and belong to a non-French research institution (university, academy of sciences, or other research organism).
To apply please contact the Collège d’études mondiales scientific coordination:
Applications must be submitted electronically via the online application form soon available.
Applications may be completed in French or English
Before September 30, 2014
Online application platform is open from September 1 until September 30, 2014.

Documents required

  • Application form (to be completed online).
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • List of publications.
  • Detailed research project proposal (5-8 pages, plus a bibliography of 2 pages maximum).
  • Copy of doctoral diploma.
  • Summary of applicant’s doctoral dissertation (2 pages maximum)
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation from scientific scholars. These may be included in the online application or may be sent directly to one of the following address, by email; or by post: Fernand Braudel-IFER Fellowship Programme (please specify : incoming/outgoing) ; FMSH, Office 328 ; 190 avenue de France ; 75648 Paris Cedex 13, France.The applicant must tick the appropriate box on the online form indicating that the letters will arrive separately. Please ensure that letters are received before the close of the call for applications.
  • Letter of invitation from the director of the institution or research laboratory, agreeing to host the applicant for the duration of the fellowship

Selection process

Selection is based on examination of the application files.
The selection process is competitive.
Each application is evaluated by two independent experts and by a selection
The selection committee is made up of French and foreign experts.
Members of the selection committee choose applicants based on :
  • their scientific skills and their academic background
  • the appeal, quality and feasibility of their research project
  • the complementary fit between their project and research being carried out at the chosen host laboratory.
  • the letters of recommendation.
Timeline: 2 calls per year, in March and September.
The selection committee meets in June (for the March call) and in December (for the September call).
Results are announced in July for March Call and in January for September Call.

Legal status and obligations of fellowship recipients

FMSH ensures that fellows can work in an environment that is conducive to making  their research projects a success.
Selected applicants are classified as “FMSH postdoctoral fellows”; this is not an employment contract, but a fellowship that is non-taxable.
Incoming fellows are affiliated with two institutions :
  • A host laboratory (in Paris or another city in France), chosen by the fellow according to his/her project. The host laboratory (at a university or attached to the CNRS or an MSH institution belonging to the national MSH network) provides the fellow with the facilities needed to work, while integrating him/her into its teams and assisting him/her with the project.
  • At the same time, the fellow benefits from guest research status at FMSH. This status gives the fellow access to all FMSH’s facilities (library, Wi-Fi) and enables him/her to take part in FMSH’s scientific activities. Furthermore, FMSH helps its guest researchers to gain access to other scientific facilities in Paris or elsewhere in France (i.e. research centres, libraries, archives, museums, etc.). FMSH pays the deductibles for private medical/accident insurance for incoming fellows. Selected applicants are considered as “FMSH postdoctoral fellows”. This is not an employment contract, but a fellowship that is non-taxable. The amount of the fellowship is €2,000 (euros) per month.
This fellowship is awarded subject to the following conditions:
  • The recipient must be present at the host laboratory throughout the length of the fellowship.
  • The fellow must inform FMSH if, for any reason (i.e. illness, inability to enter or return to the host country, professional reasons, etc.), his/her stay is interrupted.
  • The fellow must submit a research report (3 pages) and a Working Paper (WP) at the end of the stay (following FMSH’s procedure for the publication of Working Papers and Position Papers).
  • The fellow must mention the support received from FMSH and the European Commission – Action Marie Curie COFUND in any and all publications that result from research carried out as part of this programme.
  • The fellow commits to respect the European charter for researchers (

SCHOLARSHIP: Two post-doctoral positions funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung at the Collège d'Études Mondiales (Paris). DEADLINE: 15 SEPTEMBER

(image source: reports that the Gerda Henkel Stiftung provides for two post-doctoral scholarships of 12 months in Paris, for two young researchers living outside of France.

As part of the partnership between the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the Collège d’études mondiales, two post-doctoral grants will be awarded, for a period of 12 months, to two young researchers living outside of France.


The Collège d’études mondiales is a center of exchange and reflexion for researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The institution faces head-on the methodological, epistemological and conceptual changes demanded of those who interpret contemporary phenomena.
These post-doctoral researchers will be received by one of the Chairs or one of the research initiatives at the Collège d’études mondiales in Paris
Candidates’ research projects must be devoted to one of the following two research areas :

Social progress and global justice

Relevant disciplines : philosophy, political science, economics, sociology, anthropology, history or philosophy of law, history or philosophy of economics.

Images, bodies and techniques in the global era

Relevant disciplines : history of art, aesthetics, philosophy, political science, anthropology, anthropology or sociology of medicine.


This post-doctoral grant is worth 2,000€ per month. Travel expenses from home countries to Paris will be taken care of by the institution. The post-doctoral researchers are responsible for the costs of medical insurance.

Qualifications for admission

The admissions process for candidates will focus on the quality of the their scientific backgrounds as well as their post-doctoral projects and their integration into the research conducted at the Collège d’études mondiales.
The conditions for eligibility are the following:
  • Candidates must hold a PhD by the date that applications are due, having presented a thesis.
  • Candidates must have lived in France for less than twelve months in the last three years.
  • Candidates may submit their applications only within the first six years after the presentation of their theses.
  • Candidates should be fluent in French.
The application should include (in English or French):
  • Doctorate degree (PhD).
  • Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae and publications.
  • A research project with a bibliography of main works cited (project + bibliography no more than 5 pages).
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation
  • 1 Welcome letter from one of the Chairholders or associated researchers at the Collège d’études mondiales
Without exception, applications must be submitted via email to the scientific coordination at the Collège d’études mondiales :

before September 15th, 2014.

LECTURE SERIES: "Wissen, Was Recht Is" (ETH Zurich)

(source: ETHlife)

 The ETH in Zurich hosts a lecture series on the theme "Wissen, Was Recht Is".

Conference statement:
In der Reihe geht es darum, jenen breiten Fundus von Wissen zu untersuchen, der bei der Formulierung von Rechts- und Gerechtigkeitsansprüchen ebenso ins Spiel kommt wie bei Praxen des Anklagens, Ermittelns oder Urteilens. Auf welche Weise und in welcher Form finden Wissensbestände, die in anderen Wissenschaften, Gesellschaftsbereichen und kulturellen Praxen zirkulieren, Eingang in Rechtswissen? Und umgekehrt: Wie wirkt das Recht auf die Fabrikation von Wissen ein? Welche Rolle spielen hier Kriterien und Praktiken der Rechtfertigung, Zeugenschaft und Macht?

24. September 2014
Prof. Dr. Monika Dommann
Einführung »Wissen und Recht«
Prof. Dr. Thomas Vesting
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Rechtstheorie
Das moderne Recht und die Krise des gemeinsamen Wissens
8. Oktober 2014
Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheffer
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Rechtssoziologie
Wie Recht weiss – Eine vergleichende Ethnografie von Strafverfahren in D, USA und GB
22. Oktober 2014
Dr. Jessica Whyte
University of Western Sydney, Cultural & Social Analysis
A Right of Private Individuals or a Responsibility of States? Michel Foucault and the ›Right to Intervene‹
Workshop am 31. Oktober
The Politico-Legal Thought of Giorgio Agamben
Siehe separaten Flyer für Details.
5. November 2014
Dr. des. Sibylle Schmidt
Freie Universität Berlin, Philosophie
Zeugenschaft – Episteme und Ethik einer Wissenspraxis
19. November 2014
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Sasse
Universität Zürich, Slavistik
Den Staat an seine Gesetze erinnern – Dissidenz als Wissen vom Recht
3. Dezember 2014
Prof. Dr. Lauren Benton
New York University, History
Knowing Arbitrary Justice – Scandal, Ethnography, and Constitutionalism in the British Empire of Law
Workshop am 2. Dezember
Siehe separaten Flyer für Details.
17. Dezember 2014
Prof. Dr. Dominik Hangartner
London School of Economics, Political Science
Wer erhält das Bürgerrecht? Schweizer Einbürgerungspraxis unter der Lupe
 Source: HSozUKult

CALL FOR PAPERS: Towards A History of Error (MPI Berlin/LMU Munich/Univ. Erfurt) DEADLINE 1 November 2014

The MPI for the History of Science in Berlin, the LMU Munich and the University of Erfurt co-host a conference on the history of "error" in several disciplines.

Conference statement (source: HSozUKult):

The Forschungszentrum Gotha and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin invite submission of paper abstracts for a workshop to be held in Berlin, 10-11 December 2015: Towards a History of Error.
The aim of the workshop is to identify key topics and episodes in European intellectual history of error in theology, philosophy, medicine, scholarship, and the sciences, from the late Middle Ages through the early nineteenth century. Themes include not only concepts but also methods for avoiding and eliminating error, as well as reflections on the causes and consequences of error.
Paper abstracts should be no more than 750 words long, and may be submitted in French, German, or English. Applicants are also asked to submit a curriculum vitae (including publications); applications from younger scholars are especially welcomed.
Please submit all materials to Ms. Tanja Neuendorf ( by no later than October 1, 2014. Successful applicants will be notified by November 1, 2014.

CONFERENCE: The Natural Law Thought of Francisco Suarez (Munich, 5-6 September 2014)

 (image source:

The "Hochschule" for Philosophy, the Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität of Munich and the University of Cologne organize a conference on Francisco Suarez, who counts among the stars of Spanish Neo-Scholastic thought.

Conference statement (in German):
Die Erforschung des frühneuzeitlichen Naturrechts gehört zu den innovativsten Feldern der ideen-, wissenschafts- und philosophiegeschichtlichen Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte. Selbst vor dem Hintergrund der erheblichen Unterschiede in der Begründung der Geltung von säkularen und doch überpositiven Rechten ist dabei erkennbar geworden, dass das Naturrecht in der zunehmend weltlichen Neuzeit Grundlagenfunktionen einnimmt, die weit über die Fragen politischer Theorie hinausgehen. Im Rahmen dieser innovativen Erforschung frühneuzeitlichen Naturrechts bleiben die elaborierten Positionen Francisco Suárez’ zumeist ausgespart. Daran soll die Tagung erste grundlegende Änderungen im Hinblick auf die Stellung des suarézischen Naturrechts im Tableau frühneuzeitlicher Naturrechtslehren erwirken.

Program (source: HSozUKult)
FREITAG, 05. 09. 2014
09.00 – 09.30
Norbert Brieskorn, Gideon Stiening, Holger Epp: Begrüßung, Eröffnung und Vorstellung der jüngst erschienenen, zweisprachigen Edition von ›De legibus ac Deo legislatore. Liber tertius‹ (PPR I,6–7) im frommann-holzboog Verlag
I. Naturrecht zwischen Theologie und Metaphysik
Diskussionsleitung: Norbert Brieskorn
09.30 – 10.30
Merio Scattola: Zum Verhältnis von lex aeterna und lex naturalis
10.30 – 11.00
11.00 – 12.00
Gideon Stiening: Urheber und/oder Gesetzgeber. Zur Funktion der Gottesinstanz im Naturrecht
12.00 – 13.00
Stefan Schweighöfer: Proxima regula bonitatis: das Gewissen und das natürliche Gesetz
13.00 – 14.00
II. Naturrecht und Ethik
Diskussionsleitung: Tilman Repgen
14.00– 15.00
Thomas Pink: Law and liberty in Suárez
15.00 – 16.00
Markus Kremer: Zur Komplementarität von Naturrecht und Tugendlehre
16.00 – 16.30
16.30 – 17.30
Frank Grunert: Die obligatio in conscientia im Naturrecht von Francisco Suárez (II.9)
III. Historische und systematische Einheit des Naturrechts
Diskussionsleitung: Gideon Stiening
17.30 – 18.30
Dominik Recknagel: ‚ius naturale praeceptivum‘ und ‚ius naturale dominativum‘. Die Unveränderlichkeit des Naturrechts bei Francisco Suárez (II,13-14)
Kurt Seelmann: Zur historischen Wandelbarkeit des Naturrechts
SAMSTAG, 06. 09. 2014
09.00 – 10.00
Robert Schnepf: Zur Einheit des Naturrecht (II,8)
IV. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des suárezischen Naturrechts
Diskussionsleitung: Matthias Lutz-Bachmann
10.00 – 11.00
Holger Glinka: Suárez’ Naturrecht zwischen Säkularisierung und Re-Theologisierung (II, 11)
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.30
Dieter Hüning: Taugt die lex naturalis zur Begründung möglicher Zwangsbefugnisse?
12.30 – 13.30
Oliver Bach: „Ergo non est verisimile, reliquisse Deum homines sine hoc remedio“? Francisco Suárez über die Dispens und ein universales Naturrecht. (II,15)

CALL FOR PAPERS: Academic entrepreneurship in history (ULB/UGent/Lille-3/Bologna) (Deadline: 31 October 2014)

(image source:

The universities of Brussels (ULB), Ghent, Lille and Bologna host a conference on "academic entrepreneurship in history", to be held on 12 and 13 March in the Ghent City Museum.

The call for papers states the following (source: HSozUKult):

The Departments of History of Universiteit Gent, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Lille 3 and Università di Bologna are jointly organizing the international conference "Academic entrepreneurship in history" on 12-13 March 2015 at the STAM city museum in Ghent, Belgium. The aim of the meeting is to bring together an international group of scholars engaged in research on the notion and practice of academic entrepreneurship from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The focus will be on the range of actions, behaviors and qualities of academic scientists and their employing institutions which can be seen as entrepreneurial in at least one of the many senses in which the entrepreneurship term has been used in the economics and business history literatures. What we would like to discuss in a broad and comparative perspective is a) how entrepreneurial attitudes and practices coalesced and generated distinctive patterns of performance; b) in what relation these patterns stood to the changes that took place in different educational systems; c) how they were affected by economic, cultural, social, and political factors at multiple spatial levels; and d) how they evolved over time.
Invited papers:
The organizers welcome contributions from both junior and senior scholars. A limited number of papers will be selected on the basis of their relevance to the proposed themes. The aim is to include papers from various streams of research, focusing especially on the physical, life, and engineering sciences but also dealing with other subject areas. We strongly encourage proposals on one or more of the following topics:
1. Institutional entrepreneurship: the behavior of individual or groups of academic scientists (by which we mean the employees of institutions of higher education and research) as agents of innovation in the organization and development of academic institutions.
2. Commercial entrepreneurship: the engagement of academic scientists in commercial activity outside the context of academic institutions (consulting, contracting, patenting, setting up of business enterprises).
3. Entrepreneurial institutions: the involvement of institutions of higher education and research in providing services, expertise, and intellectual property to external customers (public and private) and the institutionalization of this type of activity.
4. Comparisons: changes in time and space and differences (or similarities) between disciplines and fields of activity.
5. Categories and concepts: the definition of typological and conceptual frameworks.
A more detailed outline of these themes is available in a draft document entitled "Academic entrepreneurship in history. A call for further research in a collaborative and comparative perspective." Prospective participants can obtain it from the Organizing Committee via e-mail at
Relevant dates:
The deadline for the submission of abstracts (maximum 400 words) and short CVs to is 31 October 2014. The notification of acceptance will be issued by 15 November 2014. Papers will be circulated to all participants approximately one month before the conference.
Participation and expenses:
Travel and accommodation expenses of all speakers will be covered. In the case of co-authored papers it will however not be possible to provide additional support.


BOOK: "An Introduction to Empirical Legal Research", by Lee Epstein and Andrew D. Martin

by Lee Epstein, Provost Professor and Rader Family Trustee Chair in Law & Political Science, University of Southern Californiaand Andrew D. Martin, Professor of Law, and Dean, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Michigan.

A new book from Oxford University Press
all information here
  • A concise, accessible introduction to understanding, conducting, and evaluating empirical research in a legal context
  • Written by two of the world's leading experts in empirical legal research, drawing on many years' experience of training lawyers and students
  • Presents the foundations of statistical modelling and analysis in a language accessible to lawyers with no background in mathematics or formal social science methods
  • Supported by an extensive companion website that includes detailed case studies and sample data sets, introductions to statistical software, guides to best practice, and extensive references for further reading

Is the death penalty a more effective deterrent than lengthy prison sentences? Does a judge's gender influence their decisions? Do independent judiciaries promote economic freedom? Answering such questions requires empirical evidence, and arguments based on empirical research have become an everyday part of legal practice, scholarship, and teaching. In litigation judges are confronted with empirical evidence in cases ranging from bankruptcy and taxation to criminal law and environmental infringement. In academia researchers are increasingly turning to sophisticated empirical methods to assess and challenge fundamental assumptions about the law.

JOURNAL: German Law E-Journal (No. 5, 2014 - special issue)

Special issue on EU Citizenship:  Twenty Years On
Guest Editor  -  Patricia Mindus (Uppsala University)

click here to download this issue