
31 May 2021

JOURNAL: Rivista de historia de las prisiones. Nº 101. Jul./Dez., 2020. Open Access.



I. Historiografía de las Instituciones de reclusión.

La arquitectura carcelaria y la readaptación social. El caso de los reclusorios de la capital mexicana  (1971-1976). pp.  7-27. (PDF)
Fernando Méndez Lecona

Asilo San Miguel (1898-1968). Fundación, reglamento, testimonios de las presas y de la prensa. Población penal: Prostitutas y detenidas por “Orden político”, pp. 28-51. (PDF)
Carmen Graciela Rodríguez López

Tifus en Valladolid. La gestión de una epidemia en la Cárcel de la Real Chancillería (1803-04), pp. 52-101. (PDF)
Margarita Torremocha Hernández

II. Traducciones Penitenciarias

El presidio colonial de la Guyana Francesa (siglos XIX –XX): los transportados al campo de destierro de Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni pp. 152-156, (PDF).
Jean-Lucien Sánchez

III. Entrevistas

Entrevista a Luis Parodi, ex director de la Cárcel de Punta de Rieles (Uruguay), pp. 157-175 (PDF)

IV. Recensiones bibliográficas

Concepción Arenal (edición de Manuel Martínez Neira), Las colonias penales de la Australia y la pena de deportación,  pp. 176-178 (PDF)
por Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Carmen Graciela Rodríguez López, Del Instituto de Criminología al Instituto de Clasificación. Origen, funciones e informes criminológicos
, pp. 179-182 (PDF)
por Hernán Olaeta

Ricardo M. Mata y Martín, Victoria Kent al frente de las prisiones españolas (1931- 1932). El sistema penitenciario en los inicios de
la Segunda República, pp. 183-187 (PDF)
por Elisa Andrea Tusa

Clare Anderson, A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies, pp. 188-192 (PDF)
por Enrique Arias Arostegui

Luis González Alvo, Modernizar el castigo. La construcción del régimen penitenciario en Tucumán, pp. 193-197.(PDF)
por Daniel Fessler

29 May 2021

BOOK : Marc BONINCHI (dir) , Jean-Pierre LE CROM (dir) , La chicotte et le pécule, les travailleurs à l’épreuve du droit colonial français (XIXe-XXe siècles), (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2021). ISBN : 978-2-7535-8066-4, pp. 336, € 25,00.

About the book : 

Collection : Histoire 

Résumé de l'éditeur : Entre l'abolition de l'esclavage et les indépendances, une réglementation du travail s'est progressivement et très diversement implantée dans les colonies. Ce sujet méconnu a fait l'objet d'une recherche collective de plusieurs années ayant mobilisé de nombreux chercheurs et dont ce livre est issu. Il repose sur l'exploitation de milliers de documents d'archives, en très grande partie inédits. Du Maroc à l'Indochine, du Cameroun aux Antilles, ce livre apporte une pierre inédite à l'histoire du colonialisme et à celle du droit social et il lève un coin de voile sur le « mauvais sort » fait aux travailleurs de l'outre-mer qui n'et pas sans lien avec l'aspiration des peuples à l'indépendance. 

Editor's summary : Between the abolition of slavery and independence, labor regulations gradually and very differently took hold in the colonies. This little-known subject has been the subject of collective research over several years that has mobilized many researchers and from which this book is based. It is based on the exploitation of thousands of archival documents most of them unpublished. From Morocco to Indochina; from Cameroon to the West Indies, this book brings an unprecedented stone to the history of colonialism and of social law. It lifts a corner of the veil on the "wrongdoings" done on the workers of the other side-sea which is not unrelated to the peoples' aspiration for independance. 

Les contributeurs sont : Farid LEKEAL, Bruno DUBOIS, Philippe AUVERGNON, Delphine CONNES, Dominique TAURISSON-MOURET, Stéphanie COUDERC-MORANDEAU, Dominique BLONZ-COLOMBO, Florence RENUCCI, Katia BARRAGAN. 

The contributors are :  Farid LEKEAL, Bruno DUBOIS, Philippe AUVERGNON, Delphine CONNES, Dominique TAURISSON-MOURET, Stéphanie COUDERC-MORANDEAU, Dominique BLONZ-COLOMBO, Florence RENUCCI, Katia BARRAGAN. 

A propos des directeurs de l'ouvrage :  

Marc Boninchi, est actuellement maître de conférence en histoire du droit à l'université de Lyon. Marc Boninchi a soutenu en 2005 la thèse suivante : " La répression des infractions à l'ordre moral sous le régime de Vichy, 1940-1944.

Jean-Pierre Le Crom, est actuellement directeur de recherche au CNRS au sein de l'université de Nantes. Jean-pierre Le Crom a soutenu en 1992 la thèse suivante : "L'organisation des relations professionnelles en France (1940-1944) : corporatisme et charte du travail. " 

Concerning the directors of the book :  

Marc Boninchiis currently a lecturer in the history of law at the University of Lyon. Marc Boninchi defended in 2005 the following thesis: "The repression of offenses against the moral order under the Vichy regime, 1940-1944."

Jean-Pierre Le Crom, is currently a research director at the CNRS at the University of Nantes. Jean-pierre Le Crom defended the following thesis in 1992: "The organization of industrial relations in France (1940-1944): corporatism and the labor charter."

Table des matières : 

Sommaire : 

Jean-Pierre LE CROM, Introduction, p. 7-20

Marc BONINCHI, La genèse des règles de protection. Les dynamiques de la réforme sociale aux colonies. p. 21-70

Farid LEKEAL, Indemniser les accidents du travail survenus aux colonies ? Quelques questions posées sur l’application de la loi du 9 avril 1898 concernant les responsabilités des accidents dont les ouvriers sont victimes dans leur travail . p. 71-90

Bruno DUBOIS, Entre conflit de souveraineté, crispations coloniales et antagonismes professionnels, la difficile implantation des conseils de prud’hommes en Tunisie (1897-1957). p. 91-124

Philippe AUVERGNON, Delphine CONNES, L’encadrement juridique du travail dans les « vieilles colonies » au XIXe siècle ou comment sortir de l’esclavagisme. p. 125-146

Dominique TAURISSON-MOURETLe recrutement colonial en Indochine. Hyperréglementation et dérèglement durable. p. 147-174

Marc BONINCHI, Un Code pour l’Inde. Le travail indigène et sa protection durant l’entre-deux-guerres. p. 175-204

Stéphanie COUDERC-MORANDEAU, La législation du travail des pays sous mandat français. Syrie-Liban (1920-1941). p. 205-226

Jean-Pierre LE CROM, Travail libre, travail forcé. Les catégories du travail « indigène » au Cameroun sous le mandat français de la Société des Nations (1922-1945). p. 227-254

Dominique BLONZ-COLOMBOLe droit syndical au Maroc au temps du Protectorat (1912-1956). p. 255-274

Florence RENUCCI, Les voltigeurs d’outre-mer. L’inspection générale du travail de la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux Indépendances. p. 275-296

Katia BARRAGANLe droit du travail des Européens dans les colonies françaises d’exploitation, entre différenciation et assimilation. p. 297-316

Marc BONINCHI, Conclusion – Le sort des travailleurs dans les colonies françaises. Une révolution à refaire ? p. 317-328

Les auteurs. p. 329

28 May 2021

BOOK : Tristan MARTINE (dir), Jérémy WINANDY (dir) La Réforme grégorienne, une « révolution totale » ? (Classiques Garnier, 2021). ISBN: 978-2-406-11103-0, pp. 231, € 28.00

About the Book : 

Collection : Rencontres, n°494
Series : Civilisation médiévale, n°42

Résumé de l'éditeur : Les conséquences de la réforme grégorienne sont comprises de manière très différente par les historiographies francophone et germanophone. Ce volume renouvelle le dialogue en dressant un bilan interdisciplinaire et comparatif des recherches récentes concernant cette période des deux côtés du Rhin.

Editor's summary : The consequences of the gregorian reform are understood differently  by french and german speaking historiographies. This book start a new dialogue by drawing up an interdisciplinary and comparative assessment of recent research concerning this period on both sides of the Rhine.

Les contributeurs sont : Florian Mazel, Thomas Kohl, Stephan Bruhn, Laura Viaut, Claire Boisseau, Elodie Leschot, François Wallerich, Alexis Fontbonne, Eugenio Riversi, Hannes Engl, Gerhard Lubich. 

The contributors are : Florian Mazel, Thomas Kohl, Stephan Bruhn, Laura Viaut, Claire Boisseau, Elodie Leschot, François Wallerich, Alexis Fontbonne, Eugenio Riversi, Hannes Engl, Gerhard Lubich. 

Concernant les directeurs de l'ouvrage : 

Tristan Martine, enseignant-chercheur au sein de l'université d'Angers, Tristan Martine a soutenu en 2017 la thèse suivante : "Ancrage spatial et polarisation des pouvoirs de l’aristocratie laïque en Lotharingie méridionale (fin IXe – mil. XIe s.)"

Jérémy Winandy, actuellement assistant de recherches et chargé de cours à l'université de Hambourg. 

Concerning the directors of the book : 

Tristan Martine, teacher-researcher at the University of Angers, Tristan Martine defended the following thesis in 2017: "Spatial anchoring and polarization of the powers of the secular aristocracy in southern Lotharingia (late 9th - mid 11th century. )"

Jeremy Winandycurrently a research assistant and lecturer at the University of Hamburg.

Table des matières : 

Sommaire : 

Tristan MARTINE, Jérémy WINANDY, Bilan historiographique des recherches francophone et germanophone sur la période grégorienne. Un état des lieux comparatif et interdisciplinaire pour un dialogue renouvelé, p. 7-9.

Tristan MARTINE, Jérémy WINANDY, Historische Bilanz der deutsch- und französischsprachigen Forschung zur „ gregorianischen Reform“. Eine interdisziplinäre und vergleichende Bestandsaufnahme zur Wiederaufnahme des transnationalen Dialogs, p. 11-13.

Florian MAZEL,  Introduction. Une « révolution totale » ? Penser la réforme grégorienne par-delà les frontières historiographiques, p. 15-25.

Première partie : Des pratiques juridiques et ecclésiastiques en évolution 

Thomas KOHL, Frankreich, das Reich und die Investitur. Ein Problem im Rückblick, p. 29-42.

Stephan BRUHN, Nur Kaiser, Päpste, Reichsbischöfe? Die « gregorianischen Reformen » in der deutschsprachigen Mediävistik – Forschungsstand und -perspektiven, p. 43-65.

Laura VIAUT, L’influence de la réforme grégorienne sur le développement de la science du droit, p. 67-78.

Deuxième partie : L'art du siècle grégorien 

Claire BOISSEAU, Art et réforme grégorienne : art centralisé ou pratiques locales ? L’exemple de la primauté pontificale et de sa mise en image, p. 81-94.

Elodie LESCHOTUn échange de bons procédés. La royauté capétienne et l’Église au regard des sculptures du prieuré de Saint-Fortunat-Charlieu (c. 1170), p. 95-108.

Troisième partie : Mouvement grégorien et enjeux théologiques 

Jérémy WINANDY, Monastische Reform als Vorläufer der « gregorianischen Reform » ? Der Beitrag der Klostergeschichte zum Verständnis der « gregorianischen Reform », p. 111-123.

François WALLERICH, La querelle bérengarienne dans la réforme grégorienne. Controverse théologique et rupture ecclésiologique p. 125-140.

Alexis FONTBONNE, La réforme grégorienne. Une révolution symbolique, p. 141-155.

Quatrième partie : Diplomatique et pratiques scripturaires

Eugenio RIVERSI, Der Kontext im Text. Die Untersuchungen über die Textproduktion des Investiturstreits und die Definition eines ‚gregorianischen‘ Zeitalters, p. 159-176.

Hannes ENGL, Rupture radicale ou mise en œuvre d’une conception ancienne ? Le concept de « réforme grégorienne » à travers les recherches récentes sur la diplomatique pontificale en Allemagne, p. 177-189.

Gerhard LUBICH, Schlussbetrachtung. Frankreich und Deutschland, « Reform » und « Revolution » im 11. Jahrhundert – Beobachtungen zum Versuch eines Dialogs, p. 191-218. 

Index des noms de lieux, p. 219-220

Index des noms de personnes, p. 221-224

Résumés, p. 225-228

Table des matières, p. 229-231


27 May 2021

REMINDER, DIALOGUE: Journal Comparative Legal History: Dialogues on Otherness in Comparative Legal History - 15 June 2021, 17:00-18:00hs (CEST)


(Source: ESCLH Blog)

Journal Comparative Legal History: Dialogues on Otherness in Comparative Legal History

15 June 2021 – 17:00-18:00hs (CEST)

The journal Comparative Legal History is an official academic forum of the European Society for Comparative Legal History. It was first published in 2013 and aims to offer a space for the development of comparative legal history. Based in Europe, it welcomes contributions that explore law in different times and jurisdictions from across the globe. Submissions are currently welcome and are being assessed on a rolling basis. 

The journal will host a one-hour public session to discuss on how to deal with otherness in comparative legal history. Editors (past and present) will present exploratory points and all attendees will be invited to join in a general discussion. 

Otherness is a multidimensional topic. It can relate to, inter alia, methods, disciplines, literature, culture, systems, and time periods. Otherness is needed when crossing time and space, it is needed when seeking for answers within and beyond specific environments. Exposure to otherness can only be beneficial for the disciplinary growth of comparative legal history.

The event is free and open to the public, and it will take place via Zoom

Registration is required by sending an email to

26 May 2021

NEW JOURNAL: Fundamental rights. Rivista di studi giuridici, storici e antropologici (I, 2021/1). OPEN ACCESS

ABOUT THE JOURNAL was born from an idea of ​​Carlotta Latini and Aldo Andrea Cassi, or rather from the meeting of their respective scientific and educational experiences.
The PhD cycle based at the University of Camerino dedicated to Fundamental Rights, coordinated by Carlotta Latini, was an excellent training ground for studies and the development of research on fundamental rights. The research doctorate is in fact the place of choice in which new theories and studies are experimented.
The teaching of Legal Anthropology activated at the University of Brescia in 2015, strongly supported by Aldo Andrea Cassi, who is still the owner, in addition to encountering the growing lively interest of future jurists, has gradually become a laboratory of “Epistemological experimentation” in the analysis of intercultural approaches to the idea of ​​’Justice’ and to the aspiration of a ‘Law’ which is its historical implementation.
These two experiences found an encounter (sometimes becoming a ‘clash’, however it proved to be very fertile) on land as mined as it was necessary to cross. In fact, we believe that despite (or, on the contrary, precisely because) there is much talk of “fundamental rights” (or “human”, “inviolable”, “non-negotiable”, “natural” etc .: semantic focus is one of the fields of the challenge), a rigorous reflection is required in argumento.
Considerations that the journal intends to conduct intersecting research, skills, experiences and methodologies that are not homologated (within narrow and segmented “scientific-competitive” perimeters as the current bureaucratic matrix of the Italian University requires), but on the contrary characterized by epistemological interrelations harbingers of perspective openings.
We have in fact relied on historians, jurists, psychologists, philosophers, medical examiners, both at the level of the Scientific Committee and that of the authors invited to contribute, in the belief that the challenge of which, as Directors of the Journal, we are standard bearers (undeservedly and recklessly, but with authentic ethical and scientific conviction), requires a cultural paraphernalia characterized by a high scientific level and a multidimensional epistemological status.
The idea for the magazine matured during the first spread of the Covid-19 epidemic: during the experience of “great segregation” that our generation suffered, while the virus was spreading, it made sense to question the course, and also on the new course, which fundamental rights have had, in the awareness that the discussion on these rights touches naked nerves, complex and often angular issues (including, for example, the role of constitutions, the latitude of fundamental freedoms and of individual rights in the face of an essential protection of a “common good”) to be dealt with in the complex, unresolved relationship between authority and freedom.
The natural, ratione materiae, juridical vocation of the Journal is therefore accompanied by vocations (and sometimes pro-vocations) afferent to other fields of knowledge and research, diversi sed non adversi.


Choices between medial needs and available resources have always been a relevant ethical issue - they are in fact called tragic choices -, and this issue has definetely grown acute during the Codiv-19 pandemic. Among the criteria identified by the bioethical Literature for these so called tragic choices, we find the "utilitarian" one: it consists in calculating how many extra lives can be saved of how many more years of life can be guaranteed by making a choice. This criterion, if applied to these choice of favoring young people to the detriment of the elderly, may fall under a discriminatory attitude called ageism, in analogy with racism and sexism. 

One of the most fundamental rights of the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of Children is the right to be heard (art. 12). When developed into the right to participate, it questions adult's daily practices to interact with children. in this respect, promoting the right to participate in the alternative care field calls for a peculiar act of balancing the rights of children with the rights of other relational stakeholders (parents, relatives, social worker and so forth). Drawing on ethnographical data gathered in research experiences, trainings and experiences in the field, this contribution analyzes children's participation in alternative care as a right, a process, a practice and a form, revisiting children's agency and their involvement as co-authors and co-constructors of their life-contexts

This paper focuses on the lawfulness of the practice of fetus' burial, following the interruption of pregnancy, without the woman's consent and with the indication of her surname. Subsequently, the legislative gap about the definition of "stillborn" is investigated, with the consequent registration of the birth certificate

This article looks for defining and shaping the concept of free development of one's personality as a fundamental human right. In order to meet such goal, the starting point is the concept of fundamental human rights as defined in international instruments as the Universal Declaration or Human right issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization in 1948. Afterward, attention is be paid to the effectiveness of such rights, affirming the historical need and opportunity to achiede standards of basic equality among all human beings without exclusions and the importance of obtaining wide consensus about the metrics of human development such as the Human Development Index created by the United Nations Development Program, that should go far beyond economic parameters

This essay means to highlight anthropological aspects which explain the current distance between the "Declarations of human/fundamental rights" and the "Asian values". Moreover, it regard the extraordinary figure of Raimon Panikkar as a possible interface between these two worlds. It finally indicates in Pope Francis' encyclical letter Fratelli tutti the key to approach the "fundamental rights" more compatibly with the holistic demands of the eastern anthropology and culture

The contemporary financial word places at the center the homo oeconomicus, videns et consumans, with his individual desires raised to inalienable rights. The positive law and the law in general have now fallen into a state of "legal entropy", wich requires to re-think the role of the judge and to leave more and more rooms for ADRs, as instruments of better and more appropriate search for the right solution for the concrete case, the result of autonomy of the parties rather than heteronomous authoritative imposition. Hence the opportunity, argued in the essay, to abandon the logic of adjudication of litigation, to make room for more effective and appropriate methods of dispute resolution, in a social and economic context compared to which long and complex judicial procedures are now obsolete, inadeguate and unimprovable.

These pages deal with the sad case of Richard Meade, an American merchant based in Cadiz. The problems in collecting his claims against the Spanish government (1812) and the aggressive response of the institutions raised serious doubts about the effectiveness of constitutional guarantees of personal security

Violet Gibson is known to have been the assailant of Benito Mussolini. Her history, that is far from to have been completely written, still causes doubts and interest. In this context the meeting between Enrico Ferri and Violet Gibson because of her defense will be examined


Detailed information can be found at the following page

SEMINAR SERIES WITH PROF. LUIGI NUZZO: Rethinking Eurocentrism: European Legal Legacy and Western Colonialism - Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)

JOURNAL: Rivista internazionale di diritto comune (XXXI, 2020)

We learned of the publication of a new issue of the Rivista internazionale di diritto comune.


Manlio BELLOMO, Memorie di umanità e diritto. In ricordo di Pietro Barcellona

Law, justice, humanity. Profiles of legal historiography in country and sea life.

Gerhard DILCHER, Statuti comunali italiani del Medioevo: fondamenti costituzionali, materie disciplinate, cultura giuridica

The article gives an overview of the medieval development of Italian city communities and their statutory legislation, the theoretical and practical problems regarding the relation between statutory law and ʻImperialʼ Roman Law, between jurisprudence and legal practice in this situation.
Beginning in the time of Emperor Frederic Barbarousse, there arose a rivalry between the political and theoretical legitimation of law from above (the Emperor, Justinianʼs codification of Roman Law) and from below (Communities and their Statutes). Corresponding to this rivalry there existed a division between pro-imperial theory (universities, doctores) and practice (iurisperiti, iudices in the service of the communities). An important role played the lawyers in the service of the podestà, serving from year to year in different cities. The analysis of eight statutes shows, that they tried to give a theoretical legitimation of their legislation in a prooemium, different in pro-imperial and in pro-papal cities. Mostly, the statutes avoided to regulate problems solved in Roman Civil Law, but gave rules regarding the competence of the communal offices, the process of law, penal law and special problems of urban life. So the lawyers of the urban collegium iudicum could in many cases apply Roman Civil Law. Since the 14th century an integration of ius commune and ius proprium took place by a new and more sophisticated theoretical approach, and parallel to this an integration of theory and practice, of doctores and iudices. So, in the Italian city communities during the Middle Ages an important development of legal culture took place, earlier than in most other parts of Europe.

Andrea PADOVANI, Sulla legittimità dell’imposizione tributaria. Teologi moralisti, giuristi e ius proprium (sec. XIII-XV)

The fiscal drag has always propounded juridical, economic, ethical, religious problems as well since today. After the feudal age, the impressive development of the italian commune and of the national kingdoms required new sources of revenue due to a larger bureaucracy and frequent military enterprises, more and more expensive. The first author who thoroughly examined the issue, around 1236, was Raymond of Peñafort. His Summa de Paenitentia exerted a wide influence over the following moral theologians and some canonists until the XVth century. If civilists did not equally echoed Raymond’s views, it does not mean that they disregarded the ethical and religious facets of taxation. Both, moral theologians and lawyers as well, were forced to admit, at least, that existed a radical contrast between the ius commune and the fiscal praxis and legislation of the italian cities. At the end, the whole question – related to direct and indirect taxation – did not find a positive solution or arrangement. The final section of this paper therefore explores some – few, indeed – statutes issued by medieval italian statutes and by the kings of Sicily.

Atria A. LARSON, Johannes de Deo’s Liber Poenitentiarius and the State of Kanonistik in the Mid-Thirteenth Century

A Portuguese secular priest, doctor decretorum in Bologna, and prolific author of canon law texts, Johannes de Deo wrote a successful Liber poenitentiarius in 1247. This essay reviews the scholarship on this under-studied figure in the history of canon law, provides a summary of his Liber poenitentiarius, and analyzes one section, treating the conditions of a genuine confession, that helps contextualize Johannes’s work. It argues that Johannes was a successful synthesizer of the canons who practiced consistent methods in the discipline of canon law and remained conversant in larger discussions across Latin Christendom in the thirteenth century.

Beatrice PASCIUTA, La Lectura Peregrina di Andrea da Isernia e la costruzione editoriale degli apparati al Liber Augustalis

The history of the Liber Augustalis, from manuscripts to printed editions, makes it possible to follow the path of adaptation of the glosses into two apparatuses, the Glossa Ordinaria by Marino da Caramanico and the Lectura Peregrina by Andrea da Isernia, which includes the notes of other jurists. Although moving in the wake of the literary genres of the school, this kind of interpretation is eminently practical. The aim is to create a link between the Liber Augustalis – still in force but often obsolete – and the law promulgated by Angevin sovereigns, fragmentary and unsystematic. For the legal science of the Regnum, the interpreter’s task is to put together these different legal sources, creating a harmonious system and a ‘set of rules’, functional to practice.

Rosalba SORICE, La rilevanza penale della colpa nel Medioevo. Ricerche sulla Doctrina Bartoli

An important concept on which medieval jurists reflect concerns the need to build in maleficiis figurae of criminal liability that respond to the principle of voluntariness, the cornerstone of the medieval Christian world. This perspective has seen jurists committed to defining the contents of full and intentional responsibility, and at the same time to tracing the procedural and punishable boundaries of all those actions that have produced an event other than the willed, justified in foro poli and not sanctionable from earthly Justice, if not in the compensation dimension of civil damage. At the beginning of the fourteenth century, in a changed political-institutional perspective, Bartolo da Sassoferrato with his thought constructs the juridical dimension of the penal culpa as a psychological element, distinct from the voluntas, but relevant in maleficiis, helping to sculpt one of the most important principles of criminal law.

Osvaldo CAVALLAR, “… in eius memoriam et venerationem conserva”. Due consilia autografi di Baldo degli Ubaldi conservati nei MSS Foligno, Biblioteca L. Jacobilli, 467 e 497

The ‘Biblioteca L. Jacobilli’ of Foligno (Umbria) has preserved two legal opinions (consilia autographa) penned, subscribed and sealed by Baldus de Ubaldis († 1400). Baldus’s vast production of consilia – the early printed editions contain just about 2.500 items each – is well known. His opinions constitute an invaluable source for exploring every conceivable facet of late medieval Italian society, as well as for mapping legal history. In contrast to this vast production, the original consilia the jurist has sent to the requesting party – typically, a judge or one of the parties to a trial – that came down to us are just a minority. The first of these two consilia has been printed and now it is possible to compare the text the jurist conveyed to the commissioning party – the authoritative text – with that of the printed editions. On the plane of content, it foregrounds Baldus’s penchant for abstraction for he had to balance the single penalty and the multiplicity of clauses in an arbitration that was contested by one of the contracting parties. The medieval concept of ordo allowed him to navigate safely between the Scylla of the single penalty and the Charybdis of the multiplicity of the clauses contained in the document. The second one, in fact two pieces, throws light on a conflict of iuspatronatus between the nobility of Foligno, on one side, and the abbot of the Benedictine monastery of San Benedetto al Subasio in Assisi, on the other, over the church of S. Angelo di Rosario. The two texts Baldus wrote for this conflict illustrate how consilia can be used for highlighting a fragment of local history on which local historians have labored with little profit. Last but not least, the two specimens stand as witnesses to Baldus early and very elegant handwriting. Further, the last consilium is also relevant because under Baldus’s signature and seal there is a handwritten note of Tommaso Diplovatazio who saw the document when he was governor of Gubbio. The appendix presents a critical edition of the consilia and related documentation.

Dolores FREDA, Il diritto d’asilo in Inghilterra tra medio evo ed età moderna: una ricognizione critica

The essay, starting from an exam of the existing literature on sanctuary between the middle ages and the early modern period, relates its origins, discipline and evolution, until its final abolition in 1624. It highlights that the role played by canon law in the development of the English institute gives a contribution to the idea of the existence of a common European legal tradition since the middle ages.

Andrea BARTOCCI, John of Capestrano and His Itinerant Library: Some Observations on His Legal Books

Shortly before his death in the Franciscan convent at Ilok (October 23, 1456), on the border between Croatia and Serbia, John of Capestrano instructed the friars, gathered around his deathbed to assist him, to bring his goods (including his books) to the Capestrano convent. After his death, his goods were inventoried (December 3, 1456) and among them many legal books were found.

Manlio BELLOMO, Ricordi… non è mai troppo tardi, nr. 5: Strutture politiche e pensiero giuridico agli inizi dell’età moderna

Ius commune and Iura propria: unity of a legal system in the sequence of centuries.

Manlio BELLOMO, Ricordi… non è mai troppo tardi, nr. 6: Politica della scienza e politica della ricerca

Greek, Roman, medieval and modern antiquity: “centuries of justice” and “centuries of law”.

Manlio BELLOMO, Ricordi… non è mai troppo tardi, nr. 7: Storia del diritto e storia di Sicilia

Law historian and generalist historian for a legal history of Sicily

Manlio BELLOMO, Ricordi… non è mai troppo tardi, nr. 8: la Sicilia dei signori

Social classes. Nobility. Todos caballeros. Bourgeoisie under pressure.

Manlio BELLOMO, Ricordi… non è mai troppo tardi, nr. 9: Die Bedeutung von Land und Stadt in 
der mittelalterlichen Rechtsentwicklung

Medieval law in the dialectic between city life and country life. Political powers, legislators, jurists and social transformations

Mario ASCHERI, Libertà, Tirannia e Giustizia medievali. Suggestioni tra affreschi, giuristi e istituzioni

The paper’s aim is to illustrate the close relationship between Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescoes in Siena’s Town Hall on one side and the People’s political culture at the beginning of the XIV century on the other; this one was very much influenced by the tomistic culture and by the religious preaching about Justice and Peace, both of which are to be found in Bartolus’ “political” treaties. Liberty’s value is not explored by jurists but for legal status of the individual.

Paola MAFFEI, Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. Un ricordo di Peter Linehan (1943-2020)

A non-conventional portray of Peter Linehan’s brilliant mind.

BOOK: Arno DAL RI, Diego NUNES, Ricardo SONTAG. História do direito penal. (Florianópolis: Habitus, 2021). ISBN: 9786586381702. 49 EUR.



A presente obra é constituída por um conjunto de artigos – a maioria recentes, mas, também, com alguns clássicos da história do direito – que nos permitem vislumbrar a história do direito penal na modernidade a partir da complexa interface entre os campos jurídico e político. O lapso temporal do livro cobre aproximadamente dois séculos, englobando as origens da modernidade jurídica no final do século XVIII, o século XIX e algumas variações tardias do paradigma moderno no século XX na Europa e no Brasil, dois espaços jurídicos aparentemente bem determinados, mas que, por vezes, vão se entrelaçar nas narrativas de alguns capítulos.

Table of contents: 

25 May 2021

CONFERENCE: 4th Annual Conference: Law and Policy in European Integration (1960s-1990s) - Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main, 1-2 June 2021

(Source: Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory)

1 - 2 June 2021 - Organization by Stefan Vogenauer and Jan-Henrik Meyer

From its beginnings, European integration required legal solutions to very concrete policy issues. This led to the creation of a large body of policy-relevant law – ranging from agriculture and competition to the environment and social policy. The conference thus focuses on the relationship between law and policy in the process of European integration from the 1960s to the 1990s.

The relationship between law and policy goes both ways. On the one hand, we will explore how European law shaped European policy-making. To what extent did legal actors – lawyers within the institutions and courts – enable or obstruct the development of various policies and the legal instruments chosen? What legal norms, ideas and doctrines did they employ in doing so? On the other hand, we will investigate how European policy shaped European law. How is this influence reflected in legislation and judicial decisions?  

The objective of the conference is to enhance our understanding of what ‘integration through law’ means with a view to European policies. By bringing together case studies from a range of policy areas, we will be able to (1) flag up the varying roles of different actors involved, (2) compare the relations between policy and law across policy areas old and new, and (3) assess change over time, including potential path dependencies. We will thus acquire a better understanding of why and how European policy, which increasingly influences citizens’ lives, has come to address problems the way it does.

The conference will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the conference will take place as a video conference. Participation will be free of charge and those interested should please send an informal message to Further information as to the platform will follow in due course.

A draft version of the conference program is available here.

24 May 2021

CALL FOR PAPERS: Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference - Beyond the Pale: Legal Histories on the Edges of Empires (Maynooth University, 29 June-1 July 2022)


(image: Maynooth (Kildare, Ireland); source: Wikimedia Commons)

Empires. Plural. Across time and across the globe, interconnected, mutually constitutive. We invite papers which consider the interconnections and the legal relations between empires. The conference will particularly focus on the role played by law (broadly defined) in facilitating, constituting, and enabling these connections; on the people of law who moved between these places; and the institutions which bound them together. How might we map Empires through these connections? How do we now conceptualise such movement, and are there new ways in which we could envisage legal interchange across time and place? Of particular interest are the connections between places with very different legal systems and traditions. How can we better bring together the efforts of historians working in different legal traditions? In this third Legal Histories of Empires conference we hope to more deeply uncover the legal threads that bound different empires, places, laws and legal traditions across the globe.


Keynote Panel: Jane Ohlmeyer, Richard J Ross, Philip Stern: ‘Anglicisation of and through law in British America, Ireland, and India, c.1550-1800’


Abstracts to or the relevant stream by 31 October 2021. Acceptances will be sent in late November 2021.


The organisers are not able to provide funding for travel. However, the Max Planck Institute has generously offered scholarships for scholars from the Global South. The information on these is on the website ( and applicants should follow the instructions on that site.


Format: Face to Face with provision for virtual presentations and attendance. Please indicate on your abstract whether your participation is contingent on the availability of online participation.


Individual papers: If you are submitting an individual paper, please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words.

Panels (of no more than 4 speakers: a chair and/or commentator can be included): If you are submitting a panel, please submit:

1)       A panel abstract of no more than 250 words; and

2)       Individual paper abstracts of no more than 200 words.


Personal information: For each participant (presenter, chair, or commentator), please submit:

1)       Biographical details of no more than 200 words; and

2)       Where you will be in July 2022 if you are not physically in Ireland, and what timezone that place is in.


Only one proposal can be submitted per person. For streams please send to the relevant panel organiser (below). For general proposals please send to the main conference email address. No multiple submissions will be accepted.



In addition to papers and panels addressing the theme generally, the following streams will be offered. Individual paper proposals and panel proposals in the same format as above should be sent to the organisers of the relevant stream.

Intellectual Property in Empire: Prof Isabella Alexander:

The Maritime World in Legal History: Prof Diane Kirkby:

Indigeneity, Law and Empires: Prof Pooja Parmar:

Legal Transfer in the Common Law World: Prof Stefan Vogenauer and Dr Donal Coffey:

BOOK: Antonio DEL VECCHIO, La legge nell'Oceano. Ugo Grozio e le origini dello spazio politico moderno (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2021). ISBN: 978-88-15-29134-9, pp. 200, € 20,00

(Source: Il Mulino)


Il nome del giurista olandese Ugo Grozio (1583-1645) è tradizionalmente associato alla ridefinizione in età moderna del diritto naturale, del diritto delle genti e della questione della guerra giusta. In stretto rapporto con questa attività, la sua riflessione giuridica e politica si è confrontata anche con la nuova configurazione dello spazio mondiale prodottasi in seguito alle scoperte geografiche e alla proiezione delle potenze europee sugli oceani e sugli altri continenti. Il libro mostra che il significato storico e teorico dell’opera groziana può cogliersi solo guardando al di là dei confini del Vecchio Continente. Riletti in questa chiave globale, testi come il "De iure praedae" e il "De iure belli ac pacis" appaiono indispensabili per affrontare genealogicamente problematiche tuttora decisive: le relazioni tra l’Europa e il resto del mondo, l’eredita  del dominio coloniale, le tensioni tra universalismo e particolarismo insite nell’ordine internazionale moderno.


Antonio Del Vecchio è professore a contratto presso il Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica dell'Università di Bologna.



I. Epoche e spazi

1. Miti e anti-miti

2. Un umanista nel tumulto

3. Tra due epoche

4. Tra due spazi

II. Diritto e «rivoluzione spaziale»

1. Uno sguardo esogeno

2. Conquista dei diritti e diritti di conquista

3. Capitani coraggiosi: diritti naturali e conflitti commerciali

III. Socialità, diritto, violenza

1. La costruzione del sistema giuridico

2. Diritto e desiderio di vita associata

3. Dominium e Imperium

4. La territorializzazione della guerra

IV. L’universale articolato

1. Uno spazio complesso

2. Acquisizione e movimento

3. Guerre e civiltà

4. Trattati diseguali e sovranità disomogenee

5. Qualche conclusione

Indice dei nomi

More information with the publisher.

WEBINAR: De modo studendi in iure. Trattati di 'pedagogia giuridica' nell'Università del Quattrocento (University of Verona, 28 may 2021)

We learned of this on-line conference about legal education in the Fifteenth Century.