
27 February 2016

NOTICE: S.F.C. (Toby) Milsom (1923-2016)

S. F. C. Milsom was professor emeritus of law at Cambridge University and the author of many books, including 'Historical Foundations of the Common Law' (1969) 'Legal Framework of English Feudalism' (1972) and 'A Natural History of the Common Law' (2003). The recipient of the Harvard Law School's Ames Prize and the Royal Society of Arts' Swiney Prize, Milsom was past president of the Selden Society, a fellow of the British Academy and of the Royal Historical Society, and a member of the American Philosophical Society. He was a fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge since 1976.

A fitting tribute can be seen in just one online source's approach to contextualising his work: 'In most ways, his thought has dominated English legal history since 1958. His research was initially centered in the fourteenth century, and he has progressively worked backward into the twelfth century. He has been unconcerned with statutory change, not because he denies that law changes by statutes, but because he regards that as a relatively uninteresting form of legal change. In all his work he cautions against positing a legislator; for the larger issues of legal change, his fundamental postulate is that there was no legislator. "Legislator" for Milsom must be taken in the broad sense, that is, a person or several persons who shaped the law purposefully. The real initiators of legal change are not legislators (whether members of Parliament, Chancellors, or justices of the king's court), but everyday lawyers. Such lawyers are unconcerned with the ideal structure of the law and conceptual problems; their concerns are rather the success of their client. They are thus willing to circumvent obstacles erected by formal law. If they are successful in such a circumvention and others follow, the law has in fact been changed, but not from abstract concerns and not with any attention paid to the larger issues. Legal change issuing from lawyers' attempts to succeed for their clients is myopic and will distort legal conceptual structures without concern for those concepts or for the overall effect on society.' (

He will be always remembered by legal historians and his personal and scholarly legacy will continue to enlighten us with his wisdom. 
Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

25 February 2016

JOB: Postdoctoral researcher/Assistant Professor (tenure track), History of International Governance (Vienna) (DEADLINE 1 APR 2016)

(image source: Universität Wien)

The University of Vienna advertised the following tenure track-position:

We solicit applications for a post-doc position (tenure track) in the history of international governance and global history. The successful applicant will ideally have interdisciplinary approaches and research and publication strengths. We are interested in applicants working in any combinations of the following areas: The role of international institutions, pressure groups and civil society initiatives in regulating global economy, security, migration and financial markets as well as in the implementation of social policy, human rights and labour standards.
We especially invite applications from researchers who are able to foster international research connections and develop innovative approaches to the history of internationalism and international organizations since the second half of the 19th century. A particular focus on the history of governance, the history of international relations, the history of sciences, the humanities and knowledge is advantageous. We welcome a variety of approaches, including for example gender.
We also expect a strong commitment to teaching on all levels (B.A., M.A. and teacher’s training curricula in History (according to the University’s Collective Agreement [Kollektivvertrag]) in German and English, as well as participation in one of the existing Research Areas in the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies. The successful applicant will also be encouraged to cooperate with units located in other faculties (Law, Political Science and Social Sciences).
The advertised position is a scientific tenure track position: within the first two years of employment the University of Vienna may offer a “qualification agreement” if the scientific performance of the employee suggests that the required qualification can be reached.
 This agreement is connected with the title of “Assistant Professor” [AssistenzprofessorIn].
In case the goals of the “qualification agreement” are met, the employment (initially limited to a period of 6 years) will be made permanent and the title of the employee will be changed to “Associate Professor” [assoziierte/r ProfessorIn].
Via a further competitive procedure as stipulated in the University’s Statutes, associate professors can be directly promoted to full professor.
If the qualification is not reached, the employment ends upon expiry of the contract term; in case of an indefinite employment at that time, such employment may be terminated by the University.
 Deadline for applications: 1 April 2016. More information in the original call.

 Source: Toynbee Foundation.

WORKSHOP: "Beyond the Western Paradigm ? Towards a Global History of International Law" (ESIL Research Forum, Istanbul, 21-22 Apr 2016)

“Beyond the Western Paradigm? Towards a Global History of International Law”

(image source: thestregisistanbul)

The ESIL Interest Group History of International Law announced he line-up for its first Workshop on an ESIL Research Forum, hosted in Istanbul (21-22 April 2016)

    Thomas Skouteris (The American University in Cairo)
    Gerry Simpson (Melbourne Law School)
    Andrei Mamolea (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva): "The Law of War in the Conquest of Indigenous Polities, 1899-1904"
    Stiina Löytömäki (University of Helsinki), "The ‘Mise en Valeur’ of the Colonies and Free versus Forced Labour: France and the Construction of Congo-Ocean railway"
    Martin Clark (Melbourne Law School): "What Can We Learn from the History of Global Historiography? Global Historiography, International Law, and a Method Sketch for a Global History of the Congo Free State"
    Johannes Hendrik Fahner (University of Amsterdam & University of Luxemburg): "The Good, the Bad, and International Investment Law – Decoupling History and Ideology"

More information with the ESIL Interest Group History of International Law.

17 February 2016

NOTICE: "Call for Junior Researcher Award. Helmut Coing Prize" (Frankfurt, 2016-2017)

WHAT Call for Junior Researcher Award—Helmut Coing Prize

WHEN 2016-2017

WHERE Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main 

The Coing prize offers a young legal historian, upon concluding the dissertation or habilitation (second book), the opportunity to pursue research in the area of “European Legal History” here at the Max Planck for European Legal History (MPIeR) for a period of 3-5 months. The institute will provide one of its guest rooms, and the friends’ of the institute association is offering a financial grant to help cover living expenses. Altogether, the material support totals 6,000€. The call for the prize will be announced worldwide every three years, and it will only be awarded if a project meets the requirements.
The research project should be incorporated into the academic life of the institute. If the re- search prize recipient does not have sufficient German language skills, then language cours- es will be provided in order to obtain the necessary proficiency in German. Additionally, the results of the research project can be published within one of the institute’s publications series.
The awarding of the prize will be determined via a jury consisting of one of the directors of the institute, the chairperson of the supporting association, as well as three other members. The final three jury members just mentioned will be selected by the director and chairperson according to their relevant expertise and nationality.
In order to be considered for the prize, you are required to send us a detailed research pro- posal as well as a summary of the work that has already been completed related to the pro- ject (in German, English, French, Spanish or Italian). The research itself can be written in any of the languages just mentioned.
A pre-selection amongst the candidates will be made by the jury. For the final selection pro- cess, it is necessary that the respective candidates personally present their own projects. All related travel costs will be reimbursed.
Grant holders from the MPIeR will not be considered for this research prize if they have re- ceived funding from the institute for more than 6 months.
The required documents must be submitted no later than 31st May 2016 to: Prof. Dr. Caspar Ehlers, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Hansaallee 41, D-60323 Frankfurt am Main.
The jury’s decision will be announced on 1st August 2016. The award recipient should begin their research stay in the fourth quarter of 2016 or later.
The jury’s decision is final, and legal recourse is prohibited. 

16 February 2016

NOTICE: "Max Planck Institut Summer Academy" (July 18-29, 2016)

WHAT the Max Planck Institut Summer Academy for Legal History

WHEN July 18-29, 2016

WHERE Max-Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

all information here
special theme:


Applications are to be sent by 31 March 2016

The course

The Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History provides a selected group of highly motivated early-stage graduates, usually PhD candidates, an in-depth introduction to methods and principles of research in legal history. The academy consists of two parts. The first part provides an introduction to the study of sources, methodological principles, as well as theoretical models and controversial research debates on basic research fields of legal history. In the second part the participants discuss a special research theme and develop their own approach to the theme.
The course will take place at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Special theme 2016: Multinormativity

The fundamental question when addressing the topic of “law” concerns the relationship between what we call “law” and other rules, which serve behavioural control and the stabilization of expectations, but are not treated as “law”, such as moral and religious codes, but also technology and pragmatics.

E-JOURNAL: Clio@Thémis 9 [Jurists and Legal Science in Society. Elements of an Intellectual History of Legal Reason, 19th-20th Centuries]

 (image source: clio@thémis)

Clio@Thémis (CNRS) published its ninth edition, on the theme "Juristes et sciences du droit en société. Éléments pour une histoire intellectuelle de la raison juridique (XIXe-XXe)"

Table of contents:
Frédéric Audren, "Introduction : l’histoire intellectuelle du droit ou la fin du « Grand partage »"
Jérôme Ferrand, "La science du droit à l’épreuve du spiritualisme éclectique dans le premier XIXe siècle. Enquête sur les soubassements de la culture juridique contemporaine"
Xavier Martin, "Le code napoléon : questions sur la genèse d’un mythe"
Nader Hakim, "Droit naturel et histoire chez François Gény"
Jean-Louis Halpérin, "Les historiens du droit en Italie et le fascisme"
Silvia Falconieri, "Un discours juridique pour le fascisme. Politiques impériale et raciale au prisme des revues de droit"
Louis Asser-Andrieu, "De l’idéologie à la culture : les géographies coutumières"
Mathieu Soula, "Au-delà de l’histoire du droit. Retour sur la trajectoire d’un entrepreneur scientifique, Henri Lévy-Bruhl (1884-1964)"
Jean-Pierre Allinne, "L’anthropologie juridique au milieu du gué : Crise idéologique ou crise épistémologique ?"
David M. Rabban, "American Legal Thought in Transatlantic Context, 1870-1914"
Prune Decoux, "Pourquoi l’histoire du droit anglais n’est pas écrite, de Frederic William Maitland"

10 February 2016

FIRST ISSUE: Jus gentium. Journal of International Legal History I (2016), No. 1 (ISSN 2381-0254)

(image source: Lawbook Exchange)

The first issue of the new journal Jus Gentium. Journal of International Legal History has been released.

Table of contents:

By Way of Introduction...                                       W. E. Butler   

P. E. Kazanskii: “On his Character,                      L. P. Anufrieva         
Biography, Life, and Works, or What Has
Been Left to His Descendants …”

Origins of the Idea of Social                                O. V. Kresin  
International Law (XVI-XIX Centuries)

The History of International Law in                     O. O. Merezhko         
the Mirror of Ancient Greek Literature

International Treaties, Heraldic Seals,              W. E. Butler   
and Bookplates: John Adams and
John Quincy Adams

Biographical Note: Joseph-Mathias                  Jean Allain    
Gérard de Rayneval

Institutions du Droit de la Nature,                     Joseph-Mathias
et Des Gens (1803) [Book Two]                       Gérard  de Rayneval                    

The Legal Scholarship of P. E. Kazanskii:         W. E. Butler   
A Bio-Bibliographical Essay                               N. V. Hendel
                                                                         T. R. Korotkyi                                                     

M. A. Gazi (ed.), The Shorter Book of             Jean Allain    
Muslim International Law

A. I. Dmitriev and W. E. Butler (eds.),             O. O. Merezhko                     
История международного права

The Bentham Letters of Anti-Machiavel         W. E. Butler   

Jus Gentium and Globally-Conceived            P. Macalister-Smith  
General Treaty Collections                            J. Schwietzke

Alfred P. Rubin (1931–2014) 

Board of editors:
William E. Butler
John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law and International Affairs, Pennsylvania State University

Jean Allain, Queen’s University, Belfast
Arnulf Becker Lorca, Brown University
Olga V. Butkevych, Kyiv Shevchenko National University
Volodymyr Butkevych, Sometime Judge, European Court of Human Rights
Chen Yifeng, Peking University Law School
Vincent Chetail, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Mark Janis, University of Connecticut School of Law; Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford
Peter Macalister-Smith, Ph.D., Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public
Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany
Oleksandr Merezhko, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Stephen Neff, University of Edinburgh
Alexander Orakhelashvili, University of Birmingham, England
Michael Palmer, University of London SOAS & IALS
Grigorii S. Starodubtsev, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Alexander Vylegzhanin, Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Call for manuscripts (by 1 May 2016; guidelines here):
This is the first dedicated journal in the United States to address the history of international law. Much of modern scholarship on the history of international law is preoccupied not with international law, but with international legal doctrine; the doctrinal writings of remarkably few individuals dominate the discourse while the rest remain unseen or overlooked. This journal will encourage further exploration in the archives for new materials and confirmation of the accuracy of past uses, but welcomes the continued reassessment of international legal history in all of its dimensions.
More information (e.g. subscription rates) with the Lawbook Exchange.

08 February 2016

SEMINAR: "Le procès hors le droit. Exempla et sermons, procès imaginaires, procès impossibles" (Paris, February 9 2016)

WHAT Le procès hors le droit. Exempla et sermons, procès imaginaires, procès impossibles, Seminar

WHEN February 9, 2016 12:00-15:00

WHERE EHESS, Salle des artistes, 96 Bld Raspail, Paris


Beatrice Pasciuta, University of Palermo, professeure invitée à l'EHESS en 2016

JOURNAL: "Constitutional Polymorphism. Historical paradigms and constitutional shapes" (2015/2016)

Constitutional Polymorphism. Historical paradigms and constitutional shapes/ Polimorfismo costituzionale. Paradigmi storici e modelli costituzionali

n. 30/2015, Journal of Constitutional History

Table of contents


José Domingues, Francisco Castelo Branco, Synopsis of legal sources of portuguese 
Habeas Corpus (14th to 16th centuries) / Sinossi delle fonti giuridiche dell’Habeas Corpusportoghese (XIV-XVI secc.)
Valdis Blūzma, The Formation of the Elements of Parliamentarism and Constitutionalism at the Territory of Latvia in Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (13th-18th centuries) / La formazione degli elementi di parlamentarismo e costituzionalismo nei territori lettoni nel Medioevo e nella prima Età moderna (XIII-XVIII secolo)
Marco Fioravanti, From the People to the Constitution. Inventing Democracy during the French Revolution / Dal popolo alla costituzione. L’invenzione della democrazia durante la Rivoluzione francese
László Komáromi, Establishment, Evolution and Interaction of Modern Direct Democratic Traditions / Costituzione, evoluzione e interazione delle moderne tradizioni di democrazia diretta

SEMINAR: "Corps et choix. A propos d'une sentence de la Cour de Cassation et de sa généalogie dans le ius commune" (Paris, February 9 2016)

WHAT Corps et choix. A propos d'une sentence de la Cour de Cassation et de sa généalogie dans le ius commune, Seminar

WHEN February 9 2016, 18:00-21:00

WHERE Ehess, salle 3, 105 bd Raspail, Paris

En Juillet 2015 la Cour de Cassation italienne a établi que le changement des organes sexuels n'est plus la condition préalable pour obtenir le changement de l'identité sexuelle. En interrogeant les enjeux techniques ainsi que la signification culturelle de cet arrêt, une historienne du moyen-âge et une juriste contemporaine nous invitent à réfléchir sur les critères permettant au sujet de choisir l'appartenance à son genre.  


Marta Madero (University of Sarmiento, Buenos Aires)
Maria Rosaria Marella (University of Perugia)

BOOK PRESENTATION: "La loi de la chair. Le droit au corps du conjoint dans l'oeuvre des canonistes XIIe-XVe siècle" by Marta Madero (Paris, February 11 2016)

WHAT La loi de la chair. Le droit au corps du conjoint dans l'oeuvre des canonistes XIIe-XVe siècle, book presentation and debate with the Author, Marta Madero

WHEN February 11 2016, 15:00/17:00

WHERE salle 1, EHESS, 105 bd. Raspail

En montrant que le droit au corps de l'autre est aussi, à partir du XIIe siècle, au coeur de l’institution du mariage, Marta Madero éclaire d’une manière nouvelle une histoire – celle des relations charnelles et des liens matrimoniaux – qui a fait pourtant l’objet de nombreux travaux ces dernières décennies. Elle a découvert en effet que les canonistes du XIIe au XVe siècle construisent un régime juridique des rapports de chair avec les règles que le droit romain appliquait aux rapports de possession et de propriété des hommes sur les choses et même à la subordination des choses entre elles. L’objet du consentement est bien, dès le XIIe siècle – on a eu tendance à l’oublier –, le droit au corps du conjoint. Mais est-ce que ce droit s’exerce sur une chose qui serait le corps, ou sur une partie du corps ? Ou bien s’agit-il d’une servitude réelle que ce corps porte comme l’on dit qu’un champ est grevé d’une servitude de passage attachée aux champs voisins ? Quels sont les actes qui font naître ou cesser ce droit au corps du conjoint ? Peut-il renaître, et comment ? Invoquer le droit au corps de l’autre, c’est aussi, on le comprend alors, une autre façon de purifier les liens de la chair comme les alchimistes éliminent les scories de la matière. Et l’œuvre au noir des canonistes et des juges ouvre ainsi le vaste espace d’une casuistique dont l’étude nous prépare à mieux comprendre sans doute les méthodes et l’historicité du droit contemporain, mais aussi peut-être la préhistoire de nos sexualités

En présence de l'Autrice, qui est aussi professeure invitée à l'école, en discuteront:
Emanuele Conte (EHESS-CENJ)Arnaud Fossier (Université de Bourgogne)
Jasmin Hauck (EHESS-CENJ)
Maria Rosaria Marella (Université de Perugia)
Giuliano Milani (Université de Roma "La Sapienza")

SEMINAR: "L'identité en tumulte" (Paris, February 10 2016)

WHAT L'identité en tumulte, Seminar

WHEN February 10, 2016 - 15:00/17:00

WHERE salle 1, EHESS, 105, bd. Raspail, Paris


Stefano Rodotà

professeur émérite de droit civil à l’Université de Rome La Sapienza. Il fait partie des auteurs de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union Européenne. Il a été parlementaire de 1979 à 1994, président de l'Autorité italienne pour la protection des données personnelles et a présidé le groupe européen pour la protection de la vie privée. Il est l’un des plus grands experts de droit de propriété et de biens communs. Chroniqueur de La Repubblica, il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages traduits en différentes langues.


Paolo Napoli, Michele Spanò

03 February 2016

CFP: Assistant Professor in Legal History (Zurich, 3 years position)

WHAT Assistant Professor in Legal History, call for position

WHEN 3 years position

WHERE University of Zurich, Faculty of Law

deadline March 9, 2016

all information here

The Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich is seeking an 
Assistant Professor in Legal History (duration of three years, not tenure track) 

The assistant professorship is designed to further qualify the holder in the discipline of legal history. Upon completion of the position, a habilitation or equivalent achievement should be submitted. Requirements for the position of assistant professor include a doctorate with outstanding results and, if possible, an academic background in the history of Private law and/or contemporary legal history. In addition, the candidate's current research project should have a strong focus on legal history. A focus on the early modern period and/or contemporary legal history is of advantage. Scholarly experience in a doctrinal legal discipline is also of advantage, but not a strict requirement. Applicants who do not speak German as a native language must be willing to familiarize themselves with the German language. 
The University of Zurich aims to increase the percentage of women working in teaching and research and therefore specifically encourages qualified women to apply. 
Application materials (cv, list of publications and presentations, teaching portfolio) must be sent by regular mail to the University of Zurich, Faculty of Law, Dean's Office, Rämistrasse 74/2, CH-8001 Zurich by 9 March 2016
Submission of publications and research papers may be requested at a later stage. 
For further information, please contact 
Prof. Dr. Andreas Thier (

COLLOQUIUM: ""Circulations juridiques et pratiques culturelles en Europe au Moyen Âge (XIIIe – XVe siècle) - Medieval Europe in Motion 3" (Lisbon, February 25-27 2016)

WHAT Circulations juridiques et pratiques culturelles en Europe au Moyen Âge (XIIIe – XVe siècle) - Medieval Europe in Motion 3

WHEN February 25-27 2016

WHERE Lisbon, Portugal

Le colloque international Medieval Europe in Motion 3 poursuit la série de rencontres scientifiques inaugurée en 2013 par l’Institut d’Études Médiévales (IEM) de l’Université Nouvelle de Lisbonne sur la thématique des mobilités artistiques et culturelles en Europe au Moyen Âge.
L’objectif principal de ce nouveau colloque, en continuité thématique avec les deux éditions précédentes, est d’analyser les phénomènes de circulation et de mobilité des élites lettrées (clercs, universitaires, praticiens), des enlumineurs, des manuscrits, des textes, des modèles artistiques et des idées liés à la pratique du droit dans le territoire européen avec une attention particulière pour les contrées méridionales (péninsule Ibérique, France du Midi et Italie). La recherche qui soutien l’idée de ce colloque dérive du projet de post-doctorat de Maria Alessandra Bilotta, qui vise à mettre en évidence les liens artistiques et culturels entre le Portugal et le reste de l’Europe, avec un accent particulier sur les manuscrits des régions du sud (de la péninsule ibérique, sud de la France et de la péninsule italienne).