
30 March 2013

JOB: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Website

The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History is about to launch its new website. 

"We are looking to hire a person to work with the website, largely developing new content but also updating bookreviews etc. The person chosen will work under the supervision of theeditor-in-chief, Jim Phillips, and the website co-ordinator, MaryStokes. The job does not entail uploading the content, just producing it.The person selected will be asked to work at least an average of 10hours a week, starting sometime in April 2013, and be able tocontinue to do so for at least the remainder of 2013. More hours maybe available.  
Remuneration will be between $20 and $25 an hour,depending on qualifications.  Applicants should have a good knowledgeof Canadian history, and familiarity with doing basic research in secondary and primary resources". 

For more information, or to apply (with a c.v.), please contact

AWARDS: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Awards

The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History administers three awards. 

The deadline for each of these awards for 2013 is April 30.

John T. Saywell Prize for Canadian Constitutional Legal History

The Saywell Prize is made possible by the generosity of his familyand friends, to recognise the outstanding contribution to Canadianpolitical and legal history of Professor Saywell. Among his otherwork Professor Saywell is the author of The Law Makers: JudicialPower And The Shaping of Canadian Federalism, published by theOsgoode Society in 2002.The Saywell Prize is given bi-annually to the best new book inCanadian legal history, broadly defined, that makes an importantcontribution to an understanding of the constitution and/orfederalism. In exceptional circumstances, the jury could alsoconsider a seminal article or series of articles, some of the latternot written in the two-year period, to satisfy the objectives of the award.
The Saywell Prize will next be awarded in 2013, for a book publishedin 2011 or 2012. The deadline for nominations for 2013 is April 30,2013. Please email nominations to  GOTOBUTTON BM_1_

R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship in Legal History

The R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship in Legal History was created in 2007,on the occasion of the retirement as Chief Justice of Ontario of theHon. R. Roy McMurtry. It honours the contribution to Canadian legalhistory of Roy McMurtry, Attorney-General and Chief Justice of Ontario, founder of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Historyand for many years (and currently) the Society's President.The fellowship of $16,000 is to support graduate (preferablydoctoral) students or those with a recently completed doctorate, toconduct research in Canadian legal history, for one year. Scholarsworking on any topic in the field of Canadian legal history areeligible. Applicants should be in a graduate programme at an OntarioUniversity or, if they have a completed doctorate, be affiliated withan Ontario University.The fellowship may be held concurrently with other awards forgraduate study. Eligibility is not limited to history and lawprogrammes; persons in cognate disciplines such as criminology orpolitical science may apply, provided the subject of the researchthey will conduct as a McMurtry fellow in Canadian legal history. Theselection committee may take financial need into consideration.Applications will be assessed by a committee appointed by the OsgoodeSociety for Canadian Legal History.
Those interested in the 2012 fellowship should apply by sending afull c.v. and a statement of the research they would conduct as aMcMurtry fellow to Marilyn Macfarlane, McMurtry Fellowship SelectionCommittee, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, Osgoode Hall,130 Queen Street West, Toronto, M5H 2N6. The deadline forapplications is April 30, 2013.

Peter Oliver Prize in Canadian Legal History

The Peter Oliver Prize in Canadian Legal History was established bythe Society in 2006 in honour of Professor Peter Oliver, theSociety's founding editor-in-chief. The prize is awarded annually forpublished work (journal article, book chapter, book) in Canadianlegal history written by a student.Students in any discipline at any stage of their careers areeligible. The Society takes a broad view of legal history, one thatincludes work in socio-legal history, legal culture, etc., as well aswork on the history of legal institutions, legal personnel, andsubstantive law.Students may self-nominate their published work, and faculty membersare also encouraged to nominate student work of which they are aware.Those nominating their own work should send a copy of it to the Society.
The deadline for nominations for the 2013 Prize, to be awarded forwork published in 2012, is April 30, 2013.Please send nominations to Professor Jim Phillips, Editor-in-Chief, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, Osgoode Hall, 130 QueenStreet West, Toronto ON M5H 2N6, or by email to

28 March 2013

BOOK: Special Offer for Members of the ESCLH!

European Supreme Courts: A Portrait through History is a beautifully illustrated hardback book, written by a team of leading legal historians drawn from faculties across Europe and beyond. The book explores in a lively and accessible style the history of supreme courts structures throughout the European continent from the high medieval period to the modern day. The story is one of considerable diversity, but it also reveals many common themes which influenced the practice of law at the highest level in different times and places. To an extent which may surprise many readers, supreme courts in Europe, particularly in the pre-Napoleonic era, grappled with many of the problems of multifarious nationalities, languages, traditions and jurisdictions which are familiar challenges for lawyers working within the international and European courts we know today. Indeed, the book serves to set the contemporary role of the international and European courts within the context of a strikingly rich legacy of legal traditions, culture and history in Europe. The authoritative text is accompanied by over 160 images from archives and collections across Europe, as well as present-day images of European and national supreme courts. Many of these images are little known other than to specialists in their countries of origin, and are presented to the general European reader for the first time.
European Supreme Courts: A Portrait through History is designed to be read by legal professionals, officials, academics and law students alike, as well as the general reader with an interest in the history of the European judicature. The ambitious scope of this publication in terms of its historical coverage, geographical range and illustrative content has not previously been attempted in the field of legal history publishing. This is a ground-breaking and beautifully presented publication which discerning lawyers who are interested in the history of their profession will wish to own.

The first part of the book examines supreme courts by political and geographical jurisdiction from the medieval period to the modern day. The French revolutionary and Napoleonic era marked a watershed in the history of European supreme courts, and led to the rise of nationalism and the nation-state from the beginning of the 19th century. The second part of the book examines these developments in the context of the emergence and continuing growth of European courts, notably the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg.
Readers can order a copy of European Supreme Courts: A Portrait through History at The publishers are pleased to offer for a limited period a 25% discount on the full price to members of the European Society for Comparative Legal History. To draw down this discount, please add a copy of the book to the shop basket and then click ‘view basket’. On this second screen enter the code EC25 in the box titled ‘Promotion Code’ and click the update button.
The European Supreme Courts. A Portrait through History
Pages: 288Price: £ 49.95 (excl. P&P)
Hardcover, 160 illustrations

Sarah Yeatman,
Marketing Manager
Third Millennium Information Ltd
2-5 Benjamin Street, London, EC1M 5QL
United Kingdom

26 March 2013

REMINDER: Open positions PIMIC


Ten three-year Fellowships are available to undertake doctorates in the comparative history of power and institutions in the Middle Ages. Each Fellow will receive an annual living allowance of 38,000 Euros/year (subject to minor adjustments) and a mobility allowance of 700-1000 Euros/month (subject to minor adjustments).


Two two-year Postdoctoral positions (Experienced Researchers) are available in the Marie Curie Initial Training Network PIMIC. The Postdoctoral positions will be based in the private sector partners, an audiovisual company (Lopez Li Films-Spain) and a publishing company (Brill Publishers-Netherlands). The Fellows will receive an annual living allowance of 57,000 Euros/year (base rate) and a mobility allowance of 700-900 Euros/month (base rate).
All information here

22 March 2013

CONFERENCE: Shaping Legal Cultures from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages (Penn University, April 7th 2013)

What: Conference Shaping Legal Cultures from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Institutions Genres, and Theories in Roman, Jewish, Sassanian, Christian, and Islamic Law  
Where: University of Pennsylvania, Cohen Hall, Terrace Room, 249 South 36th Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19104.
WhenSunday, April 7, 2013, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m

"This one day conference will explore ways in which region affected the “packaging” of legal traditions within disparate cultures that flourished in geographic contiguity between the sixth and the twelfth centuries. Students of late Roman, Sassanian, Byzantine, Jewish, Islamic and Christian canon law will consider how their respective traditions of law were shaped by such extra-legal phenomena as patronage networks, institutions, circumstances of material production, compositional choices, modes of disseminating law and jurisprudential theories. By facilitating awareness of the regionalism of certain formative, extra-legal factors, this cross-cultural collaboration should stimulate new avenues of historical research.
Graduate students from outside the Philadelphia area may be eligible for a modest transportation stipend. 
Those interested should contact Chrissy Walsh at for further information".

More information here (source)

BOOK: La religiosité du droit (ed. by Hoareau-Dodineau & Métairie)

La religiosité du droit, ed. by Jacqueline Hoareau-Dodineau et Guillaume Métairie, Limoges: PULIM, 2013

For more information about this book, please click here

  • Jacqueline HOAREAU-DODINAU, Guillaume MÉTAIRIE, Avant propos
  • Jean-Pierre LEVET, La religion et la loi dans l’empire perse de Darius. Recherche suivie de brèves considérations grecques sur le droit et le sacré
  • Dominique GAURIER, Le droit romain modèle d’un droit sécularisé dès ses origines et qui le resta, malgré une pénétration de la pensée grecque
  • Dominique ALIBERT, Ordonner le monde et penser la société aux temps carolingiens
  • Esther DEHOUX, Le silence du diable. Définition de la norme dans l’Au-delà et exaltation de la grâce (XIIe-XIIIe siècles)
  • Olivier GUILLOT (Université de Paris-Sorbonne), À propos de quatre moments où la virtus de saint Martin a été réputée avoir soutenu dans les Gaules, par les armes ou autrement, la légitimité d’un princeps ou d’un Auguste, défenseur de la cause catholique
  • Catherine VINCENT (université de Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense), Hagiographie et justice: le témoignage de six recueils de miracles des XIIe-XVe siècles
  • Gérard GUYON, La religiosité en question: Vérité de la foi et procès pénal médiéval
  • Jean-Marie CARBASSE, Les deux Lois Le prophète Élie et le feu du Ciel
  • Christian CHEMINADE), La «Religion royale» française sous les feux de la théologie et de la critique historique (1634-1661)
  • Mathias SCHMOECKEL, Le droit naturel et ses trois confessions à l’époque moderne
  • Joël HAUTEBERT, De l’ancien droit au droit post-révolutionnaire. La déontologie et les mœurs exemples d’impact sémantique de la sécularisation
  • Yvon LE GALL, De quelques droits sacrés sous la Révolution (et au-delà)
  • Blandine CHELINI-PONT, L’origine «chrétienne» de la Constitution américaine? Un débat politico-juridique issu du conservatisme
  • Mohamed MAHFOUDH, Charia et droits pénaux positifs
  • Neji BACCOUCHE, Sécularisation du droit et poids du sacré en Tunisie

BOOK: "Vidas por el derecho" (ed. by Esteban Conde)

The volume Vidas por el derecho (ed. by Esteban Conde Naranjo,  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2012), which contains essays on the biography of important European lawyers of the 18th and 19th century, is the result of the common effort of some of the most well known experts in the field: Clara Álvarez Alonso, Frédéric Audren, Esteban Conde Naranjo, Catherine Fillon, Sebastián Martín, Aldo Mazzacane, Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Carlos Petit, María Nieves Saldaña, José Subtil, Jesús Vallejo, Cristina Vano.

The book is available both on paper and online as it can be freely downloaded clicking here 

It has also to be underlined that information about the biography of law professors in Spain (1847-1943) are available online in the Diccionario de catedráticos españoles de Derecho. It is the result of a project led by prof. Carlos Petit in collaboration with different universitiesHuelva, Sevilla, Carlos III de Madrid, Autónoma de Madrid, Complutense, La Coruña, Valencia, Pablo de Olavide, Cádiz y Autónoma de Barcelona. 

Index (list of essays) of Vidas por el derecho

1. Dilemas metodológicos y percepción histórico-jurídica de la
biografía del jurista moderno: Sebastián Martín 

2. La génesis del Mercado de las Ideas: la Areopagítica de John
Milton. Su recepción en la tradición jurídica norteamericana: Oliver
W. Holmes y la Primera Enmienda: María Nieves Saldaña 

3. Miguel de Manuel y Rodríguez (1741-1798), “el malogrado”:
Esteban Conde Naranjo 

4. La vida de los desembargadores durante la crisis, las reformas
y la Revolución liberal en Portugal (1750-1820): José Subtil 

5. Libertad, derechos naturales y “multiculturalismo” en el pensamiento
de Silvestre Pinheiro Ferreira (1769-1846): Cristina
Nogueira da Silva 

6. Las Novelas y la escuela. Vidas de textos y biografía (colectiva)
de la Historische Rechtsschule: Cristina Vano 

7. En los orígenes de la comparación jurídica: la correspondencia
de Carl Joseph Anton Mittermaier: Aldo Mazzacane 

8. Perfil del jurista romántico español (1834-1855 ca.): Clara Álvarez

9. Biblioteca, archivo, escribanía. Portrait del abogado Manuel
Cortina: Carlos Petit 

10. Biografía intermitente de Miguel Ayllón Altolaguirre: Jesús

11. La grandeza de Louis Josserand. Fuerzas y flaquezas de un
civilista de provincias en la IIIa República francesa: Frédéric Audren/
Catherine Fillon 

19 March 2013

SEMINAR: Víctor Saucedo on conspiration in the common law tradition (Madrid, March 20th 2013)

What: Legal history seminar on Del Statute of Conspirators a las Combination Acts. Genealogía del delito de conspiración en la tradición de common law (1293-1800), by  Víctor Saucedo (University of Sevilla)
Where: Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autònoma de Madrid, C/Kelsen 1, Seminario IV
When: March 20th 2013, 4:30 pm

More information here

13 March 2013

CONFERENCE: British Legal History Conference (Glasgow, 10-13 July 2013): Provisional Programme/Registration

The provisional programme of the British Legal History Conference, organized in Glasgow to celebrate the tercentenary of the Regius Chair of Legal History, is now available. This year's theme is "Law and Authority". Keynote speakers include dr. John Ford (Cambridge), professor sir John Baker (Cambridge), professor John Hudson (St Andrews) and professor Alain Wijffels (UCLouvain/Leiden).

Registration is open until 1 May 2013. Further information:

POST-DOC AND PHD: ERC Starting Grant on the Reception of Roman Law (University of Helsinki)

The ERC Starting Grant -financed research project ”Reinventing the Foundations of European Legal Culture 1934-1964” ( is looking for one post doc and two doctoral students for a period of four years. The project studies the cultural reception of Roman law and the uses of the classical past by Roman law scholars and as such the positions are amply suited for Romanists and historians. 

The project is located at the University of Helsinki and offers a decent salary with full benefits. The persons selected are expected to begin work within the end of the year. 

Here are links to the full adverts: (post doc) 

12 March 2013

NOTICE: Materials related to the Seminar "Citizenship and Power between Middle Ages and Modern Era"

All materials related to the Seminar "Citizenship and Power between Middle Ages and Modern Era" (RomaTre University, Law Faculty, March-December 2013), are now available onàdegliStudiRomaTre

LECTURE: Giacomo Todeschini on Credits in Medieval Italy

What: Giacomo Todeschini (Univ. of Trieste) on "Giuda e le reti del credito informale in Italia alla fine del Medioevo”.
Where: Aula grande de seminarios (1ª planta) de la IMF-CSIC (c/ Egipcíaques, 15, Barcelona)
When: March 18th 2013, 12:00

The conference is organized by the Departamento de Ciencias Históricas – Estudios Medievales de la Institución Milá y Fontanals (CSIC, Barcelona)

10 March 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS: ASLH Workshop on Latin American Legal History (Miami/Fort Lauderdale,November 2013)

What: First Annual American Society for Legal History Workshop on "Latin American Legal History"

Where: Miami/Fort Lauderdale

WhenImmediately before the ASLH annual meeting in Miami/Fort Lauderdale (Nov. 7-10, 2013)

Deadline: April 1st 2013

Papers in Spanish or other languages will be considered if an abstract (one to two pages) is included in English.

Source: Legal History Blog 

"The American Society for Legal History (ASLH) invites paper submissions for its first annual ASLH Workshop, which will be held immediately preceding the ASLH annual meeting in Miami/Fort Lauderdale (Nov. 7-10, 2013).  The workshop is sponsored by ASLH to promote scholarship in areas of legal history that have been traditionally underrepresented at ASLH meetings and in the Law and History Review.  This year’s workshop topic is Latin American Legal History.  (Workshop topics will rotate on an annual basis.)  The ASLH Legal History Workshop will bring together authors and noted scholars in the field in order to work collaboratively toward refining scholarly writing.  An important objective of the workshop is encouraging scholarly conversations among historians of legal systems from a broad range of historical periods and places".

All information on the Legal History Blog  

08 March 2013

CALL FOR ARTICLES: Comparative Legal History

Articles are being sought for publication in Comparative Legal History (CLH)an international and comparative review of law and history. 

CLH is the official journal of the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) and is published by Hart Publishing (UK)

The journal is published, both online and in print, twice a year, appearing in the spring and the autumn. The first issue will appear in Spring 2013:

Articles will explore both 'internal' legal history (doctrinal and disciplinary developments in the law) and 'external' legal history (legal ideas and institutions in wider contexts). Rooted in the complexity of the various Western legal traditions worldwide, the journal will also investigate other laws and customs from around the globe. Comparisons may be either temporal or geographical and both legal and other law-like normative traditions will be considered. Scholarship on comparative and trans-national historiography, including trans-disciplinary approaches, is particularly welcome.

The Editors welcome scholarly submissions in the English language:

To submit an article please contact Articles Editor Heikki Pihlajamäki ( The optimal length for articles is between 7500 to 15000 words, including footnotes. All articles are submitted to double blind peer review.

To propose a review, please contact Reviews Editor Agustin Parise ( Book reviews will generally range from 1500 to 2500 words. Review articles will also be considered.

The Hart website also has information on the Editors (both the Editorial Staff and International Editorial Board), an Email alert service of the 'Table of Contents', and subscription information. 

Note that a special arrangement between the ESCLH and Hart has been made to ensure that ESCLH membership fees include a subscription to CLH.

Potential contributors should pay special attention to the ‘Notes for Contributors’ on the website. In particular, contributors whose first language is not English are strongly advised to have their papers edited by native Anglophone scholars in advance of their submission to ensure a clear presentation of their ideas and an accurate appraisal of their work.

Spread the word. 

05 March 2013

NOTICE: Presentation of Romain Bertrand's "L'histoire à parts égales" at the Ecole Française in Rome (March 8 2013)

What: Presentation of "L'histoire à parts égales" by Romain Bertrand,  with Stefania Gialdroni (Università Roma Tre) and Arthur Weststeijn (Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome), coordinated by Guillaume Calafat (École française de Rome) and François Dumasy (École française de Rome)
Where: École française de Rome, Piazza Navona 62, Rome 
When: March 8 2013, 5:30 pm 

The presentation will take place in English 

01 March 2013

CONFERENCE: Legal Structures in Periods of Transition (Catania, 11 March 2013)

What: Conference "Regimi giuridici delle transizioni"
Where: Università degli Studi di Catania, Dipartimento Seminario Giuridico, Villa Cerami, Aula Magna
When: 11 March 2013, 9:00 am


Jacopo Torrisi (Univ. Catania) 
Il Tribunale Speciale per la Difesa dello Stato

Camilla Poesio (Univ. Ca' Foscari Venezia)
Misura di prevenzione? Misura di sicurezza? Misura alternativa all’azione giudiziaria? Il confino fascista e la questione della pericolosità

Lutz Klinkhammer (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom - Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma)
I tribunali speciali nella Germania nazista

Jörg Luther (Univ. Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”)
Le piccole costituzioni italiane tra il 1943 e il 1948

Alessia Di Stefano (Univ. Catania)
Gli esiti dei provvedimenti della Repubblica Sociale Italiana nella nuova Repubblica Italiana

Cecilia Nubola (Istituto Storico Italo Germanico, Trento)
Giustizia di transizione: il caso dei provvedimenti di grazia nei confronti dei “collaborazionisti” (1945-1955)

Michela Ponzani (Univ. Firenze)
Giustizia di transizione e processi di ricostruzione identitaria nazionale, nel passaggio dalla Monarchia alla Repubblica

Roundtable with: 
Paolo Cappellini (Univ. Firenze) and Giuseppe Speciale (Univ. Catania)

JOURNAL: New Issue of the Journal of Constitutional History 24.2 (2012)

The new issue of the Journal of Constitutional History (Giornale di Storia Costituzionale), 24.2 (2012) is now available. This issue is devoted to:
"The Commonwealth of Australia: Themes and Traditions in Australian Constitutional Law and History".  

Introduction: The Commonwealth of Australia / Introduzione. Il Commonwealth australiano, 5
Augusto Zimmermann

‘Una società di società’: Why Australia is a Federation / ‘Una società di società’: perché l’Australia è una federazione, 23
Nicholas Aroney

Why Australia Does Not Have, and Does Not Need, a National Bill of Rights / Perché l’Australia non ha, e non ha bisogno di avere, un Bill of Rights nazionale, 35
James Allan

The External Affairs Power in Australia and in Germany: Different Solutions, Similar Outcome? / Il potere degli Affari esteri in
Australia e in Germania: diverse soluzioni, analogo risultato?, 49
Jürgen Bröhmer

Engineers: The Case that Changed Australian Constitutional History / Engineers: il caso che cambiò la storia costituzionale australiana, 65
Michelle Evans

The Power of the Purse: An Examination of Fiscal Federalism in Australia / Il potere della borsa: un esame del federalismo fiscale
in Australia, 81
Lorraine Finlay

The Australian Constitution and Expressive Reform / La Costituzione Australiana e la qualità espressiva della riforma, 95
Eric Ghosh

Interpreting the Australian Constitution: Express Provisions and Unexpressed General Principles / Interpretare la Costituzione Australiana: provvedimenti espressi e principi generali inespressi, 117
Jeffrey Goldsworthy

The Validity of Henry VIII Clauses in Australian Federal Legislation / La validità delle Clausole di Enrico VIII nella legislazione federale australiana, 133
Gabriël A. Moens, John Trone

Australian State Courts and Chapter III of the Commonwealth Constitution – Interpretation and Re-Interpretation and the Creation of Australian Constitutional “Orthodoxy” / I Tribunali di Stato australiani e il Capitolo III della Costituzione del Commonwealth – Interpretazione e re-interpretazione e la creazione della “Ortodossia” costituzionale australiana, 145
Sarah Murray

Authors / Autori, 159

Abstracts, 161