
30 November 2020

BOOK: Erica HEINSEN-ROACH, Consuls and Captives: Dutch-North African Diplomacy in the Early Modern Mediterranean (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2019). ISBN 9781580469746, 95.00 GBP


Last year, Boydell & Brewer published a new book on Dutch-North African Diplomacy in the Early Modern Mediterranean.


This work offers a new perspective on the history of diplomacy in the western Mediterranean, examining how piracy and captivity at sea forced Protestant states from northwest Europe to develop complex relationships with Islamic North Africa. Tracing how Dutch diplomats and North African officials negotiated the liberation of Dutch sailors enslaved in the Maghrib, author Erica Heinsen-Roach argues that captivity and redemption helped shape (rather than undermine) a new diplomatic order in the western Mediterranean.


Making use of extensive archival research, Consuls and Captives shows how encounters with North African society led the Protestant North to adjust to the norms and practices of the western Mediterranean. Dutch consuls became state representatives, tasked with claiming the unconditional release of captives from the Netherlands. But caught between these directives and the realities of Maghribi politics, the diplomats consented to pay ransom, participated in what they considered lavish gift-giving practices, and began to pay tribute -- all practices that were departures from the norms the Dutch States General upheld in "doing" diplomacy.


In analyzing these adjustments, Heinsen-Roach brings into question earlier interpretations of diplomacy as a progressively evolving institution anchored in the western modern tradition. Consuls and Captives shows instead that early modern diplomacy in the western Mediterranean developed in uneven ways as a product of cultural encounters. With its compelling argument and wide-ranging evidence, this book will have a strong appeal to scholars of early modern diplomacy, slavery, and Mediterranean history, as well as to specialists on the Dutch Republic.


Erica Heinsen-Roach is visiting assistant professor at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.


Global Treaty Making: From Morocco to Constantinople

Captivity and Diplomacy in Algiers and Tunis

The Consul as State Representative

Ransoming is the Norm

Collective Redemption: Naval Violence and Hostage Taking

A True Public Minister: Consuls and Jewish Mediators

The Reluctant State

The Cannon as Gift: Institutionalizing the Problem


More info here

BOOK: M. STOLLEIS, Escrever História do Direito: reconstrução, narrativa ou ficção? (São Paulo: Contracorrente, 2020). R$ 30


Editora Contracorrente tem a satisfação de publicar mais um volume da coleção “Ensaios”, intitulado Escrever História do Direito: reconstrução, narrativa ou ficção?, de autoria do celebrado historiador alemão Michael Stolleis.
Mediante uma bem cuidada tradução, realizada pelo Professor Gustavo César Machado Cabral, o autor discute importantes questões de metodologia da História do Direito, enfrentando múltiplos referenciais e tradições que norteiam as formas de se pensar esse campo de pesquisa. Trata-se de uma reflexão fundamental para a compreensão do lugar e da relevância da metodologia na construção da Ciência do Direito.
Em prefácio à obra, o Professor Titular da USP, Gilberto Bercovici, afirma que “a tradução deste importante livro de Michael Stolleis significa tornar acessíveis vários debates metodológicos aos pesquisadores brasileiros, configurando uma enorme contribuição para a História do Direito no Brasil, que cada vez mais vem se firmando como um campo científico rigoroso, afastando-se das obras laudatórias, meramente narrativas, ou da falsa erudição”.

Table of Contents

PREFÁCIO – Prof. Gilberto Bercovici

CAPÍTULO I – Escrever história do Direito: reconstrução,
narrativa ou ficção?

CAPÍTULO II – Sobre a história da ciência histórica

2.1 Sobre a história da ciência histórica
2.2 Sobre a história da História do Direito
2.3 Impulso da história dos conceitos
2.4 História materialista do direito
2.5 Macro e micro-história
2.6 Reviravolta linguística
2.7 Palavras como fatos
2.8 História do Direito e “conceitos” jurídicos
2.9 Experiência jurídica do presente como fio de Ariadne?
2.10 Palavra e coisas (fatos)
2.11 Fatos e evidências
2.12 Historiador como autor
2.13 Imaginação e memória
2.14 Limites da ética científica

CAPÍTULO III – Compreender e traduzir

3.1 Compreender e traduzir
3.2 Objetivo do conhecimento
3.3 Tarefas de futuro da História do Direito


Michael Stolleis is retired director of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History


BOOK: Gianfranco STANCO, Le Assise di Gerusalemme. Il diritto crociato nel XII secolo (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore, 2020). ISBN: 9788849864168, pp. 220, €16,00

(Source: Rubbettino)

Through the blog Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, we learned of a new book on the legal system of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.


Collana: Centro Europeo di Studi Normanni

Negli ultimi anni si è ampliato il campo delle conoscenze storiche sulle Crociate, mediante indagini innovative circa le dinamiche sociali, economiche ed artistiche dell'Oriente latino. L'ordinamento giuridico gerosolimitano non è stato esplorato con altrettanta originalità, a causa del prevalere di paradigmi coloniali e feudali. Il regno di Gerusalemme nel XII secolo si presenta, invece, come uno straordinario laboratorio giuridico, con elementi costitutivi analoghi a quelli dei regni d'Inghilterra e di Sicilia. L'esperienza d'Outremer è stata inoltre parte, non passiva, di una vicenda intellettuale più estesa, caratterizzata da notevoli mutamenti istituzionali e dalla convivenza di varie etnie, sotto la spinta della cultura normanna.


Gianfranco Stanco è professore di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno nell’Università LUM, Bari. Fra le sue pubblicazioni: Libri feudorum (2005); Giustizia e majestas nel XII secolo (2009); Gli statuti di Ariano (2012); Biagio da Morcone e l’eredità longobarda (2018); Dal diritto codificato al diritto giurisprudenziale (2018); Le prolusioni del procuratore regio Diomede Marvasi (2019).

More information with the publisher.

27 November 2020

WEBINAR SERIES: Political prisoners in the Modern World. Imprisonment, Deportation and Public Commitment - 3 online seminars on recent books - December 2020: Ca' Foscari University, Venice


(Source: Unive)

BOOK: Hamilton BRYSON (Ed.), Paul Jodrell’s Chancery Reports (1737 to 1751) (Tempe: ACMRS Press, 2020). ISBN 9780866986397, 125.00 USD


(Source: ACMRS Press)

ACMRS Press has published an edited volume of Paul Jodrell’s Chancery Reports.


Paul Jodrell’s Chancery Reports cover the tenure of one of the most famous of all English judges, Philip Yorke, Lord Hardwicke (1690-1764). These reports were well known and well respected in their original manuscript form by Lord Eldon and by Lord Campbell, who were themselves Hardwicke’s successors on the Chancery bench a century later. The manuscript was generally known to the lawyers of the late eighteenth century and they were widely cited. The cases reported here cover a wide range of the law, concentrating on the law of real property, wills and trusts, marriage settlements, commercial law and bankruptcy, and the law of debtor and creditor. The editor has added headnotes and footnotes that identify the cases cited by the court and the reporter in order to make them more useful to the modern user.


Hamilton Bryson is the Blackstone Professor of Law at the University of Richmond. He is a member of the Virginia State Bar and fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


More info here

BOOK: Max EDLING, Perfecting the Union National and State Authority in the US Constitution (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780197534717, 29.95 USD


(Source: OUP)

OUP is publishing a new book on national and state authority in the US constitution.


For most of the twentieth century, the American founding has been presented as a struggle between social classes over issues arising primarily within, rather than outside, the United States. But in recent years, new scholarship has instead turned to the international history of the American union to interpret both the causes and the consequences of the US Constitution.

In Perfecting the Union, Max M. Edling argues that the Constitution was created to defend US territorial integrity and the national interest from competitors in the western borderlands and on the Atlantic Ocean, and to defuse inter-state tension within the union. By replacing the defunct Articles of Confederation, the Constitution profoundly transformed the structure of the American union by making the national government more effective. But it did not transform the fundamental purpose of the union, which remained a political organization designed to manage inter-state and international relations. And in contrast to what many scholars claim, it was never meant to eclipse the state governments.

The Constitution created a national government but did not significantly extend its remit. The result was a dual structure of government, in which the federal government and the states were both essential to the people's welfare. Getting the story about the Constitution straight matters, Edling claims, because it makes possible a broader assessment of the American founding as both a transformative event, aiming at territorial and economic expansion, and as a conservative event, aiming at the preservation of key elements of the colonial socio-political order.


Max M. Edling is Reader in Early American History at the King's College, London. He is the author of A Revolution in Favor of Government: The Origin of the US Constitution and the Making of the American State and A Hercules in the Cradle: War, Money, and the American State, 1783-1867.


Introduction: Revisiting the Critical Period

Chapter One: Peace Pact and Nation, The Constitution as a Compact between States

Chapter Two: Union, Empowering a New National Government

Chapter Three: Internal Police, The Residual Power of the States

Chapter Four: Legislation, Implementing the Constitution

Conclusion: Toward a New Understanding of the Founding




More info here

BOOK: Chrystelle GAZEAU & Philippe DELAIGUE (Eds.), Centre et périphérie (Paris: Mare & Martin, 2017). ISBN: 978-2-84934-326-5, pp. 310, € 26

 (Source: Mare & Martin)


De l’organisation de l’Empire romain, jusqu’aux réalités et problématiques actuelles, telle l’intercommunalité, les deux notions de centre et périphérie paraissent indissociables. Les interactions entre un centre et ses périphéries jouent un rôle considérable dans la construction d’un système politique et administratif. La métaphore géométrique est ainsi fréquemment utilisée pour décrire les liens multiples entre un centre fort et les secteurs périphériques qui sont sous son effective domination, ceux qu’il cherche à dominer voire à intégrer. Par la-même, c’est l’histoire des rapports de force, des résistances et libertés locales, mais aussi des compromis et complémentarités qui s’invite dans la présente étude. A travers une présentation spatiale, chronologique et thématique large, l’objet de cet ouvrage est ainsi d’observer et de penser le point de rencontre. Pour cela, il s’avère nécessaire de saisir le concept de centralité, entendu tant du point de vue symbolique que pratique, dans ses multiples approches, politiques, culturelles, religieuses, économiques et celui de périphérie dont la définition est des plus fluctuante et la théorisation délicate. La dialectique centre et périphérie offre aux juristes le moyen de bâtir un paradigme, un instrument qui leur permet d’analyser un système concret et dynamique complexe dans des termes simples : division, opposition, domination, ordre, désordre… Cet outil a également ses limites qu’il convient d’identifier.

More information with the publisher.

26 November 2020

Jan HALBERDA, Estoppel w angloamerykańskim prawie prywatnym (Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2020). ISBN 9788381382595, 40 PLN

We learned of the publication of the book Estoppel w angloamerykańskim prawie prywatnym (title in English: Estoppel in Anglo-American Private Law).


The book attempts to analyze the status of several Anglo-American legal doctrines referred to as equitable estoppel, promissory estoppel, and proprietary estoppel. It examines the English, American and Australian law from the 18th century onwards. The book draws analogies to legal devices detectable in continental civil law and characterized by the goal similar to that performed by various types of estoppel. Among these devices there may be listed those found in the European harmonization projects (PECL, DCFR, CESL) as well as those found in the national civil codes, and specifically such as principle of good faith and fair dealing or the prohibition on the abuse of rights.

Common law jurisdictions recognize a number of specific estoppel doctrines. The latter prevent the negative effects of an inconsistent conduct of the other party and counteract the occurrence of detriment or other negative consequences (often referred to by a vague notion of ‘unconscionability’) resulting from the party’s reliance on the other party’s inconsistent conduct.

Estoppels are used today as ‘safety valves’ in almost all fields of Anglo-American private law. The courts apply them to settle accounts for the expenditures made on someone else’s property and also to protect the addressees of formally defective promises (made in breach of the statute of frauds) as well as to protect the parties to the negotiations that did not lead to the contract’s conclusion. Estoppels can also be found in family-law relations as a device to settle the accounts of former cohabitants or to modify the partition of the deceased’s estate.

Despite the broad scope of its application, the law on estoppels is far from being settled. Significant differences occur in its interpretation under various jurisdictions. While in English law the promissory estoppel might be used only as a defence (‘a shield’), the American and Australian law recognize it as an independent cause of action (‘a sword’). There are many controversies and disputes that are currently taking place both in the courts and in the scholarship. They lead to legal uncertainty and unpredictability of decisions. The book attempts to discuss these issues and sometimes point to potential solutions.

The table of contents can be found here


More info here

JOURNAL: Law and History Review (Volume 38, No. 3)


The Law and History Review has recently published its third issue of the year. Here the table of contents:

In This Issue

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. v-vi

Introduction: Rebecca Scott's History of Public Rights

Amy Chazkel

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. 515-517

Discerning a Dignitary Offense: The Concept of Equal “Public Rights” during Reconstruction

Rebecca J. Scott

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. 519-553

The Right to Come and Go

Miranda Spieler

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. 555-570

Response to Rebecca Scott's “Discerning a Dignitary Offense”

Laura F. Edwards

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 08 May 2020, pp. 571-583

 “I Could Not Come in Unless over their Dead Bodies”: Dignitary Offenses

Thavolia Glymph

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. 585-598

Rights, Dignity, and Public Accommodations

Christopher W. Schmidt

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. 599-619

Public Rights

Joseph William Singer

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 October 2020, pp. 621-629


More info here

BOOK: Luigi LACCHÈ, “Não Julgueis” – Antropologia da justiça e figuras da opinião pública entre os séculos XIX e XX (Belo Horizonte: lafayette, 2020), R$ 24



Trazemos ao público de língua portuguesa a tradução de “’Não Julgueis’: antropologia da justiça e figuras da opinião pública entre os séculos XIX e XX”, escrito pelo professor Luigi Lacchè, catedrático de História do Direito e ex-reitor da Universidade de Macerata, na Itália. A presente obra, originalmente publicada em italiano, já foi traduzida para o alemão e para o espanhol e é fruto de conferência realizada em 2008 para o curso de História da Justiça na Universidade de Nápoles.

Partindo da literatura e passando pela tradição cristã, pela filosofia e pela crônica jornalista chega até a história do direito, construindo uma visão integrada de “o penal”, concepção cunhada pelo mestre do professor Lacchè e um dos principais historiadores do direito penal do século XX, Mario Sbriccoli.

[…] A abordagem do autor é fruto de longa meditação acerca da construção de uma narrativa historiográfica adequada à complexidade da questão penal. Esta, como visto, apresenta-se mais enquanto um caleidoscópio do que propriamente um monólito. É justamente na variedade de fontes que é possível, senão necessário, reconstruir o penal.

[…] A disponibilização deste texto do professor Lacchè em nosso idioma pode nos estimular a apostar em tal perspectiva da História do Direito, que ultrapassa o basilar — muito necessário em uma área em formação — estudo das grandes legislações, dos principais institutos doutrinários e da praxe tribunalícia.

Luigi Lacchè is professor of legal history at the University of Macerata

25 November 2020

JOURNAL: Sehepunkte 20 (2020), Nr. 11


(Source: Sehepunkte)

The journal Sehepunkte has a special forum on “Neueren Forschungen zur Sklaverei und zu anderen Formen starker asymmetrischer Abhängigkeit“ in its latest issue.


Neuere Forschungen zur Sklaverei und zu anderen Formen starker asymmetrischer Abhängigkeit III


Stephan Conermann

Marcel M. van der Linden / Magaly Rodríguez García (eds.): On Coerced Labor. Work and Compulsion after Chattel Slavery, Leiden / Boston: Brill 2016

Rezensiert von Michael Zeuske

Nitin Varma: Coolies of Capitalism. Assam Tea and the Making of Coolie Labour, Berlin: de Gruyter 2017

Rezensiert von Stephan Conermann

Rana P. Behal: One Hundred Years of Servitude. Political Economy of Tea Plantations in Colonial Assam, New Delhi: Tulika Books 2014

Rezensiert von Veruschka Wagner

John Donoghue / Evelyn P. Jennings (eds.): Building the Atlantic Empires. Unfree Labor and Imperial States in the Political Economy of Capitalism, ca. 1500-1914, Leiden / Boston: Brill 2016

Rezensiert von Michael Zeuske

Alessandro Stanziani: Labor on the Fringes of Empire. Voice, Exit and the Law, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018

Rezensiert von Hanne Østhus

Hsieh Bao Hua: Concubinage and Servitude in Late Imperial China, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2014

Rezensiert von Christian Schwermann

Caroline Norma: The Japanese Comfort Women and Sexual Slavery During the China and Pacific Wars, London: Bloomsbury 2016

Rezensiert von Reinhard Zöllner


The full issue can be found here

BOOK: Jackson W. ARMSTRONG & Edda FRANKOT (Eds.), Cultures of Law in Urban Northern Europe: Scotland and its Neighbours c.1350–c.1650 (London: Routledge, 2020). ISBN 9780367206796, 34.99 GBP

(Source: Routledge)


Routledge is publishing a book on cultures of law in urban Northern Europe during the period 1350-1650.


Drawing together an international team of historians, lawyers and historical sociolinguists, this volume investigates urban cultures of law in Scotland, with a special focus on Aberdeen and its rich civic archive, the Low Countries, Norway, Germany and Poland from c. 1350 to c. 1650.


In these essays, the contributors seek to understand how law works in its cultural and social contexts by focusing specifically on the urban experience and, to a great extent, on urban records. The contributions are concerned with understanding late medieval and early modern legal experts as well as the users of courts and legal services, the languages and records of law, and legal activities occurring inside and outside of official legal fora. This volume considers what the expectations of people at different status levels were for the use of the law, what perceptions of justice and authority existed among different groups, and what their knowledge was of law and legal procedure. By examining how different aspects of legal culture came to be recorded in writing, the contributors reveal how that writing itself then became part of a culture of law.


Cultures of Law in Urban Northern Europe: Scotland and its Neighbours c.1350–c.1650 combines the historical study of law, towns, language, and politics in a way that will be accessible and compelling for advanced level undergraduates and postgraduate to postdoctoral researchers and academics in medieval and early modern, urban, legal, political, and linguistic history.


 Jackson W. Armstrong is a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He is the author of England’s Northern Frontier: Conflict and Local Society in the Fifteenth-Century Scottish Marches (2020).

Edda Frankot is Associate Professor in History at Nord University in Bodø, Norway. She specialises in late medieval urban, maritime and legal history. She is the author of ‘Of Laws of Ships and Shipmen’. Medieval Maritime Law and its Practice in Urban Northern Europe (2012).




Investigating Cultures of Law in Urban Northern Europe

Jackson W. Armstrong and Edda Frankot


Chapter 1: Telling Tales: Maritime Law in Aberdeen in the Early Sixteenth Century

J.D. Ford


Chapter 2: Common Books in Aberdeen, c. 1398 - c. 1511

William Hepburn and Graeme Small

Chapter 3: The Language of Medieval Legal Record as a Complex Multilingual Code

Joanna Kopaczyk

Chapter 4: The Vernacularisation of the Aberdeen Council Registers (1398–1511)

Anna D. Havinga


Chapter 5: Urban law in Norwegian market towns: Legal culture in a long fourteenth century

Miriam Tveit

Chapter 6: The Burgh and the Forest: Burgesses and Officers in Fifteenth-Century Scotland

Michael H. Brown

Chapter 7: Pax Urbana. The Use of Law for the Achievement of Political Goals

Jörg Rogge

Chapter 8: Recalcitrant Brides and Grooms. Jurisdiction, Marriage, and Conflicts with Parents in Fifteenth-Century Ghent

Chanelle Delameillieure and Jelle Haemers


Chapter 9: Legal Business Outside the Courts: Private and Public Houses as Spaces of Law in the Fifteenth Century

Edda Frankot

Chapter 10: Conflicts about Property: Ships and Inheritances in Danzig and in the Hanse Area (Fifteenth to Sixteenth Centuries)

Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz

Chapter 11: ‘Malice’ and Motivation for Hostility in the Burgh Courts of Late Medieval Aberdeen

Jackson W. Armstrong


Chapter 12: Bells, Clocks and the Beginnings of ‘Lawyer Time’ in Late Medieval Scotland

David Ditchburn

Chapter 13: Andrew Alanson: Man of Law in the Aberdeen Council Register, c. 1440 - c. 1475?

Andrew R.C. Simpson

Chapter 14: Notaries and Advocates in Early Modern Aberdeen

Adelyn L.M. Wilson



More info here

Francesca Iurlaro (Transl./Ed.), Alberico Gentili. Libro di varie letture virgiliane al figlio Roberto (Macerata: EUM, 2020). ISBN 978-88-6056-643-0, 22.80 EUR


(Source: EUM)

Edizioni Universita di Macerata has published “Alberico Gentili. Libro di varie letture virgiliane al figlio Roberto”.


Il Lectionis Virgilianae Variae Liber ad Robertum filium di Alberico Gentili (Hanau, 1603) è un commento pedagogico e giuridico alle Bucoliche di Virgilio scritto da Gentili per suo figlio Roberto. Quest'opera, finora mai tradotta né in italiano, né in altre lingue, costituisce un punto di vista privilegiato per comprendere la figura di Gentili "umanista", strenuo difensore non solo della poesia virgiliana ma, più in generale, del valore eminentemente pedagogico-morale del lavoro di ermeneutica testuale. Il presente volume, pubblicato nella collana di Studi Gentiliani, si propone l’intento di dare maggiore visibilità scientifica a quest'opera, offrendone una traduzione contemporanea, preceduta da una prefazione, una corposa introduzione, e corredata di note esplicative.


Francesca Iurlaro attualmente è post-doctoral fellow presso il Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law di Heidelberg. Dopo la laurea in Filosofia all'Università di Macerata, ha conseguito una laurea magistrale e un dottorato di ricerca in Diritto comparato, europeo e internazionale all'Istituto universitario europeo, e ha ottenuto delle borse di studio presso l'Università di Milano e l'Università di New York.

I suoi interessi di ricerca includono il pensiero giuridico internazionale, la storia del pensiero politico, la storia e la ricezione delle teorie del diritto naturale, il diritto e la letteratura, l'etica alimentare e i diritti degli animali.

Nel 2012 le è stato conferito il Premio Alberico Gentili per la sua traduzione in italiano alla Lectionis Virgilianae Variae Liber ad Robertum filium di Alberico Gentili, ora pubblicata dalle eum edizioni università di macerata.



Alberico Gentili
Libro di varie letture virgiliane al figlio Roberto
Epistola dedicatoria

Capitolo primo. Virgilio difeso in merito alle questioni: «tegmen fagi», «cuium pecus?», «hordea». Esposizione della legge

Capitolo secondo. La fuga. Il peculio. L’aes. I Britanni; i barbari. I salici amari. Due discussioni di diritto su un verso di Ovidio. Esposizione delle leggi

Capitolo terzo. Sulla donazione mortis causa

Capitolo quarto. Il magister. Insegnamenti. Analfabetismo. Il maestro elementare. I marroni. Interpretazione della legge

Capitolo quinto. Sugli alberi tagliati e il furto manifesto

Capitolo sesto. Matrigna ingiusta. Un certo suono sgradevole. Sperare il male. Diverbio toscano. Questione di diritto

Capitolo settimo. Predizioni delle Sibille riguardanti il Signore Gesù Cristo

Capitolo ottavo. OpidumUrbsCivitasVicusVillaPagus. Ogni terra produrrà ogni cosa. Color porpora. Alcune parole vetuste. Leggi esposte e molte altre cose

Capitolo nono. Il puer. Interpretazione delle leggi

Capitolo decimo. Tumulo. Stelle sotto i piedi. Arbusti. Cicale che si nutrono di rugiada. Leggi delucidate

Capitolo undicesimo. Cicerone. Tempo di composizione delle BucolicheProculOlim. Vergine. Donna. Orfeo. Figli delle muse. Elementi di diritto

Capitolo dodicesimo. Nozze turpi. Ruminare. Tracce errabonde. Pomi. Erigit alnos. Sentenza in merito alle leggi

Capitolo tredicesimo. Sui giochi

Capitolo quattordicesimo. Se è freddo nell’ombra. Defendo. Solecismo. Ricordare. Nomi doppi. Stipiti. Postumi. Leggi illustrate

Capitolo quindicesimo. Coturno. Allori vittoriosi. Fiatur e altre cose. Noci. Alcuni aspetti solenni delle nozze. Medea. Gareggiare. Il numero impari. La forza dei contrari. Qualcos’altro. Nomicum

Capitolo sedicesimo. Sulla magia

Capitolo diciassettesimo. Advena. Colono. Vati. Volgo. Cigni arguti. Spiaggia. Mare, altre cose e molte leggi

Capitolo diciottesimo. Sulla malia

Capitolo diciannovesimo. Amore indegno. Il cavallo e l’acqua di Gaio. L’oscuro Aminta. I neri vaccini. Gli abitanti dell’Arcadia. Ombre e altre cose

Capitolo ventesimo. Degli uomini ferini e delle belve mansuete


Indice dei nomi



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BOOK: Simone ROSATI (Ed.), "Il cammino delle terre comuni". Dalle leggi liquidatorie degli usi civici al riconoscimento costituzionale dei domini collettivi (Viterbo: Archeoares, 2019). ISBN 9788899822385, € 30,00

(Source: Unilibro)


Bollettino STAS (2019). «Il cammino delle terre comuni». Dalle leggi liquidatorie degli usi civici al riconoscimento costituzionale dei domini collettivi: Pochi mesi dopo l'emanazione della legge 168 del 20 novembre 2017, Simone Rosati ha avuto immediatamente l'intuizione di organizzare una giornata che consentisse un confronto interdisciplinare tra studiosi sui controversi aspetti relativi alla disciplina degli usi civici. Non siamo riusciti nell'immediato, ma già nel 2018 avevamo per questo progetto l'appoggio del MIBACT. Tanti i moventi che hanno motivato questa scelta, come il curatore ben illustra nelle pagine successive. Tra tutti, tengo a sottolineare anche in questa sede che la S.T.A.S. è custode di un immenso patrimonio archivistico, una fucina inesauribile di informazioni, strumento imprescindibile per la ricostruzione delle vicende storiche del territorio. Sarà potuto sembrare a molti che il tema trattato nel convegno esuli le finalità statutarie del nostro sodalizio, in verità, il valore di questa legge è altresì culturale, dal momento che essa riconosce le proprietà collettive quali "patrimonio identitario delle comunità locali".

More information here.

24 November 2020

BOOK: Samuel HAYAT, Corinne PENEAU & Yves SINTOMER (Eds.), La représentation avant le gouvernement représentatif (Rennes: Presses Universitaries de Rennes, 2020). ISBN: 978-2-7535-7972-9, pp. 372, € 30,00



Ce livre souligne le rôle joué par la représentation symbolique dans les pratiques politiques et il éclaire, à partir d’une large palette d’exemples, les pratiques parlementaires médiévales et modernes. Il étudie les différentes manières de représenter le peuple par des procédures inscrites dans la loi ou, au contraire, apparues lors de périodes de révoltes. Ces contributions d’historiens et de politistes spécialistes de la représentation politique au sein d’espaces variés (France, Aragon, Saint-Empire, Suède, péninsule italienne, Chine, etc.) aux époques médiévale et moderne invitent à mieux évaluer, par contraste, la signification de la démocratie représentative contemporaine.


Samuel Hayat est chargé de recherche CNRS au Centre d’études et de recherches administratives, politiques et sociales (CERAPS). Au croisement de l’histoire des idées, de la sociologie historique et de la théorie politique, il travaille sur la représentation politique et sur les révolutions et les mouvements ouvriers du XIXe siècle.

Corinne Péneau est maître de conférences en histoire médiévale à l’université de Paris-Est Créteil et membre du Centre de recherche en histoire européenne comparée (CRHEC). Ses travaux portent sur la Suède médiévale, l’élection des rois et la question de la représentation au Moyen Âge.

Yves Sintomer est professeur de science politique à l’université Paris 8 – Saint-Denis, membre du Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris (CRESPPA) et Associate Member au Nuffield College (Oxford). Il travaille actuellement à une théorie de la représentation politique et de la démocratie dans une perspective globale et non occidentalo-centrée.

The table of contents can be downloaded in PDF version here.

SEMINAR: GiD Lab “Capitalism in Motion” (Youtube)


Please find here a summary of the event “Capitalism in Motion”, an online discussion on the development of capitalism to which several legal historians also contributed.

The GiD Lab online panel discussion “Capitalism in Motion. Imagining, Transforming, and Inventing Economic Forms over Time” demonstrated how the views of historians and scholars might contribute to the discussion on the development of capitalism over several centuries and into the modern era. Topics of discussion addressed in particular were the rise of business corporations in the medieval Mediterranean world and beyond, the invention and replication of economic tools – such as money, contracts and joint stock companies – and how the transformation and migration of key components of capitalism occurred across geographies, between cultures and over time. The event took place on 5 November 2020 at the Berlin Science Week and was organized by the German Historical Institute in Rome (GHI Rome) and the Central Office of the Max Weber Foundation in Bonn (MWS). In case you missed it, you can find a short event report by Madeleine Winkler and the recording here.

The video of the event, as well as the full review, can be found here

BOOK: Aniceto MASFERRER, De la honestidad a la integridad sexual. La formación del Derecho penal sexual español en el marco de la cultura occidental (Dúo) (Cizur: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2020). ISBN 978-84-1345-471-9, 70.00 EUR


(Source: Thomson Reuters)

Editorial Aranzadi has published « De la honestidad a la integridad sexual. La formación del Derecho penal sexual español en el marco de la cultura occidental (Dúo) »


¿Cómo es posible que un ámbito tan sensible a la moral y usos sociales como el de la sexualidad haya podido permanecer tan estable en el ordenamiento penal español a lo largo de un siglo y medio tan complejo y convulso (1848-1978)? ¿A qué se debe esa estabilidad o continuidad en un periodo tan cambiante política, cultural y socialmente? ¿Y a qué se debieron los cambios que tuvieron lugar a partir de finales de los años setenta? Una respuesta rápida y algo simplista podría ser la de remitirse al influjo de la religión en un país mayoritariamente creyente con respecto a la etapa continuista (1848-1878), y a los efectos de la Transición y al inicio del nuevo régimen democrático, con sus derechos y libertades reconocidos constitucionalmente, con respecto al periodo más reformista iniciado a finales de los años setenta. Algo de verdad hay en esa tesis, pero, así expresada, resulta incompleta y, en parte, incluso Combatiendo la violencia contra la muje falseada. A fin de responder a estas -y otras-cuestiones de un modo crítico y ecuánime, el autor del presente libro realiza un análisis exhaustivo de las fuentes -tanto jurídicas como no jurídicas- que permita entender y explicar la evolución del Derecho penal sexual español en el marco de la cultura occidental, llegando hasta el estudio del régimen vigente, con sus luces y sus sombras, así como de la propuesta de reforma aprobada por el Consejo de Ministros de 3 de marzo del presente año, presentada como respuesta al controvertido caso de ‘La Manada’.


Chapter 1. Configuración normativa de los delitos contra la honestidad (1822-1944)


Chapter 2. Análisis crítico de la doctrina penal (1848-1900)


Chapter 3. Análisis de la jurisprudencia decimonónica (1848-1900)


Chapter 4. Los delitos contra la honestidad en el siglo XX (1944-1978)


Chapter 5. De la "honestidad" a la "libertad sexual"


Chapter 6. De la "libertad sexual" a la "vulnerabilidad": la crisis del consentimiento


Fuentes y bibliografía


More info here

JOURNAL: Revista de Historia del Derecho, nº 59, 01/2020



The Revista de Historia del Derecho, from Buenos Aires, has published its first 2020 issue.

Discusiones sobre el gobierno parlamentario en la Facultad de Derecho (1890-1920)
Pollitzer, María

Saber jurisprudencial, derecho científico y soberanía legislativa. Reflexiones historiográficas sobre el proceso de codificación civil en la Argentina (1852-1936)
Polotto, María Rosario

Soluciones prácticas para agilizar el servicio de justicia en segunda instancia en la provincia de Buenos Aires(La ley nº 3560 de 1914)
Sedeillan, Gisela

La Defensa Nacional en la Constitución de 1949
Tripolone, Gerardo


23 November 2020

JOB: PhD positions at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt)


The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt has two calls for PhD students in:

·        The newly established department “Multidisciplinary Theory of Law” directed by Professor Dr. Marietta Auer (DEADLINE: 1 December 2020). The call can be found here

·         Two open positions in Abteilung II  („Historische Normativitätsregime“) (Direktor Professor Dr. Thomas Duve) (DEADLINE: 31 December 2020). The call can be found here


CALL FOR PAPERS: Second Student Conference on Legal History – The Iustoria 2021 (Belgrade, 25-26 March 2021) (DEADLINE: 14 January 2021)


We received notice of a call for papers for the 2nd edition of the Iustoria conference at the University of Belgrade. Here the call:

The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law is now receiving paper proposals for the Second student conference on legal history – the Iustoria 2021, to be held on the 25th and 26th of March, 2021, its topic being “Law and Religion”

The reason for the topic is the fact that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Vidovdan (St. Vitus’ Day) Constitution of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1921), which, among many other changes, was the first in this region to introduce multi-confessionalism instead of one state religion. The question of the relationship between the state and the church and the position of different religious denominations in the modern state is certainly still relevant today; however, the connection between law and religion has lasted since time immemorial. The emergence of the first norms of primitive law is predominantly related to religious commandments and taboos. Most legal systems of the Antiquity have noticeable connections with religion – from irrational means of proof such as ordeals and oaths, through contractualformalism in the old ius civile, to special regulations on the position of the clergy. Monotheistic religions bring with them a different view of society and law, and many new topics, such as the relationship between secular and religious regulations, the influence of religious norms on everyday social relations (especially marital and family relations) or the punishment of crimes against religion. In all societies, one can speak to a greater or lesser extent about the issue of the legal position of members of other religions, but it is monotheism, together with numerous religious conflicts and schisms, that intensifies this issue. The colonial expansion of the Western powers also raises the question of the attitude of (Christian) colonizers towards the religions of the conquered population. And the modern age also brings states that separate themselves from religion – whether it is a matter of distancing in the form of secularism, or a conflict characteristic of communist states. We’re looking forward to applications on all of these and many other issues related to the main topic!

All students of graduate and post-graduate studies pertaining to law or other humanities are eligible to apply for the conference. The applications should contain basic personal information (name and surname, faculty, department, level and year of study), along with an extended abstract containing anywhere between 500 and 1000 words. Applications are accepted in either Serbian or English.

The applications should be e-mailed to before the 15th of January, 2021. The students will be informed by the 25th of January whether or not their application has been accepted. A provisional programme for the conference will be announced by the 1st of February. Drafts of the chosen papers need to be sent by the 15th of March. For any additional information you may enquire at the same e-mail address, or consult the official Facebook page of the conference –

Just like on last year’s conference, apart from the presentations given by their colleagues, the students at the conference will have an opportunity to attend several lectures given by renowned experts – more details on this will be available in the final version of the programme.

Given the fact that the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is still uncertain, we will make a decision by the 25th of February whether the conference will be held live or online. If it is held live, we’ll do our best to secure accomodations either in student dorms or with student host families for those participants who don’t reside in Belgrade. These arrangements will depend on the number of available spots.

The final versions of the papers presented at the conference, with final changes and corrections submitted within a reasonable time after the conference, will be submitted for publication in the journal „Vesnik pravne istorije / Herald of Legal History“.Herald of Legal History”.


More info here

CONFERENCE: 39th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society (Online, 9 December 2020)


(Source: ANZLHS)

We received the following update on the 39th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society’s annual conference:

39th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society

Join us for an intensive 1 day world-wide gathering devoted to law in history

9 December 2020

Hosted by Event Services at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

Keynote plenary sessions will feature

Joshua Getzler, Oxford University, on “ Six Nations of the Grand River, military feudalism, and the roots of ‘honour of the Crown’.”

Miranda Johnson, Otago University, on “Reckoning with a Pacific empire state: Race, nation, citizenship and the idea of New Zealand.”

A Closing Address by Dame Sian Elias, former Chief Justice of New Zealand

The organisers have accepted 39 individual papers and 7 panel presentations. They will be run in four concurrent parallel sessions throughout the day. The programme will be uploaded to the ANZLHS website page shortly:

The timings will be specified according to the NZDT time zone – which is UTC+13. We have attempted to time presentations so that are as reasonable as possible for the presenters (but will be difficult for some). The conference will begin at 9.00am and conclude at 7.00pm NZDT

To cover Event Services charges, and to ensure a high quality of digital platform delivery utilising Zoom, Vimeo and Twilio, we are asking all attendees to pay a modest registration fee. In addition, the rules of the ANZLHS require all presenters to pay the Society’s 2020 annual subscription. So ‘full member registration’ applies to presenters who have paid the 2020 Society subscription in advance; ‘full non-member registration’ applies to presenters (some of whom will have been members in the past) who have not yet paid the 2020 Society subscription. We are waiving registration fees for postgraduate student presenters. The portal for registrations will be launched shortly through the website page. The cost for registration is as follows in $NZ:

Full member registration: $130; Full non-member registration: $ 215; Full-time post graduate presenters: Fee waiver; Attendance only registration: $130

Graduate students are invited to apply for Kercher Scholarships. Five scholarship awards will be made that may adorn your cv even though there is no monetary element to the scholarship this year. Please apply to Katherine Sanders: by 20 November if you have not already applied. Graduate attendees may also wish to enter their paper for the Forbes Society Prize. The Society’s peer-reviewed journal law&history will consider submissions from those who present papers at the conference. In the meantime further information about the conference may be gleaned from David Williams:

BOOK: Giuseppina DE GIUDICI, Sanctitas legatorum. Sul "fondamento" dell'indipendenza giurisdizionale in età moderna (Roma: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2020). ISBN: 9788849542332, pp. 198, € 30,00

 Nessuna immagine impostata

(Source: ESI)


Collana: Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell'Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Serie II, vol. 26.

Interrogarsi sulla sanctitas legatorum, e specialmente sull’indipendenza giurisdizionale dei diplomatici durante l’età moderna, non significa solo far emergere contenuti e limiti a essa assegnati dai “costruttori” del diritto delle genti. Considerato che il riconoscimento della tutela dei moderni ambasciatori scaturiva dall’esigenza di garantire la libera comunicazione tra Stati, è opportuno allargare lo studio al diritto di legazione attivo e passivo per mettere in luce il fondamentale ruolo che esso ha svolto. Grazie al suo esercizio le organizzazioni politiche si scoprivano parte della communitas, riconoscendosi e legittimandosi reciprocamente. In più, la progressiva diffusione delle ambascerie permanenti, anche in forza della loro stabilizzazione e istituzionalizzazione, ha permesso al jus legationis di ottenere puntuali informazioni politiche utili alla ricerca di nuovi equilibri e di contribuire alla formazione di una parte notevole del patrimonio normativo comune. È per questo che le peculiari concezioni sulla communitas e sul suo ordinamento costituiscono l’irrinunciabile orizzonte di senso anche per chi si occupa delle prerogative diplomatiche.


Giuseppina De Giudici è professore associato di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Tra i suoi lavori si segnalano: Il governo ecclesiastico nella Sardegna sabauda (1720-61), Napoli, 2007; Interessi e usure nella Sardegna di Carlo Emanuele III, Pisa, 2010; Le istituzioni prefettizie nella Sardegna dell’Ottocento. Le vie dell’accentramento giurisdizionale e amministrativo (1807-1861), Cagliari, 2012. Sul tema della condizione giuridica dei moderni ambasciatori e sui legati in età bassomedievale ha pubblicato i saggi: Sullo statuto dell’ambasciatore in età moderna: l’inviolabilità tra sacralità e indipendenza giurisdizionale, 2012; «Quando imbassiadores saen mandare». A proposito del cap. XXXV del primo libro degli Statuti sassaresi, 2018.



«Quel est ce droit des gens?». Il diritto di legazione nel suo orizzonte di senso

Capitolo I - Il diritto di legazione in età moderna

1. Una pietra miliare: Le droit des gens di Emer de Vattel

2. Per un droit des gens distante «dalle chimere e dagli equivoci»

3. Senza la civitas maxima. Il ruolo della diplomazia permanente

4. Il diritto di legazione e l’ordine orizzontale

5. La soggettività interstatale e la peculiare declinazione dell’uguaglianza

Capitolo II - La trattatistica de legato e la sanctitas legatorum

1. L’irruzione della moderna diplomazia

2. Incertezze linguistiche: dall’ambasciatore ai ministri pubblici

3. Tra diritto, politica e interessi letterari. L’eterogenea produzione de legato

4. Lo status giuridico dei ministri pubblici

5. Condizione giuridica dei ministri pubblici e funzione diplomatica, una storia da scrivere

Capitolo III - La sanctitas e l’indipendenza giurisdizionale

1. Gentili e la trattatistica tardo-cinquecentesca

2. Lo statuto minimo dell’ambasciatore e la «quasi extraterritorialità» groziana

3. Oltre la rappresentanza: Bynkershoek e l’ordine giuridico interstatale

4. La soluzione vatteliana tra rappresentanza e mutuo consenso

5. La misura delle immunità: le prerogative del sovrano all’estero

6. Il “fondamento” dell’indipendenza giurisdizionale

7. L’extraterritorialità groziana, una fictio dai molti usi

More information with the publisher.

JOURNAL: Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos, nº 42 (2020). Open Access


The Revista de Estudios Historico Juridicos, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, has recently published its 2020 edition.

Refugiados políticos, cautivos, esclavos y otros emigrados en el derecho internacional del Antiguo Oriente Medio (II milenio a.C.) | Sánchez-Sánchez, Víctor Manuel

Elementos antropológicos y éticos en el derecho penal de la Biblia Hebrea | Varo, Francisco

El Digesto y su definición de libertad | Amunátegui Perelló, Carlos

La acción de petición de herencia en el derecho romano clásico: estado de la cuestión y perspectivas | Andrés Santos, Francisco Javier

Dos excepciones procesales con una única finalidad | Fuenteseca Degeneffe, Margarita

Adtemptata pudicitia: el acoso callejero en la experiencia jurídica romana | Musso Arratia, Benjamín

La secuencia didáctica del Digesto: de iudiciis y de rebus | Rodríguez Diez, Javier Esteban

¿Ex causa depositi condicere? Observaciones sobre credere y deponere en el pensamiento de Paulo | Wegmann Stockebrand, Adolfo

Los ideólogos que impulsaron la idea de confederación en el continente americano | Baeriswyl Baciella, Paulette

El hierocratismo político en la primera legislación anti-herética de Inocencio III: el interdicto a Orvieto (1198), la carta al obispo de Siracusa (1198) y la decretal Vergentis in senium (1199) | Belda Iniesta, Javier

Tomás Moro ante la “king’s great matter” | Corral Talciani, Hernán

El reflejo del ideario jurídico-político de Alfonso X de Castilla en su proyecto legislativo | García Díaz, Jesús

Direito, Construção e Ambiente: o quadro normativo português para a construção de fornos de pão na transição da Idade Média Para A Moderna | Pinto, Sandra M.G.

La Generalitat de Cataluña bajo el gobierno del regente Pere Vicenç (1367-1369) | Ripoll Sastre, Pere

El arrendamiento de obra e industria en el Código Civil francés | Scotto Benito, Pablo

Los indios como “personas miserables” en Bartolomé de las Casas: la jurisdicción eclesiástica como un remedio para las indias | Vargas del Carpio, Ana María

La “ley heroica” o de defensa social de 1928 contra la “amenaza bolchevique” en Colombia | Cajas Sarria, Mario Alberto

Mariano H. Cornejo y el proyecto de jurado en la justicia penal peruana del siglo XX | Rivera Villanueva, José Luis

La justicia local e iletrada del chile decimonónico (1817-1875): el caso del Manual o instrucción para los subdelegados e inspectores en Chile | Cerón Reyes, RobertoGirón Zúñiga, Nicolás

Los orígenes históricos de las reglas sobre comunicabilidad de las circunstancias modificatorias del Código Penal chileno: antecedentes en la codificación napolitana y en el derecho romano | Cortés Z., José Luis

Estudio del recurso de inaplicabilidad por vicios de forma en la Constitución de 1925 | Henríquez Viñas, Miriam

La República discreta. Otro estudio sobre la Constitución chilena de 1833 | Infante Martin, Javier

Las variaciones del régimen presidencial chileno durante la vigencia de la Constitución de 1925 | Meléndez Ávila, Felipe

La regulación de los servicios de los criados domésticos en el Código de Bello. Análisis de sus fuentes normativo-dogmáticas | Severin Fuster, Gonzalo

La sodomía en el derecho penal chileno del siglo XIX | Valenzuela Cáceres, Marcelo

Influjo del derecho indiano en el sistema de gobierno durante la Patria Vieja: ¿monarquía constitucional? | Westermeyer Hernández, Felipe

Análisis crítico de las implicancias filosófico-jurídicas de las nociones de orden cosmológico y justicia cósmica en la sentencia de Anaximandro de Mileto | Agliati Vásquez, Gonzalo

Del estado al alma: reflexiones en torno a la justicia social e individual en el Libro IV de La República de Platón | Espinosa Aguilar, Marcelo

En la estela de Cuba: la ilusión revolucionaria en la revista Mensaje | Brahm García, Enrique

El pensamiento romano en el discurso politico-juridico de Johannes Althusius (1563-1638). el humanismo barroco | Carvajal A, Patricio H

El oficio y su juramento en una cultura jurisdiccional | Barrientos Grandon, Javier

La mortalidad infantil a través del delito de infanticidio y el abandono de menores, Santiago 1873-1920 | Chávez Zúñiga, PabloBrangier Peñailillo, Víctor

Andrés Bello editor de derecho minero francés. Reedición de una traducción y de su manuscrito supuestamente inédito | Vergara Blanco, Alejandro

More information: