
30 September 2010

NOTICE: Hatzimihail on Barolus and the Conflict of Laws

The Legal History Blog just posted the following on one of our own:

'Bartolus and the Conflict of Laws' is a recent article by Nikitas Hatzimihail, University of Cyprus - Department of Law; Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). It was published in the Revue Hellenique de Droit International (2007). The abstract ends in mid-sentence, unfortunately, but I am posting as is. For more, please download the article:

The treatment of issues pertaining to the personal and territorial reach of local statutes by Italian jurist Bartolus of Sassoferrato (1314-1357) has been widely regarded as foundational to the conflict of laws. This article presents a detailed examination of the Bartolan text and places it in historical and political context. It also establishes a working text and improves on previous English translations.

The article approaches Bartolan thought from two angles. It considers the principal notions in modern doctrinal literature regarding Bartolan and medieval conflict of laws (was Bartolus a unilateralist? did he think in terms of territoriality or personality, form/substance, party autonomy or decisional harmony?). Bartolan doctrine is also examined in terms of structure, systematicity. The legal and political environment of his time: the role of the ius commune and the quest for...

24 September 2010


5–11 August 2012

Call for Papers

The Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law will be held 5–11 August, 2012, at Saint Michael's College in the University of Toronto, Canada. The program committee invites proposals for papers in any area of Medieval Canon Law, including the following:

Sources and Texts
Canonical Doctrine
Institutions, Legislation, Procedures
Application and Influence
Law, Theology and the Schools

Please include the following information with your proposal:

Your Name and title (Ms./Mr., Dr., Prof., etc)
Your institutional affiliation
The title of your proposed paper
A brief (one paragraph) summary of the proposed paper
Your email address
Your postal address

In addition to individual papers, the program committee will also entertain proposals for special sessions (3 papers) and panel discussions on a particular topic.

The deadline for proposals is August 15, 2011. Proposals (in a PDF file, or in Word or WordPerfect format) should be sent as an email attachments to Those unable to send proposals as email attachments may send a hard copy to:

Joe Goering
Department of History
University of Toronto
100 St. George St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3

NOTICE: Journal of European History of Law

The European Society for the History of Law has announced the publication of the first volume of its Journal on European History of Law.

Articles include:
  • Foundation of „The European Society for History of Law“
  • Entstehung der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft „The European Society for History of Law“
  • Christian Neschwara: Franz von Zeiller und das Strafrecht
  • Gábor Hamza: Das römische Recht und die Privatrechtsentwicklung in Ungarn im Mittelalter
  • Balázs Pálvölgyi: Hungarian views on the French proposal to the planned international accord concerning the crimes of political terrorism (1934)
  • Stanislav Balík: Brief History of the Constitutional Court of the Czech and Czechoslovak Republic and its role in upholding the rule of law
  • Kai Müller: Die Einheit von Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Ära Honecker. Anspruch, Realität, Scheitern
  • Jaromír Tauchen: „Beneš-Dekrete“ von einer rechtlich historischen Perspektive
  • Martin Bermeiser: Die Tschechoslowakei zwischen 1945 und der Mitte der 1960er aus einem deutschen Blickwinkel
  • Karel Schelle: Zu den Anfängen der tschechoslowakisch-polnischen Beziehungen
  • Vilém Knoll: Legal personality of natural persons in the Czech medieval private law Brief Summary
  • Jiří Bílý: The legal position of the Dalmatian merchants in medieval Lübeck
  • Renata Veselá: Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren und die Änderungen im Familienrecht
  • Miroslav Frýdek: Terminology of Roman Criminal Law – crimen et delictum
  • Lucie Bendová Bednářová: The Crime of the Forced Abortion (The culpability of foeticide in the first quarter of twentieth century)
Note that there are also book reviews and 'Reports from the History of Law'

03 September 2010

NOTICE: Chair in Civil Law and Comparative Legal History (University of Tübingen )

The University of Tübingen is advertising for a chair in civil law and comparative legal history. The notice reads as follows:

Professur W 3 für Bürgerliches Recht und Vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte

Juristische Fakultät
An der Juristischen Fakultät der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen ist die

Professur W 3 für Bürgerliches Recht und Vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte

zum 1. Oktober 2011 zu besetzen.

Habilitation oder gleichwertige wissenschaftliche Leistungen sowie didaktische Eignung werden vorausgesetzt. Die Universität Tübingen strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb entsprechend qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdrücklich um ihre Bewerbung.

Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen werden bis zum 11. Oktober 2010 erbeten an den Dekan der Juristischen Fakultät, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, 72074 Tübingen.