
09 October 2024

CFP: 'Rediscovering Inquisition Research and new perspectives from the Archives of the Inquisition(s)' (Naples, 17-18 SEPT 2025 ) [DEADLINE 30 NOV 2024]

(Source: EEHAR)

The inquisitorial archives have undergone a process of dispersal over the past two centuries, the outcomes of which are only partly known. While some large inquisitorial funds are still preserved in public and private institutions, the destination of many other archives (or archival series) has been more troubled and, in some cases, not well known. 

This call for papers intends to gather contributions, especially from young researchers, regarding new studies and/or new discoveries on inquisitorial archives, with a focus on the archives of the local courts of the (Roman, Spanish or Portuguese) Inquisition. 

Contributions could be focused on: 

- little-known or not yet studied funds or archival series of inquisitorial courts; 

- newly discovered funds that survived documentary dispersion (e.g., correspondence, instructions, etc.); 

- trials or files that shed new lights on the history of the Inquisition; 

- new discoveries on the libraries of local courts of the Inquisition; 

- the history of documentary funds of inquisitorial origin. All speakers will be required to give a brief preliminary overview on the history of the inquisitorial court investigated, from the origin to the suppression phase. 

The conference will take place on 17-18 September 2025 in Naples. Reimbursement of travel expenses (up to a maximum of 200 euros from Italy and 400 euros from abroad) and lodging will be provided. Selected papers will be published in a final volume. The article submissions are due by 1st November 2025. 

Each proposal should contain an abstract of the content to be illustrated (400-500 words) and a short cv of the proposer (200 words). Deadline for proposal submission: November 30, 2024. Acceptance will be communicated by December 15, 2024. Infos and proposal submission (Organization): Silvia Toppetta - (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Issued by: DIGITAL INQUISITION. Tools for multimedia access and exploitation of the Archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; NETEX - NETworks and EXchanges within the Congregations of the Roman Curia: a Digital Analysis of the Early Roman Church Archives; in collaboration with: INQUIRE - International Centre for Research on Inquisitions.

Scientific Commettee (members of DIGITAL INQUISITION/NETEX projects): Matteo Al Kalak, Nicoletta Bazzano, Massimo Carlo Giannini, Vittoria Fiorelli. 

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