
31 October 2022

REMINDER CFP: The European Society for Comparative Legal History's Seventh Biennial Conference (Augsburg: University of Augsburg, 21 – 23 JUN 2023); DEADLINE 15 NOV 2022

(image source: Blogger)

The Organising Committee and the Executive Council of the European Society for Comparative Legal History are pleased to call for papers for the upcoming Society’s Seventh Biennial Conference to be held from 21 to 23 June 2023 at the University of Augsburg, Germany.

A conference in 2023 will be a change to our normal timing. We began in Valencia (2010), followed by Amsterdam (2012), Macerata (2014), Gdańsk (2016), Paris (2018), and most recently, after a delay caused by Covid, we enjoyed the event in Lisboa (2022). However, not only does that mean we did not have a conference for four years. Covid has also moved some other large international conferences now to even-numbered years. To avoid collision with these other conferences, the ESCHL conferences would after 2023 continue at two-year intervals moving them to uneven-numbered years. The offer from Augsburg was made some years ago, but kindly deferred and the Executive Council is delighted to be able to take it up now.

For the Augsburg event in 2023, there is no general conference theme. Rather, the organisers hope that the sessions will reflect – in terms of covered topics, time periods, and regions – the full breadth of international research in comparative legal history. The Organising Committee does so in the believe that the Society’s Biennial Conference should foremost be a platform for researchers to present their most recent research in comparative legal. Papers should address and explore doctrinal, theoretical, cultural, or methodological aspects of comparative legal history. Papers should also be comparative, covering at least two legal systems, as well as historical.

To offer a paper, please send an abstract of up to 400 words by 15 November 2022. Papers, and abstracts, should be in English. The abstract should give the title of your paper and your personal data (full name, email address, work affiliation). Please also send a short CV (no more than 4 pages). Everyone, at whatever stage in their research career can offer a paper. The application should be sent to: Abstracts will be assessed against: (1) the aim to have a diverse conference; (2) the novelty of the work; (3) the evidence of scholarly rigour and promise of a fully researched and referenced paper; (4) in order to allow as many people as possible to speak at the conference, a person may normally offer only one paper.

It is also possible to submit a proposal for a complete panel. Panels normally consist of three papers. A panel proposal should – in addition to the abstracts and CVs of those who wish to present a paper in that panel – include an abstract for the entire panel as well as a CV of the panel organizer.

Applicants will be informed by 15 December 2022 whether their paper has been accepted. The conference programme will be published on 31 December 2022 on the conference website:

(image: Augsburg, in Swabenland, aan de Leck, boven den Donau; behoorende onder het Duitsche rÿk; Amsterdam: Pieter Schenk, 1700; source: Europeana/Central Library of Florence)

The conference website will also contain information on the attendance fee for those who are not members of the ESCLH, on transport to and from Augsburg, on accommodation in Augsburg. Finally, the conference website will allow, starting 15 December 2022, registration for the conference.

Finally, the conference will be preceded by an additional PhD-workshop on 21 June 2023. Further information about the workshop will also be published on 15 December 2022.

REMINDER CFP, Workshop Series: New Directions in the Theory & History of International Law - Workshop II: "Beauty and Power: Aesthetics, History, & International Law" - Geneva, October 19-20, 2023 [deadline 25 November 2022]

The field of international legal history finds itself at a crossroads. After some decades, the tone of the literature on the “turn to history” has turned from celebration to self-critique. Indeed, the last couple of years has witnessed increased calls to pursue new directions in international legal history, departing from the “well-worn paths” initially explored. In this vein, some urge for a localized approach to the study of “legal politics,” while others push for a “history of international law in the vernacular,” a “grassroots analysis,” or a “radical historical critique.” In my own work, I have argued for a (new) materialist approach,  which resonates with other broader drives for the retrieval of Marxist perspectives in international legal history. Moreover, the “marked absences” of class, gender, and race from the traditional canon of the discipline seem like an increasingly inexcusable exclusion.  In sum, the stage is set for a profound reconsideration of the aims, methodologies, and archives of contemporary international legal history.

With this in mind, the interdisciplinary workshop series “New Directions in the Theory & History of International Law” aims to create a space where emerging and senior scholars of different traditions can meet and rethink on the past, present, and future of the theory and history of the discipline. For this purpose, the Geneva Graduate Institute will host a series of two-day academic workshops to promote productive conversations between different disciplinary sensibilities and perspectives along three core issues over the next three years.

These three cross-cutting themes are:

  • Political Economy, History, and International Law - held on June 2-3, 2022
    with Professor Susan Marks, London School of Economics

  • Beauty and Power: Aesthetics, History, and International Law - October 19-20, 2023
    with Professor Kate Miles, University of Cambridge

  • Space and Scale in International Legal History - Spring 2024 (tentative date TBD)
    with Professor Luis Eslava, University of Kent

Scholars who would like to present a paper at the second workshop on “Beauty and Power: Aesthetics, History, & International Law” are invited to submit a title and abstract (250─500 words) to before November 25, 2022 (23:59 Geneva Time - CEST). A decision on acceptance of the abstract will be communicated by late October. We expect to host these workshops in person, but hybrid participation might be considered depending on the overall sanitary situation and the guidelines issued by the Geneva Graduate Institute. We are keen on exploring options for a collective publication effort after the workshop. As such, we encourage potential participants to bear this in mind as they prepare their abstracts.

All the relevant info here.

SEMINAR SERIES: MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop (Fall Semester 2022-2023, ONLINE)

The Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History at The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, and the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory will continue the joint MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop in the Fall Semester, 2022/2023.

The workshop meets Tuesdays 19.00-20.30 (Frankfurt time) and 20:00-21:30 (Tel Aviv time). This year's organizers and moderators are Thomas Duve (MPI), Ron Harris (TAU), Assaf Likhovski (TAU), Stefan Vogenauer (MPI).

Sessions will be conducted on Zoom, and based on pre-circulated papers. For the first time, the workshop will also be open for students from Goethe University. Registration for participation is required (at this page).


1 November 2022 - Taisu Zhang (Yale University), The Modern State and the Rise of the Business Corporation

8 November 2022 - Eduardo Zimmermann (Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires), Towards a Transnational Legal History of the Administrative State in Latin America

15 November 2022 - Phillip I. Lieberman (Vanderbilt University), The Use of Jewish Legal Sources to Tell Islamic Economic History

22 November 2022 - Mitra Sharafi (University of Wisconsin), Fear of the False in Colonial South Asia

29 November 2022 - Roy Kreitner (Tel Aviv University), Concepts, Contexts, Contests

6 December 2022 - Baudouin Dupret (CNRS), Mind the step: Standardizing the Mind, Stepping into Positive Law (Egypt, 1897-1949)

13 December 2022 - Jean-Louis Halpérin (EHESS), Doctrinal circulations in criminal law 1764-1914

20 December 2022 - Inge Van Hulle (mpilhlt / KU Leuven), The Cambridge history of international law in Africa

10 January 2023 - Philip Bajon (mpilhlt), European Law and the Passage to Majority Rule in the European Union

17 January 2023 - Lena Foljanty (Universität Wien/mpilhlt), Writing a comparative history of legal orders in transition: Methodological reflections

24 January 2023 - Priyasha Saksena (University of Leeds), Limping Marriages: Race, Class, and Divorce Jurisdiction in the British Empire

More information can be found here.

28 October 2022

ARTICLE: Giuseppe MECCA, “ ‘Discorso’ costituzionale e progetti istituzionali: il caso di Giuseppe Vacca (1808-1876)” (Forum Historiae Iuris, 26 OCT 2022) OPEN ACCESS


(Image source: blogger)


Il saggio prende in considerazione il processo di unificazione nazionale italiano attraverso il punto di vista di Giuseppe Vacca, esponente della classe dirigente risorgimentale, impegnato nel progetto di State Building e nel ruolo di mediazione tra potere governativo centrale e poteri locali. A ben vedere, il progetto istituzionale di Vacca si muove lungo tre principali direttrici ovvero il tema della buona amministrazione, dell’unificazione legislativa e del rapporto del potere giudiziario con gli altri poteri costituzionali. Il ‘discorso costituzionale’ di Vacca è di rilevante interesse anche per la sua coerenza interna e costituisce un punto privilegiato di osservazione per interpretare ideologie e programmi di una fase decisiva della storia istituzionale italiana.

Read more here (DOI 10.26032/FHI-2022-012). 

BOOK: Francesco VIOLA. Storia del Diritto Naturale, 1900-2020. (TORINO: Giapichelli, 2021). ISBN 9788892138919. EUR 20,90



Nell’immagine della copertina Mosè è rappresentato nell’atto di rompere le Tavole della Legge di fronte all’idolatria del vitello d’oro. Ma con quest’atto i frantumi dei principi di diritto naturale penetrano nelle regole e nelle legislazioni di tutti i popoli seppur in modo confuso, disordinato, caotico e non rare volte contraddittorio. Tuttavia questi principi germinali, nonostante la loro imperfezione, conservano il ruolo di difesa dal vitello d’oro del diritto, cioè dall’idolatria della legge umana in quanto non vincolata da qualsivoglia contenuto, l’idolatria della mera legalità. Questa storia recente del diritto naturale intende illustrare quest’idea mostrando che nel pensiero giuridico sono presenti ragioni che non si sa da dove vengono e che spingono il giurista a guardare oltre le mani dell’uomo.

I. La prima rinascita 1.1. Diritto naturale e scienza giuridica 5 1.2. Il giusnaturalismo cattolico 8 1.3. Formalismo e diritto naturale 15 1.3.1. La natura del diritto 18 1.3.2. I valori del diritto 26 1.4. Antiformalismo e diritto naturale 32 1.4.1. Il diritto vivente 33 1.4.2. Neotomismo positivista 37 1.4.3. Colmare le lacune e trovare la regola giuridica 42 L’insormontabile diritto naturale 43 Un diritto naturale transeunte e fragile 45 Gli scopi del diritto 49 1.5. Al di là del formalismo e dell’antiformalismo 52 II Diritto naturale e totalitarismo 2.1. Il diritto nazista 57 2.2. Il processo di Norimberga 62III La seconda rinascita 3.1. L’applicazione del diritto naturale 67 3.2. Valori comuni e diritto naturale 69 3.3. La natura della cosa 74 3.3.1. L’esperienza giuridica 77 3.3.2. La condizione umana 78 3.3.3. La struttura ontologica del diritto 81 3.3.4. Ipsa res iusta 84 IV La terza rinascita 4.1. Interpretazione e argomentazione giuridica 89 4.2. Giusnaturalismi cristiani 96 4.3. Evoluzione del diritto positivo 102 4.4. La terza teoria del diritto 107 4.5. Non-positivismo e diritto naturale 111 4.5.1. La pretesa di correttezza 112 4.5.2. L’obbligatorietà del diritto 114 4.5.3. Una teoria giusnaturalistica del diritto positivo 117 4.6. La trama aperta della ragion pratica 119 V Teorie contemporanee del diritto naturale 5.1. La fondazione filosofica della legge naturale 127 5.2. Le nuove teorie giuridiche del diritto naturale 129 5.2.1. L’orientamento epistemologico 132 5.2.2. L’orientamento ontologico 146 5.2.3. L’orientamento ideale 154 5.3. Conclusione 161 Riferimenti 163

27 October 2022

JOURNAL: Rechtsgeschichte/Legal History XXX (2022) (OPEN ACCESS)

(image source: Rechtsgeschichte)

Now in its 20th year of publication, the latest issue of Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History (Journal of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory) once again brings together outstanding research contributions on legal historical topics as well as a considerable number of wide-ranging reviews.

This year’s Research section begins with Elizabeth Papp Kamali’s study on the consequences of the excessive consumption of alcohol in medieval English criminal law. Jan Schröder offers a close analysis of the sources to investigate the meaning of words in early modern legal and linguistic theories. The editors of the four-volume Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa – Handbook on the History of Conflict Resolution in Europe (Peter Collin, Wim Decock, Nadine Grotkamp, David von Mayenburg, Anna Seelentag) explain the conceptualisation underlying this standard reference work (published in 2021), and provide a brief overview of some of the overall patterns and findings emerging from this major project.

The Focus sections cover two fields of modern legal history from an international perspective. Karl Härter and Valeria Vegh Weis provide a substantial introduction to the topics discussed in the Focus on Transnational Criminal Law in Transatlantic Perspective (1870–1945), which comprises contributions by three authors (Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, Nicolás Duffau, Paul Knepper) who particularly explore Latin American dimensions. The second Focus is dedicated to the complex field of labour law history and includes studies from both German and British researchers (Gerd Bender, Rebecca Zahn, Thorsten Keiser, Martin Otto, Johanna Wolf, Tim-Niklas Vesper, Benjamin Spendrin, Matthias Ebbertz).

As always, the reviews in this edition cover a broad spectrum of regions and epochs, ranging from the cuneiform transmission of the Codex Hammurabi to a three-volume history of Chinese legal culture and the European banking union – and for the first time also includes reviews of digital source editions. Finally, two Marginalia on the visualisation of law conclude this volume – and they could not be more different: Erk Volkmar Heyen’s contribution investigates the figuration of iustitia in the context of the political aspects of Marian devotion in the early 16th century. Daniel Damler, on the other hand, takes the reader into the dark canyons of Batman’s hometown Gotham City. This last contribution also inspired this year’s atmospheric picture series of black-and-white photographs of New York City by Otto Danwerth.

Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History 30 is now available in print from the publisher Vittorio Klostermann and online in Open Access via the journal's website.

JOURNAL: Revista de Estudios Historico-Juridicos, n. 44, 2022



HOMENAJE   ·  Presentación

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   ·  Recuerdos de un doctorando (1971-1974)
Betancourt-Serna, Fernando

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   ·  Alejandro Guzmán Brito 1945-2021
Cabello Vargas, Francisco

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   ·  Homenaje a Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Cattan Atala, Angela

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   ·  Recuerdo de Alejandro Guzmán Brito (1945-1921)
Domingo, Rafael

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  Alejandro Guzmán Brito y la Academia Chilena de la Historia: tareas de colaboración
Dougnac Rodríguez, Antonio

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  Alejandro Guzmán y la interpretación jurídica
Lazo, Patricio

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  El maestro, el profesor Alejandro Guzmán Brito (1945-2021)
Leitao Álvarez-Salamanca, Francisca

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  Alejandro Guzmán Brito. Algunos testimonios de sus actividades e inquietudes durante su doctorado en la Universidad de Navarra recogidos de su contacto epistolar
Merello Arecco, Ítalo

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  «Un hombre inmenso»: don Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Miglietta, Massimo

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  Recuerdos de una entrañable amistad académica
Salinas Araneda, Carlos

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  Alejandro Guzmán, una vez más
Samper Polo, Francisco

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   ·  Recuerdo de Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Schipani, Sandro

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   ·  Magister meus in Memoriam
Valenzuela Aránguiz, Francisco

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Español     · Español ( pdf )
   ·  Alejandro Guzmán Brito: su último homenaje en vida y sus aportes a la teoría del derecho y al trabajo de don Andrés Bello
Vergara Blanco, Alejandro

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   ·  Alejandro Guzmán Brito: recuerdos desde la historia del derecho
Westermeyer Hernández, Felipe

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   ESTUDIOS-DERECHO ROMANO   ·  Observaciones sobre la dación mutuaria alterius nomine
Wegmann Stockebrand, Adolfo

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   ESTUDIOS-HISTORIA DEL DERECHO PÚBLICO   ·  Charles Malik, su idea de ‘razón’ y la fórmula ‘dotados como están de razón’ del artículo 1 de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos
Pallares-Yabur, Pedro

        · resumen en Español | Inglés     · texto en Inglés     · Inglés ( pdf )
   ESTUDIOS-HISTORIA DEL DERECHO EUROPEO   ·  La sexualidad en el fuero de yanguas: embarazo, fornicio de los clérigos, fuerza sexual y denuestos en el siglo Xll
Fernández-Viagas Escudero, Plácido

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   ·  Los límites de la regalía de los reyes de Valencia para imponer nuevos tributos: las juntas estamentales frente al nuevo arbitrio del aceite (1631-1632 )
Fuertes Broseta, Miquel

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   ·  Las características de la investigación del derecho consuetudinario en España y en Hungría a la luz de la obra de Joaquín Costa Martínez y Ernő Tárkány Szücs
Nagy, Janka TeodóraMatla, Gabriella

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   ·  La “interrupción” del Antiguo Régimen. Vigencias y conflictos prácticos ante el primer intento de despenalización de la sodomía en España
Navarro Martínez, Juan Pedro

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   ESTUDIOS-HISTORIA DEL DERECHO INDIANO   ·  Esquema de respuesta a una cuestión disputada: la forma política de la monarquía indiana
Castaño, Sergio Raúl

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   ·  Un espacio de refugio. El asilo eclesiástico en la isla de Santo Domingo
Flores-Sasso, VirginiaPrieto-Vicioso, Esteban

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   ·  La relevancia política de la buena lengua. De Aristóteles y el cristianismo a los bandos del buen gobierno en la América hispana
García-Huidobro, JoaquínLetelier, GonzaloPoblete, José Antonio

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   ·  El regalismo borbónico y el Consejo de Indias en los reinados de Carlos III y Carlos IV
García Pérez, Rafael D.

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   ESTUDIOS-HISTORIA DE LOS DERECHOS PATRIOS IBEROAMERICANOS   ·  La configuración de los delicta carnis en los Códigos de Chile (1874) y Perú (1863). Contribución al estudio de la influencia española en la Codificación penal hispanoamericana
Masferrer, Aniceto

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   ESTUDIOS-HISTORIA DEL DERECHO CHILENO   ·  Circulación de ideas jurídicas y génesis del derecho social en Chile (1890-1914): Anton Menger (Austria, 1841-1906), Adolfo Posada (España, 1860-1944) y Valentín Letelier (Chile, 1852-1919)
Cerón Reyes, Roberto

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   ·  Vagos, trabajadores callejeros e individuos peligrosos: hitos de la historia del marco legal de las calles
Irarrázabal González, Paz

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   ·  Los instrumentos públicos en el derecho chileno. Fuentes y antecedentes históricos de los artículos 1699, 1700 y 1706 del Código Civil
Meneses Pacheco, Claudio

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   ·  El dolo no intencional en la dogmática penal chilena de los siglos XIX y XX
Ossandón Widow, Magdalena

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   ·  Controversias interpretativas y función fiscal en los procesos criminales por violación. Santiago de Chile (1876-1927)
Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra VirginiaCelis Valderrama, Nicolás

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   ·  El método activo del seminario en el aprendizaje de la historia del derecho: visión y práctica del chileno don Aníbal Bascuñán Valdés (1905-1988)
Palma González, Eric EduardoElgueta, María Francisca

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   ·  La Misión Kemmerer y su influencia en la Constitución de 1925
Soto Velasco, SebastiánCouyoumdjian Nettle, Juan Pablo

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   ·  La Constitución chilena de 1818: ¿Derecho indiano del siglo XIX?
Westermeyer Hernández, Felipe

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  Pedagogía de las leyes en Tomás de Aquino y Juan Calvino
Medina Krause, Francisco

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  Versari in re illicita y voluntario indirecto en la escolástica tomista y su primera influencia en los juristas
Miranda Montecinos, Alejandro

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  Maximilien Robespierre y su contexto: acerca de su concepción sobre la igualdad, la pena de muerte y la religión
Quiroz Villalobos, Milton Ebert

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  La formación teórica y práctica de los letrados de Arequipa. entre el Colegio Seminario de San Gerónimo y la audiencia de Cuzco (ss. XVIII-XIX)
Tormo Camallonga, Carlos

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  La doctrina política de Pío XI: una interpretación antimoderna
Alvear Téllez, Julio

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  ¿Dos conceptos de libertad?: La síntesis de la libertad en la filosofía política de Hegel
Charney Berdichewky, JohnRosas Aguilera, Nelson

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  Los estadios de la culpa en el mundo griego. Importancia de su estudio para la responsabilidad civil
Aedo Barrena, Cristian

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  Una breve historia sobre la (im)prescriptibilidad penal
Parra Núñez, Francisco

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  Lectura histórico-dogmática de la visión de Bentham sobre la admisibilidad de la prueba en el proceso judicial
Pérez Ragone, ÁlvaroCavani, Renzo

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   BIBLIOGRAFIA   ·  Andrades Rivas, Eduardo, El ocaso del reino. Origen del mito fundacional de la República de Chile (Madrid, Colección Res publica, Editorial Dykinson, 2021), 432 págs.
Westermeyer Hernández, Felipe

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   ·  Bogarín Díaz, Jesús, Formación léxica y conceptualización jurídica: el vocablo ‘excepción’ (Madrid, Dykinson, 2021), 193 págs.
Saucedo Maqueda, Víctor

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   ·  Cacciavillani, Pamela Alejandra, Celebrar lo imposible. El Código Civil en el régimen jurídico de la propiedad: Córdoba entre fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX (Frankfurt am Main, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, 2021), XIII + 288 págs.
Olivas Islas, Margarita del Rosario

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   ·  Corona Encinas, Álex, Instituciones políticas municipales durante el reinado de Justiniano (527-565). Un estudio histórico-jurídico (Madrid, Dykinson, 2021), 256 págs.
Domingo, Rafael

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   ·  Domingo, Rafael, Roman Law. An introduction (London and New York, Rotuledge, 2018) 238 pp.
Adame Goddard, Jorge

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   ·  Duve, Thomas; Danwerth, Otto (eds.), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden, Brill, 2020), 382 págs.
Sánchez-Raygada, Carlos

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   ·  García Marín, José María, Gobernantes y gobernados. (España, siglos XVI y XVII) (Granada, Editorial Comares, 2021), 656 págs.
Torres Aguilar, Manuel

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   ·  Geonget, Stéphan, Le mariage de l’Estude du Droict avec les Lettres humaines. L’œuvre de Louis Le Caron Charondas (Genève, Droz, 2021), 560 págs.
Ramis Barceló, Rafael

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   ·  Mejía, Pilar; Danwerth, Otto y Albani, Benedetta (eds.), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX (Frankfurt am Main, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 2020), 278 págs.
Sánchez-Raygada, Carlos

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   ·  Pino Abad, Miguel, La malversación de caudales públicos en la España decimonónica (Madrid, Ed. Tecnos, 2019), 313 págs.
Sáez Arjona, Elena

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   ·  Prévost, Xavier; Sanchi, Liugi Alberto, L’Humanisme juridique. Aspects d’un phénomène intellectuel européen (Paris, Garnier, 2022), 429 págs.
Ramis Barceló, Rafael

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   ·  Rojo Gallego-Burín, Marina, El pensamiento jurídico y político de Francisco Bermúdez de Pedraza (1576-1655) (Madrid, Editorial Marcial Pons, 2018), 365 págs.
Ramis Barceló, Rafael

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   ·  Viola, Francesco, 1900-2020. Una storia del diritto naturale (Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2021), 186 págs.
Ramis Barceló, Rafael

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   ·  Witte Jr., John, The Blessings of Liberty. Human Rights and Religious Freedom in the Western Legal Tradition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Nueva York, 2021), XV+316 págs.
Domingo, Rafael

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