
17 May 2023

ARTICLE: Mathilde LEMÉE, "Les juristes publicistes du XIXe siècle et l’idée de droit administratif sous l’Ancien Régime" (Historia et Ius, 1 MAY 2023) (OPEN ACCESS)

(image source: HistoriaetIus)


The dispute over the existence of administrative law under the Ancien Régime is well known. Its origins, however are much less so. Yet, since the Mon- archy of July, many authors have attempted to investigate the history of adminis- trative law. Research on these ideas enables the understanding of the evolution of administrative law itself. It shows that while some authors highlight elements of continuity with the Ancien Régime, others insist upon the fondamental nature of the revolutionary breakage

Read the article on Historia et Ius (an open access peer reviewed journal) .

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