
30 April 2020

BOOK: Georg L.K.A. CHRIST & Franz-Julius MORCHE, eds., Cultures of Empire: Rethinking Venetian Rule 1400–1700. Essays in Honour of Benjamin Arbel (Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2020). ISBN: 978-90-04-42760-0, €149.00

Image result for Cultures of Empire: Rethinking Venetian Rule 1400–1700 Essays in Honour of Benjamin Arbel
(Source: Brill)


Series: The Medieval Mediterranean, Volume: 122

This book investigates perceptions, modes, and techniques of Venetian rule in the early modern Eastern Mediterranean (1400–1700). Against the backdrop of the controversial notion of the Venetian realm as a colonial empire, essays from a range of specialists examine how Venice negotiated control over the territories, resources, and traditions of different empires (Byzantine, Roman, Mamluk, Ottoman) while developing its own claims of authority. Focusing in particular on questions of belonging and status in the Venetian overseas territories, the volume incorporates observations on the daily realities of Venetian rule: how did Venice negotiate claims of authority in light of former and ongoing imperial belongings? What was the status of colonial subjects and ships in the metropolis and in foreign territories? In what ways did Venice accept and continue old forms of imperial belonging? Did subordinate entities join in a shared communal identity? The volume opens new perspectives on Venetian rule at the crossroads of empire and early modern statehood: a polity negotiating and entangling empire. 
Contributors are Housni Alkhateeb Shehada, Giacomo Corazzol, Nicholas Davidson, Renard Gluzman, Deborah Howard, David Jacoby (ZL), Marianna Kolyvà, Franz-Julius Morche, Reinhold C. Mueller, Monique O’Connell, Gerassimos D. Pagratis, Maria Pia Pedani (†), Dorit Raines, and E. Natalie Rothman.


Georg Christ, Ph.D. (2006), Universität Basel, Senior Lecturer in Medieval and Early Modern History at the University of Manchester. His research mainly focuses on the late medieval Eastern Mediterranean and Veneto-Mamluk trade and political relations. 
Franz-Julius Morche, Dr. phil. (2013), Universität Heidelberg, is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study and the Department of History, Durham University. He was previously a member of the ERC research team “Communication and Empire: Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective” at King’s College London and Leiden University.

More information here

BOOK: Paolo AVAZZI DEL FRATE (a cura di), Costituzione Francese [1814] (Macerata: Liberilibri, 2018). ISBN: 9788898094523, pp. XLII-31, 14,00 €

(Source: liberlibri)


Collana: il Monitore Costituzionale

Frutto di un compromesso tra assolutismo e liberalismo, tra “principio monarchico” e “principio rappresentativo”, la Carta francese del 1814 riproduceva nei suoi tratti essenziali la forma costituzio­nale della monarchia britannica nella sua purezza, pur senza registrarvi le evoluzioni che avevano con­dotto il sistema parlamentare verso la modernità. Superati dunque i residui dell’antico monarchismo, questa Carta inaugurò la stagione che avrebbe prodotto il costituzionalismo “liberale conservatore” e, insieme alla Carta del 1830 che se­gnerà la transizione verso la concezione orleanista del potere, diede forma a quell’ordinamento della monarchia limitata che fu un riferimento nel­l’Europa continentale del XIX se­colo per i Paesi che vollero dotarsi di costituzioni scritte, ivi incluso lo Statuto Albertino del Regno di Sardegna.


Paolo Avazzi del Frate è professore ordinario di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Di­par­timento di giu­risprudenza dell’Università Roma Tre. Le sue ricerche hanno affrontato pre­valentemente temi inerenti alla storia della giustizia e degli ordinamenti giudiziari e alla storia della cultura giuridica francese. Tra le pubblicazioni più recenti, le mo­no­grafie Giu­risprudenza e référé législatif in Francia nel pe­riodo rivoluzionario e napoleonico (2005); Il costituzionalismo moderno (2007); Giustizia e garanzie giu­risdi­zio­nali (2011); Gli ordinamenti co­sti­­tu­zio­nali, in Tempi del diritto: età me­die­vale, moderna, contemporanea (2016).

More information available with the publisher.

29 April 2020

OPEN ACCESS RESOURCE: Bulletin officiel du Congo belge


We learned that the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences has digitized the Official Bulletin of the Belgian Congo (1885-1959). The collection can be found, free of charge, here

CALL FOR PAPERS: Herald of Legal History Vol. I (DEADLINE: 31 May 2020)

(Source: Osjnovi)

The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law has started a new student journal for legal history. Their first call for papers below:

Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History is an international academic student journal dedicated to the study of legal history of all countries and periods. The journal is an open access e-journal, has two issues per year and is published by the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. 

Both graduate and postgraduate students of law, as well as of other social sciences and humanities, are eligible to submit papers for the journal, which can be written in either Serbian or English language.

The Herald of Legal History accepts the following types of papers: student academic articles, book reviews, student translations of academic articles from Serbian to English and vice versa (or from any other language to either of the two previously mentioned) and interviews with prominent scholars in the field of legal history, conducted by students.

Papers can be submitted until April 30th for the first issue and until October 31st for the second.

Exceptionally, for the very first issue of the journal we will accept papers until May 31st, 2020.

More info here

BOOK: Michael VAN DUSSEN & Pavel SOUKUP, A Companion to the Hussites (Leiden: Brill, 2019). ISBN: 978-90-04-39786-6, pp. 454, €199.00

Cover A Companion to the Hussites
(Source: Brill)


The Hussites, as the Bohemian reformists have come to be called, became one of the most vocal and influential reform movements of the late Middle Ages, with significance for the reformations of the sixteenth century and later. They represented an interchange between “town and gown” that was largely unprecedented in medieval Europe. Scholarship on the Hussites has a long and distinguished tradition, and current studies must continually contend with a historiography that is implicated in the nationalism, confessionalism, and politics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume gives students and scholars a clear sense of the historiography and current trends in Hussite studies, as well as concise statements on major emphases in Hussite theology, ecclesiology, philosophy, and religious practice. 

Contributors are: Eliška Baťová, Pavlína Cermanová, Dušan Coufal, Phillip Haberkern, Ota Halama, David Holeton, Stephen Lahey, Jindřich Marek, Pavel Kolář, Olivier Marin, Petra Mutlová, Pavlína Rychterová, Pavel Soukup, Michael Van Dussen, and Blanka Zilynská.


Michael Van Dussen is Associate Professor of Medieval Studies at McGill University. He has published articles and volumes on late-medieval religious controversy and manuscript studies, including From England to Bohemia: Heresy and Communication in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge, 2012). 
Pavel Soukup is researcher at the Centre for Medieval Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) in Prague. He has published on heresy, preaching and religious warfare in fifteenth-century Central Europe, including a monograph of Jan Hus (Stuttgart, 2014).


Conventions on the Use of Proper Names 
English Equivalents of Czech Names 
Notes on Contributors 
Introduction: Hussite Histories - Michael Van Dussen and Pavel Soukup 
Part 1: Influences
The Early Bohemian Reform - Olivier Marin 
Wyclif in Bohemia - Stephen E. Lahey 
Part 2: Major Figures
Major Hussite Theologians before the Compactata - Petra Mutlová 
Major Figures of Later Hussitism (1437–1471) - Jindřich Marek 
Part 3: Religious Politics
The Apocalyptic Background of Hussite Radicalism - Pavlína Cermanová 
The Utraquist Church after the Compactata - Blanka Zilynská 
Part 4: Theology and Religious Practice
Key Issues in Hussite Theology - Dušan Coufal 
Preaching, the Vernacular, and the Laity - Pavlína Rychterová 
Liturgy, Sacramental Theology, and Music - David R. Holeton, Pavel Kolář and Eliška Baťová 
Part 5: Later Developments
The Unity of Brethren (1458–1496) - Ota Halama 
The Bohemian Reformation and “The” Reformation: Hussites and Protestants in Early Modern Europe - Phillip Haberkern 

More information here

CALL FOR PAPERS: Tax Evasion or Avoidance and Tax Havens, from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day (Lausanne, 24-25 June 2021) (DEADLINE: 1 November 2020)

(Source: HSozkult)

Via Hsozkult, we learned of a call for papers for a conference on the history of tax evasion, avoidance and tax havens, with keynote speeches by Vanessa Ogle (King’s College London) and Gabriel Zucman (Berkeley).

Since the 2008 financial crisis, the issue of tax evasion or avoidance and of tax havens has gained increasing prominence in public debate and has led to the publication of a vast amount of academic literature. The huge financial needs of states resulting from the economic and health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will accentuate this trend. Despite this, there has been little research on the history of tax evasion in its broadest sense (that is, including tax avoidance) or, more specifically, the history of tax havens, even though since the middle of the nineteenth century this history has been closely tied to the dynamics brought about by the development of direct fiscality and economic/financial globalization. On the basis of current knowledge, it is difficult to draw general conclusions on matters such as the scale and the evolution of long-term tax evasion, the origins of tax havens, the causes of their proliferation throughout the twentieth century, or the role and functions of the phenomenon of offshore finance in contemporary capitalism.”

The full call can be found here

BOOK: Giovanni CAZZETTA, Codice civile e identità giuridica nazionale. Percorsi e appunti per una storia delle codificazioni moderne (Torino: Giappichelli Editore, 2018). ISBN: 9788892113886, pp. 292, € 27,00

Codice civile e identità giuridica nazionale


Il volume propone una storia della codificazione civilistica in Italia dalla fase del Nation-building alla Repubblica. Attraverso la messa a fuoco delle relazioni tra diritto comune e diritto speciale, tra scelte del legislatore e interpretazioni della dottrina e della giurisprudenza, il testo intende offrire (principalmente) agli studenti una storia del codice civile nel vivo delle relazioni sociali e delle trasformazioni del pensiero giuridico nell’arco di due secoli.
Le linee tracciate nel primo capitolo (Codice civile e identità giuridica nazionale) sono sviluppate nei capitoli successivi considerando il “vocabolario mentale” degli interpreti, le trasformazioni della “società del codice”, i mutamenti degli istituti giuridici. La questione del contratto di lavoro e il problema dell’abuso del diritto sono oggetto di specifico approfondimento per cogliere appieno il passaggio dalla centralità (ottocentesca) del codice civile alla centralità della Costituzione nel secondo Novecento.


Giovanni Cazzetta è professore ordinario di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno nell'Università di Ferrara. Si è laureato a Firenze nel 1985; ha conseguito il Dottorato di ricerca in Storia del diritto nell'Università di Napoli (1989). Dopo esser stato ricercatore presso la facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Firenze, è stato chiamato come professore associato a Ferrara (1992). Dal 1999 è docente di prima fascia. Nella facoltà di Ferrara insegna Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, Diritto comune, Storia delle costituzioni e delle codificazioni moderne. Dal 2000 al 2006 è stato per due mandati preside di detta Facoltà. I suoi principali interessi scientifici riguardano la storia del diritto privato, del diritto del lavoro e del diritto penale nel periodo moderno e contemporaneo. I suoi studi pongono a centro privilegiato di indagine il pensiero giuridico e mirano a cogliere le caratteristiche tecnico-scientifiche del ‘giuridico’ e le sue trasformazioni in relazione ai complessivi mutamenti culturali della società. In tale senso si muovono le sue monografie, i suoi saggi e la sua partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca. Dal 2013 dirige i “Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno”.


A PDF version can be downloaded here.

More information available with the publisher.

28 April 2020

NEWS: Selected sources on the legal history of epidemics – By Dr. David Schorr

Dr. David Schorr (Tel Aviv University) has published a list of sources on the legal history of epidemics at the Environment, Law and History blog. The list can be found here. Dr. Schorr welcomes any additional sources. 

BOOK: Margarita TORREMOCHA HERNANDEZ & Alberto CORADA ALONSO, El estupro: delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen (Valladolid, Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2018). ISBN: 8484489892, pp. 314, 21 €


Este trabajo sobre el estupro, es un intento de dar respuesta a una realidad muy frecuente en la sociedad de la Edad Moderna, aunque no por común menos compleja, que afectaba al matrimonio, al mercado matrimonial, a las posibilidades de tomar estado, etc. El estupro es un delito definido por dos coordenadas: engaño y mujer honrada y/o doncella honesta. Ambos parámetros fueron obligatorios en su concepción jurídica. A partir de ellos, en los tribunales, su tratamiento se fue ramificando a cuestiones en principio no intrínsecas, tales como la violencia, el incumplimiento de la palabra de matrimonio, el embarazo y la obligación subsiguiente de alimentos, etc. Las fuentes procesales contribuyen a través de los discursos de los agentes de la justicia a crear una imagen en la que la mujer era una víctima por engaño, a la cual se le puede resarcir. Así, el desequilibrio de las relaciones entre hombre y mujer se pone de manifiesto en los planteamientos que los jueces, abogados, fiscales e incluso testigos presentan para la resolución del conflicto, y nos sitúa en los múltiples escenarios del estupro, en Castilla, Aragón, Portugal e Italia.


Margarita Torremocha Hernández es catedrática de Historia Moderna en la Universidad de Valladolid. Entre sus líneas de investigación destacan la Historia social de la delincuencia; la Historia de la Universidad de Valladolid; la fiesta como expresión de poder; las fórmulas de sociabilidad del Antiguo Régimen y la mujer en las sociedades modernas.
Alberto Corada Alonso es investigador en el Departamento de Historia Moderna de la Universidad de Valladolid.


You can download the table of contents here

More information here

BOOK: Mario G. LOSANO, Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Roma: Carocci Editore, 2018). ISBN: 9788843092697, pp. 512, € 45.00

Norberto Bobbio
(Source: Carocci Editore)


Il filosofo del diritto Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004) è stato la voce militante dell’Italia civile per quasi tutto il XX secolo. Negli anni che vanno dal fascismo al nuovo millennio scrisse alcune migliaia di opere tanto di teoria del diritto e della politica quanto di analisi critica della vita politica italiana. Questa biografia documenta lo stretto nesso fra i suoi scritti e i concomitanti eventi storico-culturali. Gli anni del fascismo e della Resistenza, la costruzione della democrazia in Italia, la divisione delle sinistre e la fine della Prima Repubblica sono il terreno sociale in cui affondano le radici delle sue opere sia teoriche, sia militanti. Nell’ambito filosofico e giuridico si collocano le due tesi di laurea degli anni Trenta, le sue prime opere sulla fenomenologia, sulla consuetudine e sull’analogia e, poi, l’avvicinamento a Hans Kelsen, gli studi sul positivismo e la critica al diritto naturale. Nell’ambito della politologia si succedono l’analisi dei classici come Hobbes e Cattaneo, ma anche il dibattito sulla Resistenza e, poi, sul laicismo nell’Italia democristiana, nonché gli studi sulla destra e sulla sinistra, sulla guerra e sulla pace, sulla crisi della Prima Repubblica e sulla guerra del Golfo. Dalla connessione tra gli eventi e le opere scaturisce così un’immagine completa di questo filosofo del dialogo che fu al centro del dibattito tanto giuri - dico quanto politologico nell’Italia del Novecento.


Mario G. Losano, dapprima alunno, poi assistente e collega di Norberto Bobbio, è socio dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Associate Researcher del Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte di Francoforte e professore emerito di Filosofia del diritto e Informatica giuridica.


Parte prima
Bobbio e il suo mondo
1. Un secolo di filosofia del diritto a Torino: 1872-1972
Esiste una “Scuola di Torino”?/Le origini risorgimentali: Pietro Luigi Albini dall’“Enciclopedia giuridica” alla Filosofia del Diritto/Tra idealismo e positivismo: la filosofia della storia del diritto di Giuseppe Carle/Tra socialismo e idealismo: la filosofia sociale del diritto di Gioele Solari/Tra positivismo giuridico e filosofia analitica: la filosofia del diritto di Norberto Bobbio
2. La vita di Bobbio, a grandi linee
Le radici piemontesi/I tre anni di Camerino (1936-38)/I due anni di Siena (1938-40)/Gli anni padovani, la “filosofia militante” e il carcere (1940-48)/Il ritorno a Torino nel 1948/Dalla dittatura alla libertà del dopoguerra: tre viaggi di Bobbio/Bobbio nella nuova Cina/Gli scritti di Bobbio: uno sguardo d’insieme
3. Le opere di Bobbio, a grandi linee
Studi giuridici e studi politici/Bobbio come osservatore critico della politica italiana ed europea/Le opere sino alla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale (1934-45)/Bobbio nel vicolo cieco della fenomenologia e dell’esistenzialismo/Bobbio avvocato di Sartre/I fecondi decenni del dopoguerra/Bobbio e la filosofia del diritto nella casa editrice Einaudi/Un minimo itinerario bibliografico per accostarsi al pensiero di Bobbio
Parte seconda
Bobbio e la filosofia del diritto
4. I fondamentali temi giuridici di Bobbio
Le tre virtù del Bobbio studioso: dialogo, chiarezza, comprensione/Gli anni universitari: Bobbio crociano/Gli anni universitari: Bobbio husserliano/L’analogia, ridotta ai minimi termini per mezzo della logica/La consuetudine, messa alla pari del diritto legislativo/Bobbio e il positivismo giuridico di Hans Kelsen/Il diritto come ordinamento: una teoria generale/Positivismo e giusnaturalismo in Norberto Bobbio/La revisione del positivismo giuridico
5. Bobbio dalla struttura alla funzione del diritto
La fase postpositivista: verso una visione funzionale del diritto/Bobbio davanti allo sviluppo postbellico dell’Italia/Liberismo e statalismo tra economia e politica/Genaro Carrió e la «gravissima malattia riduzionistica» della teoria giuridica/La funzione promozionale del diritto e il “desarrollismo” sudamericano/La funzione del diritto tra Stato sociale e neoliberismo/La funzione del diritto: un tema in attesa di approfondimenti
Parte terza
Bobbio e la filosofia della politica
6. I fondamentali temi politici di Bobbio
La definizione della politica e la lezione dei classici/Il ventennio di Mussolini e la democrazia riconquistata/I diritti umani, frutto dell’evoluzione storica, non di un valore assoluto/Il socialismo libertario e le sinistre unite: un’aspirazione non realizzata/Pace e guerra: può il pacifismo sconfiggere la guerra?/Federalismo fra uguali: pace durevole e libertà democratiche/Il ventennio di Berlusconi e la democrazia offesa
7. Democrazia e laicità in Bobbio, uomo di ragione e non di fede
Bobbio e la tradizione italiana del laicismo/Il laicismo: difficile definirlo, ancor più difficile praticarlo/L’ora di religione nella scuola pubblica: ora immaginaria, di disagio, di sconfitta/Il referendum abrogativo sull’aborto e le ragioni di Bobbio contro l’aborto/L’incontro con la teologia della liberazione/Le difficoltà – non solo semantiche – della “mitezza”/Religione e religiosità: le ultime polemiche nel segno della coerenza/l laicismo nella vita privata di Bobbio: «Ho compiuto 90 anni»
Commiato da Bobbio
Elenco dei libri citati
Indice dei nomi
Indice analitico

More information with the publisher.

27 April 2020

JOURNAL: Tempo. V. 25, nº 1. Open Access.

Tempo - Home Page

The journal Tempo, from the Fluminense Federal University (Niterói, Brazil) has published its firts 2020 issue. Along with some general articles of legal historical interest, its dossier "Conflict Regulation on the Middle Ages" also aims to build bridges with legal scholarship.


Construyendo sentidos, reforzando estereotipos: representaciones gráfico-narrativas de crímenes sexuales en las revistas Ercilla y Vea. Chile, 1940-1963 | Leon, Marco Antonio

Dossier "Conflict regulation on the middle ages"

Between powers: jurisdictions and conflict regulations in Middle Age: 5th to 15th centuries |Fernandes, Fabiano; Boy, Renato Viana

Value and economic calculation in the Early Middle Ages | Silva, Marcelo Cândido da

Land ownership in Anglo-Saxon Northumbria: jurisdiction, conflict and convergence (8 th century) |Silva, Renato Rodrigues da

King Henry Plantagenet in the midst of his barons: public and territorial consultation at great assemblies in England (1155-1188) | Cerda, José Manuel

To inquire in the name of Afonso II: The king’s jurisdiction at the service of the Christian aristocracy (Portugal, 13th century) | Coelho, Maria Filomena

Portuguese medieval queens’ jurisdictions: an analysis of queenship | Coser, Miriam

More information:

24 April 2020

BOOK: Jinfan ZHANG, The History of Chinese Legal Civilization Ancient China. (Cham: Springer, 2020). ISBN 978-981-10-1027-9, EUR 145,59

(Source: Springer)

Springer is publishing a new book on the history of Chinese legal civilization from a Marxist-leninist perspective.


This book, based on the theory of Marxism-Leninism, aims to study the essence, content and features of various legal systems in China in different historical periods, as well as the rules of the development of Chinese legal system. It effectively combines classic and historical analysis to probe the historical facts and elaborate the historical role of the legal system, revealing both the general and the specific rules of the development of the Chinese legal system on the basis of the existing relevant researches. The subject matter is of abundant theoretical and practical significance, as it enriches Marxist legal studies, deepens the readers’ understanding of Chinese legal civilization and offers guiding principles for the creation of socialist legal systems with Chinese characteristics. The chapters are structured chronologically, ranging from the Xia and Shang Dynasties, the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Han Dynasty, the South and North Dynasties, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Song Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties when Chinese legal system took on its final form. The chapters are compiled according to legislation, administrative law, criminal law and judicial system. Besides, the Chinese legal civilization after the Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen is also addressed.

More info here

BOOK: Michael POZNANSKY, In the Shadow of International Law Secrecy and Regime Change in the Postwar World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780190096595, $49.95

(Source: OUP)

Oxford University Press is publishing a new book on the role of secrecy in the postwar international order.


Secrecy is a staple of world politics and a pervasive feature of political life. Leaders keep secrets as they conduct sensitive diplomatic missions, convince reluctant publics to throw their support behind costly wars, and collect sensitive intelligence about sworn enemies.

In the Shadow of International Law explores one of the most controversial forms of secret statecraft: the use of covert action to change or overthrow foreign regimes. Drawing from a broad range of cases of US-backed regime change during the Cold War, Michael Poznansky develops a legal theory of covert action to explain why leaders sometimes turn to covert action when conducting regime change, rather than using force to accomplish the same objective. He highlights the surprising role international law plays in these decisions and finds that once the nonintervention principle-which proscribes unwanted violations of another state's sovereignty-was codified in international law in the mid-twentieth century, states became more reluctant to pursue overt regime change without proper cause. Further, absent a legal exemption to nonintervention such as a credible self-defense claim or authorization from an international body, states were more likely to pursue regime change covertly and concealing brazen violations of international law.

Shining a light on the secret underpinnings of the liberal international order, the conduct of foreign-imposed regime change, and the impact of international law on state behavior, Poznansky speaks to the potential consequences of America abandoning its role as the steward of the postwar order, as well as the promise and peril of promoting new rules and norms in cyberspace.


Michael Poznansky is Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Intelligence Studies in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh with a secondary appointment in the Department of Political Science. He is also a Non-Resident Fellow with the Modern War Institute at the United States Military Academy at West Point during the 2019-2020 academic year. Before arriving at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Poznansky was a predoctoral research fellow with the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School. He received his Ph.D. in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia. Dr. Poznansky has published in a wide range of scholarly journals, including American Journal of Political ScienceEuropean Journal of International RelationsInternational Studies QuarterlyJournal of Global Security Studies, and Journal of Peace Research. He has also published in a variety of policy-oriented outlets, including the Council on Foreign Relations' Net Politics Blog, Political Violence at a Glance, War on the Rocks, and The Washington Post.


Chapter 1. Introduction

PART I: Background and Theory
Chapter 2. The Evolution of Nonintervention
Chapter 3. The Politics of Secret Interventions

PART II: Covert Regime Change
Chapter 4. Operation ZAPATA: Cuba
Chapter 5. Project FUBELT and Track II: Chile

PART III: Overt Regime Change
Chapter 6. Operation Power Pack: Dominican Republic
Chapter 7. Operation Urgent Fury: Grenada

PART IV: Conclusions and Implications
Chapter 8. The Future of Covert Regime Change

More info here

23 April 2020

BOOK: Ariadne SCHMIDT, Prosecuting Women A Comparative Perspective on Crime and Gender Before the Dutch Criminal Courts, c.1600-1810 (Leiden-New York: Brill, 2020). ISBN 978-90-04-42490-6, €105.00

(Source: Brill)

Brill is publishing a new book on crime and gender before the Dutch criminal courts (1600-1800).


In the early modern period women played a prominent role in crime. At times they even made up half of all defendants. Female criminality was a typically urban phenomenon. Why do we find so many women before the Dutch criminal courts? 

In Prosecuting Women Ariadne Schmidt analyses the relation between female crime and the urban context by comparing prosecution patterns in various Dutch cities. Prosecuting Women looks beyond the bare figures, examines the personal circumstances of criminal women and shows how women's illegal activities were linked to the socio-economic context of the locality and varied over time. The local interplay between actual crime and the responses of the authorities gave every city a location-specific dynamic in its pattern of prosecuted crime.


Ariadne Schmidt, Ph.D. (2001), is the professor by special appointment of the history of urban culture, in particular of Leiden, and lecturer in social and economic history at Leiden University. She has published widely on early modern urban history, gender history, family history and the history of women's work.

More info here

BOOK: Giovanni MINNUCCI (Ed.), Alberici Gentilis, De Papatu Romano Antichristo (Milano: Monduzzi Editoriale, 2018). ISBN: 9788865210949, pp. CLXII-352, € 62,00


Il De papatu Romano Antichristo di Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608) è conservato nella Bodleian Library di Oxford e rappresenta il più noto degli inediti del giurista di San Ginesio al quale, soprattutto a partire dal secolo scorso, gli studiosi hanno dedicato particolare attenzione. Le nuove indagini sul manoscritto hanno dimostrato che, pur essendo stato originariamente redatto fra il 1580 e il 1585, quel testo era stato rivisto, corretto e integrato dallo stesso Gentili. Correzioni, aggiunte, appunti scritti dall’Autore almeno fino al 1591: una novità deducibile dalla lettura di alcuni appunti autografi vergati in uno dei primi fogli del manoscritto bodleiano – fogli originariamente destinati a restare bianchi – ove si fa rinvio, più volte, al Tractatus criminalis di Tiberio Deciani la cui editio princeps risale al 1590. Per tentare di comprendere pienamente l’entità e la natura sostanziale di queste modifiche e annotazioni, e le ragioni per le quali il Gentili non giunse mai alla determinazione di completare e successivamente pubblicare il lavoro, occorreva tornare a studiare criticamente la fonte manoscritta nella sua interezza, ma soprattutto predisporne l’edizione critica: un evento sempre auspicato ma mai, fino ad ora, realizzato. Il progetto, dopo oltre sei anni di intenso lavoro da parte di Giovanni Minnucci che, nel corso di questo lungo periodo, ha dato periodicamente conto dei risultati progressivamente raggiunti, è stato finalmente portato a compimento.

Composta di 24 Assertiones, attraverso le quali l’A. intese dimostrare che l’Anticristo era da identificare nel Papato Romano, l’opera è corredata da un numero copiosissimo di allegazioni tratte dalla Sacra Scrittura, dalle opere dei Padri della Chiesa, da quelle teologiche, storiche, filosofiche, letterarie e giuridiche, individuate dal curatore, a piè di pagina, in un apposito apparato critico. In un secondo apparato, sempre a piè di pagina, vengono edite anche le numerose additiones che Gentili vergò nei margini e, talvolta, nelle interlinee del testo. Segue un’Appendice nella quale si legge il testo, criticamente edito, degli appunti di lavoro che Gentili annotò nel frontespizio e nei fogli del manoscritto inizialmente destinati a restare bianchi. In ragione della particolare natura del testo – un vero e proprio work in progress che Alberico Gentili non aveva mai concluso – l’edizione critica del De papatu Romano Antichristo, delle numerose additiones e dei cospicui appunti sparsi che ne caratterizzavano la stesura, era meritevole di essere accompagnata da un saggio introduttivo. Per una migliore comprensione dell’opera, e per una sua più compiuta, ancorché preliminare, illustrazione, Giovanni Minnucci ha ritenuto necessario soffermarsi sulle presumibili ragioni sottese alla decisione assunta da Gentili di voler affrontare il tema oggetto del suo lavoro e sulle fonti complessivamente utilizzate – avendo riguardo anche a quelle prive di esplicito rinvio – cercando di approfondire, allo stesso tempo, la natura delle additiones vergate nei margini e nelle interlinee, e le probabili motivazioni della sua mancata pubblicazione. Né potevano essere ignorate, infine, in ragione dei contenuti eminentemente teologici e giuridici dell’inedito, le idee che, in relazione ai rapporti fra diritto e teologia e fra coloro che quelle discipline professavano, il nostro Autore aveva espresso negli anni ai quali va fatta risalire la conclusione della prima redazione dell’opera e a quelli immediatamente seguenti, allorquando decideva di aggiornarla e modificarla. In questo periodo, com’è noto, si concretizzarono i prodromi di un vero e proprio scontro teorico, di natura politico-dottrinale, con i puritani inglesi e, più in particolare, con il teologo John Rainolds. Queste vicende, già note alla storiografia, erano suscettibili non solo di essere ripensate e approfondite alla luce della documentazione manoscritta che le attesta, ma anche nuovamente contestualizzate: proprio mentre la polemica iniziava ad accendersi per poi successivamente esplodere all’inizio degli anni Novanta del XVI secolo, Alberico stava attendendo alla scrittura e alla successiva revisione del De papatu. Temi e problemi già oggetto di studio da parte di Minnucci, che vengono qui ripresi, integrati, approfonditi e notevolmente ampliati nei Prolegomena che precedono l’edizione. Giunto ad uno stadio avanzato di elaborazione, il De papatu Romano Antichristo attesta i forti dissensi che caratterizzarono la vicenda politica e religiosa europea in uno dei momenti più bui della sua storia millenaria, ed è contestualmente testimone della vastissima cultura e della poliedrica attività scientifica del grande giurista e pensatore italiano, esule in Inghilterra sin dal 1580 per la sua adesione alla Riforma, e regius professor di civil law a Oxford dal 1587.


Giovanni Minnucci is Full Professor of History of Medieval and Modern Law at the University of Siena. He teaches History of European Law and History of International Law. Member of the Board of the PhD in "Historical Studies" (University of Florence and Siena). In the Academic year 2019-2020 he is “visiting professor” at the Faculty of Canon Law "San Pio X" of the “Studium Generale Marcianum” in Venice. In 1982-83. Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Medieval Canon Law and the Robbins Collection (School of Law - Boalt Hall) - University of California, Berkeley (USA).  He taught at the Universities of Perugia and Siena. At the latter he held the positions of Pro-Rector Vicar, Chairman of the Political Science Faculty, Director of Department, elected member of the Academic Senate. Over the years he has dealt with the following issues, paying particular attention to manuscript sources: the history of universities in the Middle Ages and in the early Modern Age;  history of the process in the medieval age and of the female procedural condition; Of the history of canon law;  history of law and criminal procedure by publishing the critical edition of Tractatus criminum (XII century);  history of marriage in the medieval and modern times;  thought and work of Alberico Gentili, a jurist who has dedicated  four monographs, and has published many unpublished texts kept in the Oxford Libraries.

A PDF version of the table of contents can be downloaded here.

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22 April 2020

BOOK: Leonard V. SMITH, Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 (Oxford: University Press, 2018). ISBN: 9780199677177, pp. 304, £36.99

Cover for 

Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
(Source: OUP)


We have known for many decades that the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 "failed", in the sense that it did not prevent the outbreak of World War II. This book investigates not whether the Paris Peace Conference succeeded or failed, but the historically specific international system it created. It explores the rules under which that system operated, and the kinds of states and empires that inhabited it. Deepening the dialogue between history and international relations theory makes it possible to think about sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference in new ways. Sovereignty in 1919 was about not just determining of answers demarcating the international system, but also the questions. Sovereignty in 1919 was about remaking the world.
Most histories of the Paris Peace Conference stop with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles with Germany on 28 June 1919. Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 considers all five treaties produced by the conference as well as the Treaty of Lausanne with Turkey in 1923. It is organized not chronologically or geographically, but according to specific problems of sovereignty. A peace based on "justice" produced a criminalized Great Power in Germany, and a template problematically applied in the other treaties. The conference sought to unmix lands and peoples in the defeated multinational empires by drawing boundaries and defining ethnicities. The conference sought not so much to oppose revolution as to instrumentalize it in the new international system. The League of Nations, so often taken as the supreme symbol of the failure of the conference, is better considered as a continuation of the laboratory of sovereignty established in Paris.


Leonard V. Smith is Frederick B. Arz Professor of History at Oberlin College, Ohio. He has previously written extensively about France and the Great War. His first book, Between Mutiny and Obedience: The Case of the French Fifth Infantry Division During World War I (1994) won the Paul Birdsall Prize from the American Historical Association. France and the Great War, 1914-1918 (co-authored with Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Annette Becker, 2003) won the Norman B. Tomlinson Prize from the Western Front Association. Smith is also the author of The Embattled Self: French Soldiers Testimony of the Great War (2007).


Introduction: The Riddles of Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference
1: The Agents and Structures of Peacemaking
2: The Sovereignty of Justice
3: The "Unmixing" of Lands
4: The "Unmixing" of Peoples
5: Mastering Revolution
6: Sovereignty and the League of Nations, 1920-1923
Conclusion: History, IR, and the Paris Peace Conference

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BOOK: Dorinda OUTRAM, The Enlightenment [New Approaches to European History] (Cambridge: CUP, 2020), 196 p. ISBN 9781108440776, 20,99 GBP

(image source: CUP)

Book abstract:
What is the Enlightenment? A period rich with debates on the nature of man, truth and the place of God, with the international circulation of ideas, people and gold. But did the Enlightenment mean the same for men and women, for rich and poor, for Europeans and non-Europeans? In this fourth edition of her acclaimed book, Dorinda Outram addresses these and other questions about the Enlightenment and its place at the foundation of modernity. Studied as a global phenomenon, Outram sets the period against broader social changes, touching on how historical interpretations of the Enlightenment continue to transform in response to contemporary socio-economic trends. Supported by a wide-ranging selection of documents online, this new edition provides an up-to-date overview of the main themes of the period and benefits from an expanded treatment of political economy and imperialism, making it essential reading for students of eighteenth-century history and philosophy.
On the author:
 Dorinda Outram is Clark Professor Emerita of History at the University of Rochester, New York. Her previous publications include Georges Cuvier: Vocation, Science and Authority in Post-Revolutionary France (1982), Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Women in Science, 1789–1979 (1988) and The Body and the French Revolution: Sex, Class and Political Culture (1989).
(more information with CUP)

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

21 April 2020

BOOK: Alison CARROL, The Return of Alsace to France, 1918-1939 (Oxford: University Press, 2018). ISBN: 9780198803911, pp. 248, £60.00

Cover for 

The Return of Alsace to France, 1918-1939
(Source: OUP)


In 1918, the end of the First World War triggered the return of Alsace and Lorraine to France after almost fifty years of annexation into the German Empire. Enthusiastic crowds in Paris and Alsace celebrated the return of the 'lost provinces,' but return proved far more difficult than expected. Over the following two decades, politicians, administrators, industrialists, cultural elites, and others grappled with the question of how to make the region French again. Differences of opinion emerged, and reintegration rapidly descended into a multi-faceted struggle as voices at the Parisian centre, the Alsatian periphery, and outside France's borders offered their views on how to introduce French institutions and systems into its lost borderland. Throughout these discussions, the border itself shaped the process of reintegration, by generating contact and tensions between populations on the two sides of the boundary line, and by shaping expectations of what it meant to be French and Alsatian.
Borderland is the first comprehensive account of the return of Alsace to France which treats the border as a driver of change. It draws upon national, regional, and local archives to follow the difficult process of Alsace's reintegration into French society, culture, political and economic systems, and legislative and administrative institutions. It connects the microhistory of the region with the 'macro' levels of national policy, international relations, and transnational networks, and with the cross-border flows of ideas, goods, people, and cultural products that shaped daily life in Alsace as its population grappled with the meaning of return to France. In revealing the multiple voices who contributed to the region's reintegration, it underlines the ways in which regional populations and cross-border interactions have forged modern nations.


Alison Carrol is Senior Lecturer in European History at Brunel University, London. She has published on questions of borders and integration in modern French history, and in 2010 she was awarded the Etienne Baluze prize in European local history. This is her first book.


1: A Bridge Across the Rhine
2: Remaking French Alsace: Citizenship, Administration, and Laws
3: Borderland Politics
4: Economic Reintegration
5: Reimagining Alsatian Culture
6: The Border Landscape

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BOOK: Mona L. SIEGEL, Peace on Our Terms: The Global Battle for Women’s Rights After the First World War (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780231195102, $35.00

Columbia University Press has published a new book on the struggle to advance women’s rights in the aftermath of World War I.


In the watershed year of 1919, world leaders met in Paris, promising to build a new international order rooted in democracy and social justice. Female activists demanded that statesmen live up to their word. Excluded from the negotiating table, women met separately, crafted their own agendas, and captured global headlines with a message that was both straightforward and revolutionary: enduring peace depended as much on recognition of the fundamental humanity and equality of all people—regardless of sex, race, class, or creed—as on respect for the sovereignty of independent states.

Peace on Our Terms follows dozens of remarkable women from Europe, the Middle East, North America, and Asia as they crossed oceans and continents; commanded meeting halls in Paris, Zurich, and Washington; and marched in the streets of Cairo and Beijing. Mona L. Siegel’s sweeping global account of international organizing highlights how Egyptian and Chinese nationalists, Western and Japanese labor feminists, white Western suffragists, and African American civil rights advocates worked in tandem to advance women’s rights. Despite significant resistance, these pathbreaking women left their mark on emerging democratic constitutions and new institutions of global governance. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Peace on Our Terms is the first book to demonstrate the centrality of women’s activism to the Paris Peace Conference and the critical diplomatic events of 1919. Siegel tells the timely story of how female activists transformed women’s rights into a global rallying cry, laying a foundation for generations to come.


Mona L. Siegel is professor of history at California State University, Sacramento. She is the author of The Moral Disarmament of France: Education, Pacifism, and Patriotism, 1914–1940 (2004).


Timeline of International Women’s Activism in 1919
List of Illustrations
Prologue: The Closing Days of the First World War
1. A New Year in Paris: Women’s Rights at the Peace Conference of 1919
2. Winter of Our Discontent: Racial Justice in a New World Order
3. March(ing) in Cairo: Women’s Awakening and the Egyptian Revolution of 1919
4. Springtime in Zurich: Former Enemies in Pursuit of Peace and Freedom
5. May Flowers in China: The Feminist Origins of Chinese Nationalism
6. Autumn on the Potomac: Women Workers and the Quest for Social Justice
Epilogue: Rome, 1923

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20 April 2020

BOOK: Rossella MARZULLO, Cesare Beccaria. Del diritto, della pena, dell'educazione (Roma: Edizioni Anicia, 2018). ISBN: 8867093703, pp. 205, 22 €

Cesare Beccaria
(Source: Edizioni Anicia)


Era difficile immaginare, nel lontano giugno del 1764, che la pubblicazione di due libri senza il nome dell'autore e in formato tascabile avrebbe modificato definitivamente la concezione di pena e il rapporto tra essa, il delitto, la morale corrente e il valore dell'essere umano. Voltaire e l'allora sconosciuto e appena ventiseienne Beccaria stavano rispettivamente consegnando alla storia il "Dictionnaire philosophique portatif" e il "Dei delitti e delle pene". Il clamore suscitato dai due testi fu tale che generò, già nei lettori del tempo, le più disparate reazioni: dall'esplosione di nuove idee filosofiche, politiche e giuridiche alle contestazioni efferate da parte di statuti religiosi, etici, giuridici e politici. Come la piena di un fiume, queste moderne concezioni di un diritto penale laico e secolarizzato, basato sulla indiscutibile dignità della persona quale valore assoluto dell'intero ordinamento, approdano alla conquista del principio della pena proporzionata al reato e non inutilmente spietata e feroce. Insomma, una visione razionale, obiettiva, umana sia degli errori che gli uomini commettono violando il contratto sociale, sia della legge che tale contratto deve proteggere e legittimare, senza «questa inutile prodigalità di supplizi che non ha mai reso migliori gli uomini».


Rossella Marzullo è professore associato abilitato, insegna Pedagogia generale presso l’Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, giudice onorario minorile, dottore di ricerca in diritto civile, dottore di ricerca in studi umanistici, autrice di pubblicazioni in materie pedagogiche e in materia di tutela minorile.


Capitolo I - Dal secolo dei Lumi al secolo senza Lumi
Capitolo II - “Dei delitti e delle pene”: la genesi del diritto penale moderno
Capitolo III - Paideia o ius corrigendi dello Stato sui minori autori di reato? 
Capitolo IV - La rieducazione dei ragazzi difficili: tradimenti e infedeltà della società contemporanea rispetto all’eredità beccariana
Brevi conclusioni 

A detailed index can be downloaded here.

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BOOK: John COAKLEY and Jennifer TODD, Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland, 1969-2019 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780198841388, £95.00

(Source: OUP)

Oxford University Press has published a reference resource on the negotiation of the Northern-Irish peace process (1969-2019).


Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland: From Sunningdale to St Andrews uses original material from witness seminars, elite interviews, and archive documents to explore the shape taken by the Irish peace process, and in particular to analyse the manner in which successful stages of this were negotiated. Northern Ireland's Good Friday Agreement of 1998 marked the end a 30-year conflict that had witnessed more than 3,000 deaths, thousands of injuries, catastrophic societal damage, and large-scale economic dislocation.

This book traces the roots of the Agreement over the decades, stretching back to the Sunningdale conference of 1973 and extending up to at least the St Andrews Agreement of 2006. It describes the changing relationship between parties to the conflict (nationalist and unionist groups within Northern Ireland, and the Irish and British governments) and identifies three dimensions of significant change: new ways of implementing the concept of sovereignty, growing acceptance of power sharing, and the steady emergence of substantial equality in the socio-economic, cultural, and political domains.

As well as placing this in the context of an extensive social science literature, the book innovates by looking at the manner in which those most closely involved understood the process in which they were engaged. The authors reproduce testimonies from witness seminars and interviews involving central actors, including former prime ministers, ministers, senior officials, and political advisors.

They conclude that the outcome was shaped by a distinctive interaction between the conscious planning of these elites and changing demographic and political realities that themselves were, in a symbiotic way, consequences of decisions made in earlier years. They also note the extent to which this settlement has come under pressure from new notions of sovereignty implicit in the Brexit process.


John Coakley, Professor and Member of the Royal Irish Academy, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen's University Belfast, and Geary Institute, University College Dublin, and Jennifer Todd, Professor and Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Geary Institute, University College Dublin

John Coakley, MRIA, is Professor of Politics at Queen's University Belfast, and Fellow of the Geary Institute for Public Policy at University College Dublin. Recent publications include Nationalism, Ethnicity and the State: Making and Breaking Nations (Sage, 2012), Reforming Political Institutions: Ireland in Comparative Perspective (IPA, 2013), Breaking Patterns of Conflict: Britain, Ireland and the Northern Ireland Question (co-edited, Routledge, 2015), Non-Territorial Autonomy in Divided Societies: Comparative Perspectives (edited, Routledge, 2017) and Politics in the Republic of Ireland (co-edited, 6th ed., Routledge, 2018).

Jennifer Todd, MRIA is a Fellow of the Geary Institute for Public Policy at University College Dublin. She has been Fernand Braudel visiting Fellow at the European University Institute (2016) and is presently Fellow of the Political Studies Association of Ireland. She is co-author of the classic Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland (Cambridge 1996), and recent publications include Identity Change after Conflict: Ethnicity, Boundaries and Belonging in the Two Irelands (Palgrave 2018), and jointly edited volumes on Ethnicity and Religion (Routledge, 2011); Breaking Pattens of Conflict (Routledge 2015).


1: Introduction: defining moments in the British-Irish relationship
2: The Sunningdale Agreement, 1973
3: The Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1985
4: The Downing Street Declaration and Framework Documents, 1993-95
5: The Good Friday Agreement, 1998: negotiation
6: The Good Friday Agreement, 1998: implementation
7: Conclusion: benchmarks from the British-Irish process

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17 April 2020

BOOK: Donald G. NIEMAN, Promises to Keep African Americans and the Constitutional Order, 1776 to the Present (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780190071639, $99.00

(Source: OUP)

Oxford University Press has published a new edition (2nd) of a book treating the role of race in the development of the US constitution.


Widely considered the first history of US Constitutionalism that places African Americans at the center, Promises to Keep is a compelling overview of how conflict over African Americans' place in American society has shaped the Constitution, law, and our understanding of citizenship and rights. Both authoritative and accessible, this revised and expanded second edition incorporates key insights from the last three decades of scholarship and makes sense of recent developments in civil rights, from the War on Drugs to the rise of Black Lives Matter. Promises to Keep shows how African Americans have played a critical role in transforming the Constitution from a bulwark of slavery to a document that is truer to the nation's promise of equality. The book begins by examining debates about race from the Revolutionary Era at the Constitutional Convention and covers the establishment of civil rights protections during Reconstruction, the Jim Crow backlash, and the evolution of the civil rights movement, from the formation of the National Association for the Advancement for Colored People to legal victories and massive organized protests. Comprehensive in scope, this book moves from debates over slavery at the nation's founding to contemporary discussions of affirmative action, voting rights, mass incarceration, and police brutality. In the process, it provides readers with a historical perspective critical to understanding some of today's most important social and political issues.


Donald G. Nieman is Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at Binghamton University, State University of New York. He is the author or editor of six books, including the first edition of Promises to Keep (Oxford).


1 With Liberty for Some: The Old Constitution and African American Rights
2 Law and Liberty, 1830-1860
3 The National Commitment to Civil Equality, 1861-1870
4 Equality Deferred, 1870-1900
5 The Age of Segregation, 1900-1950
6 The Civil Rights Movement and American Law, 1950-1969
7 The Elusive Quest for Equality, 1969-1989
8 The Color-Blind Challenge to Civil Rights, 1989-Present
Bibliographical Essay
Table of Cases

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BOOK: Francine MCKENZIE, GATT and Global Order in the Postwar Era (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020). ISBN 9781108494892, £ 29.99

(Source: CUP)

Cambridge University Press is publishing a new book on the Post-WWII trading system and its role in foreign policy and international relations.


After the Second World War, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) promoted trade liberalization to help make the world prosperous and peaceful. Francine McKenzie uses case studies of the Cold War, the creation of the EEC and other regional trade agreements, development, and agriculture, to show that trade is a primary goal of foreign policy, a dominant (and divisive) aspect of international relations, and a vital component of global order. She unpacks the many ways in which trade was politicised, and the layers of meaning associated with trade; trade policies, as well as disputes about trade, communicated ideas, hopes and fears that were linked to larger questions of identity, sovereignty, and status. This study reveals how the economic and political dimensions of foreign policy and international engagement intersected, showing that trade was not only instrumentalised in the service of particular policies or relations but that it was also an essential aspect of international relations.


Francine McKenzieUniversity of Western Ontario
Francine McKenzie is a Professor at the University of Western Ontario. She is an international historian who has published extensively on international cooperation, trade, and global order. Her publications include Redefining the Bonds of Commonwealth, 1939-1948 (2002), A Global History of Trade and Conflict since 1500 (2013) and Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada's International History (2017).


Introduction: GATT in World Affairs
1. Accidental Organization: Origins and Early Years of GATT
2. 'An Arrow in the Western World's Quiver': The Cold War Challenge to GATT
3. 'Take It or Leave It': The EEC Challenge to GATT
4. 'Spread Like the Plague': The Regional Challenge to GATT
5. 'Rich Man's Club': The Development Challenge to GATT
6. 'Agricultural Anarchy': The Agriculture Challenge to GATT
Conclusion: The Embattled History of GATT.

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BOOK: Giacomo CASARINO, Genova, solo mercanti? Artigiani, corporazioni e manifattura tra quattro e cinquecento (Roma: Aracne, 2018). ISBN: 9788825518108, pp. 268, € 15,00

(Source: Aracne Editrice)


I saggi raccolti trattano delle figure del lavoro nella Genova del secondo Quattrocento / inizio Cinquecento. Il composito universo di artigiani e imprenditori viene declinato secondo vari approcci: strutturali (il popolo, la cittadinanza, le corporazioni, le stesse milizie urbane), muovendo dai permanenti fenomeni migratori che modificano, all’interno del tessuto urbano, le aggregazioni interfamiliari (il processo di formazione dei cognomi); congiunturali (le ricadute della crisi di sussistenza europea dell’ultimo quarto del XV secolo); prosopografico (banca dati nominativa), che è valso a dare identità e visibilità a una larga parte della popolazione maschile.


Giacomo Casarino ha insegnato Metodologia della ricerca storica e Storia moderna presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova. Ha partecipato al gruppo di lavoro “Maestri e garzoni nella società genovese fra Quattro e Cinquecento”, che si è avvalsa dell’utilizzo di metodologie informatiche e di specifici, collaterali approfondimenti tematici (migrazioni, artigianato). Dal data base nominativo, costruito attraverso i contratti di apprendistato rogati a Genova tra XV e XVI secolo, egli ha tratto in larga parte il materiale per le sue ricerche, offerte a convegni italiani e internazionali, e di cui si presentano nel volume Genova, solo mercanti? Artigiani, corporazioni e manifattura tra Quattro e Cinquecento i risultati consolidati. Tra le altre pubblicazioni: “Tra ‘alfabeti’ e percorsi scolastici: formazione individuale ed acculturazione nella Liguria moderna”, in «Storia della cultura ligure», 3, (Genova 2005 ed.), in ultimo, “Malattia o sofferta simulazione? Un’improbabile ‘possessione diabolica’ a fine Seicento”, («Intemelion», n. 21, 2015).


A PDF version is available here.

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BOOK: Irene FOSI, Inquisition, Conversion, and Foreigners in Baroque Rome (Leiden: Brill, 2020). ISBN: 9789004422667, pp. 260, € 125.00

Cover Inquisition, Conversion, and Foreigners in Baroque Rome
(Source: Brill)


In Rome, where strategies to re-establish Roman Catholic orthodoxy were formulated, the problem of how to deal with foreigners and particularly with ‘heretics’ coming from Northern Europe was an important priority throughout the early modern period. Converting foreigners had a special significance for the Papacy. This volume, which includes several case studies, explores the meaning of conversion and the changes of policy adopted by the church bodies set up to protect orthodoxy. It uses inquisitorial documents (from Archivio della Congregazione per la dottrina della Fede) and sources from other archives and libraries, both in Rome and elsewhere. The book includes an updated bibliography with a particular attention paid to anglophone historiography.


Irene Fosi is professor of Modern History at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara in Italy. She is author of many original studies on Renaissance and Baroque Rome: All’ombra dei Barberini. Fedeltà e servizio nella Roma barocca (Rome 1997); Papal Justice. Subjects and Courts in the Papal States, 1500-1750 (Washington D.C., 2011); Conversion and Autobiography: Telling Tales before the Roman Inquisition, in “Journal of Early Modern History”, 17, 2013, pp. 437- 456; 'The Hospital as a Space of Conversion: Roman Examples from the Seventeenth Century', in Space of Conversion in Global Perspective, ed. by G. Marcocci, W. de Boer, A. Maldavsky, I. Pavan, pp. 154-174 (Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2014).


Introduction. Winds of the North
1 Rome, a Patria Comune?
 1 Rules and Procedures: Defining the Foreigner
 2 Religious Identity
 3 Protection, Integration, Exclusion: National Confraternities, Hospices and Colleges
 4 Conversions and Reconquests: The Venerable English College in the Late Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
2 Not Only Pilgrims: Reception and Conversion
 1 Conversion and the Holy Years
 2 Abjuring Heresy and Creating a New Identity
 3 Clement VIII’s “Womb of Paternal Compassion”
 4 Rome, a Den of Spies
3 Cristoforo Gaspare Fischer: a Goldsmith, his Inheritance and the Inquisition
 1 Cristoforo “Piscator aurifex in Urbe”
 2 Between Nuremberg and Rome
 3 Lengthy Negotiations and Powerful Intermediaries
4 Johannes Faber, “One of Italy’s Seven Sages”
 1 Johannes Faber’s Roman Career
 2 “Acquiring the Souls of Others”
 3 Friends and Compatriots
 4 Echoes of War
 5 A Dubious Reputation
5 Guillaume Reboul: a Troublesome Convert
 1 A Restless Pamphleteer
 2 Rivalry and “loathing”
 3 Between Paris and Rome
6 Unsettling Mobility: Foreign Heretics in Italy
 1 The Inquisitor’s Doubts
 2 Merchants in the Duchies of Mantua and Savoy
 3 At the Border of the Papal States
 4 From Leghorn to Florence by Way of Siena
 5 Naples: a Port City
7 Between Intransigence and Tolerance
 1 Alexander VII: New Conversion Politics
 2 Difficult Control
 3 A Cultural Conversion Project
 4 The Heretic’s Language
8 Petitions, Enclosures, Burials
 1 Petitions and Intermediaries
 2 Enclosing: the Ospizio Apostolico dei Convertendi
 3 Burials
 4 Onward to the Eighteenth Century
 5 Exiled Princes, Traveling Princes

More information here

16 April 2020

BOOK: Thomas DUVE and Otto DANWERTH, eds., Knowledge of the Pragmatici Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden-New York: Brill, 2020). ISBN 978-90-04-42162-2, OPEN ACCESS

(Source: Brill)

The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History has a new publications series: Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds (MPIW) will present legal historical research on the Iberian worlds of the early modern and modern periods. Its volumes will cover not only regions that were part of the Spanish and Portuguese empires or stood in direct contact with them, but also examine the globalisation and localisation of normative knowledge throughout Europe, America, Asia and Africa. A particular emphasis lies on the investigation of cultural translation processes and phenomena of multinormativity. The series, edited by Thomas Duve, is published in Open Access, and in print as a hardcover edition by Brill.


The first volume now published – Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America – is devoted to a long underestimated genre of normative literature that was of great significance for the formation of normative orders in early modern Ibero-America: small handbooks written for practical use. These could contain legal texts, but moral theological works and confession manuals were also among these widely used media, which were particularly important for the everyday practices of norm production.

The definition of this genre, as well as its function, dissemination and use from the 16th to the 18th century are the focus of the eleven contributions to this volume, which brings together the results of a collaborative research project (SFB 1095). A number of contributions focus on the methods of norm generation in the early modern period, in particular the role of pragmatic literature in these processes and the practices of epitomisation characteristic of this genre. The volume also includes studies on important authors (such as Martín de Azpilcueta) and on the circulation of books and knowledge. Further chapters analyse the presence and use of pragmatic literature in regional contexts from Mexico to South America.

The authors, almost all of whom are members of the MPIeR, come from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Peru and Spain. The volume, edited by Thomas Duve and Otto Danwerth, has just been published in Open Access; the hardcover version will become available at the end of April.


Thomas Duve is Director at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt am Main) and Professor for Comparative Legal History at the Goethe University Frankfurt. His research focuses on the legal history of the early modern age and the modern era. 

Otto Danwerth is Head of the editorial department at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt am Main). His research areas are early modern Spain and Ibero-America until the eighteenth century, with a focus on the Andean region.

More info here