26 December 2016
VIDEOCAST: Michael STOLLEIS at the Collège de France (Nov-Dec 2016)
The Collège de France, founded by Francis I in 1529, invited prof. em. dr. dr. h.c. mult. Michael Stolleis for a series of lectures on legal history. Conformably to the tradition of the institution, all lectures can be consulted online.
"Écrire l'histoire du droit : reconstruction, narration, fiction ?" (25 Nov 2016)
"L'état interventionniste" (2 Dec 2016)
"Droit et nazisme" (9 Dec 2016)
"Image et réalité de l'état en Allemagne de l'Ouest (1945-1960)" (16 Dec 2016)
More information on the Collège de France's website.
german legal history,
23 December 2016
JOURNAL: Grotiana XXXVII (2016), No. 1
(image source: Brill)
Grotiana (Brill) published the first issue of its 37th volume.
Table of contents:
The Restless Mind and the Living Text (Douglas J. Osler)
Grotius and English Charters (James Muldoon)
Grotius, Informal Empire and the Conclusion of Unequal Treaties (Inge Van Hulle)
Hugo Grotius’s Hermeneutics of Natural and Divine Law (Stefanie Ertz)
Roman Law in the State of Nature (Jacob Giltaij)
More information on the publisher's website.
JOURNAL: Comparative Legal History IV (2016), No. 2
(image source: Routledge/Taylor&Francis)
The society's journal Comparative Legal History (Routledge/Taylor & Francis) published its second issue.
Our members receive a copy as part of their annual membership fee.
Table of contents:
Editorial (Heikki Pihlajamäkki & Aniceto Masferrer)
Codification as nationalisation or denationalisation of law: the Spanish case in comparative perspective (Aniceto Masferrer)
The United Kingdom and Imperial federation, 1900 to 1939: a precedent for British legal relations with the European Union? (Thomas Mohr)
Forced money: legal development of a criminal economic rule (Dror Goldberg)
Orientalist reflections in early Israeli law: (new) perspectives on the issue of polygamy (Omer Aloni)
Book reviews:
The shape of the state in Medieval Scotland, 1124–1290 (Andrew RC Simpson)
The right to wage war (jus ad bellum): the German reception of Grotius 50 years after De iure belli ac pacis (Sören Koch)
Vangnet of springplank? Het buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheidsrecht in een moderne samenleving (1804-heden) (Lotte Meurkens)
Magna Carta (Anthony Musson)
The Trial and crucifixion of Jesus: texts and commentary (Wim Decock)
Le Code Noir: Idées reçues sur un texte symbolique (Adriana Chira)
The method and culture of comparative law: essays in honour of Marc Van Hoecke (Jöorg Fedtke)
Political imprisonment and the Irish, 1912-1921 (Richard McMahon)
More information with T&F online.
22 December 2016
BOOK: Nicolas LAURENT-BONNE and Xavier PREVOST (eds.), Penser l'ordre juridique médiéval et moderne. Regards croisés sur les méthodes des juristes (I) [Contextes. Culture du droit]. Paris: Lextenso/LGDJ, 2016, 238 p. ISBN 9782275046822, € 38
(image source: LGDJ)
Lextenso published the first volume of the research project Penser l'ordre juridique médiéval et moderne. Regards croisés sur les méthodes des juristes, edited by Nicolas Laurent-Bonne (Université d'Auvergne) and Xavier Prévost (Université de Bordeaux).
This volume collects papers of a conference held at the Université d'Auvergne in Clermont-Ferrand on 21 and 22 January 2016. The follow-up conference will take place in Bordeaux on 9 and 10 March 2017.
This volume collects papers of a conference held at the Université d'Auvergne in Clermont-Ferrand on 21 and 22 January 2016. The follow-up conference will take place in Bordeaux on 9 and 10 March 2017.
Book abstract:
L'ordre juridique qui se met en place, en France, aux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge a encore tout récemment été l'objet de riches débats : l'auto-développement des coutumes, l'autorité des droits savants et l'interventionnisme du roi de France ont notamment été au coeur de vives controverses historiographiques. La lecture des sources est à l'origine de querelles interprétatives, auxquelles s'ajoutent des difficultés méthodologiques que rencontrent les historiens du droit. Tandis que l'historien n'a accès qu'à une proportion infime du concret, celui-ci s'efforce de combler ces lacunes, parfois même à l'aide d'une projection des catégories juridiques contemporaines. Cet anachronisme des concepts - parfois couplé à un anachronisme des faits - ne constitue-t-il pas l'un des vices rédhibitoires de la discipline ? Cette méthode ne présente-t-elle pas, à l'inverse, une indéniable vertu heuristique et disciplinaire ? Certains estiment alors que la théorie du droit est anhistorique, quand d'autres critiquent l'emploi par les historiens des concepts contemporains, comme la hiérarchie des normes, la souveraineté ou encore l'État. Outre de telles projections, c'est le sens donné à certains signifiants médiévaux ou modernes qui peut être relativisé, comme c'est le cas notamment pour les notions de droit positif, de droit commun ou encore de loi. Ces difficultés révèlent aussi à certains égards l'ambivalence de l'histoire du droit, écartelée entre science historique et dogmatique juridique. Ce livre propose alors une réflexion épistémologique sur l'un des grands enjeux de l'historiographie juridique contemporaine : peut-on penser l'ordre juridique médiéval et moderne à partir des catégories juridiques contemporaines ?On the editors:
Nicolas Laurent-Bonne est agrégé des facultés de droit et professeur d'histoire du droit à l'Université d'Auvergne. Xavier Prévost, agrégé des facultés de droit, agrégé d'économie et gestion, archiviste paléographe (diplômé de l'École des chartes), ancien élève de l'École normale supérieure de Cachan, est professeur d'histoire du droit à l'Université de Bordeaux.
Table of contents:
ProlégomènesMore information can be found on the publisher's website.
- "Observations sur l'anachronisme des concepts" (Nicolas Laurent-Bonne/Xavier Prévost)
- "La temporalité multiple des formes juridiques" (Pierre Thévenin)
I. La notion d'ordre juridique
- "Peut-on parler d'ordre juridique médiéval ?" (Nicolas Warembourg)
- "L'ordre juridique: un concept historiquement situé" (Benoît Frydman)
II. L'ordre juridique international
- "Penser l'ordre juridique ecclésiastique" (Cyrille Dounot)
- "La société des princes et le droit des gens. Réflexions sur la hiérarchie des normes et les lois fondamentales du royaume autour des renonciations de Philippe V d'Espagne (1712-1713)" (Frederik Dhondt)
III. La normativité
- "Épreuves d'histoire. La normativité, la juridicité et la lente construction du droit moderne" (Frédéric F. Martin)
- "Comprendre le fait coutumier" (Jean Hilaire)
IV. Les métaconcepts
- "Le métaconcept de hiérarchie des normes et son utilité pour l'histoire du droit" (Michel Troper)
- "La distinction théorique entre règles constitutives et règles contingentes est-elle opératoire en histoire du droit ?" (Jean-Louis Halpérin)
V. Les controverses
- "La controverse entre Michel Troper et François Furet ou de l'anachronisme nécessaire des concepts" (Julien Boudon)
- "Apostille: brève réponse à Julien Boudon" (Michel Troper)
- "La controverse Villey-Tierney sur la naissance du droit subjectif au XIIe siècle: difficultés et valeur heuristique d'un anachronisme conceptuel" (Thierry Sol)
Canon law,
Early modern legal history,
history of international law,
history of private law,
history of public law,
legal history,
Legal Theory,
Medieval Legal History,
20 December 2016
JOB: Research Assistant /PhD Candidate/Post-Doc in Research Training Group "Metropolität in der Vormoderne" (University of Regensburg, Germany, 2017)
The DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Research Training Group 2337/1 "Metropolität in der Vormoderne" (University of Regensburg, Germany) offers 10 x 0,65 Research Assistant / PhD Candidate and 1 x Post-Doc position.
all information here (only in German)
18 December 2016
JOURNAL: GLOSSAE (n. 13, 2016)
Glossae 13, 2016
all information here
next submission's deadline May, 31 2017 (here the rules of publication)
all information here
next submission's deadline May, 31 2017 (here the rules of publication)
- Ius Comune e Historia del Derecho, pp 1-4
- Ius Comune and Legal History
- Wim Decock, Aniceto Masferrer, Juan A. Obarrio Moreno
- Il diritto canonico nella prima teologia pratica protestante: La formazione dei ministri ecclesiastici secondo Hyperius, Zepper e Voetius, pp 5-29
- Canon law in early Protestant practical theology: The formation of ecclesiastical ministers according to Hyperius, Zepper and Voetius
- Paolo Astorri
- Reflexiones doctrinales en torno a las Clementinas Dispendiosam y Saepe contingit: El proceso sumario a la luz del utriusque iuris, pp 30-70
- Doctrinal Reflections on the Clementines’ Dispendiosam & Saepe contingit: The Summary Process in the Utriusque Iuris
- Javier Belda Iniesta
- Crimini enormi e tortura ex processu informativo: una violazione dei diritto di difesa dell’imputato?, pp 71-107
- ‘Enormous’ crimes and torture ‘ex processu informativo’: A violation of the defendants’ rights?
- Giovanni Chiodi
- Alfonso Díaz de Montalvo: Juez y Jurisprudente en Castilla durante el siglo XV, pp 108-164
- Alfonso Díaz de Montalvo: Judge and Jurisprudent in the 15th-century Castile
- Salustiano de Dios
- The “Appropriateness” of Dowry: Women and Inheritance in the Papal States in the Early Nineteenth Century, pp 165-181
- Sara Delmedico
- Il diritto penale del Regnum Siciliae in una raccolta di decisiones della seconda metà del seicento, pp 182-206
- The criminal law of the Kingdom of Sicily in a collection of Decisiones from the second half of the 17th century
- Francesco Di Chiara
- Um fragmento em português do Ordo iudiciarius de Tancredo, pp 207-242
- A Portuguese Fragment of the Tancredus’ Ordo iudiciarius
- José Domingues
- Transitional Justice in Consultations of Hendrik van Kinschot (1541–1608) Learned Legal Practice on Wars, Loans and Credit, pp 243-274
- Wouter Druwé
15 December 2016
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Family in the Premodern World": A Comparative Approach A Workshop at Princeton University, April 7-8, 2017 Organized by Lee Mordechai and Sara McDougall (DEADLINE 15 JAN 2017)
(image source: Princeton University)
“The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society…”
The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 16.3
The family is perhaps the most basic, common and important social institution across the world in recorded history. The single word in English, however, is used in a surprising number of ways to describe how to organize an individual and those close to them by birth, marriage or co-residence within a more-or-less coherent group. Indeed families, just as other cultural institutions, have long been defined by cultural norms and practices.
While the modern definition of the family is becoming ever more fluid and ‘new’ types of families appear in greater frequency, even a superficial survey of historical human cultures shows that there is no such thing as a ‘natural’ form of family, and that the concept has been constantly changing throughout history. The family could be an inclusive or exclusive institution within a society, while its size would vary between a handful to a few dozen individuals; the interpersonal ties between family members could withstand enormous social pressures or disintegrate almost immediately. A culture might impinge on the relationships within families or ignore them completely. We believe that a comparative approach would be the best way to emphasize these contrasts and the connection between them and the basic norms that govern a given society.
We invite papers that emphasize the themes of family and society and investigate the historical premodern family (up to the sixteenth century in Europe, but later suggestions for other areas would be welcome). Geographical areas and chronological periods are open and we aim for a wide comparative perspective of the workshop as a whole.
Topics can include, but are not limited to:
• A case study of a specific family or group of families within a society
• Structures of kinship and the forms of ties they create within a kin group
• Strategies of inclusion/exclusion within a family or between families
• A chronological approach to family development in a certain society
• Connections between family values and broader cultural dispositions
• Conflicts within or between families and acceptable ways to resolve them
• Marriage, divorce and family planning as family-construction strategies
• Social values, norms or taboos related to families within a given society
• Alternative or deviant family models
The workshop will take place on April 7-8, 2017 at Princeton University. Travel and accommodation funding is available for presenters from beyond the NJ/NY area. After the workshop, participants will be invited to submit their revised papers for publication in a special journal issue that will showcase the variety of premodern families and serve as a stepping stone for further comparative research on families in such societies in history. Please send abstracts of up to 500 words to before 15 January 2017. For queries, please email Lee Mordechai ( and Sara McDougall (
JOURNAL: Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis/Revue d'Histoire du Droit/The Legal History Review LXXXIV (2016), No. 3-4
(image source: Brill)
The Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (Martinus Nijhoff/Brill) published its latest issue.
Table of contents:
"Der Sklave als Zwangs-Erbe, Ulpian/Julian 4 ad Sab. (D. 28,5,6,4)" (Berthold Kupisch)
"Le Miroir des Saxons : un texte remarquable, mais presque inconnu dans l’historiographie française (Dirk Heirbaut)
"The benefit to Romanists of using the Basilica" (Hylkje de Jong)
"Num praescriptione omnia iura tolluntur?" (Harry Dondorp)
"Enemies of the Count and of the City" (Jan Dumolyn & Milan Pajic)
"How well do constitutions travel across time and space?" (Jean F. Crombois)
Book reviews
La grâce des juges, L’institution judiciaire et le sacré en Occident, écrit par R. Jacob, 2014 (Laurent Waelkens)All texts can be consulted online.
La riflessione medievale sulla persona giuridica: la causa pia, écrit par M.G. Fantini, 2010 (Laurent Waelkens)
Magistri Honorii Summa ‘De iure canonico tractaturus’, tom. II, In memoriam Rudolf Weigand †, et tom. III, adlaborantibus S. Haering, H. Hallermann, Karin Miethaner-Vent [et] M. Petzholt, édité par P. Landau et W. Kozur, 2010 (Laurent Waelkens)
‘Omnis qui iuste iudicat’ sive lipsiensis, tom. III, In memoriam Rudolf Weigand †, adlaborantibus S. Haering, H. Hallermann, M. Petzholt [et] I.K. Grossmann, édité par P. Landau, W. Kozur [et] K. Miethaner-Vent, 2014 (Laurent Waelkens)
Pierre Grégoire tra leges e mores, Ricerche sulla pubblicistica francese del tardo Cinquecento, écrit par Ch. Zendri, 2007 (Laurent Waelkens)
Los bandos de buen gobierno del Río de la Plata, Tucumán y Cuyo (época hispánica), Edición y estudio, écrit par V. Tau Anzoátegui, 2004 (Laurent Waelkens)
The Great Council of Malines in the 18th century, An aging court in a changing world?, written by An Verscuren, 2015 (Alain Wijffels)
Developing a legal paradigm for patents: the attitude of judges to patents during the early phase of the Industrial Revolution in England (1750s – 1830s), geschreven door Helen Gubby, 2012 (T. Cohen Jehoram)
SSRN PAPER: Rebeca FERNANDES DIAS, "Brazilian Criminological Thinking During the First Republic (1889-1930)" [MPI for European Legal History, Research Paper Series 2016-13]
(images source: typepad)
Wouter Druwé (KULeuven-Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) posted "Dignity and Cessio Bonorum in Early-Modern Dutch Learned Legal Literature" on the MPI for European Legal History's Research Paper Series on SSRN.
Imprisonment for debt was a common sanction in the early modern period. Through the learned legal institute of the cessio bonorum, or its customary legal alternatives, insolvent debtors could avoid the shame of prison. Nevertheless, in order to discourage irresponsible administration of one's patrimony, local customs and princely ordinances often added shaming sanctions to the ius commune institute. This contribution first presents the legal framework of the cessio bonorum, as well as some shaming practices, especially in the Low Countries. In its main part, this article analyses early modern Netherlandish learned legal literature on the cessio bonorum and outlines ten different arguments related to honour and dignity. Authors discussed which goods the ceding debtors were allowed to retain both at the moment of the cession and thereafter. On the one hand, fraudulent debtors did not deserve any humane treatment and, thus, neither the benefice of cession. For other classes of debtors on the other hand, like clerics, noblemen or members of the military, the obligations going along with the cession of goods were less severe. The arguments outlined in this paper also illustrate the entanglement of humanitarian and instrumental reasoning.Fulltext here.
BOOK: Doglas HOWLAND, International Law and Japanese Sovereignty. The Emerging Global Order in the 19th Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, XI +232 p. ISBN 978-1-137-57108-3
(image source: palgrave)
Book abstract:
How does a nation become a great power? A global order was emerging in the nineteenth century, one in which all nations were included. This book explores the multiple legal grounds of Meiji Japan's assertion of sovereign statehood within that order: natural law, treaty law, international administrative law, and the laws of war. Contrary to arguments that Japan was victimized by 'unequal' treaties, or that Japan was required to meet a 'standard of civilization' before it could participate in international society, Howland argues that the Westernizing Japanese state was a player from the start. In the midst of contradictions between law and imperialism, Japan expressed state will and legal acumen as an equal of the Western powers – international incidents in Japanese waters, disputes with foreign powers on Japanese territory, and the prosecution of interstate war. As a member of international administrative unions, Japan worked with fellow members to manage technical systems such as the telegraph and the post. As a member of organizations such as the International Law Association and as a leader at the Hague Peace Conferences, Japan helped to expand international law. By 1907, Japan was the first non-western state to join the ranks of the great powers.On the author:
Douglas Howland is the Buck Professor of Chinese History at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA. He is the author of four books and co-editor (with Luise White) of The State of Sovereignty: Territories, Laws, Populations (2009).
Table of contents:
International Legal Grounds for State Sovereignty
The Family of Nations and Conflict of Laws
Territorial Sovereignty and Extraterritorial Privilege
The Alternative Order of International Administration
Mastering the International Laws of War
Japan Among the Great Powers
global history,
history of international law
CONFERENCE: ‘A Violent World? Changes and Limits to Large-Scale Violence in Early Modernity’ (Oxford, 29 June-1 July 2017) DEADLINE 31 DEC 2016
(image source: Oxford University)
The University of Oxford's Centre for Global History organizes a conference on violence in early modernity.
Conference description:
Organisation:This conference brings global approaches to the history of violence, reassessing the nature of violence during the early modern period. Using violence and the restraint of violence as a unifying theme, participants are encouraged to make trans-national comparisons and connections across the early modern world.An abstract of 400 words, accompanied by a short (two-page) CV, should be submitted to by 31 December 2016.
The history of violence and its restraint has been crucial to definitions of ‘Western civilization’ and the modern world, often by contrasting them with barbaric predecessors and the cultures that they claim to have tamed. Yet, evidence for the restraint of violence varies according to one’s viewpoint: the sharp decline of homicide in seventeenth-century Europe, for example, diverges from the simultaneous rise in violence of Atlantic colonial societies. As histories of violence and restraint are usually written from national and nationalist perspectives, this conference brings global approaches to the study of violence in order to probe historical assumptions about the limits of violence and its decline during the early modern period. It thereby also questions narratives of the inexorable rise of the nation-state alongside historical periodization of the ‘early modern’ and ‘modern.’
Recent historical approaches to violence, shaped by the cultural turn, have tended to focus on inter-personal violence and its patterns in civil society. This conference will integrate warfare and other crucial forms of large-scale violence with recent scholarship on the history of collective and inter-individual violence. By examining large-scale, organized violence alongside broader social and cultural patterns, this conference will explore the boundaries between ‘war’ and ‘violence’, as well as how they relate to ideas of morality, social order, law, and political legitimacy in the early modern world. We encourage scholars to address contemporary perceptions of violence and its restraint, framing analysis through thematic, rather than geographic, approaches.
Given that we are encouraging scholars to probe assumptions about historical periods, our definition of ‘early modern’ is purposefully flexible.
Confirmed speakers include: Wayne Lee, Alan McFarlane, Stuart Carroll, Pratyay Nath, Brian Sandberg, Cecile Vidal, Lauren Benton, Adam Clulow, Simon Layton, Richard Reid, and James Belich.
We welcome papers that address:
- Global comparisons and indicators of violence
- Definitions of organized violence and crime, such as banditry and piracy
- Linkages between organized, collective and interpersonal violence
- Law’s penetration into oceanic, battlefield, domestic, and/or other novel arenas
- The nature of extra-territorial violence
- Actual practices of violence
- Toleration and restraint of violence
- Methods of measurement, used by contemporaries and/or historians, in assessing what is or was appropriate
We particularly welcome papers on violence in regions not covered by confirmed speakers, such as China, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, and Africa.
Peter H. Wilson, Chichele Professor of the History of War, University of Oxford
Marie Houllemare, Institut Universitaire de France, Université d’Amiens (CHSSC)
Erica Charters, Oxford Centre for Global History Centre, University of Oxford
BOOK: Rafe BLAUFARB, The Great Demarcation. The French Revolution and the Invention of Modern Property. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016, 304 p. ISBN 9780199778799, £47,99
(image source: OUP)
Professor Rafe Blaufarb (Florida State University) published a new work on the history of property and the French Revolution's impact.
Book abstract:
The Great Demarcation explores how the French Revolution transformed the system of property-holding that had existed in France before 1789, thus creating the framework for modern definitions of property and political forms. This book examines the Revolution not from an economic or social perspective, but through the lens of the laws and institutions of property. The Revolution's dramatic legal restructuring aimed at two fundamental goals: removing formal public power from the sphere of private property, and excising property rights from the realm of the new sovereign, the nation. The revolutionaries accomplished these two aims by abolishing privately-owned forms of public power—such as jurisdictional lordship and venal public office—and by dismantling the Crown domain to construct a purely sovereign State.
Table of contents:
These efforts brought about a Great Demarcation: a radical distinction between property and power from which flowed critical distinctions between the political and the social, state and society, sovereignty and ownership, the public and private. These distinctions destroyed the conceptual basis of the Old Regime, laid the foundation of France's new constitutional order, and crystallized modern ways of thinking about polities and societies. This, Blaufarb claims, was the Revolution's fundamental act, the stake in the Old Regime's heart, and the basis of all of its other reforms.
Tracing how the French Revolution sought to remake the country's legal and institutional reality, The Great Demarcation shows how the revolutionary transformation of Old Regime property helped to inaugurate political modernity.
AcknowledgmentsOn the author:
Note on the Use of French Technical Vocabulary
Chapter 1 Talking Property before 1789
Chapter 2 Loyseau's Legacy: The Night of August 4th and the First Abolition of Feudalism
Chapter 3 The Death and Rebirth of the Direct Domain: The Second Feudal Abolition
Chapter 4 The Invention of the National Domain
Chapter 5 Emptying the Domain: The Problem of Engagements
Chapter 6 When the Nation Became a Lord: Feudal Dues as Biens Nationaux
Rafe Blaufarb is the Ben Weider Eminent Scholar Chair and Director of the Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution at Florida State University. He is the author of The French Army, 1750-1820: Careers, Talent, Merit, Bonapartists in the Borderlands: French Refugees and Exiles on the Gulf Coast, 1815-1835, and Inhuman TraffickThe International Struggle against the Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Graphic History, among other titles.More information with Oxford University Press.
18th Century History,
Early modern legal history,
history of private law,
09 December 2016
JOB OFFER: Research Assistant/PhD Candidate, Graduate Institute Geneva (DEADLINE 15 JAN 2017)
(image source: Wikimedia Commons)
The Graduate Institute (Geneva) offers a fully funded position as Resarch Assistant in the framework of a project on The Myth of Homogeneity: Minority Protection and Assimilation in Western Europe, 1919-1939 (Prof. dr. D. Rodogno/Dr. E. Dalle Mulle).
The ‘Myth of Homogeneity: Minority Protection and Assimilation in Western Europe, 1919- 1939’ is a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and managed by Professor Davide Rodogno and post-doctoral researcher Emmanuel Dalle Mulle that will be pursued at the Graduate Institute between September 2017 and August 2020. Its main objective is to acquire an in-depth picture of the history of the relationships between national minorities and majorities in Western Europe during the interwar years through the analysis of patterns of minority protection and/or assimilation in three case-study countries: Belgium, Italy and Spain. The project will be based on a multi-layered and multi-archival inquiry. The selected applicant will work in a small and dynamic team, under the direct supervision of the project coordinatorResponsibilities:
Carry out substantive research on at least one of the case studies foreseen in the project, including visits to relevant archives; Write a dissertation in International History at the Graduate Institute on a subject to be formulated by the applicant in accordance with Professor Davide Rodogno (ideally on a subject compatible with that explored by the project); Present intermediary and final results at international scientific conferences; Contribute to the further conceptualisation and operationalisation of the project, as well as to the identification of areas of possible improvement; • Help to organise public events relating to the project; • Provide general administrative and communication support, including possible web and/or social media initiatives; • Publish at least one paper in an international peer-reviewed journal during the duration of the project (ideal, not a requirement).Profile:
MA in history, sociology or political sciences, familiarity with nationalism studies and minority issues a plus; • Fluent written and spoken English; intermediate (or higher) proficiency in German; any of the following (French, Spanish, Dutch, Slovenian, Italian) a plus; • Excellent analytical, research and communication skills; • Ability to work in team as well as independently; • Good organisational skills and flexibility, notably ability to manage sudden peaks of workload and multiple tasks, as well as to plan ahead and meet deadlines; • Familiarity with content management systems and social media a plus
Candidates should apply by 15 January 2017.
Interested candidates should submit their application consisting of a motivation letter, CV and 3-page research proposal detailing the subject of their prospective PhD in English.
We look forward to receiving your online application:
Please be aware that, in order to be selected, the candidate must be regularly registered as a PhD student in International History at the Graduate Institute by September 2017.
You can find more information about the admission process at: For any question on the position, the project and the recruitment process please write at:
02 December 2016
JOURNAL: "Historia et ius", n. 10 (December 2016)
Historia et ius, n. 10 - December 2016
all information here
Table of contents
Temi e questioni
- 1) Floriana Colao, “L’albero nuovo si piega meglio di quello vecchio”. La giustizia “educatrice” per i minori nell’Italia liberale - PDF
Studi (valutati tramite peer review)
- 2) Giovanni Basini, La legislazione monetaria italiana nelle crisi tra le due guerre (1926–1936) - PDF
- 3) Raffaella Bianchi Riva, Dal consenso al dissenso. La rilevanza giuridica dello scandalo nelle elezioni episcopali (secc. XII-XV) - PDF
- 4) Cristina Danusso, Il giudice Antonio Raimondi e il fascismo - PDF
- 5) Giuseppina De Giudici, “La donna di fronte alla legge penale”. Il problema dell’imputabilità della donna tra Otto e Novecento - PDF
- 6) Dolores Freda, In Parlamento come in tribunale: il divorzio per via parlamentare nell’Inghilterra del Settecento - PDF
- 7) Federica Furfaro, Paolo Emilio Bensa: un civilista italiano di formazione (anche) pandettistica - PDF
- 8) Francesca Iurlaro, Pirati, barbari e pastori. Tre figure al limite dell’humanitas nel pensiero di Alberico Gentili (1552-1608) - PDF
- 9) Maria Morello, L’organizzazione del lavoro nelle botteghe artigiane tra XIII e XV secolo. Il contratto di apprendistato - PDF
- 10) Marc Ortolani, Le procès à cadavre des suicidés à la fin de l’Ancien Régime. Deux exemples provençaux - PDF
- 11) Véronique Pinson-Ramin, La question préalable en Bretagne au XVIIe siècle - PDF
- 12) Stefania T. Salvi, L’irresistibile ‘audacia’ di un pensatore moderno. Il De crimine bigamiae di Christian Thomasius (1685) - PDF
- 13) Giuseppe Speciale, L’Assunzione di Maria Vergine al cielo: Giustiniano e Bonaventura da Bagnoregio - PDF
- 14) Stefano Vinci, La politica giudiziaria del fascismo italiano nella giurisprudenza del Tribunale speciale per la difesa dello Stato (1926-1943) - PDF
- 15) Christophe Archan, The Small Primer and the legal triads. The judges and their sources in medieval Ireland - PDF
- 16) Vida Azimi, Un douanier « décapité » : Nathaniel Hawthorne. Suivi d’un florilège littéraire sur la douane et les douaniers - PDF
- 17) Julien Boudon, Bicamérisme ou bicamérismes ? Essai de typologie des Parlements bicaméraux - PDF
- 18) Giulia Maria Labriola, Per una storia della cultura giuridica. Riflessioni su un canone complesso, tra Francia e Italia - PDF
- 19) Giuseppe Mazzanti, A proposito della Summula in foro poenitentiali di Bérenger Frédol e di due opere sulla confessione attribuite a Giovanni da Legnano e ad Antonio da Budrio - PDF
- 20) Ferdinando Mazzarella, An Intellectual Trajectory in the Age of Antiformalism. Gény and the Rise of the Law of Society - PDF
- 21) Cristina Vano, Della vocazione dei nostri luoghi. Traduzioni e adattamenti nella diffusione internazionale dell'opera di F.C. von Savigny - PDF
La morte nel prisma criminale. Secoli XIX-XX, a cura di Cristina Ciancio
- 22) Premessa, di Cristina Ciancio - PDF
- 23) Giuseppe Speciale, La “lotta del male contro il male” nel “cimitero dei vivi”. Sul lavoro dei condannati alla fine dell’Ottocento - PDF
- 24) Floriana Colao, La pena di morte in Italia dalla giustizia di transizione alla crisi degli anni Settanta. In memoria di Mario Da Passano e Mario Sbriccoli, a dieci anni dalla morte - PDF
- 25) Elio Tavilla, Ordine biologico e ordine morale. Appunti sulla riflessione criminologica italiana in tema di pena di morte (sec. XIX) - PDF
- 26) Cristina Ciancio, Requiescant in pace. Alcune osservazioni sulla protezione del cadavere nel Regno d’Italia - PDF
- 27) Marco Cavina, Il “buonismo" delle Corti d’Assise. Culture filo-eutanasiche fra XIX e XX secolo - PDF
- 28) Marco Nicola Miletti, Ultima linea rerum. La morte dell’imputato nel processo penale italiano tra Otto e Novecento - PDF
- 29) Giovanni Chiodi, Legalità penale e punizione dei crimini contro l’umanità al processo di Norimberga: la visione di Giuliano Vassalli - PDF
- 30) Maura Fortunati, “La pietosa ingiustizia dei magistrati”. Il dibattito sul suicidio dell’assicurato tra Ottocento e Novecento - PDF
- 31) Alfons Aragoneses, Cadáveres silenciados. El derecho español y las fosas de la represión franquista - PDF
Páginas españolas
29 November 2016
CONFERENCE: The Art of Law: Artistic Representations and Iconography of Law & Justice in Context from the Middle Ages to the First World War (Bruges, Groeningemuseum, 16-18 Jan 2017)
(image source: TAOL)
Recent years have witnessed a clear rise in scholarship on law and the visual, mostly originating in the wider field of law and the humanities. The conference The Art of Law: Artistic Representations and Iconography of Law & Justice in Context from the Middle Ages to the First World War wishes to contribute to this research by focusing on imagery in its legal and art historical contexts. The program brings together original and interdisciplinary scholarship that questions the role of art in the practice of law, jurisprudence and justice administration from the Late Middle Ages through the Nineteenth Century.
The conference will be held in the Groeningemuseum, Bruges on Monday 16, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 January, 2017, during the exhibition De Kunst van het Recht. Drie Eeuwen Gerechtigheid in Beeld (The Art of Law. Three Centuries of Justice Depicted) (28 October, 2016 – 5 February, 2017). This art exhibition, curated by Vanessa Paumen and Tine Van Poucke, features about 130 artworks from over 30 national and international museums and libraries and will focus on themes related to justice as expressed in artworks of various media from about 1450 through 1750.
The Art of Law is the closing conference of the IAP Justice and Populations’s WP4: Long-term (Self-)Representations of Justice (LongTermJust).
The conference is supported by
• Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS
• Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
• Flemish Research Centre for the Arts of the Burgundian Netherlands
• IAP Justice and Populations: The Belgian Experience in International Perspective
• Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS
• Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
• Flemish Research Centre for the Arts of the Burgundian Netherlands
• IAP Justice and Populations: The Belgian Experience in International Perspective
See conference website for final program, registration and practical details.
27 November 2016
BOOK PRESENTATION: "Il diavolo in Paradiso. Diritto, teologia e letteratura nel Processus Satane (sec. XIV)" by Beatrice Pasciuta (Rome, November 28 2016)
WHAT Book presentation: Il diavolo in Paradiso. Diritto, teologia e letteratura nel Processus Satane (sec. XIV), by Beatrice Pasciuta
WHEN November 28 2016, 16:00
WHERE Roma Tre University, Law Faculty, Sala del Consiglio
all information here
Il diavolo sale in Paradiso, deciso a riprendersi l’umanità utilizzando un nuovo formidabile strumento: il processo. Possibile? Composto nel XIV secolo, tramandato come opera giuridica falsamente attribuita a Bartolo da Sassoferrato, il Processus Satane è un processo simulato, in forma di dialogo, fra il diavolo, Cristo e la Madonna.
Bollato come opera minore e pressoché ignorato dalla storiografia, il testo costituisce in realtà uno straordinario esempio di sincretismo culturale: il linguaggio della teologia serve al diritto come fonte di legittimazione, e di contro la costruzione escatologica e la stessa teoria della Salvezza sono impiantate su una struttura giuridica.
In questa prospettiva, il Processus Satane viene qui riproposto come punto di osservazione ideale per cogliere le interazioni di una cultura poliedrica e complessa, insieme di teatro e di letteratura, di diritto e di teologia, di scuola e di piazza.
25 November 2016
WORKSHOP: Labour Accidents, 19th-20th Century, France/Belgium (Lille, Lille II University/CNRS, 9 Dec 2016)
The Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire (Lille II/CNRS) organizes a workshop on labour accidents, with the support of the Belgian Scientific Policy IAP Justice & Populations.
All persons interested should register on
The full program can be consulted here.
SEMINAR: "La conscience entre droit et sciences sociales" (Paris, December 8-9 2016)
WHAT La conscience entre droit et sciences sociales, Seminar
WHEN December 8-9 2016
WHERE Paris, EHESS, 96 Bd. Raspail Salle M. et D. Lombard
Comment le droit, avec les procédés qui lui sont propres, construit-il le sujet ? Dès lors que l’on aborde cette question dans la longue durée, les notions de « conscience » et de « for interne », formalisées par l’Église aux XIIe-XIIIe siècle et marquant toute l’histoire de l’Ancien Régime, apparaissent comme des objets d’analyse privilégiés. Le « for interne », qui désigne stricto sensu un espace de juridiction contigu au procès, ne peut être identifié à la sphère de l’intimité ou à ce que les sciences sociales désignent aujourd’hui comme « for intérieur ». Et pourtant : les liens entre ces deux « fors » méritent d’être examinés de près, car ils éclairent à nouveaux frais l’une des interrogations fondatrices de la 6e section de l’EPHE, à savoir les rapports entre institutions et individus, entre fait juridique et fait social.
Des problématiques chrétiennes de la « conscience » – soumise au seul jugement de Dieu et considérée, par Thomas d’Aquin notamment, comme étant « opposable » au droit –, jusqu’aux protections contemporaines de la « vie privée » (privacy), en passant par les revendications faites au nom de l’« objection de conscience » et de la « désobéissance civile », il s’agira d’esquisser, par des études de cas, une histoire institutionnelle et normative de l’intériorité autant que de la subjectivité.
Arnaud Fossier (Université de Bourgogne)
Paolo Napoli (EHESS)
NOTICE: Colloquium "Ius dicere in a globalized world", CFP: last call (Deadline December, 20 2016)
WHAT Ius dicere in a globalized world, Last Call for Papers
WHEN June 15-17, 2017
WHERE Naples, Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Deadline December 20 2016
The Italian Association of Comparative Law (AIDC) opens an international Call for Papers on the subject JUS DICERE IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD
The colloquium intends to put the focus, from a comparative perspective, on some of the following topics:
1. Can one agree on the statement that in the Western world the notion of jurisdiction is considerably fragmented and is no longer limited to the national State (or expression of public sovereignty) courts, and is dispersed in a multiplicity of experiences? Private jurisdictions (such as ADR, arbitration, sport courts etc.); and trans-national jurisdictions, set by international treaties, or by lex mercatoria).
SEMINAR: "Les images comme fondement de la mémoire urbaine dans l’Europe médiévale" (Lisbon, November 28 2016)
WHAT Les images comme fondement de la mémoire urbaine dans l’Europe médiévale: l'illustration et la décoration des Statuts et des Coutumes dans le Midi de la France, l’Italie communale et la Péninsule Ibérique à la fin du Moyen Âge (XIIIe – XVe siècles), Seminar
WHEN November 28, 17:30-19:00
WHERE IEM (Instituto de Estudos Medievais | FCSH/UNL) de l’Universidade Nova de Lisbonne FCSH/NOVA, Edifício ID, Sala 2.21 (Piso 2)
Sources importantes pour l’histoire urbaine, le Statuts et les Coutumes des villes médiévales sont également un élément important dans la construction de la mémoire des villes au Moyen Age. Une mémoire reconstruite en fonction des développements sociaux et politiques dont les textes et les images sont le miroir. Travail conscient et planifié, conçu par les villes elles-mêmes, les Statuts et les Coutumes non seulement décrivent et racontent l’histoire des villes, mais aussi contribuent à la création, par l’écriture, d’une mémoire commune, et jouent un rôle fondamental dans le développement d’une conscience urbaine. Les images contribuent également à la création de cette prise de conscience. Cette intervention vise à analyser et comparer la décoration et l’illustration des Statuts et des Coutumes du Midi de la France, de l’Italie communale et de la Péninsule ibérique, pour montrer les similitudes et les différences dans la structure visuelle de ce message mémorial pour mieux comprendre la logique qui régit la structuration des pratiques de l’illustration et de la décoration de la loi écrite dans les sociétés de Europe méridionale à la fin du Moyen Âge.
Le Séminaire sera tenu par Mme Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH-UNL)
22 November 2016
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP & CFP: "Neo-Thomism in action. Law and society reshaped by neo-scholastic philosophy, 1880-1960" (Leuven, October 8-10 2017)
WHAT Neo-Thomism in action. Law and society reshaped by neo-scholastic philosophy, 1880-1960, International Workshop & Call for Papers
WHEN October 8-10 2017
WHERE Leuven
This workshop aims to provide an opportunity for an explicitly international audience of scholars to reflect on the societal impact of Neo-Thomism, especially in the domains of law and socio-economic thinking. It indeed starts from the hypothesis that Neo-Thomism above all had a social and apologetic vocation. Neo-Scholastic philosophy offered a holistic view of society, while shielding it against the secularizing forces of the modern world and striving towards a ‘shared’, ‘hybrid’ or ‘integrated modernity’. The Neo-Thomist project expressly called for greater involvement by lay people in the Church’s apologetic and pastoral strategies.
Through scholarly education, periodicals, study circles and other networks involving current and former students and other participants from very different societal domains, these neo-Scholastic institutions pervaded society, with a holistic philosophical framework that showed explicitly apologetic objectives. They offered intellectual breeding grounds for a new Catholic elite to grow. During the decades preceding World War I, the interwar period and even post-World War II, neo-Thomist learning centres acted as hubs for various Catholic networks permeating society as a whole, and cemented these connections within civil society, education, the civil service and judiciary, the worlds of labour and business and especially their interest groups.
The University of Leuven offers a fine example in this respect, with renowned legal scholars such as Victor Brants (1856-1917) and Léon de Lantsheere (1862-1912), and of course its Institute of Philosophy (HIW), founded in 1889 under the impetus of the later Archbishop and Cardinal, Désiré Mercier (1851-1926). These Belgian actors were of course merely one component of a vast international Thomist network that almost completely spanned the universal church with important hubs in places like Paris, Fribourg, Lille and of course Rome. The workshop aims to highlight the exchanges between these different Neo-Thomist centres and affiliated scholars, their societal networks and ideas. The role of religious institutions (Jesuits, Dominicans, and others) within this ‘Thomist international’ and their impact on its interaction with the legal and socio-economic domains of course deserves particular attention.
CFP: "Phanor J. Eder LL.B./J.D. Prize in Comparative Law" (Istanbul, April 28-29, 2017)
WHAT Phanor J. Eder LL.B./J.D. Prize in Comparative Law
WHEN April 28-29, 2017
WHERE Istanbul, Koç University Law School
The Younger Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative Law (YCC) is pleased to invite
submissions for the Phanor J. Eder LL.B./J.D. Prize in Comparative Law, in connection with its Sixth
Annual Conference, to be held on April 28-29, 2017, at Koç University Law School in Istanbul, Turkey. The
Phanor J. Eder Prize is named in honor of the first president of the American Society of Comparative Law.
Subject Matter and Eligibility
The Phanor J. Eder Prize will be awarded to the best comparative law paper submitted by an LL.B. or J.D. student;
one or more honorable mentions will also be awarded.
Papers will be accepted on any subject in public or private comparative law from students currently enrolled in a
J.D. or LL.B. program, who will not yet have received their degree as of April 1, 2017.
Submissions from graduate students enrolled in master’s or doctoral programs are not eligible for this prize but
may participate in a separate competition. Information is available at
Submission Instructions
To submit an entry, students should send an email to with the subject line:
“Submission for Phanor J. Eder Prize.” The email should state each author’s name and law school contact
information, the title of the paper, and a certification that each author is an LL.B. or J.D. student satisfying the
criteria set out above. The paper should be attached to this email in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Papers must
be no more than 15,000 words (excluding footnotes). Submissions should reflect original research that will
not yet have been published by the time of the conference, although it may have been accepted for publication.
The deadline for submission is January 16, 2017.
Scholars may make only one submission. Co-authored submissions will be accepted, provided that all authors
satisfy the eligibility criteria and provide a certification to that effect.
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