
05 July 2024

CONFERENCE: Legal Unification through Case Law? (Regensburg: University of Regensburg, Institute for East European Law, 21 - 22 NOV 2024)


Conference program:

21. November 2024 (p.m.)

Introduction (Martin Löhnig)

Legal harmonisation between Austria and Germany before the amendments to the ABGB (Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz)

The ABGB in the case law of the VIII. Civil Senate of the German Reichsgericht 1939 - 1945 (Martin Löhnig)

The British Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (David Schorr)

22. November 2024 (a.m)

The Role of the Hungarian Royal Curia in the Unification of Private Law between the Two World Wars  (László Ádám Joó)

The Supreme Court for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the unification of judicial practice (Mehmed Becic)

The Supreme Court of the Second Polish Republicon Civil Status Records: Case Law Review (Bartosz Kamil Truszkowski)


Organized by:

Prof. Dr. Martin Löhnig (University of Regensburg)

Conference venue:

Institut für Ostrecht/Institute for East European Law
Landshuter Str. 4
D-93047 Regensburg

Find more information here.

04 July 2024

JOURNAL: Comptabilité(s). Revue d'histoire des comptabilités, XV (2023): Sources, normes et procédures de la fiscalité en Europe méditerranéenne (XIIIe-XVIe s.) [OPEN ACCESS]

(Image source: Revue Comptabilités)

La revue accueille toute recherche portant sur l’histoire et l’archéologie des documents comptables, des institutions qui les commanditent et des personnes qui les réalisent. Elle reçoit dossiers thématiques, articles de fonds et méthodologiques, éditions commentées de documents, comptes-rendus de thèses, de rencontres et d’ouvrages, notes d’actualités. Elle publie des textes dans toutes les langues européennes et les accompagne de résumés en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol.


  • Béatrice Touchelay – Avant-propos
  • Marco Conti et Ézéchiel Jean-Courret – Sources, normes et procédures de la fiscalité directe en Occident méditerranéen (XIIIe-XVe s.)
  • Francesco Bettarini – La valutazione del reddito d’impresa nel Catasto del 1427
  • Marco Conti – Contribuables, equitas et estimation des richesses du contado bolonais au début du XIVe siècle. Notes en marge de l’édition de l’estimo de 1303
  • Florent Garnier – Temporalités documentaires, normatives et fiscales à Millau au milieu du XIVe siècle
  • Ézéchiel Jean-Courret – « Aysso qui s’ensec avem baylat per far e per ordenar e per mandar e per levar lo talh ». Discours, procédures et régimes de la fiscalité directe à Périgueux aux XIVe et XVe siècles
  • Laura Miquel Milian – El impuesto directo en la Barcelona del siglo XV
  • Jordi Morelló Baget et Albert Reixach Sala – “Iuxta facultates bonorum ipsorum singularium”: las fuentes para la fiscalidad directa en las comunidades rurales de la Cataluña bajomedieval y el estudio de la desigualdad
  • Davide Morra – Un dialogo delle ragioni. I conti della tassa diretta nel regno di Napoli all’epoca di Ferdinando I d’Aragona (1458-1494)
  • Fabrizio Alias – La fiscalità diretta nella terra sarda dei Della Gherardesca: analisi delle pratiche di scrittura e del prelievo signorile attraverso il «Liber introytuum et reddituum» (1323) [Texte intégral]
  • Catarina Rosa – Uma aproximação à documentação fiscal em Portugal: fontes para o estudo da fiscalidade municipal direta na Idade Média (sécs. XV-início do XVI)
  • Pau Viciano – Matérialité des registres fiscaux et pratiques administratives. Les livres de la levée de l’impôt direct municipal dans le royaume de Valence (Vila-real, 1451)

Hors série

  • Philippe Charon Maîtres auditeurs, clercs et notaires des comptes sous la dynastie des Évreux-Navarre (1329–1387)
  • Marc Nikitin Le mot comptabilité s’est répandu à la fin du XVIIIe siècle pour désigner une technique de gouvernement

More information can be found here.

03 July 2024

SCHOLARSHIPS: Visiting Researchers 2025-2026 (Department "Historical Regimes of Normativity", Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory) (DEADLINE 30 AUG 2024)

(Frankfurt, 16th century; image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Department Historical Regimes of Normativity (Prof. dr. Thomas Duve) will award scholarships for research stays of three or six months, starting on 1 April 2025 / 1 July 2025 / 1 October 2025 / 5 January 2026 for PhD students, post-doctoral and senior researchers. Deadline 30 August 2024.

More information here.

Please ensure that your application reaches us at least four months before your intended research stay. Submit your complete application via our online application system.

BOOK: Michele BACCI, Gohar GRIGORYAN, Manuela STUDER-KARLEN (eds.), Staging the Ruler’s Body in Medieval Cultures: A Comparative Perspective (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023). ISBN: 9781915487087 [OPEN ACCESS]

(Image source: Brepols)


This book explores the viewing and sensorial contexts in which the bodies of kings and queens were involved in the premodern societies of Europe, Asia, and Africa, relying on a methodology that aims to overcoming the traditional boundaries between material studies, art history, political theory, and Repräsentationsgeschichte. More specifically, it investigates the multiple ways in which the ruler’s physical appearance was apprehended and invested with visual, metaphorical, and emotional associations, as well as the dynamics whereby such mise-en-scène devices either were inspired by or worked as sources of inspiration for textual and pictorial representations of royalty. The outcome is a multifaced analysis of the multiple, imaginative, and terribly ambiguous ways in which, in past societies, the notion of a God-driven, eternal, and transpersonal royal power came to be associated with the material bodies of kings and queens, and of the impressive efforts made, in different cultures, to elude the conundrum of the latter’s weakness, transitoriness, and individual distinctiveness.


Michele Bacci is Professor of Medieval Art History at Fribourg University, Switzerland, and a member of the Academia Europaea. His research has been focused on artistic interactions in the Medieval Mediterranean and beyond, and the history of cult-objects and holy sites from a phenomenological-comparative viewpoint. He is the author of numerous publications, including Il pennello dell’Evangelista (1998), The Many Faces of Christ (2014), the Mystic Cave (2017), and Veneto-Byzantine Artistic Interactions (2021).

Gohar Grigoryan, Ph.D. (2017), University of Fribourg, is currently senior researcher at the same university within an SNSF-funded project. She is the author of over two dozen peer-reviewed articles on medieval Armenian art and history and of an upcoming monograph on royal imagery in Cilician Armenia.

Manuela Studer-Karlen, Ph.D. (2010), University of Fribourg, is a SNSF Professor for Medieval Art at the University in Bern. She has published a monograph on late antique sarcophagi and recently her habilitation has been published with the title: "Christus Anapeson. Image and Liturgy". Her research centres on the history of visual-cultural processes in late antiquity, the interactions among text, image and space in Byzantine churches, medieval Georgian art, and Gothic ivories.


  • The Ruler’s Multiple Bodies and Their Mise-en-Scène: Some Introductory Remarks (MICHELE BACCI)

  1. Staging the Body of the Lord of the Sevenfold World. Methectic Spaces and Chiasmatic Viewing in Sasanian Iran (MATTHEW P. CANEPA)
  2. Queen Consort Mariam Dadiani and Female Architectural Patronage in Late Medieval Georgia (NATIA NATSVLISHVILI)
  3. The ‘Just Judgement’ of King Lewon IV. Representational Strategies of Righteous Rulership in Cilician Armenia (GOHAR GRIGORYAN)
  4. Royal Imagery and Devotional Spaces in Early Solomonic Ethiopia. The Case of Gännätä Maryam (JACOPO GNISCI)
  5. Staging as Metaphor. The King’s Body and the Theatricality of Power (ANTONY EASTMOND)
  6. Clothes maketh the emperor? Embodying and Performing Imperial Ideology in Byzantium through Dress (MARIA PARANI)
  7. Staging for Commemoration: The Cherubikos Hymnos (MANUELA STUDER-KARLEN)
  8. The Khan in the West. The Reception of Mongol Political Power in the Texts and Images of Medieval Latin Europe (ELEONORA TIOLI)
  9. Staging the Virgin Mary as the Ruler of the Sienese City-State (KAYOKO ICHIKAWA)
  10. Shaping the Face of Power. The Portraits of King Robert of Anjou (1309-1343) (MIRKO VAGNONI)
  11. Staging the Royal Corpse. Reburials of Monarchical Bodies at the Basilica of San Isidoro in León (ALEKSANDRA RUTKOWSKA)
  12. The Presence and Propaganda of Jaime the Conqueror of Aragon (r. 1213-76) in the Llibre dels Fets. The Image, Action, and Rhetoric of a King (SOFIA FERNANDEZ POZZO)
  13. The Royal Presence of Pedro IV (r. 1336-87) in Contemporary Textual and Iconographic Sources (MARTA SERRANO-COLL)
  14. Staging the Absent King. Effects of Presence on Medieval Royal Thrones (SABINE SOMMERER)

More information can be found here.

02 July 2024

FELLOWSHIPS: IEG-Stipendienprogramm (Mainz: Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, DEADLINE 15 AUG 2024)


(image source: Wikipedia)


Das Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) vergibt Stipendien für Promovierende sowie Postdocs aus dem In- und Ausland. Gefördert werden Forschungsprojekte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Zeitgeschichte, die sich mit der Religions-, Politik-, Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte Europas befassen. Besonders willkommen sind vergleichende, transfergeschichtliche und transnationale Projekte sowie geistes- und religionsgeschichtlichen Fragestellungen. Das Institut ermöglicht seinen Stipendiat:innen, konzentriert ihr eigenes Forschungsvorhaben zu verfolgen. In einer internationalen Gesprächsatmosphäre schärfen sie Methoden und Fragestellungen einer interdisziplinären historischen Europaforschung. Je nach Interesse und fachlicher Ausrichtung können sie an den vielfältigen wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten des Instituts mitwirken und sich mit seinen internationalen Kooperationspartnern austauschen. Die zu fördernden Forschungsprojekte sollten auf 6 bis 12 Monate angelegt sein. Die Stipendien sind mit einer Residenzpflicht in Mainz verbunden. Kürzere Reisen zu Archiven, Bibliotheken, auswärtigen Fachleuten und Fachtagungen sind im Rahmen dieser Residenzpflicht möglich. Die Stipendiat:innen wohnen und arbeiten im Institutsgebäude in Mainz. Für ihre Forschungen steht ihnen die Spezialbibliothek des Instituts und die Infrastruktur am Wissenschaftsstandort Mainz zur Verfügung. Forschungsliteratur, die nicht im Bestand vorhanden ist, kann über einen Ausleihservice aus der Universitätsbibliothek Mainz oder per Fernleihe bestellt werden. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeitssprachen des IEG sind deutsch und englisch. Gute Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache sind Voraussetzung. Haftungshinweis: Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links.

Read more here

CALL FOR PAPERS: Gender, Identity, and Authority in Late Antiquity (Tulsa, 20-23 MAR 2025; DEADLINE 1 OCT 2024)

(Image source: WikimediaCommons)

The Society for Late Antiquity is pleased to announce the sixteenth biennial meeting of Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity, which will be held at The University of Tulsa, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We encourage papers that investigate issues and aspects of gender, identity, and/or authority within the broader late antique world, either in relation to one another or on their own. This thematic scope is intentionally broad, allowing for many different approaches and from a host of disciplines and methodologies. Gender, for example, might include the impact of religion or other factors on ideas of the family, sex, and sexuality, understandings of the nature of gender differences, or conceptions of identity and authority in relationship to the gendered or genderless self or other. Likewise, identity might focus on its self-perception or ascription by others, its potential to be malleable, situational, or contested, or its various components, like ethnicity, political allegiance, religious affiliation, or class. Finally, authority might interrogate its attribution to or expectation for a particular person (e.g., an empress or saint), place (e.g., Rome), or thing (e.g., a text or creed), the mechanisms for its attainment or rejection, such as tradition, merit, or force, or its realization of lack thereof, either as an actual fact or ideal.

Abstracts (no more than 500 words) for papers presenting original scholarship should be submitted for consideration no later than October 1, 2024.

More information can be found here.

01 July 2024

HONORARY DOCTORATE: Prof. John Cairns (Edinburgh) receives honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow

 (image source: University of Edinburgh)

First paragraph:

On Wednesday, 19 June 2024 the University of Glasgow awarded Professor John Cairns, Professor of Civil Law at Edinburgh Law School, the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. The degree was awarded by the University of Glasgow’s Chancellor and Olympian Gold Medallist Dame Katherine Grainger. Dame Grainger Is also a former student of Professor Cairns from her time as an undergraduate law student at Edinburgh Law School.

Read further here

BOOK: Martine CHARAGEAT, Mathieu SOULA, Mathieu VIVAS (eds.), Faire justice. Petit répertoire de sources commentées (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle) (Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2024). ISBN: 9782757441343


Conçu pour des étudiants et des enseignants, cet ouvrage favorise l'approche de l’histoire de la justice à n’importe quel niveau d’apprentissage, que ce soit celui d’une initiation ou bien d’une spécialisation. L’historiographie qui bénéficie à ce jour d’une longue tradition, pour les périodes allant du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle, n’est pas celle qui a le plus édité de sources de manière accessible et pédagogique (transcription, traduction, etc.). Partager ses sources et expliquer comment les manipuler est un pan de l’histoire judiciaire que les chercheurs n’ont pas encore pleinement investi. Il n’est sans doute pas simple d’éditer des lettres de rémission ou des procès, par exemple, et la raison en est facile à comprendre : ils sont trop longs à publier en termes de volume. La mise en ligne de certains dossiers, comme sur le site de Criminocorpus, atténue en partie ce manque, que le présent ouvrage aimerait également venir modestement pallier.

More information can be found here.