
22 December 2023

HOLIDAY: End-of-year break (23 DEC 2023-7 JAN 2024)

(image: Les Bouquinistes en Hiver, Eugène Galien-Laloue; source: Wikimedia Commons)

Dear reader, the ESCLH-blog goes into holiday mode from now. Enjoy the end of 2023, and expect us back in 2024 for a fresh start from 7 January on!

We published over 480 posts this year (ergo 1,3 per day, not counting the breaks), and attracted over 260 000 views. Since its creation back in 2010, the blog counts over 2,3 million views. We are happy that the efforts of our bloggers (Piotr, Arthur, Filip, Marco, Stefano, Priyasha, Kamilia) and former bloggers (Stefania, Gilles, Flavia and Annemieke) have made this kind of amplification possible. 

BOOK: Jean-Marie CAUCHIES & Jean-Marie YANTE (dir.), Ordonnances de Philippe le Bon pour le Comté de Namur 1421-1466 et le Duché de Luxembourg 1443-1464 [Recueil des Ordonnances des Pays-Bas; 1e série: 1381-1506] (Bruxelles: SPF Justice/CRALO-Société Archéologique de Namur, 2023), 208 p.


(image source: KCOWV-CRALO


Les ordonnances de Philippe le Bon pour le comté de Namur (1421-1466) et le duché de Luxembourg (1443-1464) viennent de rejoindre la deuxième section de la première série (1381-1506) du Recuel des Ordonnances des Pays-Bas. Les professeurs émérites Jean-Marie Cauchies (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Université catholique de Louvain) et Jean-Marie Yante (Université catholique de Louvain), membres de la Commission Royale pour la Publication des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de Belgique, ont rédigé une introduction (pp. 5-24), et soigné l'édition scientifique et érudite de 42 et 23 actes namurois, ainsi que 38 actes luxembourgeois. Le volume est accompagné d'un index des noms propres (pp. 187-196) et d'un index des matières (pp. 197-199).

Cette publication a bénéficié du soutien de la Commission Royale pour la Publication des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de Belgique et de la Société archéologique de Namur, d'une subvention de la Fondation pour la protection du patrimoine culturel, historique et artisanal (Lausanne) et du Centre belge d'histoire rurale (Section de Louvain-la-Neuve).
Le volume peut être commandé auprès de la Bibliothèque du SPF Justice.

Source: KCOWV/CRALO blog

JOURNAL: Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, LII (2023) [OPEN ACCESS]

(Image source: Quaderni Fiorentini)

Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno. Il diritto come forma dell’esperienza. Per Paolo Grossi

Modelli e dimensioni: storicità del diritto e dialogo con i giuristi. 

L’officina dello storico I. Ripensare il medioevo

L’officina dello storico I. Ripensare la modernità

L’officina dello storico II. La Codificazione e l’«assolutismo giuridico»

L’officina dello storico II. Un ‘secolo lungo’: il Novecento giuridico

La «pos-modernità». Costituzione e società

La «pos-modernità». Il problema della legalità

La «pos-modernità». Interpretatio e unità dell’ordine plurale


A proposito di…


Ragguagli fiorentini

More information can be find here.

21 December 2023

BOOK: Franziska MEYER, Der Kaiser und die Verfassung. Eine Untersuchung brasilianischer Souveränitätsentwürfe in den Verfassungsdebatten Brasiliens 1821–1824 vor dem Hintergrund des europäischen Frühkonstitutionalismus [Studien zur Rechtsgeschichte; vol. 215] (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2023), 272 p. ISBN 9783428188239, €89,9


(image source: Duncker & Humblot)

»The Emperor and the Constitution. An Analysis of Brazilian Conceps of Sovereignty in the Brazilian Constitutional Debates 1821–1824 against the Background of Early European Constitutionalism«: After its independence in 1822, Brazil became a constitutional empire with the Portuguese heir to the throne as its head of state. The Constituent Assembly's constitutional project failed, and instead a constitutional octroi was enacted. The author examines the discussions of the Constituent Assembly and the public discourse surrounding the constitution-making process. She also examines the influence of European constitutions on the constitutional project and the constitutional octroi.

On the author:

Franziska Meyer studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Passau. Anschließend war sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in dem ERC-Grant Projekt »Reconsidering Constitutional Formation« unter Supervision von Frau Prof. Dr. Ulrike Müßig. Ihr Rechtsreferendariat am Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht Hamburg schloss sie 2021 mit dem Zweiten Staatsexamen ab. 2022 wurde sie zur Dr. iur. promoviert. Seit 2022 ist sie Rechtsanwältin und Strafverteidigerin. 

Read more here: DOI  10.3790/978-3-428-58823-7.


BOOK: Jonas ROELENS, Citizens and Sodomites: Persecution and Perception of Sodomy in the Southern Low Countries (1400–1700) [Crime and City in History, eds. Margo DE KOSTER & Manon VAN DER HEIJDEN]; 6] (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2023), ISBN 9789004685956, € 130,38


(image source: Brill)

The Southern Low Countries were among Europe’s core regions for the repression of sodomy during the late medieval period. As the first comprehensive study on sodomy in the Southern Low Countries, this book charts the prosecution of sodomy in some of the region’s leading cities, such as Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp, from 1400 to 1700 and explains the reasons behind local differences and variations in the intensity of prosecution over time. Through a critical examination of a range of sources, this study also considers how the urban fabric perceived sodomy and provides a broader interpretive framework for its meaning within the local culture.

On the author:

Jonas Roelens, Ph.D. (2018), Ghent University, is postdoctoral researcher at that university, where he teaches gender history. His Ph.D. thesis received the Erik Duverger Award. He is co-author of Verzwegen verlangen. Een geschiedenis van homoseksualiteit in België (2017). 

Table of contents:

List of Figures and Tables
List of Abbreviations

PART I: Methodological and Discursive Framework

1 Introduction
 1 Sodomy: a Contested Historiography
 2 Sodomy: an Urban Vice? Geographical and Chronological Demarcation
 3 Sources and Methodology
 4 Structure
 5 Terminology

2 Sodomy in Religion, Law, and Popular Culture
 1 Introduction
 2 Religious Views on Sodomy
 3 Legal Views on Sodomy
 4 Cultural Views on Sodomy
 5 Conclusion

PART II: Urban Prosecutions

3 Cycles in the Urban Prosecution Policy
 1 Introduction
 2 Cycles in Early Modern Europe
 3 Sodomy in the Southern Netherlands: Facts and Figures
 4 The Sodomite as Scapegoat
 5 Bruges: Sodom of the North
 6 Bruges and Its Reputation: Some Possible Explanations
 7 Conclusion

4 Social Profiles
 1 Introduction
 2 The Young Sodomite
 3 The Bourgeois Sodomite
 4 The Noble Sodomite
 5 Conclusion

5 Clerical Sodomy
 1 Introduction
 2 Clerical Sodomy in Context
 3 Clerical Sodomites in the Southern Netherlands
 4 Sodomy and the Reformation
 5 The Sodomy Trials of 1578
 6 Tridentine Reforms and Same-Sex Desires
 7 Conclusion

6 Foreign Sodomy
 1 Introduction
 2 Discursive Constructions of Sodomy
 3 Migration in the Southern Netherlands
 4 Migrant Sodomites in the Southern Netherlands
 5 Conclusion

7 Female Sodomy
 1 Introduction
 2 Female Sodomy in Theological and Legal Traditions
 3 Female Sodomy Prosecution in the Southern Netherlands
 4 Female Visibility as an Explanation?
 5 Conclusion

PART III: Urban Discourses

8 Gossip, Defamation, and Sodomy
 1 Introduction
 2 Rumors and Gossip in the Early Modern City
 3 Gossiping about Sodomy
 4 Suspicious Communities or Severe Authorities?
 5 Conclusion

9 Sodomy, Religious Conflict, and Urban Memory
 1 Introduction
 2 Anti-Monasticism and the Ghent Sodomy Trial of 1578
 3 Catholic Rehabilitation in City-Chronicles
 4 Sodomy and Urban Memory
 5 Conclusion

10 Sodomy, Witchcraft, and Public Discourse
 1 Introduction
 2 The Remarkable Romance of Mayken and Magdaleene
 3 Female Sodomy in Seventeenth-Century Europe
 4 Female Sodomy and Hermaphrodites
 5 Sodomy and Witchcraft
 6 Conclusion


Appendix Chronological Overview per City


 Read more here: DOI 10.1163/9789004686175

20 December 2023

JOURNAL: Journal on European History of Law XIV (2023), nr. 2 [OPEN ACCESS]



Gabriele Schneider: Women as Judges and Public Prosecutors in Austria: A Historical Overview

omír Tauchen:
Die gelenkte Wirtschaft, ihre Rechtsgrundlage und ihr strafrechtlicher Schutz im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939 – 1945)

Andrew Watson: The Legal Education Revolution that Failed – Attempts to Establish a Legal University in Victorian Britain

Ivan Kosnica: Naturalisations in the Independent State of Croatia

Aleksejs Jelisejevs: From Bona Fides to Laba Ticība: Historical Interpretation of the Good Faith Principle in Latvian Law

Jelena Nikčević: Development of Security Instruments of Maritime Loans on the Eastern Adriatic Coast, with Particular Reference to the Ordinance-Law on Property Rights on Ships and Maritime Liens from 1939

Zdeňka Stoklásková: Die Armenfürsorge als Rechtsproblem in der Österreichischen Monarchie

Lenka Šmídová Malárová: Jews and Anti-Jewish Rules in the Czech Codification of Church Law of 1349

János Erdődy: In XII minuendi sumptus sunt lamentationisque funeris – sed ea non tam ad religionem spectant quam ad ius sepulcrorum: Restrictions on Funeral Luxury in Rome

Gábor Schweitzer: Der Rechtsstatus und die Selbstverwaltung der Hauptstadt Budapest in der bürgerlichen Ära

Csaba Cservák: The Constitutional Development of Transylvania

Péter Nagy: Hungarian Scholar of Czechoslovak Law in the USA. The Life and Works of Miklós Ujlaki

Viktor Papp: Conflicts, Compromises and Professionalization. The Case of Hungarian Trainee Lawyers in the late 19th Century

Tamás Antal: A Hungarian Jurist’s Views on 19th-Century English Juries

Thembi Pearl Madalane: Western Europe Immigration Laws on Diversity in International Arbitration. A Historical Perspective on Africa and the Influence of English Law

Balázs Arató: The Historical Roots of Family Businesses, the Entail and the Unification of Wealth

Réka Pusztahelyi: Undue Influence as a Civil Law Concept in the Hungarian Legislation and Judicial Practice (Investigation of the Drafts of the Hungarian Civil Code between 1900 and 1928 and the Corresponding Literature and Practice)

Roman Savuliak: Codex Theresianus of 1766: Codification Works, Structure, main Content and Significance of Roman Law Reception during its Conclusion Process

Vinicius Magalhães Casagrande: Rechtsnormen und Logische Analysis: ein Briefwechsel - Was Kelsen tricked?

Thomas Gergen: Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen auf Bescheidung und Gewährung von Pensionsleistungen als Vertragsbedienstete von verschiedenen EU-Behörden – Rechtsgeschichte der frühen Jahre der EU als „Lehrmeisterin“ und gutachterliches „Handwerkszeug“

Stefano Barbati: Il postliminio di Ostilio Mancino



Radek Černoch: Introductory Remarks on the Essays of the Speakers of the XVIIth Young Scientists Meeting on Roman Law

Michael Binder: The Capability to sue or be a Defendant in the Context of Matrimony with filii familias: An Analysis of D. and D.

Stefan Schmatzberger: Der prozessuale Erwerb scheidungshalber entwendeter Sachen in D. 25.2.22 pr.

Robin Repnow: Die Rückgabe konfiszierter Güter in einem Kaiseredikt aus dem frühen 4. Jh.

Emese Újvári: Die Haftung der Erben der Munizipalmagistrate. Beispiele aus dem Bereich der magistratischen Vormundsbestellung



Hans-Christian Herrmann (Hg.): Die Strukturkrise an der Saar und ihr langer Schatten. Bilanz und Perspektiven von Montanregionen im europäischen Vergleich

Michael Röhrig (Hg.): Königshof und Landgemeinde. Geschichte Völklingens von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts

Alfred Söllner, Christian Baldus: Römisches Recht

Ulrike Babusiaux, Christian Baldus, Wolfgang Ernst, Franz-Stefan Meissel, Johannes Platschek, Thomas Rüfner (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts



Christoph Schmetterer: Tagungsbericht: Ausnahme und Vielfalt im Recht der Vormoderne

Thomas Gergen: Stephan Toscani: Jurist, früherer Minister und Landtagspräsident, nunmehr Träger „Professor Alfred Diwersy Ehrenpreis“

More information here.

BOOK: Brigitte BASDEVANT-GAUDEMET, L’évêque, le prêtre et la paroisse au Moyen Âge, VIe-XIIIe siècle (Paris: éd. Cerf Patrimoine, 2023), 240 p. ISBN 9782204162081, € 29


Le cléricalisme fait aujourd’hui débat et soulève de multiples questions. Comment penser la discipline cléricale et le rapport entre le prêtre et les ? dèles au sein de la paroisse, ou la relation de l’évêque avec le clergé de son diocèse ? Le clerc, le prêtre, la hiérarchie cléricale doivent-ils être mis à part de l’ensemble de la société ? Si elle ne répond pas aux questions du XXIe siècle, l’histoire fournit des clés susceptibles d’éclairer ces débats brûlants d’actualité. Que savons-nous de la vie religieuse des villageois qui, sous la conduite d’un prêtre, se rassemblaient dans les églises dont les clochers, ruraux ou urbains, continuent d’égailler nos paysages ? Dans la société chrétienne de l’Occident médiéval, au ? l du temps, l’image du prêtre de paroisse se dessine, dans une Église toujours soucieuse tant de garantir sa liberté que de se réformer. Constituant le premier ordre de la nation, elle mène une lutte acharnée contre les intrusions exagérées des laïcs. Il convient de protéger le prêtre contre toute entreprise laïque abusive et d’assurer son indépendance à l’égard des pouvoirs temporels, tout en le plaçant, vis-à-vis de l’évêque, dans une relation d’obéissance ? liale qui n’est pas servitude. Une stricte discipline de vie s’impose à lui ; elle vise à renforcer le prestige nécessaire à l’exercice de sa mission supérieure, celle de conduire chacun au salut. L’ouvrage retrace ce lent cheminement de réformes, constamment remises sur le métier, même lorsque les efforts des décennies précédentes semblent avoir porté leurs fruits.

On the author:

Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet est professeur émérite de l’Université Paris-Saclay. Spécialiste d’histoire du droit canonique, elle a fondé le centre Droit et Sociétés religieuses, qu’elle a dirigé de nombreuses années. Parmi ses ouvrages, citons : Église et Autorités, Études d’histoire du droit canonique médiéval (Limoges, PULIM, 2006), Histoire du droit canonique et des institutions de l’Église latine, XVe-XXe siècle (Paris, éd. Économica, 2014).
Read more here.

SEMINAR SERIES: Humanisme juridique, logique et dialectique (Paris, January-March 2024)


L'Institut d'histoire du droit Jean Gaudemet de l'université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, en collaboration avec l'Institut de recherche Montesquieu de l'université de Bordeaux et l'Institut universitaire de France, organise des séances de séminaire publiques. Elles peuvent également être suivies en ligne.




Vendredi 19 Janvier 2024

14h30 : Humanisme juridique et dialectique : un dialogue scolaire de Léger Duchesne contre les interprètes du droit (De negligendis interpretibus iuris, 1549)

Marie-Dominique Couzinet, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (ISJPS)

16h30 : Fin


Vendredi 9 Février 2024

14h30 : Démontrer que « toute guerre civile est pernicieuse », chez Melanchthon et Philippe Canaye

Marie-Luce Demonet, Université de Tours (CESR)

16h30 : Fin

Vendredi 15 Mars 2024

14h30 : Les codifications du droit talmudique de la Renaissance

Stefan Goltzberg, Université libre de Bruxelles (FNRS)

16h30 : Fin


Vendredi 29 Mars 2024

14h30 : La déclamation De legibus(1523) et sa place dans la philosophie théologique de Philippe Melanchthon

Kees Meerhoff, Universiteit van Amsterdam - CELLF (sous reserve)

16h30 : Fin


Entrée libre

Pour suivre les séances en ligne écrire à :

Séminaire international pluridisciplinaire du Réseau Humanisme Juridique organisé sous la direction de Luigi-Alberto Sanchi, Cnrs – IHD et Xavier Prévost, Université de Bordeaux, IRM – IUF

Collège Sainte-Barbe

Salle Collinet, 3e étage

4 rue Valette

75005 Paris

Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Institut d'Histoire du Droit Jean Gaudemet

Institut de recherche Montesquieu

Institut Universitaire de France

Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Institut d'Histoire du Droit Jean Gaudemet
Institut de recherche Montesquieu
Institut Universitaire de France

ROUND TABLE: Un Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia della Giustizia Criminale: presentazione, proposte, tavola rotonda (University of Bologna, 21 dicembre 2023)


19 December 2023

BOOK: Martin LÖHNIG, Droit local. Deutsches Recht in Frankreich zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts: Zivilrecht, Gerichtsverfassungsrecht und Zivilprozessrecht [Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, vol. 213] (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2023), 114 p. ISBN 9783428188857, € 69,9


(image source: Duncker & Humblot)


»DROIT LOCAL: German Law in France at the Beginning of the 20th Century«: After the Franco-German War, Germany had annexed some departments in eastern France and made them into the ›Reichland Alsace-Lorraine‹. German law was gradually introduced there. After the reversion of the departments to France, German law was initially applied in full and later in part, because considerable resistance had arisen against the elimination of numerous legal institutions. This monograph deals with this German law in 20th century France.

On the author:

Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsche und Europäische Rechtsgeschichte und Kirchenrecht an der Universität Regensburg. Forschungsgebiete: Familienrecht, Erbrecht, Vergleichende und europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Rechtskultur.

Read more here: DOI  10.3790/978-3-428-58885-5.


REMINDER CFP: Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM) - Medieval Military History Issues (2024 & 2025 issues)


 Call for Papers: Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM)

Medieval Military History Issues

NAM Vol. 5, Issue 17 (Winter 2024)

NAM Vol. 6, Issue 21 (Winter 2025)


Publication date: No. 17 Winter 2024; No. 21 Winter 2025

Last date for submission: No. 17 December 30, 2023, No. 21 December 30, 2024

We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication in the fourth and fifth NAM issues specialized in Medieval Military History (VIII-XV century).

Submissions can be made in Italian, English, French, German, or Spanish; they should be no less than 6 000 and no more than 8000 words in length and should be accompanied by an abstract of 100-250 words in English, and final bibliography.

 NAM is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed, DOI indexed journal in the Scopus list, which publishes scholarly articles in the field Military History and publishes 4 issues a year respectively devoted to Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary MH. It was founded in November 2019 by the Italian Society of Military History and is co-directed by Virgilio Ilari and Giovanni Brizzi. The Ancient MH issues are edited by Marco Merlo, Fabio Romanoni, Antonio Musarra and Peter Sposato and publishes articles and reviews on a wide range of aspects, not only military (as tactics; strategy; armour, fortifications, navies, mercenary, cartography and s. o.) but political, economic, legal, philosophical, social, gender aspects of war; memory of conflict and commemoration; anthropology of conflict and s. o. So far NAM has published 243 articles and 216 book reviews (10,000 pages), including 36 and 19 of Medieval Military History (1.440 pages).

Please address submissions to both:

NAM Ethics: Articles will be submitted to a double-blind peer review. The articles are indexed with DOI and stored. The authors retain the copyright of their articles. More:

NAM Guidelines


Previous NAM Ancient MH issues published here:

REMINDER CFP: Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM) - Contemporary Military History Issues (XIX-XXI centuries) (2024 & 2025 issues)


                             Call for Papers: Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM)

Contemporary Military History Issues (XIX-XXI centuries)

NAM Vol. 5, Issue 20 (Fall 2024) & NAM Vol. 6, Issue 24 (Fall 2025)

Publication date: No. 20 Fall 2024; No. 24 Fall 2025

Last date for submission: No. 20 End June 2024, No. 24 End June 2025

We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication in the fifth and sixth NAM issues specialized in Contemporary Military History (XIX-XXI Centuries).

Papers should deal with warfare and military. Papers may cover different topics: not only military art and science (tactics, strategy, operations, campaigns and battles, technology, fortifications and siege, naval, aerial, nuclear, economic, information, political, space, psychological warfare, intelligence, statistics, topography) but also on all field concerning strategic and war studies and polemology, as diplomatic, political, legal, ethic, philosophical, economic, social, religious, gender aspects of security, war prevention, peace enforcing etc. Including literature, iconography, memory, commemoration, anthropology of conflict, and s. o. in XIX-XXI centuries.

Submissions can be made in Italian, English, French, German, or Spanish; they should be no less than 6 000 and no more than 8000 words in length and should be accompanied by an abstract of 100-250 words in English, and final bibliography.

 NAM is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed, DOI indexed journal in the Scopus list, which publishes scholarly articles in the field Military History and publishes 4 issues a year respectively devoted to Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary MH. It was founded in November 2019 by the Italian Society of Military History and is co-directed by Virgilio Ilari and Giovanni Brizzi. So far NAM has published 243 articles and 216 book reviews (10,000 pages), including 74 and 97 of Contemporary Military History (3.250 pages).

Please address submissions to

NAM Ethics: Articles will be submitted to a double-blind peer review. The articles are indexed with DOI and stored. The authors retain the copyright of their articles. More:

NAM Guidelines


Previous NAM Ancient MH issues published here:

REMINDER CFP: Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM): Modern Military History Issues (1400-1815), Vol. 5, Issue 19 (Summer 2024), NAM Vol. 6, Issue 23 (Summer 2025)


Call for Papers: Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM)

Modern Military History Issues (1400-1815)

NAM Vol. 5, Issue 19 (Summer 2024); NAM Vol. 6, Issue 23 (Summer 2025)

Publication date: No. 19 Summer 2024; No. 22 Summer 2025

Last date for submission: No. 19 End March 2024, No. 23 End March 2025

We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication in
the fifth and sixth NAM issues specialized in Early Modern and Modern Military History.

Papers should deal with warfare and military. Papers may cover different topics: not only military art and science (tactics, strategy, operations, campaigns and battles, technology, fortifications and siege, naval warfare, intelligence, statistics, topography) but also on all field concerning war studies and polemology, as diplomatic, political, legal, philosophical, economic, social, religious, gender aspects of war. Including literature, iconography, memory, commemoration, anthropology of conflict, and s. o. from Early Modern Era to 1815.

Submissions can be made in Italian, English, French, German, or Spanish; they should be no less than 6 000 and no more than 8000 words in length and should be accompanied by an abstract of 100-250 words in English, and final bibliography.

NAM is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed, DOI indexed journal in the Scopus list, which publishes scholarly articles in the field Military History and publishes 4 issues a year respectively devoted to Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary MH. It was founded in November 2019 by the Italian Society of Military History and is co-directed by Virgilio Ilari and Giovanni Brizzi. So far NAM has published 243 articles and 216 book reviews (10,000 pages), including 72 and 71 of Modern Military History (3.378 pages).

Please address submissions to

NAM Ethics: Articles will be submitted to a double-blind peer review. The articles are indexed with DOI and stored. The authors retain the copyright of their articles. More:

NAM Guidelines


Previous NAM Ancient MH issues published here:

18 December 2023

BOOK: Moritz P. BACH, Zwischen contrat de Mandat und Abstraktionsprinzip ; Das Stellvertretungsrecht in der elsässischen Gerichtspraxis in den Jahren 1871–1900 [Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte; vol. 218] (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2023), 194 p. ISBN 9783428190355, €69,9


(image source: Duncker & Humblot)

»Between Contrat de Mandat and the Principle of Abstraction. The Principles of Representation in Judicial Practice of Alsace-Lorraine from 1871 to 1900«: In his study, Moritz P. Bach examines the judicial practice in Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine at a place where and time when the German ADHGB from 1862 clashed with the French Code Napoléon from 1804, both conveying very different principles of representation in civil law. After a comparison of aforementioned legal texts, the author uses case law analysis to verify that Alsacian courts interpreted and developed French law according to the German ADHGB and its categories.

On the author:

Moritz P. Bach studierte von 2015 bis 2022 Rechtswissenschaft an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, hiervon von 2017 bis 2019 im Rahmen des Integrierten Studiengangs Deutsch-Französisches Recht an der ›Université Panthéon-Assas‹ (Paris II). Seine Ausbildung schloss er 2022 mit dem Ersten Juristischen Staatsexamen und der ›Maîtrise en droit‹ ab. Während seines Referendariats am Landgericht Regensburg promovierte er von 2022 bis 2023 an der Universität Regensburg (Lehrstuhl Prof. Martin Löhnig) zu einem rechtvergleichenden deutsch-französischen Thema (Juratisbona-Preis 2023). Moritz P. Bach ist Träger des Exzellenzpreises der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule 2023 

 Read more here: DOI 10.3790/978-3-428-59035-3.


SUMMER SCHOOL: Call for Applications PHEDRA Summer School (La Rábida, Palos de la Frontera: University of Andalusia, 25 – 28 JUN 2024); DEADLINE 31 JAN 2024


(image source: PHEDRA)

The International Research Network I.R.N. PHEDRA organizes its second summer school in La Rábida (Palos de la Frontera, Spain) on 25-28 June 2024.

Following the basis of the first summer school, the purpose of the event is to provide an exceptional opportunity to the participants to present their ongoing research before a group of specialists in commercial legal history matters, in order to generate fruitful discussions resulting in valuable feedback that will enrich and improve their work.

PHEDRA project concerns the history of business law, from Antiquity to the present day, focusing on norms and practices that developed around Europe to support commerce and business exchange which led to the transformation of societies and gave commercial law its features. The project is particularly interested on the sources we use to trace and reconstruct the evolution of commercial law, paying careful attention to the cultural background that constitutes its “European legal ecosystem”.

The summer school is addressed to PhD students and young post-doc working on related topics to business law history in the framework of the chronological and geographical scope of PHEDRA project.

Opening up to the social sciences being one of the methodological pillars of PHEDRA, the organizers not only encourage the application of legal history PhD students and young post-doc, but also historians, economists and social scientists in general. The second PHEDRA summer school intends to produce stimulating interdisciplinary discussions in a very international and friendly academic atmosphere.

 All travel, accommodation and meal costs of participants

will be covered by the organization.

Structure of the sessions

A key goal of the summer school is to create a useful and stimulating academic experience for all participants.

Ample space will be given to the presentation and discussion of research work by PhD students and young postdocs.

Each session will also consist of a lecture or workshop led by one or more members of the pedagogical team. This will facilitate active exchanges between participants and lectures throughout the event. Since the main objective of the summer school is to provide feedback to PhD student and young researchers, the structure of the sessions prioritizes discussions rather than long presentations.

The panel of the PHEDRA Summer School 2024

Anja Amend-Traut – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Luisa Brunori – Cnrs/École Normale Supérieure/Université Paris Nanterre

Giovanni Chiodi – Università di Milano Bicocca

Olivier Descamps – Université Paris Panthéon-Assas

Dave De ruysscher – Tilburg University/Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Ana Belem Fernández Castro – Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples

Florent Garnier – Université Toulouse Capitole

Stefania Gialdroni – Università di Padova

Ron Harris – Tel Aviv University

Dario Mantovani – Collège de France

Georges Martyn – Gand University

Annamaria Monti – Università Statale di Milano

Carlos Petit Calvo – Universidad de Huelva

Heikki Pihlajamäki – Helsinki University

Xavier Prévost – Université de Bordeaux - IUF

Guido Rossi – Edimburgh University/Università di Palermo  

Date and location

The PHEDRA summer school will take place between Tuesday 25 and Friday 28 June 2024, at the International University of Andalusia, in La Rábida, Palos de la Frontera, Spain.

Reimbursement of travel expenses and accommodation:

All participants' travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Accommodation and meals from dinner on 25 June to breakfast on 28 June will be fully covered by the organization.

PHEDRA promotes sustainable mobility of researchers: as far as is reasonable, rail travel should be preferred to air travel.

How to Apply

Applicants are requested to send a CV and an abstract of their PhD thesis (maximum 1 page) to the email address

The deadline for submitting applications is 31 January 2024.

Accepted applicants will be notified by 15 February 2024


Pour une Histoire Européenne du DRoit des Affaires

Appel à candidatures

École d'été internationale 2024

25 - 28 juin 2024, La Rábida, Palos de la Frontera, Espagne


L’International Research Network  I.R.N. PHEDRA organise sa deuxième École d'été à La Rábida (Palos de la Frontera, Espagne) du 25 au 28 juin 2024.


L’objectif de l'École est d'offrir une occasion privilégiée pour les doctorants et les jeunes post-doc de présenter leurs recherches en cours devant un groupe de spécialistes de l’histoire du droit des affaires.

Le projet PHEDRA s’intéresse à l'histoire du droit des affaires, de l'Antiquité à nos jours, en se concentrant sur les normes et les pratiques qui se sont développées à travers l'Europe participant à la transformation des sociétés et façonnant le monde des affaires. Le projet s'intéresse particulièrement aux sources utilisées pour retracer et reconstruire l'évolution du droit commercial, en accordant une attention particulière au contexte culturel qui constitue son "écosystème juridique européen".

L'École d'été s'adresse aux doctorants et aux jeunes post-docs qui travaillent sur des sujets liés à l'histoire du droit des affaires dans le cadre chronologique et géographique du projet PHEDRA.

L'ouverture aux sciences sociales étant l'un des piliers méthodologiques de PHEDRA, les organisateurs encouragent non seulement la candidature des doctorants et des jeunes post-doctorants en histoire du droit, mais aussi celle des jeunes historiens, économistes et jeunes chercheurs en sciences sociales en général.

La l’École d'été PHEDRA a pour objectif créer le cadre pour des discussions interdisciplinaires stimulantes dans une atmosphère intellectuelle internationale et amicale.


Tous les frais de voyage, d'hébergement et les repas des participants

seront pris en charge par l'organisation.

Structure des sessions

L'un des principaux objectifs de l'École d'été est de créer une expérience académique fructeuse et stimulante pour tous les doctorants et les jeunes post-doc.

Une large place sera accordée à la présentation et à la discussion des travaux de recherche des doctorants et des jeunes post-doctorants.

Chaque session comprendra également une conférence ou un atelier animé par un ou plusieurs membres de l'équipe pédagogique.

L'objectif principal de l'École d'été étant de fournir un retour utile aux doctorants et aux jeunes chercheurs, la structure des sessions privilégie les discussions plutôt que les longues présentations.

 L’équipe pédagogique de l'école d'été PHEDRA 2024 :

Anja Amend-Traut - Université Julius-Maximilians de Würzburg

Luisa Brunori - Cnrs/École Normale Supérieure/Université Paris Nanterre

Giovanni Chiodi - Université de Milano Bicocca

Olivier Descamps - Université Paris Panthéon-Assas

Dave De ruysscher – Tilburg University/Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Ana Belem Fernández Castro - Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples

Florent Garnier - Université Toulouse Capitole

Stefania Gialdroni - Université de Padoue

Ron Harris - Université de Tel Aviv

Dario Mantovani - Collège de France

Georges Martyn - Université de Gand

Annamaria Monti - Università Statale di Milano

Carlos Petit Calvo - Université de Huelva

Heikki Pihlajamäki – Helsinki University

Xavier Prévost - Université de Bordeaux - IUF

Guido Rossi - Université d'Edimburgh/Université de Palerme 

Date et lieux

L’École d'été PHEDRA aura lieu du mardi 25 au vendredi 28 juin 2024, à l'Université internationale d'Andalousie, à La Rábida, Palos de la Frontera, Espagne.

Remboursement des frais de voyage et de logement :

Tous les frais de voyage des participants seront remboursés.

L'hébergement et les repas, du dîner du 25 juin au petit déjeuner du 28 juin, seront entièrement pris en charge par l'organisation.

PHEDRA encourage la mobilité soutenable des chercheurs : dans la mesure du possible, les participants sont priés de préférer les voyages en train aux voyages en avion.

Comment poser sa candidature :

Les candidats devront envoyer un CV et un résumé de leur thèse de doctorat (maximum 1 page) à l’adresse

La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 31 janvier 2024.

Les candidats acceptés seront informés au plus tard le 15 février 2024.

Toutes les informations sur :