
31 January 2013

LECTURE: Resolution of Jewish Disputes in England 1154-1290

Resolution of Jewish Disputes in England 1154-1290

19 February 2013, 18:00 - 19:00

Speakers: Professor Derek Roebuck, IALS Senior Associate Research Fellow, and author of 'Mediation and Arbitration in the Middle Ages: England 1154-1558' (Arbitration Press, 2013).
Organised by: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Event Type: Lecture
Venue: IALS

Venue Details: 
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies 
Charles Clore House 
17 Russell Square 


This event is FREE but those wishing to attend should register in advance. To register, please use the the automatic form below.

A Lecture in a Series of Occasional Lectures in Jewish Law in the names of Leah and Alexander Woolf.

30 January 2013

BOOK: European Traditions: Integration or Disintegration ? (J. Oosterhuis & E.D.G. Van Dongen, eds., Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishing, 2013)

The Acta of the 17th European Forum of Young Legal Historians, held in Maastricht in April 2011, are out. Janwillem Oosterhuis and Emmanuel Van Dongen compiled contributions from Tomislav Karlovic, Henrik-Riko Held, Dave De ruysscher, Valerio Massimo Minale, Paulina Swiecicka, Augustin Parise, Merike Ristekivi, Stefan Weishaar, Tamas Notari, Paulo Potiara de Alcantara Veloso, Frederik Dhondt, Raymond Kubben, Christoph Schmetterer, Diego Nunes, Laszlo Komaromi and Gabor Batho.

In the editors' words:
"European legal traditions can be characterised as a continuous balancing act of two seemingly contradictory forces: centralisation and de-centralisation. On the one hand, Justinian’s Corpus iuris, the medieval ius commune of Roman and Canon law, the usus modernus pandectarum, and the current European harmonisation efforts all have a centralizing  or  rather  an  integrative  quality  about  them.  While the ius proprium, including the English Common law, and particularly the national codifications of the 19th century, as well as the study of these laws, exhibit more diverse, decentralizing forces within European legal traditions.
This  volume  shows  how  comparative  legal  history  can be  used  as  a  tool  to  analyse  similarities  and  differences between legal systems. It aims to provide a deeper understanding of common strands in law shared by European countries,  in  particular  those  (i)  at  a  substantive  level, through shared legal ideas and principles such as clausula rebus sic stantibus, unjustified enrichment, cessio bonorum,  subsidiarity  or  popular  sovereignty;  (ii)  at  a  formal level, through a common legal language; and created (iii) by scholarly networks and (iv) appellate courts.
Above all, these contributions – though eclectic in their subject matter, time period and methodology – all reflect from a historical perspective on the fascinating, diverse European legal traditions."

The book counts 256 pages and can be ordered with Wolf Legal Publishers for € 24,95.

A flyer can be found here.

CONFERENCE: The Pillars of Civil Law (Paris, 6-7 June 2013)

The recently created Association Française des Jeunes Historiens du Droit (AFJHD) announces its first colloquium in Paris (6-7 June 2013), on the theme "The Pillars of Civil Law: Family, Property, Contract". A hot topic, in view of the ongoing parliamentary debates in France.

The programme (French-speaking interventions) can be found on the Association's website.

27 January 2013

CONFERENCE: The Commissions of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 15-16 February 2013)

What: Jornades sobre les Comissions de Treball de les Institucions Parlamentàries i Representatives (segles XV – XX), (organized by Grup d’Estudi de les Institucions i de la Societat a la Catalunya Moderna (segles XVI-XIX) and International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions).
Where: Campus de Ciutadella of the UPF, Barcelona
When: 15-16 February 2013
In order to register, write to:
To read the program, click here
For information in Spanish, click here

CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference on the Interpretation of Law (Besançon, 30 May - 2 June 2013)

WhatJournées internationales de Besançon: "L’interprétation du droit" (organized by: Société d'Histoire du Droit)
WhereUniversité de Franche-Comté, Besançon, Faculté des Lettres, 30 rue Mégevand
When: 30 May - 2 June 2013 

Call for papers: 
In order to assure cohesion between the papers that will be published afterwards, the speakers are invited to choose one of the following topics:
1) The history of the interpretation of law
2) The interpretation of legal sources for the legal historian 

All lectures have to be delivered in FRENCH (max. 30 minutes) 

Deadline for registration: 28 February 2013

Université de Franche-Comté
Faculté de droit – CRJFC
M. Laurent Kondratuk
45 rue de l’Observatoire
25000 Besançon

For all information please click here or here

CONFERENCE: International Symposium on Comparative Sciences (Sofia, 8-11 October 2013)

What: International Symposium on Comparative Sciences (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society). First Call for abstracts, full papers, and roundtables
Where: Sofia, Bulgaria
When: 8-11 October 2013

An International Symposium on Comparative Sciences will be organized by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society and held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 - 11 October 2013. This will be a forum where different comparative sciences can meet and discuss problems of common interest.

Scholars from the following sciences are invited: Comparative Education, Comparative Psychology, Comparative Sociology, Comparative Religion, Comparative Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Comparative Civilization Studies, Comparative Mythology, Comparative Anthropology, Comparative Law, Comparative History, Comparative Labour Studies.

The aims of the Symposium are to:
- achieve and foster common understanding in methodologies across comparative sciences;
- develop linkages with comparative educationists, sociologists, psychologists, historians, linguists and representatives of other comparative sciences;
encourage the use of comparative approaches in academic teaching and research.

This will be the Symposium Inaugural Session. The plan is to establish it as a standing forum with regular sessions.

Section 6 will be devoted to comparative law: 
Section Chair: Prof. Dr. Katharina Boele-WoelkiUtrecht University, Netherlands,

For more information please visit the Symposium website:

Participants are invited to submit:
1) abstracts of papers to be presented at the Symposium;
2) full papers to be considered for publication.

- Abstract submission deadline:
20 May 2013
- Abstract acceptance notification:
30 May 2013
- Full paper submission deadline:
15 August 2013

Symposium Chair
Prof. Dr.habil. Nikolay Popov
BCES Chairperson
tel: (+359) 8983 111 98
fax: (+359 2) 944 98 47

Assistant Symposium Chair
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc

24 January 2013

NOTICE: Call for Doctoral and Post-doctoral Fellowships (PIMIC)

PIMIC‐ITN: Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom, an integrated training network in research and diffusion for comparative history, is offering 10 PhD Fellowships
(each worth c. 50,000 Euros per annum for three years)

Deadline 24 March 2013

“Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom” is a research project which will develop from 2013 to 2016. It has been funded as a ‘Marie Curie Initial Training Network’ with a grant of 3.3 million euros. The project combines academic research on medieval power and institutions with training in the wider dissemination of research‐based knowledge, based on a formal network established between universities and private sector companies and funded by the European Union. It provides funding for 10 PhDs at universities in SpainBritainItaly,France, and Israel, and two postdoctoral positions, one based at a Dutch publisher (Brill), one at a Spanish TV/film company (Lopez‐Li). During their studies, the PhD students will all have secondments to the publisher and the film company, the post‐docs will come to the Universities to run sessions on print and media diffusion of research. Further training workshops are provided, on academic and other skills, as well as a larger‐scale ‘Media School for Historians’. The project concludes with a conference on ‘Consequences in the Contemporary World.’PIMIC Academic PartnersCCHS‐CSIC (Coordinator): Dr. Ana Rodríguez University of St. Andrews: Dr. John Hudson Universitá Roma Tre: Dr. Emanuele Conte Birkbeck College London: Dr. Caroline Humfress Universitá Roma Tor Vergata: Dr. Sandro CarocciUniversity of Tel Aviv: Dr. Gadi Algazi
Université Paris I‐Panthéon‐Sorbonne: Dr. Michel Kaplan School of Oriental and African Studies: Dr. Hugh KennedyPIMIC Private Sector PartnersLopez‐Li Films (Spain)
Brill Publishers (Netherlands)

More info: 

CONFERENCE: Southern African Society of Legal Historians


The Southern African Society of Legal Historians will hold a conference from 12-16 May 2013. Its theme is Ius est ars boni et aequi”. 

The conference will take place at Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge in the Big Five Pilanesberg National Park in the North-West Province of South Africa. 

For additional information, please contact Polina Finney at +27 12 429 8408 or

23 January 2013

Notice: The new editions of Gratian's Decretum: Working materials

A team under the leadership of Professor Anders Winroth is working on new editions of the two recensions of Gratian's Decretum with support of the Andrew W. Mellon FoundationYale University, and the Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law, and with the assistance from the Yale University Office of Digital Assets and Infrastructure. The new editions aim to replace Emil Friedbergs 1879 edition of the second recension through a fresh collation of the most important manuscripts and a reconsideration of Gratian's sources (both material and formal). The finished edition will be published in the series Monumenta iuris canonici, published by the Kuttner Institute and the Vatican Library. An English translation is also planned.

The purpose of this website is to make the most important working materials of the editorial team available to other scholars already before the edition is published. Users of the site should remember that these are working materials, not the finished edition, and they should use it accordingly.

All information and working materials here

Notice: National Archives of Taranto

This video shows images of some important documents of the National Archives of Taranto, with focus on the 14th century (language = Italian).

Publication: How to write constitutional history (?)

C. M. Herrera and A. Le Pillouer (ed. by), Comment écrit-on l'histoire constitutionelle?, Kimé (Nomos & Normes), 2012. 

If the interest in constitutional history plays an important role in France, the debate about its methodologies seems to be late with reference to other European legal cultures. This books aims at analyzing the issue of the methodology applied in constitutional history studies, comparing the experiences of several researchers (with different backgrounds) rather than identifying a "good methodology". 

More information on Nomodos

Notice: Conference on the history of legal professionals in France (Nice, 11-12 February 2013)

WhatDu lieutenant criminel au juge d'instruction. Rétrospective sur une fonction judiciaire. 
Colloque sous le patronage de Mme Claire d'URSO, Présidente de l'Association Française des Magistrats Instructeurs. Partners: Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Ermes, Ecole des Avocats du Sud-est. 
WhereUniversité de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Fac. de Droit et Science politique. 
When: 11 (1:30 pm) -12 February (9:00 am) 2013.  

Stéphanie Blot-Maccagnan, Marc Ortolani, Amale Ziad.
Amale Ziad-Secrétariat ERMES Tél: 04-92-15-70-68 Fax: 04-92-15-71-28 

To read the entire program, click here or here

Publication: Studi Veneziani n. LXIV, LXIII, LXII

3 new issues of the journal of the Venetian G. Cini foundation "Studi Veneziani" (LXIV, LXIII, LXII), of 660 pages each, have been recently published.
For more information click here

22 January 2013

BOOK: Carolin on the Constitution of Ireland

I'm very pleased to note the publication of Eoin Carolin (ed), The Constitution of Ireland: Perspectives and Prospects (2012). 
It brings together a range of Irish and international commentators to examine some of the most significant current issues in Irish constitutional law.

Based on a selection of the papers originally presented at a conference to mark the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the current Constitution of Ireland, the collection touches on many of the challenges facing Ireland today. These include: the possibilities for political and constitutional reform; the state of Ireland’s democratic structures; national sovereignty in an era of international organisations; the role and conduct of referenda; questions of national identity and values; the meaning of modern Irish republicanism; and the place of religion in Irish society and government. The contributors describe how the Constitution has influenced developments in Ireland since 1937 and consider how it might continue to do so in the future. At a time when Ireland’s political and constitutional structures are under review, The Constitution of Ireland: Perspectives and Prospects provides expert insight into these important questions.

The contents include:

Introduction: The Hon Mrs Justice Susan Denham, Chief Justice - Some thoughts on the Constitution of Ireland at 75;

Part I Constitutional Values:

  • Philip Pettit - The Republican Constitution;
  • Mark Tushnet - National Identity as a Constitutional Issue: The Case of the Preamble to the Irish Constitution of 1937;
  • Ronan McCrea - Rhetoric, Choices and the Constitution;
  • Amihai Radzyner - The Irish Influence on the Israeli Constitution Proposal, 1948;
  • Eoin Daly - Public Philosophy and Constitutional Interpretation after Natural Law: Republican Horizons;
  • Declan O’Keeffe - God, the Natural Law and the 1937 Constitution;
  • Maria Cahill - Judicial Conceptions of Sovereignty;
Part II Democracy, Politics and the Constitution:
  • Conor O’Mahony - Constitutional Amendment and Judicial Restraint: How Restrained Should an Irish Court Be?;
  • Paul Gallagher - The Limits of Constitutionalism;
  • David Kenny - The Separation of Powers and Remedies: The Legislative Power and Remedies for Unconstitutional Legislation in Comparative Perspective;
  • Jim O’Callaghan - Seanad Éireann – An Opportunity for Real Political Reform;
  • Bláthna Ruane - The Doherty Case and Issues Regarding the Provision of Information and Funding for Constitutional Referenda;
  • Gaetano Marzulli - Direct Democracy by Judges? The Irish Constitution and the Approach of the Courts to the Referendum as a Model in Comparative Perspective;
  • Marie-Luce Paris - Popular Sovereignty and the Use of the Referendum – Comparative Perspectives with Reference to France;

20 January 2013

PUBLICATION: José Calvo Gonzáles on Law and Literature

José Calvo González, El Escudo de Perseo. La cultura literaria del derecho. Estudios interdisciplinares, Granada: ed. Comares, 2012
This book collects 18 papers, for the most part written during the last four years, on the relationship between Law and Literature. It is the expression of the author's long lasting interest in the application of literature or, in general, of the humanities, to legal education.
More information on Nomôdos

You can follow prof. González's work on his blog: 

Seminar: The Legal Roots of Europe (Maison Française d'Oxford, Jan.-Feb. 2013)

What: Legal History Seminar

Where: Maison Française d'Oxford, All Souls College

When: 23 and 30 January, 27 February 2013 

Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5.00pm)
Seminar Room 3, All Souls College
“The Legal Nature of the Feudal Bond. A Story on Law and Society in the 13th Century”, Emanuele CONTE, University of Rome III 
“Jacques de Revigny: Roman Law as a means to shape French Law”, Kees BEZEMER, University of Leiden 

Wednesday 30 January, 5.30pm
Seminar Room 3, All Souls College
“When North becomes South: Military Law in the Bavarian Code”, Stefan ESDERS, Free University, Berlin
Discussant: Ian WOOD, University of Leeds 

Wednesday 27 February, 5.00pm
Seminar Room 3, All Souls College
“The incunabula of the Romano-Canonical Process”, Luca LOSCHIAVO, University of Teramo  Conveners:
Boudewijn SIRKS, All Souls College,
Soazick KERNEIS, Université Paris Ouest-MFO 

- All welcome -

Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road, Oxford, OX2 6SE
Tel: (01865) 274 220, Fax: (01865) 274 225
Source: Nomodos

17 January 2013

NOTICE: The ESCLH Facebook Page

Dear ESCLH blog followers,

we are proud to announce that our Facebook page is increasing its contacts: thank you! The past week has been the most successful since the creation of our Facebook page: we have almost reached 100 "I like". If you have a Facebook account, go to our Facebook page and click on "I like" and "Get notifications" in order to stay updated with all the news of the ESCLH blog and to easily share them with your friends and colleagues. 

You can suggest information and comments on news related to comparative legal history both on Facebook and via our email address:  Here are our latest achievements: 

Thank you again!
Stefania Gialdroni
ESCLH Web editor

16 January 2013

PUBLICATION: Geltner on Medieval Prison

The book by Guy Geltner, The Medieval Prison: A Social History, first published in 2008, has been defined as "A most welcome addition to what has been a neglected field of medieval legal and social history. Geltner argues very persuasively that imprisonment was an important phenomenon in medieval Italian cities. The Medieval Prison should appeal to a fairly broad audience outside the field of medieval history" - James B. Given, author of Inquisition and Medieval Society
The Italian translation of this work has been recently published by Viella:
Guy Geltner, La prigione medievale. Una storia sociale, Collana: La storia. Temi, 27, Viella, 2012
More information here.  

13 January 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS: Journal of the History of Universities

We are pleased to publish the following call for papers:

CIAN-Journal of the History of Universities, founded in 1998, publishes articles on the history of universities as well as current topics and debates about Universities. Two digital issues are published each year. The June issue contains the Studies section and December consists of a thematic Dossier. Book reviews are published in both issues in the Bibliography section. A printed edition containing the contents of both digital issues is published in late December.
CIAN-Journal of the History of the University is accepting submissions for issue number 16 which will be edited at the end of 2013. Those interested in sending articles, reviews or proposals for dossiers may submit their work in Spanish or in English. Articles should be no longer than 10,000 words; dossier introductions cannot exceed 4,000 words. Reviews are limited to 3,000 words. Submitted materials will be evaluated on an anonymous basis.
It is preferable that authors register and then submit their text online via the website: It is also possible to send articles to:
The text should be in MS Word (or RTF, OpenOffice, WordPerfect ....). Authors should include a summary in English, the English translation of the title, five keywords in both languages and a brief biographical note (no longer than 100 words) about the author.
If the text includes illustrations, figures or tables, they should go in their proper place and not at the end of the document. It is also advisable to send a high-resolution copy of these graphics as jpeg attachments to the email address listed above or by following the appropriate steps in the website:
The text and should be formatted according to the standards of the Chicago style. Please consult our page: for more information.
Carolina Rodríguez-López
Director, CIAN-Journal of the History of Universities

NOTICE: Roundtable with Simona Cerutti at the Centre de Recherche Historique (21st January 2013, Paris)

What: "Les lundis du CRH" - Roundtable on the book Etrangers. Etude d'une condition d'incertitude dans une société d'Ancien Régime, Bayard, Montrougue 2012, by Simona Cerutti.

Where: EHESS, 96 Bd Raspail 75006 Paris, salle M. & D. Lombard.

When: 21 January 2013, 1:00 pm-5 pm.

On January 21st 2013 the "Lundi du CRH" will be devoted to the analysis of Simona Cerutti's recently published Etrangers. Etude d'une condition d'incertitude dans une société d'Ancien Régime, which focuses on the inadequacy of the traditional cathegories used to understand the usage of the term "foreigner" in the modern period.
The roundtable will be intrduced by Katia Béguin (Paris 1), Alain Cottereau (EHESS), Arlette Farge (CNRS/EHESS) and Jacques Revel (EHESS).


PUBLICATION: Riparare Risarcire Ricordare. Un dialogo tra storici e giuristi, ed. by G. Resta and V. Zeno-Zencovich

Riparare Risarcire Ricordare. Un dialogo tra storici e giuristi, ed. by Giorgio Resta and Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich,  Editoriale Scientifica: Napoli (Interferenze-Collana di diritto e cultura umanistica), 2012.

It is possible to download the entire book here

This book collects some of the results of the PRIN project financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research and developed by the Universities of RomaTre, Bari "Aldo Moro", Naples "Federico II" and the University of Salento, in collaboration with the Fondazione Centro di Iniziativa Giuridica Piero Calamandrei on the topic "The wounds of history and the restorative law: a historical-comparative investigation" (Le ferite della storia e il diritto riparatore: un’indagine storico-comparatistica). Historical events produce long lasting wounds to persons and their identities as well as to places. Today, an increasing interest in reconstructing history, re-elaborating it also from the point of view of the victims, in order to preserve the memory of some events, is evident. In this framework, law is already playing a (potentially increasable) important role, not only because it is felt as the source of justice, but also because it provides the tools for a moral as well as a material restoration aimed to heal  the wounds of the past and to avoid - as far as possible - the repetition of similar events...

Read more here or directly on the book's first pages (dowload above). 

NOTICE: Conference on signatures, writings and powers around Gaston III comte de Foix (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, February 1st 2013)

What: Signatures, écritures et pouvoirs autour de Gaston III comte de Foix dit Fébus (Journée d'étude).

Where: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Institut Claude Laugénie - Salle Chadefaud.

When: February 1st 2013, 9:00 am.

Within the framework of the Master Cultures et Sociétés: Histoire - Anthropologie - Archéologie of the Université de Pau et de Pays de l'Adour, a conference dedicated to Gaston III earl of Foix and focused on his manuscripts will take place on Friday, the 1st of February 2013. 
For more information about the project directed by Véronique Lamazou-Duplan (Maître de Conférences in medieval history) please click here.

To read the program of the conference click here

NOTICE: American Society for Legal History: Awards and Fellowships

The American Society for Legal History, founded in 1956, "is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to fostering scholarship, teaching, and study concerning the law and institutions of all legal systems, both Anglo-American and those that do not operate in the Anglo-American tradition". It offers every year a wide range of awards, prizes and fellowships.
For all information please click here.