
28 June 2017

JOURNAL: The Journal of Legal History XXXVIII (2017), No. 2

(image source: University of Glasgow)

The Journal of Legal History (Routledge) published its second issue of the 2017 volume (XXXVIII).
"Writing Histories of Law and Emotion" (Merridee L. Bailey & Kimberley-Joy Knight)
"Emotions in the Early Common Law (c. 1166-1215)" (John Hudson)
"Narratives of Feeling and Majesty: Mediated Emotions in the Eighteenth-Century Criminal Courtroom" (Amy Milka & David Lemmings)
"‘She Felt Strongly the Injury to Her Affections’: Breach of Promise of Marriage and the Medicalization of Heartbreak in Early Twentieth-Century Australia" (Alecia Simmonds)
"Narrative, Law and Emotion: Husband Killers in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland" (Katie Barclay)
Book Reviews
More information here.

JOURNAL: Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis/Revue d'histoire du droit/The Legal History Review LXXXV (2017), Isssue 1-2

(image source: Brill)

The Legal History Review (Brill) published the first issue (1-2) of its 85th volume (2017).

Table of contents:
Strafrechtlicher Schutz von Sklaven gegen Willkür ihrer Herren
 (Detlev Liebs)
Twee Antwerpse volksvertegenwoordigers op de beklaagdenbank
 (Jos Monballyu)
The edition of the Twelve Tables in Roman Statutes (Boudewijn Sirks)
Una compraventa poética, Horacio, Epistola 2.2
 (Consuelo Carrasco García)
Das pactum ut minus solvatur und die maior pars im klassischen Recht
 (Thomas Finkenauer)
Die Ratio des Schenkungsverbotes unter Ehegatten
 (Jakob Fortunat Stagl)
Ἀποκρίματα und die Kaiserkonstitutionen
 (Anna Plisecka)
Die laesio enormis und der dolus re ipsa heute: die Verschuldensfrage
 (A.M. Grebeniow)
Loans and Credit in the Canon Law Consilia of Wamesius (1524-1590) (Wouter Druwé)
« J’ai été longtemps minoritaire » (Vincent Genin)
Gierkes Protest gegen das BGB (Pierre Friedrich)
Book Reviews
Im Memoriam Josephus Petrus Antonius Coopmans, 1925-2016 (P.L. Nève)
All articles can be accessed on Booksandjournalsonline.

16 June 2017

VACANCIES: PhD positions "Collateral rights and Bankruptcy in Early Modern Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Lyon" (Deadline 31 AUG 2017)

The Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History at Tilburg University invites applications for the following position Three Positions of Doctoral Researcher in Legal History (3 x 1.0 FTE): Collateral rights and Bankruptcy in Early Modern Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Lyon

Specificaties - (uitleg)

Locatie Tilburg
FunctietypesResearch, Development, Innovation
Wetenschappelijke disciplineLaw
Uren 40,0 uren per week
Werk-/denkniveauUniversity Graduate
Vacaturenummer 10401
About employer Tilburg University
Short link
Solliciteer binnen 77 dagen op deze vacature


The Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History is seeking for three full-time doctoral researchers (48 months) who will be working within the project ‘Analysing Coherence in Law Through Legal Scholarship’ (CLLS), which is funded by the European Research Council (ERC, ERC Starting Grant 2016, nr 714759). The project started in January 2017 and will be finalized in 2021.

The project focuses on analyzing local and regional legal scholarship of the early modern period (c 1500 – c 1800), concerning the theme of collateral rights (securities) and bankruptcy. The three doctoral researchers will analyze the municipal law and legal practices of three cities of commerce in the early modern period, as well as doctrinal texts commenting on the municipal law of these cities. The first position is concerned with Amsterdam, the second one with Frankfurt, and the third one with Lyon.  


Candidates have studied law and/or history, and have written one or more papers on an institutional-historical or legal-historical topic. Candidates should demonstrate their interest in history and research methods (qualitative and⁄or quantitative). Acquaintance with archival research is a plus. Candidates are expected to combine good research skills with excellent networking and communicative skills and to have an entrepreneurial mindset. They have experience with both individual and teamwork research. For all three positions it is required that candidates have high proficiency in English, both written and spoken.

Candidates for the vacancy concerning Amsterdam have a good command of Dutch. Candidates for the position concerning Lyon have reading proficiency in French. The doctoral researcher who will study Frankfurt has reading proficiency in German. For the positions regarding Lyon and Frankfurt, a good command of Dutch, or willingness to learn Dutch, is an asset.


Tilburg University offers a good benefits package in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities. We offer competitive European salaries. Depending on the experience and competences of the selected candidates, the appointment will be made at the rank of researcher 4. The starting gross salary for researchers 4 will vary between € 2588,00 and € 4084,00 per month (for a full-time appointment) based on scale 10 of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) Dutch Universities. The appointment will start as from January 1st, 2018 and will end on December 31st, 2021. Tilburg University is rated among the top of Dutch employers, offering very good fringe benefits, such as the possibility to determine your benefits individually through an options model of employment conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The university will apply for such an allowance on their behalf whenever the criteria are met.
Dienstverband: Temporary, 4 years


Tilburg Law School (TLS) is a modern and specialized university. With a broad variety of international programmes and innovating research, the Tilburg Law School stands for high quality. Research at the Tilburg Law School is conducted in an organisation that fosters diversity. The Tilburg Graduate Law School is responsible for the training and guidance of its Research Master students and of the Faculty’s PhD researchers. With its open and inspiring atmosphere, this school is a congenial working environment.
Tilburg Law School

Additionele informatie

Job description
The successful candidates are expected to contribute to the CLLS-project’s research, its publications as well as its activities.

Candidates have studied law and/or history, and have written one or more papers on an institutional-historical or legal-historical topic. Candidates should demonstrate their interest in history and research methods (qualitative and⁄or quantitative). Acquaintance with archival research is a plus. Candidates are expected to combine good research skills with excellent networking and communicative skills and to have an entrepreneurial mindset. They have experience with both individual and teamwork research. For all three positions it is required that candidates have high proficiency in English, both written and spoken.

Candidates for the vacancy concerning Amsterdam have a good command of Dutch. Candidates for the position concerning Lyon have reading proficiency in French. The doctoral researcher who will study Frankfurt has reading proficiency in German. For the positions regarding Lyon and Frankfurt, a good command of Dutch, or willingness to learn Dutch, is an asset.

Additional information about the Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History can be found on Specific information about the vacancies can be obtained from dr. Dave De ruysscher, project leader,

07 June 2017

BOOK: Andreas VON ARNAULD (ed.), Völkerrechtsgeschichte(n): Historische Narrative und Konzepte im Wandel (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2017), ISBN 978-3-428-15163-9, € 74,9

(Image source: D&H)

Andreas von Arnauld (Kiel) published Völkerrechtsgeschichte(n): Historische Narrative und Konzepte im Wandel.


Völkerrechtsgeschichte(n). Der Begriff deutet an, dass die Geschichte des Völkerrechts nicht einfach-linear ist, sondern vielgestaltig und abhängig von der Perspektive dessen, der sie erzählt. Sich mit Geschichte zu befassen, heißt zu fragen, wer an was aus welchem Grund erinnert. Der Begriff deutet zugleich an, dass die Historiographie eng mit jenen Narrativen verbunden ist, die Völker und Staatengruppen zu Kollektiven formen. Welche historischen Gegenbilder schaffen wir mit der Rede vom »Westfälischen System«, wie konstruieren wir Epochen und Zäsuren, wie konzeptualisieren wir historischen Wandel – und aus welcher Perspektive? Diesen Fragen geht der vorliegende Band nach. Zugleich werden fundamentale Konzepte des Völkerrechts (internationale Gemeinschaft, Krieg und Frieden, Räume) in ihrem Wandel historisch rekonstruiert. Auf diese Weise soll die Funktion deutlich werden, die solche Rekonstruktionen für unsere Deutung des Völkerrechts der Gegenwart 
Table of contents: 
  • Andreas von Arnauld, Völkerrechtsgeschichte(n). Einleitende Überlegungen 
  • Rainer Grote, Das »Westfälische System« des Völkerrechts: Faktum oder Mythos? 
  • Jochen von Bernstorff, International Legal History and its Methodologies: How (Not) to Tell the Story of the Many Lives and Deaths of the ius ad bellum 
  • Heinhard Steiger, Das Ius Publicum Europaeum und das Andere: a global history approach 
  • Markus Kotzur, Konstitutionelle Momente? Gedanken über den Wandel im Völkerrecht 
  • Erika de Wet & Ioannis Georgiadis, From communitas orbis to a Community of States – and Back? 
  • Carsten Stahn, Das Ringen um den Frieden: Jus ad bellum – Jus contra bellum – Jus Post Bellum? 
  • Alexander Proelß & Camilla Haake, Gemeinschaftsräume in der Entwicklung: von der res communis omnium zum common heritage of mankind
More information on the publisher's website.

(source: International Law Reporter)

06 June 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS: Inclusion and Exclusion in the History of Ideas (Helsinki: Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History, 14-15 Dec 2017); DEADLINE 30 JUN 2017

(image source: university of Helsinki)

The Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History invites paper and panel proposals for its first international conference, which will take place 14-15 December 2017. Papers and panels should address intellectual history, broadly speaking, and relate to the general conference theme of ‘inclusion and exclusion’. While the theme of ‘inclusion and exclusion’ can be approached from many different perspectives and applied to many different topics, research in fields related to intellectual history has not prominently done so thus far. The conference organisers want to highlight a few ways of how this might be done, but the conference is also open to other suggestions:

· Inclusion and exclusion in theorising on political representation. How has the lack of representation due to gender, income or status been historically addressed? How has the fulfilment of citizenship been treated in the history of political thought? How are conceptualisations of politics and forms of government related to mechanisms of exclusion?
· Inclusion and exclusion in the recognition of social, cultural, religious or ethnic difference and the tradition of conceptualising tolerance. How have religious convictions and doctrines shaped the intellectual history of mutual recognition and toleration? Does the recognition of different identities and beliefs endorse or rather prevent the creation of cooperative and sociable societies?
· Inclusive and exclusive mechanisms regarding the location of knowledge and intellectual life. How do travel and communication between intellectuals and translation processes shape thinking in different parts of the world? How can today’s attempts to move toward global intellectual history shape and transform the practices and outputs of the field?
· Inclusion and exclusion through trade politics, institutions, and regulatory mechanisms. How were current international trade regimes shaped by forms of economic, fiscal, legal, and diplomatic inclusion and exclusion? How did different institutional and legal regimes develop in their usage of inclusion and exclusion mechanisms, thereby shaping trade patterns and political power relations?

Proposals for individual papers and panels of multiple papers are welcome at The deadline for submissions is 30 June. Notice of acceptance will be sent by 21 July. Paper presentations should not exceed 20 minutes with 10 minutes reserved for questions and comments. Panels may include up to four papers.

The conference is free of charge, but participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation. We will provide information on discounted hotel rates and a list of recommended hotels. Lunches and a conference dinner will be provided for presenters.

The Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History has its own working paper series (‘Intellectual History Archive’) through which papers may be circulated and published afterwards.

More information here.

05 June 2017

JOURNAL: Historia et ius, 11 (Jun 2017)

(image source: Historia et ius)

The journal Historia et ius published its 11th issue.

Table of contents:
Studi (valutati tramite peer review)
1) Francesco Aimerito, Prove generali di eversione dell’asse ecclesiastico: la “trasformazione” della Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino (1848-1853) - PDF
2) Eliana Augusti, Storie e storiografie dei Consolati in Oriente tra Otto e Novecento - PDF
3) Josée Bloquet, Le Projet de législation civile (1789) de Philippeaux : le legs du passé au service de l’esprit nouveau - PDF
4) Francesco D’Urso, La biblioteca ideale di un giurista a metà Ottocento. Da una lettera inedita di Luigi Borsari (1804-1887) - PDF
5) Francesca De Rosa, Il Protettorato francese in Tunisia e gli avvocati italiani (1881-1944) - PDF6) Silvia Di Paolo, Da regulae particolari a norme generali: verso un diritto amministrativo della Chiesa (XV-XVI sec.) - PDF
7) Alessia Maria Di Stefano, “Il diritto non è una scienza teorica ma un processo organico e naturale”: nuove prospettive per la Storia del diritto in Italia durante il XIX secolo - PDF
8) Daniele Edigati, Du notaire instructeur au juge d’instruction : un parcours d’histoire des institutions judiciaires en Toscane de l’Ancien Régime à la Restauration - PDF
9) Lorenzo Fascione, Barbari e lavoro della terra in Occidente da Teodosio I (382) a Odoacre (476) - PDF10) Carlotta Latini, I “segni” della devianza e la criminalità dei poveri. Pena e prevenzione nel pensiero di Enrico Ferri, un socialista fuzzy - PDF
11) Giuseppe Mazzanti, Habere rem cum iudea a christiano est rem habere cum cane iuris interpretatione. La damnata commixtio e il reato di bestialità nella dottrina giuridica di diritto comune - PDF
12) Gustavo Adolfo Nobile Mattei, Omnes utriusque sexus studeant honeste vivere. La disciplina sessuale nella legislazione beneventana (secc. XV-XVII) - PDF
13) Andrea Padovani, Violenza e paci private in una città di Romagna: Imola nel Quattrocento - PDF
14) Claudia Passarella, La pena di morte a Venezia in età moderna - PDF
15) Federico Roggero, Il "corpo" e il "territorio" dell’universitas nel Regno di Napoli - PDF
16) Paolo Rondini, Polizia giudiziaria e magistratura nell’Italia liberale - PDF
17) Francesco Serpico, Storie di ordinaria inquisizione. L’avvocato e la difesa del reo nel processo di fede in una raccolta napoletana del tardo Seicento - PDF
Fonti e letture 
18) Augusto Pierantoni, Dell'abolizione della pena di morte (1865), Introduzione di Elio Tavilla - PDF

19) In ricordo di Enrico Mazzarese Fardella (1930-2017), di Beatrice Pasciuta - PDF
20) Nicola Picardi: processualista e storico, di Andrea Panzarola - PDF
21) Antonello Cincotta, L’Affaire Gesù. Il processo, sincronie, diacronie giuridiche e futuribili scientifici. Suggestioni e ipotesi a proposito di alcuni recenti contributi - PDF
22) Neng Dong, Il doppio dominio nell’esperienza giuridica cinese. La pratica di yitian liangzhu tra consuetudine e legislazione - PDF
23) Sara Menzinger, Riflessioni sul rapporto tra autore e testo nella produzione giuridica medievale - PDF
24) Ferdinando Treggiari, Quelle casuistique? La méthode des cas dans l’histoire de l’enseignement juridique - PDF
25) Lihong Zhang - Neng Dong, A New Reading on Great Qing Code. A Comparative and Historical Survey - PDF

  • Struttura e Tradizione. Atti della Giornata di studio in onore di Severino Caprioli - a cura di Maria Rosa Di Simone e Giovanni Diurni - indice

JOURNAL: Journal on European History of Law VIII (2017), Issue 1

Dr. Jaromir Tauchen (Brno) transmitted the Table of Content's of the open access-journal Journal on European History of Law.

Research articles
•    Peter Lutz Kalmbach: The German Courts-martial and their Cooperation with the Police Organizations during the World War II
•    Martin Löhnig: Zur Geschichte des Erbverzichts
•    Raluca Enescu: The Imperial Court of Justice, Police Authorities and Bertillon’s Measurements
•    Marta Rodrigues Maffeis Moreira: Medical Responsability in Roman Private Law
•    Gábor Hamza: Römisch-Holländisches Recht (Roman-Dutch law, Romeins-Hollands recht, Romeins-Hollands reg) und sein Geltungsbereich in Europa und außerhalb Europas
•    István Sándor: The Medieval History and Development of Company Law
•    Guy Lurie: What is Modern in the State of Exception?
•    Ivan Kosnica: Citizenship in Croatia-Slavonia during the First World War
•    József Szalma: Solidary and Divided Liability of Joint Tortfeasors - with Special Regards to the Provisions of the New Hungarian Civil Code
•    Michał Gałędek: Juridification as an Ideology of Polizeiwissenschaft in 18th Century
•    Adolfo Antonio Díaz-Bautista Cremades – Patricia Blanco Díez: Execution of Tax Credits in Rome
•    Iván Siklósi: Some Thoughts on the Inexistence, Invalidity and Ineffectiveness of Juridical Acts in Roman Law and in its Subsequent Fate
•    János Jusztinger: Economic Significance of the Ancient Roman Superficies
•    Janos Erdődy: “Parsimonia atque tenuitas apud veteres custodita sunt” Certain Aspects of Laws Preventing Extravagant Expenditures in Roman Law
•    Ibolya Katalin Koncz: Morning-gift, a Special Marital Legal Instrument
•    Máté Pétervári: The History of Hungarian Civil Service from the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 to the First World War
•    Katalin Siska: Thoughts on the Special Relationship between Nationalism and Islam in Particular the Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Turkish Republican Era
•    Jiří Bílý: The Basic Methodology Problems in Study of Medieval Political and Legal Thought
•    Veronika Steinová: National Mobilization of Labour Force in Czechoslovakia (1945 – 1949)
•    Vojtěch Vrba – Pavel Homolka: Constitutional Conflict as the Basis for American Revolution

Book reviews
•    Eva Kell – Sabine Penth (Hrsg.): Vom Empire zur Restauration. Die Saarregion im Umbruch 1814-1820
•    Patricia Zambrana Moral: Estudios de Historia del Derecho penal. Vindicatio, inimicitia y represión penal en el Derecho español medieval y moderno
•    Guido Fontaine: Fraulautern im Dritten Reich - die Geistlichkeit im Widerstand
•    Janine Wolf: Aspekte des Urheberrechts bei Carl Maria von Weber, Albert Lortzing und Otto Nicolai
•    Johannes M. Geisthardt: Zwischen Princeps und Res Publica. Tacitus, Plinius und die senatorische Selbstdarstellung in der Hohen Kaiserzeit
•    Susanne Hähnchen: Rechtsgeschichte. Von der Römischen Antike bis zur Neuzeit
•    Christian Fischer – Walter Pauly (Hrsg.): Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung in der frühen Bundesrepublik
•    Michael Stolleis: Margarethe und der Mönch. Rechtsgeschichte in Geschichten
•    Joachim Rückert: Abschiede vom Unrecht. Zur Rechtsgeschichte nach 1945
•    Andreas Groten: Corpus und universitas: römisches Körperschafts- und Gesellschaftsrecht: zwischen griechischer Philosophie und römischer Politik

Reports from history of law

•    Ludwig Marum zum Gedenken – Zur Verleihung des Marum-Preises 2016 an Diemut Majer
•    „Gemeinsame Elemente des österreichischen und ungarischen Familienrechts zur Zeit der Doppelmonarchie und innerhalb der EU”. Bericht über das Forschungsseminar der Dezső-Márkus-Forschungsgruppe für Vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte (Pécs, den 25.-28. Oktober 2016)
•    „Nichtgeborene Kinder des Liberalismus? – die Zivilgesetzgebung in Mitteleuropa in der Zwischenkriegszeit“
•    In memoriam Imre Molnár (*1934 – †2016)
•    Zum 30. Todestag von Christian Broda: Lebensskizze und Reformen

More information on the journal's website.

03 June 2017

NOTICE: 2017 Novak Award Winner Prof. Wim Decock

 2017 Novak Award Winner Wim Decock
Acton Institute names European professor and prominent intellectual, Wim Decock, the 2017 Novak Award winner

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., May 30, 2017—In recognition of Professor Wim Decock’s outstanding research into the fields of theology, religion and economic history, the Acton Institute will be awarding him the 2017 Novak Award.

Professor Wim Decock teaches legal history at the Universities of Leuven and Liège (Belgium). He is an associate fellow at Emory University’s Centre for the Study of Law and Religion (USA) and an affiliate researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History (Germany). Decock holds an M.A. in Classics, an LL.M in Law, and received his Ph.D. in legal history in a joint program through the Universities of Leuven and Roma Tre (Italy). His 2014 book, Theologians and Contract Law: The Moral Transformation of the Ius Commune, earned him the H.M. Leibnitz Prize of the German Research Foundation. Decock has held visiting professorships at the University of Bergen (Norway) and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France). He was also a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School (USA).

The Novak Award forms part of a range of academic scholarships, grants, and awards available from the Acton Institute that support those engaged in serious  reflection and research on the relationship between theology, the free market, limited government, and the rule of law. Details of these academic scholarships may be found at

BOOK: Wolfgang ERNST, Rechtserkenntnis durch Richtermehrheiten. "Group choice" in europäischen Justiztraditionen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016, XX + 362 p. ISBN 9783161543616, € 109

(image source: Mohr Siebeck)

Prof. dr. Wolfgang Ernst (Oxford) published Rechterkenntnis durch Richtermehrheiten (Mohr-Siebeck). This work was elected Book of the year 2016 in Germany (43  Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (2016), 3142,3143). 

Book abstract:
When judges in collegiate courts disagree, establishing the collective decision poses particular methodological problems. What is the result if judges disagree as to the quantitative or qualitative aspects of their decision? How can they fuse their individual legal reasoning into a joint opinion, if that is what the several judges are expected to deliver? These problems are not addressed by contemporary methodology, which focusses on the intellectual ratiocinations to be performed by an individual person. Yet, throughout the European development of collegiate judiciaries, these problems have challenged jurists and philosophers alike. Can a group of persons apply the law with an authoritative, meaningful group voice? This book seeks to describe the European legal history of judicial majoritarianism. It analyses the concepts of collegiate decision-making as advanced by legal scholars at key points in that history, and also shows the aggregation techniques actually employed by judiciaries in a number of legal systems. We are inspecting, so to speak, a laboratory of ideas and solutions that may contribute to theories of plural decisionmaking, aggregated and collective will and choice, and theories of group preference and identity.  
A full book abstract can be found here.

More information on the publisher's website.

INTENSIVE COURSE: "History of International Relations: property and sovereignty" (Lisbon, June 6-8 2017)

WHAT History of International Relations: property and sovereignty, Intensive Course

WHEN June 6-8, 2017, 18h00 - 20h00

WHERE University of Lisbon, Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa, Anfiteatro 10

Será abordado, entre outros assuntos, o contributo da Segunda Escolástica para a definição da noção de jus gentium, a sua relação com o direito natural e consequências para os Impérios. Bibliografia: KOSKENNIEMI, Martti (2011) The political theology of trade law: the scholastic contribution, Oxford University Press:

The foundation of jus gentium—of which freedom of trade was a part—in Suarez did not lie in natural law, as one might think, but in a modification or deviation from natural law. The original, immutable na1ª e 2ª Sessões (6 e 7 de Junho): Spanish Scholasticism and British Empire. tural law derived from God at the creation of the world and, as Suárez and the whole tradition in which he writes, including St. Thomas Aquinas, agree, provided for common ownership of all things. With the Fall, however, the requirements of the government of human societies had necessitated the division of things, divisio rerum. This had been undertaken gradually in the practice of all or most peoples so that it had become consecrated as a custom-based jus gentium. Private property arose as a concession to human sinfulness, a necessary aspect of social life among egoistic individuals. Even as its present validity was unquestioned, it looked backwards to an original Christian ethics for which freedom was also freedom from private property, and resources of the earth were managed jointly among humans. It accepted the distinction between presente reality and Christian utopia."

SUMMER SCHOOL: "Summer School 2017 in Medieval Studies: Discovering the end of the world. Portugal as a central periphery," (Lisbon, July 17-21 2017)

WHAT Discovering the end of the world. Portugal as a central periphery, Summer School

WHEN July 17-21, 2017

WHERE Lisbon, Institute for Medieval Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA, University of Lisbon

all information here

From 17th to 21st of July – Institute for Medieval Studies promotes an exchange of ideas about the Middle Ages. Registrations open.
The Institute for Medieval Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon (IEM-FCSH/NOVA) and the Mosteiro da Batalha host this one-week Summer School. The Summer School takes place on 17-21 July, its main objective being to provide a forum for anyone interested in the middle ages, and to support contact and exchange.
We aim to promote dialogue between researchers and the public keen to deepen their knowledge about medieval Portugal. We aim to familiarise students with medieval Portuguese culture, history, art and literature, from the perspective of Portugal’s interactions with its neighbours, tangible as much as metaphorical.
The IEM Summer School courses are open to anyone and include travel and ‘immersive’ visits to a number of historic sites in central Portugal. Every module has a separate study visit.
Teaching is in English by an international team of IEM scholars, combining young and senior, all experts in their field.
Registration open until 15 June [30 vacancies].

COLLOQUIUM: "Langue et Nation au XIXe siècle" (Cergy (Paris), June 9 2017)

WHAT Langue et Nation au XIXe siècle, Colloquium

WHEN June 9, 2017

WHERE Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Salle des conférences, 33 bd du Port, Cergy, Paris

La revendication linguistique a été dans l’Europe du XIXe siècle l’élément principal autour duquel se sont  se mobilisés les groupes nationaux pour obtenir leur indépendance dans la perspective de la création d’Etat-nations après l’éclatement des anciens empires. Le colloque, qui réunira historiens, juristes, linguistes, germanistes et philosophes, étudiera la dynamique qui s’instaure entre langue et nation d’un point de vue à la fois historique et politique. Au centre de l’intérêt il y aura d’une part l’approche théorique de la question par des hommes politiques et des intellectuels, et d’autre part la situation linguistique et culturelle , ballotée entre les revendications concurrentes des pays voisins et les procédés d’unification des nations européennes.