
30 October 2020

NEWS: New Entry „Cold War International Law” – Oxfordbibliographies


Oxfordbibliographies has a new bibliography for “Cold War International Law” by Martin Clark, Gerry Simpson, Sundhya Pahuja and Matthew Craven.

Cold War International Law has conventionally been structured around a historiography of hiatus. A “gap” is posited as inhering in international law sometime between 1948 and 1989. In this gap, there is very little international law—or there is an international law of suspension or crisis or deferral. Some of the present editors (Craven, Pahuja, Simpson) are constructing an alternative vision of Cold War international law as law of improvisation, of committed nonalignment, of ideational power, of responsibility, of complicity, of imagination, and of co-constitution. The Cold War needed international law, and the international law we have now is a product of the Cold War. Given all this, compiling a bibliography of Cold War international law raises some difficulties. […]

The full entry can be found here

BOOK: Ville ERKKILA and Hans-Peter HAFERKAMP, eds., Socialism and Legal History The Histories and Historians of Law in Socialist East Central Europe (London: Routledge, 2020). ISBN 9780367414757, GBP 120.00

(Source: Routledge)

Routledge is publishing a new book on legal historians and legal histories written in Eastern European countries during the socialist era after the Second World War.


This book focuses on the way in which legal historians and legal scientists used the past to legitimize, challenge, explain and familiarize the socialist legal orders, which were backed by dictatorial governments.

The volume studies legal historians and legal histories written in Eastern European countries during the socialist era after the Second World War. The book investigates whether there was a unified form of socialist legal historiography, and if so, what can be said of its common features. The individual chapters of this volume concentrate on the regimes that situate between the Russian, and later Soviet, legal culture and the area covered by the German Civil Code. Hence, the geographical focus of the book is on East Germany, Russia, the Baltic states, Poland and Hungary. The approach is transnational, focusing on the interaction and intertwinement of the then hegemonic communist ideology and the ideas of law and justice, as they appeared in the writings of legal historians of the socialist legal orders. Such an angle enables concentration on the dynamics between politics and law as well as identities and legal history.

Studying the socialist interpretations of legal history reveals the ways in which the 20th century legal scholars, situated between legal renewal and political guidance gave legitimacy to, struggled to come to terms with, and sketched the future of the socialist legal orders.

The book will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers working in the areas of Legal History, Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law and European Studies.


Ville Erkkilä is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for European Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Hans-Peter Haferkamp is Full Professor of Private Law and History of German Law. He is the Director of the Institute of Modern History of Private Law, German and Rhenish Legal History, University of Cologne


Introduction: Socialist interpretations of legal history
Ville Erkkilä
PART I Framing the socialist legal historiography
1 The transformations of some classical principles in socialist Hungarian civil law: The metamorphosis of ‘bona fides’ and ‘boni mores’ in the Hungarian Civil Code of 1959
András Földi
2 We few, we happy few? Legal history in the GDR
Martin Otto
3 Roman law studies in the USSR: An abiding debate on slaves, economy and the process of history
Anton Rudokvas and Ville Erkkilä
4 Strategies of covert resistance: Teaching and studying legal history at the University of Tartu in the Soviet era
Marju Luts-Sootak
5 The Western legal tradition and Soviet Russia: The genesis of H. J. Berman’s Law and Revolution
Adolfo Giuliani
PART II Legal historians of socialist regimes
6 Juliusz Bardach and the agenda of socialist history of law in Poland
Marta Bucholc
7 Valdemārs Kalniņš (1907–1981): The founder of Soviet legal history in Latvia
Sanita Osipova
8 Getaway into the Middle Ages?: On topics, methods and results of ‘socialist’ legal historiography at the University of Jena
Adrian Schmidt-Recla and Zara Luisa Gries
9 Roman law and socialism: Life and work of a Hungarian scholar, Elemér Pólay
Éva Jakab

More info here

BOOK: Luc FOISNEAU (dir.), Elisabeth DUTARTRE-MICHAUT & Christian BACHELIER (dir. adj.), Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle. Acteurs et réseaux du savoir [Dictionnaires et synthèses, n° 3] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2020), 2100 p. ISBN 978-2-8124-1721-4


(image source: Classiques Garnier)

Book abstract:
Huit introductions thématiques, six cent quatre-vingt-dix entrées et un index historique et raisonné font du Dictionnaire des philosophes français du xviie siècle un instrument indispensable pour une exploration nouvelle des réseaux et des acteurs du savoir entre la Renaissance et les Lumières.

(read more here


BOOK: Emilio ALBERTARIO, Les usuræ en droit romain: un manuscrit inédit. Traduction et présentation de Laurent Hecketsweiler, texte établi par Franco Vallocchia (Paris: Mare & Martin, 2019). ISBN : 978-2-84934-409-5, pp. 180, € 18



Récemment sortie d’archives familiales (et d’un carton), cette étude de jeunesse d’Emilio Albertario (1885-1948) traite de l’intérêt de l’argent en droit romain (usura pecuniae). Écrit au tout début du xxe siècle, publié pour la première fois en 2016 et désormais mis à la disposition d’un public français, ce texte est une brillante et solide mise au point sur un sujet resté très actuel. Actuel et indémodable, tant la question des usurae fut travaillée et discutée pendant des siècles! Avantageusement, le manuscrit de 1907 interroge les juristes, toutes époques confondues, sur cette question des usurae, à mi-chemin entre le droit et l’économie. Qu’il s’agisse des juristes romains, de leurs successeurs byzantins, et plus tard des juristes français ou allemands... Autant de lectures, de strates interprétatives, qui permettent de saisir l’ingénierie – évolutive dans l’histoire – du commerce de l’argent.


Laurent Hecketsweiler est maître de conférences à la faculté de droit de Montpellier.

Franco Vallocchia est professeur de droit romain à l’université de Rome La Sapienza.

More information with the publisher.

29 October 2020

BOOK: Denis CROUZET, Élisabeth CROUZET-PAVAN, Petris LORIS & Clémence REVEST (dir.), L'humanisme au pouvoir ? Figures de chanceliers dans l'Europe de la Renaissance [Rencontres, n° 444] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2020), 401 p. ISBN 978-2-406-10081-2, € 39


(image source: Classiques Garnier)

Book abstract:
Cet ouvrage fait surgir des figures connues et moins connues de chanceliers actifs dans l’Europe des xve et xvie siècles. Il s’agit d’analyser comment, en Italie, en Angleterre, aux Pays- Bas ou en France, une fonction centrale dans la gestion des États a été investie par un humanisme conquérant.

(more information here

BOOK: Arnaud COUTANT, La pensée juridique de...Alexis de Tocqueville (Paris: Mare & Martin, 2019). ISBN: 978-2-84934-441-5, pp. 204, € 9

(Source: Mare & Martin)


Revendiquée par les historiens, les politistes et les sociologues, l’oeuvre d’Alexis de Tocqueville comporte aussi de nombreux aspects juridiques. À partir des livres publiés, des travaux académiques et d’une abondante correspondance, le présent ouvrage a pour dessein de faire connaître une pensée juridique originale. Sous le prisme de la démocratie, Tocqueville nourrit une réflexion sur la forme de ce régime, la séparation des pouvoirs, l’organisation territoriale, la protection des libertés et des droits fondamentaux, les droits sociaux et la place du pouvoir judiciaire.


Arnaud Coutant est constitutionnaliste et historien des idées politiques. Docteur en droit public de l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, il est maître de conférences habilité à diriger des recherches et enseigne à la Faculté de droit et de science politique de Reims ainsi qu'au centre universitaire de Troyes. Il mène des recherches dans trois domaines spécifiques : l'histoire des idées politiques, l'histoire constitutionnelle française et le droit constitutionnel américain. Il s'intéresse plus particulièrement au concept de démocratie et à ses significations. La dimension historique et étrangère permet d'aborder cette thématique en multipliant les points de vue. Ses différents travaux le conduisent à publier régulièrement des ouvrages sous la forme de monographies et des articles dans des revues juridiques.

More information with the publisher.

28 October 2020

BOOK: Peter BENNETT & Bernard DOMPNIER, Cérémonial politique et cérémonial religieux dans l'Europe moderne. Echanges et métissages [Travaux du Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance; n°5] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2020), 358 p. ISBN 978-2-406-09751-8, € 32


(image source: Classiques Garnier)

Book abstract:
L’ouvrage revisite le chantier des rituels du pouvoir dans l’Europe moderne, en s’attachant à leur dimension proprement religieuse. Croisant des études sur la liturgie, les discours, les images, la musique et les décors, il explore les similitudes et les emprunts entre rituels politiques et religieux.

Read more here

BOOK: Nathalie MALLET-POUJOL, Les franchises de l'Histoire. Essai sur la liberté d'expression en matière historique (Paris: Mare & Martin, 2020). ISBN: 978-2-84934-498-9, pp. 862, € 68

(Source: Mare & Martin)


Des lois mémorielles aux lois d'amnistie, du droit des archives au droit de la presse, la narration historique est régulièrement mise en difficulté par le droit. La liberté d’expression en matière historique se heurte ainsi à l’écueil de l’apologie de crimes, au rempart de l’honneur, à la barrière de l’offense, au spectre du révisionnisme, au mur de la vie privée, au repos des tombeaux et au voile du temps. Cet ouvrage propose d’entrevoir les relations toujours névralgiques que l’écriture de l’histoire entretient avec le droit. Et son auteure s’attache à cartographier les « franchises de l’histoire », peu à peu dessinées par la justice depuis le XIXème siècle.


Nathalie Mallet-Poujol, docteure en droit, est directrice de recherche au CNRS. Elle dirige l’ERCIM- Équipe de Recherche Créations Immatérielles et Droit - (UMR 5815 - Université de Montpellier).

More information with the publisher.

BOOK: Mario PERINI (Ed.), L’Italia a 80 anni dalle leggi Antiebraiche e a 70 dalla Costituzione. Atti del Convegno tenuto a Siena nei giorni 25 e 26 ottobre 2018 (Pisa: Pacini Editore, 2019). ISBN: 978-88-3379-078-7, pp. 480, € 48,00

(Source: Pacini Editore)


A cura di Mario Perini, con presentazione di Francesco Frati e introduzione di Floriana Colao

Il volume tenta di apportare contributi utili alla memoria di una delle pagine più tragiche della storia recente, non limitandosi al periodo della persecuzione, dei diritti e delle vite, ma giungendo a esaminare l’azione della Repubblica diretta alla sua riparazione. L’attenzione del volume si concentra sulla Toscana del sud, ancora poco studiata con rife­rimento alle vicende della persecuzione antiebraica. Cercare di ricostruire e tramandare la responsabilità storica di una comunità – sia quella italiana che quella toscana meridionale, nella specie – accettandone il peso, si spera possa aiutare a raggiungere la maturità necessaria a comprendere che quegli eventi tragici contri­buiscono a costituirne l’identità collettiva.


Mario Perini è professore associato in diritto costituzionale presso il Dipartimento di Giu­risprudenza di Siena dal 2015. È autore di saggi in tema di forma di governo e giustizia costituzionale.

Francesco Frati è Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Siena e professore ordi­nario di zoologia presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita.

Floriana Colao è stata delegata del Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Siena a rappresentare l’Ateneo per gli eventi in ricordo degli 80 anni dall’approvazione delle leggi razziali. È professoressa ordinaria di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza.

The table of contents can be downloaded here. More information with the publisher.

27 October 2020

BOOK: Christian LAURANSON-ROSAZ & Philippe DELAIGUE (Eds.), Mémoires des origines et stratégies de légitimation du pouvoir (Paris: Mare & Martin, 2020). ISBN : 978-2-84934-489-7, pp. 400, € 39


(Source: Mare & Martin)


Collection Histoire du droit et des institutions.

L’imaginaire du pouvoir, sa représentation ou sa mise en scène, pour ne pas dire sa «théâtralisation», constitue un thème d’études et de recherches majeur qui rejoint la grande question de l’identitaire. Cet imaginaire a des initiateurs, dont l’identification varie selon les temps et les lieux – l’élite, les clercs, maîtres de la culture et du sacré – et des vecteurs : le droit et les traditions, la littérature officielle ou populaire, la mémoire. Cette publication met en lumière la mise en scène des stratégies de légitimation du pouvoir, initiées par les acteurs eux-mêmes ou par ceux qui, de l’extérieur, se donnent pour mission de justifier leur action. La thématique est donc très actuelle. La qualité des auteurs, ainsi que la part très importante consacrée aux expériences étrangères, donnent à cet ouvrage un caractère exceptionnel dans une thématique riche et jusqu’à aujourd’hui encore peu fouillée. La démarche comparative, ainsi que le champ chronologique très étendu des contributions, lui confèrent une place à part dans le champ de la recherche en Histoire du droit.


Philippe Delaigue est Maître de conférences HDR d'histoire du droit à l'université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 et membre du CLHDPP.

Christian Lauranson-Rosaz (1952-2016) était Professeur d'histoire du droit à l'université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, membre du Centre lyonnais d'histoire du droit et de la pensée politique.

More information with the publisher.

JOURNAL: Quaderni Fiorentini XLIX (2020)


(Source: Centro di studi per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno)

Indice del volume

Giovanni Cazzetta, Pagina introduttiva p. 1

Modelli e dimensioni

Pietro Costa, 'Dire la verità': una missione impossibile per la storiografia? p. 9

Paolo Slongo, Montaigne e la giustizia zoppa p. 43

José Calvo González, La Constitución magicorrealista. Constitución real y reforma política en Los funerales de la Mamá Grande (1959), de Gabriel García Márquez p. 79

Ivan Cardillo - Yu Ronggen, La cultura giuridica cinese tra tradizione e modernità p. 97

La dimensione giuridica

Héctor Domínguez Benito, Territorial republicanism in the United States of Colombia: José María Quijano Otero and the American uti possidetis p. 137

Olindo De Napoli, Colonialism through penal deportation in the Italian political and legal debate: from Unification to the beginning of the colonial enterprise p. 185

Alberto Spinosa, Tra regola ed eccezione: il concetto di ius singulare nel dibattito giuridico italiano tra Otto e Novecento p. 221

Irene Stolzi, Il secolo nuovo: giuristi e tradizioni nell'Italia del ventennio p. 267

Riccardo Ferrante, Ideologie della giurisdizione e cultura giuridica togata: tradizione, nomofilachia, formanti e metodo storico p. 307

Figure dell'esperienza

Raffaele Volante, La concezione patrimoniale dell'imposta nel diritto comune p. 349

Ricardo Sontag, «Excepção única á civilização christã»: o problema dos açoites na literatura jurídico-penal brasileira (1824-1886) p. 375

Carlos Petit, Españolas gaditanas p. 419

Per António Manuel Hespanha

Cristina Nogueira da Silva, António Hespanha, um historiador inquieto p. 457

Paolo Cappellini, Per António Manuel: un ricordo dall'età dell'oro p. 473

Bartolomé Clavero, «El cimiento de nuestra amistad». Lembrança de António Manuel Hespanha jovem e não tão jovem p. 485

Ricardo Marcelo Fonseca, O demiurgo 'cool': o elo de António Manuel Hespanha e a historiografia jurídica brasileira p. 513

Tamar Herzog, António Manuel Hespanha on How Jurists (and Historians) (Should) View the World p. 525

Marta Lorente, António Manuel Hespanha en Cantoblanco p. 539


Francesco Benigno, Terrore e terrorismo. Saggio storico sulla violenza politica, Torino, 2018 (Giacomo Pace Gravina) p. 555

Cinema e Diritto. La comprensione della dimensione giuridica attraverso la cinematografia, a cura di Orlando Roselli, Torino, 2020 (Giovanni Cazzetta) p. 561

Paolo Grossi, Il mondo delle terre collettive. Itinerari giuridici tra ieri e domani, Macerata, 2019 (Diego Quaglioni) p. 566

Ideology and Criminal Law. Fascist, National Socialist and Authoritarian Regimes, Stephen Skinner (ed.), Oxford, 2019 (Florian Jeßberger - Tobias Beinder) p. 571

Daniel Maul, The International Labour Organization: 100 years of global social policy, Berlin, 2019 (Virginia Amorosi) p. 576


Su Tamar Herzog, A Short History of European Law. The Last Two and Half Millennia:

César Hornero Méndez, Un libro útil que no habría desagradado a George Steiner p. 583

Simona Cerutti, L'unità frammentata della cultura giuridica europea p. 591

Andrew Fitzmaurice, Continuity and discontinuity p. 599

Tamar Herzog, On the Role of History in the Present p. 609

A proposito di...

Damiano Canale, Alcune considerazioni sul significato filosofico della storia della filosofia del diritto (A proposito di «Diacronìa: Rivista di storia della filosofia del diritto», I (2019), 1) p. 621

Pio Caroni, Dalla coutume al codice? (A proposito di Adrien Wyssbrod, De la coutume au code. Résistances à la codification du droit civil à Neuchâtel sous l'Ancien Régime, Neuchâtel, 2019) p. 641

Giovanni Chiodi, Una storia del diritto privato diversa (A proposito di Pio Caroni, Privatrecht im 19. Jahrhundert. Eine Spurensuche, Basel, 2015) p. 655

Bartolomé Clavero, La excepción y la normalidad (A propósito de la historia comparada de un constitucionalista) p. 687

Francesco De Sanctis, Interpretare, argomentare, deliberare nella crisi dello Stato contemporaneo (A proposito di Emanuele Stolfi, Gli attrezzi del giurista. Introduzione alle pratiche discorsive del diritto, Torino, 2018) p. 723

Mario Libertini, Passato e presente del diritto commerciale (A proposito di tre libri recenti) p. 735

Ángel M. López y López, Derecho ingles y civil law: la «convergencia asintótica» (A propósito de John Cartwright, Introducción al Derecho inglés de los contratos, Cizur Menor, 2019) p. 773

Stefano Malpassi, Né «medioevo della modernità», né «specchio del presente». Gli anni Trenta tra crisi e trasformazioni transnazionali (A proposito di K.K. Patel, Il New Deal. Una storia globale, Torino, 2018) p. 795

Lorenzo Pacinotti, Naturali sviluppi del passato: trasformazioni New Liberal della legislazione sociale britannica (A proposito di J. Cooper, The British Welfare Revolution, 1906-14) p. 821

Gianluca Russo, «El desordine è peccato» Un aspetto della costruzione dello Stato territoriale fiorentino: l'offensiva moralizzatrice del Quattrocento (A proposito di Uberto da Cesena, Quaestio disputata Bononie) p. 851


Ragguagli fiorentini

Attività del Centro di Studi per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno nell'anno accademico 2018-2019 p. 903

The issue of the journal can be downloaded in PDF version here.

26 October 2020

BOOK: Paolo ALVAZZI DEL FRATE et al., Tempi del diritto. Età medievale, moderna, contemporanea (Torino: Giappichelli Editore, 2018). ISBN: 8892117823, pp. 488, € 39.00



Tempi del diritto è un nuovo manuale di storia del diritto rivolto agli studenti dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza e di laurea triennale in Scienze Giuridiche. Il volume, diversamente da altri testi del genere, copre tutto l'arco cronologico della materia: medioevo, età moderna, età contemporanea (secc. V-XX). Attraverso un ragionato percorso di analisi critica, Tempi del diritto intende offrire una panoramica, generale ma non banale, delle più importanti tappe della cultura giuridica europea, con uno sguardo privilegiato all'Italia: norme, codici e costituzioni; dottrina giuridica e teorie politico-filosofiche, eventi e personaggi. Un indice dei nomi arricchisce la seconda edizione dell'opera.

A PDF version of the table of contents can be downloaded here, more information with the publisher.

BOOK: Hans-Ulrich WIEMER and Stefan REBENICH, A Companion to Julian the Apostate (Leiden: Brill, 2020). ISBN: 978-90-04-41456-3, pp. 481, € 188.00

(Source: Brill)


Series: Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World, Volume: 5

Few Roman emperors enjoy such fame as Flavius Claudius Iulianus – although he was sole ruler of the Roman Empire for only eighteen months (361-363). Since his early death he has been known as Julian the Apostate – the nephew of Constantine the Great who in vain tried to reverse the transformation of the Imperium Romanum into a Christian Empire. This companion synthesizes research on Julian conducted in many languages over the last decades and develops new perspectives. The authors scrutinize the voluminous and variegated sources for Julian's life and rule and reflect on the perceptions of modern research. Since Julian is the subject of scholarly discussion in various fields, this companion offers an interdisciplinary dialogue in which experts from many countries participate. 

Contributors are Bruno Bleckmann, Scott Bradbury, Peter Heather, Arnaldo Marcone, Neil McLynn, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Stefan Rebenich, Christoph Riedweg, Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Peter van Nuffelen, Konrad Vössing, Hans-Ulrich Wiemer.


Stefan Rebenich holds the Chair of Ancient History and the Classical Tradition at the University of Bern (Switzerland). He has published widely in the field of late antiquity and the history of historiography, including Jerome (London: Routledge, 2002), and Theodor Mommsen. Eine Biographie (2nd ed, C.H. Beck 2007). Recently, he has edited a volume on Monarchische Herrschaft im Altertum (W. de Gruyter, 2017). 
Hans-Ulrich Wiemer holds the chair of Ancient History at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). He has published monographs and many articles on Alexander the Great, Hellenistic history and historiography, on Late Roman history and on the history of the Goths, including Libanios und Julian. Studien zum Verhältnis von Rhetorik und Politik (C.H. Beck, 1995) and Theoderich der Große. König der Goten, Herrscher der Römer(C.H. Beck, 2018).


Preface and Acknowledgments
List of Illustrations
 1 Introduction: Approaching Julian
 Stefan Rebenich and Hans-Ulrich Wiemer
 2 Julian’s Philosophical Writings
 Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
 3 The Gallic Wars of Julian Caesar
 Peter J. Heather
 4 From Caesar to Augustus: Julian against Constantius
 Bruno Bleckmann
 5 Reform, Routine, and Propaganda: Julian the Lawgiver
 Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner
 6 The Value of a Good Education: The School Law in Context
 Konrad Vössing
 7 Revival and Reform: The Religious Policy of Julian
 Hans-Ulrich Wiemer
 8 Anti-Christian Polemics and Pagan Onto-Theology: Julian’s Against the Galilaeans
 Christoph Riedweg
 9 Julian and the Jews
 Scott Bradbury
 10 The Persian Expedition
 Neil McLynn
 11 Pagan Reactions to Julian
 Arnaldo Marcone
 12 The Christian Reception of Julian
 Peter van Nuffelen
 13 Julian’s Afterlife. The Reception of a Roman Emperor
 Stefan Rebenich

More information with the publisher.

23 October 2020

BOOK PRESENTATION: Guido MELIS, La storia delle istituzioni. Una chiave di lettura, Roma, Carocci, 2020 - 27 ottobre 2020 - h 17 - sulla piattaforma ZOOM

BOOK: Francisco Manuel Gracía COSTA et al. (Eds.), Historia Constitucional de Iberoamérica (Valencia: Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, 2019). ISBN: 9788491192961, pp. 773, € 69,90


(Source: Tirant Lo Blanch)


Al cumplirse dos siglos de constitucionalismo en Iberoamérica se publica esta obra en la que reúnen, por primera vez en un único volumen, varios estudios en los que se analiza la evolución político-constitucional de todos los países Iberoamericanos: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, Puerto Rico, república Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela. Se trata de una serie de trabajos elaborados reputados especialistas de cada país, quienes nos cuentan sus respectivas historias constitucionales con su mirada y lenguaje específicos y singulares. En ellos no sólo se contiene el análisis jurídico-formal de las constituciones históricas, sino también la evolución política e institucional de cada nación iberoamericana, prestando especial atención a las vicisitudes de sus respectivos procesos de consolidación democrática.

Esta Historia Constitucional de iberoamérica representa una excelente contribución al progreso del Derecho Constitucional de cada uno de los estudios iberoamericanos y, desde luego, a la formación de una más que necesaria Enciclopedia del Derecho Constitucional Iberoamericano.

Autores: Francisco Manuel Gracía Costa, Adriano Sant´Ana Pedra, Julio César Muñiz Pérez, David Soto Carrasco

More information and table of contents available with the publisher..

22 October 2020

BOOK: Pablo MIJANGOS (Ed.), Historia Del Derecho, ¿Para Qué? (Ciudad de Mexico: Tirant lo Blanch Mexico, 2020). ISBN 9788413364766, 339.00 MXN


(Source: Tirant Mexico)

Tirant Mexico has recently published “Historia Del Derecho, ¿Para Qué?”.


Durante los últimos 30 años, la historia del derecho en México ha atravesado por un auténtico renacimiento: gracias a la combinación virtuosa de esfuerzos institucionales y nuevas corrientes metodológicas en la profesión histórica, esta disciplina constituye hoy una fuente de investigaciones de primer nivel, que han servido para modificar y enriquecer notablemente la comprensión de nuestro pasado. Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, la historia del derecho está cada vez más relegada dentro de la formación de los abogados y muchos estudiantes de historia no entienden todavía la necesidad de acercarse a las herramientas jurídicas para entender los temas de su interés.


Con la finalidad de mostrar el valor de la historia del derecho, tanto para abogados e historiadores en formación como en su ejercicio profesional, los miembros del Seminario Permanente de Historia del Derecho y la Justicia decidimos escribir la presente obra colectiva alrededor de una pregunta muy sencilla: “Historia del Derecho, ¿para qué?”. Aunque el libro ofrece una amplia variedad de respuestas a esta interrogante, todos sus capítulos comparten una misma premisa: el derecho no se puede comprender plenamente sin conocer la historia, y el entendimiento de la historia se enriquece gracias a la cultura jurídica.


More info here

BOOK: Stephan MEDER (Ed.), Geschichte und Zukunft des Urheberrechts II (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020). ISBN 978-3-8471-1176-4, 45.00 EUR


Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht is publishing a new book on past and future of copyright law.


Warum hat es ein römisches Urheberrecht nicht gegeben? Hat der Humanist Konrad Lagus die Aequitas-Lehre bei seinem Kollegen Budé einfach abgekupfert? Worum ging es bei dem Kampf zwischen Richard Strauss und Luigi Denza? Wer streitet sich um die »Original-Sachertorte«, und was hat das Foto des toten Bismarcks mit der DSGVO zu tun? Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger aus Wissenschaft und Praxis erörtern das breite Spektrum urheberrechtlicher Sachverhalte und Entscheidungen. Inhaltlich behandeln die Beiträge die Geschichte des Urheberrechts in verschiedensten Werkarten. Dabei wird deutlich, dass der in allen Zeiten bestehende Interessenkonflikt zwischen Werkschöpfer, Verwerter und Nutzer mit vorgefertigten Schablonen nicht zu lösen ist. Mit einem Blick »zurück nach vorn« liefern sie Anstöße zum Nachdenken über ein künftiges Urheberrecht.


Prof. Dr. Stephan Meder lehrt seit 1998 Zivilrecht und Rechtsgeschichte an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Hannover.


More info here

BOOK: Alberto TORINI, La battaglia abolizionista in Italia. Il Giornale per l’abolizione della pena di morte (1861-64) (Roma: Aracne Editrice, 2020). ISBN: 9788825533415, pp. 256, € 15,00


(Source: Aracne Editrice)


La questione dell’abolizione della pena capitale si sviluppò in Italia a seguito dell’unificazione nazionale con la fondazione da parte di Pietro Ellero, nel 1861, del Giornale per l’abolizione della pena di morte con il fine di raccogliere e istanze abolizioniste ed attuare un profondo rinnovamento del sistema penale italiano. Il volume analizza il momento “genetico” della questione della pena capitale, nella consapevolezza dell’importanza del confronto che si sarebbe generato a livello accademico, giudiziario e politico. In tale contesto viene approfondita l’influenza che il Giornale ha esercitato sulla dottrina e sui progetti di codificazione penale italiana ed internazionale.


Alberto Torini, dottore di ricerca, è assegnista in Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università Roma Tre. Insegna la medesima materia presso l’Università LUMSA di Roma. I suoi interessi scientifici attengono principalmente alla storia del diritto penale nell’Ottocento e alla definizione dei reati finanziari in Inghilterra e in Europa tra Ottocento e Novecento.

Table of contents available in PDF version, here.

More information with the publisher.

21 October 2020

NEWS: Bibliography of the History of Israeli Law

(Source: TAU)

We learned that the Berg Institute at TAU recently completed an update of the bibliography of the history of Israeli law, which can be found here.

Suggestions for additional sources are appreciated, and can be sent to

20 October 2020

JOB: Archivreferendarin bzw. Archivreferendar Staatsarchiv Hamburg (DEADLINE: 22 October)

(Source: Wikipedia)

We learned of a position for an Archivreferendariat position at the Staatsarchiv Hamburg, and which welcomes applicants with a background in legal history. Here the call:

Das Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg stellt zum 1. Mai 2021 eine Archivreferendarin bzw. Archivreferendar (m/w/d) als Beamten auf Widerruf in den Vorbereitungsdienst für den Zugang zum zweiten Einstiegsamt der Laufbahngruppe 2 in der Fachrichtung Allgemeine Dienste zur Verwendung im Laufbahnzweig Archivdienst ein. Das Staatsarchiv ist das Gedächtnis der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.

Für den Vorbereitungsdienst als Archivreferendar suchen wir einen Hochschulabsolventen, der gerne § Führungsverantwortung übernehmen, § Konzeptionen erarbeiten und umsetzen, § komplexe rechtliche und fachliche Probleme lösen, § in der beruflichen Praxis juristische mit archiv- und geschichtswissenschaftlicher Expertise verbinden und § an Aufbau und Pflege des historischen Gedächtnisses mitwirken möchte.

Sollten wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben und Sie die folgenden Voraussetzungen erfüllen, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.

Sie erfüllen die persönlichen Voraussetzungen für die Berufung in das Beamtenverhältnis auf Widerruf (§ 7 des Beamtenstatusgesetzes).

§ Sie haben am 1. Mai 2021 Ihr 40. Lebensjahr noch nicht vollendet (§ 11 Absatz 1 Satz 1 und § 9 der Hamburgischen Laufbahnverordnung).

§ Sie verfügen über  ein mit einem Mastergrad oder einem gleichwertigen Abschluss abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Geschichtswissenschaft oder  ein mit einer ersten Prüfung oder einem gleichwertigen Abschluss abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Rechtswissenschaft und einen mindestens mit der Note »befriedigend« bewerteten rechtsgeschichtlichen Seminarschein oder ein mit einem Mastergrad oder einem gleichwertigen Abschluss abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Verwaltungswissenschaft und einen mindestens mit der Note »befriedigend« bewerteten verwaltungsgeschichtlichen Seminarschein.

Sie besitzen angemessene Kenntnisse zweier Fremdsprachen, darunter Latein oder Französisch. Der Vorbereitungsdienst gliedert sich modular in berufspraktische Studienzeiten beim Staatsarchiv (6 Monate) und bei einer hamburgischen Behörde (2 Monate), in die Fachstudien an der Archivschule Marburg – Hochschule für Archivwissenschaft (12 Monate), eine Transferphase (3 Monate) und eine Prüfungsphase (1 Monat).

Auf die Stellenausschreibung können Sie sich bis zum 22. Oktober 2020 bewerben.

Bitte übersenden Sie uns folgende Dokumente: 2 · aussagekräftiges Anschreiben, in dem Sie erläutern, inwieweit Sie das Anforderungsprofil erfüllen · tabellarischer Lebenslauf · Nachweise der geforderten Qualifikation · Nachweise über Praktika · für die Berücksichtigung einer Schwerbehinderung bzw. Gleichstellung im Auswahlverfahren einen entsprechenden Nachweis Haben Sie noch Fragen? Dann wenden Sie gerne an Frau Dr. Diana Ascher (Tel. 040/428 31-3151 oder per E-Mail an oder Frau Laura Nippel (Tel. 040/428 31-3110 oder per E-Mail an Ihre vollständige Bewerbung senden Sie uns (unter Angabe der Kennziffer 23/2020) bitte · per E-Mail mit den Bewerbungsunterlagen in einer Datei im PDF-Format an: oder · per Post an: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Behörde für Kultur und Medien Organisation, Personal – B 2414 – Große Bleichen 30 20354 Hamburg Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter Informationen zum Datenschutz bei Auswahlverfahren (

CALL FOR PAPERS : Asian Legal History Conference (24-25 July 2021, Hue – Vietnam) (DEADLINE: 15 December 2020)

(Source: Law.cuhk)

We received news of the call for papers for the Asian Legal History Conference 2021.

The CCTL Transnational Legal History Group of the CUHK LAW and the University of Law – Hue University will be jointly organizing a conference on the theme of Asian Legal History at the University of Law – Hue University, Hue, Vietnam, on 24-25 July 2021. Convened by Bui Ngoc Son and Christopher Roberts, Assistant Professors at CUHK LAW, the conference aims to bring together a diverse and interdisciplinary group of scholars, researchers, and graduate students to share their research findings on topics relating to legal history in Asia.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

1. Andrew Harding, Visiting Research Professor, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law
2. Pip Nicholson, Dean, William Hearn Professor of Law, Melbourne Law School
3. Radhika Singha, Professor of Modern Indian History, Jawaharlal Nehru University
4. Lutz-Christian Wolff, Dean, Wei Lun Professor of Law, CUHK LAW

Call for Papers:

The organizers invite proposals for individual papers and panels. Submissions on any subject, providing it pertains to legal history in Asia, will be considered. General topics may include:

The historical evolution of common law, civil law, and socialist law traditions in Asia;
Legal pluralism and jurisdictional clashes;
Dynastic law;
Colonial law;
Customary law and village law;
Buddhist Law, Confucian Law, Hindu Law, and Islamic Law;
The history of a particular area of law (constitutional law, property law, criminal law, etc);
Theoretical and methodological issues involved in studying Asian legal history.

The conference organizers are particularly interested in papers addressing the following subjects:

  • Asian approaches to and impacts upon the historical development of international law;
  • Transnational legal history;
  • The relationship between metropolitan and colonial approaches to law;
  • The history of law, gender and sexuality;
  • The evolution of, and contestations around, legal positivism;
  • The history of law schools and of the formation of the judiciary and of members of the legal profession;
  • The history of public order law;
  • The history of law and violence.

Individual paper proposals should include a 300-word abstract and the author’s contact information.

Panel proposals should include a 300-word description of the panel, 300-word abstracts of three to four individual papers, contact information for each person on the panel, and contact information for the chairs of the panel.

Registration Fee: HK$ 200 per participant

Conference organizers will provide two lunches, one dinner, and refreshments. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.

Important dates:

  • 5 October 2020: Online abstract submission opens
  • 15 December 2020: Abstract submission deadline
  • 15 February 2021: Notification of acceptance
  • 15 March 2021: Registration opens
  • 30 April 2021: Early registration and payment closes
  • 25 June 2021: Regular registration and payment closes
  • 24-25 July 2021: The conference takes place

Please submit the abstracts via online form by 15 December 2020.


More info here

NEWS: Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


(Source: INHIDE)

We received the following message from the Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, with a link to their upcoming activities.

The Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Instituto was founded in 1973 and is the most important institution regarding legal history research in Argentina.

We organize weekly meetings via ZOOM in which prominent researchers from all over the world take part. We also publish the Revista de Historia del Derecho, a bi-annual journal indexed in international platforms.

The link to our activities is:

19 October 2020

BOOK: Vittoria FIORELLI (Ed.), Tracce di impero. Cortés tra Napoli e Nuovo Occidente (Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, 2020). ISBN: 9788893917919, pp.186, € 14,00


Collana: Società Italiana per la Storia dell'Età Moderna

Nell’aprile del 1519 Hermán Cortés, partito dall’isola di Cuba, sbarcava sulla terraferma messicana dando inizio alla conquista dell’impero azteco. A cinquecento anni da quella impresa, ci si è voluti interrogare sull’impatto di quelle vicende, sull’evidenza di mondi “altri” che l’apertura degli spazi geografici ha improvvisamente intrecciato non solo in Europa, ma anche sulla persistente presenza di quella storia nelle culture che ne avrebbero continuato a rivendicare la paternità. I contributi raccolti in questo libro hanno voluto tornare a riflettere su quello snodo in una prospettiva radicalmente mutata dalle sollecitazioni di una storia globale, mettendo alla prova paradigmi storiografici consolidati, ora ripensati con un respiro transculturale ed extraeuropeo.


Vittoria Fiorelli is Full Professor of Modern History in the Department of Scienze della Formazione (Education Sciences) of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples. She is currently teaching Modern and Contemporary History and Methodology of historic research. Since 2003 she is scientific supervisor of the Historical Archive in Naples’ Institute Suor Orsola Benincasa and from 2011 she is scientific coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Center of Studies Margini e confini (CISMEC) in her University. Ordinary member of the Accademia Pontaniana in Naples and of Società Napoletana di Storia Patria, member of the Scientific Commitee of the Seminar of doctoral Studies History and Economy in the Mediterranean countries (ISSM-CNR, Universitat de Barcellona, Istituto storico italiano per il medioevo, Maison méditarrenéenne de science de l’homme-Aix Marseille Université, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli) is associated to the Istitut of Studies on Mediterranean Societies – CNR and is actually in the board of Italian Modern History Society national board. She has coordinated many research groups, disciplinary conferences and scientific editions. She is interested in cultural, social and religious history in Early Modern Europe with particular attention to issues of gender and history of institutions in the area of the Ancient Italian States, primarily beneath XVI-XVII century.

More information with the publisher.

18 October 2020

WESBSITE : The Toynbee Prize Foundation


(Source : Toynbee Prize Foundation)

ABOUT : We suggest you to visit the Toynbee Prize Foundation. Every month or so it posts interviews with the authors of highlighted books in comparative and global history. It deals with numerous topics, covering various geographical areas, sorted in a very well designed interface.


16 October 2020

BOOK: Louis SICKING & Alain WIJFFELS (Eds.), Conflict Management in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, 1000-1800. Actors, Institutions and Strategies of Dispute Settlement (Brill/Nijhoff: Leiden/Boston, 2020). ISBN: 9789004380639, €129.00

Cover Conflict Management in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, 1000-1800
(Source: Brill)


Pre-modern long-distance trade was fraught with risks which often created conflicts of interest. The ensuing disputes and the ways the actors involved dealt with them belong to the field of conflict management. How did victims of maritime conflicts claim compensation? How did individual actors and public institutions negotiate disputes which transcended jurisdictional boundaries? What strategies, arrangements and agreements could contribute to achieve the resolution of such conflicts, and to what effect? These and other questions have mainly been studied separately for the Mediterranean and Atlantic regions. Here, the two seascapes are connected, allowing for a comparative long-term perspective. The different contributions enhance our understanding in the complexity of various approaches to conflict management. 

Contributors:Thierry Allain, Cátia Antunes, Eduardo Aznar Vallejo, Catarina Cotic Belloube, Kate Ekama, Tiago Viúla de Faria, Ana Belem Fernández Castro, Jessica Goldberg, Roberto J. González Zalacain, Ian Peter Grohse, Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm, Laurence Jean-Marie, Daphne Penna, Pierrick Pourchasse, Pierre Prétou, Ana María Rivera Medina, Carlo Taviani, and Dominique Valérian.


Louis Sicking is the Aemilius Papinianus professor of History of Public International Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and lecturer in history at the University of Leiden. He is presently working on a study of Conflict Management in pre-modern Atlantic Europe. 

Alain Wijffels teaches legal history and comparative law. He is affiliated to the universities of Leiden, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, and is senior research fellow of the French CNRS (at the Centre for Judicial History, Lille).


 List of Abbreviations
 List of Tables
 Notes on Contributors

 Introduction: Flotsam and Jetsam in the Historiography of Maritime Trade and Conflicts
   Louis Sicking and Alain Wijffels

1. The Courts, the Qadi, and the ‘People’: Resolving Mercantile Disputes in the Medieval Islamic Mediterranean
   Jessica Goldberg

2. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers? Byzantine Shipwreck and Salvage in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
   Daphne Penna

3. Bjarkeyjarréttr and Fárrmanna Logh: Norse or European Laws of the Sea?
   Ian Peter Grohse

4. Du conflit aux conflits : marchands et gens de mer lors de la rupture de trêve en 1224 entre les rois anglais et français
   Laurence Jean-Marie

5. Maritime Conflicts and Their Resolution in Castile in the Thirteenth through the Fifteenth Centuries
  Eduardo Aznar Vallejo and Roberto J. González Zalacain

6. Maritime Conflicts and Larceny in the Bay of Biscay from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries
  Ana María Rivera Medina

7. Lutte contre la piraterie et construction de normes partagées entre chrétiens et musulmans en Méditerranée médiévale
  Dominique Valérian

8. Towards a Criminalisation of Piracy in Late Medieval England
  Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm

9. L’émergence du pirate atlantique dans le royaume de France à la fin du Moyen Âge
  Pierre Prétou

10. Maritime Conflict among Hundred Years’ War Allies
  Tiago Viúla de Faria

11. In the Shadow of Other Empires: Genoese Merchant Networks and Their Conflicts across the Atlantic Ocean, ca. 1450–1530
  Carlo Taviani

12. Handling Conflicts in Long-Distance Trade: A View of the Mediterranean through the Experience of Merchants Operating in the Kingdom of Valencia in the Late Sixteenth-Century
   Ana Belem Fernández Castro

13. Mediterranean and Atlantic Maritime Conflict Resolution: Critical Insights into Geographies of Conflict in the Early Modern Period
   Cátia Antunes and Kate Ekama

14. The Commercial Practices of Portuguese Jewish Merchants in London and Their Dispute with Samuel Hayne, Riding-Surveyor for his Majesty’sCustoms, 1680
   Catarina Cotic Belloube

15. When the War Came to Barbary: Dutch Traders and the Management of Their Entry into Conflict with Algiers, 1755–1757
   Thierry Allain

16. Les conflits permanents entre corsaires et neutres: L’exemple de la France et du Danemark au XVIIe siècle
   Pierrick Pourchasse

 Index of names of persons

More information with the publisher.

BOOK: Tullio BERLENGHI, Storia del diritto ambientale (Padova: Primiceri Editore, 2018). ISBN 978-88-3300-052-7, pp. 292, € 20.00


(Source: pe Editore)


Questo saggio ha l’obiettivo di ricostruire la storia del diritto ambientale, partendo dalle primissime organizzazioni sociali fino ai giorni nostri. Il saggio, dallo stile divulgativo, è destinato a chiunque sia interessato ai temi ambientali, anche senza avere una formazione giuridica. Il testo è diviso in quattro parti che prevedono: un inquadramento complessivo di quella branca del diritto che si occupa della tutela dell’ambiente e degli ecosistemi; un excursus storico che individua, nell’ambito dell’evoluzione dei sistemi giuridici, gli ambiti di intervento che – a vario titolo – possano essere ricondotti, ancorché indirettamente, nell’alveo del diritto ambientale, si passa così dal Codice di Hammurabi alle XII tavole, dal Medioevo allo Statuto Albertino; il fulcro vero e proprio del saggio ovvero la storia del diritto ambientale a partire dalla nascita della Repubblica e dall’approvazione della Carta Costituzionale, tenendo conto dei rilevanti fattori – sociali, culturali, politici ed etici – che hanno determinato i molteplici cambiamenti registrati in materia di diritto ambientale; da ultimo si offre una analisi su come l’esigenza di tutela ambientale abbia condizionato l’evoluzione del diritto internazionale e di quello dell’Unione Europea. In particolar modo, in questa ultima parte, si sottolinea l’importanza di alcuni storici summit internazionali – come la Conferenza di Stoccolma del 1972 e la Conferenza di Rio de Janeiro del 1992 – che hanno impresso una significativa accelerazione alla costruzione di un quadro giuridico mondiale di tutela dell’ambiente e degli ecosistemi, nonché del costante sviluppo del quadro normativo eurounitario.


Tullio Berlenghi è nato a La Spezia il 27 agosto 1963 e vive a Labico in provincia di Roma. Si occupa di politiche ambientali, di urbanistica e mobilità sostenibile. Ha collaborato con le riviste Ciclismo, Ecomondo e Modus Vivendi, con il quotidiano Terra e con il periodico Notizie Verdi. Nel 2005 ha pubblicato il saggio, con illustrazioni di Sergio Staino, Come difendersi dagli ambientalisti. Dal 1997 al 2006 ha collaborato alla realizzazione di Stradarolo, Festival internazionale dell’arte su strada, organizzato dai Tetes de Bois. Dal 2007 è membro della Giuria del premio internazionale Giornalisti nell’erba. Dal 2013 al 2017 è stato nel direttivo Federazione italiana Media Ambientali e attualmente fa parte del Gruppo di Lavoro del Forum nazionale Salviamo il Paesaggio. Nel 2017 ha pubblicato Alle Colonne d’Ercole, in cui racconta il suo viaggio in bicicletta di 2300 chilometri in solitaria da Genova allo Stretto di Gibilterra.

More information with the publisher.

15 October 2020

BOOK: Jorge E. VINUALES, ed., The UN Friendly Relations Declaration at 50 An Assessment of the Fundamental Principles of International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020). ISBN 9781108483810, $ 210.00

(Source: CUP)

Cambridge University Press is publishing a book on 50 years of the UN Friendly Relations Act.


The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Organisation, and the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Friendly Relations Declaration, which states the fundamental principles of the international legal order. In commemoration, some of the world's most prominent international law scholars from all continents have come together to offer a comprehensive study of the fundamental principles of international law. Each chapter in this volume reflects decades of experience, work and reflection by the most authoritative voices of the field. At the same time, the book is an invitation to end narrow specialisation and re-engage with the wider body of rules and processes that lie at the foundations of the international legal order.


Jorge E. ViñualesUniversity of Cambridge

Jorge E. Viñuales holds the Harold Samuel Chair at the University of Cambridge and is a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and of Clare College. He is also a Member (Associé) of the Institut de Droit International. At Cambridge, he founded and directed the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG). Professor Viñuales has published many studies on international law, and he has wide experience as counsel, expert and adjudicator.


Foreword Georges Abi-Saab
1. Introduction: the fundamental principles of international law – an enduring ideal? Jorge E. Viñuales
2. The historical origins and setting of the Friendly Relations Declaration Samuel Moyn and Umut Özsu
Part I. The Principles of the Friendly Relations Declaration:
3. The prohibition of the use of force Olivier Corten
4. Peaceful settlement of international disputes Shotaro Hamamoto
5. The duty not to intervene in matters within domestic jurisdiction Dire Tladi
6. Co-operation Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Jason Rudall
7. Self-determination Marcelo G. Kohen
8. Sovereign equality Martti Koskenniemi and Ville Kari
9. Good faith Guillaume Futhazar and Anne Peters
Part II. Fundamental Principles of International Law Beyond the Friendly Relations Declaration:
10. Human rights protection as a principle Eibe Riedel
11. The fundamental principles of international humanitarian law Jia Bing Bing
12. Prevention of environmental harm Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli and Jorge E. Viñuales
13. Freedoms in common areas Tullio Treves
14. Principles governing the global economy Jürgen Kurtz, Jorge E. Viñuales and Michael Waibel
15. The Friendly Relations Declaration at 50 Pierre-Marie Dupuy.
More info here

BOOK: Annette Caroline CREMER, ed., Gender, Law and Material Culture Immobile Property and Mobile Goods in Early Modern Europe (London: Routledge, 2020). ISBN 9780367371777, £34.99

(Source: Routledge)

Routledge is publishing a new book on immobile property and mobile goods in Early Modern Europe.


This interdisciplinary volume discusses the division of the early modern material world into the important legal, economic and personal categories of mobile and immobile property, possession and the rights to usufruct.

The essays describe and compare different modes of acquisition and inter-generational transfer via law and custom. The varying perspectives, including cultural history, legal history, social and economic history, philosophy and law, allows for a more nuanced understanding of the links between the movability of an object and the gender of the person who owned, possessed or used it. Case studies and examples come from a wide geographical range including Norway, Scotland, Italy, Tyrol, Greece, Romania, Brazil, Jamaica and the English colonies. By covering both urban and rural areas and exploring all social groups, from ruling elites to the lower strata of society, the essays offer fresh insight into the division of mobile and immobile property that socially and economically posed disadvantages for women.

By exploring a broad scope of topics including landownership, marriage contracts, slaveholding and the dowry, this book is an essential resource for both researchers and students of women’s history, social and economic history and material culture.


Annette Caroline Cremer is an Assistant Professor at the History Faculty at Giessen University, Germany. She has published several books in the field of material culture research, European cultural history in the seventeenth-eighteenth centuries, court culture and gender history.


1. Gender, Law and Material Culture
Annette Caroline Cremer
2. Early modern political philosophy on rights of ownership
Amelie Stuart
Part 1: Gifts, Symbolic values and Strategies
3. Real Estates as Marital Gifts. Women and Landownership in 15th century Norway
Susann Anett Pedersen
4. Married Women's Testaments: Division and Distribution of Moveable Property in Seventeenth-Century Glasgow
Rebecca Mason
5. Hybrid legal Cultures among the Early Modern Tyrolean Nobility. Marriage Contracts and the symbolic Value of Assets
Siglinde Clementi
Part 2: Women's Access to immobile Property
6. Fenced in or out? Women and Landownserhip in early modern southern Tyrol
Janine Maegraith
7. Women, Land and Usufruct in the 18th-century Ottoman Empire: A Caste Study of Vidin and Antakya
Fatma Gül Karagöz
Part 3: Women, Law and Property in colonial contexts
8. In Her Own Right. Gender, Slaveholding, and Moveable Goods in Colonial Jamaica
Christine Walker
9. Land, Slaves and Honour - Women's Ownership and Possession in Colonial Brazil (Paraíba) 
Luisa Stella de Oliveira Coutinho Silva
Part 4: Women and Property in transitory Zones
10. Women and Movable Goods in Maritime Border Economy in 19th century Sicily (Aeolian Islands)
Ida Fazio
11. Stamp duty and the transformation of the dowry in 19th century Greece
Evdoxios Doxiadis
12. Starting a Married Life. Women and Goods in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century Romanian Towns of Piteși and Câmpulung
Nicoleta Roman
Part 5: Synthesis
13. Movable Goods and Immovable Property - Interrelated Perspectives
Margareth Lanzinger

More info here

BOOK: Pablo KALMANOVITZ, The Laws of War in International Thought (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). ISBN 9780198790259, 95.00 USD


(Source: OUP)

OUP is publishing a new book on the laws of war in international thought.


The Law of Armed Conflict is usually understood to be a regime of exception that applies only during armed conflict and regulates hostilities among enemies. It assigns privileges to states far beyond what they are allowed to do in peacetime, and it mandates certain protections for non-combatants, which can often be defeated by appeals to military necessity or advantage.

The Laws of War in International Thought examines the intellectual history of the laws of war before their codification. It reconstructs the processes by which political and legal theorists built the laws' distinctive vocabularies and legitimized some of their broadest permissions, and it situates these processes within the broader intellectual project that from early modernity spelled out the nature, function, and powers of state sovereignty.

The book focuses on four historical moments in the intellectual history of the laws of war: the doctrine of just war in Spanish scholasticism; Hugo Grotius's theory of solemn war; the Enlightenment theory of regular war; and late nineteenth-century humanitarianism. By looking at these moments, Pablo Kalmanovitz shows how challenging and polemical it has been for international theorists to justify the exceptional and permissive character of the laws of war. In this way, he contributes to recover a sense of the historical foundations and many still problematic aspects of the Law of Armed Conflict.


Pablo Kalmanovitz is research professor at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico City.



1. Political Theology, Ius Gentium, and Just War in Spanish Scholasticism

2. Hugo Grotius on Solemn War and the Difference Sovereignty Makes

3. Regular War and Resort to Force in the Enlightenment

4. Enlightenment Ideals of Limited Warfare

5. Humanizing War in the 19th Century


More info here