
01 April 2020

PRIZE: Robert Feenstra Prize (The Legal History Review) attributed to Dr. Guido ROSSI (Edinburgh)

(image source: Edinburgh University)

The Edinburgh Law School has announced that Dr. Guido Rossi won the Robert Feenstra Prize, awarded every three years by the Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis/Revue d'Histoire du Droit/The Legal History Review.

This prize is awarded for the best article published in the journal. Dr. Rossi's articles "The barratry of the shipmaster in early modern law: polysemy and mos Italicus" (TRG 2019, 1-2)  and "The barratry of the shipmaster in early modern law: the approach of Italian and English law courts" (TRG 2019, 4) can be read here.

Dr. Rossi is currently the Senior Treasurer of our Society.

(source: University of Edinburgh)

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