
27 July 2015

BOOK: Michel PORRET and Élisabeth SALVI (dir). Cesare Beccaria. La controverse pénale, XVIIIe-XXe siècle [Histoire]. Rennes: PU Rennes, 2015. ISBN 978-2-7535-4016-3, 22€

(image source: PURennes)

 The Presses Universitaires de Rennes published a new collective work on Cesare Beccaria.

Commenté, mis à l’Index romain, fustigé, critiqué ou loué par les juristes et les criminologues positivistes durant le long XIXe siècle, Des délits et des peines suscite une controverse pénale, encore bien vivante aujourd’hui en Chine ou dans le droit européen et international. Ce livre signé par 25 spécialistes européens et américains revient sur le « moment Cesare Beccaria » qui depuis 250 ans nourrit cette controverse autour du droit de punir avec son impact politique sur la démocratie.
Table of contents:
Les auteurs

Robert Roth, Préface
  • Michel Porret, Introduction. Le moment Beccaria
Première partie 
  • Dario Ippolito, Justice pénale et liberté civile: le «moment Beccaria» dans les Lumières napolitaines
  • Stéphanie Roza, La peine de mort entre utopie et pragmatisme: les thèses de Beccaria chez Gabriel Bonnot de Mably (De la Législation
  • Lucie Buttex, «Bienveillance» et «douceur» des peines: le réformisme des Principles of Penal Law de William Eden
  • Donald Fyson, Beccaria contre Howard? La réforme pénale au Québec (1760-1841) 
  • Serena Luzzi, L’anti-beccarien Carlantonio Pilati écarté au Concours de la Société économique de Berne (1777-1780)
  • Emmanuelle de Champs, Bentham et l’héritage de Beccaria: du Projet d’un corps complet de législation aux Traités de législation civile et pénale
  • Albrecht Burkardt, Émules et censeurs du traité Des délits et des peines Voltaire et Joseph von Montag
  • Philippe Audegean, L’ombre de Morellet. Les premières traductions françaises de Beccaria (1765-1822)
Deuxième partie 
  • John D. Bessler, Cesare Beccaria et les débuts de la réforme pénale américaine
  • Jean Bart, Des délits et des peines dans les débats révolutionnaires français
  • Elisabeth Salvi, De l’abolitionnisme des Lumières au réformisme pénal de la République helvétique (1764-1803)
  • Yves Cartuyvels, Responsabilité morale et défense sociale. Deux versions asymétriques de l’individualisation des peines en Belgique au XIXe siècle
  • Audrey Higelin, Beccaria dans la genèse de la prison en France avant 1850
  • Jérôme Ferrand, Les lectures juridiques de Beccaria sous la Restauration: genèse d’une herméneutique réactionnaire
  • Marc Renneville, Usages de Cesare Beccaria dans les Archives de l’anthropologie criminelle (1886-1914)
  • Elio Tavilla, Les disciples de Beccaria: le débat abolitionniste dans l’Italie post-unitaire
  • Monica Stronati, L’héritage de Beccaria en Italie. La mesure et la modération de la peine (XIXe-XXe siècles)
Troisième partie 
  • Ning Zhang, Pour ou contre Beccaria. La réception du traité Des délits et des peines dans la Chine contemporaine
  • Vincent Sizaire, L’héritage ambivalent du libéralisme beccarien dans la fabrication du droit pénal contemporain
  • Djoheur Zerouki-Cottin, Le principe de légalité des délits et des peines dans le droit européen
  • Diane Bernard et Damien Scalia, Retour à la proportion selon Beccaria dans le droit pénal international
Vincent Milliot, Postface. Le palimpseste beccarien
The Introduction to the work can be downloaded for free here.

(source: Nomôdos)

24 July 2015

BOOK: Gabrielle MARCEAU (ed.), A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO. The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System. Cambridge: CUP, May 2015. 648 p. ISBN 9781107085237. £ 95

(image source: CUP)

Gabrielle Marceau (WTO Secretariat, Geneva) published a collective work at Cambridge University Press on  A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO. The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System

How did a treaty that emerged in the aftermath of the Second World War, and barely survived its early years, evolve into one of the most influential organisations in international law? This unique book brings together original contributions from an unprecedented number of eminent current and former GATT and WTO staff members, including many current and former Appellate Body members, to trace the history of law and lawyers in the GATT/WTO and explore how the nature of legal work has evolved over the institution's sixty-year history. In doing so, it paints a fascinating portrait of the development of the rule of law in the multilateral trading system, and allows some of the most important personalities in GATT and WTO history to share their stories and reflect on the WTO's remarkable journey from a 'provisionally applied treaty' to an international organisation defined by its commitment to the rule of law.

=> Provides a new perspective on the role of law and lawyers in the GATT/WTO Secretariats which highlights the multiple roles of lawyers and non-lawyers in enhancing the rule of law in the multilateral trading system
=> Offers an historical and analytical description of the evolution of the rule of law in the GATT/WTO systems and the various and sometimes contradictory ways in which commitment to the rule of law has manifested itself in the multilateral trading system
=> Contributions from a wide range of current and former GATT and WTO staff, as well as members of the Appellate Body, provide unprecedented insights into the legal work in the multilateral trading system, as experienced by a wide range of persons

Table of contents:
1. Introduction and overview
 2. Moving towards an international rule of law? The role of the GATT and the WTO in its development

Part I. The Role of Law and Lawyers in the GATT System:
1948–92: Infancy: Reflections on the Origins of Legalization in the GATT:
3. We were young together: at the GATT, 1956–58
 4. Law and lawyers in the multilateral trading system: back to the future
 5. Towards a GATT legal office
 6. A short history of the rules division
 Childhood: the Tokyo Round and the establishment and work of the first legal office:
7. Remembrance of things past: my time at the GATT
 8. The first years of the GATT legal service
 9. Early dispute settlement in the GATT
 10. GATT dispute settlement practices: setting the stage for reform
 11. The role of law in international trade relations and the establishment of the Legal Affairs Division of the GATT
 12. From the GATT to the WTO: a personal journey
 13. The establishment of a GATT Office of Legal Affairs and the limits of 'public reason' in the GATT/WTO dispute settlement system
 14. Evolving dispute settlement practice with respect to anti-dumping in the late 1980s and early 1990s

 Part II. Legal Work After the Entry into Force of the WTO:
1993–95: Adolescence: Transition from the GATT to the WTO:
15. The Legal Affairs Division and law in the Uruguay Round and the GATT
 16. Taking care of business: the Legal Affairs Division from the GATT to the WTO
 17. From the GATT to the WTO: the expanding duties of the Legal Affairs Division in non-panel matters
 18. The WTO Dispute Settlement Body: procedural aspects of its operation
 Young adult: the WTO as a formal international organisation:
19. Making law in 'new' WTO subject areas: competition policy and government procurement
 20. The meat in the sandwich
 21. From theory to practice: drafting and applying the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU)
 22. WTO panel composition: searching far and wide for administrators of world trade justice
 23. Legal counsel to the administration: a legal adviser who should not look like one
 24. Outside looking in, after many years on the inside looking out

Part III. The Changing Legal Character of the Multilateral Trading System:
1996 to Today: Adulthood: The Quasi-Judicialization of the Panel Process by the Rules and Legal Affairs Divisions:
25. The first years of WTO dispute settlement: dealing with controversy and building confidence
 26. From Seattle to Doha: from the surreal to the unreal. A personal account
 27. Extending the scope and strengthening the legitimacy of WTO dispute settlement and some personal recollections Bruce Wilson
 28. Working in WTO dispute settlement: pride without prejudice
 29. The meaning of everything: the origin and evolution of the GATT and the WTO analytical index
 30. When science meets law: the rule of law in the development of the panel's expert consultation process
 Gaining maturity: the appellate body and the impact of the appellate review on the development of international trade law:
31. The founding of the appellate body
 32. The authority of an institution: the appellate body under review
 33. Launching the appellate body
 34. Revisiting the appellate body: the first six years
 35. Not in clinical isolation
 36. The appellate body in its formative years: a personal perspective
 37. Reflections on the functioning of the appellate body
 38. A country boy goes to Geneva
 39. Contribution of the WTO appellate body to treaty interpretation

Part IV. Looking Ahead: New Challenges and Opportunities:40. Advising the Director-General: brevity is the soul of wit, even for a lawyer
 41. The Legal Affairs Division at thirty and beyond
 42. Will the increased workload of WTO panels and the appellate body change how WTO disputes are adjudicated?
 43. Concluding remarks.

23 July 2015

CONFERENCE: Legal History at the 14th Quadrennial Conference for Eighteenth Century Studies (Rotterdam, 27-31 July 2015)

(image source: ISECS2015)

The 14th edition of the bilingual quadrennial International Conference for Eighteenth Century Studies (ISECS) will take place at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands). This interdisciplinary mass gathering unites historians, linguists, philosophers, musicologists, art historians and lawyers from across the globe.

The organisers distributed an 80 page-program and the abstracts of all papers listed per day. The following panels, keynotes and round tables are of potential interest to legal historians (in view of the sheer size of the event, it is almost impossible to be exhaustive):

Monday 27 July

S013(11:00 -12:30, Room: T3-10: Mandeville Building)
The Bubbles of 1720: New Economic and Cultural Perspectives
Organizer / Chair:
Catherine Labio
Condorelli, Stefano: The 1720 Financial Bubble: A European Perspective
Yamamoto, Koji: Homo Bulla: Young Students' Responses to the Bubble in 1721
Labio, Catherine: The Sounds of the Mississippi Bubble

S009(11:00 -12:30, Room: M3-03: Aberdeen: Van Der Goot Building)
Markets and Military Monarchies’: Enlightened Reflections On the Threat of Despotism, Pufendorf to Mandeville
Organizer / Chair: Robert von Friedeburg
Klerk, Marianne: Reconstructing Rule of Law and Reason of State in the Age of Louis XIV
Von Friedeburg, Robert: The Transformation of Reflections on Tyranny into those on ‘Despotism’ under the Threat of Military Monarchy

S030(14:00 -15:30, Room: T3-35: Mandeville Building)
Opening Markets: Swedish Consuls in Southern Europe, C. 1700-1800
Organizer / Chair: Silvia Marzagalli
Östlund, Joachim: The Swedish Trade Route to the Mediterranean: Consuls, Trade Security and the Development of Reciprocal Ransoming Agreement during the Eighteenth Century
Fryksén, Gustaf: Swedish Trade and Intelligence in the Mediterranean: Consular Incentives towards Commercial Expansion 1723-1763
Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves and Marzagalli, Silvia: ‘Pour l'Avantage et l'Accroissement du Commerce Suédois’. Consul Fölsch and Swedish Trade Growth (1780-1805)
Müller, Leos: Swedish Consular Service andShipping under the Neutral Flag in the Mediterranean, 1770-1800/p>

Tuesday 28 July

S046(09:00 -10:30, Room: M3-04: Auckland: Van Der Goot Building)
Droit et Diplomatie au XVIIIe Siècle
Organisateur/Président: Frederik Dhondt, Eric Schnakenbourg
Dhondt, Frederik: "Le congrès de Soissons (1728-1729) et le droit des gens"
Lloret , Sylvain: "Du langage commun au dialogue de sourds : la protection juridique des marchands français en Espagne au XVIIIe siècle"
Schnakenbourg, Eric: "À la recherche d’une légitimité juridique : Le droit maritime et relations internationales au XVIIIe siècle"
Simon, Victor: "Origine et évolution de la protection diplomatique française dans les échelles du Levant et de Barbarie
S054(I)(09:00 -10:30,Room: T3-35: Mandeville Building)
Le Marché Panckoucke (1782-1832) Ou l’Ouverture de la Connaissance (I)
Organisatrice/Président: Martine Groult, Rolando Minuti
Leoni, Marina: La Méthodique de Quatremère de Quincy. L'Architecture entre beaux-arts et savoirs scientifiques
Delia, Luigi: Lumières sur le jusnaturalisme. Remarques sur la réception encyclopédique du droit naturel
Doig, Ann Kathleen Hardesty: Ebauche d'une étude transversale : le Dictionnaire "Physique" de l'Encyclopédie méthodique
Groult, Martine: Ordre encyclopédique et ordre méthodique
S053(09:00 -10:30, Room: T3-17: Mandeville Building)
Migrant Merchant Cultures and the Transition to Modernity: Financial and Memorial Practices of Trade Communities From the 18th to the Early 19Th Century
Organizer / Chair: Maria A. Stassinopoulou
Ressel,Magnus: Charitable Foundations Of Lutheran Merchants In 18th Century Venice
Ransmayr, Anna: “Speculation And Usury”: Financial Crisis And Profiteering
Saracino, Stefano / Soursos, Nathalie: Private Vs. Public Crises And The Foundations And Endowments Of The Greek-Orthodox In Vienna (18th/19th Century)
Mantouvalos, Ikaros: The Social Reproduction Of The Family Capital And The Redefinition Of The Family Memory: Greek Testators In Pest And Their Endowment Strategies (18th Century -Early 19th Century)

S061(11:00-12:30, Room: M3-04: Auckland: Van Der Goot Building)
Organizer /Chair:Annelien de Dijn
de Dijn, Annelien: Rousseau and Republicanism
Verhoeven, Willem: Reason or Sense? Rousseau’s Moral Epistemology and Conception of Natural Law
Vargas, Thiago: “No one touches his neighbor's garden”: Rousseau's economic lessons in Émile.

S074(14:00 -15:30, Room: M3-04: Auckland: Van Der Goot Building)
Montesquieu: de L'Esprit et des Lois
Organisateur/Président:Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, Lorenzo Bianchi, Rolando Minuti
Myrtille Méricam-Bourdet -« Je disais... » dans mes Pensées : théorie et pratique de l’esprit
Joshua Bandoch, Montesquieu, Esprit, and the Politics of Place
Stéphane Pujol - De l'esprit faux et des mauvais esprits. Quand Voltaire réécrit les Lettres persanes
Vernazza, Diego: L’esprit général, l’objet d’une nation, et le problème de l’idéal

S080(14:00 -15:30, Room: T3-16: Mandeville Building)
The Indies Companies in The Age of Revolution
Organizer / Chair:Malick W. Ghachem
Leos Müller Fatah - Black, Karwan: The dismantling of the chartered companies in the Dutch Atlantic
Stern, Philip: A Plassey Revolution?: Rewriting the English East India Company in the Late Eighteenth Century
Ghachem, Malick: The Revolt against the French Indies Company
Van Rossum, Matthias: A troublesome Company: The VOC and revolts, circa 1740-1800

Wednesday 29 July

KN308 (09:00 –10:30, Room: M1-12: Oxford: Van Der Goot Building)
Keynote 4: Who was the Enlightenment? Social Networks and Digital Humanities
Keynote Speaker: Dan Edelstein
Chair: Keith Bake

RT302 (11:00 -12:30, Room: M3-15 Forum: Van Der Goot Building)
Round table 3 – The Politics of Enlightenment
Organizer / Chair: Matthijs Lok
Israel, Jonathan
McMahon, Darrin
Clark, Jonathan
de Dijn, Annelien

S114 (11:00 -12:30, Room: M3-03: Aberdeen: Van Der Goot Building)
Panel Commerce
Organizer / Chair:Inger Leemans
Rubinstein, Elena: Lord Bolingbroke about British economy after Glorious Revolution in his last work "Some Reflections on the Present State of Nation"
Valmori, Niccolò: The rise of a New World: American securities market and European investors at the end of the eighteenth century.
Zabel, Christine: Tomorrow is Today’s Uncertainty: Speculating in Early Modern Europe
Cruz, Miguel: Making the Empire defendable: international commercial networks and the 18th century Portuguese Atlantic World

S111(I)(14:00 -15:30,Room: T3-16: Mandeville Building)
Economic Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations of the 18th Century -Structures and Translations/ Le Savoir Économique Dans Les Compilations Encyclopédiques Du XvIIIe Siècle -Structures Et Traductions (I)*Panel of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
Organizer / Chair:Hanco Jürgens, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen: Le Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce (1723) de Savary Des Bruslons comme modèle d'une encyclopédie économique au Siècle des Lumières -structure, transformations, transferts
Jürgens, Hanco: Translations and circulations of economic knowledge of India in European encyclopedias
Baggerman, Arianne: Blussé's Complete Description of Trades and Occupations

S111(II)(16:00 -17:30,Room: T3-16: Mandeville Building)
Economic Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations of the 18th Century -Structures and Translations/ Le Savoir Économique Dans Les Compilations Encyclopédiques Du XvIIIe Siècle-Structures Et Traductions (II)*Panel of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
Organizer / Chair:Hanco Jürgens, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
Donato, Clorinda: "Promoting Commerce, Trade and the Maritime Prowess of the Venetian Republic in the Encyclopédie méthodique de Padoue (1784-1817)
Greilich, Suzanne: Savoir économique et l'Espagne des Lumières
D'Aprile, Iwan-Michelangelo: Transfer of Economic Knowledge in German Encyclopediae: From Krünitz to Brockhaus

Thursday 30 July

KN309 (09:00 –10:30, Room: M1-12: Oxford: Van Der Goot Building)
Keynote 5: Eloges de l'injustice. De Diderot à Sade
Keynote Speaker: Céline Spector
Chair: Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink

Friday 31 July

S197(I)(09:00 -10:30, Room: M3-05: Praag: Van Der Goot Building)
Le Moment Beccaria (1765-1810). Les Origines intellectuelles du Droit Pénal Moderne (I)
Organisateur/Président:Philippe Audegean
Rao, Annamari: Humanité et utilité : le débat sur Beccaria dans les milieux intellectuels napolitains
Berti, Francesco: Tommaso Natale et la critique de la philosophie démocratique de Beccaria
Ippolito, Dario: Beccaria VS Montesquieu : le problème pénal dans la réflexion de Dalmazzo Francesco Vasco
Monti, Annamaria: La question del’arbitraire judiciaire entre 1764 et 1810 : un débat européen

S196(II)(11:00 -12:30,Room: M3-04: Auckland: Van Der Goot Building)
Liberty in Commercial Society: Conceptions of Liberty in the Age of the Enlightenment (II)
Organizer / Chair:Eleni Leontsini
Esser dos Reis, Helena: Embuscades de la liberté: difficultés à la protection des droits de l'homme.
Ueno, Hiroki: Domesticating Global Economy: Montesquieu, Adam Smith, and the Invention of National Economy.
Leontsini, Eleni: Adam Ferguson’s Republican Conception of Liberty

S196(III)(14:00 -15:30,Room: M3-04: Auckland: Van Der Goot Building)
Liberty in Commercial Society: Conceptions of Liberty in the Age of the Enlightenment (III)
Organizer / Chair:Eleni Leontsini
Balazs, Peter: Deux conceptions rivales de la liberté dans la Hongrie du XVIIIe siecle
Konstantakopoulos, Stavros: Benjamin Constant and the Limitations of the Liberty of the Moderns

S197(II)(11:00 -12:30, Room: M3-05: Praag: Van Der Goot Building)
Le Moment Beccaria (1765-1810). Les Origines intellectuelles du Droit Pénal Moderne (II)
Organisateur/Président:Luigi Delia
de Champs, Emmanuelle: Une culture démocratique de la décision juridique? Juges et jurés chez Beccaria, Condorcet et Bentham
Ferrand, Jérôme: Beccaria, «père» du droit pénal moderne ou «dernier des mohicans» matérialistes?
Rother, Wolfgang: Johann Christian Gottlieb Schaumann et les débuts de la psychologie criminelle
Béal, Christophe: Beccaria, Bentham, Hart et la philosophie pénale

S221(14:00 -15:30,Room: M2-10: Rochester: Van Der Goot Building)
Enemies of Exclusion: Opposition to Closed Markets in Overseas Trade
Organizer / Chair: Joris van den Tol
Hoonhout, Bram: Free trade at the fringes of empire? Cross-imperial trade and the expansion of the Dutch West-Indian colonies of Essequibo and Demerara, 1750-1800
Heijmans, Elisabeth: Hand in hand with the state:Regional merchant communities and centralized French empire building
Odegard, Erik: The Dutch East India Company and the opening of the Malabar Military Labor market, 1760-1795
Brinkman, Anna: British Prize Law and the Loss of Spanish Neutrality, 1756-1763

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international (MPI Heidelberg)

(image: journal cover; source: Brill)

The managing editor of the Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international sent out the following call for contributions:

The  Journal  of  the  History  of  International  Law  /  Revue  d’histoire  du  droit  international  –  edited  by  Anne  Peters (Editor-in-Chief), Randall Lesaffer and Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet – is an interdisciplinary journal on the history of international law with a broad outreach. It is placed among the top international law journals which are  regularly  consulted  by  all  international  lawyers  with  a  general  interest  in  the  history  of  their  field.  It provides a forum for the emerging and expanding scholarship that takes a historical approach to exploring a wide  range  of  issues  in  international  law.  It  accommodates  the  growth  in  interest  in  the  histories  of international law from scholars working in related fields (global history, imperial history, intellectual history
and international relations). It creates a venue for ground-breaking work in this field by combining tradition with innovation and to provide the opportunity to develop sustained critical engagement with work on the history of international law.
The Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international encourages critical reflection on the classical grand narrative of international law as the purveyor of peace and civilization to the whole world. It specifically invites articles on extra-European experiences and forms of legal relations between autonomous communities which were discontinued as a result of domination and colonization by European Powers. It is open to all possibilities of telling the history of international law, while respecting the necessary rigour in the use of records and sources. It is a forum for a plurality of visions of the history of international law, but also for debate on such plurality itself, on the methods, topics, and usages, as well as the bounds and dead-ends of this discipline. Moreover, it devotes space to examining in greater depth specific themes. The  article  section  of  the  Journal  is  open  to  submissions  from  the  entire  academic  community.  The
Journal uses double-blind peer review. All manuscripts received are evaluated by the editors and after pre-screening submitted to one or two anonymous external referees. Articles submitted to the Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international should be original contributions – in English or French.
All  work  submitted  will  be  scrutinized  based  on  its  intellectual  quality,  originality  and advancement  of academic discourse. The editors have thus decided to issue a general call for papers, inviting interested persons to submit contributions for consideration for publication in the forthcoming issues of the Journal. For a scholarly research manuscript, the length should not be more than 14000 words, including footnotes. Articles must be accompanied by a 150-word (maximum) abstract needed for identifying reviewers (in  a  separate  file). 
Authors  must  provide  –  in  a  separate  file  –  current  institutional  affiliation  with  email address, full postal address and telephone number where they can be reached, and brief biographical data if
they wish.
Manuscripts (accompanied by files with abstract and affiliation) and any correspondence should be sent to (to the attention of the Journal’s managing editor, Dr Mieke van der Linden). More information  can  be  found  via  the  website  of  the  Max  Planck  Institute  for  Comparative  Public  Law  and International Law, Heidelberg:

20 July 2015

COURSE: "The Emergence of "ius criminale" from "ius civile" and "ius canonicum": Pathways and Perspectives in Medieval and Early Modern Europe", 35th International School of Ius Commune (Erice, November 4-8 2015)

WHAT 35th International School of Ius Commune, The Emergence of "ius criminale" from "ius civile" and "ius canonicum": Pathways and Perspectives in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

WHEN November 4-8 2015

WHERE Erice, Sicily, Italy

BOOK: "Le Sens de la justice, une «utopie réaliste»? Rawls et ses critiques", S. Guérard de Latour, G. Radica, C. Spector (Ed.), (Paris, 2015)

S. Guérard de Latour, G. Radica, C. Spector (Ed.), Le Sens de la justice, une «utopie réaliste»? Rawls et ses critiques", Paris, 2015
all information here
Rawls considère le sens de la justice comme l'une des conditions indispensables à la stabilité de la société bien ordonnée. Ce livre interroge la nature de ce sens moral et met à l'épreuve sa capacité à fonder une «utopie réaliste», en mobilisant critiques philosophiques et sciences sociales.
Rawls considers the sense of justice as one of the conditions essential for the stability of a well-ordered society. This book interrogates the nature of this moral sense and tests its capacity to found a “realistic utopia”, drawing on philosophical critics and the social sciences

BOOK: "Itinéraires croisés d’histoire du droit entre France et États de Savoie", by Michel Bottini (Nice, 2015)

Michel Bottini, Itinéraires croisés d’histoire du droit entre France et États de Savoie, edit. by O. Vernier et M. Ortolani
all information here

Cet ouvrage, tiré en nombre limité, rassemble 46 études rédigées, par Michel Bottin, au cours de sa carrière universitaire en tant que professeur d’histoire du droit à l’Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (Faculté de droit et science politique). 
Ces «itinéraires croisés», entre deux territoires frontaliers, la France et les États de la Maison de Savoie, se déclinent en quatre thèmes: l’administration, les finances, la frontière et la féodalité. 
Ces études sont illustrées de plusieurs monographies familiales et villageoises, en particulier du Comté de Nice

BOOK: "Averroès l'inquiétant", by J.-B. Brenet (Paris, 2015)

J.-B. Brenet, Averroès l'inquiétant, Paris, 2015
all information here 

Le nom d'Averroès est celui d’un scandale. Voici l’homme d’une thèse folle qui soutient que l’intellect est séparé des individus et unique pour toute l’espèce.
Conséquence? La négation de la proposition «je pense»: la ruine de la rationalité. Pendant cinq cents ans, l’Europe s’en offusquera. Comment comprendre cette histoire qui mêle fascination et rejet? D’où vient que l’averroïsme récusé d’emblée n’ait cessé de reparaître? Avec Freud, ce livre propose une réponse.
Averroès, alias Abū l-Walīd Muh. ammad ibn Ah.mad Ibn Rušd, est l’archétype d’une «inquiétante étrangeté» venue perturber la latinité.
Jean-Baptiste Brenet est professeur à l’Université de Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, où il enseigne l’histoire de la philosophie arabe. Spécialiste d’Averroès et de son héritage latin, il codirige la collection «Translatio. Philosophies médiévales», chez Vrin. Il a notamment publié Transferts du sujet. La noétique d’Averroès selon Jean de Jandun (2003) et Les possibilités de jonction. Averroès-Thomas Wylton (2013)

BOOK: "L’Histoire des idées. Problématiques, objets, concepts, méthodes, enjeux, débats", by M. Angenot

M. Angenot, L’Histoire des idées. Problématiques, objets, concepts, méthodes, enjeux, débats, 2014
all information here

L’histoire des idées bénéficie d’une pleine légitimité universitaire dans les mondes anglo-américain et germanique. Dans le monde de langue française au contraire, c’est une sorte de terrain vague où l’on aperçoit des passants, des squatters, des occupants sans titre. On n’y rencontre guère en tout cas de travaux de confrontation des méthodes et présupposés de cette discipline répudiée par la plupart des historiens « ordinaires ».
Le présent ouvrage cherche à combler cette lacune. Ni traité, ni manuel, il aborde un vaste ensemble de questions, confronte les démarches des uns et des autres, expose les termes de controverses récurrentes. L’auteur y aborde la « vieille » question, déclinée de cent façons, du rôle des idées dans l’histoire.
Genre hybride, l’histoire des idées combine historicisation et typologies, et opère sur le produit de vastes enquêtes d’archives. Mais elle comporte aussi, explicitement dans bien des cas, une intention polémique jointe à un engagement personnel, la présence d’un sujet qui interpelle ses contemporains par passé interposé
Marc ANGENOT est professeur émérite de l’Université McGill de Montréal, titulaire de la Chaire James-McGill d’étude du discours social et membre de la Société royale du Canada. Il est l’auteur de quelque trente ouvrages d’histoire des idées, d’analyse du discours et de rhétorique de l’argumentation dont, parmi les titres récents, Dialogues de sourds, traité de rhétorique antilogique (2008), En quoi sommes-nous encore pieux? (2009), El discurso social (2010), Rhétorique de la confiance et de l’autorité (2013) et Les dehors de la littérature (2013)

BOOK: "L'Âge des ombres. Complots, conspirations et sociétés secrètes au XIXe siecle", by J.-N. Tardy (Paris, 2015)

J.-N. Tardy, L'Âge des ombres. Complots, conspirations et sociétés secrètes au XIXe siecle, Paris, 2015
 all information here
 De la Seconde Restauration à la répression de la Commune de Paris, la vie politique française présente l'étrange paradoxe d’une instabilité extrême, entre révolutions et coups d’état, qui n’entrave pas la diffusion d’une certaine modernité politique, celle du régime représentatif, du suffrage universel masculin et du respect des libertés politiques.
Dans l’histoire de la politique moderne, les improbables conspirations tramées par de petites minorités organisées contre un État de plus en plus puissant apparaissent bien étranges. Pourtant elles passaient pour des événements importants, déplorables ou héroïques, relevant pleinement du politique comme le démontrent la popularité des quatre sergents de la Rochelle ou d’un Armand Barbès, les carrières d’un Philippe Buonarroti ou d’un Louis-Auguste Blanqui, l’équipée de la duchesse de Berry ou les tentatives malheureuses de Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte avant qu’il ne devienne Napoléon III.
Événements mystérieux – dans tous les sens du terme – les complots, imaginés, espérés ou redoutés, quelquefois menés à exécution, coïncident avec le succès du Romantisme et la relance d’une politisation populaire favorisée par la mémoire de la Révolution française. C’est à l’exploration d’un monde délégitimé, largement tombé dans l’oubli, que ce livre est consacré.
Il retrace le parcours comme les aspirations de ces acteurs particuliers que sont les conspirateurs et les replace au sein de l’imaginaire politique de leur époque. La conspiration y tient une place essentielle mais fondamentalement bifide : héroïsée, son histoire rejoint les mythes révolutionnaires, diabolisée, son récit se raffine jusqu’aux plus noires théories du complot qui prolifèrent aujourd’hui.

CONFERENCE: "The Sacred and the Layman:Popular Literatures of Law" (Bordeaux, September 5 2015)

WHAT The Sacred and the Layman:Popular Literatures of Law, Conference

WHEN September 5, 2015 9:30-3:30

WHERE University of Bordeaux

Registration here

17 July 2015

JOURNAL: Theoretical Inquiries in Law XVI (2015), No.2: Theme Issue Sovereignty as Trusteeship for Humanity — Historical Antecedents and Their Impact on International Law

Thee free e-journal Theoretical Inquiries in Law (Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv) published an interesting theme issue around "Sovereignty as Trusteeship for Humanity".

Table of Contents PDF
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Editorial Board PDF
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Introduction PDF
Yael Braudo, TIL Editorial Board
Sovereignty and Natural Law in the Legal Discourse of the Ancien Régime PDF
Michel Troper
Kelsen, Heller and Schmitt: Paradigms of Sovereignty Thought PDF
David Dyzenhaus
On Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and Solidarity Or: How Can a Solidaristic Idea of Legitimate Sovereignty Be Justified? PDF
Sergio Dellavalle
A Genealogy of State Sovereignty PDF
Lorenzo Zucca
Early Modern Sovereignty and Its Limits PDF
Benjamin Straumann
Sovereign Trusteeship and Empire PDF
Andrew Fitzmaurice
Three Grotian Theories of Humanitarian Intervention PDF
Evan J. Criddle
Sovereignty as Trusteeship and Indigenous Peoples PDF
Evan Fox-Decent, Ian Dahlman
The Paradoxes of Sovereigns as Trustees of Humanity: Concluding Remarks PDF
Eyal Benvenisti

AUTUMN SCHOOL: Medieval Law (Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies, UGent), 19-23 October 2015

(image source: UGent)

The Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (Ghent University) organizes an "autumn school" for MA and PhD-students (19-23 October) on Medieval Law, featuring numerous renowned legal historians: Alain Wijffels, Ken Pennington, Dirk Heirbaut, Anthony Musson, Rik Opsommer, Emily Kadens...

This Autumn School is organised for MA and PhD-students in any field of Medieval Studies (art history, history, law, linguistics, literature, philosophy, etc.).

Course 1 'Medieval Law' is aimed at students who are required to work with medieval legal documents or sources containing references to juridical procedures.

Course 2 'Medieval Germanic Languages' is intended for students wishing to contextualise historical texts in a Germanic language and for students conducting research into the field of communication during the Middle Ages (e.g. in the context of international trade, immigration, etc.).

The courses run over two-and-a-half days, during which leading experts in the field offer in-depth sessions on several topics related to the themes selected for this Autumn School.

In the space of two-and-a-half days, students will thus acquire a basic knowledge of either Medieval Law or communication in North-Western Europe, as well as the skills to implement this knowledge in their own research projects.

No previous knowledge is required for either of the classes, but a solid knowledge of at least one Germanic
language is highly recommended for the course on Medieval Germanic Languages. Both courses are delivered in English. Since the two courses are offered in sequence, participants can enrol for both.

Program: download the flyer here.

16 July 2015

JOB: Two Assistant Professors in the History of International Law and General Jurisprudence/Constitutional Law (Tilburg University, starting 1 January 2016); DEADLINE 15 SEPTEMBER 2015

(image source:

Tilburg University (Netherlands) is looking for an Assistant Professor in the History of International
Law, starting on 1 January 2016. A second position for General Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law is advertised as well.

Applications will be received until 15 September 2015.

Job description:
The Assistant Professors will be embedded in the Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History and will have the following tasks:

Teaching (± 40%)
We expect the successful candidates to contribute to courses in various degree programmes (LLB and LLM in Law, LLB Global Law, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Research Master in Law), to supervise students and to be willing to engage in public and professional education.

Research (± 40%)
We expect the successful candidates to engage in research both individually and in team context, to write early career grant proposals (e.g., NWO, ERC) and to take an interest in the societal impact of research outputs.

Management and service (± 20%)
We expect the successful candidates to be willing to assist in coordination and management tasks, to serve on committees and to be enthusiastic academic citizens.
The successful candidates have:
- A doctoral degree (PhD) in a relevant field;
- A CV suitable to applications for early career grants;
- A track record of high-impact publications or a demonstrable ability to develop one;
- Excellent teaching skills (as evidenced by a ‘BKO qualification’ for those applicants currently working at a Dutch University);
- The ability to teach a broad range of subjects :
>For the assistant professor in General Jurisprudence/Constitutional Law: courses in public law and introductory and skill-oriented legal courses
>For the assistant professor in History of International Law: courses in history of international law, but also in general legal history as well as introductory and skill-oriented legal courses
- The willingness to integrate themselves fully in Tilburg Law School and with time to assume positions of leadership in education, research and management;
- An excellent command of English;
- If non-Dutch speaking, the willingness to invest in learning Dutch for professional use. For the History of International Law position the immediate ability to teach in Dutch is an advantage.

In the field of General Jurisprudence/Constitutional Law position we are looking for a new colleague who in his or her research approaches contemporary problems of public law (for instance, but not limited to, concerning migration and fundamental rights) from a theoretical perspective, either internal or external to law.

For the position in the History of International Law preference is given to candidates with degrees in both law and history. The research of the assistant professor will be imbedded in i-Hilt, the Institute for the History of international Law at Tilburg (, which is part of the Department. The research at the institute centres on the history of public international law since 1500 to the present, with a focus on state practice.
We offer a challenging job in an inspiring and friendly environment. The envisaged starting date is 1 January 2016, on a fulltime basis (both conditions negotiable). The selected candidates will initially be appointed for six years as Assistant Professor (UFO: universitair docent 2).
The positions in History of International Law and General Jurisprudence/Constitutional Law are tenure track positions, which means that upon positive evaluation shortly before the end of the contract, tenure (vaste aanstelling) and promotion to Associate Professor (UFO: universitair hoofddocent 2) may be granted.
Tilburg University is among the top of the Dutch employers and has an excellent policy concerning terms of employment. The starting salary for the position of an assistant professor on a full-time basis ranges between € 3324,- and € 4551,- gross per month. Foreigners and long-term Dutch expats can apply for tax-free allowance of 30% of their taxable salary for a maximum duration of 8 years.
At the department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History History teaching and research on a variety of legal areas is being carried out.

Within the broad area of Public Law, the department hosts expertise in European constitutional and administrative law, education law, regulatory studies, the law of administrative procedure and fundamental rights.

The department’s activities in the field of Jurisprudence focus on general themes in public law such as the meaning and the development of the democratic state with the rule of law principle. The specialism of our Legal History group is history of international law (i-HILT).
Tilburg University is a modern and specialized university. With a broad variety of international programmes and innovating research, the Faculty of Law stands for high quality. Research at the Tilburg University Faculty of Law is conducted in an organisation that fosters diversity. The Tilburg Graduate Law School is responsible for the training and guidance of its Research Master students and of the Faculty's PhD researchers. With its open and inspiring atmosphere, this Faculty is a congenial working environment.
 More information:
Specific information about the vacancies can be obtained from prof. dr. Anne Meuwese, email:
See AcademicTransfer.

15 July 2015

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW: Constitutional Legal History (Passau - London 2015-2018)

WHAT Postdoctoral Fellow

WHEN 2015, with possibility to extend to 2018

WHERE University of Passau (Germany)- London

Deadline July 31 2015

The Chair of Civil Law, German and European Legal History at the University of Passau in connection with the research project ReConFort, Reconsidering Constitutional Formation. Constitutional Communication by Drafting, Practice and Interpretation in 18th and 19th Century Europe seeks applications for a Postdoctoral fellow( Jurist with specialization in the field of constitutional law, legal historian or historian with specialization in the field constitutional history(pay scale TV-L Entgeltgruppe 13 f)
with 50% of the regular working time for immediate start. The employment is at first limited to two years. There is an option for an extension up February 2018.
The English position within an international team of scientists from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain focuses on the research of the British correspondences with the Spanish Cortes 1812. ReConFort is an ERC Advanced Grant dealing with the comparative constitutional history of the 19th century concentrating on the public discourse around historic constitutional assemblies. We expect the ability to work with historical sources (e.g. correspondences of MPs and member of the House of Lords, diplomatic sources). Concerning the research in various libraries and archives a high amount of mobility is required. An intended habilitation or other publication qualifying for an university career are welcome.
The employment is requiring a completed doctoral study (or equivalent) in the fields of history of law or humanities. Fluency in the English language is taken for granted. Language skill in the other ReConFort areas (Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish) will award to a surplus.
The University of Passau wishes to increase the proportion of its female staff and expressly encourages women to apply. Furthermore, the positions are suitable for candidates with disabilities, who will be given preference if the personal aptitudes and qualifications are equal.

To apply, please send your full application as a single pdf file to the Chair of Civil Law, German and European Legal History, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Müßig (E-Mail: until the 31st of July 2015. 

CONFERENCE: "Popular justice in transitional periods" (Regensburg, December 14-15 2015)

WHAT Popular justice in transitional periods (Volksjustiz in Umbruchzeiten), Conference

WHEN December 14-15 2015

WHERE Auditorium im alten Finanzamt, Landshuter Str.4, 93047 Regensburg

all information here

Die Umbrüche der europäischen Moderne haben stets zu einer Legitimitätskrise des jeweils geltenden Rechts und seiner Rechtspflegeorgane geführt. Während auf der Ebene des Rechts oftmals eine Rückbesinnung auf überpositive Normen stattfand, wurde auf der Ebene der Rechtsprechung häufig eine Beteiligung des Volkes an der Rechtsprechung als Ausweg aus dieser Krise angesehen. Diesem in Deutschland bislang rechtshistorisch wenig beleuchteten Phänomen widmet sich eine von Martin Löhnig in Zusammenarbeit mit Emilie Delivré (Trento) und Emmanuel Berger (Namur) veranstaltete Tagung mit einem historisch-rechtsvergleichenden Ansatz.
Die Teilnahme an der Tagung ist kostenlos. Anmeldungen erbitten wir an folgende Adresse:

BOOK: "Legal Practice in Eighteenth-Century Scotland", by John Finlay (September 2015)

John Finlay, Legal Practice in Eighteenth-Century Scotland
all information here

This book is the first monograph to analyse the workings of Scotland’s legal profession in its early modern European context. It is a comprehensive survey of lawyers working in the local and central courts; investigating how they interacted with their clients and with each other, the legal principles governing ethical practice, and how they fulfilled a social role through providing free services to the poor and also services to town councils and other corporations. Based heavily on a wide range of archival sources, and reflecting the contemporary importance of local societies of lawyers, John Finlay offers a groundbreaking yet accessible study of the eighteenth-century legal profession which adds a new dimension to our knowledge of Enlightenment Scotland

John Finlay, Ph.D. (1998), is Professor of Scots Law at the University of Glasgow. He has published monographs and many articles on the history of Scotland’s legal profession, including The Community of the College of Justice (Edinburgh University Press, 2012)

Table of contents

BOOK: "National Socialist Family Law The Influence of National Socialism on Marriage and Divorce Law in Germany and the Netherlands" by Mariken Lenaerts

Mariken Lenaerts, National Socialist Family Law The Influence of National Socialism on Marriage and Divorce Law in Germany and the Netherlands

In National Socialist Family Law, Mariken Lenaerts analyses the possible influence of National Socialism on marriage and divorce law in Germany and the Netherlands. As the family was regarded the germ-cell of the nation, the Nazis made many changes in German and Dutch marriage and divorce law to suit their purpose of a thousand-year Aryan Reich. By making extensive use of archival resources, Mariken Lenaerts gives an overview of the most important changes adopted in marriage and divorce law by the Nazis and proves that although daily marital life in both countries was highly influenced by National Socialism, marriage and divorce law did not become National Socialist.

  • Mariken Lenaerts, PhD (2012, Maastricht University), is a legal historian. She has taught a variety of courses at Maastricht University and has published previously about attempts to nazify Dutch family law during the German occupation ("De voorstellen tot herziening van het Nederlandse echtscheidingsrecht tijdens de Duitse bezetting" in Familie en Recht, December 2013)

BOOK: "Les professeurs de droit dans la France moderne et contemporaine" Pierre Bodineau (dir.)

Les professeurs de droit dans la France moderne et contemporaine, Pierre Bodineau (dir.) 

all information here
Pour célébrer le cinquantenaire de l’installation de la Faculté de droit sur le Campus de Dijon, le Centre Georges Chevrier, en novembre 2013, a consacré un colloque aux professeurs de droit. Cet ouvrage rassemble la plus grande partie des communications présentées, traitant, notamment, des professeurs Dijonnais, de la première Université à la Faculté de droit, des XIXe et XXe siècles. Les auteurs y évoquent les personnalités et les carrières, les engagements politiques et sociaux de nombreux juristes souvent oubliés, mais qui ont pourtant largement contribué à la formation des élites de la ville et de la région et au développement, en partie, de l’esprit public de la France contemporaine.
Table of contents

CFP: "Pensée Politique et Religion" (Aix-en-Provence, September 2016)

WHAT XXVe Colloque international, Pensée Politique et Religion, Call for papers

WHEN September 2016

WHERE Aix-en-Provence
deadline October  31, 2015

Association française des Historiens des Idées politiques

Fondée en 1980, l'AFHIP rassemble plus de 260 universitaires français et étrangers qui, historiens de droit, publicistes, historiens ou politologues, s'attachent à l'étude de l'histoire des idées politiques. Les objectifs de l'association sont la promotion de la recherche et de l'enseignement de l'histoire des idées politiques, ainsi que la publication des travaux de ses membres et la tenue de colloques scientifiques internationaux. Un prix Montesquieu est décerné tous les deux ans à la meilleure thèse en histoire des idées politiques en langue française

Association Française des Historiens des Idées Politiques
Bureau 304 - Faculté de droit et de science politique d'Aix Marseille
3, Avenue Robert-Schuman
13628 Aix en Provence Cedex 1
tel. : +33 4 42 17 28 74 / Fax : +33 4 42 1 28 78

BOOK: "L'honneur des universitaires au Moyen Âge " by Antoine Destemberg

Antoine Destemberg, L'honneur des universitaires au Moyen Âge 

all information here
À travers le prisme de la notion d’honneur est étudiée la formation d’une identité professionnelle propre aux milieux universitaires médiévaux.

Avec la naissance des universités, à la fin du XIIe et au début du XIIIe siècle, une nouvelle catégorie d’individus apparaît, faisant profession d’étudier, de penser et d’enseigner. Grâce à cette étude à la croisée de l’histoire, de l’anthropologie et de la sociologie se dévoilent les stratégies mobilisées par cette communauté intellectuelle nouvelle pour s’affirmer en tant que catégorie autonome dans le paysage social et politique des derniers siècles du Moyen Âge.En observant les nombreuses manifestations rhétoriques et gestuelles de l’idée médiévale d’honneur, l’auteur s’attache ainsi à décrire la formation d’une identité professionnelle propre aux maîtres, écoliers et officiers de l’université de Paris jusqu’à la fin du XVe siècle. Cet examen de conscience de l’Université médiévale permet ainsi de mettre en évidence quelques-uns des principes fondateurs d’une institution pluriséculaire.

Agrégé d’histoire et docteur de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Antoine Destemberg est maître de conférences en histoire du Moyen Âge à l’université d’Artois

BOOK: Christopher WARREN, Literature and the Law of Nations, 1580-1650.Oxford: OUP, 2015. 304 p. ISBN 9780198719342. USD 55

(image source: OUP)

Oxford University Press just published Christopher Warren (Carnegie Mellon)'s new book, Literature and the Law of Nations, 1580-1650.

In this groundbreaking study, Christopher Warren argues that early modern literary genres were deeply tied to debates about global legal order and that today, as international law owes many of its most basic suppositions to early modern literary culture. Literature and the Law of Nations shows how the separation of scholarship on law from scholarship on literature has limited the understanding of international law on both sides. Warren suggests that both literary and legal scholars have tacitly accepted tendentious but politically consequential assumptions about whether international law is ârealâ law. Literature and the Law of Nations recognizes the specific nature of early modern international law by showing how major writers of the English Renaissance—including Shakespeare, Milton, and Hobbes—deployed genres like epic, tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy, and history to shore up the canonical subjects and objects of modern international law. Warren demonstrates how Renaissance literary genres informed modern categories like public international law, private international law, international legal personality, and human rights. Students and scholars of Renaissance literature, intellectual history, the history of international law, and the history of political thought will find in Literature and the Law of Nations a rich interdisciplinary argument that challenges the usual accounts by charting a new literary history of international law.

BOOK: Peter GOODRICH and Valérie HAYAERT (eds.) Genealogies of Legal Vision [Discourses of Law] (Routledge: 2015)/ ISBN 978-0-415-74906-0, £26.99 (paperback).

(image source: Routledge)

An edited volume by Peter Goodrich (Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University, USA) and Valérie Hayaert (Fondation Bodmer, Geneva, Switzerland) was published recently at Routledge (Taylor & Francis).

The growing interest in law and the visual has tended to focus in a somewhat lazy fashion upon film and law, rather than addressing the actual history of law’s regimes of visual control. This book traces the complex lineage of the legal emblem and argues that the mens emblematica of the humanist lawyers was the inauguration of a visiocratic regime that continues in significant part into the present and multiple technologies of vision. Bringing together leading experts on the history of legal emblems, this collection provides a ground-breaking account of the long relationship between visibility, meaning and normativity.
Introduction: The Emblematic Cube, Peter Goodrich And Valérie Hayaert
1 The Gordian Knot Of Emblemata: From The Labyrinthus Absconditus To The Affirmation Of The Prisca Jurisprudentia, Valérie Hayaert
2 The Evidence Of Things Not Seen, Peter Goodrich
3. Metamorphosis, Mythography, And The Nature Of English Law, Paul Raffield
4 Confessio Infirmitatis, Or: A Productive DigressionPut To Good Use In Legal Affairs, Anselm Haverkamp
5 The Heart And The Law In The Scales: Allegorical Discourse And Modes Of Subjectivization In Early-Modern Religious Emblematics, Agnès Guiderdoni
6 From Pornograhy To Moral Didactism: How The French Play With Emblems, Christian Biet
7 The Tongue And The Eye: Eloquence And Office In Renaissance Emblems, Piyel Haldar
8 Don’t Screw With The Law: Visual And Spatial Defences Against Judicial And Political Corruption In Renaissance Italy, Alick Mclean
9 Epistemological Doubt And Visual Puzzles Of Sight, Knowledge, And Judgment: Reflections On Clear-Sighted And Blindfolded Justices, Judith Rensnik And Denis Curtis
10 Crime Shows: CSI In Habsburg Spain, Bill Egginton
More information on the Routledge website.

13 July 2015

BOOK: Troy L. HARRIS (ed.), Studies in Canon Law and Common Law in Honor of R.R. Helmholz [Studies in Comparative Legal History] (Berkeley: Robbins Collection, 2015, 406 p.). ISBN 978-1-882239-23-8, $40.

(image source: Legal History Blog)

The Legal History Blog announced the publication of Studies in Canon Law and Common Law in Honor of R. H. Helmholz by the Robbins Collection at the University of California in Berkeley.

Table of Contents:
Preface by Troy L. Harris (vii)

Richard Helmholz: Bibliography 1969–2015 (xi)

Limitation of Actions: The Curious Case of Classical Roman Law by David Johnston (1)

Episcopal Power and Royal Jurisdiction in Angevin England by Joshua C. Tate (15)
(available on SSRN; source: Legal History Blog)

The Common Lawyers of the Reign of Edward I and the Canon Law by Paul Brand (27)

Ethical Standards for Advocates and Proctors of the Court of Ely (1374–1382) Revisited by Charles Donahue jr. (41)

The Evolution of the Common Law by Thomas P. Gallanis (61)

Clergy and the Abuse of Legal Procedure in Medieval England by Jonathan Rose (83)

The Private Life of Archbishop Johannes Gerechini: Simulated Marriage and Clerical Concubinage in Early Fifteenth-Century Sweden  by Mia Korpiola (115)

The Presumption of Evil in Medieval Jurisprudence by Laurent Mayali (137)

Pedro Guerrero's Treatise on Clandestine Marriage by Philip Reynolds (153)

Some Elisabethan Marriage Cases by Sir John Baker (181)

The Arguments in Calvin's Case (1608) by David Ibbetson (213)

Hugo Grotius and the Natural Law of Marriage: A Case Study ofHarmonizing Confessional Differences in Early Modern Europe by John Witte jr. (231)

The Work of the Ecclesiastical Courts, 1725-1745 by Troy L. Harris (251)

Testamentary Proceedings in Spanish East Florida, 1783-1821 by M.C. Mirrow (281)

The Durability of Maxims in Canon Law: From regulae iuristo Canonical Principles by Norman Doe and Simon Pulleyn (303)

Canon Law: The Discipline of Teaching and the Teaching of the Discipline by Mark Hill (337)

Agreed Payment for Non-Performance in European Contract Law by Reinhard Zimmermann (355)
More information at the Robbins Collection's website.

NOTICE: ESCLH Membership Fees

(image: the tax collector by Jan Matsys, source: Wikimedia Commons)
As some of our members did not receive prof. Cañizares's message of 28 April 2015, we kindly repeat the instructions for the payment of the 2015 ESCLH Membership Fee. [Please ignore this message if you already regularised your own situation.]

A link to the Paypal-system can be found on the right-hand side of this blog. Options range from €25 for one year (student), € 50 for two (student) to € 50 for one year (non student) and € 100 for two years (non student). Our members benefit from reduced fees at ESCLH scientific events, such as the biennal conferences (2010 Valencia, 2012 Amsterdam, 2014 Macerata, 2016 Danzig), and receive their own copy of the international peer-reviewed journal Comparative Legal History.

Please find his original message below:

Dear ESCLH member,
We are writing to ask for your subscription payment for 2015. We are currently able to provide a new volume of Comparative Legal Historyjournal to you without further payment, as a benefit of being a member of the European Society for Comparative Legal History. In order to receive your copy, please pay your subscription by 10 May 2015.
As a student/PhD student member of the ESCLH, your subscription is €25 for 2015 and €50 for 2015 and 2016.
As a non-student member of the ESCLH, your subscription is €50 for 2015 and €100 for 2015 and 2016.
The subscription payment can be done:
1) Bank transfer
IBAN: ES43 0487 0372 2020 0700 1596.
Name and postal address of the account holder: European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH). C/ d'en Llop, 2 puerta 10. 46003, Valencia. Spain.
Name and postal address of the bank office: Grupo Banco Mare Nostrum - Caja Murcia. C/ Primado Reig, 185. 46020 Valencia.
2) Paypal
Paypal account's holder: European Society for Comparative Legal History.
E-mail address for Paypal donations:
If you have trouble to pay either by bank transfer or PayPal please get in touch with the ESCLH Treasurer, Dr. europ. Juan Benito Cañizares-Navarro, at
After sending the money, please email ESCLH Treasurer,, to confirm the payment. If there have been any changes to your affiliation, academic status (e.g., from being a PhD student to becoming an employed researcher) research interests or contact information, please let the Treasurer know by the same email.
In the meantime, we hope you are finding our ever-expanding Blog ( useful as a gateway to developments in Comparative Legal History. If you have any material you would like to appear there or any suggestion, our web editor, Flavia Mancini ( would be delighted to assist.
We wish you all a happy and productive new year,
The ESCLH Executive Council,
Aniceto Masferrer                       
Remco van Rhee
Mia Korpiola
Phillip Hellwege
Matthew Dyson