
23 January 2017

ESIL RESEARCH FORUM GRANADA: Workshop "Neutrality in the History of International Law" (30 Mar 2017)

(image source: ESIL/SEDI)

The Interest Group History of International Law of the European Society of International Law announced the line-up for this year's workshop at the Research Forum in Granada (Spain), which will take on 30 March 2017.

L’intervention d’humanité dans la Guerre des Boxeurs (drs. Paul Bourgues/ATER at the Université de Grenoble)
Contested Turkish Neutrality in International Law (Hakan Gungor/Turkish National Education)
Neutrality in the United Nations – The Case of Austria (Prof. dr. Peter Hilpold/Professor at the Universität Innsbruck)
International Legal Thought : A Legal Project and an Integrative Approach (Dr. PD Thomas Kleinlein/Privatdozent at the Universität Frankfurt,  Dr. David Roth-Isigkeit-Berlin/Research Fellow at the Excellenzcluster Normative Orders/Frankfurt)
Questioning Territory’s Contribution to Neutrality (dra. Gail Lythgoe/University of Glasgow)
Ethiopia, Neutrality and the First World War (Jakob Zollmann/Research Fellow Global Public Law at the WZB Berlin)
Organisation: Interest Group Steering Committee.

Ignacio de la Rasilla y del Moral (Associate Professor, Brunel)
Frederik Dhondt (Assistant Professor, VUB/Visiting Professor, UA/Fellow, FWO-UGent)
Thomas Skouteris (Assistant Professor, American University in Cairo)
Inge Van Hulle (Assistant Professor, Tilburg)
Registration for the event here.

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