
31 October 2019

COLLOQUIUM: Blasphemy and Violence. Interdependencies since 1760 (Ghent, 4-5 March 2020)

We learned of a colloquium on the interdependency between blasphemy and violence in Ghent. Here the programme:

The conference takes place in the large conference room of Liberas in the centre of Ghent - Kramersplein 23, 9000 Ghent.
Wednesday 4 March 2020
18:00 - 19:30      Alain Cabantous (Paris, FR): Violence et Sacré ou le Blasphème en Révolution
Thursday 5 March 2020
9:00 - 9:30: Welcome and Opening
9:00 - 9:10           Peter Laroy / Christoph de Spiegeleer (Ghent, BE): Welcome to Liberas
9:10 - 9:30           Eveline Bouwers (Mainz, DE) & David Nash (Oxford, GB): Introduction
9:30 - 11:00: Section 1: Blasphemy as a Companion to Political Transition
9:30 - 9:50           Laura Thompson (Boston, US / Tunis, TN): Protecting Muslims’ Feelings, Protecting Public Order: Tunisian Blasphemy Cases from the 19th Century through the Arab Spring
9:50 - 10:10        Nadezhda Beliakova (Moscow, RU): On Blasphemy and Violence during the Revolution and the Construction of Socialism in the Soviet Union
10:10 - 10:30      Julio de la Cueva (Toledo, ES): Blasphemy, War and Revolution: Spain, 1936
10:30 - 11:00      Comments and Discussion
11:00 - 11:30      Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00: Section 2: Blasphemy as a Tool for Emancipation
11:30 - 11:50      Emilia Musumeci (Teramo, IT): David Lazzaretti: Martyr, Rebel, or Heretic? A Puzzling Case in Post-Unification Italy
11:50 - 12:10      Matthew Kerry (Stirling, GB): Blasphemy in Early Twentieth-Century Spain: Vulgarity, Violence and the Crowd
12:10 - 12:30      Marcin Skladanowski (Lublin, PL): Pokémon in the Church: The Case of Ruslan Sokolovskiy and the Limits of Religious Performance in Contemporary Russia
12:30 - 13:00      Comments and Discussion
13:00 - 14:00      Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30: Section 3: Blasphemy as an Instrument to Confront the Secular
14:00 - 14:20      Marco Omes (Pisa, IT): Blasphemy, Religious Adherence and Political Loyalty in the Roman States during the French Occupations (1789 - 1799 and 1808 - 1814)
14:20 - 14:40      Dirk Johannsen (Oslo, NO): Blasphemy as a Cultural Strategy. The Case of the Nordic Modern Breakthrough, 1871 - 1890
14:40 - 15:00      Hussien Soliman (Alexandria,EG): Blasphemy as a Justification for Violence against Freethinkers in Modern Egypt
15:00 - 15:30      Comments and Discussion
15:30 - 16:00      Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:00: Section 4: Blasphemy as a Strategy for Suppressing the Religious Other
16:00 - 16:20      Christoffer Leber (Munich, DE): The New Martyr. The Jatho Affair in Imperial Germany between Blasphemy, Freethought, and Religious Reform (c. 1910 - 1915)
16:20 - 16:40      Yvonne Sherwood (Kent, GB): Blasphemy, Violence, and the Production of Minorities
16:40 - 17:00      Comments and Discussion
17:00 - 18:00: Concluding remarks

More info about the conference can be found here

BOOK REVIEW: Christophe LOSFELD reviews Stephan MEDER, Der unbekannte Leibniz. Die Entdeckung von Recht und Politik durch Philosophie (Francia Recensio 2019/3)

(image source: Perspectivia)

First paragraph:
Si, ces dernières années, Leibniz a beaucoup retenu l’attention, ce qui s’est traduit tant par la poursuite de l’édition de sa correspondance, la publication de textes consacrés à certains pans de son œuvre – qu’il s’agisse, par exemple, de ses textes consacrés à l’histoire ou à la diplomatie – ou de recueils ou de monographies étudiant telle ou telle facette de son activité polyvalente, la pensée juridique de cet auteur, Stephan Meder le constate avec raison, est un peu demeurée dans l’ombre. C’est en particulier chez les juristes que Meder note un manque d’intérêt pour le polygraphe des Lumières, ce qu’il explique par plusieurs facteurs: outre le caractère interdisciplinaire de Leibniz et les liens qu’il n’a cessé de tisser entre le droit et de la philosophie, Meder voit l’une des raisons de ce manque d’intérêt dans la difficulté d’accéder aux textes originaux, que ce soit parce que tous n’ont pas été édités ou parce que maints d’entre eux sont rédigés en latin, une langue que seule une minorité maîtrise aujourd’hui.
Read the full review on Francia Recensio's website.
More information on the book here.

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

30 October 2019

E-Journal: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series, Vol. 8 No. 4

The MPI for European Legal History in Frankfurt has published several new papers in its Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series.

Table of Contents

Bienes de los clérigos (DCH) ((The Clergys' Assets (DCH))
Javier Barrientos Grandón, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
A First Approach to the Law and Institutions of Dutch Brazil (1630–1654)
Luize Stoeterau Navarro, Federal University of Parana (UFPR)
The Brazilian Translation of Franz von Liszt’s Lehrbuch des deutschen Strafrechts (1899): A History of Cultural Translation between Brazil and Germany
Nathália Nogueira Espíndola de Sena, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Students
Ricardo Sontag, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Falseadores (DCH) (Forgers (DCH))
Javier Villa Flores, Emory University - Department of Religion
Pragmatic Normative Literature and the Production of Normative Knowledge in the Early Modern Iberian Empires in the 16th–17th Centuries
Thomas Duve, Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences - Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
Custodios (DCH) (Custodians (DCH))
Francisco Javier Andrés Santos, University of Valladolid - Faculty of Law
Secuestros (DCH) (Sequestration (DCH))
Francisco Javier Andrés Santos, University of Valladolid - Faculty of Law

All papers can be found here

LECTURE SERIES: Norms and Empires (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, November-December 2019)

We learned of a lecture series on Norms and Empires at the MPI in Frankfurt.

Norms and Empires Lecture Series

In the course of the 16th century, religion, empire, and trade built up networks that made the world more interconnected than at any previous point in history. The world’s oceans began taking over traditional land routes in their importance for moving goods, peoples, and communications. The Iberian empires, Portugal and Spain, played an important role in this process, connecting Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas through the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Pacific oceans, constructing between them a vast territorial reach. In these interconnected spaces, the normative representations of settlers, missionaries, and imperial agents collided with local normativities, forming a process of normative production and reconfiguration that took on different paths in different places. Drawing on the complexities in normative construction involved in this process, the Glocalising Normativities project seeks to combine a global perspective on legal history with local case studies based on detailed analysis of archival sources to understand how norms produced in the different spaces that were part of the sphere of influence of one of the Iberian Empires. The Norms and Empires Lecture Series invites leading historians in the field of imperial history to reflect on the issue of normative production in light of their own research experience.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 17:00-19:00
Federica Morelli (University of Turin)
Between Citizenship and Foreignness. Free People of Color during the Age of Atlantic Revolutions
Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 17:00-19:00
Chouki El Hamel (Arizona State University)
The Justification of Concubinage as an Institution of Slavery and Arab Genealogical Turn in Islam
Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 17:00-19:00
Ângela Barreto Xavier (Universidade de Lisboa)
Local normativity and the Portuguese imperial order. The case of Goa in the 16th and 17th centuries

PODCAST: Olivier BEAUD on 'La République injuriée' (France Culture: Concordance des Temps, 21 Sep 2019)

(image source: France Culture)

Prof. Olivier Beaud, whose book on offences against the French President was recently announced on this blog, expounds on his arguments in Concordance des Temps (France Culture).

Listen here.

(source: France Culture)

BOOK: Lisa BECKENBAUGH, The Treaty of Versailles. A Primary-Document Analysis (Santa Barbara: ABC Clio, 2018) ISBN 978-1-4408-5909-0, 83 USD

(image source: ABC Clio)

Book abstract:
An indispensable resource on the Treaty of Versailles, one of the most influential and controversial documents in history, this book explains how the treaty tried to solve the complex issues that emerged from the destruction of World War I. This carefully curated primary source collection includes roughly 60 documents related to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. By collecting all of the most significant documents in one volume, it allows readers to hear the original arguments surrounding the treaty and to explore the voices of the people involved at the Paris Peace Conference. Moreover, it allows readers to engage with the documents so as to better understand the complex motivations and issues coming out of World War I and highlights the differences between the victors and identifies the problems many countries had with the treaty before it was even signed. The documents are organized in chronological order, providing a blueprint to help students to understand all of the significant events that led to the treaty, as well as the vast repercussions of the treaty itself. In addition to the Treaty of Versailles itself, documents include such significant primary sources as the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Balfour Declaration, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and Germany's response to the treaty.
On the author:
Lisa L. Beckenbaugh, PhD, is assistant professor of military and security studies at Air University's Air Command and Staff College. She received her MA from St. Cloud State University and her PhD from the University of Arkansas. Dr. Beckenbaugh has taught at a variety of undergraduate and graduate civilian institutions. She also served as the interim project lead and military analyst II for the Operational Leadership Experiences Project under the aegis of the Combat Studies Institute at Fort Leavenworth and was a Post-Graduate Historical Research Fellow at the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office. 
More information with the publisher.

(source: ESILHIL Blog)

WORKSHOP: Aspekte der diplomatischen Praxis um 1700 (15 November 2019, Würzburg)

(Source: Hsozkult)

Via Hsozkult, we learned of a workshop on diplomatic practice around 1700 at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

Die Geschichte der Außenbeziehungen ist in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten methodisch grundlegend erneuert worden. Dabei gibt es aber nach wie vor thematische Desiderate. So rückt die diplomatische Praxis der Epoche nach dem Westfälischen Frieden erst allmählich in den Fokus, und die politische Öffnung Russlands unter Zar Peter I. ist noch kaum auf der konkreten Handlungsebene und auf ihre Akteure hin untersucht. Der Würzburger Workshop, der im Kontext des von der DFG geförderten Forschungsprojekts „Multiple und transterritoriale Loyalitätsbindungen als Strukturelement der diplomatischen Praxis um 1700: Johann Christoph von Urbich im Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen dem Heiligen Römischen Reich, Dänemark und Russland“ steht, wird diese Aspekte näher beleuchten. [...]“

The full program can be found at Hsozkult

BOOK PRESENTATION: Pierre Dubois : le De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae et la Summaria brevis (Paris, 6 November 2019)

Via the Portail universitaire du droit, we learned of a book presentation (a French translation of Pierre Dubois (c. 1255 — c. 1321)’s — De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae et la Summaria brevis) in Paris.


Le présent volume vise à faire connaître au lecteur les plus importants écrits politiques du légiste normand Pierre Dubois (c. 1255 — c. 1321) — le De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae et la Summaria brevis. Sa vision de reconquête de la Terre Sainte lui suggère une série de réformes touchant à tous les aspects de la vie de la chrétienté : depuis l’établissement de la paix universelle et la réforme des rapports entre l’Église et l’État, jusqu’à la fondation d’écoles de type nouveau.

Aucune traduction de ses œuvres n’a vu le jour en France ; les éditions critiques de ses deux principaux ouvrages (la Summaria brevis et le De recuperatione) sont parues en Allemagne et en Italie. Notre livre aspire à redresser au moins en partie cette injustice en offrant pour la première fois aux lecteurs français à la fois le texte et la traduction des principaux écrits de Dubois.


Alain Boureau (EHESS), Pierre-Anne Forcadet (Université d’Orléans), Xavier Hélary (Université de Lyon 3 Jean Moulin), Alexis Léonas (Université Gáspár-Károli de l'Eglise Réformée de Hongrie, Budapest), Vincent Martin (Université de Rouen), Jacques Paviot (UPEC)

Entrée libre - Réservation indispensable : | +33 1 43 26 06 44

29 October 2019

JOURNAL: Revue historique de droit français et étranger 2019/2

(Source: Dalloz Revues)

The revue historique de droit français et étranger has published its latest issue. The table of contents can be found here

More info with Dalloz Revues

BOOK: Olivier BEAUD, Catherine COLLIOT-THÉLÈNE & Jean-François KERVÉGAN (dir.), Droits subjectifs et citoyenneté [Bibliothèque de la pensée juridique, 12] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019), ISBN 97824060913633

(image source: Classiques Garnier)

Book abstract:
L’ouvrage contient les actes d’un colloque international dont l’objet était d’étudier les rapports complexes qu’entretiennent les droits subjectifs et la citoyenneté d’un point de vue philosophique, historique et juridique, à l’échelle à la fois nationale et supranationale, européenne en particulier. Ces deux notions majeures du lexique juridique et politique moderne ont des histoires différentes, mais entrelacées : le sujet politique moderne se définit à la fois par son statut de titulaire de droits et par sa qualité de citoyen. Toutefois, leurs rapports sont controversés, comme on le voit à la lecture de l’ouvrage. Ces deux notions sont-elles indissociables, notamment depuis que la citoyenneté a été entièrement refaçonnée par la problématique des droits de l’homme ? Ou bien y a-t-il entre elles une contradiction qui hante les démocraties modernes et que les difficultés de la construction d’une identité européenne soulignent particulièrement ?
On the editors:
 Olivier Beaud, professeur de droit public à l'Université de Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), directeur de l'Institut Michel Villey. – Publications récentes : La République injuriée, PUF, 2019 ; avec Cécile Guérin-Bargues, L'état d'urgence, LGDJ-Lextenso, 2016 ; Théorie de la Fédération, PUF, 2007. Catherine Colliot-Thélène, professeure émérite de philosophie à l’Université de Rennes 1. – Publications récentes : Que reste-t-il de Marx ?, PUR, 2017 ; (avec F. Guénard et P. Rosanvallon) Peuples et populisme, PUF, 2014 ; La démocratie sans « demos »,PUF, 2011. Jean-François Kervégan, professeur émérite de philosophie à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne. – Publications récentes : Explorations allemandes, CNRS Editions, 2019 ; La raison des normes. Essai sur Kant, Vrin, 2015 ; Que faire de Carl Schmitt ?, Gallimard, 2011. Traduction des Principes de la philosophie du droit de Hegel (PUF, 3 e édition augmentée, 2013).
List of abstracts:

Caroula Argyriadis-Kervégan : Droits subjectifs et théories holistes de la société : Althusius, Gierke, Duguit. Les théories holistes de la société considèrent que l’individu, avant d’être titulaire de droits subjectifs, occupe une place spécifique dans l’édifice social. Rejoint sur certains points par L. Duguit, O. von Gierke, dans le prolongement de la théorie du droit symbiotique d’Althusius, considère que les droits subjectifs sont un trait de l’Etat autoritaire, tandis que dans une société corporative, les individus sont unis dans un ordre juridique ordonné à l’intérêt général. Les deux auteurs prônent une organisation associative, voire syndicale, des intérêts particuliers. 
Julien Barroche : Une citoyenneté sans conscience d’elle-même est-elle possible ? le cas de l’Union Européenne L’Union européenne est-elle justiciable de la notion de citoyenneté ? Répondre à cette question suppose d’engager une réflexion épistémologique sur l’idée même de citoyenneté, sur la place qu’y occupe la dimension politique et sur le rôle de la conscience dans le phénomène de l’appartenance collective. À épouser la seule facette libérale de la modernité, la citoyenneté de l’Union ne tend-elle pas à éluder l’enjeu de la définition du corps politique pour mieux s’en remettre à la logique des processus économiques et des droits individuels ? 
Olivier Beaud : La citoyenneté est-elle une catégorie universelle du droit constitutionnel ? L’article entend démontrer que la citoyenneté n’est pas une notion qiu peut rendre compte du statut politique des individus dans tout État car, à la différence de la nationalité, il ne peut pas être considéré comme un concept adéquat dans les régimes autoritaire et totalitaire. Pour le démontrer, il est fait appel tant à l’histoire de la doctrine constitutionnaliste que l’étude de quelques régimes autoritaires. 
 Catherine Colliot-Thélène : Les droits subjectifs à l’épreuve de la solidarité sociale L’érosion de l’État social a donné une nouvelle actualité à la critique des droits subjectifs. Cette contribution évoque diverses variantes contemporaines de cette critique. Malgré leurs différences, toutes confondent l’usage administratif des droits subjectifs comme technique d’attribution des droits et le concept originaire de droit subjectif. Ce concept permet de concevoir les droits sociaux comme partie intégrante de la citoyenneté démocratique moderne, et ils doivent être défendus comme tels.
Luigi Ferrajoli : La citoyenneté est-elle une catégorie universelle du droit constitutionnel ? L’article examine la tension entre la dimension universelle des droits subjectifs et le caractère toujours particulier de la citoyenneté. Issus de deux traditions différentes, ils proposent des orientations normatives qui s’avèrent contradictoires. Il propose donc de mettre en question la valeur que nous attribuons à la citoyenneté, ce dernier privilège. 
Dieter Gosewinkel : Appartenance politique et droits subjectifs : la montée en puissance de la citoyenneté comme institution juridique au XXe siècle La fréquente confrontation entre droits subjectifs et citoyenneté postule souvent une différence quant à la genèse et à la fonction des deux concepts. Cet article se situe au-delà de cette confrontation en se fondant sur le concept de “citizenship” qui saisit le développement à la fois parallèle et corrélé des droits subjectifs et de la citoyenneté. Au cours du XXe siècle, la citoyenneté progresse, emblème de l’appartenance politique, mais aussi institution juridique répartissant les droits subjectifs. 
Olivier Jouanjan : Droits publics subjectifs et citoyenneté dans l’œuvre de Georg Jellinek Cette contribution, à partir de l’œuvre de Georg Jellinek, précise d’abord la notion de droit subjectif et insiste sur le fait qu’un droit est un pouvoir sur autrui et que son concept s’entend dans la catégorie de la relation, pas de la « monade isolée ». Il s’agit ensuite de préciser la notion de droit « public » subjectif, un droit opposable à la puissance publique. À partir de là, on montre comment Jellinek construit une théorie de la citoyenneté sous deux espèces, la « citoyenneté positive » et la « citoyenneté active ».
Jean-François Kervégan : Les droits subjectifs : une composante ambiguë de la modernité On examine la place occupée par la notion de « droit subjectif » dans la conscience de soi de la modernité. Incontestablement, la formation de ce concept, dont on examine quelques étapes, a accompagné la découverte par le monde moderne de son identité juridique, dont le manifeste sera la Déclaration des droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen. Néanmoins, comme le montre un examen de la position des droits subjectifs chez Hegel, il serait sommaire d’identifier la modernité juridique sociale et politique au triomphe sans partage des droits subjectifs. 
Christoph Menke: Democratic Citizenship and Subjective Rights: Marx’s Riddle In On the Jewish Question Marx describes the bourgeois revolution as an enigmatic act – a paradox. For Marx, this paradox defines the revolutionary declaration of (human) rights: it is the political act of empowerment of the unpolitical man, and therefore the political act of the self-disempowerment of politics. Following Marx, the declaration of equal rights is the politics of de-politicization. The essay attempts to defend this thesis by drawing on the analysis of the modern form of “subjective rights” which Michel Villey has developed. 
Agustin J. Menendez et Espen D. H. Olsen : European citizenship : An unhappy misunderstanding ? Une prémisse tacite dans les débats juridiques et politiques est que la citoyenneté européenne est une forme de citoyenneté. S'appuyant sur le concept de citoyenneté dans le constitutionnalisme démocratique et social et sur l'évolution du droit communautaire, nous remettons en cause cette hypothèse. La requalification des libertés économiques en tant que droits fondamentaux les plus importants des Européens au début des années 80 a transformé la citoyenneté européenne en couverture de la primauté de la propriété privée et de la liberté d'entreprendre. 
 Étienne Picard : La contradiction entre l’égalité des droits fondamentaux et la citoyenneté comme statut d’exclusion Les deux concepts de droits subjectifs et citoyenneté sont mal identifiés en droit positif, si ce n’est par les implications concrètes dont ils sont porteurs. Mais le corpus doctrinal du droit français, privé et public, les identifie très bien pour en faire deux entités à la fois radicalement différentes et étroitement solidaires. Mais, aujourd’hui, nombreux sont les facteurs qui tendent à leur confusion conceptuelle, tandis que certains courants proposeraient plutôt de les fondre en une catégorie unitive.
Hans Jörg Sandkühler : Il n’y a que des droits subjectifs. Réflexions sur la dignité humaine, les droits humains et la démocratie des citoyens. La différenciation entre droits objectifs et droits subjectifs paraît compréhensible. Pourquoi cette division ? La réponse se trouve dans le statut anthropologique du droit : la liberté de l’homme engendre une histoire humaine risquée ; elle est à l’origine du besoin d’un ordre qui soit fondé sur une nécessité ayant pour fonction de délivrer les hommes du relativisme lié à la subjectivité de leurs revendications morales. Les droits subjectifs deviennent des droits des sujets, c’est-à-dire des hommes assujettis. Ce n’est qu’après 1945 que les droits de l’homme seront reconnus comme des droits subjectifs. Telle est l’inversion nécessaire : C’est l’ensemble des droits subjectifs qui constitue le droit objectif. 

28 October 2019

BOOK PRESENTATION: Andrea KRETSCHMANN (Hrsg.), Pierre Bourdieu und das Recht (Berlin: Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der HU Berlin, 4 NOV 2019)

(image source: Centre Marc Bloch)

Andrea Kretschmann (Centre Marc Bloch) ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Co-Leiterin des Forschungsschwerpunkts »Theorie und Praxis des Politischen« am deutschfranzösischen Forschungsinstitut Centre Marc Bloch (An-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie und der soziologischen Theorie. 2016 erschien bei Velbrück Wissenschaft ihre Dissertationsschrift »Regulierung des Irregulären. Carework und die symbolische Qualität des Rechts«.
Round table participants:
Prof. em. Beate Krais (TU Darmstadt) Prof. em. Hans-Peter Müller ( HU Berlin) PD Dr. Thomas Schidt-Lux ( Univ. Leipzig) Moderation: Dr. Anja Röcke (HU Berlin)
Book abstract:
Pierre Bourdieu zählt zu den bedeutendsten und einflussreichsten Soziologen des 20. Jahrhunderts; gegenwärtig ist er der meistzitierte Sozialwissenschaftler der Nachkriegszeit. Innerhalb der Rechtssoziologie und der sozialwissenschaftlichen Rechtsforschung wird diese Bedeutung bislang zu wenig wahrgenommen, denn im Vergleich zu anderen soziologischen Klassikern wird Bourdieus Perspektive auf das Recht kaum rezipiert. Eine systematische, gerade auch kritische Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Rechtsdenken im Kontext seines übrigen Werks, aber auch im Kontext anderer Rechtstheorien, bildet vor diesem Hintergrund ein Forschungsdesiderat. Der Sammelband stößt daher eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit Bourdieus Rechtsdenken an und lotet dessen Potenziale aus. Neben einschlägigen Texten Bourdieus, die erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht werden, versammelt er sozialtheoretische und an Bourdieus Rechtsdenken angelehnte empirische Beiträge. Das Buch richtet sich an RechtssoziologInnen aus der Soziologie und der Rechtswissenschaft sowie an sozialwissenschaftlich orientierte RechtsforscherInnen anderer Disziplinen. Ebenso adressiert es SoziologInnen und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen, die sich mit Bourdieus Werk beschäftigen. 
(source: Centre Marc Bloch)
(more information with the publisher)

25 October 2019

BOOK: Hlengiwe Portia DLAMINI, A Constitutional History of the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland), 1960–1982 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). ISBN 978-3-030-24776-8, €84,79

(Source: Springer)

Palgrave Macmillan is publishing a new book on the constitutional history of Swaziland.


Swaziland—recently renamed Eswatini—is the only nation-state in Africa with a functioning indigenous political system. Elsewhere on the continent, most departing colonial administrators were succeeded by Western-educated elites. In Swaziland, traditional Swazi leaders managed to establish an absolute monarchy instead, qualified by the author as benevolent and people-centred, a system which they have successfully defended from competing political forces since the 1970s. This book is the first to study the constitutional history of this monarchy. It examines its origins in the colonial era, the financial support it received from white settlers and apartheid South Africa, and the challenges it faced from political parties and the judiciary, before King Sobhuza II finally consolidated power in 1978 with an auto-coup d’état. As Hlengiwe Dlamini shows, the history of constitution-making in Swaziland is rich, complex, and full of overlooked insight for historians of Africa.


Hlengiwe Portia Dlamini is a postdoctoral fellow in the International Studies Group at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. She received her PhD from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and her research interests include the governance of public space, community policing, the enfranchisement of women, and Islamic minorities in Swaziland. 

More information here

24 October 2019

BOOK: Inge VAN HULLE and Randall C.H. LESAFFER, eds., International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century (1776-1914) From the Public Law of Europe to Global International Law? [Studies in the History of International Law] (Leiden-New York: Brill Nijhoff, 2019). ISBN 978-90-04-41208-8, €99.00

(Source: Brill)

Brill is publishing a new book on international law in the 19th century.


International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century gathers ten studies that reflect the ever-growing variety of themes and approaches that scholars from different disciplines bring to the historiography of international law in the period. 

Three themes are explored: ‘international law and revolutions’ which reappraises the revolutionary period as crucial to understanding the dynamics of international order and law in the nineteenth century. In ‘law and empire’, the traditional subject of nineteenth-century imperialism is tackled from the perspective of both theory and practice. Finally, ‘the rise of modern international law’, covers less familiar aspects of the formation of modern international law as a self-standing discipline.

Contributors are: Camilla Boisen, Raphaël Cahen, James Crawford, Ana Delic, Frederik Dhondt, Andrew Fitzmaurice, Vincent Genin, Viktorija Jakjimovska, Stefan Kroll, Randall Lesaffer, and Inge Van Hulle.


   Randall Lesaffer and Inge Van Hulle

Part 1: International Law and Revolution

1 Napoleon 1814–1815: A Small Issue of Status
   James Crawford
2 Edmund Burke and the Law of Nature and Nations
   Camilla Boisen
3 Uneasy Neutrality: Britain and the Greek War of Independence (1821–1832)
   Viktorija Jakjimovska

Part 2: International Law and Empire

4 Equality of Non-European Nations in International Law
   Andrew Fitzmaurice
5 British Humanitarianism, International Law and Human Sacrifice in West Africa
   Inge Van Hulle
6 The Mahmoud Ben Ayad Case and the Transformation of International Law
   Raphael Cahen
7 Public-Private Colonialism: Extraterritoriality in the Shanghai International Settlement
   Stefan Kroll

Part 3: The Rise of Modern International Law

8 Permanent Neutrality or Permanent Insecurity? Obligation and Self-Interest in the Defence of Belgian Neutrality, 1830–1870
   Frederik Dhondt
9 The Role of Comparative Law in the Development of Modern Private International Law (1750–1914)
   Ana Delic
10 The Institute of International Law’s Crisis in the Wake of the Franco-Prussian War (1873–1899)
   Vincent Genin

More info here

23 October 2019

BOOK: George MOUSOURAKIS, Comparative Law and Legal Traditions - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019). ISBN 978-3-030-28280-6, €103,99

(Source: Springer)

Springer is publishing a new book on comparative law history and methodology.


The primary aim of this book is to provide clear and reliable information on a number of central topics in comparative law. At a time when global society is increasingly mobile and legal life is internationalized, the role of comparative law is gaining importance. While the growing interest in this field may well be attributed to the dramatic increase in international legal transactions, this empirical parameter is only part of the explanation. The other part, and (at least) equally important, has to do with the expectation of gaining a deeper understanding of law as a social phenomenon and a fresh insight into the current state and future direction of one’s own legal system.

In response to the internationalization of legal practice and theory, law schools around the world have expanded their comparative law programs. Within the legal subjects that form the core of the curriculum there is a greater interest in comparative legal analysis, as well as greater attention to how global developments and international actors and institutions affect domestic law. Transnational legal education based on comparative reasoning is intended to help shape a new generation of lawyers, public servants and other professionals who recognize and respect cultural diversity in an interconnected world.

The central topics discussed in this book include: the nature and scope of comparative legal inquiries; the relationship of comparative law to other fields of legal study; the aims and uses of comparative law; the origins and historical development of comparative law; and the evolution and defining features of some of the world’s predominant legal traditions. It also deals with selected theoretical aspects, such as the problem of comparability of legal events; the classification of legal systems into families of law; and the topics of legal transplants, harmonization and convergence of laws. Chiefly intended for students, the book also discusses a number of fundamental issues concerning the development of comparative law, and devotes certain sections to reviewing the salient features of the relevant literature on definitional, terminological, methodological and historical issues.


Dr. George Mousourakis' research focuses mainly on the areas of Comparative and Transnational Law, Criminal Law, Legal Philosophy and Legal History (History of the Roman and Civil Law Tradition). He currently holds the position of Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan University.

More info here

22 October 2019

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Constitutional History Consortium (DEADLINE: 8 November 2019)

(Source: HSozKult)

The University of Southhampton has a call for applicants for a consortium of academic researchers working on the history of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Thanks to the support of Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY), the University of Southampton has embarked on a two-year project to more fully develop “The Constitutional History of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).” The primary component of this will be a consortium of academic researchers working on the role of various countries and organizations in the negotiations during which the treaty was drafted and then ratified by the Eighteen National Disarmament Conference and the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council from August 1958 to June 1968. […]”

The full call can be found at HSozKult

BOOK REVIEW: Cornelia AUST reviews Giorgio RIELLO & Ulinka RUBLACK (eds.), The Right to Dress. Sumptuary Laws in a Global Perspective, ca. 1200-1800

(image source: Sehepunkte)

First paragraph:
Obwohl es sich bei der Erforschung spätmittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Aufwands- und Kleiderordnungen nicht um ein neues Forschungsfeld handelt, so sind doch viele Studien regional oder lokal begrenzt oder bewegen sich im Rahmen der Nationalgeschichte. Selbst bei so relativ umfassenden Werken wie Alan Hunts klassischer Arbeit zur frühneuzeitlichen Aufwandsgesetzgebung mit einem Schwerpunkt auf England [1], die häufig allgemein zur Erklärung dieser Gesetzgebung herangezogen wird, ergibt sich das Problem der Übertragbarkeit auf andere geografische Kontexte, selbst innerhalb Europas.
Read more on Sehepunkte.

BOOK: Michael F. CONLIN, The Constitutional Origins of the American Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). ISBN 9781108495271, £ 39.99

(Source: CUP)

Cambridge University Press has recently published a book on the constitutional origins of the US Civil War.


In an incisive analysis of over two dozen clauses as well as several 'unwritten' rules and practices, The Constitutional Origins of the American Civil War shows how the Constitution aggravated the sectional conflict over slavery to the point of civil war. Going beyond the fugitive slave clause, the three-fifths clause, and the international slave trade clause, Michael F. Conlin demonstrates that many more constitutional provisions and practices played a crucial role in the bloody conflict that claimed the lives of over 750,000 Americans. He also reveals that ordinary Americans in the mid-nineteenth century had a surprisingly sophisticated knowledge of the provisions and the methods of interpretation of the Constitution. Lastly, Conlin reminds us that many of the debates that divide Americans today were present in the 1850s: minority rights vs. majority rule, original intent vs. a living Constitution, state's rights vs. federal supremacy, judicial activism vs. legislative prerogative, secession vs. union, and counter-majoritarianism vs. democracy.


Michael F. ConlinEastern Washington University

Michael F. Conlin is Professor of History at Eastern Washington University and author of One Nation Divided by Slavery: Remembering the American Revolution while Marching toward the Civil War (2015).


1. The original intent of the slaveholding founders
2. Two constitutional wrongs did not guarantee a constitutional right
3. The tyranny of the Northern majority
4. The spirit of 1787
5. The constitutional right of secession
Epilogue: the Founders' constitution no more.

More information here

21 October 2019

BOOK: Jochen VON BERNSTORFF and Philipp DANN, eds., The Battle for International Law South-North Perspectives on the Decolonization Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). ISBN 9780198849636, £80.00

(Source: OUP)

Oxford University Press is publishing a new edited collection on South-North perspectives to the decolonisation era.


This volume provides the first comprehensive analysis of international legal debates between 1955 and 1975 related to the formal decolonization process. It is during this era, couched between classic European imperialism and a new form of US-led Western hegemony, that fundamental legal debates took place over a new international legal order for a decolonised world. The book argues that this era presents in essence a battle, a battle that was fought out in particular over the premises and principles of international law by diplomats, lawyers, and scholars. In a moment of relative weakness of European powers, 'newly independent states' and international lawyers from the South fundamentally challenged traditional Western perceptions of international legal structures engaging in fundamental controversies over a new international law. The legal outcomes of this battle have shaped the world we live in today.

Contributions from a global set of authors cover contemporary debates on concepts central to the time, such as self-determination, sources and concessions, non-intervention, wars of national liberation, multinational corporations, and the law of the sea. They also discuss influential institutions, such as the United Nations, International Court of Justice, and World Bank. The volume also incorporates contemporary regional approaches to international law in the 'decolonization era' and portraits of important scholars from the Global South.


Edited by Jochen von Bernstorff, Chair of International Law and Human Rights, Law Faculty, University of Tübingen, and Philipp Dann, Chair of Public and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, Humboldt University Berlin

Jochen von Bernstorff is currently the Dean of the Tübingen Law Faculty (since 2018), holds the Chair for Constitutional law, International Law and Human Rights (since 2011), and has taught international law as a visiting professor at the German Federal Foreign Office Academy Berlin, Université Panthéon-Assas (institut des hautes études internationales), Université Aix-Marseille and National Taiwan University Taipei. He has acted as a consultant for the German Government and various UN-institutions on human rights, development and international environmental law issues.

Philipp Dann holds the Chair of Public and Comparative Law at Humboldt University Berlin (since 2014) and is principal investigator in the Cluster of Excellence 'Contestations of the Liberal Script' (since 2019). He holds degrees from Frankfurt University (PhD and post-doctoral Habilitation) and Harvard Law School (LL.M.) and has taught German, European and public international law in Germany, France, India, Kenya, the Sudan and the US.


The Battle for International Law: A Sketch, Jochen von Bernstorff and Philipp Dann
Part I: Sites of Battle
A. Concepts - Kampfbegriffe
1: The Common Heritage of Mankind: Annotations on a Battle, Surabhi Ranganathan
2: The Battle for the Recognition of Wars of National Liberation, Jochen von Bernstorff
3: The Developmental State: Independence, Dependency and the History of the South, Luis Eslava
4: Colonial Fragments: Decolonisation, Concessions and Acquired Rights, Matthew Craven
5: Acquired Rights and State Succession - The Rise and Fall of the Third World in the International Law Commission, Anna Brunner
6: Rival Worlds and the Place of the Corporation in International law, Sundhya Pahuja and Anna Saunders
7: The Battle Continues: Rebuilding Empire through Internationalization of State Contracts, Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah
8: (De)colonizing Human Rights, Florian Hoffmann and Bethania Assy
9: Picking Battles: Race, Decolonization, and Apartheid, Rotem Giladi
B. Institutions
10: The International Court of Justice During the Battle for International Law (1955-1975)-Colonial Imprints and Possibilities for Change, Ingo Venzke
11: The Battle and the United Nations, Guy Sinclair
12: The World Bank in the Battles of the 'Decolonization Era', Philipp Dann
Part II Individual Protagonists and Regional Perspectives
A. Individual Protagonists
13: Reading R.P. Anand in the Postcolony: Between Resistance and Appropriation, Prabhakar Singh
14: Taslim Olawale Elias: From British Colonial Law to Modern International Law, Carl Landauer
15: Determining New Selves: Mohammed Bedjaoui on Algeria, Western Sahara, and Post-Classical International Law, Umut Özsu
16: Charles Chaumont's Third World International Legal Theory, Emamanuelle Tourme Jouannet
B. Regional Perspectives
17: Literal 'Decolonisation': Re-reading African International Legal Scholarship through the African Novel, Christopher Gevers
18: The Soviets and the Right to Self-Determination of the Colonized: Contradictions of Soviet Diplomacy and Foreign Policy in the Era of Decolonization, Bill Bowring
19: The Failed Battle for Self-Determination: The United States and the Postwar Illusion of Enlightened Colonialism, 1945-1975, Olivier Barsalou
What's Law Got to Do with it? Recollections, Impressions, Martti Koskenniemi

More info here

WORKSHOP: "Identity, Citizenship and Commerce" (Brussels: VUB, 7-8 NOV 2019)

Conference abstract:
This workshop delves into the theme of identity and citizenship with regard to trade. Legal historians have to date not paid much interest to how commerce had an impact on citizenship and identity. It remains unclear how the rich sets of rules that in the later Middle Ages, the Early Modern period and the nineteenth century were crafted to define citizenship, and political constellations as well, were affected by developments of commerce. Questions that will be answered are the following: Did governments have an immigration policy that was tailored to commercial interests? Did this translate into a broad legal support for residents, not being citizens? How were the interests of visitors valued as compared to those of citizens? Were merchants belonging to a separate legal category? If so, what defined this category? Was there a difference in legal effects of contracts involving citizens or foreigners? To what extent did different types of legal identity (merchant, citizen, member of nationes mercatorum) overlap or come into conflict? Was there an influence from “capitalist” virtues on the legal notions of citizen and resident?
7 November 2019, U-Residence, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Zwarte Zaal

14h-14h20 D. De ruysscher (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Tilburg University), Introduction

14h20-14h50 A. Cordes (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Traces of Identity in Medieval Maritime Law
 14h50-15h20 C.M. In’t Veld (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and M. den Hollander (Tilburg University) Citizenship in Early Modern Amsterdam: An Artisanal Identity?

15h20-15h45 coffee break

 15h45-16h30 R. Mooi (Tilburg University) Foreign Creditors in the Early Modern German Territories: Towards a Reciprocal Equal Treatment

16h30-17h15 P. De Reu (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Modifying Procedural Practices, Shaping Economic Identities. An Inquiry into Middling Groups in Financial Distress and Negotiated Debt Adjustment in Commercial Courts in Belgium 1883-1914

19h informal dinner
8 November 2019, room D2.18, Building D, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

9h coffee

9h30-10h15 G. Martyn (Ghent University), The Portuguese Nations in Bruges and Antwerp

10h15-11h G. Dreijer (University of Exeter, Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Legal Strategies, Citizenship and the Development of Commercial Law: the Presence of Spanish Merchants in the Low Countries (15th-16th Centuries)

11h coffee break

11h15-12h J. Possemiers (KU Leuven) Conrad Summenhart’s Writings against Tolerance for ‘Jewish Usurers’ and their Context

12h-12h45 P. Naaktgeboren (Maastricht University), Private Partnerships and Partners’ Entrepreneurial Identity in Early Modern Antwerp

12h45 lunch break

14h15-15h M. Lupi (Tilburg University), The Ban as Deprivation of Citizenship Within Bankruptcy Law of Medieval Florence

15h-15h45 M. Moerman (Maastricht University) Jewish Commercial Associations in the Early Modern Period: The Case of Sephardic Business Partnerships in Amsterdam (17th and 18th centuries)

15h45-16h30 S.Plasschaert (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), Unions and Networks in the 19th-Century Antwerp Marine Insurance Industry

16h30-17h book discussion

19h formal dinner
Practical information:
Register with Dave De ruysscher.

(source: VUB-CORE)

CALL FOR PAPERS: Infanticide from Antiquity to the mid 19th century (Europe, colonial and postcolonial Americas) (London, 27-28 May 2020) (DEADLINE: 20 October 2019)

We learned of a call for papers for a conference on infanticide.

Infanticide is the murder of a newborn or an infant perpetrated most of the times, but not always, by the mother. We welcome any study of the following topics (the list is by no means comprehensive):
Sources, archives and investigation fields: anthropology, archaeology, criminology, demography, epigraphy, history, art history, crime history, law history, history of medicine, iconography, semiotics, literature, philosophy, legal sources, literary sources, the new frontier of biology in the humanities. Myths, literature, the massacre of Innocents, fantasy and infanticide. Ambiguity of the gesture: abandonment or exposure as forms of infanticide?

As we focus on the death of the child, the abandonment which is not followed by death is excluded from the field of reflection. The notion: the word infanticide/infanticidium varies from its first appearance in Tertullian’s Apologeticus (v.197), and reappears under different designations throughout time and in different languages – homicide, abortion, parricide, suffocation, etc. Punishing infanticide: preachers, jurists, philosophers, pedagogues, accused, accusers, witnesses, informers.

Sociology of the agents of the crime: mother, father, family, couple, women, maids, vagrants, prostitutes, workers, ecclesiastics, nuns, men, legal agents, doctors and surgeons, midwives, nurses, members of the church gens, wizards and witches…

Circumstances: Killing out of the womb (suffocating, stabbing, throwing into the cesspool or the latrine, burying or drowning, strangling…), sex ratio thus a theorized elimination which is set up and, according to circumstances, applied. Chronology: the aim is to review a topic which has been little studied from a historical viewpoint (and not clinical or pathological) over the length of time stretching from Antiquity to the positivist break of the modernity (mid-19th century)

The area under study is that of Europe and colonial and postcolonial Americas, including the way those civilizations looked at the ‘other’, but not limiting this field to that (missionaries, travelers, etc.) Accusing the other of infanticide: antisemitism, wars of religion, puritanism, the Affair of the Poisons, witch-hunt…The role of religion (paganism, Catholicism and Protestantism), …All the various places where the bodies are found.The laws in the different countries, the measures of prevention. The law and its implementation. The changes in time. The Roman legacy (Theodosian and Justinian codes), councils and synods of the Church Fathers, Penitentials, Decretals… Treatises from jurists, the Encyclopedia, Beccaria, Pestalozzi…Preventing and controlling infanticide: presumption of innocence (declaration of pregnancy), …The question of evidence: the corpus delicti, the investigation, forensic expertise, and therefore the role of forensics, the sentences. Punishing and condemning: norms and practices (death sentence, clemency of the judge, imprisonment).

Languages: We accept contributions in French or English. (It is necessary to understand French in order to follow the conference and participate in the discussions). Chronological field: from Antiquity to the 19th century. Proposals in English or French of 500 words maximum with a short biographical note should be sent by 20 October 2019.

Please send abstracts to Dr. Elena Taddia and Dr. Pascal Hepner: ;

The conference proceedings will be published

More info with the Royal Historical Society

18 October 2019

BOOK: Gonçalo DE ALMEIDA RIBEIRO, The Decline of Private Law A Philosophical History of Liberal Legalism (Oxford: Hart, 2019), 344 p., ISBN 9781509907908, 75 GBP

(image source: Hart)

Book abstract:
This book is a large-scale historical reconstruction of liberal legalism, from its inception in the mid-nineteenth century, the moment in which the jurists forged the alliance between political liberalism and legal expertise embodied in classical private law doctrine, to the contemporary anxiety about the possibility of both a liberal solution to the problem of political justification and of law as a respectable form of expert knowledge. Each stage in the history is a moment of synthesis between a substantive and a methodological idea. The former is the liberal political theory of the period, purporting to provide a solution to the problem of political justification. The latter is a conception of legal method or science, supposedly vindicating the access of the expert to the political choices embodied in the law. Thus, each moment in the history of liberal legalism integrates a political theory with a jurisprudential conception. Although it reaches the unsettling conclusion that liberal legalism has largely failed by its own standards, the book urges us to avoid quietism, scepticism or cynicism, in the hope that a deeper understanding of the fragility of our values and institutions inspires a more thoughtful, broadminded and nurtured citizenship.
(source: Hart)

BOOK: Marouf A. HASIAN JR., Lawfare and the Ovaherero and Nama Pursuit of Restorative Justice, 1918–2018 (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019). ISBN 978-1-68393-188-1, £75.00

Rowman & Littlefield has published a new book on efforts towards restorative justice in former German colonial Namibia.


This book provides readers with a critical analysis of the restorative justice efforts of the Ovaherero and Nama communities in Namibia, who contend that they should receive reparations for what happened to their ancestors during, and after the 1904–1908 German-Ovaherero/Nama war. Arguing that indigenous communities who once lived in a German colony called “German South West Africa” suffered from a genocide that could be compared to the World War II Holocaust Namibian activists sued Germany and German corporations in U.S. federal courts for reparations. The author of this book uses a critical genealogical approach to all of this “lawfare” (the politicizing of the law) in order to illustrate some of the historical origins of this quest for social justice. Portions of the book also explain some of the historical and contemporary realpolitik barriers that stood in the way of Ovaherero and Nama activists who were asking for acknowledgments of the “Namibian genocide,” apologies from German officials, repatriation of human remains from colonial times as well as restitution that might help with land redistribution in today’s Namibia. This book shows many of the difficulties that confront those indigenous communities who ask twenty-first century audiences to pay restitution for large-scale colonial massacres or imperial genocides that might have taken place more than a hundred years ago.


Marouf Hasian Jr. is full professor in the department of communication at the University of Utah.



1.Introduction: Colonial Unkowing, Lawfare and Transgenerational Calls for Ovaherero and Nama Reparations

2.Heroic and Tragic Tales of Colonial Deeds in German South West Africa, 1884-1908

3. The German Social Democrats’ Anti-Imperialist Rhetorics and the Promotion of “Native” Rights During the Reichstag Debates, 1904-1913

4. “Little Heaps of Sand” and the Transcontinental Debates About the Evidentiary Nature of the 1918 British Blue Book

5. Apartheid, Colonial Aphasia and Decolonizing Remembrances, 1919-1969

6. Academic Scholarship, Cold War Politics, and the Revival of Scholarly Interest in Ovaerero and Nama Social Restitution

7. The 2001 Herero People’s Reparations Case Filed in U.S. Courts

8. Realpolitik Entanglements of Namibian-German Relationships and the Dingpolitik of Ovaherero and Nama Remains

9. The 2017 Ovaherero and Nama Reparations Lawsuit

10. Contemplating the Future of Lawfare in Contests over Namibian Claims for Restorative Justice



About the Author

More info here

17 October 2019

BOOK: William CORNISH, Stephen BANKS, Charles MITCHELL, Paul MITCHELL & Rebecca PROBERT, Law and Society in England 1750-1950 (Oxford: Hart, 2019), 784 p., ISBN 9781849462730, 39,99 GBP

(image source: Hart)

Book abstract:
Law and Society in England 1750–1950 is an indispensable text for those wishing to study English legal history and to understand the foundations of the modern British state. In this new updated edition the authors explore the complex relationship between legal and social change. They consider the ways in which those in power themselves imagined and initiated reform and the ways in which they were obliged to respond to demands for change from outside the legal and political classes. What emerges is a lively and critical account of the evolution of modern rights and expectations, and an engaging study of the formation of contemporary social, administrative and legal institutions and ideas, and the road that was travelled to create them. The book is divided into eight chapters: Institutions and Ideas; Land; Commerce and Industry; Labour Relations; The Family; Poverty and Education; Accidents; and Crime. This extensively referenced analysis of modern social and legal history will be invaluable to students and teachers of English law, political science, and social history.
More information with Hart.

BOOK: Jean-Marie PALAYRET, Isabelle RICHEFORT, and Dieter SCHLENKER, eds., Histoire de La Construction Européenne (1957-2015) Sources et Itinéraires de Recherche Croisés (Paris: Editions du Comité des Travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2019). ISBN 978-2-7355-0908-9, 24.00 EUR

(Source: CTHS)

Editions du Comité des Travaux historiques et scientifiques has published a new book on the history of the European Union.


Initiée par Robert Schuman et Jean Monnet, la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l’acier (CECA) précurseur de la construction européenne – a comme premier objectif de « créer une solidarité de fait » (Déclaration Schuman, 9 mai 1950) entre les Européens pour éviter une nouvelle guerre. Le plan Schuman marque le point de départ de la construction européenne.

La présente conférence, qui s’est tenue au centre des Archives diplomatiques les 30 juin et 1er juillet 2016, se propose de faire un état des lieux de la recherche historique sur la construction européenne et des dernières tendances de l’historiographie, de présenter divers fonds d’archives (publiques et privées) récemment ouverts au public en la matière et de découvrir quelques-uns des réseaux associatifs ou professionnels qui la sous-tendent.

En collaboration avec la direction des Archives du ministère français des Affaires étrangères, la Conférence « Sources et itinéraires de recherche croisés de l’histoire de la construction européenne – 1957-2015 » a été organisée par l’Association des « Amis des Archives historiques de l’Union européenne ». Celle-ci est une association qui regroupe tous ceux qui souhaitent apporter leur concours à l’enrichissement et à la connaissance des Archives historiques de l’Union européenne.


Remarques introductives
Jean-Marie Palayret

Historiographie du processus de construction européenne

The History of the European construction: development and current trends
Antonio Varsory

Alan S. Milward’s legacy: deconstructing the history of the construction of Europe
Frances MB Lynch

European Integration and the Cold War
Maria Eleonora Guasconi

Les états membres

« Les négociations d’adhésion de l’Espagne à la CEE et les relations hispano-communautaires : sources, parcours et perspectives de recherche »
Mathieu Trouvé

La poursuite et la demande d’adhésion de la Grèce aux Communautés européennes à travers les Archives grecques
Giorgios Polydorakis

Les archives du ministère des Affaires étrangères sur la Construction européenne : état des fonds et présentation de documents
Isabelle Nathan

La construction européenne vue à travers les archives hongroises
Gergely Fejérdy

A History of European Law: The ‘Constitutional Practice’ and the ‘Veto Politics’
Philip Bajon

Le Cedefop, 40 ans au service de la formation professionnelle en Europe : collecte et exploitation des archives d’une agence européenne
Marc Willem

L’apport des archives privées à l’historiographie de la construction européenne

Les archives de la présidence de Jacques Delors à la Commission européenne
Catherine Allaire-Previti

Sources et historiographie de l’Agence spatiale européenne
Nathalie Tinjod

Les sources privées dans la reconstruction biographique des responsables communautaires, années 1950-1970
Mauve Carbonell

Le rôle des fondations

Le Groupe de Liaison des Professeurs d’histoire auprès de la Commission européenne
Wilfried Loth

Le projet d’histoire de la Commission européenne
Éric Bussière

Towards an European Research infrastructure on Integration Policy?
Marc Dierikx

La Maison de l’histoire européenne au défi d’un récit sur l’unité de l’Europe : une histoire de papier(s) ?
Étienne Deschamps

L’Europe a-t-elle tenu toutes ses promesses ?
Jean-Marie Palayret

More info here

BOOK: Giuliano FERRETTI, Les États de Savoie, du duché à l’unité d’Italie (1416-1861) [Histoire, 6/Rencontres, 417] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019), 683 p., ISBN 978-2-406-09415-9, € 58

(image source: Classiques Garnier)

Book abstract:
Cet ouvrage propose une histoire du duché de Savoie qui dépasse le cadre des historiographies nationales. Longtemps réuni, l’espace savoyard est depuis 1860 étudié par les prismes français ou italien. Les meilleurs spécialistes internationaux du sujet en proposent ici une nouvelle vision.
Table of contents here.

BOOK: Alexander HOEPPEL, NS-Justiz Und Rechtsbeugung : Die Strafrechtliche Ahndung Deutscher Justizverbrechen Nach 1945. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019). ISBN 978-3-16-157022-3, 109.00 EUR

(Source: Mohr Siebeck)

Mohr Siebeck has published a new book on the criminal punishment of German judicial crime after 1945.


In the aftermath of 1945, why were practitioners of law rarely sentenced for the crimes they committed during the Nazi era? Was it because the judges themselves were former Nazi party members or sympathisers? For Alexander Hoeppel, this train of thought does not go far enough: his study reveals that German jurisprudence actually went to the extent of adopting a legal doctrine that shielded judges and other legal professionals from being prosecuted for crimes committed in office – and continues to do so even to this day.


Alexander Hoeppel Geboren 1984; Studium der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte, der Politischen Wissenschaft und der Philosophie; Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter am Zentralinstitut für Angewandte Ethik und Wissenschaftskommunikation an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Projektleiter des Model United Nations Projektes der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAUMUN); Lehrbeauftragter für Verhandlungslehre ebenda; seit 2017 selbstständiger Verhandlungstrainer; 2018 Promotion.

The table of contents can be found here