
30 October 2013

CFP: The Law and the Child in Historical Perspective, 1400-2000 (Minneapolis, 1-2 June 2014)

What: Conference on "The Law and the Child in Historical Perspective, 1400-2000"

Where:University of Minnesota Law School, 229 19th Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55455

When: June 1-2, 2014

Deadline for proposals (300 words): December 20, 2013

The study of the history of children, youth and childhood has grown dramatically in the last two decades, making age a new category of historical analysis. The Law and the Child will focus on law's central role in changing understandings of childhood and children's experiences, considering among other things selfhood, family, market relations, society, and state. Our hope is for a broad reach geographically and chronologically, from the Medieval World to the Twenty-First Century, and for papers that consider the multiple sources that intersect in thelegal construction of childhood and in children's lived legal experiences. These include race, class, gender, disability, sexuality, ethnicity, psychology, dependency, agency, citizenship, and (il)legitimacy. We also hope papers will address topics in both civil and criminal law. The conference, one of a series begun in 2007, isintended to showcase the work of junior scholars working the field of legal history and to bring them into conversation with senior scholars. 

It is co-sponsored by the University of Minnesota Law School and History Department, the Childhood and Youth Studies Across the Disciplines IAS Research Collaborative at the University of Minnesota, the Indiana University School of Law, the University of Pennsylvania Law School and History Department, the University of Illinois College of Law, the University of Michigan Law School, and the University of Chicago Department of History.

Interested participants should submit a proposal of no more than 300 words, in Word format, accompanied by a cv of no more than 3 pages to Barbara Welke at All proposals are due by 20 December 2013. 
Applicants will be notified by email no later than 17 February 2014 whether their proposals have been accepted for presentation. No previously published work will be accepted, as the conference isdesigned to provide a forum for productive and supportive discussion of works in progress.
Accepted participants will be required to submit a full paper, in Word format, of no more than 10,000 words by 1 May 2014. All papers will be pre-circulated on a password-protected website, and read by all participants. 
A modest travel and accommodations budget will be provided for all presenters.

Message received from: 

Brooke Depenbusch
University of Minnesota

29 October 2013

JOURNAL: New Issue of the Law and Humanities Review

The 2nd issue of the 2013 volume of Law and Humanities is now available online.

ONLINE ACCESSTo access this issue online, read the abstracts and purchase individual papers please click here.

SUBSCRIPTIONSTo order or renew your subscription and for further information about Law and Humanities, please click here.

Please click here to read the editorial for free. 


BOOK on the History of Law in Europe (by B. Wauters and M. de Benito Llopis-Lombart)

B. Wauters and M. de Benito Llopis-Lombart, Historia del derecho en Europa, Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, 2013

The book will be presented on the 4th of November 2013 at 7:30 pm, Pabellón de Papel Serrano 99-101, Madrid. 

At the end of the presentation a glass of Spanish wine will be offered.


For a preview of the book click HERE

23 October 2013

Seminar: Citizenship and Power Strategies between Middle Ages and Modern Era (Rome, 25 October 2013)

What: Forme di appartenenza alla civitas nell'Italia meridionale (XII-XVI sec.), 7th meeting of the seminar Cittadinanze e strategie di potere tra Medio Evo ed Età Moderna, organized by Sara Menzinger, Giuliano Milani and Massimo Vallerani in the framework of the PIMIC Project.
Where: RomaTre University, Law Department, 2nd Floor, Room 278, Via Ostiense 161, Rome.
When: 25 October 2013, 3:30 pm
Prof. Vito Lorè (Univ. RomaTre)
Prof. Serena Morelli (II Univ. of Neaples)
More information available HERE.
All materials available on ACADEMIA.EDU (only if you have a Facebook or account).  

22 October 2013

CONFERENCE: Graduate Conference "Bringing the Law back into history" (Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 16 December 2013)

Dr. William O'Reilly (Cambridge/Harvard) and Tom Toëlle (Princeton) host a Graduate Conference on the relationship between law and history, next December. The Call, specifically aimed at young legal historians (preferably with a background in history, graduate student level) reads as follows:

We cordially invite young historians with an interest in legal categories in historical analysis to partake in our Graduate Workshop 2013: ‘Bringing the law back into history’, which will take place on 16 December at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The workshop will provide a forum to critically engage with the role of law in recent historiography and to discuss different approaches to legal categories in your own research.

Frontispiece Corvinus Ivrispruvdentia Romana
Frontispiece Corvinus Ivrispruvdentia Romana
            Legal history (as a history of the role of law in early modern politics) witnesses a revival: from historians of early modern slavery, over those who study political crime or humanitarian intervention to scholars, who seek new ways to study the history of empire. The methodological concepts of a more and more border-crossing cultural history – from ‘encounter’ and ‘translation’ to ‘hybridity’ and ‘croisée’ – seem to gain inspiration from legal cases. The overlapping legal spheres of early modern Europe, its contested imperial viceroyalties and plantations, its rivalling networks of trade, and the ways in which it sought to impose ‘its law’ onto a world with its own dynamic and controversial legal traditions are increasingly becoming subject of enquiry.
            The organizers, Dr William O’Reilly (Cambridge University) and Tom Tölle (Princeton University) invite contributions by a limited number of European graduate students for a workshop with plenty of room for discussion. We would like you to systematically think about the role that legal knowledge, practices of law-making, the transfer or translation of legal knowledge, and the definition of deviance and resistance to these definitions had for the societies under consideration. We seek to bring together a group of students working on chronologically and regionally varied areas of expertise to engage with the question: What effects could bringing the law back into history have for the profession.
            We invite you to explore if and how legal categories can be fruitfully studied in different areas of enquiry. Papers will be circulated in advance and presentations limited to 15 minutes. Comments on each paper will tease out the main implications; discussions between the contributors compare the cases, while a final panel will summarize the outcome of a day’s work. The workshop is supported by the University of Cambridge. Travel expenses, accommodation (15-16 Dec), and meals for a limited number of speakers can be covered.
            If you are interested in presenting your research at this event, you are invited to submit a preliminary title for your paper and an abstract of c. 500 words by 5 November. The papers for circulation, which can be in a ‘presentation style’, should reach the organizers ( no later than 9 December and will be distributed to the group the week before the conference.
We would be delighted to receive your proposals as soon as possible and thank you in advance for your contributions.

We are very much looking forward to receiving your applications.

Further information can be found on

20 October 2013

BOOK: Nuzzo & Vec, Constructing International Law (Klostermann, 2012)

Luigi Nuzzo (Salento) and Milos Vec (Vienna) published Constructing International Law: The Birth of a Discipline (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann). The edited volume contains the following contributions:

  • M. Koskenniemi, "Ius Gentium and the Birth of Modernity"
  • L. Nuzzo, "History, Science and Christianity. International Law and Savigny’s Paradigm"
  • C. Storti, "Empirismo e scienza. Il crocevia del diritto internazionale nella prima metà dell’Ottocento"
  • L. Lacchè, "Albericus Gentilis and Hugo Grotius in constructing a discipline (1875–1886)"
  • M. Vec, "Principles in 19th century International Law doctrine"
  • A. Carty, "Did International Law really become a Science at the End of the 19th Century?"
  • E. Augusti, "L’intervento europeo in Oriente nel XIX secolo: storia contesa di un istituto controverso"
  • M. Craven, "The Invention of a Tradition. Westlake, the Berlin Conference and the Historicisation of International Law"
  • B. Durand, "Colonisation et impératifs internationaux ou Pourquoi et comment l’international a bridé la souveraineté coloniale?"
  • S. Legarre, "Police and Police Power. Domestic and International Law at the Crossroads"
  • F. Salerno, "Genesis and Different Meanings of the Notion of 'Organ' in Italian International Legal Theory"
  • L. Passero, "Guerra e diritto. Dalle convenzione di Ginevra alla 'morte' del diritto internazionale nella prima guerra civile europe"
(Source: International Law Reporter)

16 October 2013

CFP: Mini Conference on Law & History (Athens, 14-17 July 2014)

What: Mini Conference on Law & History
Where: Athens
When: 14-17 July 2014
The Law Research Unit and the History Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) will hold a Mini Conference on Law & History, 14-17 July 2014, Athens, Greece. For further details, please go to the conference website: The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner, a special one-day cruise in the Greek islands, an archaeological tour of Athens and a one-day visit to Delphi.
The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars and students from all areas of law & history and other related disciplines. Please submit a 300-word abstract by email,, to: Dr. Norbert Varga, Associate Professor, University of Szeged, Hungary. Please include: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Current Position, Institutional Affiliation, an email address and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Please use the abstract submitting form available at Decisions are reached within 4 weeks. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. organize a mini conference or a panel (session), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, (, President, ATINER.
More information about the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) HERE.

14 October 2013

CFP: Workshop on the Instability of Intellectual Property (Uppsala, 2-4 July 2014)

What: 6th International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP) annual Workshop: The Instability of Intellectual Property. 

Where: Uppsala 

When: 2-4 July 2014 

All information available HERE


January 15, 2014: Submission of paper proposal (proposals should comprise a 300 word abstract, a single paragraph author biography and two page CV).

March 1, 2014: Notification of acceptance

June 1, 2014: Submission of Paper (maximum 8000 words)

Marianne Dahlén
Eva Hemmungs Wirtén
Martin Fredriksson

Submissions of paper proposals should be made to

BOOK: "Direito curvo" by José Calvo Gonzales

José CALVO GONZÁLEZ, Direito curvo, trad. de André Karam Trindade, Luis Rosenfield y Dino del Pino, Posfácio de Lenio Luiz Streck, Livraria do Advogado Editora, Porto Alegre, 2013, 78 pp. ISBN 978-85-7348-889-0
This volume contains the translation of two papers delivered by José Calvo Gonzales during the Colóquio Internacional de Direito e Literatura, at the Faculdade Meridional (IMED) in Passo Fundo (Brasil). These two papers are: O direito curvo and Por uma teoria narrativista do direito.
For an interesting review (in Portuguese) about prof. Calvo Gonzales and his work by prof. André Karam Trindade, one of the translators of the book, click HERE.
I – Conferência O Direito Curvo 13
1. Preliminar 13
2. Geometria e Direito 18
3. Direito e Cubismo 21
4. Direito Ondulado 26
5. O Direito Curvo 30
Adendo: curvatura do vértice 39
II – Conferência Por uma Teoria Narrativista do Direito 41
1. Preliminar 42
2. Investigação narrativa e Direito 44
3. Narrativismo jurídico 50
4. Ficção e Teoria Narrativista do Direito 54
Posfácio Direito, literatura e o jardim dos caminhos que se bifurcam Lenio Luiz Streck 59
Anexo – obras do autor 73
Biografia do autor 77
José CALVO GONZÁLEZ is Professor of Philosophy of Law at University of Málaga (Spain)

09 October 2013

BOOK: Lawyer Poets and That World We Call Law


Lawyer Poets and That World We Call Law: An Anthology of Poems about the Practice of Law is the first anthology of its kind published in over 50 years. The anthology includes 43 poets (all lawyers) and over 125 poems. Edited by James R. Elkins, editor of the Legal Studies Forum, and professor of law at West Virginia University, the anthology presents a collection of poems and poets.
More information HERE

BOOK: Iniuria and the Common Law

E. Descheemaeker and H. Scott (ed. by), Iniuria and the Common Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013 
Abstract by the editor:
"The delict of iniuria is among the most sophisticated products of the Roman legal tradition. The original focus of the delict was assault, although iniuria-literally a wrong or unlawful act-indicated a very wide potential scope. Yet it quickly grew to include sexual harassment and defamation, and by the first century CE it had been re-oriented around the concept of contumelia so as to incorporate a range of new wrongs, including insult and invasion of privacy. In truth, it now comprised all attacks on personality.
It is the Roman delict of iniuria which forms the foundation of both the South African and-more controversially-Scots laws of injuries to personality. On the other hand, iniuria is a concept formally alien to English law. But as its title suggests, this book of essays is representative of a species of legal scholarship best described as 'oxymoronic comparative law', employing a concept peculiar to one legal tradition in order to interrogate another where, apparently, it does not belong. Addressing a series of doctrinal puzzles within the law of assault, defamation and breach of privacy, it considers in what respects the Roman delict of iniuria overlaps with its modern counterparts in England, Scotland and South Africa; the differences and similarities between the analytical frameworks employed in the ancient and modern law; and the degree to which the Roman proto-delict points the way to future developments in each of these three legal systems.

Eric Descheemaeker is a Lecturer in European Private Law at the University of Edinburgh.
Helen Scott is an Associate Professor in the Department of Private Law at the University of Cape Town".
All information HERE.

PhD in Legal History at the University of Teramo

PhD in History of Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present Times - Università degli Studi di Teramo (Italy).

 Deadline for applications: 15 October 2013.
8 positions available, 4 with scholarship. 

08 October 2013

CONFERENCE: "Utrecht 1713: A Peace for the World" (Paris, 24-26 October; Paris-Sorbonne, Bordeaux-III and Pompeu Fabra Universities)

The 300th anniversary of the Peace of Utrecht (11 April 1713) has triggered exhibitions and conferences around the globe (see earlier on this blog). This month, a final international gathering of scholars, organised by the universities of Paris-Sorbonne, Bordeaux-III and Pompeu Fabra, will take place in Paris (24-26 October), at the Archives Diplomatiques, the Colegio de España and the Sorbonne.

On the agenda: the model of the peace conference, established at Westphalia, negotiation practices, interactions amongst diplomats and the elaboration of a cosmopolitan sociability, the global impact of the peace on the overseas possessions of the Spanish monarchy, the Asiento de Negros or black slave trade, the elaboration and functioning of news networks and, last but not least, the legal infrastructure of the treaty system.

Scholars from France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, the United States and Belgium, among which the most eminent names in the field, will present their findings and interpretations. Although the historiography of the War of the Spanish Succession has a long pedigree in different national traditions, every generation of scholars engages in a distinct dialogue with the sources.

Program and practical information (in French) can be found here.

07 October 2013


What: 2014 ESCLH CONFERENCE: Traditions and changes
Where: University of Macerata
When: July 8-9, 2014
Deadline: January 1, 2014
Dear freinds of the ESCLH,
as some of you may already know, the 2014 ESCLH Conference will take place in Macerata, Italy, from the 8th to the 9th July 2014. This is for all of us a very special event and you are wormly invited to submit your papers. More information on this event (location, programme, hotels and registration) will follow.


The European Society of Comparative Legal History Conference in 2014 is organized by the Department of Law, University of Macerata

Call for papers
The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) – founded in 2009 – continues to highlight and promote the comparison of legal ideas and legal institutions across different national juridical fields. Following the second ESCHL Conference held at Amsterdam VU University (2012) dedicated to "Definitions and Challenges", the third ESCHL Conference will take place on 8-9 July 2014 in Macerata (Italy) and will be hosted by the University of Macerata. Under the heading "Traditions and changes" the Conference will develop a theme which is integral part of the challenges of comparative legal history.

Members of legal history and comparative law networks share an important and paradigm-challenging reflection on the concept of legal tradition. This concern blends skills and disciplines, such as the legal, social and historical perspectives in an attempt to understand law and how it changes.

The conference would like to encourage scholars to use the comparative-historical approach for working on the complex concepts of ‘tradition’ and ‘change’, both separately and in correlation. This aim raises several questions. What do we think is tradition? How is it made up, how is it ‘built’ or ‘invented’? How does it relate to concepts like recollections, historical store-room, juridical experience, legal culture, legal system? What does a tradition help, why and how is it used to promote or, on the contrary, to reject changes and transformations? Is tradition a synonym of ‘past’ and is change a synonym of ‘future’? Or instead does a dialectic prevail which can, at times, unite or separate tradition and change?
What role do jurists and doctrine carry on in this field?

Reference to traditions and changes helps us better use comparative legal history, opening up not just what happened, but why it did. In doing so we must reflect not only on categories as such but also on how they are used. We know that power and every legally relevant public or private institution has the tendency to legitimise itself making recourse to values such as tradition or rationalisation (understood also as an incentive to change). Two recent examples will suffice: the growing use of polyvalent categories like that of "western legal tradition" (both in the singular and the plural) or that, more recent, of "common constitutional traditions".

The Conference welcomes proposals on any area of comparative legal history which relate to the theme of "Traditions and changes".

The starting keynote address will be delivered by Michael Stolleis, Professor emeritus of public law and history of modern law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, former Director of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History. The final keynote address will be given by Lauren Benton, Professor of History, Silver Professor, Affiliate Professor of Law, Dean, Graduate School of Arts & Science, New York University.

Factual information:
- Those interested in presenting a paper at the ESCLH Conference 2014 in Macerata are requested to submit the title of their paper, a short abstract (approximately 250 words) and a short CV before January 1st 2014 to the organizing committee c/o Dr. Antonella Bettoni, University of Macerata (

- The presentations of each paper will not exceed 20 minutes and should be in English.

- It is also possible to present a complete proposal for one or more panels (4 papers for every panel) with a topic within the field of comparative legal history.

- At the end of January 2014 it will be announced which papers are accepted. The abstracts of these papers will shortly thereafter be made available on the Conference-page website. For further information see:  


ESCLH Conference Secretariat
c/o Department of Law
University of Macerata
Piaggia dell'Università, 2
62100 Macerata (Italy)
tel: + 39 0733 2584336
fax: + 39 0733 2582566

06 October 2013

CONFERENCE: Illegimate offspring in European Societies. Norms, practices and representations (Angers, 10-12 October 2013)

The University of Angers hosts a pluridisciplinary conference on illegitimate offspring in diverse European regional legal traditions (Aragon, Galicia, Northern France, Southern Netherlands) and ears (Medieval, Early Modern). A complete program can be found on Nomôdos.

CONFERENCE: Colonisation in the 20th century: Continuities, discontinuities and ruptures (Paris, 10-11 October 2013)

 The Centre for Judiciary History (Lille-II) co-organises a conference with the Inalco (Institute for Asian Studies) in Paris, 10-11 October. Legal history, and the comparative study of the British and French models, are on the program. More information on the IHTP (Institut pour l'histoire du temps présent)'s website.
(Source: Nomôdos)

04 October 2013

JOB: Legal History Professor at the University of Fribourg.

Open position: Legal History Professor at the University of Fribourg.
Deadline for applications: OCTOBER 15, 2013
All information HERE

CONFERENCE on Universities between Vienna and Czernowitz around 1918 (Vienna, October 24, 2013)

What: International Conference: Zwischen Wien und Czernowitz. Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Karrierewege um 1918
Where: Senatssaal, University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
When: October 24, 2013 
More information will be soon available on

9.00 am Eröffnung
Clemens Jabloner and Friedrich Stadler, Wien

9.15 am Die österreichischen Universitäten um 1918
Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz, Wien

9.45 am Das „gefährliche“ Denken von Ludwig Gumplowicz
Emil Brix, Wien/London

10.15 am Hans Kelsen und die Berufungen nach Graz, Czernowitz und Wien 1916–1919 Thomas Olechowski, Wien

10.45 am Kaffeepause

11.15 am Studenten im Umbruch. Aus der Krain nach Wien nach Slowenien
Tamara Ehs, Wien/Salzburg

11.45 am Leonid Pitamic, Klassiker der slowenischen Rechtswissenschaft
Marijan Pavčnik, Ljubljana

12.15 pm Mittagspause

2.15 pm On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Eugen Ehrlichs Weg von Czernowitz nach Wien Julia Schreiner, Wien

2.45 pm Am Weg von Czernowitz nach Wien gescheitert – Karl Friedrich Adler
Christoph Schmetterer, Wien

3.15 pm Hans Hirsch (1878–1940): Volkstumskampf oder Karriere? Thomas Keller, Darmstadt
3.45 pm Kaffeepause

4.15 pm Polnische Richter des alten österreichischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes in der Gerichtsbarkeit der Zweiten Polnischen Republik (1918–1939) Andrzej Dziadzio, Kraków

 4.45 pm 1918 und der Beginn des wissenschaftlichen Brain-drain aus Österreich Johannes Feichtinger, Wien

Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz
Universität Wien
Institut für Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte
Abteilung KRGÖ
1030 Wien, Strohgasse 45/2d
+43-1-4277-345 32

BOOK: Studies in the History of Tax Law

J. Tiley (ed. by), Studies in the History of Tax Law, vol. 6, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013.
Abstract by the editor:
"These are the papers from the 2012 Cambridge Tax Law History Conference revised and reviewed for publication. The papers include new studies of: income tax law rewrite projects 1914–1956; law and administration in capital allowances 1878– 1950; the 'full amount' in income tax legislation; Sir Josiah Stamp and double income tax; early German income tax treaties and laws concerned with double tax avoidance (1869–1908); the policy of the medicine stamp duty; 'Danegeld' – from Danish tribute to English land tax; religion and charity, a historical perspective; 'Plaintive Glitterati'; a collision of accounting and law, dividends from pre-1914 profits in Australia; the history and development of the taxation profession in the UK and Australia; an inquiry into Dutch to British Colonial Malacca 1824–1839; the taxation history of China; taxing bachelors in America: 1895–1939; Dutch Tax reform under Napoleon; and the last decade of estate duty.
The Publisher and authors have dedicated this volume to the memory of John Tiley, Emeritus Professor of the Law of Taxation at the University of Cambridge, who died as it was going to press. The Cambridge History of Tax conferences were his idea and he was responsible for their planning. He also edited all six volumes in the series".
All information HERE.

03 October 2013

CFP: The Corpse of Evidence. Cadavers and Proofs in Early modern European Forensic Medicine (provisional title)

Call for papers for an edited volume temporarily entitled:
The Corpse of Evidence. Cadavers and Proofs in Early modern European Forensic Medicine
Deadline for submission: 1 November 2013.
Contacts: Dr. Francesco Paolo de Ceglia:
We have received and are pleased to publish the following CFP:
"We invite scholars to submit abstracts for a proposed volume on the history of early modern European forensic medicine. At the center of the volume is the cadaver, observed, dissected and manipulated to provide answers to the questions of doctors, lawyers, theologians. How did the practices of interrogation of the dead body evolve in the different European countries and how did the concept of proof change?
Proposals are encouraged which, while based on specific case studies, can provide ample stimulus for reflection and allow for comparisons between countries with different cultural, and particularly scientific, traditions.
We welcome submissions on the following subjects:
- Medical-legal Literature
- Dissection practices and narratives
- Resistance to dissection
- Postmortem phenomena
- The corpse in the history of mentalités
- Comparative analyses between the various European legal systems
- Comparisons of doctors, lawyers and theologians
- Pathological anatomy and teratology
- Processes of beatification and sanctification in the Catholic Church
Those interested should submit a 300 word abstract describing the essay they propose to write. Authors should include a short cv, affiliation and contact information with their abstracts, which should be sent electronically to Dr. Francesco Paolo de Ceglia:
The deadline for submission is November 1, 2013.

02 October 2013

JOURNAL: Law Crime and History (2013) vol.3 Issue 2

The latest issue of LCH is now live at
General Articles
Joseph S. Bonica
, The Unmanly Fear: Extortion Before the Twentieth Century, 1-29
John Walliss, Representations of Justice Executed at Norwich Castle: A Comparative Analysis of Execution Reports in The Norfolk Chronicle and Bury and Norfolk Post, 1805-1867, 30-51
War Crimes Related Articles
Lorie Charlesworth
, On the Dangerous Game of Collaborating with Nazis: An Historico-Socio-Legal Reconstruction of that Forgotten Past Located within Silence, Absence and [Dis]Connections between Law’s History and Critical Legal Scholarship, 52-81
McKay M. Smith, Forgotten Victims: A Socio-legal Analysis of Escape and Evasion Report No.866, 82-115
G. H. Bennett, The Limits of West German Justice in the 1960s: The Post-War Investigation of Walter Gieseke (Oberstleutnant of the Gendarmerie and SS), 116-139
Gregory Kent, Justice and Genocide in Bosnia: An Unbridgeable Gap Between Academe and Law? 140-161
Discussion Piece
Ian Marsh
, The Media Representation of Prisons: Boot Camps or Holiday Camps, 162-172
Genevieve Lennon, Vagrancy Laws in the US and Irish Supreme Courts, 173-179
Thesis Summary
Leah Bleakley, ‘Those Unfortunates’: Victorian Prostitution, Local Communities And The Law 1850-1890, 180-182
Book Reviews
John Carter Wood, Judith Rowbotham, Marianna Muravyeva and David Nash, (eds,) Shame, Blame and Culpability: Crime and Violence in the Modern State, 183-186
Dean Wilson, Barry Godfrey and David J. Cox, Policing the Factory: Theft, Private Policing and the Law in Modern England, 187-189
Judith Rowbotham, Denis Grube, The Margins of Victorian Britain. Politics, Immorality and Britishness in the Nineteenth Century, London, 190-192
Tony Ward, John Carter Wood (2012) “The Most Remarkable Woman in England”: Poison, Celebrity and the Trials of Beatrice Pace, 193-194
Conference Report
Jo Turner, First AHRC Network Event, Our Criminal Past: Digitisation, Social Media and Crime History, 17 May 2013, 195-198
Jo Turner, Second AHRC Network Event, Our Criminal Past: Educating Historians of Crime: Classroom, Archive, Community, 6 September 2013, 199-204
SOLON New Members: Roddy Nilsson, Linnæus University, Växjö and Gothenburg University, Sweden, 205