
31 August 2023

BOOK: Annika HAß, Europäischer Buchmarkt und Gelehrtenrepublik: Die transnationale Verlagsbuchhandlung Treuttel & Würtz, 1750–1850 [Pariser Historische Studien; 127] (Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2023], 515 p. ISBN 978-3-96822-073-4 [OPEN ACCESS]


(image source: Heidelberg UP)

Die Verlagsbuchhandlung Treuttel & Würtz war um 1800 eine Drehscheibe des europäischen Austauschs par excellence. Während der Verlag mit Publikationen von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe oder Germaine de Staël ein transkulturelles Elitepublikum anvisierte, belieferte die Buchhandlung mit ihren Filialen in Straßburg, Paris und London sowie ihrem weit verzweigten Handelsnetzwerk Kunden in ganz Europa. Erstmals werden in dieser Studie Funktionsweise und Einfluss der Verlagsbuchhandlung untersucht und in den kulturhistorischen Kontext eingebettet: von der Organisation des Buchhandels und den Kooperationen der Buchhändler über Bibliotheksgeschichte bis zur Entstehung neuer akademischer Disziplinen wie der modernen Philologien zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. All diese Bereiche zeichneten sich durch einen transnationalen Markt aus, der von Treuttel & Würtz in einer Weise bedient wurde, die als praktizierte Weltliteratur bezeichnet werden kann.

On the author:
Annika Haß hat in Saarbrücken und Paris Geschichte sowie Französische Kulturwissenschaft und interkulturelle Kommunikation studiert. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich des Kulturtransfers und der Buchgeschichte Frankreichs im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Die vorliegende Studie wurde mit dem Dissertationspreis der Universität des Saarlandes sowie dem Prix Germaine-de-Staël des Frankoromanistenverbandes und der französischen Botschaft in Deutschland ausgezeichnet.
Read the full book here: DOI 10.17885/heiup.817.

PRIZE: 1° Premio Bartolo da Sassoferrato - Sabato 16 settembre 2023, Sassoferrato

Cerimonia conclusiva del Premio “Bartolo da Sassoferrato” per le scienze giuridiche e politico-sociali si terrà in Sassoferrato, presso la Sala del Consiglio Comunale,

Piazza Matteotti, 1
Sabato 16 settembre 2023 - ore 16.30

Il Premio “Bartolo da Sassoferrato” per le scienze giuridiche e politico-sociali è l’iniziativa promossa dall’Istituto internazionale di Studi Piceni “Bartolo da Sassoferrato”, che si affianca alla promozione di incontri, Seminari, Convegni e all’attività editoriale dell’Associazione. La prima edizione del Premio si terrà entro il corrente anno 2023. La scelta dei premiati sarà operata da un Giuria di sette membri, studiosi di scienze giuridiche e politiche. Per quanto concerne la struttura del Premio ci si sta orientando per due Sezioni, una rivolta alle tesi di dottorato di giovani studiosi italiani, e non solo italiani, una seconda per uno studio sui temi del diritto e delle teorie politiche in età medioevale, moderna e contemporanea. Nei prossimi mesi saranno definiti e resi noti il regolamento del Premio e la composizione della Giuria.

La giuria:

Galliano Crinella, Istituto internazionale di Studi Piceni “Bartolo da Sassoferrato”

Luigi Lacchè, Università di Macerata

Anna Maria Lazzarino Del Grosso, Università di Genova

Beatrice Pasciuta, Università di Palermo

Diego Quaglioni, Università di Trento – Université de Lille

Giuseppe Severini, Presidente di Sezione Emerito del Consiglio di Stato

Ferdinando Treggiari, Università di Perugia – LUISS Roma

More information here.

BOOK: François BOUGARD, Le royaume d’Italie de Louis II à Otton Ier (840–968). Histoire politique (Leipzig: Eudora Verlag, 2023). ISBN: 9783938533802

(Image source: Eudora Verlag)


De 875 aux années 960, le royaume d’Italie a vécu un temps d’histoire politique tourmentée, qui l’a vu passer de la fin du régime carolingien mis en place après la conquête de 774 aux dépens du roi des Lombards Didier et de son fils Adelchis à l’établissement de la souveraineté ottonienne. Au début des années 870, l’Italie se confond avec l’Empire, puisque son roi est aussi le détenteur de la dignité suprême en Occident, même si, à cette date-là, l’extension géographique de son pouvoir ne dépasse pas les Alpes : on parle, à juste titre, du « regnum de l’empereur Louis » pour désigner la moitié nord de la péninsule, sous l’autorité de Louis II (840–875). Après la mort de celui-ci, privé de descendance masculine, les prétendants se sont succédé sans solution durable jusqu’au début du Xe siècle. En 924, la disparition de Bérenger Ier ouvrit une longue période de vacance du titre impérial jusqu’en 962, faute pour le roi d’Italie en titre de réussir à s’imposer à Rome. Douze souverains ont régné en Italie de Louis II à Otton, soit moitié moins que de papes, certes, mais un record par rapport aux autres régions de l’ancien empire carolingien. Il y a là autant d’expériences politiques, éphémères ou durables, où a primé tantôt la réalité locale, tantôt la volonté de contrôler le siège impérial ; où le pouvoir fut imposé ou élu, reconnu dans l’ensemble du royaume ou soumis à concurrence, exercé seul ou avec les grands.

Durant près d’un siècle, le moment qui correspond en grande partie à celui que l’historiographie désigne alternativement comme des « rois nationaux d’Italie », de la « royauté indépendante » ou des « rois de Pavie », est aussi celui qui a vu des renouvellements importants : dans la composition sociale des élites, dans les formes de domination, dans l’expression culturelle. Trois temps se dégagent : jusque 888, le maintien d’un royaume toujours plus secondaire dans l’orbite carolingienne ; de 888 à 926, le jeu des grands ; de 926 à 962, le retour progressif vers l’attraction septentrionale en même temps et aux dépens de l’expérience personnelle d’un souverain que l’on pourrait dire « de transition », Hugues de Provence.

Les travaux des dernières décennies ont beaucoup apporté à la compréhension de ces modifications structurelles en se dégageant progressivement d’une lecture trop longtemps conditionnée par l’idée de la « crise permanente ». Ils se sont dégagés pour cela du récit au jour le jour, considérant que celui-ci était acquis depuis les ouvrages d’Ernst Dümmler, de Ludo Moritz Hartmann, de Gina Fasoli, de Carlo Guido Mor, pour ne citer que les plus fouillés dans cette veine. L’enchaînement des événements, fruit des intérêts contrariés des uns et des autres, n’est cependant pas des plus faciles à suivre. C’est pour aider à mieux le maîtriser, à commencer pour leur auteur, qu’ont été rédigées les pages qui suivent. Au-delà de la narration d’une somme d’aventures individuelles, elles ont pour ambition de fournir pas à pas, et autant qu’il est possible, les éléments de contexte susceptibles d’aider à saisir les enjeux d’une production de sources depuis longtemps rassemblées en recueils (lois et règlements, diplômes, comptes rendus judiciaires), au moment et à l’endroit où celles-ci furent produites. La démarche n’est pas novatrice, elle avait fait les beaux jours des Jahrbücher consacrés aux différents souverains carolingiens dont les historiens de langue allemande s’étaient fait une spécialité vers 1870. Depuis cette date, toutefois, les menues découvertes relatives à ou tel élément de la documentation n’ont pas manqué ; leur somme, associée aux changements interprétatifs de fond, devrait permettre de livrer un récit renouvelé.

L’histoire qui suit, introduite par un chapitre sur le règne de Louis II, est donc avant tout une béquille pour qui voudrait en savoir plus sans devoir recourir à des ouvrages de consultation parfois difficile. Elle devrait permettre de mieux saisir les non-dits de travaux plus attachés à la description des structures ou de repartir à la quête de ces mêmes structures sur des bases mieux assurées, voire d’aborder à nouveaux frais les interrogations sur la nature, la perception et le fonctionnement de l’« État » au haut Moyen Âge. Elle trouve aussi sa justification dans la publication des récents volumes des Regesta imperii pour l’Italie, qui pour la première fois fournissent une chronologie analytique détaillée du regnum pour l’ensemble de la période considérée. En rapprochant des événements apparemment sans lien entre eux, il n’est pas rare qu’ils ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives dans l’interprétation de tel ou tel moment de son histoire politique. Surtout, l’élargissement du matériau rassemblé à tout ce qui concerne non seulement la personne du souverain mais aussi les membres de sa famille, l’activité de la cour et des officiers royaux, la correspondance des papes ou des rois pour des destinataires italiens, les incursions sarrasines ou hongroises etc. en fait un outil de travail des plus précieux. Le principal danger de l’entreprise est le même que celui qui guette en permanence les Regesta, c’est-à-dire forcer la reconstruction en cherchant l’harmonie entre des sources souvent contradictoires, ou en privilégiant pour sa fiabilité supposée tel récit plutôt que tel autre ; souvent, sans doute, l’écueil n’aura pas été évité. On ne se dissimule pas non plus que l’intérêt de la période retenue est peut-être moins dans l’histoire des têtes couronnées que dans celle des vicissitudes des régions et des familles qui s’affrontent sur l’échiquier italien volontiers qualifié de « multipolaire ».


I. Le royaume d’Italie sous Louis II (840–875): point d’équilibre et dérives

II. De la mort de Louis II à la mort de Charles le Gros, 875–888

III. De la bataille de la Trébie à la Renovatio regni Francorum, 888–898

IV. Le moment de Bérenger, 899–924 (926)

V. L’Italie à l’heure provençale, 926–950

VI. De Bérenger II à Otton Ier, 950–962 (968)

VII. Évolutions

VII.1 La souveraineté royale et impériale : acteurs, rites et lieux

VII.2 Accès au prince et réalités régionales

VII.3 Ressources matérielles et forces humaines

More information can be found here.

30 August 2023

JOURNAL: Fundamental Rights. Rivista di studi giuridici, storici e antropologici II (2022/1). OPEN ACCESS

(Image source: Fundamental Rights)


1. Antonella PIGA, Diverse interpretazioni della deontologia medica e diritti dei singoli, alla fine della vita;

The Hippocratic oath clearly states: «I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked». Recent advances in the biomedical sciences, however, have transformed the process of dying so that doctors are now asked to help sick people who wish to escape «from an artificial maintenance in life that is no longer wanted». After the sentence of the Constitutional Court on medically assisted suicide, the National Federation of the Orders of Doctors modified the Code of Medical Ethics by introducing a «guidance to the application» to the article on «Acts aimed at causing death». The study aims to focus on the ‘compromise’ between two antithetical ways of understanding professional ethics, which risks negatively affecting the rights of the sick

2. Massimo PARODI, Globalizzazione e Città di Dio. Ricerca dell’assoluto per i diritti umani;

Two recent proposals to guarantee a universal value to fundamental rights come from very different sides. Luigi Ferrajoli, from a secular point of view, advances the hypothesis of a Constitution for the whole Earth, while Pope Francis identifies in brotherhood the possibility of recognizing common rights to all men. Both, however, arrive to the question of foundations and converge in the search for an absolute capable of justifying their different proposals.

3. Agostina LATINO, Brevi riflessioni sulla natura giuridica del diritto alla verità;

This essay focuses on the right to truth as a specific guarantee of the human person, characterized by a dimension that is both individual and collective, especially in the context of transitional justice, through a normative analysis that highlights its development in three phases (at first exclusively in the framework of international humanitarian law, then circumscribed to the context of enforced disappearances, today applicable in any case of gross violation) and the decisions of international courts and human rights control mechanisms. The purpose is to highlight how the right to truth, far from constituting an aspiration more ethical than legal or a mere explication of pre-existing rights already established, can, if crystallized, serve the pursuit of its own objectives, difficult to achieve in its absence.

4. Maria Lucia DI BITONTO, I ‘doveri di solidarietà’ declinati dal codice di procedura penale: la testimonianza;

The other side of fundamental rights which have to be granted in criminal proceedings concerns those obligations imposed on anyone who is able to give any evidence in a trial. The necessity to discover and trial people who committed a crime pushes legal systems to establish specific rules aimed at punishing people who refused to give evidence or lied on the stand. Because of this, the Italian Code of Criminal procedure imposes some obligations on everyone who has been called to give evidence as a witness.

5. Carlotta LATINI, “Una solidarietà latente d’interessi”. Stato, solidarietà e funzione sociale dell’impresa tra Otto e Novecento.

Starting with an examination of the social question and its repercussions, the essay discusses, in the light of the boundaries between commercial law and private law, the entry of the social into the sphere of commercial law and the Commercial Code.


More information can be found here.

29 August 2023

JOURNAL: Grotiana XLIV (2023), nr. 1 [Grotian Moments, vol. 3]


(image source: Brill)

Introduction  (Tom Sparks & Mark Somos) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230010)
First sentences:

Thank you for picking up the third and final collection of scholarly papers on Grotian Moments, the term used for rapid crystallisations of customary international law (cil). To avoid repetition, readers interested in the definition, scope, and controversial applications of this concept are kindly invited to consult our introduction to the first Special Issue on this topic.

Emerging State Practice on Maritime Limits: A Grotian Moment Unveiling a Hidden Truth? (Snólaug Árnadóttir) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230006)

The legal order of the oceans has seen rapid developments and paradigm shifts. At least one of them has been described as a textbook example of a Grotian Moment: the emergence of the customary international law on the continental shelf, stemming from increased demand for oil and gas, coupled with technological advances and the Truman Proclamation of 1945. Now, eighty years later, the law of the sea is again faced with fundamental changes as the basis for maritime limits is eroded by sea level rise. State practice, going back at least a century, has demonstrated that maritime limits normally fluctuate with physical changes to the coast. This understanding has not caused significant changes to the extent or location of maritime entitlements in a historical context. However, sea level rise stands to have catastrophic impacts as the submergence of individual coastal features can cause the loss of maritime areas spanning hundreds of thousands of square kilometres. This realisation has ignited a movement to change the law on maritime limits. Around 2010, the first States began to declare that their maritime limits would be stable, notwithstanding subsequent sea level rise. Several States and a coalition of States have since made similar declarations and the study of the ila Committee on International Law and Sea Level Rise indicates that the practice is in a phase of crystallisation. That suggests that new customary international law may be developing and the events leading to these developments might justify the use of the term Grotian Moment, leading to accelerated formation of customary international law or revised interpretation of the current law. The traditional requirements of State practice and opinio juris are not satisfied at present. However, the impacts of sea level rise on maritime limits may represent a moment of discovery that unveils a hidden truth about the law, overriding the traditional interpretation that renders maritime limits ambulatory.

Nuremberg and Grotius’s Scholarship as Non-Grotian Moments: On Novelty-Bolstering in International Law (Ziv Bohrer) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230008)


Since its 1980s coining by Richard Falk, the ‘Grotian Moment’ concept has garnered popularity in international law discourse, denoting a rapid, paradigm-shifting development in international law. This concept builds upon a prevalent recollection of two past events as such paradigm-shifts. The first is, obviously, the ‘original’ Grotian Moment, anointing Grotius as the Father of International Law, mainly for publishing, in 1625, his ground-breaking treatise, De Jure Belli ac Pacis, which is said to had brought about a momentous paradigm-shift that gave rise to modern (statist and secular), or even the first-ever-effective, international law. The second event is the post-ww2 Nuremberg international trial. Presumably, from its mid-seventeenth-century birth to Nuremberg, international law was starkly statist, and so individuals had generally not been its subjects. This, among other things, meant that international criminal law (icl) was not acceptable. Nuremberg is, therefore, celebrated as the first-ever international criminal tribunal, as icl’s birthplace and even more generally as the turning-point in international law’s attitude towards the individual. Simply put, Nuremberg is considered the prototype of a modern Grotian Moment. However, this paper shows that neither 1625 nor 1945 were truly Grotian Moments (their significance notwithstanding) and present’s likely causes for those myths. The paper further reveals that these myths, as well as the current embrace of the ‘Grotian Moment’ concept, are all manifestations of a larger, understudied phenomenon: that internationalists, evermore obsessed with perceiving themselves as cutting-edge, too often satisfy that fix by erasing the past. 

Grotian Moments and Appeals to Authority in Law and History (Mathew Cleary, Pablo Nicolas Dufour & Emanuele Salerno) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230012)


This article examines whether the publication of Hugo Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis (ibp) constitutes a Grotian Moment. After a brief sketch of ibp’s early reception, we focus on the book’s uses in teaching, identifying and creating international law in the twenty-first century, and that ibp’s authority looms large in State practice, in opinio iuris, and in both scholarly and applied understandings of customary international law. While the publication of ibp meets the technical definition of a Grotian Moment, unquestioned invocations of ibp’s authority and contents are anachronistic and should be discontinued.

‘Holding Fast to the Heritage of Freedom’: the Grotian Moment(s) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Early United Nations (1941–1949) (Daniel R. Quiroga-Villamarín) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230013)


As our contemporary international order seems to come apart at its seams in the trenches of Eastern Europe, many observers have sought solace in the promises made by the historical crucible in which this order was forged. It was, after all, in the aftermath of a previous global conflagration that a planetary constellation of statespeople attempted to create an architecture that would save ‘succeeding generations from the scourge of war’ under the aegis of the ‘United Nations Organization’ (uno). In hindsight, it is easy to look at the years that led to the creation of this international institution—and the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (udhr) of 1948, one of its central pillars—as a decisive ‘Grotian moment,’ insofar as it promised a new age for international ordering. And yet, the historical record shows that those contemporary to the making of the uno and the udhr were less certain about the ‘Grotianness’ of the moment they were living. In this sense, I argue that the plural legacies of the years 1941–1948 have been contested and disputed from the outset. In this contribution I think with, and perhaps against, the notion of ‘Grotian moments’ to interrogate how a narrative of the udhr as a watershed period for secularized individual rights came to eclipse another account of the udhr, which highlighted the centrality of collective welfare for the post-war settlement.

Hugo’s Moments, Maria’s Everyday Chores? Discords in the Search for Grotian Moments for Women’s Rights in International Law (Immi Tallgren) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230014)


This chapter would have liked to invite its readers on an exciting but breath-taking journey through the historical landscapes of international law, since ‘time immemorial’ a male-centred and, until the 1990s, almost exclusively male intellectual tradition and professional practice – at least in the eyes of the currently dominating historiography. Helas, the ambition had to be downscaled into a few rapid zooms, touristic snapshots in an impressionistic mode, on seven contexts in time and space in a hasty timeline from the eighteenth century to 2021. They reflect, merely as examples, women’s status in international law in diverse political, social and legal transformations or crisis. Some are representing moments of codification or the break-through of certain interpretations of women’s rights. Others are selected for their role in enabling women’s participation in decision-making or entry to international legal positions, or because they provide an example of women’s international activism for women’s rights. All of them might have preceded, followed, or in fact themselves constituted ‘Grotian Moments’ for ‘women’s rights’ – did they, and if not, why? Should they have? If yes, which ones and how, to what effect for ‘women’?

Research notes

In the Shadow of the Great Powers: Freedom of the Sea and Neutrality in the Long Eighteenth Century (Stefano Cattelan)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230005)

Hugo Grotius’s De Iure Belli ac Pacis: A Report on the Worldwide Census of the Seventh Edition (1646) (Matthew Cleary, Edward Jones Corredera, Pablo Nicolas Dufour, Jonathan Nathan, Emanuele Salerno  and Mark Somos) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230009)

Hugo Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis: Henricus Laurentius’ Re-Issue (1647) of the 1631 Edition (Matthew Cleary, Edward Jones Corredera, Pablo Nicolas Dufour, Jonathan Nathan, Emanuele Salerno  and Mark Somos) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230009)

Hugo Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis: A Report on the Worldwide Census of the 1650 Edition (Matthew Cleary, Edward Jones Corredera, Pablo Nicolas Dufour, Jonathan Nathan, Emanuele Salerno  and Mark Somos) (open access)
(DOI 10.1163/18760759-20230011)

Book reviews

Reformation, Resistance, and Reason of State (1517–1625), written by Sarah Mortimer (Ioannis D. Evrigenis) (open access)

The Cambridge Companion to Pufendorf, edited by Knud Haakonssen and Ian Hunter (Heikki Haara) (open access)

Capitalism: The Story Behind the Word, written by Michael Sonenscher Free Market: The History of an Idea, written by Jacob Soll (by Ed Jones Corredera) (open access)

Grotius on War and Peace in English Translation, written by William Elliott Butler (Jonathan Nathan) (open access)

Read all articles on Brill's website.

BOOK: Nicolangelo D'ACUNTO, Sillabario medievale (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2023). ISBN: 9788834354605

(Image source: Vita e Pensiero)


Il Sillabario medievale affronta, attraverso l’analisi di undici parole chiave, alcune problematiche fra le più interessanti e innovative dell’odierno panorama medievistico italiano ed europeo, muovendosi con disinvoltura tra le fonti e il dibattito storiografico. L’autore tratta di alcuni importanti nodi storiografici che hanno animato e tutt’oggi animano il dibattito interno alla disciplina: il determinismo ambientale, la spazialità, il dissenso, il rapporto fra gerarchia e libertà, fra sacro e profano, il desiderio, il nesso fra responsabilità e individualità, la nozione di carisma, la teoria degli «ordines», i concetti di Riforma (con particolare riguardo all’XI secolo), Rinascimento e Rivoluzione. Ogni parola di questo Sillabario viene illustrata e discussa facendo riferimento al dibattito storiografico e all’applicazione nell’ambito della ricerca medievistica. Un libro utile per comprendere alcune nozioni fondamentali inerenti la cultura e la mentalità medievale; al contempo, viva espressione di una peculiare visione storiografica, che in dialogo con le scienze sociali approfondisce il quadro sociale e culturale del tempo, senza mai dimenticare l’aderenza al contesto storico.


Nicolangelo D’Acunto (Albenga, 1966) ha studiato alla Scuola Normale di Pisa. Ordinario di Storia medievale all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano e Brescia, è direttore del Dipartimento di Studi medievali, umanistici e rinascimentali e del Centro per la Storia degli Insediamenti Monastici Europei (CESIME). Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Cum anulo et baculo. Vescovi dell’Italia medievale dal protagonismo politico alla complementarietà istituzionale (Spoleto 2019) e La lotta per le investiture. Una rivoluzione medievale (998-1122), (Roma 2020).

More information can be found here.

28 August 2023

BOOK: Giovanni TARELLO, Il realismo giuridico americano (Roma: Roma Tre Press 2023). ISBN: 979-12-5977-213-8, pp. 300 (ristampa, open access)

(Source: Roma Tre Press)


Published in 1962, Il realismo giuridico americano introduced Italian jurists - hitherto little interested in what was produced by U.S. legal culture - to an innovative and irreverent current of thought, inspired by an overtly anti-formalist methodology and by a programmatic connection of law to other social sciences (economics, sociology, anthropology). But not only that. Il realismo giuridico americano also imposed, in the panorama of Italian legal culture, the personality of Giovanni Tarello: then still 28 years old, but already perfectly recognizable in his traits as an acute analyst of the mentality and operations of jurists, and as a brilliant demystifier of received clichés.

Available for open access download here.

BOOK PRESENTATION: I codici e le loro vie. A proposito del libro di Sandro Schipani - Roma 18 settembre 2023

CFP: "Les frontières du travail / The boundaries of work" (Revue Frontière·s; deadline 31 December 2023)

(Image source: Frontière·s)


Defining the constituent elements of work in ancient societies is a challenge for historians, as they generally do not correspond to contemporary conceptions of the professional world, which are often ill-suited to the semantic richness and fluidity of the categories in use in the ancient and medieval worlds. It is striking, however, that the notion of ‘frontier’ appears regularly when we attempt to define the contours of professional practices and their actors in these contexts. Legal/illegal work, work oriented towards self-consumption work/work open to the market, urban/rural work, constrained/free work, paid/unpaid work are all oppositions to be questioned, shifting and porous notions to be discussed, in order to reflect on the complexity of work and its multiple variations in time and space.

For this tenth issue of Frontière·s, authors are therefore invited to identify and question the boundaries of work in protohistoric, ancient and medieval societies. All types of approaches and sources (archaeological sources, textual sources, epigraphy, iconography…) can be considered. Historiographical reflections are particularly encouraged. The following topics may be addressed, without limitation:

  • spatial boundaries, at different scales (territory, city, buildings, internal organization of the workplace…): division of labour, workers and supply networks, work in domestic contexts…;
  • social boundaries, in order to shed light on individuals and groups at work: criteria of status, gender or age; integration or marginalization of workers in society; training and apprenticeship; family work…
  • legal and institutional frameworks (written rights, customs, institutions), focusing on practices that appear at the frontiers of work: unpaid work, family work, forced labour…;
  • the limits of representations, looking at the range of perceptions of work, from esteem to contempt. The way in which the identity of an individual or a group is affirmed through work, in words and images, will also be explored.

Authors are invited to propose both chronological case studies and surveys that explore the changing boundaries of work over the long term.


  • 31 December 2023: Abstract submission deadline (optional)
  • 31 May 2024: Deadline for submission of full papers
  • December 2024: Publication


All paper proposals will consist of a text in French or English of up to 25,000 characters (excluding spaces), accompanied by abstracts in French and English (between 800 and 1,200 characters, excluding spaces) and keywords in French and English, and must be submitted by e-mail only to including institutional affiliation, position and name of the author. If they wish, authors may submit an abstract of no more than half a page in English or French with bibliographic references by 31 December 2023 for an indicative opinion from editors (answer within one month).

More information can be found here.

25 August 2023

BOOK: Corinne LEVELEUX-TEIXEIRA, Fulvio DELLE DONNE (eds.), Gli spazi del potere: strategie e attributi dell’imperialità / Les espaces de la puissance: stratégies et marqueurs de l’impérialité (Potenza: Basilicata University Press, 2023). ISBN: 9788831309233 [OPEN ACCESS]


La vastità del territorio è attributo necessario di imperialità? Un impero è solo un regno più grande? Rielaborando gli interventi al convegno scientifico tenutosi alla Maison Française di Oxford nel giugno del 2018, questo libro mette in discussione i legami sviluppati a partire dal Medioevo tra l’idea di impero e la sua espressione geografica. Più precisamente, riflette sul rapporto tra razionalità politica imperiale e configurazione territoriale attraverso alcuni casi di studio tratti dai regni di Sicilia, Francia, Ungheria, Spagna e Inghilterra.


Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira est professeure d’histoire du droit à l’Université d’Orléans et directrice d’étude à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris). Elle enseigne également à Sciences-Po Paris. Formée en histoire, en droit public et en théologie, elle est spécialiste de droit médiéval. Elle travaille sur les relations entre savoirs, constructions institutionnelles et pratiques sociales. Elle dirige la Revue historique de Droit Français et Étranger.

Fulvio Delle Donne insegna Letteratura latina medievale e umanistica presso l’Università degli Studi della Basilicata. Nella sua ampia produzione scientifica coniuga metodi e interessi filologico-letterari con quelli storici, coprendo un arco cronologico che va dal VI al XVI sec. Ha pubblicato molte edizioni critiche ospitate presso Edizioni Nazionali, numerosi volumi monografici pubblicati da prestigiose case editrici e numerosissimi articoli apparsi in importanti volumi collettanei e in riviste scientifiche internazionali. È coordinatore di PRIN e di diversi progetti scientifici internazionali ed è Presidente del Centro Europeo di Studi su Umanesimo e Rinascimento Aragonese - CESURA (, nonché Direttore del collegato Centro interuniversitario internazionale.


  • Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira, De l’espace à l’espèce : de quoi l’im­pé­ria­lité est-elle le nom ? Quelques réflexions introductives
  • Annick Peters-Custot, Le royaume normand de Sicile, cas d’école de l’im­périalité royale ?
  • Jean-Paul Boyer, Humilier l’Empire. Le paradoxe des romanistes du ro­yaume de Sicile-Naples (fin XIIIe-mi-XIVe siècle)
  • Benoît Grévin, Rex est imperator extra regnum ? Stratégies im­pé­riales françaises, des Capétiens aux premiers Valois (1212-1380)
  • Attila Bárány, The Medieval Kingdom of Hungary : a Power Factor in Central Europe
  • Hélène Sirantoine, When Being King Was Not Enough : Im­pe­ra­to­res in Medieval Iberia (Ninth to Twelfth Century)
  • John Watts, Imperial England, 1150-1550

More information can be found here.

24 August 2023

BOOK: Klaus OSCHEMA, "Europe” in the Middle Ages (Leeds: ARC Humanities Press, 2023). ISBN: 9781641891592

(Image source: ARC Humanities Press)


From the nineteenth century onwards, historians described the Middle Ages as the « cradle » of the nation state—then, after World War II, they increasingly identified the period as the « cradle » of Europe. A close look at the sources demonstrates that both interpretations are misleading: while « Europe » was not a rare word, its use simply does not follow modern expectations. This volume contrasts modern historians’ constructions of « Europe in the Middle Ages » with a fresh analysis of the medieval sources and discourses. The results force us to recognize that medieval ideas of ordering the world differ from modern expectations, thereby inviting us to reflect upon the use and limits of history in contemporary political discourse.


Klaus Oschema is Professor in Late Medieval History at the Ruhr-University Bochum. He researches medieval concepts of social, geographic, and political order. Recent publications include Order into Action (ed., with C. Mauntel, 2022).


Preface and Acknowledgements

Chapter 1: Why Europe? A Concept Crossing History and Politics

Chapter 2: Foundations in Antiquity

Chapter 3: Moments of Transformation—Europe in the Early Middle Ages

Chapter 4: Europe, Christianity, or Something Completely Different? Impressions from the Central Middle Ages

Chapter 5: Our Last Hope? Entangling Europe and Christianity in the Late Middle Ages

Chapter 6: Perspectives from Outside? Byzantium and the Arabic World

Conclusion: No Roadmap for Europe—History, Politics, and the Way to Global History

Further Reading

More information can be found here.

23 August 2023

BOOK: Marietta AUER, Thomas DUVE & Stefan VOGENAUER (Hrsg.), Michael Stolleis - zum Gedenken [Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte; band 342] (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2023), X + 90 p., ISBN 9783465046257 € 22


(image source: Klostermann)


This volume presents the lectures written for the academic memorial service for Michael Stolleis (1941–2021) on June 24, 2022. They pay tribute to the many facets of the jurist and historian, the scientist as well as the university teacher. Tying in with his work, some essays shed light on the academic history of "German international law" or the history of colonial law; others highlight his great importance for European colleagues. Yet through all the contributions runs one basic idea: that legal history and legal histories inseparably belong together, as Stolleis masterfully demonstrated in his last book bearing the title "recht erzählen" (2021). Thus, personal recollections of friends and academic companions sustain the memory of an unique narrator of law. Michael Stolleis himself also has his say once again in a reprinted conversation about fathers, educational paths and contemporaneity.

Read more here

LECTURE SERIES: COCOLAW lecture series 2023/2, University of Helsinky (on Zoom)

JOURNAL: Fundamental rights. Rivista di studi giuridici, storici e antropologici III (2023/1). OPEN ACCESS

(Source: Fundamental Rights

The contribution proposes some interpretations of Sophocles' tragedy that shed new light (and new darkness) on the conception of justice and law underlying the work. A textual analysis of it contradicts many fixed points of the 'vulgate' that rigidly contrasts written and oral law, positive and natural law, 'good' Antigone and 'bad' Creon.

The essay is a study on the evolution of freedom of information and the media in the 1960s. The author highlights the complex case of the RAI monopoly, under investigation by the Constitutional Court, before the reform law of 1975, but also the attitude of the jurisprudence of the Italian courts, with regard to press crimes and the evolution of new rights, paying attention to the change of mentality of judges.

3. Ishvarananda CUCCO, Reciprocità e fiducia come fondamenti impliciti della cultura giuridica cinese;

This article aims to uncover the evidence of reciprocity and trust within the Chinese juridical culture. To do this, we will use as a field of investigation an ancient arrangement of land transfer named Qiyue. In order to overcome the threats of cultural distance, the investigation method will use the tools of legal anthropology, in particular the examination of conceptual categories within their linguistic environment, the constant look at the specific cultural framework in which legal practice fits, but, above all, the paradigm of the gift as the keystone to distinguish in the practice of Qiyue what anticipates modern contract law and what refers to forms of ceremonial exchange that are typical of ancient or native cultures.

The work starts from the analysis of a sentence of the italian Constitutional Court, with which the proposal for a referendum relating to the abrogation of the crime of killing of a consenting person was declared inadmissible, and analyzes the problems concerning the positive obligations of criminal protection of the right to life

5. Paola MANFREDI, Curare la rabbia, rifiutare la violenza.

The paper proposes a reflection on a particular aspect of violence, namely that linked to inadequate anger management. In particular, it is shown how such anger can be interpreted as an attempt to adapt to injuries in primary functioning. This term refers to those primary acquisitions that constitute the basic trust and are articulated in the continuity of the self, the perception of boundaries and the sense of belonging. By means of a clinical vignette, some of these fragilities are exemplified and the issues of justice and care, and the appropriateness of caring for fragilities and protecting society are questioned.

More information can be found here.

22 August 2023

BOOK: David KENNEDY & Martti KOSKENNIEMI, Of Law and the World. Critical Converssations on Power, History, and Political Economy (Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 2023), 320 p. ISBN 9780674290785, 49,95 EUR


(image source: Harvard UP)


The modern world is legalized: legal language, institutions, and professionals are everywhere. But what is law’s power in global life? What does all this legality have to do with hegemony, with hierarchy and inequality, and with the diversity of human experience? What is its history and how does that history matter in world affairs? Above all, what does it mean to think “critically” about law and global affairs? In this poignant and iconoclastic book, two leading scholars take us to the heart of the matter, examining law’s relationship with history, power, and political economy. David Kennedy and Martti Koskenniemi have often inspired each other and are both considered “critical” voices in international law, but they have never explored their similarities and differences as deeply as they do here. Of Law and the World takes the form of a conversation, as the authors reflect on the study of international law, the motivations underlying their research, and the payoffs and limitations of their investigations into law’s role in global affairs. They revisit and renew debates about the past and future of the many legalities that shape our world.

On the authors:

David Kennedy is Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School. His books include A World of Struggle: How Power, Law, and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy and Of Law and War. Martti Koskenniemi is Professor of International Law, Emeritus, at the University of Helsinki and Director of the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights. He is the author of From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument and The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law, 1870–1960, among other works. 

Table of contents:

  • Preface
  • Conversation 1: What Is Critique?
  • Conversation 2: What Is International Law?
  • Conversation 3: International Law and Power
  • Conversation 4: Many International Legalities: Hegemony and Differentiation
  • Conversation 5: International Legal History as Critique
  • Conversation 6: Law in the Political Economy of the World
  • Conversation 7: Concluding Thoughts, Open Questions
  • Authors’ Works Cited

 Read more with the publisher.

21 August 2023

BOOK: Spike Gibbs, Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023). ISBN: 9781009311830


Providing a new narrative of how local authority and social structures adapted in response to the decline of lordship and the process of state formation, Spike Gibbs uses manorial officeholding – where officials were chosen from among tenants to help run the lord's manorial estate – as a prism through which to examine political and social change in the late medieval and early modern English village. Drawing on micro-studies of previously untapped archival records, the book spans the medieval/early modern divide to examine changes between 1300 and 1650. In doing so, Gibbs demonstrates the vitality of manorial structures across the medieval and early modern era, the active and willing participation of tenants in these frameworks, and the way this created inequalities within communities


Spike Gibbs is Junior Professor for the Economic History of the Middle Ages at the University of Mannheim. His writing on manorial officials, felony forfeiture and managing stray animals has been published in journals such as the Journal of British Studies and the English Historical Review. This is his first book.



1. The changing role of manorial officers and manor courts

2. Manorial officeholding and selection processes: participation or restriction?

3. Manorial officeholding and unfreedom

4. Manorial officeholding and village governance: misconduct and landscape control

5. State formation I: the parish

6. State formation II: vills, quarter sessions and constables


Appendix 1: Categorising presentments

Appendix 2: Identifying individuals

Appendix 3: Population estimates.

More information can be found here.

18 August 2023

ARTICLE: Vincent GUFFROY, An account of the negotiations inside the Parlement de Paris: Claude Guillaume Lambert’s diary (French History XXXVII (2023), Nr. 2, 111-125)


(image source: OUP)

The Parlement de Paris is well known to historians. However, if its role as a recorder of edicts and royal declarations is clear, less is known of the debates that informed its judgments and remonstrances. The official records compiled by court clerks have tended to be the only source used by historians. Yet some magistrates created a more personal memory of the discussions that took place within the secret council. The diary kept by Claude Guillaume II Lambert, a young councillor at the Chambre des Enquêtes, is a good example of this. It uncovers the parlementaires’ connections, power plays and strategic postures from May 1749 to June 1751, brings to life the negotiations that took place within the assembly and abounds in anecdotes. After having been a privileged source of information for the pamphleteering journalists of the eighteenth century, Lambert’s diary offers the historian a window into the very soul of the parlement.

Read more with OUP (DOI 10.1093/fh/crac056)

BOOK: Simone BALOSSINO, La force et le droit. Enquête sur la gabelle du sel dans la vallée du Rhône au temps de Louis IX (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2023). ISBN: 9782271146144

(Image source: CNRS Éditions)


Une enquête sur la gabelle du sel dans la vallée du Rhône au temps de Louis IX (Arch. nat., JJ 267)

Au mois de septembre 1263, une enquête est lancée dans la sénéchaussée de Beaucaire sur les rives et les usages du Rhône à la demande du roi de France Louis IX. La procédure est motivée par la mise en place et l’augmentation d’un nouvel impôt, prélevé sur le sel par le comte de Provence Charles Ier d’Anjou. Cette taxe, appelée gabelle, était levée à Albaron, un port situé au sud de la ville d’Arles, sur la rive gauche du Petit-Rhône. Le prélèvement a des répercussions importantes sur les routes commerciales et sur l’économie des deux rives. Dans cette région, en effet, le sel était depuis des siècles l’un des produits les plus transportés et les plus échangés et sa remontée par le fleuve depuis la Méditerranée représentait un intérêt économique majeur pour les seigneurs locaux.

Cependant, au fil des pages, il apparaît que l’enjeu de cette procédure dépasse largement les polémiques sur le montant des redevances, le contrôle des postes de péage ou les injustices et violences perpétrées par les officiers du comte de Provence. Le statut juridique des rives, des îles, de tout ce qui se trouve dans le fleuve ainsi que le contrôle des eaux courantes deviennent en réalité des questions centrales et visent à construire une superioritas royale sur le fleuve et les territoires qui lui sont adjacents. L’édition et l’analyse critique de ce texte peuvent ainsi contribuer à jeter un regard neuf sur l’histoire politique de la basse vallée du Rhône tout au long du XIIIe siècle.


Simone Balossino est maître de conférences en histoire médiévale à l’université d’Avignon et membre du CIHAM, Histoire, Archéologie, Littératures des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux (UMR 5648).

More information can be found here.

17 August 2023

BOOK: Ermanno ORLANDO, Matrimoni medievali. Sposarsi in Italia nei secoli XIII-XVI (Rome: Viella, 2023). ISBN: 9791254692332

(Image source: Viella Editore)


Prima che il concilio di Trento (1563) lo codificasse rigidamente, nel basso medioevo il matrimonio mantenne a lungo una natura laica, mutevole e versatile, caratterizzata da una grande variabilità di pratiche e modelli. Pare quindi più opportuno parlare di matrimoni al plurale, abbandonando la visione univoca dell’istituto affermatasi solo dopo Trento.

Nel volume si farà, pertanto, ampio riferimento non solo ai matrimoni legittimi e codificati, ma anche all’esteso ventaglio di quelli incerti e irregolari, come i matrimoni a tempo, le unioni di fatto, i matrimoni plurimi, le convivenze more uxorio o i rapporti concubinari; si passeranno in rassegna le diverse forme di unioni trasgressive, dal ratto all’adulterio, dai matrimoni finti e simulati sino a quelli violenti e forzati; si rifletterà, infine, sulle forme proibite o a stento tollerate, come i matrimoni interconfessionali, la promiscuità interreligiosa e le unioni con gli esclusi e i marginali.


Ermanno Orlando insegna Storia medievale nell’Università per Stranieri di Siena. Fra le sue monografie ricordiamo Altre Venezie. Il Dogado veneziano nei secoli XIII e XIV (Venezia 2008); Sposarsi nel medioevo (Roma 2010); Migrazioni mediterranee (Bologna 2014); Venezia e il mare nel Medioevo (Bologna 2014); Strutture e pratiche di una comunità urbana. Spalato, 1420-1479 (Venezia-Wien 2019); Le repubbliche marinare (Bologna 2021); Medioevo migratorio (Bologna 2022).



1. Introduzione

1. Paradigmi matrimoniali

2. Altre fonti, altri matrimoni

3. Una nuova stagione storiografica

4. Il matrimonio pretridentino: una pluralità di modelli

5. Variabili matrimoniali

2. Tra disciplinamento e indisciplina: il matrimonio pretridentino

1. Consensus facit nuptias

2. Il matrimonio consensuale nel diritto canonico

3. L’affermazione della teoria consensualistica

4. Un matrimonio aformale?

5. Il matrimonio nel diritto civile e la centralità della dote

6. La questione dei matrimoni clandestini

7. Verso il matrimonio formale: il concilio di Trento

3. Tempi, spazi e riti del matrimonio

1. Il modello ecclesiastico: storia di un sostanziale fallimento

2. La dimensione laica, familiare e comunitaria del matrimonio

3. Il modello notarile di matrimonio

4. Pubblico e celebrativo: il matrimonio aristocratico

5. Altre variabili matrimoniali

4. Dai preliminari alla scelta: mediazioni, modelli e reti

1. La funzione della famiglia e del matrimonio

2. Mediazioni e reti

3. La dimensione circolare e collettiva della mediazione

4. La scelta della sposa

5. Matrimoni incerti, irregolari e trasgressivi

1. Unioni incerte e controverse

2. I matrimoni a tempo e le separazioni di fatto

3. I matrimoni plurimi e in successione

4. I delicta carnis: ratto, adulterio e stupro

5. Adulterio e stupro nelle prassi giudiziarie

6. I surrogati del matrimonio (o quasi matrimoni)

1. Le convivenze more uxorio

2. I rapporti concubinari

3. Il concubinato tra tolleranza e reato

4. Il concubinato d’élite

7. Seduzione e finzione

1. Il finto matrimonio a scopo di seduzione

2. Imposture e raggiri

3. Simulazione e gioco

4. Il matrimonio delle beffe

8. Spose bambine

1. Pubertà e matrimonio

2. Tra infanzia e adolescenza: i signa indubitate pubertatis

3. La maturità psichica e biologica

4. Il matrimonio tra bambini

9. Matrimoni forzati e violenza domestica

1. Nozze forzate, nozze combinate

2. L’annullamento del vincolo propter metum

3. La violenza coniugale

4. Le sevizie come causa di separazione

10. I matrimoni misti

1. Le unioni interconfessionali

2. Cristiani orientali e matrimonio

3. Confronti

4. Affinità

5. L’impatto disciplinante del concilio di Trento

11. Il fascino delle unioni proibite

1. Il matrimonio interdetto: gli infedeli

2. Separazioni, matrimoni di fatto e conversioni

3. Promiscuità e trasgressioni

12. Marginalità e matrimonio

1. Il matrimonio con gli schiavi

2. Legami irregolari e surrogati

3. Il matrimonio con i lebbrosi


Indice dei nomi e dei luoghi

More information can be found here.

16 August 2023

CONFERENCE: 8th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Comparative Legal History in 2025: Back to the Past and Build the Future (Szeged: University of Szeged, JUL 2025)

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Organising Committee and Executive Council of the European Society for Comparative Legal History are pleased to announce that the eighth biennial conference of the Society will be held at the University of Szeged, Hungary in 2025.

The conference series started in Valencia (2010), followed by Amsterdam (2012), Macerata (2014), Gdansk (2016), Paris (2018), Lisbon (2022). In 2023 we had a successful conference in Augsburg.

The theme of the conference is to present legal institutions that influenced the development of legal orders of different legal systems and serve as evidence that contemporary legal reforms are related to the foundation of the modern state and law based on the examination of primary sources. The main aim of the conference is to draw attention to the importance and analysis of primary sources in legal historical research, across multiple legal systems. 

The organisers wish to offer the opportunity to all participants who intend to present legal historical and comparative research based mainly on primary sources, regardless of the historical era and territorial areas. 

Building the future can only be based on thorough historical and legal research, which can be achieved by connecting the past to the present. Through the complex and comparative assessment of the different branches of law, we can work towards a more general picture on legal development.

The conference will be held in July 2025; more information will be available in due course and the official call for papers will be published by the end of May 2024.

BOOK: Cerian GRIFFITHS, Łukasz Jan KORPOROWICZ (eds.), English Law, the Legal Profession, and Colonialism. Histories, Parallels, and Influences (Londra: Routledge, 2023), ISBN 9781032326191

(Image source: Routledge)


Modern legal history is increasingly interested in exploring the development of legal systems from novel and nuanced approaches. This edited collection harnesses the lesser-researched perspectives of the impact of global and imperial factors on the development of law. It is argued that to better understand these timely discussions, we must understand the process and significance of colonisation itself. The volume brings together experts in the field of law and history to explore the ways in which law and lawyers contributed to the expansion of the British Empire, and the ways in which the Empire influenced the Metropole. The book sheds new light on the role of the law and legal actors during the pivotal centuries that saw the establishment of the Empire. Exploring such topics as Atlantic relations, the impact of British jurists upon Indian law, and the development of the law settler colonies, this collection reveals some of the lesser-known intersections between law, history, and empire. The book will be of interest to students and researchers in legal history, comparative history, equity and trusts, contract law, the legal profession, slavery, and the British Empire.


Cerian Griffiths is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Business, Northumbria University.

Łukasz Jan Korporowicz is an Associate Professor and Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz; Head of the Centre for Anglo-American Legal Tradition of the University of Lodz.



1.       Introductory Remarks (MICHAEL LOBBAN)

Part 1 – Atlantic Relations

2. The Role of Legislation in Racial Identities within the English Atlantic 1640s-1700s (JUSTINE K. COLLINS)
3. London’s Middle Temple and Law Students from the New World (SALLY HADDEN)

Part 2 – Indian Relations

4. Sir James Mackintosh: the Colonial Judge (ŁUKASZ JAN KORPOROWICZ)
5. Remaking Britain in the Image of the Raj: James Fitzjames Stephen’s ‘Indian’ Correctives to Electoral Reform (MATILDE CAZZOLA)

Part 3 – Australia and South-East Asia Relations

6. The Colonial Government Bill 1864: Towards a Code of Colonial Constitutional Law (GREG TAYLOR)
7. Outlaws in their native land: the 'incompetence' of Aboriginal witnesses in 19th Century Colonial Australia (ANDREW ALEXANDER, HOLLY NICHOLLS, DAVID PLATER)
8. Governance Through Vagrancy Law in Hong Kong, 1841-1939 (CHRISTOPHER M. ROBERTS, HAZEL W.H. LEUNG)

Part 4 – Legal Doctrines, Empire and Legacies

9. Imagination and Colonial Challenges to English Legal Historiography (RICHARD W. IRELAND)
10. The Last Will and Testament of John Gardner Kemeys: Jamaican Mortgages and English Inheritance Disputes (JULIA RUDOLPH)
11. Winds of Change in Common Law Jurisdictions: The Concept of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in the Performance of Contracts (JAN HALBERDA)
12. Conclusion: Legal History in a Global Setting: Voices from the Peripheries (CERIAN GRIFFITHS, ŁUKASZ JAN KORPOROWICZ)

More information can be found here.

05 August 2023

REGISTRATION OPEN: Selden's Sisters presents Celebrating Women in Legal History: The Lives and Legacies of Early Women Legal Historians - 1 September 2023 [HYBRID]

Selden's Sisters presents Celebrating Women in Legal History: The Lives and Legacies of Early Women Legal Historians

When and where:

Fri, 1 Sep 2023 11:00 - 19:00 BST

The School of Law and Social Justice Building, The University of Liverpool Chatham Street Liverpool L69 7ZR United Kingdom

About this event:

Selden’s Sister are a collaborative body of legal historians across multiple UKHE institutions. We seek to champion the work of contemporary female legal historians, and highlight past contributions of women to legal history. This SLS-funded, one-day hybrid symposium aims to celebrate the contributions of women to early legal historical scholarship, to commemorate the achievements of under-appreciated figures in legal history, and to assess their contributions in light of present understandings of the discipline.


11:00-11:15 Opening Remarks: Dr Lorren Eldridge

11:15-12:30 Panel One: Pathbreakers in Legal History

• Dr Fleur Stolker (University of Oxford) Dame CV Wedgwood and the trial of Charles I

• Christine George (New York University Law Library) Missing Mildred Miles

• Dr Anne Logan (University of Kent) Rights and Duties of Englishwomen: the life and work of Erna Reiss (1888-1974?)

• Cheryl Warden (University of Stirling) and Anna Pavičić (University of Stirling)

Chair: Professor Gwen Seaborne

12:30-13:15 Lunch

13:15-14:30 Panel Two: Women Working Together

• Dr Jennifer Aston (Northumbria University) and Prof. Olive Anderson (deceased, Westfield College) For Wives Alone: Economic Divorce in mid-nineteenth century England and Wales

• Dr Sharon Thompson (University of Cardiff) Family Law Reformists as Feminist Legal Historians: The Married Women’s Association

• Taylor Starr (Yorke University, Canada) Epistemological Acquiescence: Women and Feminist Legal Theory in Canadian Law Faculties, 1961-1994

• Associate Professor Valentina Cvetković Đorđević and Assistant Professor Nina Kršljanin (University of Belgrade) Women scholars in legal history at the university of Belgrade faculty of law

Chair: Rhiannon Ogden-Jones

14:30-14:45 Tea/ Coffee Break

14:45-16:00 Panel Three: Stair’s Sister: Celebrating Women in Law in Scotland

• Professor Maria Fletcher (University of Glasgow) The ‘Women in Law’ Project and Dialogues about the Past, Present and Future: Feminist Theory and Method in Practice.

• Dr Charlie Peevers (University of Glasgow) Alternative Visions of International Law, War and Peace: Women, Scotland and Global Order in the early 20th century

• Dr Rebecca Mason (Scottish Parliament) Shadow economies of Scottish women’s legal work

• Lisa Cowan (University of Edinburgh) Aere perennius: The Life and Legacy of Professor Olivia Robinson

Chair: Dr Sarah White

16:00-16:15 Tea/ Coffee Break

16:15-17:30 Roundtable Discussion: Women in Legal History Now

• Professor Chantal Stebbings (University of Exeter)

• Professor Catherine Macmillan (King’s College London)

• Professor Rebecca Probert (University of Exeter)

Chair: Dr Joanna McCunn

17:30-17:45 Closing Remarks: Dr Emily Ireland

17:45-18:45 Drinks Reception

Registration available here.