
30 September 2021

REMINDER: CALL FOR PAPERS: Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference - Beyond the Pale: Legal Histories on the Edges of Empires (Maynooth University, 29 June-1 July 2022)

(image: Maynooth (Kildare, Ireland); source: Wikimedia Commons)

We received a reminder for the call for the Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference (Maynooth, 29 June-1 July 2022, see earlier on this blog)

The Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference*: Maynooth, Ireland, 29 June -1 July 2022.


A reminder that the call for papers for the Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference is currently open!  Deadline for abstracts is 31 October 2021


The theme for the upcoming conference is /Beyond the Pale: Legal Histories on the Edges of Empires/.  There will be hybrid attendance options available (in-person and virtual).


Keynote Panel: Jane Ohlmeyer, Richard J Ross, Philip Stern:

Anglicisation of and through law in British America, Ireland, and India, c.1550-1800


All details at – including the CFP, information on the specialised streams offered at the conference and information on funding opportunities.

PRIZE: Sarton Medal attributed to Prof. dr. Jean-François Gerkens (Ghent University - 21 October 2021)

 (Source: Standen & Landen)

PRIJSUITREIKING/REMISE DE PRIX: Sartonmedaille 2021 aan prof. dr. Jean-François Gerkens (Gent: UGent, 21 OKT 2021)

Op 21 oktober zal prof. dr. Jean-François Gerkens de Sartonmedaille 2021 ontvangen aan de UGent. Het programma van de ceremonie vindt u hieronder terug. Meer uitleg over de aard van de Sartonmedaille, gerelateerd aan de geschiedenis van de wetenschappen, vindt u hier terug. 

Le 21 octobre, le professeur Jean-François Gerkens recevra la médaille Sarton 2021 à l'UGent. Le programme de la cérémonie peut être consulté ci-dessous. De plus amples informations sur la nature de la médaille Sarton, en rapport avec l'histoire des sciences, peuvent être trouvées ici



- Welcome by the dean, Prof. Dr. Michel Tison.

- Laudatio of Prof. Dr. Jean-François Gerkens by Prof. Dr. Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde.

- Sarton lecture by Prof. Dr. Jean-François Gerkens:
' Acquiring by Occupatio. The Graham Island Case'

- Handing over of the Sarton Medal by Prof. Dr. Robert Rubens.

- Drink offered by the Faculty of Law and Criminology.


Routebeschrijving/Description de l'itinéraire:



(source: Standen & Landen/Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'États)

ADVANCED ARTICLES: Historia et ius - Early release n. 20 num. 20 27/9/2021 (Open access)

(Source: Historia et ius)

Historia et ius - anticipazioni num. 20
☛ Last articles published -  ultimi articoli pubblicati :
Early release n. 20 - Anticipazioni n. 20

Giacomo Alberto Donati, «Nolite thesaurizare vobis thesauros in terra»: un’introduzione alla disciplina giuridica del tesoro nell’utrumque ius (secoli XIII-XVII) 

Dario Luongo, Rileggendo gli scritti di Brugi sulla storia della giurisprudenza e delle università italiane 

Francesca Macino, Extra petita. Sugli effetti della clausola sola facti veritate inspecta nella dottrina tra XV e XVI secolo 

Maria Rosa Di Simone, Le donne e il crimen magiae. Il dibattito tedesco sulla prova dell'acqua tra XVI e XVII secolo 

Sabrina Di Maria, Cari e ‘vecchi’ boni mores. Primi spunti per una comparazione diacronica - PDF

The articles are available in PDF format here.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World, 1500-1850



For a Workshop and Publication, we are calling for contributions that deal with questions of land tenure in any region of the former Portuguese and Spanish empires in Asia, Africa, Europe (incl. Italy and the Netherlands), and the Americas during the early modern period. The contributions may explore the role of families, marriage, kinship, corporations (the Church, cabildos/concelhos, pueblos, etc.), and other kinds of institutions in the regulation of land. Case studies, comparisons, as well as methodological and analytical approaches are particularly welcome. A selection of the papers presented at the workshop will be published as a volume of the Brill series Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds.


Please send your book chapter proposals in Spanish, English, or Portuguese to Dr. Manuel Bastias Saavedra (bastias@...) until October 31, 2021. A full manuscript will be required before the conference.

More information: 

29 September 2021

BOOK: Gustav RADBRUCH. Filosofia del diritto. (Milano: Giuffrè, 2021). ISBN 9788828832683. 28,50 €


(Source: )

La Filosofia del diritto di Gustav Radbruch è l’opera maggiore del filosofo del diritto tedesco più noto e influente del secolo scorso. Si può senz’altro affermare che essa, qui presentata per la prima volta in lingua italiana, nell’edizione del 1932, l’ultima da lui curata, costituisce insieme alla Dottrina pura del diritto di Kelsen e a Il concetto di diritto di Hart il trittico dei grandi classici della disciplina. Nella sua poliedricità, l’opera è peraltro in grado di suscitare interesse non solo nei filosofi del diritto, ma anche nei giuristi e negli uomini di cultura in generale. Innanzitutto, per lo stile elegante e icastico, esaltato dalla non comune inclinazione a riflettere sui problemi del diritto in costante dialogo con i giganti della filosofia (Seneca, Pascal, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Windelband, Rickert, Weber), del pensiero religioso (Silesio, Lutero) e della letteratura (Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe¸ Schiller, Dostoevskij, Tolstoj). In secondo luogo, perché costituisce la base necessaria per comprendere la celeberrima “Formula di Radbruch”, che identifica nella giustizia la ratio essendi del diritto ed è stata utilizzata dai Tribunali tedeschi nel secondo dopoguerra e dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino per giudicare le atrocità commesse sotto i regimi abbattuti. Infine, perché il relativismo virtuoso che ispira la Filosofia del diritto rivela una spiccata affinità con l’impronta neocostituzionalistica di numerosi ordinamenti contemporanei, tanto da conservare intatta ancora oggi la propria attualità.

More information: 

28 September 2021

BOOK: Franco Gaetano SCOCA. Risorgimento e costituzione. (Milano: Giuffrè, 2021). ISBN 9788828834380. 61,75 €



La Costituzione ha avuto un ruolo centrale durante l’intero periodo risorgimentale, dapprima, fino al 1848, come motivo dichiarato dei ripetuti moti rivoluzionari, e dopo, dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino all’Unità, come fonte giuridica primaria, da interpretare e sperimentare allo scopo di costruire la forma di governo adatta per lo Stato unificato. Alla illustrazione del ruolo della Costituzione dal tempo della Restaurazione alla proclamazione del Regno d’Italia è dedicata la presente ricerca, che, nella seconda parte, si è largamente avvalsa degli atti e discussioni parlamentari

More information: 

27 September 2021

JOURNAL: Special Issue "Proust, hors la loi ?" (Droit & Littérature n° 5 (2021/1)


(image source: Cairn)

L’essentiel, rien d’autre (Nicolas Dissaux)

Le Mot du droit (Hervé Causse)

Entretien international: 'J'ai fait partie de la génération la plus incarcérée pour raisons politiques de l'histoire italienne' (Judith Sarfati-Lanter & Yves-Édouard Le Bos)

L'adresse littéraire (Patrice Jean)

Le Portrait: petites pierres à un hypothétique portrait de Pierre Bayard (Caroline Julliot)

Le Questionnaire de Proust

Le thème: Proust hors la loi ?
Entretien (propos recueillis par Jean-Baptiste Amadieu)

Les Lois de Marcel Proust (Pierre Nouval & David Lovato)

Proust et le jugement (Olivier Wickers)

Deleuze lecteur de Proust: l'homosexualité ou la résistance à la norme (Alexandre Martin)

Représentations proustiennes de l'homosexualité et réalités juridiques (Hélène Duffuler-Vialle)

Quelques éléments d'analyse juridique d'A la recherche du temps perdu de Proust en droit des personnes (Annick Batteur & Laurence Mauger-Vielpeau)

L'Affaire Dreyfus dans Jean Santeuil et A la recherche du temps perdu, ou le moment de vérité (David Deroussin)

Proust, sa manie des duels (Nicolas Dissaux)

La mort des cathédrales, Marcel Proust et la séparation des Eglises et de l'Etat (Marie Cornu)

Les publicateurs: des personnages inédits (Arnaud Latil)

Quand Marcel Prouset jouait au chroniqueur judiciaire (Stéphane Durand-Souffland)

La femme auteur au XIXe siècle (Florence Chérigny)

Le procès en séparation de George Sand au tribunal de première instance (Aurore Boyard)

Casanova, juriste (Jean-Baptiste Seube)

Ka-Tzetnik 135633: le porte-parole des morts (Alexandre Martin)

Hommage au Professeur Paul Amselek, 'L'égarement en droit. Pour une philosophie de l'égarement' (Élie Tassel)

K. La quête de justice, jusqu’à l’absurde Lecture Michael Kohlhaas (Kleist) (Franck Lafaille)

Article 353 du Codé pénal, de Tanguy Viel: un vrai-faux roman de procédure ? (Marion Mas)

'Si una tabula sit...' Du meurtre de nécessité en mer entre doctrine, jurisprudence et littérature (Lousi de Carbonnières de Saint-Brice)

Un text
A propos de l'Homme surnuméraire, Patrice Jean, Motifs, n°317, p. 204 à 207 (Pierre Égéa)

'La liberté, elle disparaît lorsqu'on en discourt' (entretien avec François Sureau, propos recueillis par Luc Gonin)

Créations littéraires et droit; champs croisés (Michel Vivant)

Les oeuvres littéraires (Jean-Michel Bruguière)

Proust, le théâtre et le droit: un non-sujet (Emmanuelle Sualnier-Cassia)


(see cairn)

JOURNAL: Historia Constitucional, nº 22 (2021). OPEN ACCESS



Dossier: 1820-1821. Un bienio crucial en el mundo hispano



24 September 2021

BOOK : Christine NOIVILLE (dir), Sandra LAUGIER (dir), Xavier PHILIPPE (dir), Des enjeux d'intérêt public en temps de pandémie, un double regard juridique et philosophique, (Mare et Martin, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, 2021), ISBN : 978-2-8493-4611-2, pp. 261, 31€


(Source : univ-droit)

A propos de l'ouvrage : 

La pandémie du Covid-19 a constitué un test grandeur nature, un catalyseur, pour penser les forces et les fragilités de nos sociétés, pour en interroger l'organisation et les valeurs. Elle s'est du même coup révélée comme une extraordinaire matière à penser pour les sciences humaines et sociales. Le présent ouvrage en constitue un témoignage. Issu des échanges menés dès le début de la crise au sein de l'Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (ISJPS), il entend interroger, enrichir ou repenser toute une série de questions, concepts et cadres théoriques au coeur du droit et de la philosophie. Dix-huit mois plus tard, et en conjuguant de façon unique les approches, les regards et les méthodes juridiques, sociales, philosophiques, il propose une analyse de la pandémie sous trois angles : les libertés, les vulnérabilités, la place de l'expertise dans les décisions publiques.

A propos des auteurs : 

Xavier Philippe est Professeur en Droit public au sein de l'université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Christine Noiville est directrice de recherche au CNRS, et directrice de l'Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne. 

Sandra Laugier est professeure de philosophie de classe exceptionnelle à l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

23 September 2021

CONFERENCE: "Diritto pubblico e diritto privato: la grande dicotomia ieri e oggi". September 24th, 15:30



BOOK : Scott VEITCH, Obligations, new trajectories in Law (Routledge, London, 2021), ISBN : 978-0-3673-4598-3, pp. 132, 37,59£


(Source : Routledge)

About the Book : 

Obligations: New Trajectories in Law provides a critical analysis of the role of obligations in contemporary legal and social practices.

As rights have become the preeminent feature of modern political and legal discourse, the work of obligations has been overshadowed. Questioning and correcting this dominant image of our time, this book brings obligations back into view in a way that fits better with the realities of contemporary social life. Following a historical account of the changing place and priorities of obligations in modernity, the book analyses how obligations and practices of obedience are core to understanding how law sustains conditions of inequality. But it also explores the enduring role obligations play in furthering individual and collective well-being, highlighting their significance in practices that prioritize human and environmental needs, common goods, and solidarity. In doing so, it also offers an alternative and cogent assessment of the force, and the potential, of obligations in contemporary societies.

This original jurisprudential contribution will appeal to an academic and student readership in law, politics, and the social sciences.

About the author : 

Scott Veitch is Paul KC Chung Professor in Jurisprudence at the University of Hong Kong.

Table of content : 

1. The Priority of Obligations: Introductory Observations

2. The Place of Obligations: Modern Antecedents

3. Shifting Priorities: Into the Modern

4. The Ecology of Obligations: Situating the Legal Bond

5. Hybrids in Action: Three Contemporary Legal Formations

6. Obligations, Needs, Solidarities: Old and New Trajectories

22 September 2021

COLLOQUIUM: Why Arbitration? - History, Theory & Practice (Oxford, 1 October 2021)


The Centre for Theology, Law, and Culture is hosting a colloquium on the history of arbitration next week. The event can be attended digitally by sending an e-mail to

ONLINE LECTURE: Mette BIRKEDAL BRUUN, Privacy and the private as analytical categories in early modern studies (23 SEP 2021)


(image source: Latin American Privacy)


What do we gain by deploying the terms ‘privacy’ and ‘the private’ as analytical categories when we conduct historical research into the early modern period? This lecture pursues three questions:   The categories of privacy and the private do not belong to a specific scholarly field. Although often understood in a narrow sense associated with Law, privacy and the private are features of human life and thus relevant for a broad range of research fields, including a broad range of historical fields. However, no single field can begin to grasp the implications and manifestations of privacy and the private in a given context. How do we best approach notions and experiences of privacy in a way that honours its facetted character?   While Privacy Studies is a new field that is still defining its research focus and interdisciplinary framework, early modern studies adhere to well-established scholarly paradigms. What happens in this meeting between nascent and consolidated scholarly perspectives? How may they fruitfully benefit one another?   With their undeniably contemporary ring, the terms ‘privacy’ and ‘the private’ come with a heavy risk of anachronism which historians have been taught to dread. This risk must be taken seriously and dealt with in methodologically conscious ways least we lose our scholarly credibility. However, exactly the fact that privacy and the private are contemporary terms give them a particular potency as a challenge to historical studies. What – if anything – do historians contribute to contemporary discussions of the topical issue of privacy?

(source: Latin American Privacy)

BOOK : Samantha SEELEY, Race, Removal, and the Right to Remain, (Omohundro Institute and the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2021), ISBN : 978-1-4696-6481-1, pp. 368, 34,95$


About the Book : 

Who had the right to live within the newly united states of America?

In the country’s founding decades, federal and state politicians debated which categories of people could remain and which should be subject to removal. The result was a white Republic, purposefully constructed through contentious legal, political, and diplomatic negotiation. But, as Samantha Seeley demonstrates, removal, like the right to remain, was a battle fought on multiple fronts. It encompassed tribal leaders’ fierce determination to expel white settlers from Native lands and free African Americans’ legal maneuvers both to remain within the states that sought to drive them out and to carve out new lives in the West. Never losing sight of the national implications of regional conflicts, Seeley brings us directly to the battlefield, to middle states poised between the edges of slavery and freedom where removal was both warmly embraced and hotly contested.

Reorienting the history of U.S. expansion around Native American and African American histories, Seeley provides a much-needed reconsideration of early nation building.

About the author : 

Samantha Seeley is assistant professor of history at the University of Richmond.

21 September 2021

CONFERENCE: 1971-2021 : Les 50 ans de la décision "Liberté d'association" du Conseil constitutionnel (Bordeaux: Université de Bordeaux, 30 SEP 2021)

(image source: univ-droit)


13h45 : Accueil du public

14h00 : Propos introductifs
Charles-Edouard Sénac, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux


La décision "Liberté d'association" : rétrospective

Présidence : Carolina Cerda Guzman, Maître de conférences, Université de Bordeaux

14h20 : Petites délibérations pour une grande décision
Fabrice Hourquebie, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux, Directeur du CERCCLE

14h45 : La décision Liberté d'association et Les grandes décisions du Conseil constitutionnel (Dalloz) : l'origine du mythe
Ferdinand Mélin-Soucramanien, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux

15h10 : Trois regards sur la décision Liberté d'association
Francis Delpérée, Professeur, Université de Louvain, Sénateur honoraire

15h35 : Les bases administratives d'une jurisprudence constitutionnelle
Jean-Philippe Ferreira, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux

15h50 : Discussion


16h30 : Table ronde - La décision "Liberté d'association" : perspectives

Modération : Pauline Gervier, Maître de conférences, Université de Bordeaux, Directrice adjointe du CERCCLE

Intervenants :
Anne Cadiot-Feidt, Avocate, Barreau de Bordeaux ; EDA Aliénor
Francis Delpérée, Professeur, Université de Louvain
Fabrice Hourquebie, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux
Christine Maze, Avocate, Barreau de Bordeaux
Ferdinand Mélin-Soucramanien, Université de Bordeaux

17h30 : Discussion

18h00 : Clôture de la conférence-débat

(source: univ-droit)

CONFERENCE: The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age (September 22-25, Zoom)


(Source: Ius Illuminatum)

The Ius Illuminatum research team is organizing a 3 day international conference on ‘The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age Forms, Iconographies, Materials, Uses and Cataloguing’. The full programme for the conference can be found here.

BOOK : Capucine NEMO-PEKELMAN (dir), Katell BERTHELOT (dir), Natalie DOHRMANN (dir), Legal engagement The reception of Roman law and tribunals by Jews and other inhabitants of the Empire, (Ecole française de Rome, Rome, 2021), ISBN : 978-2-7283-1464-5, pp.535, 40€


About the book : 

The Roman empire set law at the center of its very identity. A complex and robust ideology of law and justice is evident not only in the dynamics of imperial administration, but a host of cultural arenas. Citizenship named the privilege of falling under Roman jurisdiction, legal expertise was cultural capital. A faith in the emperor’s intimate concern for justice was a key component of the voluntary connection binding Romans and provincials to the state.
Even as law was a central mechanism for control and the administration of state violence, it also exerted a magnetic effect on the peoples under its control. Adopting a range of approaches, the essays explore the impact of Roman law, both in the tribunal and in the culture. Unique to this anthology is attention to legal professionals and cultural intermediaries operating at the empire’s periphery. The studies here allow one to see how law operated among a range of populations and provincials—from Gauls and Brittons to Egyptians and Jews—exploring the ways local peoples creatively navigated, and constructed, their legal realities between Roman and local mores. They draw our attention to the space between laws and legal ideas, between ethnic, especially Jewish, life and law and the structures of Roman might; cases in which shared concepts result in diverse ends; the pageantry of the legal tribunal, the imperatives and corruptions of power differentials; and the importance of reading the gaps between depiction of law and its actual workings.
This volume is unusual in bringing Jewish, and especially rabbinic, sources and perspectives together with Roman, Greek or Christian ones. This is the result of its being part of the research program “Judaism and Rome” (ERC Grant Agreement no. 614 424), dedicated to the study of the impact of the Roman empire upon ancient Judaism.

The contributors are : Carlos LEVY, Julien DUBOULOZ, Clifford ANDO, Ari Z. BRYEN, Kaius TUORI, Hayim LAPIN, Aitor BLANCO-PEREZ, Julien FOURNIER, Soazick KERNEIS, Marie ROUX, Kimberley CZAJKOWSKI, Yair FURSTENBERG, Catherine HEZSER, Orit MALKA, Yakir PAZ, Yael WILFAND, Ron NAIWELD, Kimberley FOWLER, Christine HAYES.

About the directors of the book :  

Katell Berthelot is a CNRS Professor working on the history of Jews and Judaism in the Greco-Roman world, and a member of the TDMAM research center at Aix-Marseille University (UMR 7297). In 2014-2019 she was the Principal Investigator of the ERC “Judaism and Rome”.
Natalie B. Dohrmann of the University of Pennsylvania researches rabbinic culture in the context of the Roman Near East, especially on the relationship between Roman law and the emergence of rabbinic Judaism.
Capucine Nemo-Pekelman is Assistant Professor at the University of Paris-Nanterre, in the Faculty of Law. She is a Legal Historian specialized in Roman Law and the legal status of the Jews in Late Antiquity.

Table of contents : 

Acknowledgments vii 

Katell BERTHELOT, Natalie DOHRMANN and Capucine NEMO-PEKELMAN, Introduction  p.1 


Carlos LEVY, Cicero, the law and the barbarians  p.29 

Julien DUBOULOZ, Accommodating former legal systems and Roman law: Cicero’s rhetorical and legal viewpoint in the Verrine Orations  p.47 

Clifford ANDO, Performing justice in Republican empire, 1-565 CE   p.69 


Ari Z. BRYEN, A frenzy of sovereignty: Punishment in P.Aktenbuch   p.89 

Kaius TUORI, Between the good king and the cruel tyrant: The Acta Isidori and the perception of Roman emperors among provincial litigants   p.109 

Hayim LAPIN, Pappus and Julianus, the Maccabaean martyrs, and rabbinic martyrdom history in Late Antiquity   p.133 


Aitor BLANCO-PEREZ, Appealing for the emperor’s justice: Provincial petitions and imperial responses prior to Late Antiquity    p.159 

Julien FOURNIER, Representing the rights of a city: Ekdikoi in Roman courts   p.175 

Capucine NEMO-PEKELMAN, Jewish judicial patrons and advocates in the western empire (5th cent.)   p.195 


Soazick KERNEIS, Legal pluralism in the western Roman empire: Popular legal sources and legal history   p.215 

Marie ROUX, Judicial pluralism in the Wisigothic kingdom of Toulouse: Special jurisdictions and communal courts   p.231 

Kimberley CZAJKOWSKI, Legal knowledge and its transmission in three marriage contracts from the Judaean desert   p.251 

Yair FURSTENBERG, Imperialism and the creation of local law: The case of rabbinic law   p.271 


Catherine HEZSER, Did Palestinian rabbis know Roman law? Methodological considerations and case studies   p.303 

Orit MALKA and Yakir PAZ, A rabbinic postliminium: The property of captives in tannaitic halakhah in light of Roman law   p.323 

Yael WILFAND, “A proselyte whose sons converted with him”: Roman laws on new citizens’ authority over their children and tannaitic rulings on converts to Judaism and their offspring   p.345 

Natalie  DOHRMANN, Ad similitudinem arbitrorum: On the perils of commensurability and comparison in Roman and rabbinic arbitration law    p.365 


Katell BERTHELOT, “Not like our Rock is their rock” (Deut 32:31): Rabbinic perceptions of Roman law courts and jurisdiction   p.389 

Ron NAIWELD, The rabbinic model of sovereignty in its biblical and imperial contexts   p.409 

Kimberley FOWLER, Early Christian perspectives on Roman law and Mosaic law   p.429 

Christine HAYES, ‘Barbarians’ judge the law: The rabbis on the un-civil law of Rome   p.455 

Index of ancient sources   p.499 

Abstracts   p.525 

Table of contents   p.533