
25 August 2016

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: ESIL RESEARCH FORUM, Granada: Workshop "Neutrality in the History of International Law - Myths and Evolving Realities"; DEADLINE 15 DEC 2016

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

No law is neutral. Law is always a mirror of the value-system and the power structure  underlying  any  given  society  at  any  point  in  time and international law has never been an exception to this rule. A different, and yet related matter, is the extent to which the law applies equally (or not) to all members of any given society, the extent to which these members participate as equals (or not) in the formation of international law and the extent to which the law is effectively (or not) applied in an objective and un-biased manner (what is, commonly known, as 'neutrally') by international bodies and adjudicators charged with applying it to international situations or with settling disputes between any given parties. The aspiration towards 'neutrality'  (as  such  conceived)  of  international  law  in  its  quest  for  an ever-greater  legitimacy,  has, undoubtedly, evolved  throughout  different historical  periods.  

Neutrality  in  the  history  of  international  law can,  on the other hand, also be understood as a legal institution. Neutrality as a legal  institution  was  born  as a  synonym  for  emancipation  from  a  rigorous moral  top-down  juridical-moral  framework  inherited  from  theology. Its theoretical  blossoming  went  in  parallel  with  the  consolidation  of  the principle  of  sovereign  equality  of  nations  and  the  principle  of  non-intervention in domestic affairs during the transition of the classical law of nations to modern international law. Since the establishment of the first international  institutions  with  universal  and  permanent  character, neutrality  as  a  legal  institution  has  continued  to  evolve  against  the background  provided  by  the  ever-shifting  chessboard  of  international relations  and  proliferating  international  institutions. 

Finally,  the relationship of neutrality and the history of international law can be also examined  through  the  lenses  of  the  neutrality  (or  lack  of)  of  history writing itself. If all history is, as B. Croce noted, contemporary history (by which it is generally meant that all history writing is, in one degree or other, done from the perspective of the present and also that all history writing  constitutes  an  intervention  in  the  present)  could  any  historical account  possibly  aspire  to  be  considered  a  'neutral'  history  of international law? And, if so, under what criteria?
The  Interest  Group  of  the  History  of  International  Law  welcomes  abstracts that  engage  critically  with  any  of  these  dimensions  of  neutrality  in  the history  of  international  law  or  a  combination  thereof  in  historical perspective  by  reference  to  relevant  episodes  in  the  history  of international law and/or different historiographical schools.   
Each submission should include:
– An abstract of no more than 400 words, the intended language of presentation,
– A short curriculum vitae containing the author’s  name,  institutional  affiliation,  contact  information  and  e-mail address.
Applications should be submitted to both Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral (;  and Frederik  Dhondt (   by  15th December  2016.  All  applicants  will  be notified of the outcome of the selection process by 15th January 2017
Selection will be based on scholarly merit and with regard to producing an engaging  workshop,  without  prejudice  to  gender,  seniority,  language  or geographical  location.  Please  note  that  the  ESIL  Interest  Group  on  the History  of  International  Law  is  unable  to  provide  funds  to  cover  the conference registration fee or related transport and accommodation costs.  

More information on the Research Forum (30-31 March 2017) can be found on the website of the European Society of International Law.

CHAPTER: Anne ORFORD, 'International Law and the Limits of History', in: Wouter WERNER, Alexis GALÁN & Marieke DE HOON (eds.), The Law of International Lawyers: Reading Martti Koskenniemi. Cambridge: CUP, Aug 2015

(image source: SSRN)

Prof. Anne Orford (Melbourne) posted 'International Law and the Limits of History', a forthcoming chapter in The Law of International Lawyers: Reading Martti Koskenniemi (eds. Wouter Werner, Alexis Galán and Marieke De Hoon, CUP).

This chapter explores the effect that the turn to history has had on the field of international law. The publication of Martti Koskenniemi’s history of the international legal profession, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations, is often presented as representing a moment at which the field of international law took a ‘turn to history’, or more precisely, a turn in its mode of writing history. Of course, international law has always had a deep engagement with the past. Past texts and concepts are constantly retrieved and taken up as a resource in international legal argumentation and scholarship. Thus the ‘turn to history’ trope marks a turn to history as a critical method, rather than a turn to history as a substantive engagement with the past. Koskenniemi himself introduced The Gentle Civilizer as a ‘move from structure to history in the analysis of international law’ and ‘a kind of experimentation in the writing about the disciplinary past’. In later work, however, he became much conventional in his exposition of history as method, arguing against the ‘sin of anachronism’ and urging critical scholars to focus on the meaning of texts for their authors’ ‘contemporaries’. A similar turn to history as method more broadly begin to shape new writing about international law over the decade following The Gentle Civilizer’s publication. This chapter suggests that the turn to history as method that followed in the wake of The Gentle Civilizer was an abandonment of the critical potential of that initial work. What marked out The Gentle Civilizer as a singular achievement was Koskenniemi’s attempt to hold together the history of international law, the sociology of international law, and the practice of international law. If the attempt to hold together those genres is abandoned, the critical potential of historical work in international law is lost. The chapter concludes by exploring what the historicizing of international law as a critical gesture might mean for the field going forward.
More information on SSRN.
(source: Legal History Blog)

24 August 2016

BOOK: Robert MCQUORDALE & Jean-Pierre GAUCI (eds.), British Influences on International Law, 1915-2015. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2016, XVIII + 524 p. ISBN 9789004284166, €225

 (image source Brill)

Book abstract:
This book considers British influences on the development of international law over 100 years from 1915. This century has been marked by unprecedented developments in international law, not least the setting up of an array of international organisations, including the United Nations and the League of Nations, and international courts and tribunals (including the International Court of Justice and its predecessor the Permanent Court of International Justice, as well as the International Criminal Court). Two world wars, complex transboundary issues and increased globalisation have shown the importance of international law. This volume addresses these developments – domestic, regional and international - and looks at how Britain and British people (broadly defined) have influenced these changes.
The contributors to the book have examined an array of different issues. These include British influences on treaty-making, recognition and immunity, as well as on specific fields of international law, such as armed conflict, criminal law, environment and human rights. It has commentary on the British influence on the sources of international law, including by its courts and Foreign Office, in the development of the European Union and in the idea of a professional international lawyer. There are also reflections on many of the key people over the century.
The book provides a novel perspective, which surveys and appraises the contributions of British people and institutions in domestic and international legal forums and their key role in the development, interpretation and application of international law.
 Table of contents:

  • Robert McCorquodale & Jean-Pierre Gauci, From Grotius to Higgins: British Influences on International Law from 1915–2015
  • Antonios Tzanakapoulos, The Influence of English Courts on the Development of International Law
  • Kate Jones, Marking Foreign Policy by Justice: The Legal Advisers to the Foreign Office, 1876–1953
  • Philip Allott, Britain and Europe: Managing Revolution
  • Stephen Samuel, British Influences on the Ideals of International Lawyers
  • Kasey McCall-Smith, British influence on the law of treaties
  • Martin Clark, British Contributions to the concept of recognition during the inter-war period: Williams, Baty and Lauterpacht
  • Philippa Webb, British Contribution to the Law of State Immunity
  • David H. Anderson, British Influence on the Law of the Sea 1915–2015
  • Mario Prost & Yoriko Otomo, British influences on international environmental law: the case of wildlife conservation
  • Merris Amos, The Influence of British Courts on the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
  • Nigel S. Rodley, The Contribution of British NGOs to the Development of International Law
  • Amina Higgins & Noelle Adanan, Britain’s Influence on the Regulation of the Slave Trade in the Twentieth Century
  • Nicholas Tsagourias, Contribution of British International Lawyers to the Law on the Use of Force
  • Matthew Garrod, The British Influence on the development of the laws of war and the punishment of war criminals: from the Grotius Society to the United Nations War Crimes Commission
  • Shavana Musa, The British and the Nuremburg Trials
  • James Upcher, Neutral and Beligerent Rights: the development of a British Position?
  • Anne Marie Brennan, Historical Reflections on the Criminalisation of Terrorism under International Law from the League of Nations to R v. Mohammed Gul: How Britain has Swollen the Tide of Obscurity
  • Richard Collins, The Progressive Conception of International Law: Brierly and Lauterpacht in the Interbellum Period
  • Robert Cryer, International Law and the Illusion of Novelty: Georg Schwarzenberger
  • Gerry Simpson, Juridical Intervention: Martin Wight as International Lawyer
  • Philippe Sands & Arman Sarvarian, The Contribution of the UK Bar to International Courts
More information on the Brill website.
Source: International Law Reporter.

23 August 2016

BOOK: Emmanuelle TOURME JOUANNET, Horatia MUIR WATT, Olivier DE FROUVILLE & Jean MATRINGE (eds.), Droit international et reconnaissance (Paris: Pedone, 2016), 370 p. ISBN 978-2-233-00801-5, € 38

(image source: LGDJ)

Book abstract:
Cet ouvrage est le résultat d'une journée d'étude organisée le 26 janvier 2013 à la suite de la sortie du livre d'Emmanuelle Tourme JouannetQu'est-ce qu'une société internationale juste ? Le droit international entre développement et reconnaissance (Paris, Pedone, 2013). Il s'agissait de soumettre à la discussion l'idée formulée par Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet dans son dernier livre, selon laquelle une nouvelle branche du droit international serait en voie d'émergence : un droit de la « reconnaissance » qui viserait à répondre à un certain nombre de revendications formulées dans le cadre d'une « société post-coloniale et post-guerre froide ».

Un grand nombre de dimensions du droit de la reconnaissance sont abordées, qu'il s'agisse de la problématique des droits sociaux ou des droits culturels, de la réparation des crimes du passé, ou encore des demandes de reconnaissance des afro-descendants, des peuples autochtones et des « révoltes arabes ».

Toutes les contributions sont écrites par des juristes qui, tous, ont opté pour l'interdisciplinarité, mélangeant les perspectives du droit, de la philosophie, de l'histoire ou des relations internationales. 

Table of contents:

  • Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet, Le droit international de la reconnaissance
  • Jean d’Aspremont, De la reconnaissance à l’anthropomorphisme en droit international
  • Robert Howse, “Kojevian” Recognition and Contemporary International Law
  • Charalambos Apostolidis, Le droit international de la reconnaissance comme champ de recherche. Réflexions autour de l’ouvrage d’Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet « Qu’est-ce qu’une société internationale juste ? »
  • Olivier de Frouville, La lutte pour la reconnaissance : une nouvelle théorie explicative de l’évolution du droit international ? A propos de « Pour une société internationale juste. Entre droit du développement et reconnaissance », d’Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet
  • Albane Geslin, De l’entre-soi à l’entre-autre(s). Enjeux et ambiguités de la reconnaissance internationale des droits des peuples autochtones
  • Carlos-Miguel Herrera, La reconnaissance par les droits (en partant des droits sociaux)
  • Emmanuel Decaux, La reconnaissance des droits culturels
  • Livia Kummer, Legal Recognition of Historic Crimes in the Present Day: Case Study of the Katyń Massacre
  • Jose Manuel Coelho, Réflexion(s) sur les crimes de l’histoire et le droit international de la reconnaissance
  • Cécile de Caunes & Juan Branco, Les reconnaissances juridiques des afro-descendants
  • Noura Kridis, Droit de la reconnaissance dans le cadre des révoltes arabes
  • Horatia Muir Watt, La reconnaissance entre philosophie politique et droit international privé : un rendez-vous manqué ?
  • Paul Lagarde, Introduction au thème de la reconnaissance des situations : rappel des points les plus discutés
  • Ivana Isailovic, La reconnaissance politique en droit transnational : les identités, les marginalisations et le droit international privé
  • Dominique Gaurier, La vision de l’autre, étranger ou non européen à travers le regard des auteurs classiques du droit international

18 August 2016

BOOK: Jakob ZOLLMANN, Naulila 1914. World War I in Angola and International Law: A Study in (Post-)Colonial Border Regimes and Interstate Arbitration [Studien zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts; 35]. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2016, 516 p. ISBN 978-3-8487-2547-2, € 98.

(image source: blogger)

 Jakob Zollmann published Naulila 1914. World War I in Angola and International Law: A Study in (Post-)Colonial Border Regimes and Interstate Arbitration in Nomos' collection Studien zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts.

In 1885, Germany and Portugal became neighbours in Africa. The newly founded colony of German Southwest Africa prevented the southwards expansion of the ancient colony of Angola. The border along the Cunene and Kavango Rivers remained under dispute. After the outbreak of World War I in Europe, Portugal’s neutrality was questioned in German Southwest Africa, and when a group of German officials waiting near the border of Angola for food transports were shot in the Angolan fortress Naulila, a state of war between both colonies seemed inevitable. German troops launched several military reprisals against fortresses in southern Angola, most significantly against Naulila in December 1914. After their victory at Naulila, the Germans retreated to GSWA. However, African powers, most notably Kwanyama forces led by King Mandume, used the weakness of the defeated Portuguese army to expel the colonial troops from southern Angola. In 1915, a counter-offensive was launched with troops from Portugal that ended with the complete occupation of Kwanyama territories. After the war, a Luso-German arbitration procedure according to the Treaty of Versailles (1919) assessed the damages in Angola and Germany’s responsibility to pay reparations. The arbitration award of 1928 that established Germany’s responsibility for the violation of international law when attacking Naulila became a landmark case. It still holds relevance for modern international law. The final part of this book analyses the memorial culture that developed in Angola, Namibia, Germany and Portugal around the war in 1914/15.
More information here.
Source: International Law Reporter.

JOURNAL: Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger 2015/4

(image source: Dalloz)
The Revue Historique de droit français et étranger (Dalloz) published its fourth issue of 2015.

Table of contents:
Luigi-Alberto Sanchi. – Guillaume Budé et la langue juridique (487-501)
Enrique Álvarez Cora. – La clasificación de los delitos en el siglo XVI (503-527)
Xavier Martin. – Vie et destinée des coutumes françaises. 1454-1804. Essai de synthèse (529-557)
Francesca Barone. – La peine dans l’Église orientale du IVe siècle (559-567)
William Goetzmann. – La traduction américaine de la thèse de G. Sicard, Aux origines des sociétés anonymes. Les moulins de Toulouse au Moyen Âge... (569-572)

In memoriam Fritz Sturm (Jean-François Gerkens) (573)
In memoriam Germain Sicard (Philippe Nélidoff) (575)

Book reviews
Frédéric Audren et Jean-Louis Halpérin. – La culture juridique française.
Entre mythes et réalités. XIXe-XXe siècles (Jean-Paul Andrieux) (579-584) Pierre-Louis Boyer. – Un cercle intellectuel au coeur de l’évolution de la doctrine juridique. L’Académie de législation de Toulouse (1851-1958) (André Cabanis) (586)
Robert Chanaud (dir.). – Une histoire des circulations en Limousin. Hommes, idées et marchandises en mouvement de la Préhistoire à nos jours (André Cabanis) (587)
Bernard Durand, Mamadou Badji, Samba Thiam et Sandra Gérard-Loiseau (dir.) – Le juge et l’outre-mer, tome 7 : Le retour d’Orphée ; Martine Fabre et Dominique Mouret (dir.), tome 8 : Décolonisations : le repli de l’Etat. La mort d’Eurydice ; Martine Fabre (dir.), tome 9 : Décolonisations : le juge et les rapatriés. Revenir en Thessalie (André Cabanis) (588)
Jean-Marie Carbasse. – Histoire du droit pénal et de la justice criminelle (Marie-Yvonne Crepin) (589)
Sergio Castagnetti. – Le leges libitinariae flegree : edizione e commento (Françoise Van Haeperen) (592)
Sébastien Évrard. – Réformer l’administration et réformer l’État : jalons historiques et juridiques (Norbert Olszak) (593)
Michele Faraguna (éd). – Archives and archival documents in ancient societies, Trieste, 30 sept.-1er oct. 2011 (Lorenzo Gagliardi) (595)
Antoine Astaing, François Lormant (éds.). – Le juriste et la coutume du Moyen Âge au Code civil (Jean Hilaire) (601)
Arrigo D. Manfredini. – Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti. Forma delle remissione del debito dall’antichità all’esperienza europea contemporanea (Jean Andreau)  (603)
Mathieu Altbuch. – Le divin, l’État et le droit international. Essai sur l’apport de la pensée biblique et du religieux dans la construction du droit international contemporain (Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet) (605)
Claude Andrault-Schmitt et Philippe Depreux. – Les chapitres séculiers et leur culture ; vie canoniale, art et musique à Saint Yrieix (VIe-XIIIe s.) (Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet) (606)
Marie Bassano, Esther Dehoux, Catherine Vincent (éds), Le Pèlerinage de l’âme de Guillaume de Digulleville (1355-1358). Regards croisés (Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet) (608)
Xavier Prévost. – Jacques Cujas (1522-1590). Jurisconsulte humaniste (Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet) (610)
More information on the Dalloz website.

JOB: Ph.D.-Fellowship on Banking History after 1945 (University of Luxemburg); DEADLINE 1 SEP 2016

(image source: glassdoor)

The University of Luxembourg invites applications for its Interdisciplinary Centre of Contemporary, European and Digital History (CCDH).

Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in History
  • Ref:I3-50010433
  • 14 months fixed-term contract, renewable up to 3 years, full-time (40h/week)
  • Student status (36 months studies programme)

Area: Financial and Banking History History, Contemporary Luxemburgish and European History

Your Role
  • Prepare a doctoral thesis in financial or/and banking history after 1945 in Europe (project partially or totally related to Luxembourg will be considered as an advantage).
  • Assist the professor in his teaching activities, one to three hours per week.
  • Participate in the FLSHASE Doctoral School and the skills trainings of the Doctoral Training Unit on “Digital History and Hermeneutics”.
Contact :
Ass-Prof. Dr. Benoît Majerus: +352-466644-6744
Your Profile
  • Master Degree in History, preferably with a specialization in economic history
  • Good digital literacy
  • Language skills: French, English, German would be an asset
We offer
  • We offer a creative and innovative working environment within the Centre of Contemporary, European and Digital History (CCDH) with great opportunities for training in new digital research tools and methodologies.
  • An attractive salary
  • A multilingual, international and interdisciplinary working environment
Further Information
Interested candidates are invited to send their complete application including CV, motivation letter and copies of diploma ON LINE until 1.09.2016

(Source: Contemporeanea)

PAPER on SSRN: Maurizio CAU, The Heritage of Corporatism in Second Post-war Legal and Political Italian Culture [MPI for European Legal History Working Series]

 (image source: SSRN)

Maurizio Cau (Istituto italo-germanico) posted Das Erbe des Korporativismus in der politisch-rechtlichen Kultur der italienischen Nachkriegszeit (The Heritage of Corporatism in Second Post-war Legal and Political Italian Culture), part of the MPI for European Legal History's SSRN Working Paper Series (2016-06).

German Abstract: In den letzten Jahren ist das korporativistische Phänomen Objekt eines wiedererwachten historiographischen Interesses gewesen. Für lange Zeit ist er als ideologisches Produkt der autoritären Regime betrachtet worden; erst neulich hat man angefangen, der historischen und theoretischen Erfahrung des Korporativismus größere Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen.Nach dem Zusammenbruch des faschistischen Regimes schien dieses theoretische Erbgut aufgrund der Verdrängung der politischen und intellektuellen Geschichte des “Ventennio” zukunftslos: das Projekt einer auf der korporativistischen Lehre gestützten Rechtsordnung wurde rasch aufgegeben. In Namen der Neuregelung des Verhältnisses zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft wurden die korporativistischen Thesen und Produkte missbilligt. Was von der Erfahrung der “Corporazioni” geblieben war, wurde verdrängt, aber trozt dieses feindlichen Klimas erlosch das Echo der korporativistischen Theorie nicht gänzlich.In Italien hat sich der Übergang von der totalitären zur demokratischen Verfassungskultur auch durch die Neubearbeitung des korporativistischen Diskurses vollzogen. Nicht alle haben in der zweiten Nachkriegszeit die Verdrängung der korporativistischen Paradigmen als befreiend erlebt. Einige Intellektuelle haben in jener Zeit versucht, die Reaktivierung des korporativistischen Gedankens im Rahmen einer demokratischen Perspektive zu fördern.Die Analyse der von der Gesetzgebung definierten institutionellen Landschaft und einiger Orientierungen der juristischen und politischen Kultur jener Zeit zeigt, wenn auch in einem Kontext allgemeiner Diskontinuität, dass die Überwindung und die Distanzierung des Korporativismus nicht so plötzlich geschahen, wie es der öffentliche Diskurs im Nachkriegsitalien darstellen möchte. Die Reflexion über den asynchronen Charakter der historischen Transitionen und die Osmose-Phänomene, die (jenseits jeglicher Rhetorik der Diskontinuität) die Übergänge von einer Epoche zur anderen kennzeichnen, ist das interessanteste Element einer Forschung, die anhand des Studiums des “Korporativismus nach dem Korporativismus” die gleitende Art der institutionellen, politischen und kulturellen Veränderungen in den Übergangsepochen aufzeigen will.

English Abstract: The day after the fascist regime’s breakdown, the corporatism’s doctrinal heritage was overcome by the “clearing the past” politics carried out by the Italian political and intellectual world, looking for a cultural and institutional breaking with authoritarianism.Nevertheless, thought on corporatism influenced the public discourse in the newborn republic. In Italy the process of transition between totalitarian and democratic constitutional culture went also through the critical elaboration of corporatism.In the immediate second post-war not everyone looked at the abandonment of corporatism with relief. Among that season’s protagonists there was also who deplored the treason of original ideals, trying to rebuild those doctrines in a democratic frame.The research will focus on the permanency of corporative issues during the very first years of the republican experience. The deliberations of the Constituent Assembly themselves show how vivid suggestions on corporative social framework and political obligation still were.A particularly interesting topic is the reflection that took shape within the catholic political and legal culture, that in late 19th century produced the corporative reflection and during the Fascist period expressed – in its less compromised with fascism components – its discomfort for a statist and not authentically organicist corporatism.The abandon of the corporative theoretical horizon was a quick but hard experience, that deserves deeper attention by historical research.
 Fulltext here.

17 August 2016

BOOK REVIEW: Peter OESTMANN on Arno BUSCHMANN, With Letter and Seal. A Brief Cultural History of Private Law, ZHF XLII (2015), Nr. 4, pp. 678-680

(image source: Beck)

Peter Oestmann reviewed Arno Buschmann's Mit Brief und Siegel. Kleine Kulturgeschichte des Privatrechts (München: Beck, 2014, ISBN 978-3-406-64443-6) for the Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung XLII (2015), Nr. 4. The text is published on pages 678-680 and can be consulted in open access on

More information here.

NEW BLOG on Legal History: Legal History Miscellany

(image source: Legal History Miscellany)

The Law&Humanities Blog announces the start of a new blog, devoted to legal history: Legal History Miscellany, run by Sara M. Butler (King George III Professor of British History, Ohio State), Krista Kesselring (Professor of British History, Dalhousie University) and Katherine D. Watson (Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University).

More information here.

CONFERENCE: Colloquium of the 2014 Class of the "Agrégation" in Public Law.: Neutrality. Tours: François Rabelais University Tours, 13-14 Oct 2016

 (image source: Twitter)

The 2014 class of the "agrégation" (a select competition between Law PhD-holders) for public law in France organises a colloquium on "neutrality" on 13 and 14 October in Tours.

 Le colloque de la promotion 2014 de l’agrégation de droit public, organisé par le major du concours François Brunet, professeur à l’université de Tours, réunira la plupart des membres du jury et des lauréats du concours, autour du thème La neutralité. Ces deux journées d’études seront l’occasion de débats et d’échanges croisés sur une notion aussi centrale que problématique.


Jeudi 13 octobre 2016 après-midi

14h Accueil par Nathalie Albert-Moretti, doyen de la Faculté de droit de Tours
Introduction, François Brunet

14h30-15h30 La neutralité du juriste

  • La neutralité comme idéologie - Xavier Souvignet
  • Neutralité et science du droit - Nicolas Chifflot
  • Neutralité et analyse critique du droit - Isabelle Boucobza
  • La lutte contre le syncrétisme méthodologique : Kelsen au XXIème siècle, Jean-François Lafaix
15h30-16h Débat (animé par Thomas Hochmann)

16h15-17h30 La neutralité de la justice

  • La neutralité du jury constitutionnaire de Sieyès - Arnaud Le Pillouer
  • La neutralité dans le procès administratif - Alexandre Ciaudo
  • La neutralité dans le procès constitutionnel - Mathieu Disant
  • La neutralité du juge constitutionnel à l’épreuve des portes étroites - Thomas Perroud
  • La neutralité de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne - Gaëlle Marti
17h30-18h Débat

Vendredi 14 octobre 2016 matin

9h30-10h45 La neutralité à l'international

  • Neutralité, guerre et paix - Muriel Ubeda-Saillard
  • La neutralité du Net et le droit international - Géraldine Giraudeau

11h-12h15 La neutralité du politique

  • La neutralité de l’impôt - Emmanuel de Crouy-Chanel
  • La neutralité de la commande publique - Etienne Muller
  • La neutralité du droit de l’Union européenne vis-à-vis du régime de la propriété dans les Etats membres - Vincent Correia
  • La neutralité politique en droit des collectivités territoriales - Julien Martin

Vendredi 14 octobre 2016 après-midi

14h-16h La neutralité en société

  • Sport et neutralité - Sylvain Niquege
  • La neutralité de l’État en matière religieuse selon la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme - Patrick Wachsmann
  • La neutralité de l’espace public - Arnaud Sée

PAPER on SSRN: Annamaria MONTI, 'Interdisciplinary' Legal Studies and the Emergence of New Academic Teachings: A Research Project on Law Courses in 19th-20th Century Italy

 (image source: SSRN)

Annamaria Monti (Bocconi University, Milan) posted 'Interdisciplinary' Legal Studies and the Emergence of New Academic Teachings: A Research Project on Law Courses in 19th-20th Century Italy on SSRN.

English Abstract: The profound change in thinking about the law experienced by European jurists at the turning of the 20th century is well known: they renewed their methods, also through the influence of German legal thought and the impact of new social sciences. Focusing on the Italian experience, the research intends to investigate how this innovative change was linked to the teaching of law. Most certainly, new courses were introduced. Concerning the contents of the teachings, another point to investigate are the connections with the legal thought circulating at a transnational level in those times.

Spanish Abstract: El cambio profundo en la manera en la que se pensaba el derecho que experimentaron los juristas europeos a principios del siglo XX es bien conocido: renovaron sus métodos, en parte bajo la influencia del pensamiento jurídico alemán y el impacto de nuevas ciencias sociales. Nuestra investigación, que se centra en la experiencia italiana busca determinar el modo en que aquella innovación estuvo vinculada a la enseñanza del derecho. Seguramente se introdujeron nuevas asignaturas. En cuanto al contenido de aquella enseñanza, otro aspecto a investigar consiste en su conexión con el pensamiento jurídico que circulaba en aquel entonces a nivel transnacional.
See fulltext here.
(source: Legal History Blog)

BOOK: Wilfrid PREST (ed.), The Oxford Edition of Blackstone: Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book I, II, III, and IV. Oxford/New York: OUP, 2016, 1784 p. ISBN 9780199601035, £ 125

(image source: OUP)

The Legal History Blog reported the publication of the Oxford Edition of Blackstone (4 volumes, 1784 pages).

Book description:
Oxford's variorum edition of William Blackstone's seminal treatise on the common law of England and Wales offers the definitive account of the Commentaries' development in a modern format. For the first time it is possible to trace the evolution of English law and Blackstone's thought through the eight editions of Blackstone's lifetime, and the authorial corrections of the posthumous ninth edition. Introductions by the general editor and the volume editors set the Commentaries in their historical context, examining Blackstone's distinctive view of the common law, and editorial notes throughout the four volumes assist the modern reader in understanding this key text in the Anglo-American common law tradition.

Book I: Of the Rights of PeopleVolume Editor: David Lemmings

Book II: Of the Rights of ThingsVolume Editor: Simon Stern

Book III: Of Private WrongsVolume Editor: Thomas P. Gallanis

Book IV: Of Public WrongsVolume Editor: Ruth Paley
On the editor:
Edited by Wilfrid Prest, University of Adelaide
Sir William Blackstone (1723-1780) was a prominent public figure in the eighteenth century. Judge and jurist, barrister and politician, his work has had a profound influence on the Anglo-American legal tradition. The first Vinerian Professor of English Law, Blackstone was a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas at the time of his death. The Commentaries published in eight editions in his lifetime, and a posthumous ninth edition in 1783.


Wilfrid Prest is Professor Emeritus of Law and History at the University of Adelaide. He is the author of William Blackstone: Law and Letters in the Eighteenth Century (OUP 2012) as well as many other works of legal history.
 More information here.

PAPER on SSRN: Alfons ARAGONESES, "Convivencia and Filosefardismo in Spanish Nation-building" [ Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series No. 2016-05]

(image source: SSRN)

Alfons Aragoneses (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona) posted Convivencia and Filosefardismo in Spanish Nation-building, as part of the MPI for European Legal History Research Paper Series (2016-05) on SSRN.

The paper describes the historical trajectory of filosefardismo and references to convivencia in Spain and its reflection in the legal and political culture and the Nation-building process. It considers not the presence of Judaism in contemporary Spanish law and society but, following the suggestions of David Nirenberg, how the references to Jews and to Judaism affected Spanish society, how the “Spanish Jewish question” influenced legal and political thought and the nation-building process in Spain.

To trace this reinvention of the medieval Sephardim, the paper analyzes legal and political texts (laws, administrative texts and parliamentary debates) whose discourse about interpretation and/or legitimacy fulfilled important social and political functions in 19th century deliberations.
Download text here.

16 August 2016

BOOK: Serge DAUCHY, Georges MARTYN, Anthony MUSSON, Heikki PIHLAJAMÄKI and Alain WIJFFELS (eds.), The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that made the Law in the Age of Printing [Studies in the History of Law and Justice; 7]. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 2016, XVII + 523 p. ISBN 978-3-319-45564-8. € 297,84

(image source: Springer)

Springer announces the forthcoming publication of the seventh volume in the Studies in the History of Law and Justice Series, entitled The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that made the Law in the Age of Printing, edited by Serge Dauchy (Lille II/CNRS), Georges Martyn (Ghent), Anthony Musson (Exeter), Heikki Pihlajamäki (Helsinki) and Alain Wijffels (Lille II/KULeuven/UCLouvain/Leiden).

Book abstract:
This volume surveys 150 law books of fundamental importance in the history of Western legal literature and culture. The entries are organized in three sections: the first dealing with the transitional period of fifteenth-century editions of medieval authorities, the second spanning the early modern period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, and the third focusing on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors are scholars from all over the world. Each ‘old book’ is analyzed by a recognized specialist in the specific field of interest. Individual entries give a short biography of the author and discuss the significance of the works in the time and setting of their publication, and in their broader influence on the development of law worldwide. Introductory essays explore the development of Western legal traditions, especially the influence of the English common law, and of Roman and canon law on legal writers and, the borrowings and interaction between them.

The book goes beyond the study of institutions and traditions of individual countries to chart a broader perspective on the transmission of legal concepts across legal, political and geographical boundaries. Examining the branches of this genealogical tree of books makes clear their pervasive influence on modern legal systems, including attempts at rationalizing custom or creating new hybrid systems by transplanting Western legal concepts into other jurisdictions.
About the editors:
Serge Dauchy, PhD (Ghent 1991), Habilitation Law (Lille 1997), is senior research fellow of the French CNRS and was director of the ‘Centre for judicial history’ at the University of Lille until 2014. He is Director of the Lille Doctorate School in Legal and Political Sciences since 2009 and professor of legal history at the University Saint-Louis of Brussels.
Georges Martyn, Dr.jur. (Leuven 1996), is professor of legal history at Ghent University since 1999. He was advocaat at the Kortrijk Bar (1992-2009) and is a substitute justice of the peace and honorary member of the Ghent Bar.
Anthony Musson, PhD (Cantab 1994) and barrister of the Middle Temple (called 1997) is professor of legal history and Director of the Bracton Centre for Legal History Research at the University of Exeter.
Heikki Pihlajamäki, Dr.jur. (Helsinki 1996), is professor of comparative legal history at the University of Helsinki since 2009. He is an ordinary member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
Alain Wijffels, Dr.jur. (Amst.), PhD (Cantab.), DLitt. (Cantab.), teaches legal history and comparative law at the universities of Louvain-la-Neuve, Leuven and Leiden. He is senior research fellow of the French CNRS and a member of the ‘Centre for judicial history’ at the University of Lille.
 List of contributors:
AGÜERO Alejandro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain): 94
AKASHI Kinji, Keio University, Tokyo (Japan): 75
AMEND-TRAUT Anja, Universität Würzburg (Germany): 113
ARABEYRE Patrick, Ecole Nationale des Chartes, Paris (France): 45
AUDREN Frédéric, CNRS – Institut d’études politiques, Paris (France): 131
AVENARIUS Martin, Universität Köln (Germany): 137
BALDUS Christian, Universität Heidelberg (Germany): 99
BARÓ Pazos Juan, Universidad de Cantabria Inicio, Santander (Spain): 92
BECK VARELA Laura, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain): 58, 111
BEHRENDS Okko, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany): 121
BERCOVICI, Gilberto, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil): 139
BIROCCHI Italo, Università Sapienza di Roma (Italy): 69, 82
BJÖRNE Lars, Turun Yliopisto (University of Turku) (Finland): 136
BRIESKORN Norbert, Hochschule für Philosophie München (Germany): 48
BRYSON William Hamilton, University of Richmond (United States): 49, 147
CAÑIZARES NAVARRO Juan, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain): 80
CAPDEFERRO I PLA Josep, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (Spain): 47
CASAGRANDE Agustin, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina): 44
CAZALS Géraldine,  Université de Rouen (France): 30
CHALMERS James, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom): 97
COCKS Ray, Keele University (United Kingdom): 115
CONDORELLI Orazio, Università degli Studi di Catania (Italy): 11
CONETTI Mario, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Italy): 9
CONTE Emanuele, Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy): 2, 77
CORDES Albrecht, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany): 148
DANWERTH Otto, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany): 41
DAUCHY Serge, CNRS – Université de Lille (France): 84
DEBAENST Bruno, Universiteit Gent (Belgium): 134
DE BRUIJN Niels, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands): 38
DE CHAMPS Emmanuelle, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis (France): 95
DECOCK Wim, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium): 24, 40
DE RUYSSCHER Dave, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium): 31
DESCAMPS Olivier, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (France): 101
DHONDT Frederik, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium): 88
DILCHER Gerhard, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany): 118
DOZHDEV Dmitry, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Russia): 123
DU PESSIS Paul, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom): 62
DURELLE-Marc Yann-Arzel, Université Paris Nord (France): 135
DYSON Matthew, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom): 127
FIORAVANTI Maurizio, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy): 138
FIORI Antonia, Università Sapienza di Roma (Italy): 1
FORD John, University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom): 68
FREDA Dolores, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy): 74
GARCIA-HEVIA José Maria Vallajo, Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (Spain): 86
GARLATI Loredana, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (Italy): 39
GIALDRONI Stefania, Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy): 25, 116
GIARO Tomasz, Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland): 129
GIULIANI Adolfo, Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy): 22, 37
HAFERKAMP Hans-Peter, Universität zu Köln (Germany): 110
HALPÉRIN Jean-Louis, École Normale Supérieure, Paris (France): 124, 132, 141, 145
HARMS Andreas, SWKH Rechtsanwälte, Berlin (Germany): 142
HEIRBAUT Dirk, Universiteit Gent (Belgium): 4, 119
HESPANHA António, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal): 60, 96
HEWETT Margaret, University of Cape Town (South-Africa): 65
HOEFLICH Michael, University of Kansas (United States): 93, 107
HUGHES Jula, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (Canada): 125
IBBETSON David, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom): 76, 83
JONES Neil, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom): 13, 16
KIM Marie Seong-Hak, St. Cloud State University (United States): 20
KOCH Arnd, Universität Augsburg (Germany): 98
KOCH Sören, Universitetet i Bergen (Norway): 78, 81 
LEPSIUS Susanne, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany): 18
LESAFFER Randal, Universiteit Tilburg (Netherlands): 56
LEUWERS Hervé, Université de Lille (France): 100
LITZINGER Heike Kathrin, formerly Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt-am-Main
(Germany): 130
LOBBAN Michael, London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom): 106, 109, 126
MACMILLAN Catherine, University of Reading (United Kingdom): 122
MACNAIR Mike, University of Oxford (United Kingdom): 87
MAIHOLD Harald, Universität Basel (Switzerland): 26
MARTYN Georges, Universiteit Gent (Belgium): 10, 61
MARZAL Rodriguez Pascual, Universitat de València (Spain): 85
MASFERRER Aniceto, Universitat de València (Spain): 28
MATSUMOTO Naoko, Sophia University, Tokyo (Japan): 140
MAZZACANE Aldo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy): 64
MCGLYNN Margaret, Western University, London-Ontario (Canada): 34
MEYER Christoph, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany): 73
MEYER-PRITZL Rudolf, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (Germany): 89
MICHALSEN Dag, Universitetet i Oslo (Norway): 103
MILETTI Marco, Università degli Studi di Foggia (Italy): 21
MILLARD Eric, Université Paris-Ouest, Nanterre – La Défense (France): 149
MINNUCCI Giovanni, Università degli Studi di Sienna (Italy): 42
MIROW Matthew, Florida International University, Miami (United States): 112
MODÉER Kjell, Lunds Universitet (Sweden): 66
MUSSON Anthony, University of Exeter (United Kingdom): 52
OBARRIO Juan, Universitat de València (Spain): 67, 70
OESTMANN Peter, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany): 36, 43
OOSTERHUIS Janwillem, Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands): 117
PADOVANI Andrea, Università di Bologna (Italy): 12
PARISE Agustin, Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands): 105
PASCIUTA Beatrice, Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy): 7
PAZ ALONSO Maria, Universidad de Salamanca (Spain): 23
PEREZ MARTIN Antonio, Universidad de Murcia (Spain): 54
PIHLAJAMÄKI Heikki, Helsingin Yliopisto (Finland): 55, 120, 146
POLDNIKOV Dmitry, National Research University Moscow (Russia): 114
PORWANCHER Andrew, University of Oklahoma, Norman (United States): 133
PREST Wilfrid, University of Adelaide (Australia): 91
PREVOST Xavier, Université de Bordeaux (France): 29, 46
QUAGLIONI Diego, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy): 35
RAMOS VÁZQUEZ Isabel, Universidad de Jaén (Spain): 90
RAMSAY Nigel, University College London (United Kingdom): 5
REID Charles, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis (United States): 104
ROWAN Steven, University of Missouri, St. Louis (United States): 15
RUDOKVAS Anton, St. Petersburg State University (Russia): 128 SCHMOECKEL Mathias, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany): 17, 27
SCHRÖDER Jan, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany): 71, 79, 102
SEIPP David, Boston University (United States): 19
SERNA Margarita, Universidad de Cantabria Inicio, Santander (Spain): 144
STEBBINGS Chantal, University of Exeter (United Kingdom): 108
STOLLEIS Michael, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität
Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany): 59
TAMM Ditlev, Universitet Københavns (Denmark): 53, 150
TAU ANZOÁTEGUI Victor, Academia Nacional de la Historia de la República Argentina: 33
THOMAS Philip, University of Pretoria (South-Africa): 72
TREGGIARI Ferdinando, Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy): 8
TWINING William, University College London (United Kingdom): 143
VAN NIFTERIK Guus, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands): 32
VAN RHEE Remco, Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands): 63
WAELKENS Laurent, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium): 6
WIJFFELS Alain, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Université Catholique de Louvain / CNRS-Université de Lille
(Belgium-France): 3, 14, 50
WURCH Nils: formerly Universität Freiburg, now judge (Germany): 57
 The book will cost € 279,84 and can be ordered here.

ADVANCE ARTICLES: American Journal of Legal History

(image source: Oxford Journals)

 The American Journal of Legal History (Oxford Journals) provides advance access to the following articles:

"Federal Coercion and National Constitutional Identity in the United States 1776-1861" (Pekka Pohjankoski, link here)

"“The heart knows its own bitterness”: authority, self, and the origins of patient autonomy in early Jewish law" (Ayelet Hoffmann Libson, link here)

Book reviews:
"Melvin I. Urofsky, Dissent and the Supreme Court: Its Role in the Court’s History and the Nation’s Constitutional Dialogue" (by Linda Przybyszewski, link here)

"Schiller, Reuel. Forging Rivals: Race, Class, Law, and the Collapse of Postwar Liberalism" (by Arthur F. McEvoy, link here)

"Karen L. Walloch. The Antivaccine Heresy: Jacobson v. Massachusetts and the Troubled History of Compulsory Vaccination" (by Wendy E. Parmet, link here)

02 August 2016

CFP: "Interpretatio Prudentium, 2016" (December 2016)

Interpretatio Prudentium is a biannual scientific journal with double-blind peer review published by Legal Theory and History – Research Center of the University of Lisbon (THD-ULisboa) promoting scholarly excellence research and a profound knowledge of Roman Jurisprudence and the Roman Legal Tradition while aiming at a critical understanding of contemporary legal phenomena..
The Executive Committee of Interpretatio Prudentium invites the academic community to submit papers (monographs or reviews of recent publications) to be included in its next issue, to be released in December 2016.
The Journal publishes in any neolatine language, english or german. Articles, under 70.000 characters (spaces included), should be submitted for publication along with a summary (c.550 characters) and keywords (3-5), written in the original language of the article and in an additional language. Reviews should be up to 15.000 characters.
Articles should be submitted in Word format to the e-mail interpretatio@fd.ulisboa.ptwith carbon copy to the editorial secretary ( The deadline for the submission of papers is October 7, 2016.
The submitted articles should be sent in Word format to the e-mail with carbon copy to the editorial secretary ( The deadline for the submission of papers is October 7, 2016.
The submitted articles are reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee of Interpretatio Prudentium, the identities of both reviewer and author remaining anonymous throughout the review process.