
31 August 2021

BOOK: Kathryn GREENMAN, State Responsibility and Rebels. The History and Legacy of Protecting Investment Against Revolution [Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law; 161] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), ISBN 9781009043779, 85 GBP


(image source: CUP)

Book abstract:
This book traces the emergence and contestation of State responsibility for rebels during the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. In the context of decolonisation and capitalist expansion in Latin America, it argues that the mixed claims commissions-and the practices of intervention associated with them-served to insulate economic order against revolution, by taking the question of who assumed the risk of harm by rebels out of the scope of national authority. The jurisprudence of the commissions was contradictory and ambiguous. It took a lot of interpretive work by later scholars and codifiers to rationalise rules of responsibility out of these shaky foundations, as they battled for the meaning and authority of the arbitral practice. The legal debates were structured around whether the standard of protection against rebels owed to aliens was nationally or internationally determined and whether it was domestic or international authority that adjudicated such standard-a struggle over the internationalisation of protection against rebels.
On the author:
Kathryn Greenman is Lecturer in Law at the University of Technology Sydney. She is a co-editor of Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917 (Cambridge University Press, 2021) with Anne Orford, Ntina Tzouvala and Anna Saunders.

(source: CUP

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

30 August 2021

BOOK: Philippe RYGIEL, L’ordre des circulations ? L’Institut de Droit international et la régulation des migrations (1870-1920) [Coll. « Histoire contemporaine »] (Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021), ISBN 9791035106348


(image source: CNRS Histoire Sociale)

Le contrôle des migrations affectant le territoire d’un État est souvent conçu comme relevant de la seule compétence de celui-ci : tout passage de frontière, tout séjour d’un étranger, pourtant, mettent en contact plusieurs souverainetés et instaurent entre elles des échanges, des négociations, ou suscitent des conflits. Les fondateurs du droit international moderne, réunis à la fin du XIXe siècle par l’Institut de droit international, en étaient bien conscients. Fins observateurs du monde de leur temps, qu’ils entendaient ordonner selon le droit, ils consacrent alors aux implications des mobilités humaines des milliers de pages, et au meilleur moyen de les régler de nombreux débats, soucieux qu’ils étaient d’instaurer un ordre des circulations libéral, condition à leurs yeux de la prospérité de chacun et de la paix entre les nations occidentales. Ils entreprennent ainsi, non sans connaître de véritables succès, d’assurer un statut juridique aux étrangers résidant en Occident, de protéger les réfugiés de la vindicte des États, de dénoncer enfin les entraves trop manifestes à la liberté de circulation. Les guerres brutales que connut l’Europe, sa division en aires d’influence rivales, l’affaissement de la civilisation européenne consécutif à la Première Guerre mondiale ont fait tomber dans l’oubli ces travaux fondateurs autant que leurs réalisations effectives, dont beaucoup ne survécurent toutefois pas à l’effondrement du monde qui les avait vu naître. Ce livre retrace leur histoire et leurs combats, en un temps que marque à nouveau autant la nécessité d’un ordre mondial des mobilités humaines que l’apparente impossibilité de le faire advenir.

(read more here

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

27 August 2021

JOURNAL: Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire 410-411 [Numéro Spécial: L'impérialisme informel de la France et de l'Espagne au XIXe siècle] (JUN 2021)


(image source: SFHOM)


"La Société Française d’Histoire des Outre-mers publie dans ce numéro de sa revue un travail novateur d’Arnaud Bartolomei, de Xavier Huetz De Lemps et de Martín Rodrigo Y Alharilla sur l’impérialisme informel de la France et de l’Espagne au XIXe siècle. Si la notion d’impérialisme informel a été mobilisée par les historiens britanniques pour comprendre la puissance coloniale hégémonique d’outre-manche, cette notion a été plus rarement sollicitée pour analyser les trajectoires impériales d’autres puissances européennes. Les auteurs pallient cette carence pour les empires français et espagnol dont l’historiographie s’est trop longtemps attachée à la seule conquête territoriale afin d’évaluer leur puissance impériale. Toute proportion gardée avec le modèle britannique, les auteurs interrogent la puissance heuristique d’une telle perspective et les modalités de domination informelle envisagées par la France et l’Espagne au XIXe siècle. David Todd focalise son attention sur les agents français et les collaborateurs autochtones des outre-mers, sur les promoteurs et les bénéficiaires de ces nouvelles formes d’influence en France métropolitaine. Ce cadre établi, Arnaud Bartolomei, Manuel Talamante et Xavier Daumalin ouvrent respectivement des perspectives sur l’expansion commerciale de la France au Mexique, à Montevideo mais aussi en Afrique. Pour l’Espagne, les contributions d’Eloy Martín Corrales et de Juan Inarejos Muñoz portent sur l’analyse des motivations des politiques d’expansion espagnole qui vont à l’encontre de la seule lecture de la « matrice » du désastre de 1898. D’autres acteurs et d’autres intentions ont pu générer de nouvelles formes d’impérialisme. Martín Rodrigo y Alharilla et Lizbeth Chaviano Pérez montrent ainsi que la question de l’esclavage et de la traite a constitué le principal moteur de l’implantation de l’Espagne en Afrique sub-saharienne. De même, L. Chaviano Pérez met clairement en évidence des formes de sous-impérialisme informel en montrant que le sort des établissements espagnols en Guinée a été intimement lié aux intérêts cubains et aux pressions de ses planteurs. En focalisant leur attention sur la fin de l’époque moderne et le début de la reprise de l’expansion européenne dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle, l’ensemble de ces contributions invite le lecteur à appréhender les « conditions d’une domination économique » qui se voulait « si possible exclusive ou privilégiée, sur le reste du monde »."

(read more: SFHOM

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

26 August 2021

BOOK: Annabel BRETT, Megan DONALDSON & Martti KOSKENNIEMI (eds.), History, Politics, Law. Thinking Through the International (Cambridge: CUP, SEP 2021), ISBN 9781108903516


(image source: CUP)


Historians of political thought and international lawyers have both expanded their interest in the formation of the present global order. History, Politics, Law is the first express encounter between the two disciplines, juxtaposing their perspectives on questions of method and substance. The essays throw light on their approaches to the role of politics and the political in the history of the world beyond the single polity. They discuss the contrast between practice and theory as well as the role of conceptual and contextual analyses in both fields. Specific themes raised for both disciplines include statehood, empires and the role of international institutions, as well as the roles of economics, innovation and gender. The result is a vibrant cross-section of contrasts and parallels between the methods and practices of the two disciplines, demonstrating the many ways in which both can learn from each other.

On the editors:

Annabel Brett, University of Cambridge Annabel Brett is a leading historian of late medieval and early modern political thought, with a particular interest in natural law and the law of nations. She is the author of Liberty, Right and Nature: Individual Rights in Later Scholastic Thought (1997) and Changes of State: Nature and the Limits of the City in Early Modern Natural Law (2011).  Martti Koskenniemi is a leading critical scholar of the theory and history of international law. His works are studied by lawyers, historians and international relations scholars across the world. He has held visiting professorships at many of world's leading universities, is Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, and a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Martti Koskenniemi, University of Helsinki Megan Donaldson, University College London Megan Donaldson has published on nineteenth and twentieth-century shifts in treaty-making, statehood and international organisations. Her forthcoming monograph traces the evolution of secrecy in the international legal order.


Annabel Brett, Martti Koskenniemi, David Kennedy, Armin von Bogdandy and Adeel Hussain, Jennifer Pitts, Emma Hunter, Megan Donaldson, Surabhi Ranganathan, Joel Isaac, Anna Becker, Karen Knop

(read more on Cambridge Core

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

24 August 2021

BOOK: Jérôme GROSCLAUDE (dir.), L'État et la religion dans l'espace public [Les dossiers des Annales de droit] (Rouen/Le Havre: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2021), 220 p. ISBN 9791024016054, € 19


(image source: lcdpu)


Il y a différentes façons d'apprécier le lien qui doit exister entre le religieux et le politique. Loin d’opposer le spirituel et le temporel, les huit articles qui composent ce dossier nous montreront comment se côtoient en France l’État et la religion – que l’on décrit si souvent comme des frères ennemis. Par leurs réflexions, mais aussi par l’observation de pays proches comme le Canada francophone et la Belgique, les huit contributeurs (historiens, juristes ou philosophes) n’offrent pas de solutions toutes prêtes, mais des pistes pour un débat apaisé autour de la laïcité, et pour une relation où ni le prêtre ni l’instituteur ne cherchent à dominer l’autre, mais où chacun cherche «le bonheur de tous» qu’appelait de ses vœux l’Assemblée nationale de 1789 et qui animait encore les auteurs de la loi de 1905. On le verra, l’avenir de la laïcité n’est pas dans un combat de titans entre l’État et les religions, mais bien dans leur coexistence toujours plus apaisée et fertile.

Table of contents:



L'espace public à l'épreuve du protestantisme et du jansénisme : entre législation royale et doctrine gallicane (xvie-xviiie siècle), par Nelly Bytchkowsky

Le christianisme laïc de Pierre Bayle, par James M. Hooks

La laïcité française est-elle (aussi) anticléricale et antiféministe ?, par Valentine Zuber

Qu’est-ce que la laïcité ?, par Christine Lazerges

La laïcité et la religion dans l’espace public : la difficile conciliation opérée par le juge, par Claire Marliac

La laïcité en prison, un principe emprisonné ?, par Nadia Beddiar

Une Belgique en faveur de la non croyance organisée. L’humanisme séculier est-il l’Église subventionnée des « sans religion » ?, par Niels de Nutte

Les désaccords sous-jacents au débat québécois sur le port de signes religieux par les agents de l’État, par Gilles Gauthier

(source: LCDPU


20 August 2021

BOOK: Peter SCHRÖDER (ed.) Concepts and Contexts of Vattel's Political and Legal Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), ISBN 9781108784009


(image source: CUP)

Swiss-born Emer de Vattel (1714–1767) was one of the last eminent thinkers of natural law. He shaped the later part of early-modern natural jurisprudence. At the time, the subject had become a fashionable academic sub-discipline in both jurisprudence and philosophy. Vattel's considerable impact on statesmen, political thinkers, diplomats and lawyers during his lifetime and after rested primarily on the fact that his The Law of Nations (1758) transformed natural law into the basis of a more comprehensive and practicable theory of interstate relations. His ideas served to promote reform programmes whose comprehensive natures spanned the domains of economic reform, constitutionalism and international diplomacy and foreign trade policy. Vattel's conception centred round the principle that defined all sovereign states as nations composed of societies of free men and profoundly influenced legal and political debates in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

See table of contents on Cambridge Core.

(source: ESIL IGHIL Blog)

19 August 2021

JOURNAL: História do Direito, nº 2, vol. 2, 2021/1. OPEN ACCESS









More information: 

18 August 2021

ARTICLE. Santi ROMANO. Sobre os assim chamados "Staatsfragmente". REJUR -Revista Jurídica da UFERSA


No  presente  texto1,  o  juspublicista  italiano  Santi  Ro-mano  pretende  refutar  a  teoria  de  Georg  Jellinek acerca dos Staatsfragmente –frações territoriais do-tadas de algumas atribuições do Estado, mas não de todas. Romano, para tanto, descreve a teoria de Jelli-nek  e  aponta  algumas  de  suas  falhas,  sobretudo quanto aos três elementos ‘clássicos’ da estatalidade (povo, território, soberania). Para Jellinek, os Staats-fragmente teriam povo e território, mas não sobera-nia, enquanto que, para Romano, os outros dois ele-mentos  seriam  meros  reflexos:  sem  ela,  não    Es-tado.  Na  sequência,  compara  a  situação  dos  Staats-fragmente  com  as  frações   de  Comuni  e  com  as colônias.  Esses  entes  pertenceriam  respectivamente ao  Comune  e  ao  Estado,  sem  qualquer  individuali-dade. Romano conclui que as reflexões de Jellinek são estimulantes, mas, em última instância, têm falhas ló-gicas, são excessivamente abstratas e não devem ser adotadas pela teoria do direito público.

Santi Romano (Palermo, 1875 - Roma, 1947) was professor of public law at the La Sapienza University of Rome and president of the Italian Council of State. 

17 August 2021

BOOK: Paolo GROSSI. O mundo das terras coletivas: itinerários jurídicos entre o ontem e o amanhã. (Contracorrente: 2021). ISBN: 9786588470718. R$ 42.



A Editora Contracorrente tem a satisfação de publicar a obra O mundo das terras coletivas: itinerários jurídicos entre o ontem e o amanhã, do celebrado jurista italiano Paolo Grossi. Por meio dela, conhecemos melhor esse notável autor e seu itinerário de pesquisa sobre as terras coletivas, da qual extraímos um conjunto de estudos que revelam a pluralidade dos estatutos da relação da humanidade com a terra. Trata-se de resgatar, nessa relação, a factualidade do direito que, com o modelo subjetivista da codificação, restou reduzida a “direitos reais” como gravame ao livre exercício das faculdades inerentes à propriedade privada moderna.

Nas palavras do Prof. Diego Nunes, “a historiografia jurídica serve para chamar a atenção à provisoriedade das soluções, para não termos as atuais formas jurídicas como as melhores até então formuladas, ou que as soluções formuladas do ‘alto’ não sejam consideradas melhores que aquelas de ‘baixo’. Esse exercício constante de relativização busca fomentar a consciência crítica dos juristas, com destaque aos estudantes, aos quais o mestre florentino sempre deu atenção prioritária. Por isso a importância de a História do Direito ser cultivada por juristas e fazer parte da formação nas Faculdades de Direito”.

Paolo Grossi é Professor Emérito de História do Direito Medieval e Moderno da Universidade de Florença e Presidente Emérito da Corte Constitucional da República Italiana. Fundou a Revista Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno.

16 August 2021

JOURNAL: Grotiana XLII (2021), No. 1 (Jul)


(image source: Brill)

Historical, Philosophical, and Legal Foundations of Strict Liability in Hugo Grotius—Some Introductory Remarks to the Special Dossier (Bart Wauters) (OPEN ACCESS)

Culpa Levissima and the Eclipse of Strict Liability (James Gordley) (DOI 10.1163/18760759-42010002)


In Roman law, as interpreted by the medieval jurists, in a gratuitous loan (commodatum), the borrower was liable for culpa levissima, failure to use be as diligent as “most diligent” (diligentissimus). It would seem, then, that a person could be liable for conduct that he could not help. That consequence troubled the medieval canonists a person would then be liable who had not sinned. It troubled the late scholastics because a person would then be liable for an accident, which was not a violation of commutative justice. Some concluded that liability for culpa levissima was a creature of positive law, based on pragmatic considerations but with no grounding in principle. There was another explanation glimpsed by the late scholastics and by Hugo Grotius: commutative justice requires that one who borrows gratuitously indemnify the lender against any loss. Unfortunately, in the following centuries, that explanation was lost from sight.

Qualitative Liability in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1425–1650) (Wouter Druwé)


In his ‘Inleidinge tot de Hollantsche Rechtsgeleertheyt’, Hugo Grotius introduced the concept of wrong-by-construction-of-law (‘misdaed door wetsduidinge’), the idea that civil law could assign liability to someone who had not committed any fault, i.e. merely because of his or her ‘capacity’ or ‘quality’ as a parent, as an owner of an animal, as an inhabitant of a building, or as an employer or shipowner. This contribution situates Grotius’s views on qualitative liability within the wider Netherlandish learned juridical context of his time, and especially studies the role of fault (‘culpa’) and presumptions of fault in the learned theories on qualitative liability. Apart from printed treatises and volumes of consilia, this contribution also takes into account hitherto unstudied handwritten lecture notes of the late medieval and early modern university of Leuven.

The Place of Fault in Grotius’s Conception of Liability for Wrongdoing (Joe Sampson) (OPEN ACCESS)


This article compares Grotius’s treatments of liability for wrongdoing in natural law and the law of Holland to emphasise the conceptual centrality of fault in both, and places Grotius’s analyses in their historical context by tracing the treatment of strict liability in those intellectual traditions upon which he drew. It focuses in particular on the formulation of obligations quasi ex maleficio to show how the absence of fault rendered the obligation something other than delictual.

Strict Liability and Necessity in Grotius, Pufendorf, Smith, Kant, and Beyond (Bart Wauters) (DOI 10.1163/18760759-42010005)


This article compares the views of Grotius and subsequent authors on the doctrines of necessity and strict liability. This comparison takes place at two levels. On the one hand, there is a comparison of the views of Grotius with those of Pufendorf, Smith, Kant and recent Kantian authors. On the other hand, there is a comparison between the doctrines of necessity and strict liability. This exercise leads to the conclusion that strict liability does not have to be a mere matter of choice opted for by positive law, but in some instances can also be thought of as a requirement of a private law framework expressing the fundamental moral equal freedom of man.

Grotius’s Position on Implied Servitudes by Means of Destinatione Patris Familias (Vincent Van Hoof) (OPEN ACCESS) (DOI 10.1163/18760759-42010006)


According to Grotius in his Inleiding (2.36.6), the actual use of two houses by the same owner could lead to the implied grant of a servitude if he transferred one of the houses to someone else, ‘without any mention either the one way or the other’. Various interpretations of this text exist, but the consensus is lacking. In this article, the author investigates the meaning and influence of Grotius’s position on implied servitudes in both his time and the following centuries. This research shows how Grotius’s opinion progressed from Bartolus’s approach to implied servitudes and sheds new light on the creation of servitudes by means of destinatione patris familias in the Netherlands.

Religion and Government in Hugo Grotius’s Annales: Orthodoxy, William the Silent and Reason of State (Jan Waszink) (DOI 10.1163/18760759-42010007)


In Grotius’s Annales, religion appears almost exclusively as a social and political problem. References (implied or explicit) to religion as a good thing or its positive effects are lacking. This aspect of Grotius’s text arises from its equation of ‘religion’ with ‘combative orthodox religion in the post-reformation era’. However, it is not credible that this view represents Hugo Grotius’s actual opinion of the Christian faith as such. The solution seems rather that the above equation must be a conscious rhetorical strategy designed to strengthen the argument of the Annales. Continuing from that conclusion, however, the texts allow us to deduce some views on reason of state and religious policy, which do seem to have been actually held by Grotius in this period, or at least to have enjoyed his active interest.

The History of Fair Trade: Hugo Grotius, Corporations, and the Spanish Enlightenment (Edward Jones Corredera) (DOI 10.1163/18760759-42010008)


The early Spanish Enlightenment was shaped by debates over corporations, sovereignty, and the balance of power in Europe. Spanish officials, in this context, turned to the ideas of Hugo Grotius to establish joint-stock companies that could allow the Crown to regain control over its imperial domains and establish perpetual peace in Europe. This article recovers the writings of Félix Fernando de Sotomayor, Duke of Sotomayor (1684–1767), who drew on the works of Grotius, Samuel Pufendorf, and Charles Dutot in order to show that the history of these corporations chronicled the contestation and erosion of Spanish power and the diversion of European states from their true interests. Sovereigns, not merchants, argued Sotomayor, could guarantee fair trade and the equitable distribution of wealth. The study of Sotomayor’s views on trade, natural law, and alienation challenges traditional interpretations about the Iberian engagement with Grotius, the rise of capitalist hopes in Southern and Northern Europe, and Spain’s investment in the Enlightenment.

Book reviews:

  • The Law of Nations and Natural Law 1625–1800, ed. by Simone Zurbuchen (Gabriella Silvestrini)
  • Michael P. Scharf, Milena Sterio and Paul R. Williams, The Syrian Conflict’s Impact on International Law (Robert Volterra)
  • Martha Nussbaum, The Cosmopolitan Tradition: A Noble But Flawed Ideal (Tarik Kochi)
(read further here)
(source: ESILHIL Blog)

13 August 2021

BOOK : LE GALLO, Alain (dir), La Personne, fortunes d’une antique singularité juridique, (Classiques garnier, 2021), ISBN: 978-2-406-11450-5, pp. 258, 29€

(Source : Classiques garnier)

A propos de l'ouvrage : 

Résumé de l'éditeur :  Cet ouvrage retrace la lente élaboration, d’abord juridique, puis théologique, morale, philosophique, politique et littéraire de la notion de personne dans les sociétés occidentales. On s’y interroge aussi sur les récentes contestations de cette notion encore jeune, et plus fragile qu’on ne croit.

Les contributeurs sont : François SAINT-BONNET, Michèle DUCOS, Emilia NDIAYE, François PLOTON-NICOLLET, Arnaud PERROT, Matthieu CASSIN, Pierre MAGNARD, Bénédicte MATHONAT, Enrique MARTINEZ, Michel BOYANCE, Jean-Marc JOUBERT, Marion DELAVAUD-SOUCHET, Laure MEESEMAECKER, Eric POMES, Emmanuel BROCHIER.

A propos du directeur de l'ouvrage : 

Alain LE GALLO, est Professeur associé de l'ICES en lettres, il possède le grade d'officier dans l'ordre des Palmes académiques.

Sommaire : 

Epigraphe, p7

Alain LE GALLO, La notion de personne, un parcours. p9-14

François SAINT-BONNET, Propos liminaire. p15-19

Michèle DUCOS, Personne et droit dans le monde romain. p21-32

Emilia NDIAYE, Le barbare bégayeur et l’orateur romainÉvolution d’une identité fondée sur l’altérité. p 33-47

François PLOTON-NICOLLET, Sacralité et mise en scène de la personne impériale à Rome. p49-60 

Arnaud PERROT, La trinité avec ou sans personnes ? La mobilité du vocabulaire trinitaire chez Basile de Cesarée. p61-76

Matthieu CASSIN, Comment définir l'être humain – nature, individu, personne ? Recherche à partir des textes grecs chrétiens de l'Antiquité tardive. p77-91

Pierre MAGNARD, La notion de personne en théologie. p93-99

Bénédicte MATHONAT, Personne et nature humaine chez Thomas d’Aquin. p101-114

Enrique MARTINEZ, Le constitutif formel de la personne chez les commentateurs de Saint Thomas d’Aquin. p115-131

Michel BOYANCE, Le personnalisme contemporain et la question du bien commun. p133-147

Jean-Marc JOUBERT, Marxisme et théorie de la personnalité. p149-160

Marion DELAVAUD-SOUCHET, Le dit et le dire. La personne et son acte de langage. p161-170

Laure MEESEMAECKER, L’énonciation arborescente, le nouvel art poétique et la grammaire métaphysique de la personne chez l’orientaliste Louis Massignon. p171-184

Alain LE GALLO, Soupçons sur le personnage littéraireLe cas Sarraute. p185-199

Eric POMES, Actions et droits humanitaires. p201-221

François SAINT-BONNET, Fichiers, données numériques, big data. L'absorbation de l'individu par la personne. p223-231

Emmanuel BROCHIER, Les robots pourraient-ils devenir des personnes responsables ? p233-246

Index nominum. p.247-250

12 August 2021

BOOK: Marcel BERNI & Tamara CUBITO (Eds.), Captivity in War during the Twentieth Century - The Forgotten Diplomatic Role of Transnational Actors (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). ISBN 978-3-030-65094-0, 127.19 EUR


(Source: Palgrave)

Palgrave Macmillan is publishing a book on the role of IOs, neutral nations and other transnational actors in supporting civilian and military captives in the 20th century.  


This book offers new international perspectives on captivity in wartime during the twentieth century. It explores how global institutions and practices with regard to captives mattered, how they evolved and most importantly, how they influenced the treatment of captives. From the beginning of the twentieth century, international organisations, neutral nations and other actors with no direct involvement in the respective wars often had to fill in to support civilian as well as military captives and to supervise their treatment. This edited volume puts these actors, rather than the captives themselves, at the centre in order to assess comparatively their contributions to wartime captivity. Taking a global approach, it shows that transnational bodies - whether non-governmental organisations, neutral states or individuals - played an essential role in dealing with captives in wartime. Chapters cover both the largest wars, such as the two World Wars, but also lesser-known conflicts, to highlight how captives were placed at the centre of transnational negotiations.


Marcel Berni is a Research and Teaching Fellow at the Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He specialises in the history of the Cold War. His dissertation on the treatment of communist captives during Vietnam's American War has won the André Corvisier Prize.

Tamara Cubito is a Research and Teaching Fellow at the Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. She recently completed her PhD on the treatment of enemy aliens in the British colonies during the First World War.


More info here

11 August 2021

BOOK: Romano Ferrari ZUMBINI, Giulio STOLFI, Lorenzo CARNIMEO. Senato Segreto. (Macerata, EUM, 2021). ISBN 978-88-6056-679-9. EUR 14



È acclarato il tramonto delle ideologie. Eppure, sopravvive in tanti settori una eredità ideologica, un atteggiamento dogmatico, basato sul framing, sulla volontà di far emergere valutazioni preconcette indipendentemente dalla (banale) realtà evidente dei fatti.
La chiave metodologica di questo libro si sintetizza nel fact checking, che porta a risultati difformi da certa dogmatica storiografica, indulgente verso schemi preventivi. Il libro presenta un apparato critico di indubbio rigore nel ricostruire - attraverso resoconti parlamentari (da sempre pubblici, ma non sempre letti), documenti d'archivio, lettere, note redatte in fretta a margine di una seduta - il ruolo del Senato del Regno dalla Torino sabauda del 1848 alla Roma occupata del 1943.
Si svela una traiettoria istituzionale inattesa. Dal de-framing emerge un Senato tutt’altro che marginale, capace invece di concretizzare una forte stanza di compensazione del sistema e di svolgere una forte interlocuzione con la realtà sociale. Un Senato molto più importante di quanto si sia voluto pigramente sostenere nel corso del tempo.

Note sugli Autori
Romano Ferrari Zumbini insegna Storia del diritto presso l'Università LUISS "Guido Carli" di Roma. Abilitato a ordinario in Storia delle istituzioni politiche e Storia del diritto.
Giulio Stolfi è dottore di ricerca e titolare di contratto d'insegnamento integrativo presso la cattedra di Storia del diritto nell'Università LUISS "Guido Carli" di Roma. Magistrato della Corte dei conti, già funzionario direttivo della Banca d'Italia.
Lorenzo Carnimeo ha collaborato a numerose pubblicazioni di storia costituzionale italiana. È segretario parlamentare presso il Senato della Repubblica (Commissioni permanenti).

10 August 2021

JOURNAL: Giornale di Storia Costituzionale, 2021/1. Twenty Years of the Journal of Constitutional History



Sommario / Contents:

Luigi LacchèIntroduzione / Introduction

Luigi Lacchè, Il «Giornale» e la sua storia costituzionale / The «Journal» and its constitutional history
Luca ScuccimarraDialettica del “costituzionalismo”. Appunti per un programma di ricerca (e qualche ricordo personale) / Dialectic of “constitutionalism”. Notes for a research program (and some personal memories)
Ronald Car, Preistoria costituzionale e svolta cosmopolitica / Constitutional prehistory and cosmopolitan turn
Anna Gianna Manca, Per una storia costituzionale europea tra ventesimo e ventunesimo secolo / For a European constitutional history between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

Michael Stolleis, What has changed, what have we learned? / Che cosa è cambiato, che cosa abbiamo appreso?
Bartolomé Clavero, Velo de Ignorancia e Historia Constitucional / Veil of Ignorance and Constitutional History
Heinz Mohnhaupt, Europäische Dimensionen im Ius Publicum des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Gemeinsamkeiten und Divergenzen vor dem Hintergrund der heutigen Europäischen Union / European dimensions in the “Ius Publicum” of the 16th to 18th centuries. Commonalities and divergences against the background of today´s European Union
Ulrike Müßig, Republicanism and its ‘gentle wings’ (Ode to Joy). The Republican Dignity to be Governed, not Mastered as Founding Rational Legitimacy / Il repubblicanesimo e le sue “ali gentili” (Inno alla gioia). La dignità repubblicana di essere governati, non dominati come legittimità fondante razionale
Lucien Jaume, La Vème République en France: un libéralisme par l’Etat ? / French Fifth Republic: a liberalism under State protection?

Daniela Novarese, Il peso della tradizione. Aspetti procedurali dell’iter di redazione della costituzione siciliana del 1812 / The importance of tradition. Procedural aspects of the drafting course of the Sicilian 1812 constitution
Ludovico Maremonti, La forma del “buon governo”: discorsi su principi e fini della monarchia messicana (1821-1823) / The form of “good government”: discourses on principles and purposes of the Mexican monarchy (1821-1823)
Fausto Proietti, Democratizzare il potere giudiziario: il jury populaire nel dibattito dell’Assemblea costituente della Seconda Repubblica francese (1848) / Democratizing judiciary power. The constitutional debate about the jury populaire in the Second French republic (1848)
Mariano Croce, Andrea Salvatore, La forza trasformativa dell’impolitico. L’istituzionalismo di Maurice Hauriou e Santi Romano / The Transformative force of the impolitical. The institutionalism of Maurice Hauriou and Santi Romano
Luigi Lacchè, Per un ricordo di Michael Stolleis (1941-2021) / In memory of Michael Stolleis (1941-2021)

Ventisei proposte di lettura / Twenty-six reading proposals

09 August 2021

JOURNAL: Almanack, nº 26

A Santa Sé e o mundo em perspectiva histórico-jurídica


06 August 2021

JOURNAL: Administory Journal for the History of Public Administration / Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte, nº 5, 2020



Mulitinormativität und administrative Logik – neue verwaltungshistorische Perspektiven PETER COLLIN

Administrative Multinormativity

Public Administration and the Challenge to Introduce Egalitarian Legal Order: The Jewish policy of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807–1815) ALEKSANDRA ONISZCZUK

Administrative Multinormativität in der Krankenhaus-Verwaltung am Beispiel der Charité in Berlin, 1820er- bis 1850er-Jahre AXEL C. HÜNTELMANN

Politikfelder als multinormative Ordnungen. Multiple Multinormativitäten im preußischen Chausseewesen am Beispiel der Volmethalstraße, ca. 1816–1850er-Jahre FELIX GRÄFENBERG

Expropriation and the Challenge to Liberal Thought: Multinormative Management of State Intervention beyond the Conflict Liberty vs. Authority: (Brazil, 1826–1930) ARTHUR BARRÊTTO DE ALMEIDA COSTA

Multinormativity Emerges From Multilevel Governance. Uses of the Council of Trent in Examinations for Ecclesiastical Benefices in 19th-Century Brazil ANNA CLARA LEHMANN MARTINS

Zwischen Gesundheit und Wirtschaft: Normen und Interessenkonflikte in der behördlichen Arzneimittelregulierung im Deutschen Reich 1871–1945 NIKLAS LENHARD-SCHRAMM

Normative Konfliktlagen: Eheschließungen mit AusländerInnen in Deutschland als administrative und interkulturelle Herausforderung (ca. 1900–1930) CHRISTOPH LORKE

State Authority and Competing Arrangements in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/ Yugoslavia (1918–1941) IVAN KOSNICA

»Wandel durch Annäherung«: Multinormativität und informelle Politik in der europäischen Integration zwischen den 1960er und 1990erJahren PHILIP BAJON

Mehrdimensionale Rechtsmaßstäbe als Herausforderung für die Verwaltung: das Beispiel der Hafenstaatkontrolle KATHARINA REILING


Turbulente Lebensläufe: Multivalente Bewerbungsstrategien für den preußischen Staatsdienst nach 1815 STEPHAN STRUNZ

Gestalten statt verwalten? These zu Janusköpfigkeit als Kern des verwalterischen Habitus in NS-Zeit und Gegenwart. HEIKE GUTHOFF


Litigious Bukovina: Eugen Ehrlich’s ›Living Law‹ and the Use of Civil Justice in the Late Habsburg Monarchy WALTER FUCHS

05 August 2021

JOURNAL: Revista de Historia del Derecho, nº 61, jun. 2021. OPEN ACCES



 Leyes fundamentales y representación regnícola en el ocaso de la Monarquía española (Castilla, ca. 1664/1665 - España, 1808/1812). Una reflexión en torno al constitucionalismo pre-moderno
Sariñena, Marta Lorente

Fundar un constitucionalismo para cimentar la república: la enseñanza del derecho constitucional en la Universidad de Córdoba en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX
Llamosas, Esteban

Fragmentos del pensamiento militar. Desarrollos sobre un estatus jurídico de excepción. Argentina, 1894 -1927
Avellaneda, Aldo N.

Breve revisión histórica sobre la evolución de la jurisprudencia en las fuentes del derecho cubano
Viltres, Carlos Justo Bruzón

Material audiovisual
 Panel virtual. “De la colonia a las Repúblicas. El papel de los poderes locales en la transición económica, social, institucional y política”. XI Jornadas de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea. (Bahía Blanca, UNS / CONICET, 13-16 de abril de 2021)
Ortigosa, José Luis Caño

Reseñas de libros
 Herzog, T. (2018).Una breve historia del derecho europeo. Los últimos 2.500 años (Miguel Ángel Coll Rodríguez trad.).Alianza Editorial.
Saavedra, Manuel Bastias

More information: 

04 August 2021

JOURNAL: Clio@Themis: Revue Électronique d'Histoire du Droit, nº 20, 2021, La nature comme norme. OPEN ACCESS


(Source: Google)

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