
28 February 2023

BOOK: Claire LOVISI, Introduction historique au droit [Cours Dalloz] (Paris: Dalloz, 2022), 391 p., ISBN 9782247198757, € 25


(image source: Dalloz)


Notre système juridique est le produit d’un amalgame. Ses composantes essentielles s’enracinent dans l’histoire. Du passé, plus ou moins lointain selon les cas, proviennent des sédiments qui, au fil du temps, ont imprimé à notre droit ses traits distinctifs. De cet héritage, l’ouvrage propose la genèse. Depuis l’invention de la science du droit à Rome jusqu’à l’établissement d’un système juridique national, plusieurs tournants capitaux ont marqué une orientation déterminante. Le XXe siècle a amorcé un nouveau tournant en faisant resurgir un pluralisme juridique que l’on avait cru enterré. L’histoire ne prétend pas offrir de solutions. Du moins peut-elle montrer la relativité des phénomènes juridiques et préparer le juriste à affronter le changement.

Source: Dalloz

REMINDER CFP SYMPOSIUM: ‘Celebrating Women in Legal History: The Lives and Legacies of Early Women Legal Historians’ - The University of Liverpool School of Law and Social Justice, 1 September 2023 [DEADLINE 21 APR 2023].

Selden’s Sister invites abstracts for the Symposium

‘Celebrating Women in Legal History: The Lives and Legacies of Early Women Legal


The University of Liverpool School of Law and Social Justice

1st September 2023.

This one-day hybrid symposium aims to celebrate the contributions of women to early legal historical scholarship, to commemorate the achievements of under-appreciated figures in legal history, and to assess their contributions in light of present understandings of the discipline. We particularly encourage papers that engage with the work of nineteenth and twentieth-century researchers.

Papers might consider (but are not restricted to):

 The work of particular women, or groups of women, whose research significantly impacted legal, constitutional, or administrative history.

 Current research projects that make extensive use of the work of one or multiple early women legal historians.

 Biographical accounts of women who undertook legal historical research in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

 Historiographical accounts of areas of legal history that have been significantly developed by women scholars.

 Accounts of other contributions made by women to early legal historical scholarship, for example as patrons, librarians, editors, or typists.

 Fictional or artistic accounts of women in legal history

Abstracts are welcomed from scholars of all genders, disciplines, and career stages. Delegates will be able to present their papers in-person or online. There is a limited amount of funding for travel within the UK and accommodation expenses, priority for which will be given to postgraduate and early-career scholars.

Please submit any queries and abstracts of no more than 300 words to by Friday 21 st April 2023.

Selden’s Sister are a collaborative body of legal historians across multiple UKHE institutions. We seek to champion the work of contemporary female legal historians, and highlight past contributions to legal history.

27 February 2023

BOOK: Anne LEMONDE (ed.), Les comptes et les choses. Discours et pratiques comptables du XIIIe au XVe siècle en Occident (principautés, monarchies et mondes urbains) (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2023). ISBN: 9782753586284


À la différence des comptabilités contemporaines, quelles qu’elles soient, secs alignements de chiffres que l’on a pu aisément informatiser, les documents comptables de la fin du Moyen Âge se limitent rarement à de simples « écritures » d’opérations mathématiques : si celles-ci sont bien présentes, elles se trouvent en fait insérées dans un cadre narratif aux vastes implications techniques, juridiques et politiques. L’objet de ce livre est d’analyser ce discours en posant les premiers jalons d’une typologie des formes comptables sur la longue durée.

De nombreuses études de cas sont ici présentées, entre péninsules Ibérique et Italienne, Flandres, Royaume de France, Provence, Dauphiné et terres germaniques, qui mettent à l’épreuve le postulat énoncé en introduction par lequel on propose de considérer les profonds bouleversements de la pratique comptable observables au tournant du XIIIe et du XIVe siècle comme l’une des premières manifestations de la « rupture de l’épistémè occidentale » chère à Michel Foucault.


Anne Lemonde est maître de conférences en histoire médiévale à l’université de Grenoble-Alpes. Ce volume s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme GEMMA (GEnèse Médiévale d’une Méthode Administrative) financé par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR).


Anne Lemonde, Introduction


  • Anne Lemonde, Le tardif linguistic turn de l’histoire des comptabilités de la fin du Moyen Âge occidental
  • Laurence Buchholzer, La textualité des comptes municipaux au prisme de l’historiographie allemande (XIIIe -XVe siècles) 


  • Laurence Buchholzer, Le lent avènement du discours comptable. L’exemple des villes allemandes
  • Paolo Buffo, Lexique comptable et structures de la documentation chez les princes de Savoie-Achaïe (Piémont, fin du xiiie -première moitié du xive siècle)
  • René Verdier, Les comptes des évêques de Die 


  • Alexandra Beauchamp, Les comptes des dispensers de l’infant Jean d’Aragon (1351-1386) et leur contrôle par le maestre racional : des discours interposés
  • David Sassu-Normand, Discours comptable et gestion de l’extraordinaire en Languedoc : Louis Ier d’Anjou et son trésorier Jean Doucin dans les années 1370 


  • Armand Jamme, Mathématisation du réel et narrativité : le livre de comptes comme «refiguration» institutionnelle
  • Alain Venturini, Des comptes bien vérifiés? Le contrôle de la chambre des comptes d’Aix sur le travail des clavaires provençaux (XIVe siècle)


  • Anne Lemonde, Conter le crime et son châtiment. Les fruits anthropologiques et sociaux de la transformation des comptabilités
  • Jean-Baptiste Santamaria, Une vision comptable du politique? Les révoltes dans les comptes du receveur général de Flandre et du receveur général de toutes les finances entre 1379 et 1492
  • Thierry Pécout, Conclusion 

More information can be found here.

24 February 2023

JOURNAL: Parliaments, Estates and Representation XLII (2022), nr. 3


 (Image source: Routledge)

The ‘common good’ in the petitions and appeals of the medieval towns at the Portuguese Cortes (Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2139531)


As in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula and wider Europe in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Portugal's main towns and cities were ruled by a small number of men, who made up a power elite. Such power elites were recruited from the bosom of the urban economic, cultural, and social elites. This group, however, was even more restricted, as during that period municipal governance lay in the hands of few officials and homens bons (boni homines). It was from among this restricted group of rulers that the municipal representatives to the cortes were chosen. This article will approach the discourse employed by the elites in the cortes based on the political concept of the ‘common good’ — an ideological concept in which a collective benefit prevails over private interests. In the argumentative rhetoric that was the discourse provided alongside requests and grievances aired on the stage of the cortes, the public good and common good were presented as objectives of good governance and fair decisions required as part of the political process. It is clear, however, that it was an open concept employed by different actors for various practical purposes as it will be explained.

Radicalism in the old regime: the challenge of parliamentary sovereignty in Sweden, 1769–70 (Magnus Linnarsson) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2133371) (OPEN ACCESS)


This article analyses how notions of parliamentary sovereignty, were posited against universal principles of the separation of powers, using the debate in the Swedish Diet (Riksdag) in 1769 on the Act of Security as an example. The act was launched as an attack on the prevailing parliamentary sovereignty. Since the mid-eighteenth century, the Riksdag had established itself as the sovereign power in Swedish politics and its critics argued for the need of personal and material security. The analysis shows how egalitarian ideas and democratic elements became part of the political discourse. This article argues that this debate was decisive for the coming end of the Swedish Age of Liberty (1719–72), and that it exemplifies a political conflict between radicals and conservatives. It also shows how the debate was a battle for alternative paths of state formation. Either a strong state, dominated by elite groups with capacity to control policy, or a more participatory government, with traces of early democratization. The analysis draws on two key analytical concepts: the ‘rule of law' and ‘political participation’. In the debate, the rule of law became an instrument for limiting political participation when the aristocracy tried to strengthen its powers.

A sub-imperial realm amidst the global parliamentary moment: legislative imaginations of Russian Poland, 1905–18 (Wiktor Marzec) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2137225)


This article seeks to explore the ideal of parliament nurtured by various political actors in the Russian-controlled Kingdom of Poland, up to the formation of the Polish nation state after the interim German occupation. Spanned between the legacy of the noble Sejms and radical democratic ideas for future Poland, the cultural imagination of parliamentarism faced its imperfect embodiment in the existing imperial assemblies – above all, the Russian Duma. Drawing from an extensive collection of political leaflets, press of various profiles and Russian administrative sources, I demonstrate the entangled, lived relationship between parliament and revolution, by no means opposite concepts in the global wave of constitutional revolutions. The parliamentary ideal served to renegotiate the arrangements of imperial social space in the direction of national self-assertion and perpetuated social practices conductive to future democratic arrangements. The actors involved demonstrated ambiguous potentials of various forms of national representation. These experiences and considerations had grave consequences in the critical juncture of the revolutionary sequence leading to the emergence of the Polish nation state – for the time being, in a majoritarian parliamentary form.

Speaking of politics in parliament: experiences of writing a book on the digitized Bundestag debates, 1949–2017 (Kari Palonen) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2150364)


This article consists of ex post methodological reflections on the procedures and practices that I applied in my monograph Politik als parlamentarischer Begriff: Perspektiven aus den Plenardebatten des Deutschen Bundestags (Leverkusen, 2021). The book analyses through 18 parliamentary terms the conceptualization of politics in German Bundestag plenary debates from 1949 to 2017. The book was an illustration of my long-term aim of combining political theorizing with the empirical analysis of debate. In writing the book, my guiding idea was to apply Ludwig Wittgenstein’s point, that the meaning of a concept lies in its use, to an analysis of how parliamentary debates open a perspective on the conceptualization of politics closer to ‘political life itself’, to quote Quentin Skinner. Conversely, I also wanted to discuss how a focus on politics as a concept helps us to improve our understanding of the parliamentary style of politics, in which parliamentary voting forms the last step of a debate. To this purpose, the book assumes that every item on a parliamentary agenda has a political aspect to be debated. The book makes use of two interpretative approaches: the rhetoric of topoi and a typology of politics as an activity.

Inside the innovation: participants’ perceptions of the Consultative Committee of Inquiry to Enhance the Quality of Democracy in Austria, 2014–15 (Michael Hunklinger) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2139530)


This article is a comprehensive analysis of the democratic benefit of a democratic innovation introduced to the Austrian Parliament in the year 2014–15: the Consultative Committee of Inquiry to Enhance the Quality of Democracy in Austria. As a novelty, eight citizens, selected by lot, were included to participate in this committee. This article looks at the perceptions of these citizens (gathered via interviews), committee protocols and media coverage. The committee deepened the lack of trust in politics, and it fell prey to party politics. Pseudo-participation to window-dress problems is likely to be detected by participants and the media, especially when they occur in established forms of deliberation. This article shows that, instead of enhancing democracy, democratic innovations can backfire.

Are they one of us? The effect of political professionalization on the political elite's social closure and the principal-agent problems, 1978–2019 (Andreu Paneque) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2139889)


This article examines the effect of political professionalization on descriptive representation and the principal-agent problems in the European micro-states and six large-scale democracies since 1980. By doing so, the article revisits an ongoing debate about the consequences of having a political elite professionalized. Using an original data set consisting of the individual and legislative professionalization characteristics of twelve European sovereign states and the aggregate socio-demographic characteristics of parliamentarians at national parliaments, this article shows that while legislative professionalization is a determinant for descriptive representation, politicians’ professionalization is a negative determinant for political responsiveness and accountability. Moreover, this article underlines population size as a determinant for the descriptive representation of certain socio-demographic characteristics and it describes the null effect of population size on the negative causal relation of politicians’ professionalization on political responsiveness and accountability.

The institutional development of Legislative Supporting Agencies (LSAs) focusing on the differences among parliamentary-system countries (Jun Makita) (DOI 10.1080/02606755.2022.2138190)


This article focuses on Legislative Supporting Agencies (LSAs) as agencies supporting the activities of the legislature. It elucidates the relationship between the institutional development of LSAs’ and other political factors, paying attention to the characteristics of the parliamentary system. The main factors that influenced the development of LSAs’ are presented. These factors are the classification of legislatures as arena-type or transformative-type and the actors that have a legislative supporting function other than LSAs in parliamentary countries (bureaucrats and parliamentary group staff). An important suggestion for the causation between these factors and the development of LSA's can be made as a result of statistical analyses.

Read the issue on T&F Online.

SEMINAR: La "scoperta" dell'impresa nel romanzo francese dell'Ottocento: da Balzac a Zola - Seminario di Giuseppe Guizzi - Napoli 1 marzo 2023


23 February 2023

JOURNAL: Právněhistorické studie 52 (2022), nr 2 (OPEN ACCESS)


(Image source:  Právněhistorické studie)

This volume of Právněhistorické studie contains i.a. these papers:

Lyuba Radulova, Legal Protection Granted to Soldiers’ Partners in the Military Diplomas (


The paper examines the formulas granting conubium in the military diplomas, focusing on the problem of soldiers’ relationships with women before and after their discharge. Keeping in mind the fact that between Augustus and Septimius Severus a marriage ban was imposed on soldiers in service, the study offers a reconstruction of the way in which soldiers’ de facto unions were viewed by the authorities and analyzes the legal protection against abandonment granted to soldiers’ partners by the imperial constitutions.

Ulrike Müßig, Challenged Universality – Kant and a Citoyenne between Stage and Scaffold (


The universality of human rights faces the fundamental problem of the nationalized basis of their constitutionalization. Much can be said about the historical struggles to integrate females in the “all men” formulas, but what are the crucial lines of conflict? Historical answers may be found in the Kantian rightful republicanism (rechtlicher Republikanismus), denoting the legitimacy of state political structures by consistency with everyone’s freedom in accordance with universal law. “Rightful” is more precise than “legal”. Kant’s fundamental concept of right – derived from the categorical imperative among equal and free human beings – was “the possibility of [directly] connecting universal reciprocal coercion with the freedom of everyone” (Metaphysik der Sitten, Introduction, § E, 339). Of course, this paper is not so naive to transform Kant into a feminist voice; it draws the attention to the fundamental aspect of constitutional history, how to explain the relationship between the freedom of the individual and the formation of states.


Dolores Freda, Women and Parliamentary Divorce in England. From Wife-Sale to the Divorce Act of 1857 (


The essay is a study of divorce in England in the Modern Period, with particular reference to parliamentary divorce, established since the end of the 17th century. If husbands could get rid of undesired wives through wife-selling, private separation deeds, or separation a mensa et thoro awarded by the ecclesiastical courts, they were not permitted to remarry unless they got a private bill from Parliament. Parliament acted as a real court of justice and, being the procedure extremely long and expensive, parliamentary divorce was in fact a privilege reserved to members of the aristocracy in search of a heir. Only in 1857 the Divorce Act legalized divorce in the country through the establishment of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. 


For the whole volume see this page.

22 February 2023

TALK: Mario Caravale: Storia del diritto e Storia delle istituzioni - Venerdì 24 febbraio 2023


JOURNAL: ZNR Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte 44 (2022), Nr. 3/4

(image source: Nomos eLibrary)


Die große Suche nach dem Rechtswortschatz. Zu den Anfängen des DeutschenRechtswörterbuchs vor 125 Jahren (Andreas Deutsch)

DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-177

Die Reform der Juristenausbildung in Deutschland im Jahre 1896 aus der Perspektive der galizischen Romanisten (Ernest C. Bodura)

DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-218
Hundert Jahre Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit in Hamburg: Die erste Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit im modernen Sinne auf deutschem Boden? (Leon Scherff)
DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-242
Meister, Mythen und Miseren: Der Tod der Meistererzählungen und die Fragmentierung der Rechtsgeschichte aus einer österreichischen Perspektive (Gerald Kohl)
DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-254
100 Jahre österreichisches Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz: Ein Werk für die Ewigkeit? Rückschau auf die zum Jubiläum erschienene Literatur (Christian Neschwara)
DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-272
Scottish Legal History 2001–2022: a Select Bibliography (Mark Godfrey)
DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-285
Literaturberichte und Zeitschriftenschau
Die gesamte Ausgabe gibt es hier online.


21 February 2023

REMINDER CFP CONFERENCE: Konflikte um Wahrheit - Nachwuchstagung Rechtsgeschichte (26-28 June 2023, Frankfurt) (DEADLINE: 28 February 2023)

Konflikte um Wahrheit - Nachwuchstagung Rechtsgeschichte

(Image source: Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie)

Das junge Netzwerk Rechtsgeschichte lädt Doktorand:innen und Habilitand:innen ein, Vorträge für die Nachwuchstagung Rechtsgeschichte (Generalthema "Konflikte um Wahrheit") einzureichen.

Der Kampf um die Wahrheit ist nicht erst im Zeitalter “alternativer Fakten” virulent. Sowohl in der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion wie auch in der Streitbeilegung wird regelmäßig ein Anspruch auf Wahrheit erhoben. Die erste Tagung des im Herbst 2022 neu gegründeten jungen Netzwerks Rechtsgeschichte möchte sich daher mit dem Generalthema “Konflikte um Wahrheit” auf die Spuren des in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erhobenen Wahrheitsanspruchs begeben. Wir Doktorand*innen und Habilitand*innen werden an drei Tagen im Juni 2023 am Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie in Frankfurt am Main die Möglichkeit haben, uns mit dem Spannungsfeld von Wahrheit und Recht aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive auseinanderzusetzen. Wie gehen wir als Rechtshistoriker*innen mit Wahrheit um? Inwieweit spielen verschiedene Wahrheitsbegriffe und -aspekte in der Rechtswissenschaft und in der rechtshistorischen Forschung im Speziellen eine Rolle? Wie lassen sich Konflikte um unterschiedliche Wahrheiten lösen?

Das bewusst breite Generalthema lässt sich für die Tagung in drei Themenfelder unterteilen, die jedoch nicht als abschließend anzusehen sind:

1) Konflikte und Streitbeilegung

Was nun wahr ist und was nicht, bildet den Kern unterschiedlichster Arten von Konflikten. Zur Lösung solcher Konflikte bedienten sich Akteure in der Geschichte verschiedenster Formen der Streitbeilegung: Schiedsgerichte, Gerichte, Formen alternativer Streitbeilegung wie Verhandlungen, Mediation, gütliche Einigung, oder der Sühne im Strafverfahren. Aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive lässt sich dabei etwa fragen, wie sich unterschiedliche Formen der Streitbeilegung über die Zeit entwickelt haben, inwieweit der Ausgang des Konflikts zur Disposition der Parteien stand oder welche Verschiebungen es in der Bedeutung der Wahrheitsfindung im Konfliktfall gab.

2) Wahrheit der Quellen

Ohne intensive Quellenforschung lässt sich Rechtsgeschichte kaum betreiben. Das eröffnet zahlreiche methodische Fragen, die direkten Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse unserer Forschung haben können. Die Tagung möchte einen methodischen Dialog zwischen unterschiedlichen Epochen und Quellenarten (bspw. Quellen der Antike/frühen Neuzeit/des englischen Rechts im 19. Jh./oral history/Zeitgeschichte etc.) fördern und Teilnehmer:innen die Möglichkeit geben, anhand von Fallbeispielen ihre eigenen methodischen Herausforderungen zu präsentieren. Vom Tagungsthema ausgehend wollen wir insbesondere die Frage erörtern, inwieweit Quellen geeignet sind, eine “historische Wahrheit” abzubilden.

3) Wahrheitsanspruch im Recht

Das dritte Themenfeld ermöglicht eine grundsätzliche theoriegeschichtliche Diskussion des Verhältnisses von Wahrheit und Recht(swissenschaft). Das berührt nicht nur die seit jeher diskutierte Frage, ob es eine einzige “wahre” Auslegung(-smethode) gibt, sondern auch, inwieweit das Recht als Normengebäude selbst auf außerrechtlichen “Wahrheiten” fußt. Begriffsgeschichtlich erlaubt es zudem, Bedeutungsverschiebungen im Wahrheitsbegriff in unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Kontexten zu erörtern.

Wir ermuntern Interessierte ausdrücklich dazu, ihre laufende Forschung anhand dieser Themenfelder zu reflektieren und laden dazu ein, auf der Tagung einen Beitrag hierzu im Umfang von 20 Minuten zu leisten. Die Tagungssprache wird Deutsch sein, Vorträge auf Englisch sind jedoch auch herzlich willkommen.

Bewerbungen für einen Vortrag bestehend aus
- einem anonymisierten Exposé von max. 500 Wörtern sowie
- einem Lebenslauf (ohne Bild, eine Seite)
als PDF im Anhang bitte bis zum 28. Februar 2023 an

Eine Zusage erfolgt bis Ende März 2023. Es ist geplant, die Beiträge im Anschluss an die Tagung zu veröffentlichen.

More information can be found here.


SEMINAR: Séminaire Histoire Droit Economie (CTHDIP et FRAMESPA-TERRAE) (Toulouse, 24 FEB - 10 MAR 2023)

(image source: 20 minutes)



Le Centre Toulousain d’Histoire du Droit et des Idées Politiques (Université Toulouse Capitole) et le laboratoire FRAMESPA-TERRAE (Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès) présentent le Séminaire Histoire Droit Economie. Ce nouveau séminaire a pour objet d’inviter des historiens ou des historiens du droit afin de présenter des travaux ayant une dimension économique et juridique dans la longue durée (Moyen Âge – époque moderne). Une attention particulière sera donnée aux typologies documentaires et à la présentation des corpus de sources. L’approche est interdisciplinaire destinée à renforcer le dialogue scientifique entre chercheurs d’établissements toulousains dans une dimension européenne et internationale. Le premier séminaire sera organisé le 24 février 2023 autour de Michela Barbot, Chargée de recherches (Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de l’Economie et de la Société, UMR CNRS 8533), “Les prix et l’estimation au prisme du droit civil (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle)”, Salle Germain Sicard (10h30, Faculté de droit de Toulouse). Le deuxième séminaire sera organisé le 10 mars 2023 autour du Professeur Olivier Descamps (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas), directeur du Centre d’études d’histoire juridique, “Le parlement de Paris et le droit des foires et marchés au XIII-XIVè siècle”, Université Jean Jaurès (10h, salle D30, RDC Maison de la Recherche).

((source: HID

20 February 2023

BOOK: Antonio CAPPUCCIO, Giacomo PACE GRAVINA (eds.), Leonardo Sciascia e la Storia del diritto (Messina: Messina University Press, 2023), ISBN: 979-12-80899-01-9 [OPEN ACCESS]

(Image source: Messina University Press)


Leonardo Sciascia e la Storia del diritto tenta di spingersi oltre quelle opere che negli ultimi anni hanno indagato la visione ideale e astratta del diritto e della giustizia in Sciascia, provando a metterne invece in luce la straordinaria competenza storico-giuridica attraverso alcuni dei suoi più apprezzati lavori. Dai contributi qui raccolti, in effetti, emerge chiaramente come lo scrittore di Racalmuto fosse aduso ad interrogare direttamente le fonti giuridiche del passato e a presentarle al lettore senza mistificazioni, a tutto vantaggio di un ordito narrativo tanto suggestivo quanto realistico.


Antonio Cappuccio (Università degli Studi di Messina). Professore Ordinario di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Messina. Componente di comitati direttivi, scientifici ed editoriali di riviste e collane nazionali e internazionali, nonché componente della commissione Storia dell’avvocatura del Consiglio Nazionale Forense e coordinatore della formazione dell’Observatoire International des Avocats en danger. Si occupa principalmente di diritto civile e commerciale, professioni legali, giustizia criminale, Law and Humanities.

Giacomo Pace Gravina (Università degli Studi di Messina). Professore Ordinario di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Messina. Componente di numerosi comitati editoriali e scientifici, i suoi studi spaziano dalla storia del pensiero giuridico a quella dell’Università, dalla storia del Diritto militare alle interazioni tra Diritto e Arte. Presidente del Polo museale dell’Università di Messina.


"LawArt.  Studi  di  Diritto,  Arte,  Storia" è  la  nuova  forma  di  un  progetto scientifico   interdisciplinare   già   avviato   fruttuosamente   con   la pubblicazione dell’omonima rivista (, alla quale si affianca condividendone  la  medesima  aspirazione:  favorire  il  confronto  tra  gli studiosi che sono coinvolti nelle innumerevoli variazioni del rapporto tra diritto, arte e storia, al fine di percepire i diversi modi in cui l’arte plasma, esprime e narra le dimensioni astratte e storicamente contestualizzate del fenomeno giuridico.La  Collana  ospiterà, dunque,  monografie  e  opere  collettanee  che,  grazie alla libera e diffusa circolazione online, garantita dalla pubblicazione open access e dal rigore scientifico peer-reviewed ispirato al codice etico elaborato dal COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), si propongono di indagare il  fecondo  legame  tra i  tre  ambiti  di  studio  individuati,  oltre  i  confini disciplinari e nazionali, per offrire una visione il più possibile ampia di tale prospettiva. LawArt.  Studi  di  Diritto,  Arte,  Storia è  pubblicata  con  il  contributo dell’Università degli Studi di Messina.


  • SALVATORE CUZZOCREA Prefazione / Preface;
  • ANTONIO CAPPUCCIO Introduzione  (La  storicità  del  diritto  nella  penna  di  uno  scrittore ‘illuminato’) / Introduction (The Historicity of Law in the Words of an ‘Enlightened’ Writer)
  • STEFANO SOLIMANO Voltaire... Voltaire... Sciascia e l’illuminismo giuridico ne Il contesto / Voltaire... Voltaire... Sciascia and the Penal Enlightenment in Il contesto;
  • PAOLO SQUILLACIOTI Sulle fonti de Il Consiglio d’Egitto / On the Sources of Il Consiglio d’Egitto;
  • GIACOMO PACE GRAVINA Il ‘Secolo dei lumi’ di Leonardo Sciascia: tra Controversia liparitana e Consiglio  d’Egitto  / The  ‘Age  of  Enlightenment’  by  Leonardo Sciascia: Controversia liparitana and Consiglio d’Egitto;
  • LOREDANA GARLATI Morte  di  una  strega.  Storia  di  Caterina  Medici  e  di  un  processo  di ordinaria  (in)giustizia  /  Death  of  a  Witch.  The  Story  of  Caterina Medici and a Trial of Ordinary (In)Justice;
  • ELISABETTA FUSAR POLI La verità del ‘delitto ancillare’. Indizi fra le pagine de La scomparsa di Majorana / The Truth of ‘Maids Crime’. Clues through the Pages of La scomparsa di Majorana;
  • GIOVANNI CHIODI «A  legger  bene...»:  Leonardo  Sciascia  e  l’interpretazione  dei  testi storico-giuridici (da Morte dell’inquisitore a 1912+1) / «Reading this Right...»:  Leonardo  Sciascia  and  the  Interpretation  of  Historical Legal Texts (from Morte dell’inquisitore to 1912+1).

More information and the entire publication in open access can be found here.

17 February 2023

VIDEO: Olivier JOUANJAN, "L'Ecole historique du Droit en Allemagne: entre histoire et philosophie du droit" (Poitiers: IHD, 8 FEB 2023)

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Institut d'Histoire du Droit and the Cercle André Tiraqueau of the University of Poitiers organised a conference with prof. Olivier Jouanjan (Paris II Panthéon Assas) on the German Historical School.

The recording can be watched here.

JOURNAL: Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung (XXVII-2, 2022: Die Materialität von Kredit. Sachüberlieferungen mittelalterlicher Schuld- und Kreditbeziehungen) [OPEN ACCESS]

Dieses Themenheft gibt einen Überblick über die Diversität von Sachüberlieferungen mittelalterlicher Schuld- und Kreditbeziehungen in Zentral-, Nord- und Südosteuropa. In neun Fallstudien wird die Bedeutung verschiedenartiger Artefakte wie Kerbhölzer, Pfandgegenstände, Rechnungslisten oder Briefe für Kreditbeziehungen in unterschiedlichen mittelalterlichen Gesellschaften beschrieben. Es wird gezeigt, dass Kredite auf keine bestimmte ökonomische oder soziale Gruppe beschränkt waren. Unter Anwendung multidisziplinärer Zugänge, etwa aus der Archäologie, Philologie, Judaistik oder Germanistik, werden neue Aspekte des mittelalterlichen Wirtschaftens rekonstruiert, die bisher nur peripher wahrgenommen wurden.


  • Einleitung. Die Materialität von Kredit. Sachüberlieferungen mittelalterlicher Schuld- und Kreditbeziehungen (Stephan Nicolussi-Köhler, Tanja Skambraks und Sebastian Steinbach)
  • Darlehen und Schuldscheine im Frankenreich (6. bis 9. Jahrhundert) (Horst Lößlein und Christoph Walther)
  • Zwei Bücher, zehn Pfleger und 67.000 Mark Schulden. Kreditverwaltung am Beispiel der Tiroler Landpflegerkommission (1312–1315) (Lienhard Thaler)
  • All unser brief und registerZur Dokumentation jüdisch-christlicher Kreditgeschäfte im Vorfeld der Wiener Gesera (Eveline Brugger)
  • Kredit im deutschen Handel mit den Shetlandinseln im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit (Bart Holterman)
  • Zur Bewertung von Kredit beziehungen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters am Beispiel des ‚Iwein‘ Hartmanns von Aue (Nathanael Busch)
  • Studentenbriefe als Quelle zur Erforschung des mittelalterlichen Kreditwesens. Die Darlehen von Bruno und Basilius Amerbach im Paris zu Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts (Martina Hacke)
  • Kelche, Pelze und Korallen Pfandobjekte als soziale Marker im städtischen Gefüge Wiens im 15. Jahrhundert (Elisabeth Gruber)
  • Kerbhölzer als Objekte materieller Kultur in den Kreditbeziehungen von Hirten im venezianischen Dalmatien des 15. Jahrhunderts (Fabian Kümmeler)
  • Archäologische Zeugnisse zum mittelalterlichen Kreditwesen (Felix Rösch)

More information and the entire publication in open access can be found here.

16 February 2023

JOURNAL: Special Issue "Les frontières du droit" (Cahiers Jean Moulin VIII (2022)) (OPEN ACCESS)


(image source: openedition)

Présentation du dossier « Frontières de la science du droit »
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1546

Enquêter sur les savoirs juridiques : controverses juridiques et traductions conceptuelles (Vincent Réveillère)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1551

This contribution develops a methodological reflection on the way in which it is possible to investigate legal knowledge. Firstly, an inquiry into the surface of EU law is proposed: taking seriously the controversy before the judge and surrounding its rulings allow us to see its institutive dimension. Legal concepts are not mere tools, totally under control, used to achieve certain ends defined in other terms, outside the law. They are far more than that : they participate to the constitution of legal and social realities that they pretend to regulate. They enable and limit what participants of a language-game can do, and they can even influence what they may want to do. Secondly, this approach is used to study a conceptual translation that occurs in three rulings of the Court of justice of the European Union dealing with family name.


Rendre compte de l’activité scientifique : étude à partir de la Revue du droit public (1904-1913) (Guillaume Richard)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1614

The Revue du droit public was created during the Third Republic to become the main French forum for the science of public law, in conjunction with its institutionalization in French law schools. The study of the bibliographic sections of the journal during the decade 1904-1913 offers a rich insight on the doctrinal construction of public law. The study is based on the actual practices of reading and selecting written material that was considered as belonging to the field of public law. It makes the science of public law appear as a flow that must be controlled and organized. The Revue du droit public thus constituted a « school of activity »: its functioning contributed to defining common scientific practices, without there necessarily being intellectual and doctrinal homogeneity among the contributors.

Dépasser les frontières disciplinaires dans la recherche en droit : une approche empirique (Albane Geslin)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1671

It is conventional today to stress that legal research, particularly in France, is relatively isolated from other scientific fields. To know whether the facts corroborate this general feeling, I propose to measure the degree of openness of the legal field by using a quantitative and, more precisely, bibliometric analysis.

La répression judiciaire de l’activité et de la propagande communiste des années 1920 à la Libération : entre rupture et continuité de l’infraction politique en droit français (Jacques Duret)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1721

After the Russian revolution of 1917, French society of the early 20’s is marked by the fear of a communism insurrection. This communist "threat" (Monier, 1998, p. 89 et seq.) quickly spreads within courts, where judges are in charge of repressing it. That being said, far from merely implementing the criminal strategy defined by the government against those accused, judges do not hesitate to play a significant part in having communist defendants be no longer considered as political criminals but as social criminals. This evolution of the concept of political offense raises many questions amongst authors, which will lead judges to adapt their approaches against such defendants. After the First World War, common law jurisdictions are hesitative with regards to the repression of first communist defendants. Subsequent governments are then looking for the ideal system with the assistance of the judges. Faced with the absence of exceptional jurisdictions and of a specific repressive law, judges will assimilate communist actions to anarchist activities, which have been punished for a long time through the "monstruous" laws. The French Supreme Court approves such judgements. Though deeply criticised by certain legal authors, this case law will last under the Vichy government, and will prove very useful for the fight of the État français against its natural enemies, the communists, in particular with respect to the setting-up of the sections spéciales. This also leads to question the position of French judges with respect to these defendants and its reasons.

L’étrange destin d’une institution « abandonnée » : les conseils d’arrondissement (Marie-Odile Nicoud)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1791

As part of the territorial reorganization initiated under the Consulate, the law of 28 Pluviôse year VIII created the arrondissement, an intermediate administrative district between the department and the municipality, headed by a sub-prefect with whom sat a deliberative assembly, the arrondissement council. Although the arrondissement still exists today, its assembly disappeared after the law of 12 October 1940, which only suspended its sessions. If no text expressly suppressed the arrondissement councils, these assemblies, despite their limited activities concerned with local interests, were contested from the moment they were created, considered useless and insignificant, and ignored in the best cases. These assemblies disappeared with general indifference, because there was no room between the municipalities and the departments for an administrative district and not for a local authority with an elected assembly which could have challenge both the existence of thousands of municipalities and the authority of the departments, which continued to assert themselves as an essential collective body throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

L’Instruction sur la procédure criminelle de 1791 : une autre présentation de la loi des 16-29 septembre 1791 sur la police de sûreté, la justice criminelle et l’établissement des jurés (François Moncassin)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1866

Although historiography on the reform of criminal procedure by the Constituents has often focused on the law of 16-29 September 1791, it has not studied another text per se. This is the Instruction sur la procédure criminelle of 29 September 1791, which the deputies adopted to complete this law. This text is primarily technical in that it describes the criminal procedure regenerated by the Constituents. But beyond it lies a power issue. The adoption of this Instruction was intended to enable the National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791) to assert its authority over the judiciary. It also insists on the need to remove the police’s activities from the judiciary.

Croiser les vérités pour approcher le « chiffre noir de la criminalité » Le travail historique de la Commission indépendante sur les abus dans l’Église catholique (Thomas Boullu & Guillaume Richard)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1984


Thomas Boullu a participé, en tant que membre du groupe de travail dirigé par Philippe Portier, aux travaux de la Commission indépendante sur les abus dans l’Église catholique (CIASE), présidée par Jean-Marc Sauvé, dont le rapport a conclu au caractère systémique des abus sexuels au sein de l’Église catholique. Il retrace dans cet entretien la méthode qui a été suivie par le groupe de travail sur l’histoire des prêtres abuseurs, les principaux résultats et le contexte dans lequel cette recherche a été menée.

Comptes rendus

  • Juan Manuel Hernandez Velez: Rafael Ramis Barceló, El nacimiento de la filosofía del derecho. De la Philosophia juris a la Rechtsphilosophie 
  • Florent Garnier:  Manon Altwegg-Boussac (sous la direction scientifique de), Introduire au droit. Regards critiques sur un enseignement 
Read the full issue in open access on openedition.

BOOK: Sabrina BLANK, Caterina CAPPUCCIO (eds.), L’universalità del papato medievale (sec. VI-XIII). Nuove prospettive di ricerca (Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2022). ISBN: 9788834348390


Il volume presenta i risultati del convegno internazionale tenutosi alla Bergische Universität di Wuppertal nel settembre 2019. I contributi raccolti si confrontano con la seconda affermazione contenuta nel dictatus papae di Gregorio VII (Quod solus Romanus pontifex iure dicatur universalis). L’affermazione dell’universalità del papato, già a più riprese indagata dalla storiografia europea, è qui l’oggetto delle ricerche di giovani studiosi e studiose sia da un punto di vista normativo, come nei casi delle elezioni papali, sia nella riflessione teologica di età altomedievale. Questa pubblicazione si inserisce nella linea delle più recenti e affermate tendenze storiografiche della medievistica e dedica particolare attenzione non solo alle norme alla base dell’universalità del papato, ma anche all’applicazione di tali teorie attraverso l’analisi di alcuni vettori dell’interazione tra il papato e le realtà locali. Lo studio di questi attori dell’interazione costituisce la base imprescindibile per la comprensione del papato medievale nelle sue relazioni con le province ecclesiastiche, con l’intento di verificare e approfondire il rapporto esistente tra norma e prassi.


Sabrina Blank ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Storia medievale presso la Bergische Universität Wuppertal. Le sue ricerche si concentrano sulle elezioni papali e la non giudicabilità del papato dall´età tardo antica al pontificato di Alessandro III. Attualmente è wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin presso la RWTH ad Aachen.

Caterina Cappuccio ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Storia medievale presso la Bergische Universität Wuppertal in cotutela di tesi con l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Le sue ricerche riguardano la curia romana nel XII e XIII secolo, con particolare attenzione all’istituzione della cappella papale. Attualmente è wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin presso la Bergische Universität di Wuppertal.



  • SABRINA BLANK: …electio uero eorum diuino iudicio est reseruata: Nichtjudizierbarkeit und Papstwahlen in den Kanonessammlungen des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts
  • MARCO CRISTINI: In toto orbe primus omnium sacerdotum: Pope Vigilius, Arator and the Petrine Primacy
  • MARCO SIRTOLI: Poeti carolingi e primato della Sede Apostolica nel IX secolo


  • ANDREA A. VERARDI: Le elezioni papali nel Liber Pontificalis romano (secoli VI-IX)
  • ENRICO VENEZIANI: Sed patitur Caelestis, ego nescio cur, aliquando quae nollet: alcune considerazioni sull’elezione di Onorio II
  • STEPHAN PONGRATZ: Kritische Partizipation – Kardinäle und Kurie in den Papstviten des Kardinals Boso
  • ERIC MÜLLER: Kaufmannbankiers und Römische Kurie. Die Rolle der mercatores im sogenannten Protokollbuch des Bassus de Civitate (1269-1276)
  • ALBERTO SPATARO: Potere spirituale e temporale nel governo del Patrimonium Sancti Petri tra XII e XIII secolo. Una proposta di rilettura a partire dal caso di Assisi


  • MARIA VEZZONI: Alexander II and the universalis Ecclesia: from praxis to theory
  • CATERINA CICCOPIEDI: I vescovi del Nord Italia: strumento del governo papale?
  • CATERINA CAPPUCCIO: Die päpstliche Kapelle: Entwicklung und Wirksamkeit einer Institution der römischen Kurie
  • FRANCESCO D’ANGELO: La Scandinavia da terra di missione a fidelis Romanae ecclesiae. L’affermazione dell’autorità papale in Scandinavia (secoli XI-XII)

More information can be found here.

15 February 2023

LECTURE: Paul DU PLESSIS - Henry Sumner Maine on the Origins of Property (23.02.2023, 5 p.m., Szczecin, online)


(Image source: organizers)

Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Szczecin will hold an open lecture with prof. Paul du Plessis titled: "Henry Sumner Maine on the Origns of Property" (23.02.2023, 5 p.m.).

Paul J. du Plessis holds the chair of Roman law at the University of Edinburgh. He is a legal historian whose research focuses predominantly on the multifaceted and complex set of relationships between law and society in a historical context. His main field of research is Roman law (with specific reference to property, obligations and, to a lesser extent, persons and family).

To join the meeting online send an email to prof. Maciej Jońca (

14 February 2023

SSRN PAPER: Gregory ABLAVSKY & W. Tanner ALLREAD, "We the (Native) People?: How Indigenous Peoples Debated the U.S. Constitution" (Columbia Law Review (forthcoming))


(image source: Wikimedia Commons)


The Constitution was written in the name of the “People of the United States.” And yet, many of the nation’s actual people were excluded from the document’s drafting and ratification based on race, gender, and class. But these groups were far from silent. A more inclusive constitutional history might capture marginalized communities’ roles as actors, not just subjects, in constitutional debates. This Article uses the tools of legal and Native history to examine how one such group, Indigenous peoples, argued about and with the U.S. Constitution. It analogizes Native engagement to some of the foundational frames of the “Founding” to underscore its significance for current constitutional discourse. Like their Anglo-American neighbors, Native peoples, too, had a prerevolutionary constitutional order—what we here dub the “diplomatic constitution”—that experienced a crisis during and after the Revolution. After the Constitution’s drafting, Native peoples engaged in their own version of the ratification debates. And then, in the early republic, Native peoples both invoked and critiqued the document as they faced Removal. This Article’s most important contribution is proof of concept, illustrating what a more inclusive constitutional history might look like. Still, some of the payoffs are doctrinal: broadening the “public” in original public meaning, for instance. But the more significant stakes are theoretical. As this Article contends, by recognizing Indigenous law and constitutional interpretations as part of “our law”—in other words, the pre- and post-constitutional legal heritage of the United States—Native peoples can claim their role as co-creators of constitutional law.

Read the paper on SSRN

BOOK: Stefano MALPASSI. LA «DEMOCRAZIA ECONOMICA» AMERICANA Alla ricerca di un ordine giuridico del mercato, tra cultura individualistica e tentazioni corporativistiche (1919-1939). (Milano, Giuffrè, 2023). ISBN 9788828850229. 49,40€



Nel Novecento il rapporto tra diritto ed economia ha condizionato grandemente l’evoluzione del pensiero giuridico americano, a partire da quelle teorizzazioni dell’ordine del mercato che nel ventennio fra le due guerre mondiali si fondavano sempre più spesso sul ripensamento, o persino sul rifiuto, dell’individualismo. Le soluzioni istituzionali create per far fronte all’emergenza bellica, prima, e per rispondere alla Grande depressione, poi, facevano emergere un protagonismo nuovo dello Stato ma anche dei gruppi sociali, che ha condizionato la disciplina della concorrenza e del credito imponendo, infine, una trasformazione dell’ordine giuridico-costituzionale. Un processo che s’inseriva in un contesto culturale popolato sempre più da teorizzazioni ultra-individualistiche e nel quale il corporativismo appariva una riflessione capace di conciliare, invece, iniziativa privata e regolazione pubblica, alimentando così l’interesse per il modello fascista, pur lontano dalla tradizione (giuspolitica) e dal contesto (geografico e nazionale) americano. Corporativismo e New Deal possono essere riletti, allora, anche alla luce di questi studi incrociati, i quali, al di là del successo o dell’insuccesso delle diverse soluzioni immaginate, hanno favorito un ripensamento del rapporto diritto-economia capace di condizionare i contorni della nuova «democrazia economica» americana.

13 February 2023

BOOK: Giandomenico DODARO, Giuliano Vassalli tra fascismo e democrazia. Biografia di un penalista partigiano (1915-1948). (Milano, Giuffrè, 2023). ISBN 9788828844488. 49,40€



Icona di una generazione di giovani giuristi costituenti, protagonisti della storia dell’Italia repubblicana, precursore della seconda generazione della “penalistica civile” del XX secolo, Giuliano Vassalli costituisce una delle figure-chiave per la comprensione degli sviluppi della cultura penalistica italiana nel passaggio dalla dittatura alla democrazia costituzionale.

Della sua lunga vita il libro racconta gli anni della giovinezza, della formazione giuridica e della maturazione politica attraverso non solo l’analisi dottrinale delle sue opere scientifiche o giornalistico-divulgative, ma anche un accurato studio di fonti storiche d’archivio, molte delle quali inedite. La ricerca ha permesso di comprendere in maniera più chiara le scelte, che Vassalli veniva maturando nei confronti degli eventi e del potere costituito nel fluire delle dinamiche politico istituzionali.

Le biografie, poco note, di altri giuristi, affermati e attivi scientificamente in quegli anni o, come Vassalli, all’inizio della carriera accademica, riscoperte in alcuni casi attraverso un paziente scavo storiografico, hanno consentito di restituire uno spaccato più completo e sfaccettato delle culture penalistiche dell’epoca e del modo di interpretare il ruolo del giurista accademico

SEMINAR: "L'individualismo giuridico: origine e crisi nella modernità giuridica" - Martedì 14 febbraio, Napoli


10 February 2023

BOOK: Audrey DAUCHY & Laila SCHEUCH (Hrsg.), Arbeit und Familie in Nordwesteuropa im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit Travail et famille en Europe du Nord-Ouest au bas Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne (Studien zur europäische Rechtsgeschichte; 338) (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2023), VIII + 214 p. ISBN 9783456046028


(image source: MPILHLT)


This volume brings together contributions on the theme of work and family in late medieval and modern societies in north-western Europe by social, economic and legal historians from France, Germany and Switzerland. The studies, originally presented at an interdisciplinary conference held in Frankfurt am Main, explore women's agency, their relation to work within the context of family structures, and the dynamics of social reproduction, whether desired or imposed. The contributors draw on court files, guild regulations, correspondence between spouses, legislative sources, customary law, learned treatises, and parish registers to open up new perspectives on the (legal) history of work within the family, in kinship networks, or in comparable social contexts.

Read more here

BOOK: Nandini BOODIA-CANOO, Slavery, Indenture and the Law: Assembling a Nation in Colonial Mauritius (Abingdon: Routledge, 2023), 220 pp., ISBN 9781032322018, £120


(image courtesy: Routledge)

Book description: 
This book addresses historical issues of colonialism and race, which influenced the formation of multicultural society in Mauritius. During the 19th century, Mauritius was Britain’s prime sugar-producing colony, yet, unlike the West Indies, its history has remained significantly under-researched. The modern demographic of multi-ethnic Mauritius is unusual as, in the absence of an indigenous people, descendants of colonists, slaves and indentured labourers constitute the majority of the island’s population today. Thus, it may be said that the Mauritian nation was "assembled" during the period in question. This work draws on an in-depth examination of the two labour systems through which the island came to be populated: slavery and indenture. In studying the relevant laws, four legal events of historical importance within the context of these two labour systems are identified: the abolition of the slave trade, the abolition of slavery, private indentured labour migration and state-regulated indenture. This book is notable in that it presents a legal analysis of core historical events, thus straddling the line between two disciplines, and covers both slavery and indentured labour in Mauritian history. Mauritius, as an originally uninhabited island, presents a rare case study for inquiries into colonial legacies, multiculturalism and race consciousness. The book will be a valuable resource to scholars worldwide in the fields of slavery, indenture and the legal apparatus of forced labour.
Table of contents: 
List of Figures and Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Historical Background
Part I: Slavery
Chapter 3: The Abolition of the Slave Trade
Chapter 4: The Abolition of Slavery
Part II: Indentured Labour
Chapter 5: Informal Indenture and Apprenticeships
Chapter 6: State-Regulated Indenture and The Emergence of an Indian Peasantry
Chapter 7: Conclusion
About the author: 
Nandini Boodia-Canoo is a lawyer and an academic, currently teaching at Bloomsbury Institute London. Her scholarship is interdisciplinary, covering law, history, international relations and sociology.
More information can be found here

09 February 2023

BOOK: Guido ROSSI, Ordinatio ad casum. Legal Causation in Italy (14th–17th centuries) [Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte; 339] (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2O23), X + 331 p. ISBN 9783465046080


(image source: MPILHLT)


The book examines the development of legal causation in Italy from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries, focusing especially on practice-oriented literature (decisiones and consilia). Causality began to be discussed from the late thirteenth century and especially during the first half of the fourteenth, when it was described as ordinatio. In private law, ordinatio remained the standard approach to causation during the entire early modern period: centuries of legal practice mainly refined its scope but did not change its core. By contrast, its application in criminal law would increasingly clash with the intentionality requirement, and so it was progressively challenged.

More information here

JOURNAL: Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international XXIV (2022), no. 4


(image source: Brill)


Spotlight Interview 2021: Gilad Ben-Nun, How Jewish Is International Law? 
DOI 10.1163/15718050-12340215

Acquisitive Prescription in Early Modern International Law (Alexander Batson)
DOI 10.1163/15718050-12340198

This article examines the role of Roman acquisitive prescription in early modern international law debates. The ubiquity of prescription demonstrates the importance of Roman private law in the development of international law. Yet, although it was a widely-used juristic concept, there was no consensus about its legitimacy in international relations from 1500 to 1800. Debates raged over whether it was a product of the natural law, the law of nations, or the Roman civil law. There was a crucial tension between prescription’s utility in confirming the political status quo and its tendency to justify ownership based on prior injustice or violence. In assessing the place of prescription in international law, this article examines its use by Grotius, Vázquez, Freitas, Boecler, Conring, Bellarmine, Solórzano, and others in debates over freedom of the seas, imperial possessions in the Americas, Dutch independence, papal temporal power, and the aftermath of the Thirty Years War.

The Origins of Regional Ideas: International Law, External Legitimization and Latin America’s ‘legalismo’ (Nicole Jenne)
DOI 10.1163/15718050-bja10022

Latin American politics are widely characterized by legalismo: a set of practices that can be traced to the notion of a continental or regional, American or Latin American International Law (AIL/LAIL) including the American international congresses and treaties, the practice of invoking AIL/LAIL’s various principles, and the use of judicial and quasi-judicial means of conflict resolution. However, it is far less clear where the origins of Latin America’s legalismo culture lay. Moreover, why did this formalistic-legalistic culture not take root in other regions? The article uses an original comparative historical approach to show that legalismo was a product of two conditions unique to Latin America: the distinctive security needs of its newly independent states and the time of independence. In comparison with Southeast Asia and Africa, I argue that legalismo was central to Latin America’s regional idea but that the practical impact of international law was not stronger than elsewhere.

Disarmament Debates around the 1899 Hague Peace Conference and the 1921–1922 Washington Conference: Community-Oriented Aspirations and Individual Security Concerns (Mika Hayashi)
DOI 10.1163/15718050-12340191

When disarmament started to interest the major states and international lawyers at around the time of the 1899 Hague Conference, two distinct positions concerning the law of disarmament became apparent: proponents and opponents. The proponents, with their community-oriented aspirations, found much merit in establishing the law of disarmament, while the opponents, with their individual security concerns, saw nothing but negative consequences for such a possibility. Given these two forces in the disarmament debate, one could wonder how the 1921–1922 Washington Conference was able to produce a treaty limiting the naval armament. This article tries to show that the Washington Naval Treaty was different from the law of disarmament that the proponents had envisioned, and that it was made possible by carefully crafted provisions to limit its own impact on the security of the naval powers.

Theorizing the Normative Significance of Critical Histories for International Law (Damian Cueni & Matthieu Queloz) (OPEN ACCESS)
DOI 10.1163/15718050-12340207

Though recent years have seen a proliferation of critical histories of international law, their normative significance remains under-theorized, especially from the perspective of general readers rather than writers of such histories. How do critical histories of international law acquire their normative significance? And how should one react to them? We distinguish three ways in which critical histories can be normatively significant: (i) by undermining the overt or covert conceptions of history embedded within present practices in support of their authority; (ii) by disappointing the normative expectations that regulate people’s reactions to critical histories; and (iii) by revealing continuities and discontinuities in the functions that our practices serve. By giving us a theoretical grip on the different ways in which history can be normatively significant and call for different reactions, this account helps us think about the overall normative significance of critical histories and how one and the same critical history can pull us in different directions.

Book reviews

  • Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination, written by Adom Getachew (Daniel R. Quiroga-Villamarín)
  • The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War, written by Nicholas Mulder (Hossein Askari)
Read everything on Brill's website.

SEMINAR: IPS Belgium Seminar Series 2022-2023 / Session 5: Daniel R. QUIROGA-VILLAMARIN: “Architects of the Better World’: The Birth of the International Parliamentary Complex (1918-1998)” - Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and online [hybrid]


Session 5 - February 24:

Daniel R. QUIROGA-VILLAMARIN (IHEID, VUB): “Architects of the Better World’: The Birth of the International Parliamentary Complex (1918-1998)

Discussant: Tanja Aalberts (VUA) & Gabriella Gricius (Colorado State University)

Daniel Ricardo Quiroga-Villamarín holds a Law degree (with a minor in Public Affairs) from the Universidad de los Andes —Uniandes (Bogotá, Colombia) and a MA in International Law from the Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement —IHEID (Geneva, Switzerland), where he was awarded the Fondation Hans Wilsdorf scholarship and the 2020 Mariano Garcia Rubio Prize for best MA Mémoire (2018-2020). He is pursuing his doctoral degree in International Law (with a minor in International History & Politics) at this same institution (2020-2024), with the financial support of a three-year Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Doc.CH fellowship (2021-2024). He is currently teaching, as an adjunct lecturer, at Uniandes during the spring 2023 academic term.

Click here for registration to the event.

08 February 2023

CONFERENCE: Das Burgenland als rechtlicher Zwischenraum, 20./21. Februar 2023, Eisenstadt


(Source:  Institut für Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte)

Das Burgenland als rechtlicher Zwischenraum

Im Jahr 1921 wurde das westungarische deutschsprachige Siedlungsgebiet als Burgenland in die Republik Österreich eingegliedert. Dabei blieb, wie das Burgenlandgesetz ausdrücklich anordnete, das in diesem Gebiet geltende ungarische Recht zunächst in Kraft. Eine Rechtsangleichung kann allenfalls im Zuge der Rechtspraxis stattgefunden haben. Das Burgenland bildete in dieser Zeit also gleichsam einen Raum zwischen österreichischem und ungarischem Recht. Alsbald begann jedoch schrittweise ein weitreichender Rechtsangleichungsprozeß an die gesamtösterreichische Rechtsordnung. Prominente Ausnahmen waren allerdings das Eherecht und das Grundbuchrecht. Im Rahmen einer Tagung möchten wir diesen rechtlichen Zwischenraum erkunden.


20. 02. 2023, 14.00

- Eröffnung und Grußworte
- Thomas Olechowski (Wien): Das Burgenland, die Pariser Vororteverträge und das Vendiger Protokoll
- Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz (Wien/Regensburg): Ungarisches Recht - Burgenländisches Recht - Österreichisches Recht? Zwischen Rechtspartikularismus und Rechtsübernahme
- Gabor Hamza (Budapest): Zur Fortgeltung der Regeln der Iudexcuralkonferenz im Burgenland
- Kinga Beliznai (Budapest): „Vielleicht die einzige gute Sache”. Die Fortgeltung des ungarischen Eherechts im Burgenland nach 1921
- Gerald Kohl (Wien)/Raphael Kaplan (Eisenstadt): Probleme des Grundbuchsrechts im Burgenland

21. 02. 2023, 09.00

- Attila Barna (Györ): Wandel der Öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Zwischenkriegszeit in Burgenland und in West-Ungarn
- Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal (Wien): Heimatrecht und Staatsbürgerschaft im Burgenland
- Christian Neschwara (Wien): Notariatsrecht und Notare im Burgenland 1922/23
- Franz Esterházy (München): Fürst Dr. Paul Esterhazy von Galantha (1901–1989) – Erbrecht und Erbfolge im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- Ondřej Horák (Brno): Die Rolle des ungarischen Zivilrechts bei der Rechtsvereinheitlichung in der Tschechoslowakei oder was Österreich vom burgenländisch-ungarischen Recht hätten lernen können
- Martin Löhnig (Regensburg): Schlusswort
- Abschlussdiskussion

Veranstalter Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz, LL.M., Institut für Rechts-und Verfassungsgeschichte, Univ. Wien; Prof. Martin Löhnig, Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsche und Europäische Rechtsgeschichte und Kirchenrecht, Univ. Regensburg

Landtag des Bundeslandes Burgenland (Teilnahme ist auch per Zoom möglich)

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Weitere Informationen hier.

BOOK: Franciszek LONGCHAMPS DE BÉRIER, Rafael DOMINGO (eds.), Law and Christianity in Poland: The Legacy of the Great Jurists (Abingdon: Routledge, 2021, ISBN 9781032019727)

(Image source: Routledge)


Routledge is publishing a new edited collection in the Law and Religion series. This volume is the first comprehensive study of the Polish history of law and Christianity written in English for a global audience.

It examines the lives of twenty-one central figures in Polish law with a focus on how their Christian faith was a factor in molding the evolution of law in their country and the region. The individuals selected for study exhibit wide-ranging areas of expertise, from private law and codification, through national public law and constitutional law, to international developments that left their mark on Poland and the world. The chapters discuss the jurists within their historical, intellectual, and political context. The editors selected jurists after extensive consultation with legal historians looking at the jurists’ particular merits, contributions to law in general, religious perspective, and period under consideration.

The collection will appeal to scholars, lawyers, and students interested in the interplay between law and religion. Political, social, legal, and religious historians, among other readers, will find, for the first time in English, authoritative treatments of essential Polish legal thinkers and authors.


Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier is Professor of Law and the Head of the Department of Roman Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków; he also teaches at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, Poland.

Rafael Domingo is the Spruill Family Professor of Law and Religion at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and Alvaro d’Ors Professor of Law at the University of Navarra, Spain.


Foreword, John Witte Jr.
Introduction, Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier and Rafael Domingo
1. Wincenty Kadłubek, Magister Vincentius (ca. 1150–1223), Grzegorz J. Blicharz
2. Stanisław of Skarbimierz (ca. 1365–1431) and Paweł Włodkowic (1370/73–1435/36), Michał Kowalski
3. Jadwiga of Anjou (1374–1399), Karolina Wyrwińska
4. Mikołaj Kopernik, Copernicus (1473–1543), Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier
5. Anna Jagiellon (1523–1596), Anna Karabowicz
6. Mikołaj Zalaszowski (1631–1703), Izabela Lewandowska-Malec
7. Teodor Ostrowski (1750–1802), Sławomir Godek
8. Antoni Zygmunt Helcel (1808–1870), Dorota Malec
9. Leopold Caro (1864–1939), Michał Gierycz
10. Leon Petrażycki (1867–1931), Jan Rudnicki
11. Juliusz Makarewicz (1872–1955), Jan Rudnicki
12. Roman Longchamps de Bérier (1883–1941), Adam Redzik
13. Stefan Wyszyński (1901–1981), Maciej Mikuła
14. Edward Grzymała (1906–1942), Wojciech Dajczak
15. Zygmunt Ziembiński (1920–1996), Maciej Dybowski
16. Karol Józef Wojtyła, Pope John Paul II (1920–2005), Rafael Domingo
17. Irena Malinowska-Kwiatkowska (1925–1994), Andrzej Dziadzio
18. Henryk Kupiszewski (1927–1994), Grzegorz J. Blicharz
19. Andrzej Stelmachowski (1925–2009), Małgorzata Korzycka and Paweł Wojciechowski
20. Remigiusz Sobański (1930–2010), Magdalena Sitek

More info here.