
24 February 2014

SEMINAR: Citizenship and Power Strategies between Middle Ages and Early Modernity (Rome, 28 February 2014)

What: Comparer des institutions: sources et mises en contextes (Europe et Maghreb du XVIII siècle)11th meeting of the seminar Cittadinanze e strategie di potere tra Medio Evo ed Età Moderna, organized by Sara Menzinger, Giuliano Milani and Massimo Vallerani in the framework of the PIMIC Project "Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom" (  
Where: Roma Tre University, Law Department, 2nd Floor, Room 278, Via Ostiense 161, Rome.
When: 28 February 2014, 3:00 pm

Prof. Simona Cerutti, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
Prof. Isabelle Grangaud, Institut de recherches et d'études sur le monde arabe et musulman

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