
18 September 2019

WORKSHOP: The Illuminated Legal Manuscript: Production, Circulation and Use in Medieval Europe (Lisbon, 20 September 2019)

(Source: Ius Illuminatum)

We learned of an International Workshop on illuminated legal manuscripts in Medieval Europe later this week in Lisbon.

The Illuminated Legal Manuscript:
Production, Circulation and Use in Medieval Europe
International Workshop of the research team IUS ILLUMINATUM

Lisbon, Friday 20th September 2019
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Auditorium 2 – Torre B
Avenida de Berna, 26-C – Lisbon

Instituto de Estudos Medievais (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
Oficina de investigação IUS ILLUMINATUM

Scientific Coordination and Organization:
Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH/NOVA – PI of the research team IUS ILLUMINATUM)


9.30 Opening Session
Maria João Branco (Director of IEM-FCSH/NOVA); Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH/NOVA – PI of the research team IUS ILLUMINATUM); Catarina Tente (Assistant Vice-Dean Research Projects Management Support – IEM-FCSH/NOVA)

Chair of the sessions: Teresa D’Urso, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Session 1: Italy

10.00 Nuove indagini sui manoscritti giuridici miniati a Napoli
Andrea Improta, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila

10.30 Nuove riflessioni su due manoscritti giuridici trecenteschi miniati a Bologna: le Decretali V e le Institutiones XIV della Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli
Gianluca del Monaco, Università di Bologna

11.00 Coffee-Break

Session 2: Spain

11.30 “Esta mi carta de previlleio rrodado. Productores y espectadores para un documento de lujo
Maria Teresa Chicote Pompanin, The Warburg Institute (School of Advanced Study, University of London) – Ángel Fuentes Ortiz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

12.00 Manuscritos jurídicos en Salamanca durante el siglo XV. El caso del Colegio Mayor de san Bartolomé
Jorge Jiménez López, Universidad de Salamanca

12.30 Estudiar las Siete Partidas desde la História del arte
Jorge Prádanos Fernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

13.00 Debate

13.30 Lunch

Chair of the sessions:  João Carvalho Dias, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Session 3: France

15.00 Onze années de recherche sur les manuscrits juridiques du Midi de la France : résultats, bilans et perspectives de recherches  
               Maria Alessandra Bilotta, IEM-FCSH/NOVA

15.30 Literary and Iconographic Representations of the Jouvenel des Ursins Family: A Preliminary Survey.
               André Vitoria, IEM-FCSH/NOVA - LAMOP

16.00 Coffee-Break

Session 4: Poland

16.30 Manuscrits juridiques enluminés dans les collections polonaises – état de la recherche et individuation des bibliothèques.              
Arkadiusz Adamczuk, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Lublin

Interdisciplinary research perspectives

17.00 O estudo da heráldica nos manuscritos jurídicos iluminados: novas pistas de investigação
Maria Alessandra Bilotta, IEM-FCSH/NOVA; Miguel Metelo de Seixas, IEM-FCSH/NOVA

17.15 A documentação digital e a virtualização 3D para o estudo dos manuscritos jurídicos iluminados: novas pistas de trabalho
Maria Alessandra Bilotta, IEM-FCSH/NOVA; Rolando Volzone, DINÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE

17.30 O estudo dos manuscritos jurídicos iluminados como “objetos arqueológicos”: perspetivas de investigação Maria Alessandra Bilotta, IEM-FCSH/NOVA; Catarina Tente, IEM-FCSH/NOVA

17.45 Round table coordinated by Maria João Branco (Director of IEM-FCSH/NOVA)

18.45. Final discussion and debate

19.00 Closing Remarks  


IUS ILLUMINATUM is an international scientific team composed of medieval art historians belonging to different European academic institutions, all specializing in illuminated legal manuscripts. The formation of this research group is linked to the current research project “ManJurEurIt. Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes” of Maria Alessandra Bilotta, researcher in the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon and member of the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) at the same University, who is the coordinator and principal investigator of the team. The project “ManJurEurIt. Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes” aims to investigate the circulation of legal manuscripts in Portugal and their connections to artistic and social mobility in Mediterranean Europe. The research team intends to carry on a comparative study of the artistic, cultural and social currents revealed by the production and the circulation of illuminated legal manuscripts in medieval Europe. Each of the team members proposes to investigate these phenomena through the study of specific types of legal manuscripts, within a definite region of Europe. The team will be considering also the material aspects of the medieval legal book, with the collaboration of codicologists and archaeologists, analysing such books as archaeological artifacts. Finally, another purpose of the team’s work is to help promote and amplify the discussion of our issues by organizing scientific meetings and establishing contacts and interdisciplinary collaborations with other research groups and scientific institutions. IUS ILLUMINATUM has its headquarters at the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) in the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon, while the members retain their own academic affiliations.

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