
31 January 2023

JOURNAL: Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international XXIV (2022), no. 2 (June)


(image source: Brill)


The Historical Origins of the Duty to Save Life at Sea in International Law (Irini Papanicolopulu)
(DOI 10.1163/15718050-12340199)

The article looks into the historical development of the international law duty to save life at sea. It argues that this duty has its origins into legal sources that predated the genesis of international law in the sixteenth century. According to these sources, three separate sets of norms were developed to address the need to save life at sea: rules on the safety of navigation; rules concerning assistance to the shipwrecked and their protection; and rules on the duty of masters to provide assistance. Leaving aside the first category, the article illustrates how these sources where used by seventeenth and eighteenth century international lawyers to substantiate the existence of a duty to assist the shipwrecked and a right to seek refuge for vessels in distress. Nineteenth century scholars added the duty of the master to provide rescue. These scholarly codifications set the basis for a codification, first by learned societies and then by states, during the last decades of the nineteenth century. Codification was eventually achieved through two conventions adopted in 1910. The article argues that while the content of the duty changed to adapt to technological developments affecting navigation, as well as to changing perceptions of the sources and effects of international law, the common principle at its basis has always been part of international law.

Exclusion vs Cooperation in the Utilisation of Transboundary Watercourses: The Case for Decolonising the Nile Water Agreements (Fekade Abebe)
(DOI: 10.1163/15718050-bja10062)

The relationship between Egypt and Ethiopia was marked with tension for centuries due to the utilisation of the Nile river. Recently, it took a turn for the worst after Ethiopia announced it is building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Nile river. This article argues that one important explanation for the deep-seated disagreements between Egypt and Ethiopia is the history of the legal instruments frequently invoked which were set up to safeguard the colonial interest of Britain over Egypt and the entire upper Nile region. Britain’s use of these legal instruments to advance its colonial domination of the region, with disregard to the interests of native communities, had left a legacy of exclusive utilisation over the river which haunts the current legal discourse. The article argues that the Nile basin countries need to acknowledge this colonial legacy in the legal discourse and need to move towards cooperation.

Making International Law Truly ‘International’? Reflecting on Colonial Approaches to the China-Vietnam Dispute in the South China Sea and the Tribute System (So Yeon Kim) [OPEN ACCESS]
(DOI 10.1163/15718050-12340183)

Before non-European regions adopted international law, a different set of law of territory governed the non-European regions. Notwithstanding their differences, international courts and tribunals have approached non-European territorial disputes through a single lens of Eurocentric international law. The general claim of this article is that international courts and tribunals should approach non-European territorial disputes with special consideration to account for the region’s historical system. This article case studies the China-Vietnam dispute in the South China Sea to advance this claim. Through the case study, I argue that East Asian concepts of sovereignty do not equate with those employed by Eurocentric international law. I then suggest guidelines for considering regional systems when ruling on non-European territorial disputes. If international courts and tribunals do not change their legal approach, this not only distorts the historical realities of the non-European regions but also results in unfair dispute settlements.

Pan-Americanism as a Hemispheric Model for a Global Order? The Pan-American Peace Pact of 1914 (Klaas Dykmann)
(DOI  10.1163/15718050-12340194)

Some in US President Woodrow Wilson’s administration saw an opening to seize several opportunities in 1914 to present the United States as a hemispheric unifier offering an alternative for war-torn Europe. Since an international convention or a negotiated solution in Europe seemed unlikely, the US tried to establish a peace agreement for the western hemisphere to universalise American international law and multilateralise the Monroe Doctrine in a way that would mutually recognise each American republic’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and demonstrate to Europe that a negotiated peace was possible. This article analyses the emergence of the idea of the Pan-American Peace Pact and its regional and global significance in view of the League of Nations that was later established.

 Book reviews:

  • Great Britain, International Law, and the Evolution of Maritime Strategic Thought, 1856–1914, written by Gabriela Frei (Frederik Dhondt)
  • Remaking Central Europe: The League of Nations and the Former Habsburg Lands, edited by Peter Becker and Natasha Wheatley (Omer Aloni)

 Read everything on Brill's website.


VIDEO: Michelle PERROT on the Social History of Justice (Les entretiens de Criminocorpus)


The French research site Criminocorpus released an interview with the esteemed French historian Michelle Perrot on her career and the social history of justice. Watch it above or on Youtube.

GUEST LECTURE by Prof. Gisela DROSSBACH: Marriage in Church Law in England at the end of the 12th Century - 7 February 2023 - Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen (Center for Privacy Studies)

In this lecture Prof. Gisela Drossbach will demonstrate that the relationship between church and state in the Anglo-Norman realm favoured the extension of papal legal culture from the continent to England in the 12th century. In this ambiente the concept of marriage based on the consent of both parties, which pope Alexander III propagated by means of his rapidly developing decretal legislation, was able to prevail. This new form of marriage resulted in the protection of women who could no longer be forced into marriages, that they did not want. I will present three cases to show this clearly. But could this protection in fact be realized and would it last? It will be shown that a possible disadvantage for a woman was the fact that a form for the marriage procedure had not yet been adequately defined and there were many clandestine marriages.

If you wish to attend the lecture, please register here.

Gisela Drossbach will be visiting Centre for Privacy Studies in February 2023. She is a Professor of European Regional History at the University of Augsburg and has her research projects at the Leopold-Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat and the Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law in Munich. She wrote her ‘Habilitation’ about the “Hospital and Order of Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome (1198-1378)” (published 2005) and her PhD about the Bavarian author Konrad von Megenberg († 1373). Her research has been funded by awards from among others the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung. Furthermore she has received fellowships from the German Historical Institutes in Rome and Paris and she has been a visiting professor at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Italianistica e Filologia Classica in 2021. She holds positions of different commissions like executive secretary of the Historical Society of Swabia/Bavaria and member of the Advisory Board of the Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio (ICMAC). Her expertise is in the field of medieval juridical manuscripts, medieval canon law, text/images relations, history of religious institutions and hospitals, and Bavarian History. In these fields she has published more than 17 books and nearly 100 articles.


Time: 7 Feb. 2023, 13

Place: Room 6B.1.62, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen.

Organizer: Centre for Privacy Studies

BOOK: Juan ESPINDOLA & Leigh A. PAINE (eds.), Collaboration in Authoritarian and Armed Conflict Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023). ISBN: 9780197267059, pp. 294, £70.00


(Source: CUP)


Who is the collaborator, or in whose eyes? What is the motivation to collaborate: for material gain, for ideology, for duty? When is collaboration betraying a hated enemy, and when is it something else: personal revenge or an instrumental, rational, or even coerced response to a situation, for example? Why do collaborators meet such harsh punishment and stigma when they are revealed as such? Can they ever atone or find redemption? Beyond the perception of the stakeholders involved, how harmful is collaboration? Does it exacerbate or abate violence? Is it always evil or can it sometimes be seen as mitigating wrongs? The chapters in Collaboration in Authoritarian and Armed Conflict Settings explore these thorny questions through a set of case studies, disciplinary approaches, and temporal and regional contexts. They show the range of the types of collaboration; the ubiquity of collaboration across time, countries, political systems, and political and cultural conflicts.


Juan Espindola is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Philosophical Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He was trained as a political theorist at the University of Michigan. His research focuses on violence, and transitional justice. He is the author of Transitional Justice after German Reunification: Exposing Unofficial Collaborators (Cambridge University Press, 2015), and his work has appeared in journals such as Theoretical Criminology, Bioethics, Studies in Philosophy and Education, Theory and Research in Education, German Studies Review, Res Publica, and Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Journal of Social Philosophy, and others.

Leigh A. Payne is Professor of Sociology and Latin America at the University of Oxford, St Antony's College. She has written extensively on right-wing movements, transitional justice, and human rights. She is author of Unsettling Accounts: Neither Truth nor Reconciliation in Confessions of State Violence (Duke University Press, 2008) and co-author of Transitional Justice and Corporate Accountability from Below: Deploying Archimedes' Lever (Cambridge University Press, 2020 with Gabriel Pereira and Laura Bernal-Bermúdez).


Juan Espindola and Leigh A. Payne

Jacob Dlamini

Ksenija Bilbija

Luis de la Calle

Mark Drumbl and Barbora Holá

Andrea L. Dennis

Gerson Iván Arias and Carlos Andrés Prieto

Ron Dudai and Kevin Hearty

Oren Gross

Colleen Murphy

Gabriel Pereira

Shane Darcy


1:Coming to Terms with Collaboration: An Introduction,Juan Espindola and Leigh A. Payne

Part I: The Politics of Collaboration

2:Native Intelligence: African Detectives and Informers in White South Africa,Jacob Dlamini

3:Be My Character: Framing the Female Collaborator in Postdictatorship Argentine Novels,Ksenija Bilbija

4:Collaborationism in Low-Intensity Conflicts: The Case of the Basque Country,Luis de la Calle

Part II: Collaboration Moments

5:Collaboration and Opportunism in Communist Czechoslovakia,Mark Drumbl and Barbora Holá

6:Black Collaboration During American Slavery,Andrea L. Dennis

7:Third-Party Collaborators in the Colombian Armed Conflict: A Paramilitary Case Study,Gerson Iván Arias and Carlos Andrés Prieto

8:Informing, Intelligence, and Public Policy in Northern Ireland: Some Overlooked Negative Consequences of Deploying Informers against Political Violence,Ron Dudai and Kevin Hearty

Part III: Holding Collaborators Accountable

9:The Collaboration of the Intellectuals: Legal Academia and the Third Reich,Oren Gross

10:Grudge Informers and Beyond: On Accountability for Collaborators with Repressive Regimes,Colleen Murphy

11:Business Collaborators on Trial: Legal Obstacles to Corporate Accountability in Argentina,Gabriel Pereira

12:International Law and Collaboration: A Tentative Embrace,Shane Darcy

13:Conclusion: Reckoning with Collaboration,Juan Espindola and Leigh A. Payne


BOOK: Filippo ROSSI, Ragionevoli dubbi. Percorsi storici del recesso unilaterale (Torino: Giappichelli, 2022), ISBN: 9788892145986

(Image source: G. Giappichelli Editore)


A giudicare dall’incessante produzione scientifica sul recesso, la rottura unilaterale del contratto pare davvero un tema che non cessa di destare interesse. Il motivo della costante attenzione sull’istituto è intuibile, del resto, considerando la latitudine delle conseguenze che esso produce. La manifestazione unilaterale di volontà, per giunta recettizia, con cui il “ritiro” unilaterale si sostanzia, presuppone una prerogativa soggettiva – quella di “pentirsi” di aver stretto l’accordo – che contraddice la concezione per cui il contratto vincola al reciproco rispetto dei patti, all’aspettativa nelle controprestazioni e al legittimo affidamento sulla loro continuazione, a meno che si decida, di comune accordo, di porvi fine. Della necessità di tale facoltà, tuttavia, non si può dubitare. Il diritto potestativo con cui una delle parti decide di “tornare sui propri passi” risponde infatti a primarie finalità di economia dei rapporti giuridici, e così pure di razionalità del sistema, anche in virtù del principio di giustizia commutativa che innerva le dinamiche contrattuali. Si tratta, insomma, di una facoltà che opera sì drasticamente sugli effetti del contratto, ma che al contempo favorisce la ricomposizione degli interessi negoziali, e per le circostanze più varie. A seconda dei casi, l’estinzione unilaterale fornisce il termine finale a un contratto che ne è privo, o interviene per evitare rapporti sine die. Consente di rimediare a disfunzioni del sinallagma (ad esempio l’inadempimento di una parte) ovvero a sopravvenienze che ne alterino l’originario equilibrio (come l’impossibilità sopravvenuta parziale). Protegge da decisioni affrettate o prese non del tutto consapevolmente, permettendo altresì, in casi specifici, di “abbandonare” il rapporto, a volte con, altre volte senza un corrispettivo per l’esercizio del “ripensamento”.


Filippo Rossi è ricercatore di Storia del diritto presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, ove insegna Storia del diritto medievale e moderno e Storia dei diritti umani. Si è occupato di storia del lavoro, pubblico e privato, nonché di storia del diritto delle obbligazioni, con particolare riferimento allo scioglimento del rapporto contrattuale. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Il cattivo funzionario nel Regno Lombardo-Veneto (Giuffrè, 2013) e La costruzione giuridica del licenziamento (Giuffrè, 2017). Ha curato il volume "Consenso e dissenso nelle codificazioni europee. Scioglimento e mantenimento del vincolo contrattuale tra storia giuridica, diritto privato e comparazione" (Pisa, 2021).



1. Il “problema” recesso: “rompere” da soli ciò che si è “costruito” insieme
2. Da oggi a ieri, da ieri a oggi: le ragioni di una ricostruzione storica del recesso
3. Alcune precisazioni sui termini e sui “confini” dell’indagine

Capitolo 1: Principi e formanti dello scioglimento unilaterale nel sistema contrattuale d'Antico Regime

1. Introduzione
2. L’eccezionalità del dissenso unilaterale
2.1. Il recesso penitenziale e impugnatorio nei contratti innominati
2.2. Il recesso penitenziale nei contratti nominati
2.3. Il recesso determinativo e liberatorio
2.4. I patti risolutori
3. Il principio del consenso
3.1. Promittendi animus e nuove tipizzazioni (XVI sec.)
3.2. Il consenso a prescindere dal tipo (XVI-XVII secc.)
3.3. L’abiura del recesso nel nuovo ordine delle relazioni contrattuali (XVII-XVIII secc.)
4. Il principio della forza di legge
4.1. Corti regie e usus fori (XVI-XVII secc.)
4.2. Dissertazioni, trattazioni e consolidazioni (XVII-XVIII secc.)

Capitolo 2: I Codici del primo Ottocento e il "ritiro" unilaterale dal contratto

1. Introduzione
2. I recessi nei codici di primo Ottocento 
2.1. Il blocco austro-tedesco 
2.1.1. I prodromi: le (pre)codificazioni del tardo Settecento: i “codici” bavarese (1756) e prussiano (1794)
2.1.2. Il recesso nel codice civile austriaco (1811)
2.1.3. Una via di mezzo tra i blocchi: il codice civile parmense (1820) e il codice civile galiziano (1797)
2.2. Il blocco francese
2.2.1. Il recesso nei progetti di Cambacérès (1793-1796)
2.2.2. Il sistema dei recessi unilaterali nel Code civil (1804)

Capitolo 3: il sistema dei recessi dalla seconda metà del XIX secolo

1. Introduzione
2. Una nuova lettura dell’obbligazione (e della forza di legge)
2.1. L’impostazione tradizionale: la vis costrittiva dell’obbligazione
2.2. L’obbligazione come dominio (limitato) sulla libertà altrui
2.3. Prime categorizzazioni del recesso: la dichiarazione unilaterale di disdetta (da Windscheid all’ADHGB)
3. Résiliation e congé: il recesso in Francia tra dottrina e giurisprudenza
3.1. Recesso da inadempimento vs risoluzione giudiziale
3.2. Il recesso nel louage de services
4. L’approdo al recesso in Italia
4.1. L’estinzione condivisa del contratto nel “sistema” del codice civile unitario
4.2. Utilità della controprestazione e recesso unilaterale (Rücktritt): i punti di forza del modello tedesco
4.3. Il recesso unilaterale nel discorso giuridico italiano (fine XIX sec.)
4.3.1. Recesso unilaterale e rapporto di lavoro
4.3.2. Recesso unilaterale e diritto commerciale (non più satellite)
4.4. Il primo Novecento e il “laboratorio” dei contratti (recesso vs forza di legge)
4.4.1. Usi e abusi delle imprese (dottrina e giurisprudenza alle prese con il recesso)
4.4.2. Risoluzione unilaterale e stragiudizialità: i codici della “fase matura” e il recesso
4.4.3. Costruzioni dogmatiche e bisogni sociali: il recesso come strumento generale nei rapporti contrattuali (verso il codice civile del 1942)


1. Il recesso come rimedio generale nel sistema contrattuale (XX sec.)
2. Il ruolo del recesso nel sistema contrattuale (XXI sec.)

More information can be found here

30 January 2023

PODCAST: Selden Society Lecture Series Australia (Supreme Court Library Queensland, iTunes/Spotify)


(image source: iTunes)


Join a variety of judicial officers, legal professionals and academics for this informative and provocative series of legal history lectures. Each episode presents a single story uncovering a unique aspect of our common law past. This might be literature or language, a fascinating event or item, a significant person, or the development of a legal idea. These lectures are recorded in the Banco Court, Brisbane, and are now available to the world.

Listen on Spotify or iTunes

BOOK: Christian G. FRITZ, Monitoring American Federalism: The History of State Legislative Resistance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 410 pp., ISBN 9781009325578, £29.99


(image credit: Cambridge University Press)

Book description: 
Monitoring American Federalism examines some of the nation's most significant controversies in which state legislatures have attempted to be active partners in the process of constitutional decision-making. Christian G. Fritz looks at interposition, which is the practice of states opposing federal government decisions that were deemed unconstitutional. Interposition became a much-used constitutional tool to monitor the federal government and organize resistance, beginning with the Constitution's ratification and continuing through the present affecting issues including gun control, immigration and health care. Though the use of interposition was largely abandoned because of its association with nullification and the Civil War, recent interest reminds us that the federal government cannot run roughshod over states, and that states lack any legitimate power to nullify federal laws. Insightful and comprehensive, this appraisal of interposition breaks new ground in American political and constitutional history, and can help us preserve our constitutional system and democracy.
Table of contents: 
1. The riddle of federalism and the genesis of interposition
2. Early state use of interposition: testing the powers of the new national government
3. State interposition and debates over the meaning of the Constitution
4. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions and Madison's report of 1800
5. State interposition during the Jefferson and Madison presidencies
6. State challenges to the Supreme Court's control over constitutional interpretation
7. The transformation of interposition: the theory of nullification emerges
8. State interposition and nullification on the path to secession
9. State interposition during and after the Civil War
10. Modern interposition by states and 'nullification'
About the author: 
Christian G. Fritz is Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico School of Law. He is the author of American Sovereigns: The People and America's Constitutional Tradition Before the Civil War (2008).
More information can be found here

27 January 2023

REMINDER CFP: "Boire et Manger" [Journées internationales de la Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons] (Lille: Université de Lille, 19-20 MAY 2023); DEADLINE 31 JAN 2023


(Image: The Feast of the Bean King by Jacob Jordaens - Source: Google Art Project)

Les Journées d’Histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons se tiendront à Lille les 19 et 20 mai 2023 à Lille, à l’invitation de la section française de la société.  Le thème retenu cette année est « Boire et Manger »

« Boire et manger » constitue un enjeu permanent de la vie humaine. Se nourrir est en effet un besoin vital, biologique mais aussi une pratique sociale, culturelle, parfois même identitaire. Cette activité fait alors l’objet de normes sociales mais aussi juridiques : coutumes, règlements et lois. La nourriture donne aussi lieu à des contentieux tant sur le plan communautaire, local, étatique ou international.  Toutefois si sa réglementation peut apparaitre comme un invariant historique, elle prend des dimensions différentes selon les sociétés envisagées, tant dans le temps que dans l’espace.

Le colloque envisage alors  d’évoquer l’ensemble des dimensions juridiques et historiques du sujet : les propositions de communications pourront ainsi porter sur les approvisionnements, les règlements des métiers de bouche, le statut des nourrices, les règlements sanitaires et environnementaux, les taxes sur les denrées, les droits de passage, les empoisonnements, les vols d'aliments, le dernier repas des condamnés, les ordalies alimentaires, les interdits alimentaires, les rituels sacrés (jeûnes et sacrifices), les repas officiels, etc. 

Comme il est de coutume dans nos journées, il n’est pas fixé de limite temporelle, mais les communications s’intéresseront à l’Histoire de nos provinces.  Les propositions de communication devront être adressées à Tanguy Le Marc’hadour, président de la société, à l’adresse suivante, pour le 31 janvier 2023. Elles seront accompagnées d’une brève présentation du sujet envisagé. 

Les langues de travail recommandées sont le français, de préférence, mais aussi le néerlandais et l’anglais. Quelle que soit la langue utilisée, les communicants voudront bien faire un résumé ou une brève présentation sur Power point en anglais ou en français, si la communication se fait en anglais ou en néerlandais, et en anglais ou en néerlandais, si la communication est faite en français.

(Source: VUB Core)

BOOK: Rowan DORIN, No Return: Jews, Christian Usurers, and the Spread of Mass Expulsion in Medieval Europe (Princeton, Princeton University Press 2023), ISBN: 9780691240923


(Image source: Stanford)


Beginning in the twelfth century, Jewish moneylenders increasingly found themselves in the crosshairs of European authorities, who denounced the evils of usury as they expelled Jews from their lands. Yet Jews were not alone in supplying coin and credit to needy borrowers. Across much of Western Europe, foreign Christians likewise engaged in professional moneylending, and they too faced repeated threats of expulsion from the communities in which they settled. No Return examines how mass expulsion became a pervasive feature of European law and politics—with tragic consequences that have reverberated down to the present.

Drawing on unpublished archival evidence ranging from fiscal ledgers and legal opinions to sermons and student notebooks, Rowan Dorin traces how an association between usury and expulsion entrenched itself in Latin Christendom from the twelfth century onward. Showing how ideas and practices of expulsion were imitated and repurposed in different contexts, he offers a provocative reconsideration of the dynamics of persecution in late medieval society.
Uncovering the protean and contagious nature of expulsion, No Return is a panoramic work of history that offers new perspectives on Jewish-Christian relations, the circulation of norms and ideas in the age before print, and the intersection of law, religion, and economic life in premodern Europe.


Rowan Dorin is Assistant Professor of History at Stanford University. He is i.a. the author of Corpus Synodalium, a prize-winning full-text database of late medieval local ecclesiastical legislation.



1 Expulsion, Jews, and Usury: trajectories of christian thought and practice

2 Inventing Expulsion in England, 1154–1272

3 Inventing Expulsion in France, 1144–1270


4 Canonizing Expulsion: the second council of Lyon, 1274

5 Disseminating Expulsion: synods, summas, and sermons


6 Emulating Expulsion: England and France, 1274–1306

7 Ignoring Expulsion: episcopal evasion and papal inaction, 1274–1400

8 Expanding (and Impeding) Expulsion: Jews, usury, and canon law, 1300–1492



Appendix A: Timeline of Expulsions of Jews and Christian Usurers, 1100–ca. 135

Appendix B: Usury and Expulsion in Local Ecclesiastical Legislation, 1200-ca. 1400


The Stanford Center for Law and History organizes also an online talk on this book with the author on 15.02.2023, see here.

COLLOQUIUM: Lo Stato costituzionale: Radici e prospettive. Giornata di studi in memoria di Maurizio Fioravanti - 10 marzo 2023 - Università degli Studi di Firenze


26 January 2023

BOOK: Henri BOUILLON, Renaud BUEB & Béatrice LAPÉROU-SCHENEIDER (dir.), Les grandes lois de la Ve République (Paris : Mare & Martin, 2023), ISBN 9782849346785,


(image source: LDGJ)


L'histoire de la Ve République a été scandée par de « grandes lois ». En en offrant une analyse, cet ouvrage se présente comme un monumentum legum de la Ve République. Rédigé par un spécialiste de la matière, chacun de ses chapitres traite d'une loi pour en montrer la genèse et les enjeux, ainsi que l'application qui en a été faite. L'originalité de ce travail est de s'appuyer sur les travaux parlementaires. Souvent tus par la doctrine juridique, ces travaux permettent de cerner l'esprit de chaque loi et de confronter ses ambitions initiales, énoncées dans les débats parlementaires, avec sa portée concrète. L'ouvrage entend ainsi restituer l'esprit des lois pour éclairer juristes et citoyens.

On the editors and contributors:

Henri Bouillon est Maître de conférences en droit public à l'université de Franche-Comté et membre du Centre de recherches juridiques de Franche-Comté (CRJFC). Renaud Bueb est Maître de conférences HDR en histoire du droit à l'université de Franche-Comté et membre du CRJFC. Béatrice Lapérou-Scheneider est Professeure de droit privé et de sciences criminelles à l'université de Franche-Comté et directrice du CRJFC. Contributions de Célia Berger-Tarrare, Damienne Bonnamy, Henri Bouillon, Jean-Pierre Camby, David Charbonnel, Jimmy Charruau, Paul Chauvin-Madeira, Damien Connil, Alexandre Desrameaux, Amanda Dubuis, Sarah Farhi, Hugues Fulchiron, Eudoxie Gallardo, Christophe Geslot, Muriel Guerrin, Béatrice Lapérou-Scheneider, Jean-Pierre Legros, Eliaz Le Moulec, Grégoire Leray, Delphine Martin, Jérôme Melet, Catherine Ménabé, Mathieu Petithomme, Jean-Marie Pontier, Xiawei Sun, Catherine Tirvaudey, Didier Truchet, Jean-Jacques Urvoas.

(source: LGDJ

CFP COLLOQUE: Les États de Savoie et la mer. Approche juridique et institutionnelle - XIVe-XIXe siècles - Cagliari, 12-13 octobre 2023 [ DEADLINE vendredi 31 mars 2023]

(Source: univ.droit)

Entre l'acquisition de Nice en 1388 et celle de la Ligurie en 1815, l'histoire des Etats de Savoie est marquée par une succession de tentatives pour accéder à la mer et devenir progressivement une puissance méditerranéenne. Nice, Oneille, la Sicile, la Sardaigne, Loano, Menton-Roquebrune, et enfin la Ligurie sont autant d'étapes de cette surprenante vocation méditerranéenne que la dynastie alpine s'attribue et qu'elle finit par concrétiser. Etrange destinée en effet que celle de cette monarchie dont le berceau ducal est Savoyard et la couronne royale Sarde, pour des souverains qui sont par ailleurs « rois de Chypre et de Jérusalem ».

Cette réalité géopolitique ouvre aux Etats de Savoie de formidables opportunités, elle les confronte à de nouveaux enjeux, de nouvelles activités, de nouvelles ressources, de nouvelles relations, mais aussi de nouveaux problèmes. Pour y faire face, tout est à imaginer et à construire : de nouvelles règles et des formes de pouvoir inédites, en relation constante avec des réalités déjà présentes, tant juridiques (on pense au droit de Villefranche) que diplomatiques (par exemple les relations complexes avec l'Angleterre). En effet, la mer est un espace géostratégique, économique, humain, mais aussi, institutionnel, administratif et juridique. D'abord objet de conquête ou des tractations diplomatiques, la mer des Etats de Savoie est en tous points un « territoire » nouveau : Venant de Chambéry ou de Turin, c'est d'abord une destination puis un littoral, puis une immense étendue d'eau et surtout des îles (brièvement la Sicile et durablement la Sardaigne) avec lesquelles il faut créer des liaisons (à partir du port Lympia à Nice) et qu'il faut gouverner (sans doute différemment des « Etat de terre fermes »). Tous ces espaces doivent en effet être maîtrisés et réglementés, ils donnent lieu à la naissance d'administrations et de juridictions militaires et civiles, mais ils rendent aussi nécessaires des relations avec de nouvelles populations, de nouveaux voisins, de nouvelles puissances maritimes.

Il va s'agir en effet d'organiser la navigation et le transport maritime, ouvrir des liaisons commerciales (proches ou lointaines), établir des relations avec les populations insulaires, mais aussi développer les ports, les chantiers navals, la marine commerciale et de guerre, établir une défense du littoral, contre d'autres puissances maritimes, contre les corsaires ou les pirates. Mais inversement la mer permet aussi d'accueillir plus facilement des étrangers ou leurs représentants, des produits nouveaux venus d'ailleurs ou les richesses qu'elle recèle, issues notamment de la pèche, mais également de s'adapter à de nouveaux usages maritimes ; plus tard des littoraux enchanteurs donneront naissance à un proto-tourisme prometteur. Certainement, la mer crée aussi des vocations pour de grands marins (Garibaldi surtout) ou diplomates.

Comment et par quels moyens les Etats de Savoie ont-ils pu faire face à de tels défis ? Quels ont été les choix diplomatiques et commerciaux ayant conduit la cour de Turin à s'orienter vers la mer ? Quelles ressources, quels moyens, quelles compétences ont-ils su mobiliser pour maîtriser tant d'activités et en tirer avantage ? Les résultats ont été à la hauteur des enjeux. Souvent qualifiée de « monarchie administrative et juridique », la monarchie sarde a élaboré ou utilisé une multitude d'institutions et de règles de droit lui permettant de s'adapter progressivement à cette nouvelle orientation et devenir à terme une puissance à la fois alpine et méditerranéenne.

Sans rejeter les approches sociales ou économiques des thèmes proposés, ce colloque privilégiera ses aspects institutionnels, juridiques, administratifs, culturels, diplomatiques et politiques.


Modalités de soumission des propositions

Les propositions de communications sont à soumettre à: jusqu'au 31 mars 2023.
Elles ne devront pas excéder 3000 signes (tout compris) et devront comporter une brève présentation de l'auteur et un bref descriptif des sources envisagées. Le dépôt des propositions s'effectuera jusqu'au 31 mars 2023. Les candidats seront informés de la décision du comité organisateur au plus tard le 1er juillet 2023.

Le colloque se tenant à Cagliari (12-13 octobre 2023), les organisateurs prendront en charge l'hébergement et la restauration mais ne seront pas en mesure financer les déplacements qui resteront à la charge de chaque communiquant ou de son institution. Pour ceux qui ne pourraient pas se déplacer, le colloque est prévu sous forme hybride (en présentiel ou à distance).

Le nombre des communications en présentiel étant limité à vingt, d'autres communicants pourront être admis à intervenir à distance.

Merci d'indiquer dans la proposition de communication si celle-ci se fera en présentiel ou à distance.

Les communications au colloque seront d'une durée de vingt minutes en langue française, italienne ou anglaise.

Les actes du colloque seront publiés.

Comité scientifique

  • Michel Bottin (Université Côte d'Azur)
  • Paola Casana (Université de Turin)
  • Giuseppina De Giudici (Université de Cagliari)
  • Enrico Genta (Université de Turin)
  • Elisa Mongiano (Université de Turin)
  • Marc Ortolani (Université Côte d'Azur)
  • Vito Piergiovanni (Université de Gênes)
  • Andrea Pennini (Université de Turin)
  • Lorenzo Sinisi (Université de Gênes)
  • Olivier Vernier (Université Côte d'Azur)

17ème colloque international du P.R.I.D.A.E.S.

REMINDER SEMINAR SERIES: Helsinki Legal History Series 2023 (9 lectures)


During 2023, the CoCoLaw Project and EuroStorie Centre of Excellence will host the Helsinki Legal History Series. The initiative gathers both established scholars and younger researchers who all work at the intersection of law, society and history. The aim is to promote legal historical research and to illustrate the merits of historical approach in analyzing fundamental questions regarding law's embeddedness in society and the mechanisms of legal change. The seminar series consists of 9 lectures at the University of Helsinki and they are all streamed online, according to the following program:

January 31st

National Styles beyond Boarders. A Travelogue of Migrating Legal Stories in the Nineteenth Century

Cristina Vano (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)

February 28th

European Union and its founding values – a legal history autopsy

Tuuli Talvinko (University of Helsinki)

March 28th

From the university-based ius commune to a potentially universal law. A lecture in honour of Mireille Delmas- Marty (1941-2022)

Alain Wijffels (KU Leuven)

April 25th

Homesteading and the American Dream

K-Sue Park (Georgetown University)

May 30th

The English ‘Law of Succession’ as an expression of European Legal Culture: The Story of its Development

Reinhard Zimmermann (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law)

September 26th  

Transnational Legal Transfers: the extraordinary life of JP Benjamin QC (1811-1884)

Catharine MacMillan (Kings College London)

October 31st  

The History of Cultural Heritage in International Law

Pauno Soirila (University of Helsinki)

November 28th

Usus Theologicus Pandectarum: The Civilian Tradition in a Theological Context

Wim Decock (UCLouvain)

December 12th  

Tombos: How registering the Past became Normative and Why it Faltered in the Nineteenth Century

Tamar Herzog (Harvard University)

CoCoLaw Project

EuroStorie Centre of Excellence

BOOK: Eliana AUGUSTI, Migrare come abitare Una storia del diritto internazionale in Europa tra XVI e XIX secolo (Torino: Giappichelli Editore, 2022). ISBN: 9788892143906, pp. 224, 32,00 €


(Source: Giappichelli)

More information and a table of contents are available with the publisher.

25 January 2023

REMINDER CFP: "Boire et Manger" [Journées internationales de la Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons] (Université de Lille, 19-20 MAY 2023); DEADLINE 31 JAN 2023

(Image: The Feast of the Bean King by Jacob Jordaens - Source: Google Art Project)

Les Journées d’Histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons se tiendront à Lille les 19 et 20 mai 2023 à Lille, à l’invitation de la section française de la société.  Le thème retenu cette année est « Boire et Manger »

« Boire et manger » constitue un enjeu permanent de la vie humaine. Se nourrir est en effet un besoin vital, biologique mais aussi une pratique sociale, culturelle, parfois même identitaire. Cette activité fait alors l’objet de normes sociales mais aussi juridiques : coutumes, règlements et lois. La nourriture donne aussi lieu à des contentieux tant sur le plan communautaire, local, étatique ou international.  Toutefois si sa réglementation peut apparaitre comme un invariant historique, elle prend des dimensions différentes selon les sociétés envisagées, tant dans le temps que dans l’espace.

Le colloque envisage alors  d’évoquer l’ensemble des dimensions juridiques et historiques du sujet : les propositions de communications pourront ainsi porter sur les approvisionnements, les règlements des métiers de bouche, le statut des nourrices, les règlements sanitaires et environnementaux, les taxes sur les denrées, les droits de passage, les empoisonnements, les vols d'aliments, le dernier repas des condamnés, les ordalies alimentaires, les interdits alimentaires, les rituels sacrés (jeûnes et sacrifices), les repas officiels, etc. 

Comme il est de coutume dans nos journées, il n’est pas fixé de limite temporelle, mais les communications s’intéresseront à l’Histoire de nos provinces.  Les propositions de communication devront être adressées à Tanguy Le Marc’hadour, président de la société, à l’adresse suivante, pour le 31 janvier 2023. Elles seront accompagnées d’une brève présentation du sujet envisagé. 

Les langues de travail recommandées sont le français, de préférence, mais aussi le néerlandais et l’anglais. Quelle que soit la langue utilisée, les communicants voudront bien faire un résumé ou une brève présentation sur Power point en anglais ou en français, si la communication se fait en anglais ou en néerlandais, et en anglais ou en néerlandais, si la communication est faite en français.

(Source : VUB Core)

VIDEO: Clément TISSERANT & Patrick ARABEYRE, "Edition critique de Pierre Hélie sur l'emphytéose et fief au Moyen Âge" (Paris: Ecole nationale des Chartes - PSL, DEC 2022)

(image: former seat of the Ecole nationale des Chartes at the Sorbonne; source: Wikimedia Commons)


Institution romaine redécouverte au XIIe siècle, l’emphytéose est définie comme un jus tertium ne relevant ni de la vente, ni de la location, et revêt à ce titre une importance particulière pour la doctrine médiévale. Rédigé au XIVe siècle, le traité du juriste toulousain Pierre Hélie s’attache à établir la nature du bail emphytéotique, en le comparant au fief. L’œuvre, à la tradition complexe, contribue à la distinction entre les deux institutions qui tendent alors à se confondre dans certains actes de la pratique.

Watch the video here or on Youtube:

BOOK: Mary ZIEGLER, Roe: The History of a National Obsession (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2023), 248 pp., ISBN 9780300266108, $27


(image source: Yale University Press)
Book description:
What explains the insistent pull of Roe v. Wade? Abortion law expert Mary Ziegler argues that the U.S. Supreme Court decision, which decriminalized abortion in 1973 and was overturned in 2022, had a hold on us that was not simply the result of polarized abortion politics. Rather, Roe took on meanings far beyond its original purpose of protecting the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship. It forced us to confront questions about sexual violence, judicial activism and restraint, racial justice, religious liberty, the role of science in politics, and much more.

In this history of what the Supreme Court’s best-known decision has meant, Ziegler identifies the inconsistencies and unsettled issues in our abortion politics. She urges us to rediscover the nuance that has long resided where we would least expect to find it—in the meaning of Roe itself.
About the author: 
Mary Ziegler is the Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law at the University of California, Davis, and author of six books on the law, history, and politics of abortion and American conservatism. 
More information can be found here

24 January 2023

REMINDER SUMMER SCHOOL: Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History 2023 (3-14 July 2023, Frankfurt)(DEADLINE: 31 January 2023)


(Source: MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory


We learned that the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory is organizing a summer school on legal history.


3 July - 14 July 2023

The Course
The Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History provides a selected group of highly motivated early-stage research students, usually PhD candidates, with an in-depth introduction to traditional and contemporary approaches and methods in legal history.

This year’s theme: Actors, Groups and Identities in Legal History

The history of the law has been shaped by individual actors as well as groups of people. In either case, their identity was an important factor motivating their individual or collective actions and omissions. Today, legal history sees a resurgence of biographical studies of "key actors". At the same time, "legal history from below" sharpens our awareness that marginalised groups were powerful forces of legal development, too. Should legal historians make sure that their accounts integrate both perspectives, so as to present a "balanced" interpretation of the past? If so, how can this be achieved? How can the prism of "identities" help to contextualise and better understand both individual and collective interests and behaviour? The 2023 Summer Academy will explore these issues further. Applicants are encouraged to present research projects that are related to this year’s theme.

Eligibility Requirements
Early-stage research students, usually PhD candidates. Working knowledge of English is required, German is not a prerequisite.

All applications must be supported by a CV, a project summary (approx. ten pages) and a letter of motivation. Please send your applications via e-mail to:
Submission deadline for applications is 31 January 2023.

The Academy is generously funded by mpilhlt. There is no participation fee. Accommodation will be provided by the organisers for free. Participants, however, will be responsible for covering their travel expenses (in cases of hardship these can be covered by a limited number of scholarships).

All info here


23 January 2023

BOOK: Thomas DUVE, José Luis EGIO, Rechtsgeschichte des frühneuzeitlichen Hispanoamerika (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022), ISBN: 9783110379730


Die Geschichte des Rechts im frühneuzeitlichen Hispanoamerika ist ein faszinierendes Feld rechtshistorischer Forschung. Im Zuge der europäischen Expansion seit dem späten 15. Jahrhundert etablierte die spanische Monarchie ihre Herrschaft in einem riesigen Gebiet in Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika. Normen, Institutionen und Praktiken aus Europa wurden in die für die Spanier neue Welt übersetzt. Sie verdrängten und überlagerten oder sie vermischten sich mit den Rechten indigener Völker. Lange Zeit wurde diese Geschichte als Verlängerung der europäischen Rechtsgeschichte interpretiert. Dieser Band führt in die Forschungsgeschichte, deren Leistungen und Problematik ein. Er gibt eine Übersicht über wichtige Quellen und Literatur und zeigt Perspektiven der Forschung auf.


  • Vorwort der Herausgeber | V

Teil 1: Einführung

    1 Überblick: Institutionen, Normen, Periodisierung | 13

    2 Historiographiegeschichte | 28

    3 Rechtshistorische Praxis heute | 36

    4 Neue Horizonte: Themen und Tendenzen | 39

Teil 2: Methoden, Hilfsmittel, Quellen

    5 Methoden | 53

    6 Hilfsmittel | 58

    7 Quellen | 67

Teil 3: Probleme und Perspektiven der Forschung

    8 Rechtsgeschichte als Geschichte der Translation von Normativitätswissen | 160

    9 Ideen-, Begriffs- und Rechtsgeschichte | 168

    10 Rechte der indigenen Völker | 177

    11 Kirchenrecht, Moraltheologie und Rechtsgeschichte | 185

Teil 4: Bibliographie und Verzeichnisse

    12 Bibliographie | 195

    13 Register | 225

More information can be found here.

20 January 2023

CFP CONFERENCE: Konflikte um Wahrheit - Nachwuchstagung Rechtsgeschichte (26-28 June 2023, Frankfurt) (DEADLINE: 28 February 2023)

Konflikte um Wahrheit - Nachwuchstagung Rechtsgeschichte

(Image source: Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie)

Das junge Netzwerk Rechtsgeschichte lädt Doktorand:innen und Habilitand:innen ein, Vorträge für die Nachwuchstagung Rechtsgeschichte (Generalthema "Konflikte um Wahrheit") einzureichen.

Der Kampf um die Wahrheit ist nicht erst im Zeitalter “alternativer Fakten” virulent. Sowohl in der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion wie auch in der Streitbeilegung wird regelmäßig ein Anspruch auf Wahrheit erhoben. Die erste Tagung des im Herbst 2022 neu gegründeten jungen Netzwerks Rechtsgeschichte möchte sich daher mit dem Generalthema “Konflikte um Wahrheit” auf die Spuren des in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erhobenen Wahrheitsanspruchs begeben. Wir Doktorand*innen und Habilitand*innen werden an drei Tagen im Juni 2023 am Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie in Frankfurt am Main die Möglichkeit haben, uns mit dem Spannungsfeld von Wahrheit und Recht aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive auseinanderzusetzen. Wie gehen wir als Rechtshistoriker*innen mit Wahrheit um? Inwieweit spielen verschiedene Wahrheitsbegriffe und -aspekte in der Rechtswissenschaft und in der rechtshistorischen Forschung im Speziellen eine Rolle? Wie lassen sich Konflikte um unterschiedliche Wahrheiten lösen?

Das bewusst breite Generalthema lässt sich für die Tagung in drei Themenfelder unterteilen, die jedoch nicht als abschließend anzusehen sind:

1) Konflikte und Streitbeilegung

Was nun wahr ist und was nicht, bildet den Kern unterschiedlichster Arten von Konflikten. Zur Lösung solcher Konflikte bedienten sich Akteure in der Geschichte verschiedenster Formen der Streitbeilegung: Schiedsgerichte, Gerichte, Formen alternativer Streitbeilegung wie Verhandlungen, Mediation, gütliche Einigung, oder der Sühne im Strafverfahren. Aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive lässt sich dabei etwa fragen, wie sich unterschiedliche Formen der Streitbeilegung über die Zeit entwickelt haben, inwieweit der Ausgang des Konflikts zur Disposition der Parteien stand oder welche Verschiebungen es in der Bedeutung der Wahrheitsfindung im Konfliktfall gab.

2) Wahrheit der Quellen

Ohne intensive Quellenforschung lässt sich Rechtsgeschichte kaum betreiben. Das eröffnet zahlreiche methodische Fragen, die direkten Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse unserer Forschung haben können. Die Tagung möchte einen methodischen Dialog zwischen unterschiedlichen Epochen und Quellenarten (bspw. Quellen der Antike/frühen Neuzeit/des englischen Rechts im 19. Jh./oral history/Zeitgeschichte etc.) fördern und Teilnehmer:innen die Möglichkeit geben, anhand von Fallbeispielen ihre eigenen methodischen Herausforderungen zu präsentieren. Vom Tagungsthema ausgehend wollen wir insbesondere die Frage erörtern, inwieweit Quellen geeignet sind, eine “historische Wahrheit” abzubilden.

3) Wahrheitsanspruch im Recht

Das dritte Themenfeld ermöglicht eine grundsätzliche theoriegeschichtliche Diskussion des Verhältnisses von Wahrheit und Recht(swissenschaft). Das berührt nicht nur die seit jeher diskutierte Frage, ob es eine einzige “wahre” Auslegung(-smethode) gibt, sondern auch, inwieweit das Recht als Normengebäude selbst auf außerrechtlichen “Wahrheiten” fußt. Begriffsgeschichtlich erlaubt es zudem, Bedeutungsverschiebungen im Wahrheitsbegriff in unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Kontexten zu erörtern.

Wir ermuntern Interessierte ausdrücklich dazu, ihre laufende Forschung anhand dieser Themenfelder zu reflektieren und laden dazu ein, auf der Tagung einen Beitrag hierzu im Umfang von 20 Minuten zu leisten. Die Tagungssprache wird Deutsch sein, Vorträge auf Englisch sind jedoch auch herzlich willkommen.

Bewerbungen für einen Vortrag bestehend aus
- einem anonymisierten Exposé von max. 500 Wörtern sowie
- einem Lebenslauf (ohne Bild, eine Seite)
als PDF im Anhang bitte bis zum 28. Februar 2023 an

Eine Zusage erfolgt bis Ende März 2023. Es ist geplant, die Beiträge im Anschluss an die Tagung zu veröffentlichen.

More information can be found here.

SEMINAR: L'interpretazione delle immagini che illustrano i Tres Libri nei manoscritti della Bibliotèque Nationale de France - martedì 24 gennaio - Unisannio (Benevento)


(Source: Unisannio)

Martedì 24 gennaio, dalle ore 14, nella Sala Lettura di Palazzo De Simone si svolgerà il secondo incontro del ciclo di Seminari di Storia dell’esperienza giuridica curato dalla prof.ssa Cristina Ciancio.

Il tema è L’interpretazione delle immagini che illustrano i Tres Libri nei manoscritti della Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Un viaggio nel tempo, nel diritto e nell’arte, sul filo delle stupende miniature che illustrano gli ultimi tre libri del Codex giustinianeo contenuti in manoscritti giuridici spagnoli, italiani e francesi, tutti datati tra il XIII e XIV secolo e conservati presso la Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Si parlerà di fisco, annona, naufragi, dignità pubblica attraverso il dialogo tra testo giuridico, società medievale e immagini. Ad accompagnare gli studenti e tutti gli interessanti in questo percorso saranno la dott.ssa Viviana Persi, archivista e paleografa diplomata all’Ecole Nationale des Chartes di Parigi, dottoranda di ricerca presso il Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire dell’Università di Lille e ricercatrice associato dell’équipe “Ius Illuminatum”, e il prof. Emanuele Conte, professore ordinario di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma Tre e Directeur d’études presso l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales – EHESS, Centre d’Etudes en Normes Judiriques, di Parigi.

L'incontro si potrà seguire a distanza cliccando alle ore 14 di martedì 24 gennaio sul seguente LINK
La partecipazione in presenza consente agli studenti di Giurisprudenza UNISANNIO di maturare cfu “per altre attività”.