
29 December 2011


The ESCLH Conference will be held in Amsterdam from 9-10 July 2012. The theme is 'Comparative Legal History - Definitions and Challenges' and the deadline for proposals is this Sunday, 1 January 2012.

For additional information, see the original conference notice and the conference website.

19 December 2011

REMINDER: European Society for Comparative Legal History Conference (9-10 July 2012)

The Second ESCLH Conference will be held in Amsterdam from 9-10 July 2012. The deadline for proposals is fast approaching (1 January 2012).

The theme is:

Definitions and Challenges

The conference:

will try to delineate the landmarks which fruitful legal historical comparison requires and to trace the specific problems that a comparative-historical approach of the various branches of law may encounter. The keynote address will be delivered by David Ibbetson, Regius Professor of Civil Law at the University of Cambridge.

The deadline for proposals is 1 January 2012. For additional information, see the original conference notice and the conference website.

18 December 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Irish Constitution: Past, Present and Future

The Constitutional Studies Group at University College Dublin invites submissions for a conference on “The Irish Constitution: Past, Present and Future”. The conference is being organised to mark the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the current Irish Constitution and will take place in Dublin between June 28th and 30th, 2012.

The conference line-up will feature a range of distinguished speakers from Ireland and other jurisdictions. Confirmed participants so far include:
• The Chief Justice of Ireland, the Hon. Mrs. Justice Susan Denham
• The Hon. Mr. Justice Donal O'Donnell of the Supreme Court
• Prof. Philip Pettit (Princeton)

• Prof. Mark Tushnet (Harvard)

• Prof. Cheryl Saunders (Melbourne)

• Prof. Deirdre Curtin (Amsterdam)

• Prof Gerry Whyte (TCD)

• Prof. Martin Loughlin (LSE)

• Dr. Aileen Kavanagh (Oxford)

• Dr. Colm O’Cinneide (UCL)

The conference organisers welcome proposals from all disciplines on any topic relevant to Irish constitutionalism. Proposed papers are not required to focus on Irish law alone. The organisers particularly welcome submissions from a comparative, conceptual or inter-disciplinary perspective.

NOTICE: Rivista di Diritto Ellenico

The Rechtsgeschiedenis Blog just announced the following:

A few days ago the French legal history blog Nomôdos, the twin sister of the e-journal Clio@Themis, announced the first issue of the Rivista di Diritto Ellenico, a journal devoted to the study of ancient Greek law.

This new journal is edited by scholars at Torino, Isernia and Verona. The Rivista di Diritto Ellenico is published in open access, but there is a connection with the publishing firm Edizioni dell’Orso in Alessandria. The first issue of the Rivista di Diritto Ellenico contains eleven articles and seven book reviews. The translation in Italian of an article from 1963 by Hans-Julius Wolff, ‘Verjährung von Ansprüchen nach Attischen Recht’, is a service which could very well be inspired by the translation into French of classic articles in each issue of Clio@Themis. All contributions in the first issue are in Italian. However, the editors invite authors to submit articles in Italian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and modern Greek. 

15 December 2011

NOTICE: 66th Session of the Société Internationale ‘Fernand de Visscher’ pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA)

The following notice on 66th Session of the Société Internationale ‘Fernand de Visscher’ pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA) will take place from 18-21 September 2012 in Oxford.

The notice reads:

First circular
14 December 2011

Dear colleages,

I am very pleased to invite you to the 66th Session of the Société Internationale ‘Fernand de Visscher’ pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA), which will take place from 18 to 21 September 2012 in Oxford. In accordance with the decision taken by the last General Assembly, the theme of the congress will be Reception of Law.

In this First Circular I shall provide you with general information regarding the congress. In the course of January you will receive a Second Circular with information on how to registration.

The congress will start in the afternoon of Tuesday 18 September and end on Friday 21 September with the General Assembly. A Banquet dinner is foreseen for that Friday night, and excursions are planned for Saturday 22 September.

The theme is ‘Reception of Law’. It is a wide theme, which covers, e.g., the reception of Assyrian law by the Mesopotamians, Greek law by Egyptians, Roman law by the Greeks in the 4th and 5th century, by the Gallic population in the 6th century, but also, as the name of our association implies (‘Histoire des droits de l’Antiquité’), the reception of Roman law after 1100, and I welcome particularly contributions concerning the reception of Roman law after 1100 in Europe, the ‘Civil Law’. Yet, as is the custom of our association, papers on other themes than the proposed are of course always welcome and appreciated, in one of the five accepted languages (French, English, German, Italian and Spanish).

11 December 2011

NOTICE: Griffith Law School’s Legal History Seminar Series

Information on the Griffith Law School (Australia) Legal History Seminar Series. The Series:

is a gesture to the interdisciplinary turns in legal history, and a contribution to the innovation at the heart of much contemporary legal history scholarship.

The Griffith Law School Legal History Seminar Series

The LHSS aims to showcase legal history’s international and comparative flavour; it welcomes all who are interested in legal history’s present and future significance. Its aim is to participate in reinvigorating, and enlivening, an interest in the critically reflective directions of legal history, both in Queensland and elsewhere.