
30 November 2023

BOOK: Cátia ANTUNES & Eric TAGLIACOZZO (eds.), Vol. I, Migration, 1400-1800 [The Cambridge History of Global Migrations, ed. Donna GARACCIA] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 650 p. ISBN 9781108767095, 120 GBP

(image source: CUP)

Volume I documents the lives and experiences of everyday people through the lens of human movement and mobility from 1400–1800. Focusing on the most important typologies of pre-industrial global migrations, this volume reveals how these movements transformed global paths of mobility, the impacts of which we still see in societies today. Case studies include those that arose from the demand of free, forced and unfree labour, long and short distance trade, rural/urban displacement, religious mobility and the rise of the number of refugees worldwide. With thirty chapters from leading experts in the field, this authoritative volume is an essential and detailed study of how migration shaped the nature of global human interactions before the age of modern globalization.

Table of contents:

Introduction Cátia Antunes and Eric Tagliacozzo
Part I. Slavery/Forced Migration:
1. Slavery, captivity and mobilities in the early modern Mediterranean Guillaume Calafat and Mathieu Grenet
2. Africans on the move: the transatlantic slave trade Damian Alan Pargas
3. Debt, bondage and indentured labour in land and maritime empires Alessandro Stanzani
Part II. Long Distance Trade:
4. Long-distance trade, the Pacific Paul D'Arcy
5. Long-distance Japanese trade in the early modern era Adam Clulow
6. Long-distance trade and migration in Central Asia, 1500-1850 Magnus Marsden
Part III. Short Distance Trade:
7. Maritime migrations of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea Gelina Harlaftis and Katerina Galani
8. Mobility and migration around the Bay of Bengal David Ludden
9. Early modern Japan: a state with limited migration Robert Hellyer
Part IV. Migration by Land:
10. Indigenous mobility in the lowlands of South America Cristina Pompa
11. Chinese expansion in eighteenth-century central Eurasia Peter C. Perdue
12. Persianate peregrinations: elite migration in Eurasia, from the eleventh to nineteenth centuries James Pickett
Part V. Migration by Sea:
13. Western European long-distance movements Erik Odegard
14. Emigration, displacement, and forced migration in Indian Ocean Africa Jeremy Prestholdt
15. Migration by Sea in the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, 1700–1800 Seema Alavi
Part VI. Rural/Urban Migrations:
16. Urban migration and gender diversity in Eurasia, 1600–1800 Manon van der Heijden
17. Urbanization and emigration in Coastal South China Steven Miles
18. Migration in Colonial Latin America Roberta Stumpf
Part VII. Labour Migration:
19. The globality of the Local – (Im)Mobilizing labor regimes under early capitalism and European colonial expansion Matthias van Rossum
20. Afro-India migrations and the Indianization of East Africa 5000 BCE to 1900 CE Nidhi Mahajan
21. Labour migration in Sub-Saharan Africa Before 1800 Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
Part VIII. Settler Migration:
22. North America: migrations and settlement (c. 1600 – c. 1800) Bertrand Van Ruymbeke
23. Turkish migrations in the Greater Turkic-Speaking World, 1450–1830 Suraiya Faroqhi
24. Dynamics of mobility and settlement in Africa: the horn of Africa, 13th – 19th Centuries Deresse Ayenachew Woldetsadik
Part IX. Religious Migrations:
25. Early modern diasporas Natalia Muchnik
26. Religious components of Southeast Asian migration Francis R. Bradley
27. Migrant clerics going East and West José Pedro Paiva
Part X. Refugees:
28. Refugees in Europe and the Atlantic World Geert H. Janssen
29. 'Mongol' and 'Manchu' and the great conquest enterprises of Eurasia, 1200–1800 Pamela Kyle Crossley

30. Refugees in Africa (1490–1820) Rémi Dewière. 

On the editors:

Cátia Atunes is Professor of History and Global Economic Networks at Leiden University. She has published, edited, and translated monographs and articles on the exploitation of early modern empires and the transition from colonialism to imperialism. She is co-editor, with Francisco Bethencourt, of Merchant Cultures: A Global Approach to Spaces, Representations and Worlds of Trade, 1500–1800 (2022).

Eric Tagliacozzo is John Stambaugh Professor of History at Cornell University. He is the director of the Comparative Muslim Societies Program at Cornell University. His book Secret Trades, Porous Borders: Smuggling and States Along a Southeast Asian Frontier, 1865–1915 (2005)won the Harry Benda Prize from the Association for Asian Studies (AAS).


Cátia Antunes, Eric Tagliacozzo, Guillaume Calafat, Mathieu Grenet, Damian Alan Pargas, Alessandro Stanzani, Paul D'Arcy, Adam Clulow, Magnus Marsden, Gelina Harlaftis, Katerina Galani, David Ludden, Robert Hellyer, Cristina Pompa, Peter C. Perdue, James Pickett, Erik Odegard, Jeremy Prestholdt, Seema Alavi, Manon van der Heijden, Steven Miles, Roberta Stumpf, Matthias van Rossum, Nidhi Mahajan, Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, Suraiya Faroqhi, Deresse Ayenachew Woldetsadik, Natalia Muchnik, Francis R. Bradley, José Pedro Paiva, Geert H. Janssen, Pamela Kyle Crossley, Rémi Dewière 

Read more here: DOI 10.1017/9781108767095.

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Arthur BARRÊTO DE ALMEIDA COSTA, "Citation networks in administrative law books from the civil law world (nineteenth century)" (Comparative Legal History)


(image source: Routledge)


This paper analyses citations of doctrine in handbooks of administrative law published in the nineteenth century in the Civil Law World – that is, Europe and Latin America. I scanned through 81 books, finding c 25,000 citations to c 5000 different texts. I built a graph with all citations to find relations of proximity and distance between different books and national groups of books. I found that French lawyers were the most cited, but they lost ground in the late nineteenth century. ‘Germans’ and, to a less extent, ‘Italians’ gained ground. Germans and Austrians constituted a mostly separated citation circuit. Spanish and Hispano Americans tended to cite Spanish and French authors but were less integrated. Italians mixed a large number of Italian references with French ones. Brazilians and Portuguese heavily cited the French. Latin Americans did not constitute a unified group. Mediterranean countries shared more characteristics and references with Latin Americans than with Germans and the Dutch. These findings challenge essentialist ideas of ‘continental law’ and ‘Latin America’.

Read the full article here: DOI 10.1080/2049677X.2023.2270388.

BOOK: Svenja GOLTERMANN, Victims. Perceptions of Harm in Modern European War and Violence [The History and Theory of International Law, eds. Nehal BHUTA, Anthony PAGDEN & Benjamin STRAUMANN] (Oxford: OUP, 2023), 224 p. ISBN 9780192897725, 90 GBP


(image source: OUP)

Classifying people as 'victims' is a historical phenomenon with remarkable growth since the second half of the 20th century. The term victim is widely used to refer both to those who have died in wars and to people who have experienced some form of physical or psychological violence. Moreover, victimhood has become a shorthand for any injustice suffered. This can be seen in many contexts: in debates on social justice, when claims for compensation are made, human rights are defended, past crimes are publicly commemorated, or humanitarian intervention is called for. By adopting a history of knowledge approach, Victims takes a fresh look at the phenomenon of classifying people as victims. It goes beyond existing narratives to provide a new and comprehensive explanation of the complex genealogy of modern concepts of victimhood. In order to reveal the fundamental shifts in perceptions and interpretations of harm, this book reconstructs the emergence of the figure of the victim from the late 18th century to the present. Focusing on Western Europe, it shows that neither the World Wars nor the Holocaust were the only reasons for this shift. Instead, changing power relations and new knowledge, especially in medicine and law, fundamentally altered perceptions and interpretations of death and suffering, of legitimate and illegitimate violence. Today, the debate takes another turn with the widespread criticism of victim attribution and the increasing delegitimisation of the term. Svenja Goltermann tells this story with brilliant clarity - without subscribing to the new denigration of the victim.

On the author:

Svenja Goltermann is Professor of Modern History at the Department of History at the University of Zurich. Her research focuses primarily on the history of violence, the history of changing conceptions of suffering, vulnerability, and trauma, the history of memory cultures, and the history of knowledge. She has published widely on these subjects, including the award-winning book The War in Their Minds: German Soldiers and Their Violent Pasts in West Germany (2017), first published in German in 2009. Her most recent monograph dealt with changing perception of victimhood (2017). She is currently working on a book-length project that explores the broadening of the understanding of violence in Western Europe since the 1960s to trace the genealogies of this recent phenomenon and to reveal its effects. 

Read more here

BOOK: Henri-Pierre MOTTIRONI, Commerce et République en France au XVIIIe siècle ; quand l'entreprise inventa le citoyen (Lormont, Le Bord de l’eau, 2023), 180 p. ISBN 9782356879769, € 24


(image source: Le Bord de l'Eau)

À une époque où les firmes multinationales sont perçues comme une menace pour la démocratie et où nombreux sont ceux qui appellent à une réforme de leur gouvernance pour les rendre socialement et écologiquement responsables, revenir sur les liens entre le monde des affaires et l’émergence de la démocratie représentative moderne se révèle nécessaire. En dépit d’expressions et métaphores explicites comme l’idée d’un gouvernement « en trust » dans la pensée anglo-saxonne ou la métaphore du citoyen-actionnaire chez le grand constitutionnaliste de la Révolution française, Emmanuel Sieyès, l’historiographie politique et constitutionnelle a jusqu’alors trop souvent négligé ce lien. En croisant histoire des idées, études des transferts culturels et histoire du droit commercial et de l’entreprise, l’auteur comble cette lacune en mettant en lumière l’importance des idées et pratiques commerciales et financières dans la pensée politique des fondateurs de nos républiques modernes de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la Révolution française. Loin de l’opposition contemporaine entre démocratie et grande entreprise, cette étude montre que nos conceptions modernes du constitutionnalisme et du gouvernement représentatif doivent beaucoup à la gouvernance d’entreprise et au droit commercial du siècle des révolutions.

On the author:

Docteur en science politique de l’IEP de Paris et de l’Université de Lausanne, Henri-Pierre Mottironi est chercheur à l’Université de Neuchâtel à l’Institut d’histoire. Ses travaux croisent histoire de la pensée politique, de la gouvernance d’entreprise et du droit commercial, aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.

(source: Le Bord de l'Eau

JOURNAL: Historia et ius - issue n. 24, 2023

(Source: Historia et ius)

In memoriam

  • 1) Ricordo di Piero Bellini (1926-2023) - di Faustino De Gregorio - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.08 - 1 August 2023 - PDF
  • 2) Ricordo di Luigi Berlinguer (1932-2023) - di Floriana Colao - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.13 - 1 December 2023 - PDF

Temi e questioni
  • 3) Paolo Passaniti, Tra libertà e sottomissione. Il lavoro contrattualizzato negli schemi giuridici e istituzionali della dottrina medievale - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.14 - 1 December 2023 - PDF

Studi (valutati tramite blind peer review)
  • 4) Andrea Errera, Aurelio Candian nei documenti universitari - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.05 - 1 August 2023 - PDF
  • 5) Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, «Santità» e «sacralità» nel diritto internazionale tra la fine dell’Ottocento e la prima metà del Novecento - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.04 - 1 August 2023 - PDF
  • 6) Manuel Guțan, Importer l’autoritarisme : le Second Empire français et la lutte pour le parlementarisme pendant le règne du Prince Cuza (1859-1866) - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.10 - 1 November 2023 - PDF
  • 7) Andrea Massironi, La malitia dell’innocente: il minore delinquente nella prima età moderna - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.09 -1 October 2023 - PDF
  • 8) Gabriele Massimiliano Ragusa, Tra metodi e modelli. Lezioni di diritto civile di Giacomo Venezian: il corso biennale delle Successioni (1897-99) - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.01 - 1 July 2023 - PDF 
  • 9) Giovanni Rossi, Note sulla fortuna del ‘Codex Iustinianus’ e le vicende dei ‘Tres Libri’: da Pepone ad Alciato - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.07 - 1 August 2023 - PDF
  • 10) Gabriele Russo, Il reinserimento sociale del detenuto nella legislazione penalistica dell’Italia liberale - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.13 - 15 November 2023 - PDF
  • 11) Luca Jacopo Salvadori, Il mutualismo nel XIX secolo: una comparazione europea - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.12 - 1 November 2023 - PDF
  • 12) Elio Tavilla, Epidemie e contagi nella storia e nel diritto. Spunti e riflessioni a partire dal trattato Del governo della peste di Ludovico Antonio Muratori - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.06 - 1 August 2023 - PDF

  • 13) Ardian Emini - Xhemshit Shala, The legal basis for the functioning of the Albanian state and government in 1912 - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.03 - 1 August 2023 - PDF
  • 14) Dario Ippolito, La Scienza della legislazione. Introduzione al pensiero giuridico di Gaetano Filangieri - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.02 - 15 July 2023 -  PDF
  • 15) Fulvio Mancuso, An liceat resistere iudici, vel principi inique agenti: prime note per uno studio storico-giuridico sul diritto di resistenza nel Medioevo - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.15 - 1 December 2023 - PDF
  • 16) Cesare Pinelli, La nozione di sovranità fra Bartolo e i moderni. Riflessioni di un costituzionalista - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.11 - 1 November 2023 - PDF 

SEMINAR: 'Lo sfruttamento delle "mezze forze". Il lavoro di donne e minori nel discorso giuridico tra Otto e Novecento' (Napoli: Università Federico II, 30 novembre 2023) - Seminari di storia e cultura giuridica 2023/24

29 November 2023

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History 2024 (Frankfurt: MPILHLT, 1-12 JUL 2024)


(image source: MPILHLT)

On the iniative:

The Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History provides a selected group of highly motivated early-stage research students, usually PhD candidates, with an in-depth introduction to traditional and contemporary approaches and methods in legal history. original The Summer Academy consists of three parts. The first part introduces the international group of PhD students to sources, methodological approaches and theoretical models as well as to controversial research debates on fundamental issues of legal history. The introductory courses are led by members of the Institute and external guest speakers. In the second part, the invited participants present their own projects within the context of the respective year’s special topic. The third part of the Academy offers the opportunity to all participants to further develop their own research by making use of the library and by discussing their projects with the Institute’s experts in the different fields of legal history. The course will take place at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (mpilhlt).

On this year's theme "mediality and the materiality of law":

‘Mediality’ and ‘materiality’ are important keywords in historical and cultural studies debates. Legal scholarship has also been devoting a great deal of thought to the material and medial conditions of the production and enforcement of law. Legal history has been pursuing this avenue of research for quite some time, noteworthy examples of which include legal archaeology and the long-standing discussions on orality and writing, for example, in medieval legal history. As of late, more theoretically grounded considerations have entered this discussion, which ask, for instance, about the interplay between the form and content of legal texts through the advent of new technologies such as printing or digitisation. There is a fair amount of interest in the legal significance of of rituals and how they are performed, the connections between architecture, furnishings, and attire as well as the normative power of images. Some even question whether the history of law would look very different if it had not been written solely based on written sources but, for example, on images and artefacts. The question of the ‘mediality’ and the ‘materiality’ of law thus also touches on fundamental aspects of legalhistorical research such as the concepts of the ‘source’, the ‘archive’ and ultimately even that of law. Such issues will be the focus of the 2024 Summer Academy. 


Early-stage research students, usually PhD candidates. Working knowledge of English is required, German is not a prerequisite. 


All applications must be supported by a CV, a project summary (approx. 10 pages) and a letter of motivation. Please send your applications via e-mail to: Submission deadline for applications is 31 January 2024. 


The Academy is generously funded by mpilhlt. There is no participation fee. Accommodation will be provided by the organisers for free. Participants, however, will be responsible for covering their travel expenses (in cases of hardship these can be covered by a limited number of scholarships). 

More information here

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Eric J. SCARFFE, "Justice Kennedy’s Jurisprudence of Dignity: From Sovereign Immunity to Gay Rights" (American Journal of Legal History)


(image source: OUP)


Although this article uses Obergefell v Hodges (2015) as its frame, it aims to bring out some distinctive features of Justice Kennedy’s jurisprudence of dignity more broadly. There are two reasons why such an investigation is important. The first is important to those interested in the legal case. Indeed, in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health (2022), the Court now argues that the relevant ‘test’ for determining whether a right is protected under the Due Process Clause is whether the right is found to be ‘deeply rooted’ in the nation’s history and tradition. This article aims to critique this decision, as well as originalist approaches to constitutional interpretation more broadly, and seeks to resurrect and reconstruct Kennedy’s jurisprudence of dignity that has undergirded (sometimes quietly) the expansion of civil rights protections to the LGBTQ+ community. The second reason this investigation is important is of interest to philosophers and legal historians. Dignity is a notoriously elusive concept, and much ink has been spilt trying to sort out the precise nature of its content and its boundaries. This article brings together the many (seemingly disparate) uses of dignity found across cases involving gay rights, abortion, and foreign sovereign immunity, and argues Kennedy effectively weaves these uses together in ways that may sharpen our understanding of dignity in both the philosophical and legal literatures.

Read the article here: DOI 10.1093/ajlh/njad026.

CFP CONFERENCE: 'Iustoria 2024' - 25-27 March 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade [DEADLINE 15 january 2024]

 Iustoria 2024

The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law is now receiving paper proposals for the Fifth student conference on legal history – the Iustoria 2024, to be held on March 25th -27th , 2024, its topic being “Legal Transplants throughout History”.

In 2024, it will be 50 years since the publication of the book “Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law” by the famous Scottish-American legal historian, honorary doctor of the University of Belgrade, Alan Watson (1933-2018). On the occasion of this anniversary, we want to open numerous questions, both perpetual and modern. On the one hand, the phenomenon of borrowing and reception of foreign law has been known since antiquity, and the term “transplanting” was used even by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). On the other hand, Watson’s theory emphasised the importance of individuals and circumstances, even mere chance, in the choice of the law to be transplanted and the way of its adaptation, and thus caused controversies that continue to this day. Our goal is to gather the works of young authors who analyse legal transplants in different periods and legal systems, from the borrowing of individual institutions to entire codifications. We welcome papers that discuss the reception process, the factors that influenced the choice of a foreign model, the adaptation of the transplanted law to domestic conditions, the quality of the transplant, the specifics of its application in practice... We also accept papers that deal with the phenomenon of legal transplants from a theoretical point of view, especially if they rely on historical examples in their analysis.

All students of undergraduate and post-graduate studies pertaining to law or other humanities are eligible to apply for the conference. The applications should contain basic personal information (name and surname, faculty, department, level and year of study), along with an extended abstract containing anywhere between 500 and 1000 words. Applications are accepted in either Serbian or English.

The applications should be e-mailed to before the 15th of January, 2024. The students will be informed by the 25 th of January whether or not their application has been accepted. For any additional information you may enquire at the same e-mail address, and important news will also be published at the official Facebook page of the conference –

Just like on our previous conferences, apart from the presentations given by their colleagues, the students at the conference will have an opportunity to attend several lectures given by renowned experts – more details on this will be available in the final version of the programme.

The conference will be held in hybrid format: both in-person or online participation will be possible. We'll do our best to secure accommodations either in student dorms or with student host families for participants who don’t reside in Belgrade and who wish to participate in person. These arrangements will depend on the number of available spots.

The final versions of the papers presented at the conference, with final changes and corrections submitted within a reasonable time after the conference, will be submitted for publication in the journal „Vesnik pravne istorije / Herald of Legal History“ (

28 November 2023

SPECIALISED COURSE: Law Books: History and Connoisseurship (New Haven: Yale Law School, 9-14 JUN 2024)

(image source: Yale)

Kathryn James and Mike Widener will be co-teaching the Rare Book School course, “Law Books: History and Connoisseurship,” at the Yale Law School next summer, June 9-14. Drawing on the Yale Law Library’s outstanding rare book collection,  the course offers an intensive week-long introduction to the history of law materials in print and manuscript, and to developing and using historical collections for teaching and research. Kathryn James became the Yale Law Library’s rare book librarian in 2021 upon Mike Widener’s retirement. If you’ve waited and wondered about the course, know that this will be the last opportunity to take the class with Mike Widener, who will be hanging up his Rare Book School boots on June 15 after fourteen years.

Details on registration are available on the Rare Book School website.

SEMINAR: 'Occorre una dea. Venere e la storia del diritto inglese nel pensiero del giovane Selden' (Roma: Università Roma Tre, 29 November 2023)


27 November 2023

MEDAL: Sarton Medal for the History of Sciences (Legal History) to Prof. Jørn ØYREHAGEN SUNDE (Oslo) (Ghent: UGent, 23 NOV 2023)


Prof. Øyrehagen Sunde (University of Oslo) was attributed the annual George Sarton Medal for the History of Science in Legal History at Ghent University on 23 November 2023. He pronounced a lecture entitled "Communication technology and legal change since the Middle Ages”.

Lectures of Sarton Medal holders are published in the journal Sartoniana (see Ghent University repository). See also archives since 1988.

SEMINAR: Il filo della ricerca: diritto, dottrina, istituzioni. Diego Quaglioni in dialogo con Anna Lazzarino Del Grosso (Incontri de "Le Carte e la Storia", 1 dicembre 2023 )


COLLOQUIUM: 'Histoire du droit et historiens du droit en Europe' (Paris, 30 November and 1 December 2023)


(Source: Univdroit)


Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir et d'écouter, dans le cadre de cinq tables rondes, des collègues représentants 13 pays, afin de dresser un état des lieux de notre discipline en Europe et d'envisager des pistes pour contribuer à renforcer son assise dans le paysage universitaire européen.




Jeudi 30 Novembre


8h45 : Accueil des participants

9h20 : Mot d'accueil
Professeur Bernard d'Alteroche, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, président de l'AHFD


9h45 : Table ronde 1 - Evolution de la place de l'enseignement 

de l'histoire du droit

Animée par le Professeur Laurent Pfister, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

Avec :
Annamaria Monti – Italie
Florent Garnier – France
Franz Stefan Meissel – Autriche
Mircea Dan Bob – Roumanie
Attila Pókecz Kovács - Hongrie

11h15 : Echanges avec le public


12h00 : Déjeuner libre


14h00 : Table ronde 2 - Formation et recrutement des 

enseignants-chercheurs en histoire du droit

Animée par le Professeur Anne Rousselet-Pimont, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Avec :
Mathias Schmoeckel – Allemagne
Bruno Debaenst – Scandinavie
Alfons Aragoneses – Espagne
Athina Dimopoulou – Grèce
Anne Peroz - Suisse

15h30 : Echanges avec le public

16h00 : Pause


16h30 : Table-ronde 3 - Carrière et statut des enseignants-

chercheurs en histoire du droit

Animée par le Professeur Emmanuelle Chevreau, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

Avec :
Annamaria Monti – Italie
Anna Klimaszewska – Pologne
Jérôme de Brouwer – Belgique
Katja Skrubej – Slovénie
Attila Pókecz Kovács - Hongrie

18h00 : Echanges avec le public

18h30 : Fin de la journée

19h15 : Cocktail-dinatoire
(inscription préalable obligatoire)


Vendredi 1er Décembre


8h00 : Accueil des participants


8h30 : Table ronde 4 - Actions individuelles et collectives 

pour promouvoir l'histoire du droit

Animée par le Professeur Xavier Prévost, Université de Bordeaux

Avec :
Alfons Aragoneses – Espagne
Franz Stefan Meissel – Autriche
Katja Skrubej – Slovénie
Athina Dimopoulou – Grèce
Anne Peroz - Suisse

10h00 : Echanges avec le public

10h30 : Pause


11h00 : Table ronde 5 - Quel avenir pour l'histoire du droit?

Animée par Luisa Brunori, CNRS, Paris

Avec :
Mathias Schmoeckel – Allemagne
Bruno Debaenst – Scandinavie
Anna Klimaszewska – Pologne
Jérôme de Brouwer – Belgique
Mircea Dan Bob - Roumanie

12h30 : Echanges avec le public

13h00 : Fin du colloque



Inscription pour le cocktail avant le 20 novembre, avec une participation d'un montant de 15 € (les modalités de règlement vous seront communiquées au moment de l'inscription) auprès de notre trésorier, Anthony Mergey (

Entrée du colloque libre, dans la limite des places disponibles

Colloque organisé par l'Association des Historiens des Facultés de Droit en partenariat avec l'Institut d'Histoire du Droit Jean Gaudemet de l'université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

Centre Panthéon
Salle des Conseils – Esc. M – 2nd étage
12 Place du Panthéon
75005 Paris
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

CONFERENCE: Conférence et cycle '1709, l'année où la révolution n'a pas éclaté' (Rennes, 28 November 2023)


(Source: Univdroit)



En 1709, la France est au bord du chaos. En cette fin de règne de Louis XIV, les malheurs s'abattent sur le plus grand royaume d'Europe. En décembre précédent, c'est l'orgueilleuse citadelle de Lille qui est tombée aux mains des Anglais et de leurs alliés. En janvier, une vague de froid sans précédent a envahi le pays : à Marseille, le Vieux-Port est pris par les glaces, tandis que les charrettes traversent la Garonne gelée. La quasi-totalité des récoltes sont détruites. Au printemps 1709, la France s'embrase : partout des révoltes éclatent tandis que certains crient au complot de famine. On parle même d'assassiner le roi « Louis le Tyran » et de convoquer les états généraux. A l'été, une émeute parisienne menace la Bastille. Et pourtant la révolution n'éclate pas.

Pourquoi et comment les institutions ont-elles tenu ? C'est ce que tente de comprendre ce livre novateur qui, non seulement analyse pour la première fois cette crise qui fit vaciller le trône soixante ans après la Fronde et quatre-vingt ans avant la Révolution française, mais imagine même, dans un exceptionnel exercice d'uchronie, les scénarios de ce qui aurait pu se passer.




18h30 : Intervention de Gauthier Aubert, Professeur d'histoire moderne à l'Université Rennes 2 et membre de Tempora (EA 7468)

20h00 : Fin


Cette rencontre se déroulera en présentiel et en distanciel via Zoom
Participation en distanciel - Conférence du 28/11/23 :

Conférence organisée par l'Association rennaise des historiens du droit (ARHD), avec le soutien de l'IODE, Université de Rennes / CNRS, dans le cadre des "Rencontres d'histoire du droit"

Faculté de droit
Amphi III
9 rue Jean Macé
35700 Rennes