
30 June 2014

WORKSHOP: "The Nomos of Images - Law & The Humanities: Reframing the Visual Dynamics of Law " (Florence, 2 July 2014)

WHAT: The Nomos of Images - Law & The Humanities: Reframing the Visual Dynamics of Law , Workshop

WHERE: Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut, Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai

Via dei Servi 51, 50122 Firenze

WHEN: 2 July 2014

All information here

The workshop is going to explore the visual dynamics of law and its methodological consequences for both the disciplines of art history and legal studies. The aesthetic dimensions of the law and reflections about different ways of producing truth have been emphasized in the last years through different studies that were based for instance on Charles S. Peirce's semiotics and the sign-related dimensions of legal practices, Ernst Cassirer's theory of symbolic forms and its relevance for the notion of law, or Bruno Latour's ethnographical approach to institutional laboratories of the Conseil d'État, their ways of producing facticity and the idea of agency in general. The workshop seeks to critically interrogate the field of legal action manifested in juridical culture, artefacts and aesthetic practices and will discuss in how far they actively shape the juridical as part of a larger network of human actions and operations within the field of law.

I. Welcome & Introduction
II. Law and the humanities "in action":
The visual normativity of the Italian Supreme Court.
Angela Condello, Stefania Gialdroni, Law and the Humanities,
Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
III. The Nomos of Images?
Towards a critical Iconology of Law. 
Carolin Behrmann, Minerva Research Group,
The Nomos of Images. Manifestation and Iconology of Law
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut
IV. Plenary Discussion

29 June 2014

BOOK: M. Engamme, A. Vanautgaerden & F. Bierlaire (eds.), The Intimacy of Renaissance Law (Droz, 2014)

Nomodos signals the publication of act of a colloquium on the intimacy of law in Renaissance Europe, blending cultural and legal history:

Abstract and table of contents:
Une fédération a pour vocation de fédérer des individus et des institutions, de fouler des champs non encore labourés, d’inspirer de nouvelles recherches. Pour fêter son cinquantenaire, la Fédération internationale des Sociétés et Instituts d’Etude de la Renaissance (FISIER) a organisé à Bruxelles un colloque international sur la présence obsédante du droit dans la vie quotidienne des hommes et des femmes de la Renaissance, éclatants ou obscurs, célèbres et sans grade. La réflexion s’est focalisée sur cinq figures qui apparaissent comme essentielles: le diplomate, le père, le maître, le pasteur et le juge. Ce faisant, cinq grands domaines ont été abordés: la politique internationale, la famille, l’enseignement, la religion et les questions juridiques proprement dites. Avec chacune de ces figures, réapparaissent Erasme et son oeuvre, cherchant à rendre justice à l’Humaniste par excellence dans les cinq domaines abordés. Du particulier au général, d’une famille de notaires aixois à des traités de diplomates européens, la réflexion se nourrit de détails qui ramènent à l’essentiel, des principes qui interrogent des usages régionaux, la réflexion juridique faisant de plus en plus référence au droit romain qui empiétait, en particulier à Genève, sur les prérogatives du droit coutumier. Cette réflexion offre surtout un panorama étendu qui donne à penser et ouvre des perspectives nouvelles jusque dans notre quotidien le plus contemporain.Pour aborder la question différemment, Valérie Hayaert a commenté, au début de chaque partie, le Pegma de Pierre Cousteau (1555), ces emblèmes juridiques trop longtemps laissés dans l’ombre de ceux d’André Alciat.
  • Max ENGAMMARE, Historique de la FISIER.
  • Max ENGAMMARE, Introduction.
  • Valérie HAYAERT, De l’art de la jurisprudence à celui de l’emblème chez André Alciat et Pierre Coustau: æquiparatio, acumenet satire.
  • Jean-Louis FOURNEL, La question du prince chez Machiavel et Guicciardini: Ecriture(s) diplomatique(s) et écriture(s) de l’Histoire.
  • Monique WEIS, Fondements juridiques et pratiques diplomatiques aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles: l’exemple des relations entre les Pays-Bas espagnols et le Saint Empire.
  • Alexandre VANAUTGAERDEN, Censure et autocensure de l’Education du prince chrétien d’Erasme.
  • Claire DOLAN, Mythes et réalités du père chez les notaires d’Aix-en-Provence dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle.
  • Monica FERRARI, Le rôle du père dans la familia des princes en Italie au XVe siècle.
  • Franz BIERLAIRE, Les droits et les devoirs du père de famille selon Erasme.
  • Jean-Paul PITTION, Surveiller, édifier, punir : le recteur et la discipline au collège et à l’académie de Saumur (1613-1685).
  • Géraldine CAZALS, Le maître dans les statuts des corps de métier toulousains de la Renaissance. René HOVEN, L’image du maître d’école chez Erasme et Thomas More.
  • Matthias SCHMOECKEL Der Pastor als Richter? Der Einfluss der lutherischen Reformation auf die untere kirchliche Gerichtsbarkeit
  • Vincenzo LAVENIA, Donner à César ce qui est à César? - Fiscalité et Eglise catholique après l’époque médiévale
  • Jean-Pierre BORDIER, Le procès de Paradis dans la littérature dramatique et didactique de la fin du Moyen Age (XIVe-XVe siècles)
  • William G. NAPHY, Calvin’s Consistory: A Secular Court?
  • Guy BEDOUELLE, Erasme et l’idéal évangélique du pasteur.
  • Ian MACLEAN, Juge et partie: ou la doctrine de la preuve dans les procès intentés contre les sorciers en Lorraine et en Franche-Comté autour de 1600.
  • Richard COOPER, Le juge comme personnage littéraire à la Renaissance
  • Alessandro PASTORE, Le juge, le juriste et le médecin (Italie, XVIe-XVIIe siècles)
  • Silvana SEIDEL MENCHI, Le juge comme confesseur (Venise, 1514-1526).

THESIS ABSTRACT: G. Richard, "Teaching Public Law in Paris during the Third Republic" (Paris Ouest/Sciences Po)

Nomodos signals the recent thesis defense by Guillaume Richard (Paris Ouest/Sciences Po), in December 2013. An English abstract is available:

Public law has been instrumental in organizing Law Schools in France since the late 19th century. However, the notion remains problematic: based on the example of the Law School of Paris, the purpose of this study is thus to examine its specific impact on legal teaching. The Parisian School of Law, by far the biggest and closest to political institutions, played a leading role in the reforms which led to a generalization of public law in Law Schools during the Third Republic. Its framework provides a good example of how legal scholars have specialized after the separation, in 1896, of the agrégation recruitment competition into different sections, one of them being for public law and one for private law. Far from being simple, these evolutions remain unstable. Public law scholars both wish to distinguish themselves from the dominating civilists, and to maintain the unity of legal science. Public law itself is not a homogeneous field of knowledge. A collection of disciplines (administrative law, international public law, constitutional law, financial legislation) rather than a coherent science, it is characterized by two trends: the first sees public law as a formalized and autonomous body of knowledge, able to comprehend facts through its distinctive logic; on the contrary, the second trend sees it simply as a part of political and economic sciences. Before the supremacy of the first trend imposed itself – rather late – in the first half of the 20th century, public law was considered a social knowledge, used to explain contemporary political events. 
Public law ; Legal history ; Legal education ;Law Faculties ; Third Republic (France) ; Legal diploma.

NOTICE: "Traditions and changes", Third biennal ESCLH 2014 CONFERENCE (Macerata, 8-9 July 2014)

WHAT: Traditions and Changes, Third Biennial ESCLH Conference

WHERE: University of Macerata, Law Department, Macerata, Italy

WHEN: 8-9 July 2014

We are glad to announce that the Third Biennial ESCLH ConferenceTraditions and Changes, will be held on July 8-9, 2014 at the University of Macerata (Italy).
In the fantastic Italian environment of Le Marche region, participants will share new perspectives in the field of Comparative Legal History.
All information here
Facebook page here

BOOK REVIEW: Kimberly Rivers reviewed M. Duynstee's "The teaching of Civil Law at the University of Orléans" (Sehepunkte)

The full text of a review by Kimberly Rivers (University of Wisconsin) of dr. Marguerite Duynstee (Leiden)'s Dissertation L'enseignement du droit civil à l'Université d'Orléans, du début de la guerre de Cent Ans (1338) au siège de la ville (1428) in the on line review journal Sehepunkte is available on the

ARTICLE: M. Mirow on "Teaching Latin American Legal History"

Teaching Latin American Legal History, by Matthew C. Mirow, Florida International University (FIU) - College of Law

in Teaching Legal History: Comparative Perspectives 235-238 (Robert M. Jarvis, ed., London: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill, 2014)

Paper available here

26 June 2014

NOTICE: Law & History Collaborative Research Network (Seattle, 28-31 May 2015)

Greetings from the Law & History Collaborative Research Network, part of the Law & Society Association (

We have just come from the Law and Society Association annual meeting in Minneapolis, where we were thrilled with the success of our first year as a Collaborative Research Network.  Creating a CRN, we think, significantly improved the discussion of legal history at LSA.  We were able to better coordinate and publicize legal history panels and create new opportunities to interact scholars from other fields.  But we hope that this is just the beginning.  With more participation, we believe next year will be even better, and we invite you to join us.

What is the Law & History CRN?
The Law & History CRN brings together scholars interested in legal history, both American and non-American, of any time period from contemporary to ancient.  We welcome a broad array of scholarly interests and methodological approaches. The Law and Society Movement has long welcomed legal historians and encouraged legal history, and our CRN intends to further foster this relationship. We seek to encourage presentation of historical legal work at the Law and Society’s Association’s annual meeting, and to create opportunities for interdisciplinary and cross-generational conversations.

What does it mean to join the Law & History CRN?
It means you will be welcomed into a network of scholars interested in participating in the historical examination of the law at the Law and Society Association annual meeting and beyond.  In practical terms, joining the CRN means joining a listserv (administered via Google Groups) that we use to alert members of the LSA’s call for papers, organize panels, and communicate about panels of interest for scholars interested in law and history at LSA.  We will also on rare occasions send out other announcements relevant to legal history.

The next Law & Society Association meeting will be held May 28-31 in Seattle, Washington. The call for papers should be out soon, and the deadline for submitting papers and panels will be in the fall of 2014, so it's not to early to start thinking about proposals.

NOTICE: new international Master between Italy (Roma Tre University) and France (EHESS/Paris 1) (Rome/Paris 2014-2016)

WHAT:  new international MASTER on Comparative Law (Droit et normativités comparées - Diritto e normatività comparate) between Italy (Roma Tre University) and France (EHESS/Paris 1)

WHERE: Italy: Roma Tre University, Law Department - France: Ehess, Cenj and University of Paris 1, Sorbonne

WHEN: 2014-2015 /2015-2016

The deadline is Tuesday, 15 July 2014

All information here:
Roma Tre University:

L’EHESS, l’Université Paris 1 et l’université de Roma Tre avec le soutien de heSam Université coopèrent pour créer un master international « Droit et normativités comparées ». L’objectif de cette nouvelle formation pédagogique est de faire dialoguer le droit avec d’autres sources de normativité, sans lui reconnaître la position hégémonique que les facultés juridiques revendiquent habituellement. Le présupposé de cette comparaison fructueuse entre normativités repose sur la conviction que chaque savoir ne peut pas renoncer à son propre patrimoine technique : le droit, l’économie, la religion, la science, la technologie, tout comme la sociologie, l’anthropologie et la philosophie élaborent leurs propres critères réglementaires et c’est sur ce terrain que le droit doit penser sa propre façon de construire le fait social. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous préférons parler de normativités, car chaque société développe ses propres besoins normatifs en s’appuyant à la fois sur l’outillage technique et formalisé du droit et sur les capacités et les instruments de régulation élaborés au sein des différents contextes sociaux et culturels. Aujourd’hui force est de constater que, loin d’être une discipline étrangère, le droit est désormais intimement lié aux sciences sociales. II paraît ainsi nécessaire de combler une lacune objective de l’offre pédagogique dans ce domaine. L’objectif étant d’assurer une formation complète sur quatre semestres (M1 et M2), pendant la première année (M1) les étudiants suivront les cours et les séminaires à Rome, alors que la seconde année (M2) ils séjourneront à Paris. Suite à ce programme de mobilité les compétences ainsi acquises peuvent être utilisées prioritairement dans le monde de la recherche mais aussi dans des contextes professionnels (secteur privé, ONG, institutions nationales et internationales). 

20 June 2014

CONFERENCE: "Japanese Law: History, Reception and Adaptation/Influence", (Edinburgh, 20 June 2014)

WHAT: Japanese Law: History, Reception and Adaptation/Influence, Conference

WHERE: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Law School, Lee and Elder Rooms, Old College

WHEN: 20 June 2014, 9 am - 5 pm

all information here

Japanese law is said to have undergone drastic change through the adaptation of Western law in the second half of the nineteenth century. Many scholars now believe that this ‘westernised’ Japanese law significantly influenced the legal systems of other Asian countries, including Korea, China, and Thailand. This one-day seminar will assess the nature of this transformation of Japanese law that took place amid intense globalisation of the nineteenth century. Among the questions to be considered are the aspects of Japanese law that changed as the result of the reception; the processes of this adaptation and its main consequences, domestic and international.
The seminar will bring together four specialists in Japanese law and legal history to address these questions, and will begin with a talk by Professor John W. Cairns, who will discuss legal transplants and colonialism in the nineteenth century. Hiroshi Oda, Sir Ernest Satow Professor of Japanese Law at University College London and the author of Japanese Law (now a standard textbook), will provide a general

19 June 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS: “Traditions, Borrowings, Innovations, & Impositions: Law in the Post-Colony and in Empire.”

Traditions, Borrowings, Innovations, & Impositions: 
Law in the Post-Colony and in Empire

Following the 2012 Legal Histories of the British Empire Conference held in Singapore, please hold the date for the follow on comparative legal history up to be held at the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana, Accra, 2-4 July 2015.

Patterns of disruption and also networks of innovation, resistance, tradition, and imposition connect places touched by European Empires, including the British Empire from origins to the present. All aspects of law in history, law in society, and law in culture carry traces of this in local expression, as in comparative contexts.
The conference provides an opportunity for the sharing of research and ideas from all perspectives, regions, and periods including:
  • research on the constitutional, legal and institutional frameworks of the post-colony and colony;
  • the roles of law in social development, cultural transformation, and economic development;
  • legal pluralism;
  • post-colonial scholarship;
  • the internal cultures of law, of the judiciary,
  • the legal profession, and legal education;
  • the role of law in oppression or resistance, as tool and as discourse;
  • autonomy, migrations, religions, and
  • indigeneity;
  • globalization and transnationalism;
  • comparative research.
A website will be available shortly, with full conference information. In the meantime, a pdf with additional information can be obtained from or

Proposals for papers and panels should be sent to by 1 December 2014. 

JOURNAL (open access): Jus Politicum 12: History of German Public Law

Jus Politicum published its twelfth issue, centred on the history of German Public Law, featuring among others the podcast of a Parisian debate around the French version of Michael Stolleis' classic, as well as written contributions on the same topic, and a review of Halperin & Audren's recent co-authored book on French Legal Culture in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Histoire du droit public allemand
Frédéric Audren, Olivier Beaud, Nader Hakim, Pascale Gonod, Olivier Jouanjan, Jean-Louis Mestre, Michael Stolleis : "Podcast : Autour de l’ « histoire du droit public en Allemagne (1800-1914) » de Michael Stolleis"
Michael Stolleis : "Préface de Michael Stolleis, Histoire du droit public en Allemagne (1800-1914), Dalloz, 2014, 700 p."
Olivier Beaud : "Quelques remarques de lecture autour du livre de Michael Stolleis : Histoire du droit public en Allemagne (1800-1914), Dalloz, 2014, 700 p."
Nader Hakim : "Intervention autour du livre de Michael Stolleis : Histoire du droit public en Allemagne (1800-1914), Dalloz, 2014, 700 p."
Olivier Jouanjan : "Remarques sur l’Histoire du droit public en Allemagne (1800-1914) : pourquoi lire Michael Stolleis en France ?"
Nationalité et citoyenneté
Dieter Gosewinkel : "Naturaliser ou exclure ? La nationalité en France et en Allemagne aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Une comparaison historique"
Olivier Beaud : "Une question négligée dans le droit de la nationalité : la question de la nationalité dans une Fédération"


Marc Lahmer : "Le Moment 1789 et la séparation des pouvoirs"
Jean Leclair : "Michael Oakeshott ou la recherche d’une politique dépourvue d’abstractions"
Jean-François Giacuzzo : "Un regard sur les publicistes français montés au « front intellectuel » de 1914-1918"


Denis Baranger, Camille Broyelle, Bertrand Seiller : "L’affaire Dieudonné et les libertés"

Notes de lecture

David Mongoin : "Apostolos Vlachogiannis, La Living Constitution. Les juges de la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis et la Constitution, préface d’Olivier Beaud, Paris, Classiques Garnier, coll. « Bibliothèque de la pensée juridique », n° 4, 2014, 643 p."
Alexandre Viala : "Jean-Jacques Sueur, Pour un droit politique. Contribution à un débat Presses de l’Université Laval, collection Dikè, 2011, 331 p."
Jean-Paul Andrieux : "Frédéric Audren, Jean-Louis Halpérin, La culture juridique française, Entre mythes et réalités XIXe-XXe siècles, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2013, 330 p."

Olivier Beaud : "Le Président peut-il témoigner en justice ?"
Benjamin Fargeaud : "Présentation des archives Raymond Janot"

18 June 2014

BOOK (open access): G. Braun, The knowledge of the Holy Roman Empire in France from Baroque to Enlightenment, 1648-1756 (Pariser Historische Studien; 91)

The German Historical Institute in Paris has put some recent volumes from its book series Pariser Historische Studien online (click here), among which the dissertation of Dr. Dr. Guido Braun (Akademischer Rat, Univ. of Cologne), La connaissance du Saint-Empire en France du baroque aux Lumières 1643–1756 (911 p.). The work is a study of the dissemination of German public law doctrine in the 17th and 18th centuries, starting from a blended political, legal and cultural approach.

The book series, as well as the journal Francia: Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte (open access) can be found on, the platform of the Max Weber Foundation and the German Humanities Institutes abroad.

14 June 2014

JOURNAL: (2014) 2:1 Comparative Legal History (the Official Journal of the European Society for Comparative Legal History)

I'm very pleased to announce that the latest volume of Comparative Legal History, a partnership between the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) and Hart Publishinghas been published.

Seán Patrick Donlan (, Editor

Access the issue online and purchase individual papers here.

Subscription information is available here. As the official ESCLH publication, its members receive a free subscription.

The articles in this issue include:

Geoffrey MacCormack - ‘Agreement’, ‘Contract’ and ‘Debt’ in Early Chinese Law

This paper examines the evidence for the development of a law of contract during the period of the Warring States (481-771 BCE) and the Qin/Han dynasties (221 BCE – 220 CE). From a study of the technical terms found in the context of agreements, in particular zhai (debt), yue (agreement), and quan (document in two parts), the conclusion is drawn that early Chinese law never developed beyond the stage of recognition of a number of distinct types of agreement to which legal consequences were attached. No ‘law of contract’, comparable to that developed in Rome at roughly the same epoch, emerged from these particularities. The main reason for the difference between Rome and China, it is suggested, lay in the lack of emergence in China of a class of private lawyer resembling the Roman jurists.

Marcel Senn -  ‘Law and Authority’: A Political and Legal Paradigm by Thomas Hobbes and its Different Receptions in the USA, Canada, Britain and Germany since 1989

Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan is one of the few grand oeuvres representing the code of pre-modern political power. This code often legitimates our present understanding of law and state. Therefore it is necessary to discover the ‘socialisation’ of the interpreters – that is the impact of social, cognitive interests within scientific interpretations of law – so as to improve our understanding in a more differentiated way. The author demonstrates this in relation to three different discourses on Leviathan conducted in North America, Britain and Germany during the last twenty-five years. He thereby shows how the ‘socialisation’ of the interpreters is manifest in these particular discourses, and what this means to a reader’s critical comprehension when he or she tries to understand an opus such as Leviathan by merely reading secondary literature.

Johannes W Flume - Law and Commerce: The Evolution of Codified Business Law in Europe

This paper tracks the evolution of the codification of commercial law and company law, also known as business law. Although the literature on codification in general is vast, little attention has been dedicated to the importance of business law in this context despite the first major moves towards codification being achieved in this field. A comparative and historical survey of the codification of business law in France, England and Germany illustrates how the European legal landscape has been affected by the process of casting the law in statutory form. Indeed, regardless of the commonly-held misconception that there is ‘a’ commercial code, the legislative responses to the needs of commerce have varied widely from country to country, for while company law was always in focus, the rest of the corpus differs substantially. The code de commerce of 1807 was primarily of a procedural nature, while the German commercial code of 1863 created its own ‘private law cosmos’ and the late English codes adopted yet another, very selective, strategy. The aim of this comparative study is to understand the foundations of the legal institutions of the nineteenth century which still form the basis of our current statutes. This in turn allows some predictions for likely future developments to be made.

Tatiana Borisova and Jukka Siro - Law between Revolution and Tradition: Russian and Finnish Revolutionary Legal Acts, 1917–18

This article compares the legislative practices of two socialist revolutions in Russia (the Bolshevik revolution) and Finland in late 1917 and in 1918. Notwithstanding the considerable differences in the social, political and economic conditions in Finland and Russia, the revolutionaries in both countries had similar legislative strategies. The revolutionary legislative policies had the same ends: to secure the success of the revolutions, and, eventually, to build a new and better society. This article seeks to demonstrate the history of revolutionary law-making as a juncture of two main tendencies: the emergence of new ‘revolutionary’ features of legislative politics and the preservation of pre-revolutionary law.

We argue that the pre-revolutionary practices of law-making on which the revolutionaries relied shaped their strategies and, to some extent, the criteria by which they judged the ultimate success of their revolutions. We argue that the performative effect of revolutionary slogans should be perceived, at least in part, as a continuity of pre-revolutionary legal and administrative practices. Our comparative analysis of revolutionary law-making provides a more complex understanding of the role of revolutions in modern state empowerment.

The Reviews, including a Review Article, include:
  • Paolo Napoli - A review article of Giorgio Agamben, Altissima povertà. Regole monastiche e forma di vita
  • Arno Dal Ri Jr - A review of Ignazio Castellucci, Sistema juridico latinoamericano: una verifica
  • Peter CH Chan - A review of Lei Chen and CH (Remco) van Rhee (eds), Towards a Chinese Civil Code: Comparative and Historical Perspectives
  • Jasmin Hauck - A review of Irene Fosi, Papal Justice: Subjects and Courts in the Papal State, 1500–1750  
  • Dave De ruysscher - A review of Stefania Gialdroni, East India Company: una storia giuridica (1600–1708)
  • Merike Ristikivi - A review of Heikki ES Mattila, Comparative Legal Linguistics: Language of Law, Latin and Modern Lingua Francas
  • Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina - A review of Luigi Nuzzo, Origini di una scienza. Diritto internazionale e colonialismo nel XIX secolo   
  • Viviana Kluger - A review of José María Pérez Collados and Samuel Rodrigues Barbosa (eds), Juristas de la Independencia  
  • Abelardo Levaggi - A review of Rebecca J Scott and Jean M Hébrard, Freedom Papers: An Atlantic Odyssey in the Age of Emancipation 

10 June 2014

COLLOQUIUM: "La proprietà/Les propriétés" (Rome, 13-14 June 2014)

WHAT: La proprietà/Les propriétés, colloquium 

WHERE: Roma tre University, Law Department, Via Ostiense 161-163, room 278

WHEN: 13-14 June 2014, 9:30 am -1:00 pm /3:00-5:00 pm

CFP: "The second Vatican Council and the religious" (Rome, 12-14 November 2014)

WHAT: The second Vatican Council and the religious, Call for papers

WHERE: the Pontifical Lateran University, the École française in Rome, the Academia Belgica in Rome.

WHEN: 12-14 November 2014

All information here



If anyone is interested in using these scholarships for research in comparative law, legal history, legal philosophy, etc, please contact Seán Patrick Donlan ( immediately. 

The deadline is Friday 13 June 2014

See for additional information.

07 June 2014

CALL FOR ESSAYS/ARTICLES: Le centenaire du Dahir sur obligations et contracts, Livre jubilaire

Call for essays/articles, by Prof. Fouzi Rherrousse, University of Fez, Maroc

Deadline: october 2014

Mesdames, Messieurs,
Je travaille en ce moment avec d’autres chercheurs sur un livre jubilaire pour commémorer le centenaire du Dahir sur obligations et contrats. Je serais heureux si vous participiez à ce projet.  Vos contributions, ajouteront une plus-value à notre modeste entreprise.
Le livre jubilaire aura pour but de promouvoir l’histoire du droit au Maroc et l’intégrer dans l’enseignement supérieur, cette discipline est le grand absent des facultés de droit au Maroc.  Le livre jubilaire sera partagé en deux parties, une partie sur la Discipline de l’histoire du droit, son importance ses méthodes, et une autre partie sur l’histoire du D.O.C (dahir sur obligations et contrats) en particulier.  Le livre jubilaire sera bien le seul dans son genre, car les autres manifestations concernent la célébration du centenaire du DOC étaient publiées sous forme d’actes de colloques ou l’histoire du droit n’avait aucune place.
La date limite pour déposer les articles est le début octobre.

Le Livre Jubilaire portera entre ses lignes un rêve, celui de diffuser  la méthode.      
Et la sagesse de l’Histoire du Droit.
Cordiales salutations

Pr Fouzi Rherrousse
 Université de Fez


NOTICE: "Traditions and changes", Third biennal ESCLH 2014 CONFERENCE (Macerata, 8-9 July 2014)

WHAT: Traditions and Changes, Third Biennial ESCLH Conference

WHERE: University of Macerata, Law Department, Macerata, Italy

WHEN: 8-9 July 2014

We are glad to announce that the Third Biennial ESCLH ConferenceTraditions and Changes, will be held on July 8-9, 2014 at the University of Macerata (Italy).
In the fantastic Italian environment of Le Marche region, participants will share new perspectives in the field of Comparative Legal History.
All information here
Facebook page here

06 June 2014

SCHOLARSHIP: PhD Studentship - The History of Ideas about Law and Society in a Global Context

is offering a PhD Studentship to fund a doctoral student to conduct research in the area of the history of ideas about law and society in a global context. The CLSGC would welcome applications for this funding award from applicants whose research proposals outline how they aim to investigate the social context in which such ideas are articulated either by individual jurists or groups of jurists.
The research will be conducted at the CLSGC, which was established in the summer of 2013. It is a home for multidisciplinary research into the global dimensions of law and society. At its core, the CLSGC aims to work towards a better theorization of law in its changing social contexts, exploring the challenges posed for this endeavour by law's increasingly important global dimensions. One of the key planks of CLGSC's research program is the historical dimension of the globalisation of law, including the globalisation of ideas about law and society.
The studentships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence. The application process for these awards is highly competitive. Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview.
For additional information see here or here.

03 June 2014

SEMINAR: "The differentiation of property" (Paris, 10 June 2014)

WHAT: The differentiation of property, 8th meeting of the séminaire de casuistique Le Bien commun, les biens communs, les choses communes, la collectivisation des intérêts organized by Emanuele Coccia, Emanuele Conte, Marie-Angèle Hermitte and Paolo Napoli 

WHERE: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Centre d'études des norme juridiques Yan Thomas (CENJ), Salle D & M Lombard, 96 boulevard Raspail, 75006, Paris

WHEN: 10 June 2014, 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Dan WIELSCH - Université de cologne, Professeur de droit civil

01 June 2014

SEMINAR: "Citizenship and Power Strategies between Middle Ages and Early Modernity" (Rome, 4 June 2014)

WHAT: Indian Residential Schools.Settler colonialism e cittadinanza13th meeting of the seminar Cittadinanze e strategie di potere tra Medio Evo ed Età Moderna, organized by Sara Menzinger, Giuliano Milani and Massimo Vallerani in the framework of the PIMIC Project "Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom" (  
WHERE: Roma Tre University, Law Department, 2nd Floor, Room 278, Via Ostiense 161-163, Rome.
WHEN: 4 June 2014, 3:00 pm

Prof. Michele Spanò, International University college, Turin
Prof. Giorgio Resta, University of Bari