
01 February 2013

JOURNAL: Glossae

Glossae: Revista de Historia del Derecho Europeo, a legal history journal published from 1988 to 1996 has been revived.

GLOSSAE -  European Journal of Legal History has preserved its original, international character, accepting works on legal history on a wide variety of themes, chronological and geographical contexts, and within the Western legal tradition or beyond.

The journal is also published online now and its articles, including those of the first series (1988-1996), can be freely accessed and downloaded.  

The first issue of the new series came out in December. 


Glossae's Editorial Board has decided to publish the next issue in honour of Professor Antonio Pérez Martín, Catedrático Emérito Honorario of Legal History (University of Murcia) and founder of the journal. The Board is especially interested in contributions from those who know Professor Pérez Martín.

To submit an article for this issue or any other, please consult the rules and instructions for publicationThe deadline for submissions is 9 September 2013 and texts should be submitted to

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