Published with Hart
Publishing (UK), Comparative Legal History is
an international and comparative review of law and history and welcomes
scholarly submissions
in the English language:
articles explore both internal legal history (doctrinal and disciplinary developments
in the law) and external legal history (legal ideas and institutions in wider
contexts). Firmly rooted in the complexity of the various Western legal traditions
worldwide, it also provides a forum for the investigation of other laws and
law-like normative traditions around the globe. Scholarship on comparative and
trans-national historiography, including trans-disciplinary approaches, is
particularly welcome.
The website will be updated shortly, but our Guidelines for
Contributors are already
posted and should be reviewed before submitting. A sample article, David M Rabban' s 'American Responses to German Legal Scholarship: From the Civil War to World War I' (2013) 1 Comparative Legal History 13, is also
available for downloading.
Finally, note that a special arrangement between the ESCLH and
Hart has been made to ensure that ESCLH membership fees include a subscription
to Comparative Legal History.
the word.
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