
28 September 2013

CONFERENCE: The Centenary of the Societé d'Histoire du Droit (Paris, October 19, 2013)

Where: Amphi 4, Université Panthéon-Assas, 12 Place du Panthéon, Paris 
When: October 19, 2013 

For more information click HERE.


10h-12h30 :
Accueil de M. Guillaume LEYTE, Président de l’Université Panthéon-Assas
Assemblée générale de la Société, rapport de la Présidente.
Antonio PADOA-SCHIOPPA, Anne LEFEBVRE-TEILLARD, Jean-Marie CARBASSE et Olivier GUILLOTLa Société d'Histoire du Droit : rétrospective et perspectives.

14h30-17h30 :
Gian Savino PENE VIDARI, Professeur à l’Université de Turin : Les professions juridiques (avocat-notaire-juge) en Italiependant le dernier siècle.
Laurens WINKEL, Professeur à l’Université de Rotterdam : Deux conceptions du droit naturel dans l'Antiquité.
Michaël RAINER, Professeur à l’Université de Salzbourg : L'aube des codifications en Europe.
José Javier de LOS MOZOS TOUYA, Professeur à l’Université de Valladolid: L’influence de l’École historique dans la codification du droit civil espagnol au dix-neuvième siècle.

CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference on Police and Justice (Geneva, November 20-22, 2014)

WhatPolice et justice: le nœud gordien. Du temps des Lumières à l’État libéral (1750-1850)
Where: University of Geneva 
When: November 20-22, 2014

Deadline: March 14, 2014

Organization Committee: Marco CICCHINI (Université de Genève), Vincent DENIS (Paris-I Sorbonne), Vincent  MILLOT (Université de Caen), Michel PORRET (Université de Genève)

A title and an abstract of about 1000 characters should be submitted within March 14, 2014 to the following email address: 

All information HERE

27 September 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS: SHAFR 2014 Annual Conference (Lexington, June 19-21 2014)

WhatThe Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) 2014 Annual Conference
WhereHyatt Regency Lexington - Lexington, Kentucky
When: June 19-21 2014

Deadline: December 1, 2013 

The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) invites proposals for panels and individual papers at its 2014 Annual Conference, to be held June 19-21 at the Hyatt Regency Lexington in Lexington, Kentucky. 
Proposals must be submitted via the on-line interface by December 1, 2013 in order to be considered. 
SHAFR is dedicated to the scholarly study of the history of the U.S. in the world. This includes diplomacy, statecraft, and strategy, but it also includes other approaches pertaining to America's relations with the widerworld, including (but not limited to) global governance, transnational movements, religion, human rights, race, gender, trade and economics, immigration, borderlands, the environment, and empire. 
SHAFR welcomes those who study any time period of American foreign relations, from the colonial era to the present.
The 2014 meeting in Lexington, Kentucky, will feature a plenary session on Thursday evening, titled "The Fall of the Wall: A 25th Anniversary Reassessment," featuring Jeffrey Engel (Southern Methodist University), Melvyn Leffler (University of Virginia), Mary Sarotte (University of Southern California), Tom Zeiler (University of Colorado), and Philip D. Zelikow (University of Virginia).
The keynote address at the Saturday luncheon will be delivered by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, National Editor of The Washington Post and author of Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone and Little America: The War within the War for Afghanistan.

SHAFR is committed to holding as inclusive and diverse a conference as possible, and we encourage proposals from international scholars, women and minorities, and scholars from other disciplines (such as political science,anthropology, or American studies) or other subfields of history.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as part of a panel rather than as an individual. A complete panel usually involves either three papers plus chair and commentator (with the possibility of one person fulfilling the latter two roles) or a roundtable discussion with a chair and three to five participants. The Committee is open to alternative formats, which should be described briefly in the proposal. 
Each participant can only serve once in each capacity. For example, you can only serve once as a chair, once as a commentator, and once as a panelist.
Since proposals for complete panels with a coherent theme will be favored over individual paper proposals, those seeking to create or fill out a panel should consult the "panelists seeking panelists" link on the SHAFR 2014 Annual Meeting web page or tweet #SHAFR2014.
Graduate students, international scholars, and those participants who expand the diversity of SHAFR are eligible to apply for fellowships to subsidize the cost of attending the conference. Please visit the Conference Online Application Gateway for details and the online application form.

The application deadline for these fellowships is December 1, 2013.

All proposals and funding applications should be submitted via the Conference Online Application Gateway at
Applicants requiring alternative means to submit the proposal should contact the program co-chairs via email at

To help better prepare our graduate student membership for the job market, SHAFR will host a hands-on job search workshop during the 2014 conference. Students will have the opportunity to receive individualized feedback on their cover letters and cvs. Anyone submitting a paper or panel proposal for the conference will have the opportunity to indicate their interest in the Job Workshop by checking a box on the online submission form. However, you do not have to be a panelist to participate in the Workshop. The Job Workshop is open to all current graduate students and newly minted Ph.D.s. 
Priority will be given to first-time participants.
For more details about the conference hotel, the panelists seeking panelists forum, travel funding opportunities, and the Job Workshop, please visit the conference website at

SHAFR 2014 Program Committee Andrew Preston and Sarah B. Snyder, co-chairs

21 September 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS: Internatio​nal Conference​, "The Internatio​nal Tracing Service and Holocaust Scholarshi​p" (May 12-14, 2014)

What: International Conference, The International Tracing Service (ITS) Collections and Holocaust
Where: Washington, DC - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
When: May 12-14, 2014
Deadline: 15 December 2013
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen, Germany
Call for Papers
The Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial  Museum and the International Tracing Service invite applications for an international conference designed to  illustratethe broad academic research potential of the ITS collections. The conference will be held May 12-14, 2014 in Washington, D.C., at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Participants will present their papers in sessions open to the public and will also have the opportunity for discussion among the presenters on their experiences using the ITS archives.

The International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen, Germany, was, until November 2007, the largest closed archive in the world related to the Holocaust, forced labor, and Nazi persecution. Recently inscribed into the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Memory of the World Register, the ITS collection has opened important new potential for understanding the Holocaust and other Nazi-era crimes. Whileutilized for decades principally for tracing purposes, the documents provide opportunities for a better understanding of a broad range of topics related to persecution, incarceration, forced labor, mass murder, displacement, resettlement, and the legacies of these experiences as a result of World War II. Five years ago, in a workshop jointly organized by ITS and the Center, an international group of 15 scholars identified significant topical areas for which the ITS documents have great potential, including, but not limited to: social histories of camps and sites of forced labor spanning the entire 1933-1945 period; changing patterns of behavior, violence, and obedience to orders over time from the perspectives of perpetrators, prisoners, laborers, witnesses, and labor users; studies of prisoner categorization practices; medical practices and abuses; and studies of labor utilization in particular towns, regions, camps, or

This conference will bring together scholars who have conducted significant new and original research using ITS collections in the above and other areas. Proposals to present new research findings are welcome from scholars in all relevant academic disciplines, including advanced doctoral students and immediate post-doctoral scholars. Applicants must be affiliated with an academic and/or research institution. Applicants interested in presenting a paper should be currently researching or completing projects that involve substantial research in ITS collections. Successful applicants will be required to submit a copy of their presentation 4 weeks in advance of the conference for circulation among commentators, other panelists, and conference participants.

The conference will be conducted in English. The deadline for receipt of proposals is December 15, 2013. Participants will be selected and notified no later than January 31, 2014.

To propose a paper for this conference, please send: (1) a cover letter addressing in detail your current research in the ITS Collection; (2) your curriculum vitae; and (3) an abstract of no more than 500 words of your proposed paper to Elizabeth Anthony, Curt C. and Else Silberman ITS Scholar, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, at, and to Professor Rebecca Boehling, Director, International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, at
Conference organizers will provide economy-class, direct round-trip airfare from the participant’s home institution; 4 nights of lodging for the duration of the conference; and a modest stipend to help defray meals and ground transportation costs.

This conference is made possible by the generosity of the Harris Family Foundation.

CONFERENCE on Bartolus ex Saxoferrato (Todi and Perugia, 13-16 October 2013)

What: Bartolo da Sassoferrato nel VII centenario della nascita: diritto, politica, società.
Where: Todi-Perugia
When: 13-16 October 2013
Organized by: Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo - Accademia tudertina (Todi)
The entire program of the conference is available HERE (Storia del diritto medievale e moderno blog).
Scholarships: In order to facilitate the participation of young scholars (under 32), 12 grants of 330,00 EUR each are available. Applications have to be sent to the following address: Segreteria del Centro, presso la Fondazione C.I.S.A.M., Palazzo Ancaiani, Piazza della Libertà, 12 - 06049 Spoleto (PG), (deadline: 27 September 2013 at noon).
All information about the scholarships are available at the bottom of the program.  
List of speakers:
Mario Ascheri, Università di Roma Tre
Andrea Bartocci, Università di Teramo
Attilio Bartoli Langeli, Scuola storica nazionale per l’edizione delle fonti documentarie (ISIME)
Annalisa Belloni, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano
Severino Caprioli, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Osvaldo Cavallar, Nanzan University - Japan
Vincenzo Colli, Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte
Orazio Condorelli, Università di Catania
Victor Crescenzi, Università di Urbino
Gero Dolezalek, University of Aberdeen
Carla Frova, Sapienza - Università di Roma
Adolfo Giuliani, Univeristà di Macerata
Julius Kirshner, University of Chicago
Susanne Lepsius, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitäts München
Francesco F. Mancini, Università di Perugia
Paola Monacchia, Deputazione di storia patria per l’Umbria
Paolo Mari, Scuola storica nazionale per l’edizione delle fonti documentarie (ISIME)
Maria Grazia Nico, Università di Perugia
Alessandra Panzanelli, Università di Perugia
Berardo Pio, Università di Bologna
Diego Quaglioni, Università di Trento
Giovanni Rossi, Università di Verona
Claudia Storti Storchi, Università di Milano
Ferdinando Treggiari, Università di Perugia
Alain Wijffels, Universiteit Leiden, Université Catholique de Louvain
Andrea Zorzi, Università di Firenze

REMINDER: International School of Ius Commune, Erice 5-11 October 2013

What: 33rd International School of Ius Commune: Social crisis and science of law in medieval and modern world.
Director of the 33rd course: Andrea Padovani (University of Bologna).

Where: Erice (Sicily), Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture.

When: 5-11 October 2013

Contacts: Prof. Orazio Condorelli (University of Catania) -

More information HERE.
Human history fluctuates unceasingly between two opposite poles: violence and disorder on one side, and demands for settlement and peace on the other: that is a quest for rules, establishing uniformity and predictability for social behaviors. Between the two poles, a lawless society (anomia) and an order established by a legal system, there is embedded a combat between a stubborn defense of antiquated privileges and new claims of freedom. This struggle occurred again and again in European society from the time of Irnerius at the beginning of the twelfth century in different contexts and with different problems that jurists were asked to resolve. When confronted with these issues, from time to time the jurists wisely imposed limits on human behavior with the imposition of norms from positive law or from higher norms such as natural law. They imposed the ‘dogmata iuris’ to regulate the spontaneous but disordered emerging of vigorous new energies that were then adopted for common good of society.

11 September 2013

CONFERENCE on Justice, Politics and Repression during the Fascist Régime

What: Conference on "Giustizia, politica e repressione durante il Fascismo"
Where: Sala Convegni - Fondazione Colocci - Via Angeloni 3, JESI
When: 20 September (3:30 pm) - 21 September (9:00 am) 2013

Dr. Monica Stronati:
Fondazione Angelo Colocci, Dr. Gioia Fini, tel. +39 0731 213234 -

List of Speakers:
20 September:
Luigi Lacché (University of Macerata)
Patrick Cavaliere (Laurentian University)
Stephen Skinner (University of Exeter)
Antonella Meniconi (University of Rome La Sapienza)
Floriana Colao (University of Siena)
Leonardo P. D'Alessandro (Fondazione Istituto Gramsci)
Claudia Storti (University of Milan)

21 September
Alessandra Bassani/Ambra Cantoni (University of Milan)
Camilla Poesio (University of Venice Cà Foscari)
Monica Stronati (University of Macerata) 
Thomas Vormbaum (Fern Universitaet in Hagen)
Giuseppe Speciale (University of Catania)
Toni Rovatti (INSMLI)

Organized by the University of Macerata, in the framework of the 2009 PRIN Project "La giustizia penale e la politica. Modelli processuali, profili dottrinali, forme di responsabilità giuridica nella esperienza italiana tra Otto e Novecento". 

REVIEW: Horst Dippel reviews works on early Nineteenth-Century constitutions (Archiv für Sozialgeschichte)

Horst Dippel (Kassel) reviewed three works on (comparative) constitutional history:
  • Ricardo Gómez Rivero, Die Königliche Sanktion der Gesetze in der Verfassung von Cadiz [Rechtskultur Wissenschaft; Bd. 4] [transl. from Spanish], Regensburg: Gietl Verlag, 2011, 189 p. (on the 1812 Constitution of Cádiz, issued by the Spanish Bourbon King Charles IV)
  • Jens Späth, Revolution in Europa 1820-1823. Verfassung und Verfassungskultur in den Königreichen Spanien, beider Sizilien und Sardinien-Piemont [Italien in der Moderne; 19], Köln: SH Verlag, 2012, 517 p. (on the spread of the Cádiz Constitution to the main Southern and Northern Kingdoms in Italy)
  • Martin Knauer & Verena Kümmel (eds.), Visualisierung konstitutioneller Ordnung 1815-1852 [Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme; 38] Münster: Rhema Verlag, 2011, 194 p.
The review provides an interesting introductory synthesis for all those interested in the subjects of political history, comparative history of public law, legal iconography, Mediterranean history or just 19th century political history.

Fulltext online on

JOURNAL: Droits nr. 54-55: "Legal argumentation and its constraints"

 The French legal periodical Droits: Revue Française de théorie, de philosophie et de culture juridiques (Presses Universitaires de France) published a special issue on legal argumentation, featuring (amongst others) the following contributions, which might be of interest to comparative legal historians:
  • Michel Troper, "Argumentation et explication"
  • Olivier Jouanjan, "La théorie des contraintes juridiques de l'argumentation et ses contraintes"
  • Charles Leben, "L'argumentation des juristes et ses contraintes chez Perelman et les auteurs du courant rhétorico-herméheutique"
  • Denis Alland, "La théorie réaliste de l'interprétation et des contraintes juridiques à l'épreuve du droit international public"
  • Stéphane Rials (Variétés) "Simmel. Le drame jubilatoirement. réfléchi de la division" and "Critique de la démocratie esclavagiste, justification libérale des institutions représentatives et moralité de la division du travail"
  • Guildin Davy (Variétés): "Un juriste à la croisée des chemins. Antijésuitisme et défense de la tradition monarchique chez David Hoüard (1762)."
  • Patrice Rolland (Variétés): "Benjamin Constant. Religion et liberté chez les modernes"
  • Pierre Bonin (Variétés): "En attendant les droits de l'homme. Liberté et libertés dans les dictionnaires de l'Ancien Régime"
More information on nomodos.

06 September 2013

BOOK: McMahon on Homicide in Pre-famine and Famine Ireland

Richard Mc Mahon’s Homicide in Pre-famine and Famine Ireland is due in October:

Was pre-Famine and Famine Ireland a violent society? The dominant view among a range of commentators at the time, and in the work of many historians since, is that violence was both prevalent and pervasive in the social and cultural life of the country. This book explores the validity of this perspective through the study of homicide and what it reveals about wider experiences of violence in the country at that time. The book provides a quantitative and contextual analysis of homicide in pre-Famine and Famine Ireland. It explores the relationship between particular and prominent causes of conflict - personal, familial, economic and sectarian - and the use of lethal violence to deal with such conflicts. Throughout the book, the Irish experience is placed within a comparative framework and there is also an exploration of what the history of violence in Ireland might reveal about the wider history of interpersonal violence in Europe and beyond. The aim throughout is to challenge the view of nineteenth-century Ireland as a violent society and to offer a more complex and nuanced assessment of the part played by violence in Irish life.

01 September 2013

REMINDER: Submission of proposals for the 2016 ESCLH Biennial Conference

The ESCLH would welcome proposals from Universities and other institutions of higher learning to host the Society's conference in 2016. Such proposals should include details, plans and options for what the conference would be like at the proposed institution. For instance, the number of days of sessions there would be, what range of date options would be available as well as what kind of transport links and accommodation options there are. Finally, specific proposals about how the conference would be used to grow the Society would be welcome. The ESCLH Executive Council will review all bids and may ask for further information. In the first instance, please send any bids to the President, Prof. Aniceto Masferrer:

REPORT: 2013 General Assembly of the ESCLH

Dear friends of the ESCLH,
you can read below a short report of the 2013 General Assembly of the ESCLH, which took place in Lund on August 19th.

Monday, 19th August 2013, 13.30-14.00
(The Pufendorf Auditorium, “Tryckeriet”, St. Gråbrödersgatan, Lund) 
Faculty of Law, Lund University

1. Introduction 

2. Financial situation and membership
At present, the journal and the biennial conference are the two major costs, in addition to the small website related costs. It may be that certain things not paid for now should be covered in the future, such as an honorarium for the webmaster or expenses for some Executive Council business. It may also be that we wish to do new thing, such as an event in the year without the conference. Until (but not including) the conference in 2016, the strategy will be to continue to cover the costs of the journal and significantly contribute to the conference. After that the best deal possible for our members will continue to be the aim.
A sustainable membership number would likely be in the region of 150 to 200 members and that would therefore be the target of the Society. The Executive Council has been engaged in a membership drive; the support of existing members in spreading news of the Society would be most welcome.

3. The Official Journal of the ESCLH
Comparative Legal History has been launched, its first issue coming out in July. The Society is grateful to its editorial board for their hard work. There will be a simple event in Lund in August 2013 to mark the launch of the journal, and a grander event to mark its first anniversary in Macerata in 2014.

4. Update on ongoing projects
i) Western Legal Traditions Project
The project progresses well, with another meeting in Maastricht soon. The group was possibly interested in further Roman law coverage, and would be open to suggestions of members or others who might be interested.

ii) Comparative Legal History Volume, Edward Elgar Publishing
The project, led by Setu, Olivier Moréteau and Kjell Å Modéer, will produce a handbook in Elgar series, entitled “Comparative Legal History”. The Executive Council voted in July to make it an official project of the Society.

iii) Van Caenegem Prize 
The prize, created in 2012, is to encourage the work of younger legal historians. The full rules are available on the Blog. Those rules specify that to be eligible the article has to have been published in Comparative Legal History, so ESCLH members under 38 are strongly encouraged to submit work.

5. The ESCLH Blog
The ESCLH blog continues to be one of the major sources of comparative legal history information on the web. The Executive Council is grateful to all those who have worked so hard on it, particularly its current webmaster (Stefania Gialdroni) and its founder (Seán Donlan). In the coming year we are enhancing the Blog further, with greater recognition for significant Blog posters and greater efforts to cover all the possible sources of Blog posts. Any thoughts or comments would be welcome to Dirk and Stefania.

6. 2016 ESCLH Conference
The Executive Council invites applications from Universities and other institutes of Higher Learning to host the ESCLH conference in 2016. Please send an initial proposal to Setu and Matt giving details of your institution and some initial details of what you would propose for the conference: these should include dates, details of travel and accommodation options and any measures you could include to grow the membership of the ESCLH further. It is expected that any institution bidding for the conference would have a number of ESCLH members by the time of sending its bid. Applications will be considered as they arrive, so the sooner an application is received, the better. The final deadline is 30th October. If desired, information contact can be made with any member of the Executive Council before making a full proposal.