
31 May 2016

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: North versus South ? Gender, Law and Economics in Early Modern and Modern Europe (15th-19th Century); DEADLINE 30 JUL 2016

(image source: Normandie Université)

The Research Group at the University of Normandy (Rouen) and the Institut Universitaire de France host the 8th Conference of the European Network on Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures.

The aim of the 8th conference of the network Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures will be to analyse the consequences of different European juridical systems on the development of specific economic roles for men and women. At the core of the comparative analysis, at the European scale, there will be the different economic evolutions of European regions in the early modern and modern times. Customary laws characterized Northern Europe and Roman law characterized Southern Europe, but at the local level there were many differences, depending on urban statutes, craft rules, family structures, political and economic systems.
Some gender historians of early modern economy applied to early modern societies categories that had been created by the economists of emerging countries in order to challenge the relationships between women's economic rights, marital economy and economic development. In a provocative and stimulating article, Amy L. Erickson suggested a relationship between the development of English capitalism, in the 18th century, and the fact that married women, under the regime of the “common law”, lost all their properties. This allowed husbands to use, and to invest, much more capitals than if they had had to save their wives' dowry, in case they had to claim it, when widowed, as it was current in Mediterranean Europe, under the regime of the Roman law. At the same time, single women had the complete control on their goods, much more than in most early modern societies. The outcome was that, in early modern England, there was an important stock of potential investors1.
In a recent article, Tine De Moor and Jan Luiten Van Zanden argued that in Early Modern North-West Europe the transfer of property – from parents to children and from bride to groom – was a crucial factor for the development of “labour-market oriented” strategies, that enabled the rapid economic growth of the area. Indeed, in North-West Europe the necessity/will to amass resources with a view to marriage encouraged young girls to enter the temporary service. At the same time, a marital regime based on the conjugal fund, stimulated the wives to take part actively in the business family. In contrast, in South Europe the endowment system would have kept women away from the labour market, since their position was more or less fixed by the presence of the dowry, that they received as inheritance portion from their family estate and got back from their husband's heirs in widowhood2.
Sheilagh Ogilvie suggested a link between the exclusion of both women and Jews from the “social capital” represented by guilds' networks in Southern Germany, and the subsequent lack of capitalistic development of that region of Europe3. The research about women and guilds in Early Modern European cities often insisted on the exclusion on women from guilds, at least in the early modern period. The problem of the presence, or rather absence, of women from guilds is part of the more general problem of the evolution of women's role in skilled activities, during the early modern times, since the “decline thesis”, developed in 1919 by Alice Clark, and challenged, for the Italian case, by Angela Groppi and Simona Laudani and, for the French case, by Claire Crowston and Daryl Hafter.
More generally, the aim of the conference is to question the narrative of the “great divergence” between the economies of Northern and Southern Europe in relation with the opportunities that different juridical systems gave to women and men to act in the society as economic actors. Were they so different? Were women allowed to play a public role, recognised at an institutional level? Which role did women’s property play in the urban economy? And how did a specific kind of marital economy influence the economic development? Are “industrious” and “industrial” revolutions useful tools to understand the economic development and, if it is the case, are they related to specific juridical systems?
  • Ågren Maria, EricksonAmy Louise (eds.), The Marital Economy in Scandinavia and Britain, 1400-1900, Aldershot-Burlington, Ashgate, 2005
  • Beattie, Cordelia and Matthew Frank Stevens (eds.), Married women and the law in premodern Western Europe, Woodbridge-Rochester, Boydell, 2013
  • Bellavitis Anna, Jourdain Virginie, Lemonnier-Lesage Virginie, Zucca Micheletto Beatrice (dir.), « Tout ce qu’elle saura et pourra faire ». Femmes, droits, travail en Normandie du Moyen Âge à la Grande guerre, Mont St. Aignan, PURH, 2015
  • De Moor Tine & van Zanden Jan Luiten, Girl power: The European marriage pattern and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period , « The Economic History Review », 1(63), 2010, p. 133
  • De Vries Jan, The Industrious Revolution. Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008
  • Erickson, Amy Louise, Coverture and Capitalism, « History Workshop Journal », No. 59 (Spring, 2005), p. 1-16
  • Groppi Angela (ed.), Storia delle donne in Italia : Il lavoro delle donne , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1994
  • Howell Martha C., Women, Production and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities , Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1986
  • Howell Martha C., Commerce before Capitalism in Europe, 1300-1600, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010
  • Humphries Jane & Sarasúa Carmen, Off the Record : Reconstructing Women’s Labor Force Participation in the European Past, « Feminist Economics », 18, 4 (2012), p. 39-67
  • Ogilvie Sheilagh, A Bitter Living : Women, Markets, and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003
  • Schmidt Ariadne & van Nederveen Meerkerk Elise, Reconsidering The “First Male-Breadwinner Economy”: Women's Labor ForceParticipation in the Netherlands, 1600–1900, « Feminist Economics », 18, 4 (2012), p. 69-96
  • Simonton Deborah & Montenach Anne (eds.), Female Agency in the Urban Economy. Gender in European Towns, 1640-1830, New York-London, Routledge, 2013
  • Sperling Jutta Gisela and Kelly Wray Shona (eds.), Across the Religious Divide. Women, Property, and Law in the Wider Mediteranean (ca. 1300-1800), New York – London, Routledge, 2010
  • Van der Heuvel Danielle, Women and Entrepreneurship. Female traders in the Northern Netherlands, 1580-1815, Amsterdam, Askant, 2007
  • Wiesner Merry, Working Women in Renaissance Germany, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press 1986
  • Zucca Micheletto Beatrice, Reconsidering Women's Labor Force Participation Rates in Eighteenth-Century Turin, « Feminist Economics », 19, 4 (2013), p. 200-223
  • Zucca Micheletto Beatrice, Travail et propriété des femmes en temps de crise (Turin, XVIII siècle), Mont Saint-Aignan, PURH, 2014
NotesAmy Louise Erickson, Coverture and Capitalism, « History Workshop Journal », No. 59 (Spring, 2005), p. 1-16Tine De Moor & Jan Luiten van Zanden, Girl power: The European marriage pattern and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period , « The Economic History Review », 1(63), 2010, p. 133Sheilagh Ogilvie, A Bitter Living : Women, Markets, and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003
Practical details:
Please, send suggestions for contributions in the form of an abstract in English or in French (3000 characters max)
by July 30th 2016to : and to
The conference will cover the expenses of accommodation and most meals of all speakers. The participants will be asked to make every effort to secure travelling expenses from their own institutions but the organizers are working towards reimbursing the cost of budget travelling for those unable to find other sponsors. 

30 May 2016

JOURNAL: The Journal on European History of Law VII(2016), Issue 1 (ISSN 2042-6402)

The Journal on European History of Law published its latest issue.

Table of Contents:
JOURNAL: Journal on European History of Law VII (2016), No. 1

Research articles: Diemut Majer: Peter Saladin (1935 – 1997)
Christoph Schmetterer: Der strafrechtliche Schutz von Kaiser und Kaiserhaus in Österreich von 1848 – 1918 (The Criminal Protection of the Emperor and the Imperial Family in Austria 1848 –1918)
Astrid Lorenz: Parties and Rules. Constitution-making in the East German Länder after 1990
Andrew Watson: Victorian Jury Court Advocacy and Signs of Fundamental Change
Patrizia Resta: The Revenge of Soghomon Tehlirian
Javier Belda Iniesta: The Pleasure of Privacy: Confession and Inquisition as Means to Cause the Correction of Sinful Consciences around the IV Lateran Council
Rudransh Sharma: History of Legal Profession in India
János Jusztinger: Dogmatics of Criminal Law and the Roman Jurisprudence
József Benke: The Remembrance of ‘Praetor Paulus’ in Mid-Tudor England
Csaba Cservák: Development Span of the Hungarian Governmental Forms (in an International Comparison)
Katalin Ibolya Koncz: Divorce and Undeserving of Permanent Alimony according to the Practices of the Hungarian Royal Curia
Iván Halász: The Development of Czechoslovak, Polish and Hungarian Foreign Affairs Administration between the Two World Wars (1918 – 1939)
Dávid Klemm: An Attempt to Establish the European Army: The Pleven Plan
Przemysław Dąbrowski: The Structure and Powers of the Councils of State in the Kingdom of Poland between 1815 and 1867
Maria Lewandowicz: On the Universalist Heritage in the Codification of Private Law in Poland and Switzerland in the 19th and 20th Century
Lenka Šmídová Malárová: „Causa legittimae absentiae“ in Legal Praxis of the Medieval Town Law in Moravia
František Emmert: The Expansion of so-called Reich Citizenship in the Czech Territories during the War Years and its Post-war Consequences
Johan Schweigl: The Fundamental Events within the Development of Central Banking in the Czech Lands
Miriam Laclavíková, Andrea Olšovská:  Besondere Arbeitsbedingungen von Frauen im Hinblick auf den Schutz vom Wert der Mutterschaft auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei – Vergangenheit vs. Gegenwart (Special Working Conditions of Women with Regard to the Maternity in the Territory of Slovakia - History vs. Present Times)
József Szalma: Einfluss der deutschen Willens- und Erklärungstheorie auf europäische zivilrechtliche Kodifikationen und Theorie über die Willensgeschäfte - mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des serbischen Privatrechts (The Impact of the Intention Theory and Expression Theory in the German Doctrine of Juridical Acts on the European Civil Law Doctrine and Codifications, with special Consideration of Serbian Law)
Dunja Pastović: “Defect of Sex”: Exclusion of Women from Jury Service in Istria 1873 – 1918
Arijana Kolak Bošnjak: The Flip Side of Freedom. The Attitude towards Pro-Hungarians in Banal Croatia in 1848/49
Engjell Likmeta: Some Reflections on the Delicts of the First Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania
Marina Baratová: The Evolution of Russian Housing Law during the 20th Century
Oleksandr Gavrylenko, Oksana Skryl: Legal Regulation of Civil Contracts in Ancient City-States of the Black Sea Northern Coast
Readers React:
Andreas Raffeiner: Gedanken zum „Recht auf die Heimat“

Book reviews: Allerlei Rechtsgeschichten - von Hammurabi bis zum Code civil. Ein Blick auf die Schriftenreihe des Rechtshistorischen Museums Karlsruhe
Das ABGB im Spiegel der rechtshistorischen Literatur
Guy Burak: The Second Formation of Islamic Law. The Hanafi School in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Wilfried Hartman, Kenneth Pennington: The History of Byzantine and Eastern Canon Law to 1500
Julian Lubini: Die Verwaltungsgerichtbarkeit in den Ländern der SBZ/DDR 1945 – 1952
Gerhard Strejcek: Erlerntes Recht. Zur Ausbildung von Juristinnen und Juristen an der Wiener Universität 1365 – 2015

25 May 2016

BOOK: "Der Friedensvertrag Georgs von Podiebrad von 1464 vor dem Hintergrund der spätmittelalterlichen Vertragspraxis" by Magda Schusterová (2016)

Magda Schusterová, Der Friedensvertrag Georgs von Podiebrad von 1464 vor dem Hintergrund der spätmittelalterlichen Vertragspraxis

all information here

start reading a preview of the book here

Der Friedensvertrag des böhmischen Königs Georg von Podiebrad (1458–1471) sucht eine Alternative zur bestehenden mittelalterlichen Ordo (respublica christiana) und bietet damit einen Ausblick auf die kommende weltliche Ordnung Europas. Gleichzeitig deutet der Friedensvertrag die Geburt des Völkerrechts an. Er vereint in sich zwei Aspekte – den eines Bündnisses und den eines Bundes. Grundlage der Podiebradschen Friedensliga und somit der Ausgestaltung der inter-europäischen Beziehungen sollte die Figur einer durch Schwur begründeten Korporation sein. Die Einzigartigkeit des Vertrages liegt aber nicht in der Schaffung von etwas völlig Neuem, sondern in der Zusammenführung vorgefundener Rechtstraditionen und Ideen. Er stellt dabei einen herausragenden Beleg für den Rechtspluralismus des Mittelalters dar.

NOTICE: « Frontières », Journées anniversaires de l’EHESS – Droit et sciences sociales (Paris, June 3-4 2016)

WHAT « Frontières », Journées anniversaires de l’EHESS – Droit et sciences sociales

WHEN June 3-4 2016

WHERE EHESS, June 3: 190, Av. de France, salle 15 - June 4: 105, Bd. Raspail, salle 7&8

Quand la demande d’abolition des frontières se fait pressante, qu’elle vienne des pouvoirs économiques ou de la société civile, que de multiples frontières et murs se recréent dans toutes les régions du monde, que des guerres sont à la fois localisées et déterritorialisées, il paraît nécessaire de revenir aux origines, lorsque le concept n’existait pas encore, aux raisons d’être qui ont été avancées pour les constituer, aux fonctions qui leur sont dévolues. Nous le ferons en examinant d’emblée le sens de la revendication contemporaine de leur abolition. Munis de ce bagage, nous cheminerons, depuis la pluralité des concepts utilisés par les historiens grecs jusqu’au sillon de Romulus, fondateur pour la mythologie juridique. Le mot frontière s’imposa lentement pour acquérir son sens actuel, et sa représentation – un trait sur une carte qui crée dans le même temps, des espaces séparés et des zones d’échanges. En droit constitutionnel, ce trait délimite un territoire, où vit un peuple, éventuellement avec des minorités ou/et des peuples autochtones, peuple sur lequel s’exerce, ou cherche à s’exercer, un pouvoir souverain. De l’autre côté du trait s’exerce un autre pouvoir souverain. Il y a donc un rapport spécifique entre le trait abstrait, sa matérialisation par des postes-frontières, check-points, murailles, la surface à l’intérieur du trait et l’institutionnalisation de formes de pouvoir et de gouvernement impliquant une administration, une justice, une fiscalité, un drapeau, une ou des monnaies, etc. Ces traits peuvent être contestés – ce sont les conflits frontaliers, chauds ou froids, qui se règlent par la force ou par le droit –, déplacés – que ce soit par la force ou par accord entre les parties, renforcés par des murs, coordonnés avec d’autres lorsque se forme une entité régionale comme l’Union européenne. Sans ce rapport entre le trait, la surface, le peuple et un pouvoir de jurisdictio, une politique consentie est-elle possible ?

*     *

Vendredi 3 juin 
EHESS – 190 Av. de France 75013 Paris
Salle 15

La question

♦ 9h-10h : Le problème juridique de la revendication d’abolition des frontières
Otto Pfersmann, Directeur d’études à l’EHESS 

Le mot « frontière » est utilisé dans la construction de multiples concepts et en vue de multiples finalités. Le concept juridique de frontière réfère au domaine spatial de validité d’un système de normes présentant des propriétés spécifiques ainsi que, plus étroitement, au domaine spatial de sanction (où la « sanction » réfère à l’obligation d’exercer un acte de contrainte en cas de violation d’une autre obligation). Si la « souveraineté » d’un système juridique n’a jamais existé juridiquement (bien qu’elle ait constitué un puissant mythe politique nationaliste) puisqu’elle implique un pouvoir normatif « absolu », alors qu’il a toujours été soumis à la normativité du système international (ou du droit des gens), la question de savoir s’il pourrait y avoir un partage ou une pluralité du domaine spatial de validité et du domaine spatial de sanction pose en effet un problème intéressant. On tâchera de montrer que si les rapports entre systèmes juridiques peuvent devenir de plus en plus complexes, l’exclusivité du domaine de sanction n’en est pas affectée. 

20 May 2016

SYMPOSIUM: "Storie del diritto e altri racconti di Aldo Mazzacane" (Naples, May 25 2016)

WHAT Storie del diritto e altri racconti di Aldo Mazzacane. Giornata di studi in memoria di Aldo Mazzacane, Symposium

WHEN May, 25 2016, 15:00

WHERE University of Naples Federico II, Law Department, Aula Pessina, Corso Umberto I, 40, Naples

all information here

19 May 2016

BOOK REVIEW: Dennis HORTMUTH in Sehepunkte 16 (2016), V (May) on Wolfgang BURGDORF (ed.), The Electoral Agreements of the Roman-German Kings and Emperors 1519-1792 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, 884 p., ISBN 9783525360828, € 89,99) and Wolfgang BURGDORF, Protoconstitutionalism. The Imperial Constitution in the Electoral Agreements of Roman-German Kings and Emperors 1519-1791 [Publication Series of the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy for Sciences, 95] (idem), 226 p., ISBN 9783525360859, € 59,99

(image source: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht)

Dennis Hortmuth reviews two books on German Early Modern constitutional history on, both on the so-called "Wahlkapitulationen", or agreements concluded between the King of the Romans-elect or Emperor-elect and the members of the Empire.

First paragraph:
Wolfgang Burgdorf legt zwei miteinander eng verwobene Bücher zu den Wahlkapitulationen der römisch-deutschen Könige und Kaiser vor. Das erste Werk ist die monographische Edition aller Wahlkapitulationen von Karl V. 1519 bis zu Franz II. 1792, zusätzlich der projektierten beständigen Wahlkapitulation von 1711. Das zweite Werk beinhaltet seine analytischen Gedanken zur Reichsverfassung, wie sie sich aus den von ihm edierten Wahlkapitulationen ableiten lassen.
Read further here.

More information on the publisher's website.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: British Legal History Conference 2017 - Networks and Connections (University College London, 5 Jul-8 Jul 2017); DEADLINE 26 AUG 2016

The Legal History Blog announced the call for papers for next year's British Legal History Conference, to be held at University College London, from 5 to 8 July 2017.

Conference description:
In tracing the way that legal ideas emerge and expand, historians have become increasingly interested in exploring the way that networks are developed and connections made. Legal history is full of connections – between people and places, jurisdictions and ideas. The way that the law develops may be influenced by particular social, professional or political groups, or by wider national, imperial or transnational networks. The law may change direction because of new connections made, whether in the form of the transplantation of legal concepts from one forum to another, or in the form of the influence of new ways of thinking or acting. These connections or networks may be simple or complex, transitory or enduring, ad hoc or accidental. The aim of this conference is to explore the wide range of networks and connections which influence the development of law and legal ideas over time, in a variety of different scholarly contexts. We welcome proposals from historians interested in exploring these themes in all fields of legal history, whether doctrinal or contextual, domestic or transnational.
Practical details:
UCL is located in the heart of the Bloomsbury district in London and is surrounded by a wealth of accommodation to suit all budgets.
Some local hotels, all within walking distance of the venue are:
UCL Residences: UCL has a number of student residences into which visitors can book accommodation. Ian Baker House and Ramsay Hall are all within a 5 minute walking distance to the venue. Please see information on the Residences website at: There are a number of decent hostels local to the venue:
 Conference organisers:
Dr Ian Williams, Faculty of Laws, UCL
Professor Michael Lobban, LSE Law
More information on the conference website.

17 May 2016

BOOK CHAPTER: Malgosia FITZMAURICE, "History of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice", in: S. BESSON (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Sources of International Law (forthcoming)

(image source:

International Law Reporter signalled the publication of Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary)'s chapter on the history of article 38 of the International Court of Justice's Statute in the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Sources of International Law (S. Besson, ed.).

This contribution to the Handbook presents and analyses history of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice (the ‘ICJ’ or the ‘Court’). History of Article 38 is the starting point leading to reflections on how as it stands at present. Therefore, the main theme of this Chapter is to look at sources of international law through prism of their historical development. Such an approach also includes contenders to ‘new’ sources (acts of international organisations, unilateral acts of States, soft law) which have emerged long after the twelve ‘wise men’ (at times ‘angry twelve men’) of the Committee of Jurists have completed their task of drafting of this Article.
More information on SSRN.

OPEN ACCESS BOOK REVIEWS (Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 2015/3, Hémecht 2016/1)

 (image source:

Recently, a lot of interesting open access book reviews have been published on

Cordelia Beattie / Matthew F. Stevens (Hg.): Married Women and the Law in Premodern Northwest Europe, 2013 (Gabriela Signori, in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung (ZHF), 42 (2015), 3), click here.

Peter Eich / Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner / Christian Wieland (Hg.): Der wiederkehrende Leviathan. Staatlichkeit und Staatswerdung in Spätantike und Früher Neuzeit, 2011 (Peter Nitschke, in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung (ZHF), 42 (2015), 3, click here

Guido Braun / Arno Strohmeyer (Hg.): Frieden und Friedenssicherung in der Frühen Neuzeit. Das Heilige Römische Reich und Europa, 2013 (Anuschka Tischer, in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung (ZHF), 42 (2015), 3), click here.

Markus Kremer (Hg.): Francisco Suárez: De pace – De bello / Über den Frieden – Über den Krieg, 2013 (Nils Jansen, in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung (ZHF), 42 (2015), 3), click here.

Sophie Cornet: La justice pénale en Terre de Mirwart (1593-1629), 2015, (Sonja Kmec, in: Hémecht, 2016, 01), click here.

ASLH Student Research Colloquium (SRC), Toronto, 26-27 Oct 2016 (DEADLINE 15 Jul 2016)à

(image source: ASLH)

The American Society for Legal History will host a Student Research Colloquium (SRC) on Wednesday, October 26, and Thursday, October 27, 2016, immediately preceding the ASLH’s annual meeting in Toronto, Canada.  The SRC offers a small group of graduate and law students an opportunity to work on their in-progress dissertations and law review articles with distinguished ASLH-affiliated scholars. 

The SRC’s target audience includes early post-coursework graduate students and law students interested in legal history.  The SRC seeks to introduce such students to the ASLH and to legal history communities more generally.  Students working in all chronological and geographical fields are encouraged to apply, as are students whose projects engage legal-historical themes but who have not received any formal training in legal history.  Applicants who have not had an opportunity to present their work at ASLH annual meetings or who have otherwise not had an opportunity to discuss their work with legal historians are particularly encouraged to apply. A student may be on the program for the annual meeting and participate in the SRC in the same year.
Each participating student will pre-circulate a twenty-page, double-spaced paper to the entire group.  These papers will provide the foundation for discussion at the colloquium.  The ASLH will provide at least partial and, in most cases, complete reimbursement for travel, hotel, and conference registration costs. 

To apply to the ASLH’s Student Research Colloquium, please submit:
•    a cover letter;
•    a CV;
•    a letter of recommendation from a faculty mentor/advisor;
•    a two-page, single-spaced “research statement,” describing an in-progress dissertation or law review article.

The application deadline is July 15, 2016.  Organizers will notify all applicants of their decisions by August 15, 2016.  Please direct questions and applications to John Wertheimer at the following e-mail address:

LECTURE: Herve Leuwers (Lille-III) on his Robespierre (Paris: Fayard, 2014, 472 p. ISBN 9782213671567, € 25)

(image source: Fayard)

Prof. Hervé Leuwers (Lille-III) will give a talk in Brussels on 2 June on Robespierre, un juriste en politique, his biography of the seminal French lawyer and politician of the Revolution.

He will act as the guest of Standen en Landen/Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'États. More information on their website.

RSVP by 26 May 2016 on

12 May 2016

BOOK: Emmanuelle TOURME-JOUANNET, Laurence BURGOGUE-LARSEN, Horatia MUIR WATT, Hélène RUIZ FABRI (dir.), Féminisme(s) et droit international. Études du réseau Olympe [Collection de l'Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne]. Paris: Société de Législation Comparée, 2016, 498 p. ISBN 978-2-36517-059-8, € 37

(image source: Multipol)
The Société de législation comparée published a collective work on feminism and (the history of) international law.

Féminisme(s) et droit international. Études du réseau Olympe est le premier ouvrage issu du programme de recherche du réseau Olympe d’études francophones féministes et de genre en droit international. Créé en 2014, ce programme a pour buts premiers de faire connaître les approches féministes du droit international, historiquement développées en langue anglaise, et d’y contribuer en français par divers projets de recherche, en sus de fournir une plateforme institutionnelle de mise en réseau des chercheuses et chercheurs intéressé-e-s. Recueil collectif, Féminisme(s) et droit international. Études du réseau Olympe réunit ainsi les contributions de 19 chercheuses et chercheurs dans le domaine et offre un salutaire premier panorama de l’état des recherches féministes sur le droit international en français.

Table of contents:
Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet, Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Bérénice K. Schramm, Ouverture 
Bérénice K. Schramm, (Re)voir Phryné devant l’aréopage de Jean-Léon Gérôme (1861)  
Oriane-Jill Aoust, Droits des femmes et sphère privée en Afrique : le constat d’une défaillance des instruments régionaux africains 
Charalambos Apostolidis, Le marxisme et la cause féminine 
Rémi Bachand, Les apports de la théorie féministe du positionnement dans une théorie (critique) du droit (international) 
Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, La lutte contre la « violence de genre » dans le système interaméricain de protection des droits de l’homme. Décodage d’une évolution politique et juridique d’envergure 
Anne-Marie D’Aoust et Anne Saris, Femmes, genre et sécurité en relations internationales et en droit international : un dialogue en construction 
Martin Gallié et Maxine Visotzky-Charlebois, Le droit des femmes tel qu’il a été enseigné par les Pères fondateurs du droit international public et leurs héritiers. Notes de lecture sur les ouvrages et les manuels du XVIe au XXIe siècle 
Dominique Gaurier, Quelle place faite aux femmes dans l’ordre international de l’Antiquité et du début de l’époque moderne 
Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez et Diane Roman, Du sexe au genre : le corps des femmes en droit international 
Dzovinar Kévonian, L’histoire des femmes juristes en France jusqu’aux années 1960 : état des lieux et sources de recherche 
Anne Lagerwall, La prostitution, le port du voile et l’avortement devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme : une affaire de femmes ? 
Isabelle Masson, (Re)penser les relations constitutives de la gouvernance néolibérale : quelques pistes de réflexion féministes pour les relations internationales et le droit international 
Frédéric Mégret, Féminisme et droit international : le « féminisme de gouvernance » à l’épreuve du « féminisme critique » 
Anne-Sophie Tabau, Féminismes et droit international de l’environnement 
Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet, Les différentes étapes pour la reconnaissance des droits des femmes. Droits des femmes et droit international de la reconnaissance 
Anne-Charlotte Martineau, Odysée d’une toubabou

(source: Multipol)

10 May 2016

BOOK REVIEW: Joshua Schröder on Richard S. KAY, The Glorious Revolution and the Continuity of Law, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2014, XI + 304 p. $ 59,95, ISBN 9780813226873

(image source: CUA press)

Joshua Schroeder (University of Buffalo, SUNY) reviewed Richard S. Kay's The Glorious Revolution and the Continuity of Law (Catholic University of America Press, 2014). for H-War.

First paragraph:
The Glorious Revolution and the Continuity of Law by Richard S. Kay applies a legal perspective onto the Glorious Revolution. Like many major historical events, the Revolution of 1688 has received so much scholarly attention that one may wonder how somebody could offer a truly fresh perspective. However, as Kay seems well aware, the Glorious Revolution does not lend itself easily to categorization. Was the Glorious Revolution even a revolution? Should it be understood as its own event or merely the final chapter in the seventeenth-century English conflict with the Stuarts? Was it primarily a religious or political event? Kay argues that a legal analysis of the Glorious Revolution can provide the best perspective on answering these questions. He deftly weaves a discussion of all of these topics within his answer to the central question of his book: how did the revolutionaries reconcile their stated goal of preserving the English Constitution with the blatantly illegal deposition of one king and installment of another? His simple answer, they “faked” it, should not hurt appreciation for his thorough and careful analysis of the legal arguments made by the proponents and some detractors of the revolution (p. 17).
Read the full review here.

09 May 2016

EXHIBITION: "What Not to Wear: Fashion and the Law" (Harvard Law School Library, through August 12, 2016)

WHAT What Not to Wear: Fashion and the Law, exhibition

WHEN through August 12, 2016, 9:00-5:00

WHERE Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University

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Though law and fashion may not initially seem like overlapping domains, given the central nature of each of these fields it is no surprise that they do have an impact on one another. Over the years, fashion has been important to decisions about how jurists visually demonstrate their expertise and law has served to circumscribe how fashion is created, distributed, and consumed.
This exhibit looks at some of these intersections of fashion and the law from historic laws setting strict class distinctions for fashion to modern intellectual property law’s approach to protecting those who design and create fashion. 
What Not to Wear: Fashion and the Law, curated by Mindy Kent, Meg Kribble, and Carli Spina, is on view in the HLS Library Caspersen Room daily 9am-5pm through August 12, 2016.

JOURNAL: "Law and History Review", 34:2 (May 2016)

Law and History Review 34:2 (May 2016)

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Table of Contents

John Stuart Mill and the Contagious 
Diseases Acts: Whose Law? Whose 
Liberty? Whose Greater Good?’ by 
Jim Jose, Kcasey McLoughlin
Legal fictions are often used to lubricate the machinery of jurisprudence. One of these is the idea that laws created to restrict the liberty of some individuals or class of individuals in order to protect the public good are in effect outcomes of tradeoffs between abstract universals, namely liberty and the public good. A three way relationship is imagined in which law, liberty, and the public good are in creative tension. The role of the law in this three way tension is further imagined to be the mediator where it serves to calibrate this tension in ways that are also assumed to legitimate the intended outcomes in practice. In particular, where the outcome is the prevention of harm, then laws that curtail liberty must be seen not just as measures for the public good, but rather as necessitated by the potential effects of the very harm itself. The justification for this view is often traced back to the views of nineteenth century political philosopher John Stuart Mill, who famously expressed this in terms that have become known as the “harm principle”; specifically that “the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.”

BOOK: "Legal Codes and Talking Trees. Indigenous Women’s Sovereignty in the Sonoran and Puget Sound Borderlands, 1854-1946" by Katrina Jagodinsky (2016)

Legal Codes and Talking Trees. Indigenous Women’s Sovereignty in the Sonoran and Puget Sound Borderlands, 1854-1946, by Katrina Jagodinsky

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Katrina Jagodinsky’s enlightening history is the first to focus on indigenous women of the Southwest and Pacific Northwest and the ways they dealt with the challenges posed by the existing legal regimes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In most western states, it was difficult if not impossible for Native women to inherit property, raise mixed-race children, or take legal action in the event of rape or abuse. Through the experiences of six indigenous women who fought for personal autonomy and the rights of their tribes, Jagodinsky explores a long yet generally unacknowledged tradition of active critique of the U.S. legal system by female Native Americans.
Katrina Jagodinsky is assistant professor of history at the University of Nebraska and a former fellow of the Clements Center for Southwest Studies at SMU. She lives in Lincoln, NE.

BOOK: "Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes: Sovereignty, Justice, and Transcultural Politics" by Li Chen (2016)

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How did American schoolchildren, French philosophers, Russian Sinologists, Dutch merchants, and British lawyers imagine China and Chinese law? What happened when agents of presumably dominant Western empires had to endure the humiliations and anxieties of maintaining a profitable but precarious relationship with China? In Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes, Li Chen provides a richly textured analysis of these related issues and their intersection with law, culture, and politics in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 
Using a wide array of sources, Chen's study focuses on the power dynamics of Sino-Western relations during the formative century before the First Opium War (1839-1842). He highlights the centrality of law to modern imperial ideology and politics and brings new insight to the origins of comparative Chinese law in the West, the First Opium War, and foreign extraterritoriality in China. The shifting balance of economic and political power formed and transformed knowledge of China and Chinese law in different contact zones. Chen argues that recovering the variegated and contradictory roles of Chinese law in Western "modernization" helps provincialize the subsequent Euro-Americentric discourse of global modernity. 
Chen draws attention to important yet underanalyzed sites in which imperial sovereignty, national identity, cultural tradition, or international law and order were defined and restructured. His valuable case studies show how constructed differences between societies were hardened into cultural or racial boundaries and then politicized to rationalize international conflicts and hierarchy.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: The Art of Law: Artistic Representations and Iconography of Law & Justice in Context from the Middle Ages to the First World War (Bruges, 16-18 January, 2017); DEADLINE 01 JUN 2016