
31 July 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS – Constitutional Legacies of Empire, University of Glasgow (DEADLINE 31 OCTOBER 2018)

Via the University of Glasgow School of Law, we heard of a call for papers for a workshop on the constitutional legacies of the British Empire.


Proposals are sought for papers to be given at a workshop on ‘Constitutional Legacies of Empire’. The workshop, which will take place on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May 2019 at the University of Glasgow, is funded by the Society of Legal Scholars and the University of Glasgow School of Law.
The workshop seeks to explore the ways in which the development of the United Kingdom’s constitutional order was influenced by the exigencies or conveniences of its status as an imperial power, and the manner in which the constitution’s current form reflects that imperial past.

Any proposal for a paper which fits the workshop theme is welcome. Possible topics include the following:

the law of citizenship and nationality after Empire
the law of act of state in imperial and post-imperial context
the prerogative power and Empire
the Crown and Empire
Scotland and Empire
the United Kingdom, Empire, and Ireland
Parliament as imperial legislature
immigration law as an artefact of Empire
martial law in imperial context
managing the constitutional legacy of Empire
de-imperialising the constitution

Proposals are welcomed from scholars at any stage in their career (including doctoral researchers). Given the topic of the workshop, proposals from those who have experience of the United Kingdom’s former colonies are particularly welcome.

Proposals for papers are due by 31 October 2018 and should be sent to, as should any queries regarding the workshop. Acceptance will be notified by 16 November 2018.

JOB: Research Associate, Laboratoire CUREJ (Université de Rouen Normandie)

(Source: CUREJ

Via Hi-D, we learned that CUREJ has a call for applicants for a post as research associate. Here the call:


Fiche de poste

1) Intitulé du poste : Ingénieur-e de recherche en analyses des sources historiques et culturelles

Ce poste d’ingénieur de recherche offre une opportunité importante de développer ses compétences à la recherche scientifique dans un domaine croisant sciences humaines et humanités numériques. Intégrant un environnement stimulant réunissant chercheurs et partenaires institutionnels, le candidat retenu contribuera à la production et à la diffusion internationale d’un outil de recherche de premier plan pour la compréhension de l’évolution historique du droit, de la société et de la langue française.

2) Cadre statutaire du poste :

• Catégorie : A
• Corps / Grade : IR
• BAP : D – Sciences Humaines et Sociales
CDD 34 mois Dates : 30 / 10 / 2018 au 31 / 08 / 2021

3) Renseignements relatifs au service :

• Lieu de travail : Laboratoire CUREJ (Université de Rouen Normandie)
• Missions principales du service :
Créé en 2012, le CUREJ (Centre Universitaire Rouennais d’Études Juridiques, EA 4703) est le laboratoire de recherche qui fédère les enseignants-chercheurs des disciplines juridiques de la Faculté de Droit, de Sciences économiques et de Gestion de l’Université de Rouen
adresse Université de Caen (Bât. N3 – sous-sol – Porte SA S13), Esplanade de la Paix CS 14032 – 14032 Caen Cedex 5 tél 02 31 56 56 28 – Fax : 02 31 56 54 27 courriel – secrétariat : internet
Centre de Recherches Inter-langues sur la Signification en Contexte (CRISCO) Normandie. Il perpétue les pratiques disciplinaires du droit à travers trois équipes de recherche, issues des laboratoires antérieurement en place. Il s’intéresse notamment à l’histoire du droit.
Le CUREJ est partenaire du projet CONDÉ (CONstitution d’un Droit Européen), porté par le CRISCO (EA4255, Université de Caen) et financé par le programme RIN de la Région Normandie. Dirigé par Pierre Larrivée, il s’intéresse à l’importante tradition de droit coutumier normand s’étendant sur six siècles. Le programme de recherche entend faire avancer la compréhension de l’organisation et du changement des institutions et des pratiques juridiques, sociales et linguistique sur la longue durée. Pour ce faire, il rend accessible un ensemble représentatif de textes coutumiers documentant ce droit de rayonnement international (à travers son influence sur le droit anglais et ses héritiers, mais aussi dans son usage encore quotidien dans les îles anglo-normandes). Le caractère exceptionnel du corpus que le projet diffuse sous la forme d’une ressource en ligne interrogeable rend possible l’atteinte de son objectif de dissémination auprès des communautés internationales de la recherche, des praticiens du droit et de l’enseignement, et du grand public.
• Positionnement hiérarchique :
Sous le rapport des missions et des tâches, le candidat est encadré par le post-doctorant responsable du suivi opérationnel, sous la responsabilité du porteur du projet. Concernant les dimensions administratives, le candidat s’en réfère à la personne en charge du projet au laboratoire CUREJ et aux instances administratives de ce laboratoire. Le laboratoire bénéficie du soutien de l’IRIHS, fédération interdisciplinaire de recherche de l’université de Rouen Normandie, qui porte notamment le programme PlaIR2.018.

4) Missions principales du poste :

L’ingénieur de recherche est responsable de la numérisation, de l’océrisation, de la mise en ligne et de la diffusion sur un portail interrogeable en ligne des données textuelles pertinentes. Les numérisations enrichissent la bibliothèque numérique David Hoüard (laboratoire CUREJ, Université de Rouen Normandie). Les textes représentatifs de la période tardive qu’il édite en format numérique constituent une partie du corpus. Le portail interrogeable qui accueille et diffuse la totalité du corpus est développé avec le Pôle Numérique (MRSH, Université de Caen Normandie). Le candidat encourage la synergie entre les partenaires, assure l’accessibilité du corpus pour différentes populations d’usager, et accroît la visibilité nationale et internationale des résultats de recherche.

5) Activités et tâches du poste :

Principales activités – Assistance et soutien à la production d’analyses novatrices des témoignages apportées par le corpus sur les questions de l’évolution du droit, de la société et de la langue à travers le temps – Optimisation des processus de numérisation et d’océrisation
– Formalisation de la chaîne d’édition numérique et adaptation des outils pour la diffusion en ligne
– Identification des solutions numériques concernant le processus et les outils disponibles d’édition numérique et de diffusion auprès des communautés d’usager potentiel
– Edition des textes représentatifs de la période tardive de la Coutume de Normandie
– Mise en ligne du corpus sur un portail interrogeable diffusé auprès de la communauté internationale des chercheurs, des praticiens et du grand public
– Production d’une carte numérique identifiant la localisation des possesseurs et des producteurs des versions françaises de la Coutume de Normandie
Livrables sous la responsabilité directe du candidat
– Plateforme en ligne du corpus de textes interrogeables représentatifs de la Coutume de Normandie
– Optimisation de la procédure d’océrisation des textes pour la période 1500-1789 ; édition numérique et dépôt sur la plateforme de ces textes
– Production d’une carte numérique interactive des lieux actuels de conservation, de production, des propriétaires successifs ; base prosopographique des rédacteurs des manuscrits
– Production de ressources pour la formation des chercheurs sur le traitement numérique des données textuelles anciennes
– Production de ressources pour assister l’approche du corpus par les communautés professionnelles du droit et de l’enseignement, et du grand public

6) Compétences requises :

Doctorat dans un des champs disciplinaires concernés (histoire / linguistique / histoire du droit), avec priorité pour l’histoire du droit
– Connaissance et intérêt pour l’histoire du droit normand et capacité à assister les cochercheurs du domaine à accélérer leurs travaux sur la question
– Compétences avancées dans le traitement numérique des manuscrits et des imprimés anciens ; connaissance des défis et des solutions dans ce domaine ; capacité de trouver ou de développer de nouvelles solutions aux besoins émergents
– Capacité de travailler dans le cadre d’une équipe interdisciplinaire, à prioriser les tâches, et de répondre de façon constructive aux demandes pouvant émerger du suivi opérationnel
– Capacité démontrée d’interagir avec des interlocuteurs institutionnels et des chercheurs de différents horizons, de créer de nouvelles relations et de mettre en valeur les avancées du projet
– Connaissance des dispositifs de valorisation scientifique
Une connaissance fonctionnelle de l’anglais serait un atout

More information here

30 July 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: Toleration and Religious Freedom in the Early Modern and Contemporary World, University of Cambridge (DEADLINE 21 SEPTEMBER 2018)

We learned of a call for papers for an interdisciplinary conference on “Toleration and Religious Freedom in the Early Modern and Contemporary World”, to be held at the University of Cambridge in March 2019.

Toleration and Religious Freedom in the Early Modern and Contemporary World
26 March 2019 - 27 March 2019

SG1/2, CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT

Mariëtta van der Tol (University of Cambridge)
Carys Brown (University of Cambridge)
John Adenitire (University of Cambridge)
Emily S. Kempson (University of Cambridge)

In contemporary politics, the concepts of 'toleration' and 'religious freedom' go hand-in-hand. However, this has not always been the case. The persistent assumption that early modern toleration inevitably led to religious freedom has now been substantially challenged. As recent research has recognised, early modern toleration was often begrudging and limited; principled religious freedom was only rarely on the agenda. It is now widely recognised in historical scholarship that the emergence of the idea of religious freedom was far from a straightforward narrative of the eventual triumph of religious freedom over state intolerance and ingrained prejudice. In the light of contemporary challenges to the meaning and scope of religious freedom, this complex relationship between toleration and religious freedom is a pertinent as ever.

This conference will facilitate interdisciplinary engagement with historical narratives of toleration and religious freedom. Convening scholars from the disciplines of politics, history, theology and religious studies, philosophy, and law, it will allow for a rich exploration of the relevance of early modern histories of toleration to contemporary debates on religious diversity and the accommodation of minority thought and behaviour. Over two days we will discuss conceptual approaches to toleration and religious freedom as well as exploration of specific case studies from early modern and contemporary contexts. Key questions will include: How have uses of religious space historically enabled and constrained religious freedom? How is this now affected by the shifting boundaries between public and private in a digital age? What roles do religious rituals, rites of passage, and the religious education of children play in society, and how can they be regulated? What constitutes conscientious objection, and who decides? Such themes demand an interdisciplinary approach; in creating a setting for their exploration it is hoped that this conference will prove an exciting forum for those concerned with pressing issues of tolerance and intolerance, past and present.

Keynote speaker: Professor Ben Kaplan (University College London)

Call for Papers

We invite proposals for papers relating to the above themes from scholars in any discipline. Please send a proposed paper title, short abstract (c. 200 words), and short biography to by Friday 21 September 2018

Support for selected participants: Bursaries towards travel expenses and accommodation may be available, subject to further funding. Please indicate with your paper proposal if you would like to be considered for a bursary, and if so, your expected expenses. All bursary decisions will be made independently of paper acceptances. 

Papers and pre-circulation: Please note that the conference panels will be structured around a short summary of speakers’ pre-circulated papers, followed by more extended discussion. It is our intention that accepted speakers will submit papers of no more than 3,000 words for circulation by Friday 15 February 2019

More information here

BOOK: Tommaso BEGGIO, Paul Koschaker (1879-1951). Rediscovering the Roman Foundations of European Legal Tradition. (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2018). ISBN 978-3-8253-6884-5, € 45,00

Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg has recently published a book on the life of the legal historian Paul Koschaker

The aim of this book is to investigate the life and work of Paul Koschaker (1879–1951), who was one of the most prominent legal historians in the first half of the 20th century. From the 1930s onwards, Koschaker is renowned for having attempted to reaffirm the authority of Roman law, which was experiencing a major crisis at German universities at the time, mainly due to the Nazi regime’s disdain for this subject. Above all, he sought to emphasise the role Roman law played as the cornerstone of European legal tradition, as was masterfully depicted in his book ‘Europa und das römische Recht’. Yet Koschaker also had many other areas of interest throughout his career, including cuneiform law and comparative legal history.

More specifically, this book attempts to provide the first comprehensive study of Koschaker’s biographical experiences, as well as his scientific and academic stances, which have come to light as a result of the discovery and analysis of numerous previously unpublished archival sources.

The table of contents can be found here

More information here

SSRN PAPER: David FOX, "The Anglo-Scots Monetary Union of 1707" [Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper 2018/24]

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

This article analyses the 1707 monetary union between England and Scotland, seen from a legal historical perspective. The task requires a contextual interpretation of Article XVI of the Treaty of Union but, more especially, a fine analysis of the accounting and administrative documents that implemented the union as a numismatic process. Only when these are understood do the questions of private law emerge from the interstices. The article adds to the emerging literature on the economic history of monetary integration. One theme in the literature is the inter-relationship between political and monetary union. Political union drives monetary union but states that seek to preserve their political autonomy may accept some measure of monetary integration between themselves to facilitate trade relations. Strange as it may now seem, the monetary union of 1707 seemed relatively uncontentious in Scotland at the time. The reason may be that it was incidental to the bigger and more difficult question of political union between the two kingdoms. Unlike the formation of the euro-area nearly 300 years later it did not involve the cession of monetary sovereignty by states that, notionally at least, remained politically sovereign. The main effect of the union was simply to rebase the monetary standard of the currency in Scotland with the currency in England. That had been the goal of the Scottish monetary authorities since 1604, after the regnal union established by James VI/I. In one sense, the union simply restored the long-established status quo.
More information on SSRN.

27 July 2018

BOOK: Roxana BANU, Nineteenth Century Perspectives on Private International Law [The History and Theory of International Law] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). ISBN 9780198819844, £70.00

(Source: OUP)

Oxford University Press has published a new book on 19th century perspectives to private international law.


Private International Law is often criticized for failing to curb private power in the transnational realm. The field appears disinterested or powerless in addressing global economic and social inequality. Scholars have frequently blamed this failure on the separation between private and public international law at the end of the nineteenth century and on private international law's increasing alignment with private law.

Through a contextual historical analysis, Roxana Banu questions these premises. By reviewing a broad range of scholarship from six jurisdictions (the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the Netherlands) she shows that far from injecting an impetus for social justice, the alignment between private and public international law introduced much of private international law's formalism and neutrality. She also uncovers various nineteenth century private law theories that portrayed a social, relationally constituted image of the transnational agent, thus contesting both individualistic and state-centric premises for regulating cross-border inter-personal relations.

Overall, this study argues that the inherited shortcomings of contemporary private international law stem more from the incorporation of nineteenth century theories of sovereignty and state rights than from theoretical premises of private law. In turn, by reconsidering the relational premises of the nineteenth century private law perspectives discussed in this book, Banu contends that private international law could take centre stage in efforts to increase social and economic equality by fostering individual agency and social responsibility in the transnational realm.


Roxana Banu, Assistant Professor, Western Law School, Ontario
Roxana Banu is an Assistant Professor of Law at Western Law School, Ontario, Canada. Prior to joining Western Law School, Banu taught Private International Law at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Canada and at Fordham Law School in New York City.More information here


1: Introduction
2: Individual- and State-Centered Perspectives in Nineteenth Century Private International Law
3: . Individual- and State-Centered Perspectives in Nineteenth Century Europe
4: Tracing the Relational Internationalist Perspective in Europe After World War II
5: Individual-centered and State-centered Internationalist Perspectives in American Private International Law Theory
6: Recognition, Rights, and Reasonable Expectations
7: Legitimacy and Autonomy
8: Universalism Versus Uniformity
9: Conclusions

More information here

ADVICE FOR YOUNG SCHOLARS: Should I do an edited collection ? (Legal History Blog, 23 JUL 2018)

(image source: blogger)

The Legal History Blog published the results of a survey conducted among scholars concerning the practice of partcipating in edited collections.

First paragraph:
Group publications can be challenging in many ways. We asked legal historians for their advice on doing edited volumes or special issues (h/t: LSA Law and History CRN). Our questions:
  • What works and what doesn’t?
  • What did you learn the hard way or wish you had known from the start?
  • Was it worth it in the end?
  • Were there any unexpected benefits?
We received a ton of responses. In the first post of this series, we share advice on contributing a chapter as an author. The second post will be about putting together such collections as an editor of the volume or special issue. The third will cover advice from scholars who have been editors of journals that produce special issues.
Read more here.

26 July 2018

SCHOLARSHIP: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History – The Doucet Scholarship (DEADLINE: 15 September 2018)

Via the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, please find below a call for the second call for applications for the Doucet Scholarship, aimed particularly at young researchers working on the history of early modern law in the Hispanic-American sphere.

The Doucet Collection

The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History was able to substantially expand the collection of its library in the area of the history of derecho indiano, thanks to the integration in 2015 of approximately 4,800 titles belonging to the collection of the legal historians Lourdes Lascurain de Doucet and Gaston Doucet. The collection contains editions of both historical and fundamental legal-historical sources, as well as scientific research on the history of modern early law, covering the entire Hispanic-American sphere (including the Philippine Islands) up to the time of independence. The Doucet Library has more than 600 works on history in general, over 1,700 titles on New Spain, more than 800 works on the River Plate and another 600 on Peru and Alto Peru, as well as many other books on the Antilles, Florida, Yucatan, Chile, the Philippines, Venezuela, New Granada and Paraguay. To consult the titles that make up the Collection, you can access the catalogue of the institute's library and enter "Provenienz Doucet" in the basic search field of the Opac:

The Doucet Scholarship

In order to facilitate access to the collection for young researchers from outside Frankfurt, especially from Latin America, who are interested in using this important collection, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History provides an annual scholarship for a three-month research stay at the Institute.

Due to the large number of interesting applications that the Institute received in the first call, the selection of the first fellows has proved extremely difficult. For this reason, the award went in the first year to two young researchers: Marcela Saenz Castro (UBA) and Cristian Miguel Poczynok (UBA). The research projects were devoted to indigenous claims through trips to the Royal Audience of Buenos Aires at the end of colonial times (Saenz Castro) and to land rights in Latin America between the 18th and 19th centuries (Poczynok) (see the report on his stay).

Call 2019

The second call for applications for the "Doucet Scholarship” is open and the deadline for sending applications for a stay from January to March 2019 (02.01-29.03.2019) is 15 September 2018. Specifically, the financial support consists of: 44 € per day, for a maximum of 90 days; reimbursement of the airfare (up to 1000 € for transatlantic flights, 500 € for flights within Europe). There is also the possibility of renting a room in the Institute's residences (available for full months and costs approx. 650 € per month).

Young researchers may submit proposals on the history of colonial law, directly related to the monographs and editions of sources that make up the Doucet Collection.

Applications (CV, project description and motivation letter regarding the use of the Doucet Collection) are to be submitted in Spanish or English by 15 September 2018, addressed to Prof. Thomas Duve, at the following e-mail address:

SSRN PAPER: John W. F. ALLISON, Minimising Magna Carta and Modernising Exposition of the Rule of Law in the English Historical Constitution (Forthcoming in Christopher MAY & Adam WINCHESTER (eds.), Handbook on the Rule of Law (Cheltenham: Elgar 2018)

(image source: Legal History Blog)

Dicey’s view of the English constitution as historical was traditional, but he promoted, and imported to that constitution, a history that was comparative, critical and modernist. His promotion of history as comparison affected his treatment of Magna Carta and his view of its importance to the rule of law. Provisions of Magna Carta provisions are compared and contrasted with Dicey’s exposition of the rule of law to explain his disdain for Magna Carta’s importance, to show the extent to which his exposition of the rule of law marked its modernisation in the English historical constitution, and to illustrate Diceyan history as comparison. The historical comparison serves as an illustration with which to consider the value of history as comparison - for Dicey in his treatment of Magna Carta and for normative interpretivists in drawing upon his rule of law. (This is a draft chapter that has been accepted for publication by Edward Elgar Publishing in the forthcoming 'Handbook on the Rule of Law' edited by Christopher May and Adam Winchester and due to be published in 2. Chapter 10 is available at:
Read more on SSRN.

(source: Legal History Blog)

BOOK: Giovanni MINNUCCI, Alberici Gentilis De Papatu Romano Antichristo. Recognovit e codice autographo boldeiano d'Orville 607 [Archivio per la Storia del Diritto Medioevale e Moderno – Studi e Testi, Miscellanee raccolti da Filippo Liotta, 17] (Milano: Monduzzi Editoriale, 2018), CLXII + 352 p. ISBN 9788865210949, € 52,7

(image source: Monduzzi Editoriale)

Book abstract:
Il De papatu Romano Antichristo di Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608) è conservato nella Bodleian Library di Oxford (D’Orville 607, ff. 1r-95v) e rappresenta il più noto degli inediti del giurista di San Ginesio al quale, soprattutto a partire dal secolo scorso, gli studiosi hanno dedicato particolare attenzione. Le nuove indagini sul manoscritto hanno dimostrato che, pur essendo stato originariamente redatto fra il 1580 e il 1585, quel testo era stato rivisto, corretto e integrato dallo stesso Gentili. Correzioni, aggiunte, appunti scritti dall’Autore almeno fino al 1591: una novità deducibile dalla lettura di alcuni appunti autografi vergati in uno dei primi fogli del manoscritto bodleiano – fogli originariamente destinati a restare bianchi – ove si fa rinvio, più volte, al Tractatus criminalis di Tiberio Deciani la cui editio princeps risale al 1590. Per tentare di comprendere pienamente l’entità e la natura sostanziale di queste modifiche e annotazioni, e le ragioni per le quali il Gentili non giunse mai alla determinazione di completare e successivamente pubblicare il lavoro, occorreva tornare a studiare criticamente la fonte manoscritta nella sua interezza, ma soprattutto predisporne l’edizione critica: un evento sempre auspicato ma mai, fino ad ora, realizzato. Il progetto, dopo oltre sei anni di intenso lavoro da parte di Giovanni Minnucci che, nel corso di questo lungo periodo, ha dato periodicamente conto dei risultati progressivamente raggiunti, è stato finalmente portato a compimento. Composta di 24 Assertiones, attraverso le quali l’A. intese dimostrare che l’Anticristo era da identificare nel Papato Romano, l’opera è corredata da un numero copiosissimo di allegazioni tratte dalla Sacra Scrittura, dalle opere dei Padri della Chiesa, da quelle teologiche, storiche, filosofiche, letterarie e giuridiche, individuate dal curatore, a piè di pagina, in un apposito apparato critico. In un secondo apparato, sempre a piè di pagina, vengono edite anche le numerose additiones che Gentili vergò nei margini e, talvolta, nelle interlinee del testo. Segue un’Appendice nella quale si legge il testo, criticamente edito, degli appunti di lavoro che Gentili annotò nel frontespizio e nei fogli del manoscritto inizialmente destinati a restare bianchi. In ragione della particolare natura del testo – un vero e proprio work in progress che Alberico Gentili non aveva mai concluso – l’edizione critica del De papatu Romano Antichristo, delle numerose additiones e dei cospicui appunti sparsi che ne caratterizzavano la stesura, era meritevole di essere accompagnata da un saggio introduttivo. Per una migliore comprensione dell’opera, e per una sua più compiuta, ancorché preliminare, illustrazione, Giovanni Minnucci ha ritenuto necessario soffermarsi sulle presumibili ragioni sottese alla decisione assunta da Gentili di voler affrontare il tema oggetto del suo lavoro e sulle fonti complessivamente utilizzate – avendo riguardo anche a quelle prive di esplicito rinvio – cercando di approfondire, allo stesso tempo, la natura delle additiones vergate nei margini e nelle interlinee, e le probabili motivazioni della sua mancata pubblicazione. Né potevano essere ignorate, infine, in ragione dei contenuti eminentemente teologici e giuridici dell’inedito, le idee che, in relazione ai rapporti fra diritto e teologia e fra coloro che quelle discipline professavano, il nostro Autore aveva espresso negli anni ai quali va fatta risalire la conclusione della prima redazione dell’opera e a quelli immediatamente seguenti, allorquando decideva di aggiornarla e modificarla. In questo periodo, com’è noto, si concretizzarono i prodromi di un vero e proprio scontro teorico, di natura politico-dottrinale, con i puritani inglesi e, più in particolare, con il teologo John Rainolds. Queste vicende, già note alla storiografia, erano suscettibili non solo di essere ripensate e approfondite alla luce della documentazione manoscritta che le attesta, ma anche nuovamente contestualizzate: proprio mentre la polemica iniziava ad accendersi per poi successivamente esplodere all’inizio degli anni Novanta del XVI secolo, Alberico stava attendendo alla scrittura e alla successiva revisione del De papatu. Temi e problemi già oggetto di studio da parte di Minnucci, che vengono qui ripresi, integrati, approfonditi e notevolmente ampliati nei Prolegomena che precedono l’edizione. Giunto ad uno stadio avanzato di elaborazione, il De papatu Romano Antichristo attesta i forti dissensi che caratterizzarono la vicenda politica e religiosa europea in uno dei momenti più bui della sua storia millenaria, ed è contestualmente testimone della vastissima cultura e della poliedrica attività scientifica del grande giurista e pensatore italiano, esule in Inghilterra sin dal 1580 per la sua adesione alla Riforma, e regius professor di civil law a Oxford dal 1587. Gli altri volumi pubblicati da Giovanni Minnucci per Monduzzi Editoriale: La pagina del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Internazionali dell’Università degli Studi di Siena:

More information with the publisher.

25 July 2018

JOURNAL: Giornale di Storia costituzionale/Journal of Constitutional History [Special Issue: the Belgian Constitution of 1831: History, Ideologies, Sovereignty] XXXV (2018)/1

(image source: Academia)

The Giornale di Storia costituzionale is a periodical published twice a year. It was born in 2001 with the aim of promoting and gathering research and methodological proposals that concern the manifold paths of constitutional history. The articles here published intend to analyse - in a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective - the foundations and characters of a complex historical and cultural phenomenon which has given birth to a common inheritance, yet with different forms and conceptions. Between present and past, the scholars of law, politics, institutions, and more generally the experts of social sciences think and dialogue about constitutionalism, marked by deep historical roots and growing tensions. The Giornale has already become a meeting and reference point for the different practices of constitutional history, it publishes essays in various languages and is characterised by thematic richness and variety in surveys, alternating miscellaneous issues with others dedicated to monographic rese


  • "Introduction" (Christophe Maes & Brecht Deseure)
  • "The Belgian Constitution: Modern Constitutionalism's Greatest Triumph ?" (Brecht Deseure, Raf Geenens, Christophe Maes & Stefan Sottiaux)
  • "Constitutionalism in Post-1814 Europe: Monarchy, Parliament and Sovereignty" (Markus J. Prutsch)
  • "Liberalism, modern constitutionalism and nation building in the Belgian Constitution of 1831: a comparative perspective" (Peter A.J. Van den Berg)
  • "Making the constitution more Catholic ? Catholic adaptation strategies to the Belgian constitutional liberties of 1831" (Roberto Dagnino)
  • "Republic and popular sovereignty. The Belgian case: 1830-1831" (Els Witte)
  • "The Constitution of the Belgian people. The Nation as legitimisation" (Jan Clement, Mieke Vna de Putte)
  • "The end justifies the means. The nature of Belgium's 1830 political liberalism" (Christophe Maes)
  • "Raymond Carré de Malberg and the interpretation of sovereignty in the Belgian constituiton" (Olga Bashkina)
Other contributions:
  • "L'antiveggente Vittorio Emanuele Orlando e la "soluzione" della tormentat "Questione romana" (Leone Melilloo)
  • "'Le leggi sono leggi'. Legalità, giustizia e politica nell'Italia di Piero Calamandrei" (Floriana Colao)
Tribute to Nicolao Merker:
  • "Ricordo di Nicolao Merker" (Stefano Gensini)
  • "Profilo di Nicolao Merker" (Luig Ponzo)
  • "La Germania di Merker" (Luca Scuccimarra)
  • "Nicolao Merker e il marxismo dellavolpiano all'Università di Roma" (Roberto Finelli)
  • "Il Marx di Nicolao Merker" (Stefano Petrucciani)
  • "Merker e la questione nazionale" (Luka Bogdanic)
  • "La questione del populismo" (Michele Prospero)
  • "Nicolao Merker e l'Africa" (Carlo Carbone)
Testi & Pretesti
  • Storie di infamia ai tempi di Schiller (Carlo Sabbatini)
  • "Vida Azimi legge L'Occident vu de Russie. Anthologie de la pensée russe de Karamzine à Poutine. Choix présentations et traductions de Michel Niqueux"
  • Ventidue proposte di lettura

More information on Prof. Luigi Lacchè's academia page.

JOURNAL: Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Vol. 19 No.2 (2018)

The journal “Theoretical Inquiries in Law” has a special issue on the Tragedy of the Commons, which includes several legal historical contributions.

Stuart Banner   Introduction
The Banality of the Commons: Efficiency Arguments Against Common Ownership before Hardin 395
Nathaniel Wolloch        Before the Tragedy of the Commons: Early Modern Economic Considerations of the Public Use of Natural Resources          409
Alice Ingold     Commons and Environmental Regulation in History: The Water Commons beyond Property and Sovereignty       425
Monica Eppinger          Cold-War Commons: Tragedy, Critique, and the Future of the Illiberal Problem Space   457
Harry N. Scheiber         The  “Commons”  Discourse  on Marine Fisheries Resources: Another Antecedent to Hardin ‘s “Tragedy” 489
David B. Schorr           Savagery, Civilization, and Property: Theories of Societal Evolution and Commons Theory          507
Fabien Locher  Historicizing Elinor Ostrom: Urban Politics, International Development and Expertise in the U.S. Context (1970-1990)     533
Michel Morin   Indigenous Peoples, Political Economists and the Tragedy of the Commons   559
Carol M. Rose  Commons and Cognition          587
Giacomo Bonan           Confronting Hardin: Trends and Approaches to the Commons in Historiography     617
Oren Bracha     Give Us Back Our Tragedy: Nonrivalry in
Intellectual Property Law and Policy     633
Amnon Lehavi               Re-romanticizing Commons and Community in Israeli Discourse: Social, Economic, and Political Motives 671
Yoav Dotan                     Impeachment by Judicial Review: Israel’s Odd System of Checks and Balances 705
Frank I. Michelman      Israel’s  “Constitutional  Revolution”: A Thought from Political Liberalism 745

More information here

BOOK: José CALVO GONZÁLEZ, La Destreza de Judith. Estudios de Cultura Literaria del Derecho (Granada: Editorial Comares, 2018), 417 p. ISBN 97884904568235, € 31

La destreza de Judith. Estudios de Cultura literaria del Derecho
Granada: Editorial Comares, 2018, 417 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-9045-683-5

Diría que los estudios de Cultura literaria del Derecho aquí reunidos bajo título de La destreza de Judith se calzan de las sandalias que deslumbraron los ojos de Holofernes y, aunque la figura y detalle de realce luminoso no haya sido revelado por la imaginación de los artistas, la idea de aquellas modestas pero seductoras sandalias me parece que suscita una metáfora valedera para los juristas, pues de su asombroso imperio también debería cubrirse la guía de los pasos de un jurista que no descamine el sendero que conduce al Triunfo del Derecho. Y, en ese sentido, creo que la Literatura es la mejor máquina para guarnecer esas sandalias. Un jurista, además, tampoco habría de perder de vista la hermosura del rostro de Judith, que sí han plasmado muy diversos pintores. He elegido conscientemente la virtuosa representación que de él nos ofrece Caravaggio. Allí su belleza, pienso, no está en la representación de los rasgos de un semblante juvenil –era Judith casi una adolescente todavía, en verdad preciosa– sino, más bien, en la mueca no insensible de su gesto. Así, el rostro figurado es hermoso no por servir de semblante a la gesta, sino por el gesto con que la encara. Ese gesto es la semblanza de su destreza. La Cultura literaria del Derecho, como sucediera con Judith, se instala una zona de inconfort. Por su vocación crítica planta cara a la domesticación hermenéutica del jurista. La Cultura literaria del Derecho acomete el desafío de descorrer el velo de la situación dogmática, como Judith irrumpiendo en la tienda de Holofernes para cambiar la situación de los sentenciados a la vergüenza y al despotismo. En consecuencia, asume miradas incómodas, miradas a la parte maldita del Derecho; a su raigambre (ideo)lógica, a la violencia de su función represiva, a la estética perversa de su arte cuando escinde desorden e injusticia, a su contracción del otro, a sus esclarecidas metáforas sobre el honor, a su prejuiciosa representación de la cohesión social, incluso a la gratificación simbólica de su superioridad civilizatoria. La Cultura literaria del Derecho mira en esa parte maldita, y la mueca no insensible al observar el monstruo que el Derecho también lleva dentro es el gesto virtuoso –diestro– que salva y reconcilia ante dilemas de lealtad entre el Alma y la Ley. La Cultura literaria del Derecho revela y adiestra acerca de esos arduos dilemas electivos y sus paradojas.
Este libro, pues, elogia la destreza de Judith, y en su celebración la imita en mira a una reconstrucción cultural sensible del Derecho "por mano de mujer", por mano de la Literatura.

El rostro de Judith


Cervantismo en Derecho. Panorama de la investigación en España, 2004-2013

  1. Introducción. Del habitus cervantino en la investigación iusliteraria
  2. Cervantismo y Derecho
  3. Balance en metodologías y técnicas de lectura investigadora
  4. Del cervantismo jurídico, y acerca del favor y ayuda, movido a compasión, de las ajenas desdichas
  5. Apéndice bibliográfico de investigación en iusliteratura cervantina, 2004-2013
  6. Coda: la República de las Letras y el Derecho

Paremia y gesto de ‘echar bando’ en Quijote. Pragmática y semiótica jurídica

1.     Circunstancias en un centenario
2.     Mi lectura en el texto del Quijote
3.     De paremiología a pragmática
4.      Semiótica del gesto y performatividad jurídica
5.     Addenda intemporal sobre las armas de Quijote y el Derecho.


Le fils naturel (1757), de Diderot, o la espectacularidad de una «condition» jurídico-familiar

  1. El espacio escénico como espectáculo en Diderot
  2. El espectáculo «des conditions»
  3. Derecho y Literatura: la «condition» jurídico-familiar como «condition» dramática
  4. ¡Abajo el telón! Derecho contra Literatura: le Code civil de 1804
  5. Addenda. Diderot y la paradoja del espectador distraído.


Lacrimae & Luminos: El delincuente honrado (1773), de Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos

  1. Presentación
  2. Lacrimae
  3. Luminos
  4. Lacrimae & Luminos 


Los espectros de Dreyfus en Darío: del non-engagement al non-alignement, en epílogo

  1. Plata de ley denegrida sobre fondo azul
  2. En el turbio tiempo de l’Affaire Dreyfus
  3. En la Belle Époque agonizante. Del espectro Dreyfus, y desambiguación

‘Salir al otro’: afectividad y justicia en Mineirinho, de Clarice Lispector

1.     Mineirinho: Derecho y Literatura
2.     MineirinhoCultura jurídica de la Literatura, y literaria del Derecho 
3.     Leyendo en Mineirinho con metodología narrativista
4.     Mineirinho, escritura al margen
5.     ‘Salir al otro’ en Mineirinho: metáfora y ultravisión
6.     Mineirinhoontología especular
7.     Mineirinho, radiaciones de compasión y justicia
8.     Addenda: Mineirinho, tiempo y trastiempo

La vocación jurisdiccional de la literatura latinoamericana

Tribunal de la memoria y Jurisdicción del olvido en Disgrace, de J. M. Coetzee, o El mal intransitorio: una fábula perruna

1.     Desgracia. Los paratextos
2.     El hueso del olvido duro de roer
3.     Gracia y Justicia. Las paradojas
4.     Memoria de perro
5.     Las hogueras y los perros. ‘The dog-man’
6.     Concierto mudo de quienes no ladran
  1. Final y fabula docet

Del Ensayo sobre la ceguera. ‘Revela oculos meus’: el desengaño de lo visible y el espectáculo de la Ley

1.     Obversatur oculis
2.     Revela oculos meus. El desengaño de lo visible
  1. Revela oculos meus. El espectáculo de la Ley

Punto de vista excéntrico y Solidaridad. Notas sobre imaginación y sátira al logo y etnocentrismo


Honor, Venganza y Sacrificio en Othello como grandioso tinglado de embelecos y añagazas

1.     Othello iusliterario
2.     'Her honor is an essence that's not seen' (IV. i. 16)
3.     'a capable and wide revenge' (III, iii. 462)
4.     'Put out the light, and then put out the light' (V. ii. 7)
5.     'Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate' (V. ii. 342-343)
6.     'I took by th' throat the circumcised dog' (V. ii. 358)
7.     'la vergüenza debiera sobrevivirlo'. Fulgor del rojo pabilo en una vela mientras se extingue


Tolstói y el Derecho. Sobre la educación jurídica

  1. El estudio del Derecho en la formación de Tolstói
  2. Tolstói en la formación de un estudiante de Derecho
  3. Addenda. Notas sobre la recepción de ‘Carta a un estudiante’ en España y el mundo hispánico
  4. Apéndice.
I.                 Carta de Isaac Solomonovich Krutik a Lev Tolstói (14 abril 1909)
II.               Carta a un estudiante. Sobre el Derecho (27 abril 1909), por Lev Tolstói.


En torno al paradigma conservador. Modelos mágico y fantástico. (J. de Maistre y J.L. Borges)

Desde una encrucijada junto a Borges: sobre ciencia jurídica y producción normativa

  1. Cruce de senderos
  2. Borges y el Código Civil
  3. Borges y la Dogmática jurídica
  4. Divergiendo donde los senderos se bifurcan. De ruinas y desmesuras, simulacros y precesiones, delirios y excedentes
  5. Colofón y fabula docet


Justicia constitucional y Literatura

1.     Propósito
2.     Constitución ‘con’ Literatura. Traducciones
3.     Constitución ‘como’ Literatura. Ficciones y narraciones
4.     Constitución ‘en’ la Literatura. El testimonio constitucional de un novelista, una novela de ficción constitucional y la ficción genuina de un constitucionalista
5.     La Justicia constitucional desde la ficción: entre fábula y parábola

Derecho y Literatura. Para un mapa estratégico de la innovación y la excelencia en la enseñanza europea del Derecho

  1. Recht und Literatur, y la (presunta) excepción germana a Bolonia
  2. Italia: Diritto e Letteratura. Estrategia asociativa y de relaciones cooperativas
  3. Francia: Droit et Littérature. Una estrategia de excelencia académica y de promoción desde la suprema jerarquía jurisdiccional
  4. Reino Unido: Law and Literature. Una estrategia humanista
  5. España. Derecho y Literatura. El horizonte de una estrategia en políticas públicas: nuevo derecho a comprender


Derecho con Literatura. Escritura, ficcionalidad y relato

1.     La escritura: sugestiones y tarea

2.     De la Escritura jurídica
a.      La escritura jurídica como traducción
b.     El Espíritu y la Letra en la escritura de la Ley

  1. Ficcionalidad del Derecho
a.      La escritura de la Ley y las ficciones
b.     Lo real o irreal de un texto fictivo
c.      La fabulación jurídica como pacto narrativo
d.     El real imaginario del Derecho como pacto de escritura

  1. El Derecho y los mundos de ficción

Un fuego que no quema

'The turn to affect': Sentido y sensibilidad en el Teatro legislativo de Augusto Boal y la Teoría crítica del Derecho de Luis Alberto Warat
Exposición de Motivos 
Lectores y lecturas de Borges en Derecho: tradicionalismo vs. inventiva jurídica