
30 January 2014

NOTICE: Fellowships in Colonial and U.S. History and Culture

The Library Company of Philadelphia Fellowships 

The Library Company, founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1731 and located in Center City Philadelphia, holds over half a million rare books and graphics that are capable of supporting research in a variety of fields and disciplines relating to the history of America and the Atlantic world in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. The holdings include the nation’s second largest collection of pre-1801 American imprints and one of the largest collections of 18th-century British books in America. Information about the subject strengths of the collections can be found here

A catalog of rare books and graphics is available here.

The fellowship program began in 1987 and now has more than 700 alumni. 
A list of former fellows and their topics is available here, along with a list of publications resulting from their fellowship research.

Fellows share opportunities to participate in the Philadelphia region’s vibrant intellectual life while conducting their research in the print, graphics, and manuscript collections of the Library Company and other local institutions. Fellows have an opportunity to present their research publicly through conferences, seminars, and colloquia. The Library Company’s Cassatt House fellows’ residence offers rooms at reasonable rates, along with a kitchen, common room, and offices with internet access and is available to resident and non-resident fellows at all hours.

Generous support for this fellowship program has been provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Albert M. Greenfield Foundation, the Barra Foundation, the McLean Contributionship, the William Reese Company, ASECS, and William H. Helfand.

CFA: New Research on Roma and the Holocaust (USHMM workshop)

What: New Research on Roma and the Holocaust, workshop, Call for Applicants

Where: Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

When: September 15-18, 2014

deadline: April 25, 2014

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies invites applications for a workshop, New Research on Roma and the Holocaust, scheduled for September 15-18, 2014. The program will consist of three days of consultation and discussion of participants’ research, followed by a day-long public symposium.
This workshop will bring together scholars working on Roma and the Holocaust across Europe, as well as histories of pre-war persecution and the effects of the Holocaust on Romani communities in its aftermath,  in order to foster scholarly cooperation on emerging research on these themes. The workshop will also introduce participants to the Museum’s extensive archival and other collections.
The Museum welcomes applications from doctoral candidates, postdoctoral scholars, and early career academics who are conducting research on Roma in the Holocaust. Proposals for new, original, and previously unpublished papers are welcome from scholars in all relevant academic disciplines. Researchers from post-Soviet states are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will be required to submit a copy of their presentation in English in advance of the workshop for circulation among commentators, other panelists, and participants. The workshop will be conducted in English.
A maximum of 14 scholars will be selected.  Applications must be submitted in English and include: (1) a current CV; (2) a statement addressing the candidate’s specific interest and background (including previous coursework, projects, publications, or language study) in the program’s area of study as well as how the workshop will benefit the candidate’s research; and (3) an abstract not to exceed 500 words of a paper to present at the workshop and public symposium. Applications should be sent to Krista Hegburg, Ph.D., Program Officer, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, at The deadline for receipt of proposals is April 25, 2014.
The symposium organizers will provide lodging for the duration of the conference and a stipend to help defray transportation costs.  Participants are required to attend the full duration of the program.

More information available here

JOURNAL: Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs III (2013), No. 2 (recht [durch] setzen: Making Things Legal. Gesetzgebung und prozessuale Wirklichkeit in den europäischen Rechtstraditionen)

The Austrian Academy of Sciences published the second issue of this year's volume of the Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs. The volume publishes 34 papers of participants in the 18th European Forum of Young Legal Historians, held in Vienna in 2012.

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs: recht [durch] setzen: Making Things Legal. Gesetzgebung und prozessuale Wirklichkeit in den europäischen Rechtstraditionen, Hrsg. von K. STAUDIGL-CHIECHOWICZ, Ph. KLAUSBERGER, R. PILS, P. SCHEIBELREITER & C. SCHMETTERER. III (2013), Nr. 2.
ISBN 978-3-7001-7595-7
ISSN 2221-8890

Table of contents:
Kamila Staudigl-Chiechowicz, Philipp Klausberger, Ramon Pils, Philipp Scheibelreiter & Christoph Schmetterer, "Preface"

Barbara Pramer, "Geleitworte zum 18. Forum Junger Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker"

Clemens Jablon, "Eröffnungsvortrag"

Virgina Amorosi (Napoli), "Migration, Labour and Legal Discourse in the early 20th Century. A French-Italian Example in the Making of International Labour Law" (321)

Matthias Castelein (Leuven), "Procedural Reality in Corsica under the Rule of the Banco di San Gorgio after 1452 (329)

Bruno Debaenst (Gent), "To Be Killed Over and Over Again. A Case Study on Juridification" (335)

Bram Delbecke (Leuven), "Making the Polifical Offence Legal ? The Interpretative Role of the Jury in the Belgian Legal Tradition" (342)

Sébastien Dhalluin (Lille 2), "The Paradox of the Statutory Proofs Theory in the Criminal Ordinance of Saint-Germain-en-Laye" (349)

Frederik Dhondt (Gent), "German or European ? Jülich and Berg between Imperial and Public International Law" (355)

Vanessa Duss Jacobi (Luzern), "Die Korrelation von Text und Normativität im Recht" (363)

Anne-Kristin Fischer (Wien), "Ehebruch als Ehehindernis. Das impedimentum adulterii im protestantischen Eherecht der Wittenberger Reformation" (374)

Ellen Franke (Wien), "Die Macht des Faktischen. Prozessuale Wirkung von unbeschränkten Appellationsprivilegien in der reichshofrätlichen Gerichtspraxis der Frühen Neuzeit" (386)

Federica Furfaro (Milano/Trieste), "Glücks "Pandekten" und die italienische Bearbeitung von der Rechtstheorie zur Gerichtspraxis" (395)

Tomas Gabris (Bratislava), "Conflict Resolution and Punishment in Hungarian Medieval Laws and Practice" (403)

Miriam Gassner (Wien), "Von der Annerkennungspraxis der Habsburgermonarchie gegenüber den südamerikanischen Staaten im 19. Jahrhundert" (413)

Piotr Gotowko (Zürich), "Die interne Rechtssetzung und die Rechtsdurchsetzung im Deutschen Orden" (423)

David Julius Kästle (Münster), "Recht durch Kommentare ? Der juristische Kommentar als materielles Requisit der Rechtsumsetzung" (430)

Imre Kepessy (Budapest), "The Roots of Judicial Review in Hungary" (439)

Lazslo Komaromi (Budapest), "Volkswille und Legitimation. Direktdemokratische Erfahrungen aus der Zwischenkriegszeit" (447)

Milan Kuhli (Frankfurt am Main), "Wann muss der Herrscher schweigen ? Zur Behandlung könliglicher Machtsprüche in der Preussischen Rechtsreform" (456)

Jaroslaw Kuisz (Warschau), "Film, Law and Propaganda. Preliminary Remarks on the Law and Film Relations at the Beginning of the Communist Poland" (465)

Christine Lehne (Innsbruck), "Steuereintreibung und Steuerprozesse in der Antike" (473)

Claudio Macho (Wien), "Beweisführung und Wahrheitsfindung im athenischen Prozess" (485)

James McComish (Cambridge), "The Rhetoric and Reality of Access to Justice in Sixteenth Century England"

Maciej Mikula (Krakau), "Die Könige und das Reformationsverfahren des Rechts in den polnischen Städten vom 14. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert" (502)

Valerio Massimo Minale (Milano), "Creating a Law about Religion under Constantine the Great. The Case of the Edict against the Heretics (Eus. Via Const., 3, 63-66)

Diego Nunes (Macerata/Santa Catarina), "Legislative Proceedings outside Parliament in Authoritarian States. The Case of the 1930 Italian and 1940 Brazilian Criminal Codes" (520)

Janwillem Oosterhuis (Maastricht), "From Legislature to Code ? Goal-oriented Formalism in French and Dutch Cases about Marriage and Parental Authority in the 19th Century" (528)

Merike Ristikivi (Tartu), "Ars et termini artis. Particial Issues in Application of Latin Legal Terms" (536-543)

Hesi Simets-Gross (Tartu), "Legitimation oder Auslegung ? Die römischrechtlichen Quellenverweise vom Baltischen Privatrecht in den Riga'schen Stadtgerichtsentscheidungen" (544)

Aneta Skalic (Warschau), "The Edicts of the Prefect of Egypt. The Case of P. Oxy. XXXIV 2704" (553)

Alessia Spina (Milano), "Römisches Recht und lokale Rechtssysteme. Der Schutz der hellenischen parakatatheke in drie Textstellen der Digesten" (561)

Sandrine Vallar (Paris), "Making Children Legitimate. Die Gesetzgebung Justinians zu concubinatus und liberi naturales in Nov 74 und ihre Vorläufer" (570)

W.A.M. van der Linden (Tilburg), "Law-Making in the Age of New Imperialism (1870-1914). The Dubious Question of How the Protectorate Treaty as a Political Instrument Became International Law" (581)

Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde (Gent), "Making the New Order Legal! Het Juristenblad (1941-1944)" (594)

Emmanuel Van Dongen (Utrecht), "Gesetzgebung, verfahrensrechtliche Realität und Rechtslehre im römisch-holländischen Recht des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Das Problem des Mitverschuldens bei Schiffskollisionen" (601)

Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen (Helsinki), "Noble Standing, Education and Networks. Judges of the Turku Court of Appeal 1623-1753" (611)

27 January 2014

ARTICLE: Flume on "Law and commerce. The evolution of codified business law in Europe"

Johannes W. Flume's  "Law and Commerce – The Evolution of Codified Business Law in Europe", forthcoming inComparative Legal History (2014)


This paper tracks the evolution of the codification of commercial law and company law, also known as business law. While the literature on codification in general is vast, little attention has been dedicated to the importance of business law in this context although the first major moves towards codification were achieved in this field. A comparative and historical survey of the codification of business law in France, England and Germany illustrates how the European legal landscape has been affected by the process of casting the law into statutory form. Indeed, despite the commonly held misconception that there is “a” commercial code, the legislative responses to the needs of commerce have varied widely from country to country, for while company law was always in focus, the rest of the corpus differs substantially. The code de commerce of 1807 was primarily of procedural nature, while the German commercial code of 1863 created its own “private law cosmos” and the late English codes adopted yet another, very selective, strategy. The aim of this comparative study is to understand the foundations of the legal institutions of the 19th century which still form the basis of our current statutes. This in turn allows to make some predictions for likely future developments.

full paper here

BOOK: Larson on Master of Penance: Gratian and the Development of Penitential Thought and Law in the Twelfth Century


Legal History e-Journal 
January 2014, vol. 18 n. 9

All abstracts available here

22 January 2014

CONFERENCE: 2nd Annual International Symposium on Comparative Sciences (Sofia, 7 – 10 October 2014)

What: Second Annual International Symposium on Comparative Sciences (ISCS) 2014, organized by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES)
Where: Sofia, Bulgaria
When:7-10 October 2014

This year’s program will include exciting presentations, roundtables, and a range of events that will highlight the comparative theme of the symposium and fully engage everyone participating. This symposium will highlight cutting edge scholarship on comparative methods and research in and across disciplines and fields in the social sciences, education, legal studies, language, culture, society and more, including Comparative Anthropology, Comparative Civilization Studies, Comparative Education, Comparative History, Comparative Labor Studies, Comparative Law, Comparative Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Comparative Mythology, Comparative Psychology, Comparative Religion, Comparative Sociology.

The Symposium has 3 sections:
Section 1: Society, School, History
Section 2: Legislation, Labor, Business
Section 3: Civilization, Culture, Language

Cross-sectional roundtables will be organized as well on themes proposed by participants. The paper proposal submission deadline is 30 June 2014. The registration deadline is 15 July 2014.

All information available here

NOTICE: 20 € discount voucher for the book "L'Etat, le Droit le Politique", coord. by J.-Ph. Derosier, G. Sacriste

Jean-Philippe Derosier, Guillaume Sacriste (études coordonnées par) 
"L'Etat, le Droit le Politique", Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Claude Colliard", Paris, Dalloz (2014)

ARTICLE: Miller on "Property in the Bible"

Geoffrey P. Miller's "Property in the Bible", Philosophy of Law e-Journal, vol. 7, n.9 

The Bible is a rich source of information about the theory and practice of property law in ancient times. The text deals insightfully with the concept of the root of title and sets forth sensible rules for defining property rights, protecting those rights against infringement, and facilitating transfers of ownership. Overall, the institutions of ancient Israel responded in an efficient way to the challenge of administering a regime of private property under technological conditions which were substantially less advanced than those which prevail today.

Full text available here

21 January 2014

ARTICLE: Herbert J. Hovenkamp on "Interest Groups in the Teaching of Legal History"

Herbert J. Hovenkamp's  "Interest Groups in the Teaching of Legal History", in Philosophy of Law e-Journal, vol.7, n. 7


One reason legal history is more interesting than it was several decades ago is the increased role of interest groups in our accounts of legal change. Diverse movements including law and society, critical legal theory, comparative law, and public choice theory have promoted this development, even among writers who are not predominantly historians. Nonetheless, in my own survey course in American legal history I often push back. Taken too far, interest group theorizing becomes an easy shortcut for assessing legal movements and developments without fully understanding the ideas behind them.
Intellectual history in the United States went into decline because its practitioners often wrote as if the history of ideas drove everything else, either disregarding or minimizing the role of interest groups. In the process it became viewed as inherently conservative because its source materials came almost exclusively from elite white males. On the other side, social and economic history have been driven by impulses originating from both the left and the right that sees policy as little more than the outcome of conflict among interest groups. Further, these preference are generally "naked" in the sense that they reveal little more than the desires of each individual for wealth, stability, social status, or other recognition. Articulated ideas are little more than rationalizations, and the public processes that make legal rules are largely a zero sum game. 
I try to instill in my students the idea that legal history is a much more complex process in which ideas and preferences interact. In differing areas and at different times one may dominate over the other, but almost never permanently. Further, ideas lead to preferences just as much as the other way around.
Teaching legal history in this fashion is more challenging to both the instructor and the students because it requires that ideas be taken more seriously. One cannot simply pass a hand over an entire area such as business policy and proclaim it to be the result of Social Darwinism, populism, labor and the surge in immigration, or some other interest group movement. I certainly do not expect my students to become experts in Calvinism, the social contract, classical political economy, genetic determinism, Freud, or the many other areas that wander into and out of my legal history course. But I do expect them to learn enough to take them seriously, and to understand that these intellectual ideas were as powerful to those who encountered them as the ideas that we hold today. 

Article available for free download here

ARTICLE: John Waugh on "‘A Gang of Judicial Assassins’: George Bateson and Colonial Sodomy Laws"

John Waugh's "‘A Gang of Judicial Assassins’: George Bateson and Colonial Sodomy Laws", in Legal History e-Journal, vol. 18, n. 4


One night in November 1860, Melbourne police burst into the room where George Bateson, a 42-year-old Englishman, was in bed with a young man. Bateson was arrested and later convicted of sodomy. In prison, he poured out his outrage in a long series of letters in which he claimed to be the innocent victim of a conspiracy. This paper puts Bateson’s case in its legal context by outlining the laws that applied to sex between men in colonial Australia, and considers two highly unusual aspects of the case: the police entrapment of Bateson, and the cache of letters in which he gives his version of the events leading to his conviction. 

Article available for free download here

SEMINAR: Restructuring Colonial Legal Thought? Bengal 1860-1880: an Innovative Phase in the Jurisprudence of British India (London, 28 February 2014)

 What: IALS Legal History Seminar

Where: School of Advanced Study, University of London,  Charles   Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

 When: 28 February 2014, 6:00 pm - 7.30 pm

All information available here

ARTICLE: Carr on "English Influences on the Historical Development of Fiduciary Duties in Scottish Law"

Daniel J Carr on 
"English influences on the historical development of fiduciary 
duties in scottish law"
Edinburgh Law Review, Vol. 18, No. 1: 29-58. 

Article available in fulltext here

NOTICE: Doctoral Meeting in Legal history, Roman law and Religious law (Milan, 23 January 2014)

What: Doctoral Meeting 
Where: University of Milan, Law Faculty, Civil Law and Legal History Department, room "Senato", Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan  
When: 23 January 2014, 8:30 am


Prof.ssa Gigliola di Renzo Villata (University of Milan): Per una storia del diritto di famiglia: un sintetico profilo ricostruttivo dal medioevo all'età contemporanea
Prof. Massimo Meccarelli (University of Macerata): La protezione giuridica come tutela dei diritti: riduzioni moderne del problema della dimensione giuridica della giustizia
Prof. Arno Dal Rì Junior (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil): Lo straniero in Brasile. Dalla 'grande naturalizzazione' della Prima Repubblica alla Sicurezza nazionale nello Estado Novo (1889-1945)

For more informations: 

16 January 2014

CFP: Totalitarianism, Law and the idea of Europe. (15-17 May, 2014, University of Helsinki, Finland)

What: Totalitarianism, Law and the idea of Europe, Workshop on history of totalitarianism, nationalism and legal traditions, Call for papers
Where: University of Helsinki, Finland
When: 15-17 May 2014

Deadline: 15 February 2014

The purpose of the project "Reinventing the Foundations of European Legal Culture 1934-1964" ( is to trace the genealogy of the idea of a common European legal past, its creation, influence and implications of the theory as an ideological project. As the project's first major event, they are organizing a workshop in Helsinki on the history of totalitarianism, nationalism and legal tradition(s). They therefore invite papers that explore the complex relationship between history and law from a variety of perspectives to advance our understanding of how legal traditions are created. Confirmed keynote speakers are Wolfgang Ernst (Zürich), Peter Fritzsche (Illinois), Nancy Partner (McGill), and Bo Stråth (Helsinki).
Potential themes include but are not limited to:
- Totalitarian ideologies and individual identities
- History and narratives
- Nationalism and law
- The discovery of Europe as a theme
- Continuity and discontinuity of the European (legal) tradition.

14 January 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS: Juris Diversitas Annual Conference (17-19 July 2014 - Aix-en-Provence, France)


17 July (evening) to 19 July 2014
Faculty of Law and Political Science –
Aix-Marseille University - Aix-en-Provence, France


Inherently interdisciplinary, the conference’s primary focus will be comparative law’s links to a wide variety of other disciplines and themes (e.g., anthropology, economics, feminism, history, the humanities, legal education, legal philosophy, literature, politics …). Proposals may be theoretical analyses or case studies on the past or present, North or South, East or West …

Proposals may be in either English or in FrenchAny proposal on comparative law will be considered. Panel proposals are strongly encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and scholars from outside of the discipline of law. 

SEMINAR: "Sacrées écritures. Manuscrits bibliques et juridiques" (Paris, 23 January - 10 April 2014)

What: "Sacrées écritures. Manuscrits bibliques et juridiques", Series of meetings within the Séminaire du LAMOP "Codicologie quantitative et sociologie du livre médiéval", coordinated by François Foronda, Jean-Philippe Genet, Xavier Hermand, Aude Mairey and Ezio Ornato
Where: Université Sorbonne, Salle Perroy, 1, Rue Victor Cousin, Paris
When: 23 January 2014, 6 and 20 February 2014, 13 and 27 March 2014, 10 April 2014, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

All informations available here:

SEMINAR: "L'eau à Paris, retour vers le public!" (Paris, 21 January 2014)

What: L'eau à Paris, retour vers le public!, 3rd meeting of the séminaire de casuistique Le Bien commun, les biens communs, les choses communes, la collectivisation des intérêts organized by Emanuele Coccia, Emanuele Conte, Marie-Angèle Hermitte and Paolo Napoli 
Where: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Centre d'études des norme juridiques Yan Thomas (CENJ), Salle D & M Lombard, 96 boulevard Raspail, Paris
When: 21 January 2014, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ann Le Strat, Adjointe au Maire de Paris, chargée de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de la gestion des canaux, Conseillère du 18ème arrondissement

All informations available here:

13 January 2014

BOOK PRESENTATION: "Il giuramento di innocenza nel Medioevo" by Antonia Fiori (Rome, 16 January 2014)

What: Book presentation and debate
Where: Rome, Biblioteca del Senato della Repubblica "Giovanni Spadolini", Sala degli atti parlamentari, piazza della Minerva, 38
When: 16 January 2014, 4:00 pm

for more informations:

Here some pictures of the event:

SEMINAR: Citizenship and Power Strategies between Middle Ages and Early Modernity (Rome, 24 January 2014)

What: Rappresentanza e partecipazione nel mondo comunale, 10th meeting of the seminar Cittadinanze e strategie di potere tra Medio Evo ed Età Moderna, organized by Sara Menzinger, Giuliano Milani and Massimo Vallerani in the framework of the PIMIC Project "Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom" (  
Where: RomaTre University, Law Department, 2nd Floor, Room 278, Via Ostiense 161, Rome.
When: 24 January 2014, 3:00 pm

Prof. Lorenzo Tanzini (Università di Cagliari): Sedere in consiglio
Prof. Massimo Vallerani (Università di Torino): Forme di rappresentanza

All materials available on ACADEMIA.EDU (only if you have a Facebook or account)

10 January 2014

WORKSHOP: The Practice of Law in Ancient Mesopotamia

BOOK: Winroth on “The Conversion of Scandinavia”

CONFERENCE: "From Charters to Constitutions. On the constitutional idea in Europe (12th-18th C)" (Madrid, 16-18 Jan 2014)

(King John signs the Magna Charta; Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Nomodos signals a conference on constitutional history held at the Casa Velazquez in Madrid, co-organised by the LAMOP (Paris-I). Starting from a broad concept of "Constitution", as a set of norms guaranteeing, defining and determining the relationship between society and the exercice power over it, texts from the High Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment, from the Magna Charta to the French Lois Fondamentales, are presented by specialists.

A full program can be found on the Casa de Velazquez website.

09 January 2014

STUDENTSHIP: Selden Society (English Legal History - PhD

08 January 2014

WEBSITE: Anglo-Saxon Canon Law

ARTICLE: Bugs and Beasts Before the Law

07 January 2014

CONFERENCE REPORT: Roman Law - Connections and Perspectives

JOURNAL: Fundamina

Cover of the FundaminaI just received the latest copy of Fundamina: A Journal of Legal Historypublished by the University of South Africa Press. 

The journal is biennial, 'published as the mouthpiece of the Southern African Society of Legal Historians and is distributed free of charge to members of the Society.' 

Check it out. It'll be worth it.


06 January 2014

ARTICLE: Ramis-Barceló, “Estudiantes hispanos de leyes y cánones en la Universidad de Pisa (1543-1665)"

Rafael Ramis-Barceló, “Estudiantes hispanos de leyes y cánones en la Universidad de Pisa (1543-1665)”, ("Hispanic students of laws and canons at the University of Pisa, 1543-1665"), in GLOSSAE. European Journal of Legal History,10 (2013), pp. 524-544. Full text available at

This paper aims to analyze the group of Hispanic students of civil and canon law in the University of Pisa during the 16th and 17th centuries. It studies the rolls and the degrees of the Hispanic students and the political relationship between Philip II and the University of Pisa. Some temporal sequences are proposed to explain the typology of the students. A general impression of these students is relative unknown and the details explained here provide another step for the construction of the prosopography of Hispanic jurists during the Modern era.

Este escrito pretende examinar la nómina de los estudiantes hispanos de leyes y cánones en la Universidad de Pisa durante los siglos XVI y XVII. A través de estas páginas se quiere analizar la evolución de las matrículas y los grados y la relación de Felipe II con esta Universidad. Se proponen unas secuencias temporales para intentar explicar la tipología de los estudiantes. Muchos de ellos no son muy conocidos en la actualidad y, a través de los datos que se consignan aquí, se pretende dar un paso más en la construcción de una prosopografía de los juristas hispanos de la época moderna.

CFP: ASLH Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 6-8 November 2014

What: ASLH Annual Meeting, Call for Proposals
Where: Denver, Colorado
When: November, 6-8, 2014
Deadline: March, 1, 2014
All informations on:

The 2014 meeting of the American Society for Legal History (ASLH) will take place in Denver, Colorado, November 6-8, 2014. The ASLH invites proposals on any facet or period of legal history, anywhere in the world. We also encourage thematic proposals that range across traditional chronological or geographical fields. In selecting presenters, the Program Committee will give preference to those who did not present at last year's meeting. Travel grants will be available for presenters in need. These resources will nevertheless be limited, and special priority will be given to presenters traveling from abroad, graduate students, post-docs, and independent scholars. The Program Committee welcomes proposals for both full panels and individual papers, though please note that individual papers are less likely to be accepted. The Program Committee encourages the submission of a variety of different types of panel proposals, including: traditional 3-paper panels (with a separate chair-commentator); incomplete panels lacking either one paper or a chair-commentator (whether 2-paper panels with a chair-commentator, or 3-paper panels without a chair-commentator), which the Committee will try to complete; author-meets-reader panels; and roundtable discussions.

NOTICE: "300 AÑOS DE LA PAZ DE UTRECHT. En nombre de la paz. La Guerra de Sucesión Española y los tratados de Madrid, Utrecht, Rastatt y Baden (1713-1715)"

What: Exhibition

Where: Madrid, Fundación Carlos de Amberes

When: until 23 February 2014

All informations available here:

03 January 2014

ARTICLE: Social Dynamics and Spectacles of Proof in Early Modern English Witch Trials

CONFERENCE: Legal History at the AALS

BOOK: M. ADAMS & D. HEIRBAUT (eds.), The Method and Culture of Comparative Law. Essays in Honour of Mark Van Hoecke (Hart, 2013)

At the occasion of Prof. Mark Van Hoecke (Ghent)'s admission to the status of emeritus, Prof. Maurice Adams (Tilburg) and Prof. Dirk Heirbaut present a collection of essays on legal theory and comparative law, published by Hart (May 2014, 304 p.).

A temporary 20% discount (bringing the book price to £ 48 or € 62,4) is available to ESCLH blog readers using the order form.

02 January 2014

CFS: 2nd annual ASLH pre-conference Workshop on Medieval Legal History (Denver, November 6, 2014)

What: 2nd Annual ASLH meeting: Workshop on Medieval Legal History
Where: Denver, Colorado
When: November, 6, 2014

Deadline: April, 1, 2014

The American Society for Legal History (ASLH) invites paper submissions for its second annual pre-conference workshop, which will be held immediately preceding the ASLH annual meeting in Denver on Nov. 6, 2014. The ASLH Workshop is intended to promote scholarship in areas of legal history that have been traditionally underrepresented at ASLH meetings and in the Law and History Review. This year’s workshop topic is Medieval Legal History, with medieval broadly defined as between late antiquity and early modernity. ASLH is particularly interested in papers discussing Byzantine, Canon, Chinese, Islamic, or Jewish law, as well as other legal traditions or systems that operated in wide-ranging parts of the medieval world. The workshop is being sponsored by the ASLH in order to promote innovative approaches to the study of medieval legal history across geographic boundaries and to create a community of legal historians who grapple with medieval legal texts and contexts.
The ASLH Legal History Workshop will bring together authors and noted scholars in the field in order to work collaboratively toward refining scholarly writing.

ARTICLE: Ramis-Barcelò on "Petrus Ramus on Law and Jurisprudence"

Rafael Ramis-Barcelò's "Petrus Ramus on Law and Jurisprudence" is now on the Journal on European History of Law, 2/2013, vol. 4, pp. 107-117.

This article, understood as an overview, tries to study the influence of Petrus Ramus on Law and Jurisprudence, according to two main criteria:
the study of his writings (direct influence) and the study of the indirect influence on the historical development of the Legal and Political theory. The most relevant conclusions are that in Ramus’s scripts there are no major references to Law, but the most decisive influences are in the methodological
works. The influence of Ramus was deeper in Public Law and in Political Theory than in Private Law. Nevertheless, it was neither a definitive orientation for Civil Law nor for Jurisprudence because the dilemma between a Systema iuris and a casuistic practice of Roman Law of the 16th century was not solved.