
27 March 2017

CFA: “Traffic in Women and International Law" (deadline November 15, 2017)

"Traffic in Women" and International Law

Call for Articles

Six international conventions to combat the so-called “Mädchenhandel”,“white slavery”, “traffic in women” and “human trafficking” were adopted over the course of the 20th century. During the first half of the 20th century the issue received political and public attention to a degree as to make it possible to regulate it through international law. Five of the six international conventions were adopted between 1904 and 1949, while the last one was signed only in 2000. The phenomenon of the “trafficking in women” thus was one of the first fields for the regulation through international law along with more traditional issues, such as war and peace. A joint consideration of “trafficking” and international law thus offers a promising research topic.

Nevertheless, the international law dimension has only played a minor role in historical research on “trafficking”. So far, “trafficking” has been analysed with a view towards the multiple national as well as transnational civil society efforts and initiatives to combat „Mädchenhandel“, „white slavery“ or „traffic in women“. Some analyses have situated these efforts in the context of a “moral panic” and have, in some cases, questioned the existence of the underlying phenomenon. Studies focusing on the politics and implementation of anti-trafficking initiatives in national and local contexts, concentrated on certain regions. Research focusing on practices and implementation have pointed to an intricate connection between the politics of prostitution, migration and, more generally, sexual politics. A number of studies have analyzed the raced, gendered and classed dimensions of discourses, representations and politics in this field.

All these studies have pointed to core issues connected to histories of “trafficking”, such as prostitution, sexuality, migration, police, law and order as well as social and political efforts of civil society and media representations. A more general view of the research on the histories on trafficking reveals, however, a rather fragmented field, in particular with regard to the dimensions of international law, which often do not go far beyond teleological success stories of an international struggle against this “evil”.

This edited volume seeks to integrate all these aspects by approaching the field through actors and institutions: A number of actors in the fields of social and security politics, including networks of legal experts, contributed to the development and expansion of institutions to regulate “trafficking”.

Debates on “trafficking” were and still are structured by “mental maps” based on ideas of a poverty and civilizational gap. It stands out that at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century mostly Jewish women from Galicia were perceived of being victims of the traffic. With the process of decolonization after 1945 debates on trafficking and migrant prostitution were structured mostly through the lens of North-South-relations (“first world”-“third world”), which then again were re-structured as a gap between East and West after 1989. Against this backdrop it must be asked what it meant for the territorialization of international law that “trafficking” as a field of regulation was often connoted as “Eastern European”.

BOOK: "Tradicion romanista y derecho privado comparado" by Gábor Hamza

Gabor Hamza, Tradicion romanista y derecho privado comparado

all information here

23 March 2017

CONFERENCE: "Quelques considérations sur certains choix systématiques concernant l’enrichissement sans cause" (Paris, March 27 2017)

WHAT Quelques considérations sur certains choix systématiques concernant l’enrichissement sans cause, conference

WHEN March 27, 2017, 17:30

WHERE Paris, Université Paris Descartes, Law faculty, Salle des Actes, 10, Avenue Pierre Larousse, Paris


Prof. Vincenzo Mannino, Roma Tre University

16 March 2017

JOURNAL: Journal of Legal History XXXVIII (2017), No. 1

(image source: Uni Glasgow)

Routledge announced the publication of the first issue for 2017 of the Journal of Legal History.

"Article Carlen v Drury (1812): The Origins of the Internal Management Debate in Corporate Law" (Victoria Barnes & James Oldham)

"Defending the Accused: The Impact of Legal Representation on Criminal Trial Outcomes in Victoria, Australia 1861–1961"
(Alana Piper & Mark Finnane)

"‘Female Husbands’, Community and Courts in the Eighteenth Century"
(Caroline Derry)

"Scottish Legal History Group Report 2016"

"Migrations of Manuscripts 2016"
(John Baker)

Book review
"Rehabilitation and Probation in England and Wales, 1876-1962" (Conor Hanly)

More information on the Routledge website.

JOURNAL: Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d'histoire du droit international XIX (2017), No. 1

(image source: Brill)

Brill announced the publication of the first issue of the 2017 volume of the Journal of the History of International Law.

"The Forgotten Genocide in Colonial America: Reexamining the 1622 Jamestown Massacre within the Framework of the UN Genocide Convention" (John T. Bennett)
"Imperial Colonialism in the Genesis of International Law – Anomaly or Time of Transition?" (Paulina Starski & Jörn Axel Kämmerer)
"Piracy and Empire: The Campaign against Piracy, the Development of International Law and the British Imperial Mission" (Michael Mulligan)
"Beyond the Myth of a Non-relationship: International Law and World War I" (Oliver Diggelmann)

Book reviews:
"Imperial Justice: Africans in Empire’s Court , written by Bonny Ibhawoh" (Evelyn Mogere)
"Formalizing Displacement: International Law and Population Transfers , written by Umut Özsu" (Alain Zamaria)

More information on Brill's website.

JOURNAL: American Journal of Legal History LVII (2017), No. 1

(image source: OUP)

Oxford University Press announced the publication of a new issue of the American Journal of Legal History (vol. LVII, Issue 1).


  • "Franklin Redivivus: The Radical Constitution, 1791-1799" (Adam Lebovitz)
  • "The Making of European Law: Exploring the Life and Work of Michel Gaudet" (Anne Boerger, Morten Rasmussen)
  • "In a Summary Way, with Expedition and at a Small Expence": Justices of the Peace and Small Debt Litigation in Late Colonial New York" (Sung Yup Kim)
Book Reviews:
  • "Wendell Bird, Press and Speech Under Assault: The Early Supreme Court Justices, the Sedition Acts of 1798, and the Campaign Against Dissent" (Terri D. Halperin)
  • Laura E. Free, Suffrage Reconstructed: Gender, Race, and Voting Rights in the Civil War Era (Ann D. Gordon (Emerita))
  • Susanna L. Blumenthal. Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture (Guyora Binder)
More information on the OUP website.

CONFERENCE: Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité (Bologna/Ravenna, 12-16 Sep 2017)

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The SIDHA has announced that its 71st session wil take place in the beautiful cities Bologna and Ravenna, from 12 to 16 September 2017.

More details on the conference website.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS EXTENDED: European Forum of Young Legal Historians (Naples); 31 MAR 2017

(image source: AYLH)

The Call for Paper for the European Forum of Young Legal Historians in Naples has been extended to 31 March 2017.

More information on the AYLH's website.

(Source: Grama László)

14 March 2017

BOOK: C.H. ALEXANDROWICZ (ed. David ARMITAGE & Jennifer PITTS), The Law of Nations in Global History. Oxford: OUP, 2017, 464 p. ISBN 9780198766070, £ 80

(image source: OUP)

Oxford University Press publishes an edition of the work of C.H. Alexandrowicz, edited by David Armitage and Jennifer Pitts (The Law of Nations in Global History).

Book summary: 
The history and theory of international law have been transformed in recent years by post-colonial and post-imperial critiques of the universalistic claims of Western international law. The origins of those critiques lie in the often overlooked work of the remarkable Polish-British lawyer-historian C. H. Alexandrowicz (1902-75). This volume collects Alexandrowicz's shorter historical writings, on subjects from the law of nations in pre-colonial India to the New International Economic Order of the 1970s, and presents them as a challenging portrait of early modern and modern world history seen through the lens of the law of nations. The book includes the first complete bibliography of Alexandrowicz's writings and the first biographical and critical introduction to his life and works. It reveals the formative influence of his Polish roots and early work on canon law for his later scholarship undertaken in Madras (1951-61) and Sydney (1961-67) and the development of his thought regarding sovereignty, statehood, self-determination, and legal personality, among many other topics still of urgent interest to international lawyers, political theorists, and global historians.

Table of contents:
1: 'This Modern Grotius': An Introduction to the Life and Thought of C.H. Alexandrowicz, David Armitage and Jennifer Pitts
2: Kautilyan Principles and the Law of Nations (1965-66)
3: Paulus Vladimiri and the Development of the Doctrine of the Coexistence of Christian and Non-Christian Countries (1963)
4: Mogul Sovereignty and the Law of Nations (1955)
5: 'Jus Gentium' and the Law of Nature in Asia (1956)
6: Some Problems in the History of the Law of Nations in Asia (1963)
7: Le Droit des Nations aux Indes Orientales: Aux XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe siècles (1964)
8: Grotius and India (1954)
9: Freitas Versus Grotius (1959)
10: The Discriminatory Clause in South Asian Treaties in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (1957)
11: A Persian-Dutch Treaty in the Seventeenth Century (1958)
12: Puffendorf-Crull and the Afro-Asian World (1968-69)
13: A Treatise by J. H. G. Justi on Asian Government (1960-61)
14: Doctrinal Aspects of the Universality of the Law of Nations (1961)
15: G. F. de Martens on Asian Treaty Practice (1964)
16: The Continuity of the Sovereign Status of China in International Law (1956)
17: The Legal Position of Tibet (1954)
18: Is India a Federation? (1954)
19: Le Rôle des Traités dans les Relations entre les Puissances Européennes et les Souverains Africains (Aspects historiques) (1970)
20: The Partition of Africa by Treaty (1974)
21: The Role of Treaties in the European-African Confrontation in the Nineteenth Century (1975)
22: The Role of German Treaty Making in the Partition of Africa (1980)
23: The Juridical Expression of the Sacred Trust of Civilization (1971)
24: Empirical and Doctrinal Positivism in International Law (1974-75)
25: The Theory of Recognition in Fieri (1958)
26: The Quasi-Judicial Function in the Recognition of States and Governments (1952)
27: Israel in Fieri (1951)
28: New and Original States: The Issue of Reversion to Sovereignty (1969)
29: The New States and International Law (1974)
30: The Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (1975)
Bibliography of the Writings of C. H. Alexandrowicz
On the author and the editors:
Charles Henry Alexandrowicz (1902-1975) was a Polish scholar who pioneered research in the critical history of international law in the 1950s and 1960s. His works included World Economic Agencies, Law and Practice (1962); An Introduction to the History of the Law of Nations in the East Indies (1967); The Law of Global Communications (1971); and The Law-Making Functions of the Specialised Agencies of the United Nations (1973).
David Armitage is the Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History at Harvard University, where he teaches intellectual and international history. He is also an Affiliated Faculty member at Harvard Law School and an Affiliated Professor in Harvard's Department of Government. Among his publications are The Ideological Origins of the British Empire (2000), The Declaration of Independence: A Global History (2007), Foundations of Modern International Thought (2013), The History Manifesto (co-auth., 2014), and Civil Wars: A History in Ideas (2017).
Jennifer Pitts is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. She is author of A Turn to Empire: the rise of imperial liberalism in Britain and France (2005) and editor and translator of Alexis de Tocqueville: writings on empire and slavery (2001). She is currently completing a book,Boundaries of the International, that explores European debates over legal relations with extra-European societies during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 
More information with OUP.

10 March 2017

CONFERENCE: Training, ideas and practice. The Law of Nations in the Long Eighteenth Century (Paris, 18/19 May 2017)

COLLOQUE JUNIOR CIERA - Training, Ideas and Practice
The Law of Nations in the Long Eighteenth Century

Day 1: 18 May 2017 (Maison de la Recherche/CIERA)


Keynote lecture by Luigi Nuzzo (Università del Salento)

Session 1: Training (president: Luigi Nuzzo - Università del Salento)

Zülâl Muslu (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre), Language and Power: the Spread of European Diplomatic Cuture in the Ottoman Empire through the Ecole de jeunes de langues 

Dante Fedele (KULeuven), La formation diplomatique dans la littérature sur l’ambassadeur et l’art de négocier (fin XVIIe-début XVIIIe siècle)  

Annika Haß (Université de la Sarre/EPHE), Librairie internationale et diplomatie (1789-1830)  

Raphael Cahen (VUB/FWO), Hauterive et l’École des diplomates

Coffee Break

17:20-18 :50  Session 2 : Circulation of Ideas and Diplomatic Networks (president: Christine Lebeau) 
Benjamin Durst (Universität Augsburg), Gedruckte Vertragssammlungen als Medien des Völkerrechts in Theorie und Praxis  

Stephan F. Mai (Universität Wien), Diplomatic Immunity between Theory and Practice: Abraham de Wicquefort (1606-1682) as a Case Study 

19:30  Conference dinner (presenters only)  

Day 2: 19 May 2017 (Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre/CIUP)

Welcome and coffee

08:30-10:00 Session 2 (part 2): Circulation of Ideas and Diplomatic Networks (president: Christine Lebeau, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)  Frederik Dhondt (VUB/UAntwerpen/UGent-FWO), A Pragmatic Utopian ? Saint-Pierre’s vision on Perpetual Peace and its Practical Legal Background in Regency Diplomacy  
Bairoch de Sainte-Marie (Université de Genève), La conception des devoirs du négociateur en Nouvelle-France: heritage métropolitain ou cas particulier ? 

10 :00-10 :10
  Coffee Break 

10 :10-13 :20
  Session 3 : Transformation of the Law of Nations (president: Miloš Vec, Universität Wien/IWM)  Patrick Milton (Freie Universität Berlin), The Guarantee of the Peace of Westphalia in the Law of Nations and its Impact on European Diplomacy  
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina (Universität 
Zürich): Trans-forming the Law of Nations in Diplomacy: the Case of the 18th Century Italian Peninsula  
Duran (Istanbul University): The Legal Status of the ‘Memleketeyn’ (Wallachia and Molodvia) according to the Ottoman-Islamic Law of Nations  Victor Simon (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne): La dignité impériale des rois de France en Orient: titulatures et traductions dans la diplomatie franco-ottomane


14:30-15:15  Final debate - Conclusion
Miloš Vec-Universität Wien/IWM)

Organising Committee

Raphael Cahen (Orléans/VUB-FWO)
Frederik Dhondt (VUB/UAntwerpen/UGent-FWO)
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina (Zürich)

Scientific Committee
Jacques Bouineau (Université de La Rochelle)
Paul De Hert (VUB)
Dirk Heirbaut (UGent)
Christine Lebeau (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Gabriella Silvestrini (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Matthias Schmoeckel (Universität Bonn)
Antonio Trampus (Università di Venezia)
Miloš Vec (Universität Wien/IWM)

Venue  Day 1: Maison de la Recherche (28, Rue Serpente ; 75006 PARIS)  Day 2 : Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre (9A, Boulevard Jourdan ; 75014 PARIS) 

08 March 2017

CONFERENCE & CFP: "Territorial Governance and State Representatives in the Long 19th Century. Circulation of Knowledge, Models and Men" (Brussels, December 7-8 2017)

WHAT Territorial Governance and State Representatives in the Long 19th Century. Circulation of Knowledge, Models and Men, Conference and Call for papers

WHEN December 7-8, 2017

WHERE Open Universiteit, Campus Vrije Universiteit Brussels

Throughout Europe, the 19th century saw the growth and modernisation of many levels of administration. The state-building process frequently led to the introduction or consolidation of sub-national, or territorial, representatives of the government such as governors and prefects. Many types of representatives of the state have existed in Europe, and many still do. Long, historical research into territorial administration and state representatives was nationally-orientated and disregarded the cultural dimension. As a result, European territorial administration and state officials are scarcely explored from a historical-comparative or cross-cultural viewpoint.

Recently, instigated by Pierre Karila-Cohen (Rennes 2/Institut Universitaire de France), an international group of researchers, inspired by developments in various disciplines, has taken up the challenge of filling this historiographical gap. Colloquiums were held in 2015 and 2016, in Rennes (see and The objective of this 3th colloquium, to be held in Brussels, is to further the understanding of territorial officials and administration from a transnational point-of-view.

Within the humanities, the past decades have seen the development of transnational approaches to problematize the nation-state as a unit of analysis. A striking paradox in the history of state-building is that nation-states frequently were shaped using foreign examples. Even though states underscored the national character of their institutions, reforms actually emerged from transnational communication. Both in the social sciences and humanities, the notion of ‘circulation’ has taken root to examine contemporary travelling concepts on good (public) governance, and the intermediaries that transgressed national borders, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas. Drawing on these strands in research, this colloquium proposes to investigate territorial governance and state representatives through the prism of ‘circulation’.