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There will be no new posts between 24 December and 6 January 2020.
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GLOSSAE is currently indexed in SCOPUS, SJR-2018 is 0.101, Q4 on Law & History. It can be found in several catalogues' systems: DICE, RESH, ERIHPlus, LATINDEX Catálogo v2.0 (2018- ), CARHUS Plus+ 2018: Group A, CIRC: Group C, MIAR (ICDS de 7.3.). It is available on the following databases: SCOPUS, HEINONLINE-Law Journal Library, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), DIALNET, etcArticles:
Un intento de formación de élites criollas: La compañía de Caballeros Americanos de las Guaridas de Corps (Juan Francisco Baltar Rodríguez, Manuel Andreu Gálve)
Tutela mulierum y sus diferentes categorías (María Elisabet Barreiro Morales)
The sources of the procedural roman-canonical law before Clemens V (Javier Belda Iniesta, Michela Coretti)
The Legal Status of foreigners ad the ‘Albinaggio’ Right in the Intermediate Age: Between Doctrine and Practice (Tiziana Ferreri)
Francisco de Vitoria y la Leyenda Negra (Jaime García Neumann)
Una controversia legislativa en 1848: blasfemias, dicharachos de calle… y los faroles de la escalera (Julián Gómez de Maya)
From Protections for miserabiles personae to Legal Privileges for International Travellers: The Historical Development of the Medieval Canon Law regarding Pilgrims (Atria A. Larson)
Definición de furtum y expansión jurisprudencial de los supuestos de hurto en el Derecho romano clásico. Relectura del Diritto penale de Ferrini (José L. Linares Pineda)
Ius mercatorum and statutes of Florence during the 14th and 15th centuries: The case of bankruptcy, (Marta Lupi)
Una “puella habens spiritum phytonis” e un presunto esorcismo: Alcune considerazioni (Anna Maria Mandas)
La correspondencia humanista entre Melchor de Valencia y Antoine Favre durante la crisis diplomática de Monferrato (1613-1614) (Maruci Pérez Simeón)
Ius commune e ius consuetudinarium no direito de edificar junto ao muro urbano na Lisboa medieval (Sandra M.G. Pinto)
Proceso inquisitorial en “El Santo Oficio” de Arturo Ripstein (Erika Prado Rubio)
Entre el ordenamiento del reino y la doctrina canonista: La participación del indígena en el Derecho natural y de Gentes (s. XVI) (Radael Sánchez Domingo)
Alicia Valmaña Ochaíta, Los discursos de Catón y Lucio Valerio en el 195 a. C., Cartagena: Autor-Editor, 2019, pp. 135 [ISBN: 978-84-09-09299-4; EAN: 9788409092994], pp. 365-367 Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno
Álamo Martell, María Dolores, El Regente de la Real Audiencia de Canarias, Madrid: Mercurio Editorial (Colección Universidad, nº 8), 2015, 285 pp. [ISBN 978-84-944637-0-9], pp. 368-369 Dionisio A. Perona Tomás
A Locatio-conductio: influencia nos dereitos atuais: Atas do XX Congresso Internacional e do XXIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Direito Romano, Coord. António dos Santos Justo, Oporto, 2018, pp. 890 [ISBN: 978-989-640-223-5], pp. 370-377 Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno
Belén Malavé Osuna, Ciudad tardorromana, élites locales y patrimonio immobiliario. Un análisis jurídico a la luz del Código Teodosiano. Prólogo del Profesor Antonio Fernández de Buján. Ed. Dykinson. Colección Monografías de Derecho romano y Cultura clásica, Madrid, 2018, pp. 299 [ISBN: 978-84-9148-937-5; ISBN electrónico: 978-84-1324-024-4], pp. 378-382 Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno
In Memoriam. Antonio Manuel Hespanha (Manuel A. Bermejo Castrillo);Read all articles in open access here.
How did the French Criminal Code influence the European and Latin-American Codification?; (Aniceto Masferrer); GERN 2020-2021: The birth of penal positivism in Europe and Latin-America: rise and resistances (Yves Cartuyvels); Congreso Internacional: La mujer en la Literatura y en la Jurisprudencia. De Roma a la Actualidad (José Miguel Piquer Marí)
The 1713 Peace of Utrecht and its Enduring Effects, edited by Alfred H.A. Soons, presents an interdisciplinary collection of contributions marking the occasion of the tercentenary of the Peace of Utrecht. The chapters examine the enduring effects of the Peace Treaties concluded at Utrecht in 1713, from the perspectives of international law, history and international relations, with cross-cutting themes: the European Balance of Power; the Relationship to Colonial Regimes and Trade Monopolies; and Ideas and Ideals: the Development of the International Legal Order. With contributions by: Peter Beeuwkes, Stella Ghervas, Martti Koskenniemi, Randall Lesaffer, Paul Meerts, Isaac Nakhimovsky, Sundhya Pahuja, Koen Stapelbroek, Benno Teschke, Jaap de WildeTable of contents:
Preface Notes on ContributorsOn the editor:
Behaviour of Negotiators Paul Meerts and Peter Beeuwkes
Part 1 The Peace of Utrecht: the European Balance of Power
1 Balance of Power: Adversarial Pair of Scales or Associational Arch? Jaap de Wilde 2 Envisioning Europe after Utrecht: Voltaire and the Historiography of the Balance of Power Isaac Nakhimovsky 3 The Peace of Utrecht, the Balance of Power and the Law of Nations Randall Lesaffer
Part 2 The Peace of Utrecht: Relationship to Colonial Regimes and Trade Monopolies
4 “The Long Peace”: Commercial Treaties and the Principles of Global Trade at the Peace of Utrecht Koen Stapelbroek 5 The Social Origins of 18th Century British Grand Strategy: a Historical Sociology of the Peace of Utrecht Benno Teschke 6 Public Debt, the Peace of Utrecht and the Rivalry between Company and State Sundhya Pahuja
Part 3 The Peace of Utrecht: Ideas and Ideals; the Development of the International Legal Order
7 Peace of Utrecht (1713) and the “Crisis of European Conscience” Martti Koskenniemi 8 In the Shadow of Utrecht: Perpetual Peace and International Order, 1713–1815 Stella Ghervas
Subject Index Name Index
Alfred H.A. Soons is professor emeritus of public international law at Utrecht University(source: ESILHIL Blog)
Diese Darstellung der deutschen Verfassungsgeschichte zeichnet in vier Teilen die verfassungsrechtliche Entwicklung Deutschlands vom Ausklang der Spätantike im fränkischen Reich bis zur aktuellen Gegenwart nach. Dabei beschränkt sich der Autor nicht auf die Behandlung verfassungsrechtlicher Institutionen, sondern berücksichtigt auch die gesellschaftlichen Verfassungsebenen.On the authors:
Dietmar Willoweit, Weiland Präsident der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Prof. dr. Steffen Schlinker(source: C.H. Beck)
A Companion to Isidore of Seville presents nineteen chapters from leading international scholars on Isidore of Seville (d. 636), the most prominent bishop of the Visigothic kingdom in Hispania in the seventh century and one of the most prolific authors of early medieval western Europe. Introductory studies establish the political, religious and familial contexts in which Isidore operated, his key works are then analysed in detail, as are some of the main themes that run throughout his corpus. Isidore's influence extended across the entire Middle Ages and into the early modern period in fields such as church governance and pastoral care, theology, grammar, science, history-writing, and linguistics – all topics that are explored in the volume.More information with Brill.
This volume aims to investigate, with an interdisciplinary approach, how legal property regimes, land law and land registration systems are intertwined with economic, social, and political spheres; to analyse the social functions and legal and political implications of various land registration systems in different contexts and how, for example, they operated in a colonial framework; to scrutinise the relations between politics and property, as well as the transformation of the property concept, in its meaning and function.Table of contents:
Transfer of Immovable Properties, Publicity and Land Law in the Age of Justinian: the Perspective of the Praetorian Prefect. Silvia SchiavoL’evasione fiscale come problema circolare nelle esperienze storiche: esempi della tarda antichità. Paola BianchiLand Grant in Late Antiquity: a pattern for Modern Colonial Regulations? Simona TarozziContextualización iushistórica de la reforma agraria chilena (siglo XX). Agustín PariseLa influencia del Derecho Romano en la adquisición y en el sistema de transferencia en los derechos reales en el siglo XIX, Argentina. Pamela Alejandra CacciavillaniThe indigenous concept of land in Andean constitutionalism. Silvia BagniThe “trascrizione” system in Italy from the end of the nineteenth century to the promulgation of the civil code (1942). Alan SandonàRegistro e colonialismo em Angola. Mariana Dias PaesTracing Social Spaces: Global Perspectives on the History of Land Registration. Elisabetta Fiocchi MalaspinaThe politics of real property in the Kingdom of Sardinia, 1720–1848. Charles BartlettList of AbstractsList of Contributors(Source: Dykinson)
The Calendar surveys over 450 treaties and other official acts worldwide in relation to 111 multilateral conferencesand congresses convened by states from the 17th century to the era of League of Nations.On the editors:
Joachim Schwietzke Library Director emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany. Peter Macalister-Smith is a member of the editorial board of JUS GENTIUM, Journal of International Legal History (Lawbook Exchange, Clark NJ, USA).More information with the publisher.