In these particular Winter days, the ESCLH Blog takes a small holiday. We will start publishing again from Monday 4 January on.
23 December 2020
JOURNAL: Clio@Themis, nº 19, 2020, OPEN ACCESS
Dossier : Vérité Judiciaire
Soazick Kerneis
Christophe Archan
Ordalies et lutte contre la criminalité dans l’Angleterre des xe-xie siècles
Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira
Un conflit des interprétations ? Vérité judiciaire et expertise médicale (xiiie-xive siècles)
Sofiane Yahia Cherif
L’autorité de la chose jugée, présomption légale de vérité
Alexandre Frambéry‑Iacobone
Vérité judiciaire, vérité factuelle et élément moral : Perspectives d’histoire pénale contemporaine
Christiane Besnier
Le travail de la vérité en cour d’assises
Sylvette Guillemard
Vérité judiciaire et stare decisis en droit privé québécois
Alain Pottage
Le droit d’après l’anthropologie : objet et technique en droit romain
22 December 2020
NEWS: ERC Consolidator Grant for Professor Stefania Gialdroni (Roma Tre)
(Source: Venetian Cat)
We learned
that Professor Stefania Gialdroni received an ERC Consolidator Grant for her
project “Migrating Commercial Law and Language. Rethinking Lex Mercatoria
(11th-17th Century)”. The full list of ERC Consolidator Grants can be found here: Also
see the Twitter hashtag #ERCCoG. Many congratulations to Professor Gialdroni!
Professor Gialdroni’s project
Title: Migrating Commercial Law and Language. Rethinking Lex Mercatoria (11th-17th Century)
Acronym: MICOLL
MICOLL will analyze the development
of commercial law by means of a tool almost ignored in this field: historical
linguistics. The borrowing and transfer of legal terms will be carried out
through a comprehensive and systematic investigation of medieval and early
modern legal sources, in particular commercial letters, contracts and statutes.
Even though legal
historians tend to deny the effectiveness of a body of customary laws uniformly
adopted across medieval and modern Europe, the “myth” of the ancient lex mercatoria continues to provide
historical legitimacy to the supporters of corporate self-regulation. According
to a widespread historiographical topos, merchants all over the
world “spoke the same language” when it came to what was important for them: to
make profits. As legal institutions are represented by technical legal words,
an analysis of the terms merchants actually used is a powerful and never
attempted way to verify the impact of merchants’
migrations on the development of commercial law, which had, in its turn,
tremendous effects on social and economic history.
The center of this project will be Venice, for several centuries the mandatory stop for merchandise coming from the East and directed both to northern Europe and to Genoa, from where men and goods would reach other trading centers (e.g., France and the Iberian peninsula). Our time-frame spans from the “commercial revolution” of the 11th century to the beginning of the modern period, when the new dynamics of transoceanic trade left Venice at the periphery of a world that was changing its very dimensions.
Stefania Gialdroni is currently Assistant Professor in Medieval and Modern Legal History at the RomaTre University Law Department, where she teaches Medieval and Modern Legal History and The Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage.
She studied Law at the RomaTre University (JD equivalent) and she obtained a PhD both from
the University of Milano-Bicocca and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales (Paris), within the framework of the Marie Curie, 6th Framework Program of the European Commission (Doctorate
in European Legal Cultures). As a PhD student she spent one year at the
Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt a. M., one
year at the London School of Economics and two years at the EHESS in Paris. She
was post-doc research fellow at Arcadia University (The College of Global
Studies, Rome Center), the University of Roma Tre, the University of Palermo
and the University of Helsinki. She is the author of several articles on the
history of commercial law and on “Law and the Humanities”. In 2011 she
published the monograph “East India Company. Una storia giuridica (1600-1708)”
(Bologna: Il Mulino) and in 2019 she co-edited the book “Migrating Words,
Migrating Merchants, Migrating Law. Trading Routes and the Development of
Commercial Law” (Leiden/Boston: Brill).
BOOK: Irene DINGEL, Michael ROHRSCHNEIDER, Inken SCHMIDT-VOGES, Siegrid WESTPHAL & Joachim WHALEY (eds.), Handbuch Frieden im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit/Peace in Early Modern Europe. A Handbook (Berlin: De Gruyter/Oldenbourg, 2020), 950 p. ISBN 978-3-11-059131-6, € 149,95
Book abstract:
The development of European peace processes is as characteristic of early modernity as the ubiquity of military conflict: over 2,000 international or domestic peace treaties were concluded in this era. This handbook presents the most recent findings of international research on political and societal peace orders, peace concepts and practices, along with the cultures of peace in the early modern period.
Table of contents:
Einführung (Irene Dingel, Michael Rohrschneider, Inken Schmidt-Voges, Siegrid Westphal, and Joachim Whaley) (open access)
Introduction (open access)
1. Antike und mittelalterliche Grundlagen frühneuzeitlicher Friedensvorstellungen (Hermann Kamp)
2. Frieden: Renaissance – Humanismus – Reformation (Volker Leppin)
3. Frieden zwischen religiöser und säkularer Deutung, 1555–1700 (Friedrich Beiderbeck)
4. Frieden und Utopie (Thomas Schölderle)
5. Immanuel Kant und die Friedensvorstellungen im Denken der Aufklärung (Thomas Schölderle)
6. Peace and Law (Frederik Dhondt)
7. Ideas of Peace and Practice of Peacemaking in Pre-Modern South Asia (Murari Kumar Jha)
8. Landfrieden (Duncan Hardy)
9. Justizwesen (Anette Baumann)
10. Frieden als Leitbegriff und Handlungsfeld frühneuzeitlicher Policeyordnungen (Karl Härter)
11. Erbeinungen (Uwe Tresp)
12. Friedensräume. Burgfrieden, Kirchenfrieden, Gerichtsfrieden, Marktfrieden (Masaki Taguchi)
13. Hausfrieden. Eine doppelte Friedensordnung (Inken Schmidt-Voges)
14. Religionsfrieden (Irene Dingel)
15. Peacemaking in the Thirty Years War (Derek Croxton)
16. Waffenstillstand, Anstand und Stillstand (Gabriele Haug-Moritz)
17. Zwischenstaatlicher Frieden (Anuschka Tischer)
18. Friedensverträge (Martin Espenhorst)
19. Friedensschlüsse mit außereuropäischen Herrschern. Afrika, Mittelmeerraum, Osmanisches Reich (Benjamin Steiner)
20. Treaties in Asia (Peter Borschberg)
21. Peace Treaties Between Colonial Powers and Indigenous Peoples in North America (Katherine A. Hermes)
22. Friedenskongresse (Johannes Burkhardt and Benjamin Durst)
23. Verhandlungstechniken und ‑praktiken (Maria-Elisabeth Brunert and Lena Oetzel)
24. Friedensvermittlung und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (Michael Rohrschneider)
25. Verhandlungssprachen und Übersetzungen (Guido Braun)
26. Akteur*innen der Friedensstiftung und ‑wahrung (Volker Arnke)
27. Historische Sicherheitsforschung und die Sicherheit des Friedens (Christoph Kampmann and Horst Carl)
28. Neutralität (Axel Gotthard)
29. Amnestie und Normaljahre (Ralf-Peter Fuchs)
30. Toleranz (Ulrich Niggemann)
31. Zeremoniell (Niels F. May)
32. Friedensfeiern und Gedächtniskultur (Renger E. de Bruin and Alexander Jordan)
33. Die materielle Kultur des Friedenschließens (Harriet Rudolph)
34. Frieden und Friedenssymboliken in der Bildenden Kunst (Eva-Bettina Krems)
35. Friedensmusiken (Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort)
36. Friedenspredigten (Henning P. Jürgens)
37. Frieden in der Literatur (Klaus Garber)
More information with DeGruyter.38. Der Kuttenberger Religionsfrieden 1485 (Alexandra Schäfer-Griebel)
39. Ewiger Landfrieden 1495 (Hendrik Baumbach)
40. Erster und Zweiter Kappeler Landfrieden 1529 & 1531 (Andreas Zecherle)
41. Augsburger Religionsfrieden 1555 (Armin Kohnle)
42. Der Frieden von Cateau-Cambrésis 1559 (Rainer Babel)
43. Warschauer Konföderation 1573 (Christopher Voigt-Goy)
44. The Edict of Nantes 1598 (Mark Greengrass)
45. Die Friedensschlüsse von Siebenbürgen: Wegmarken religiöser Toleranz oder der Konfessionalisierung? (Mihály Balázs)
46. Der Westfälische Frieden 1648 (Siegrid Westphal)
47. Nijmegen, Rijswijk, Utrecht: The Peace Treaties of the Wars of Louis XIV (Klaas Van Gelder)
48. Der Friede von Zsitvatorok 1606 und die Friedensschlüsse der ‚Türkenkriege‘ (Arno Strohmeyer)
49. Die Friedensschlüsse der Nordischen Kriege 1570–1814 (Dorothée Goetze)
50. Die Friedensschlüsse der friderizianischtheresianischen Ära (Regina Dauser)
51. Friedensschlüsse zwischen Französischer Revolution und Wiener Kongressordnung (Reinhard Stauber)
BOOK: Francesca DE ROSA, Gaspare Capone. Storia, politica e diritto in un giurista della transizione (Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, 2020). ISBN: 978-88-9391-814-5, pp. 208, € 16,00
ARTICLES: Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, OPEN ACCES
The Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies has recently published some articles of legal historical interest.
Soldada e tutela de órfãos nas últimas décadas do século XIX. Legislação e prática judiciária
Alan Wruck Garcia Rangel
ARTICLES: Direito, Estado e Sociedade, nº 57, 2/2020, OPEN ACCESS
Por: Júlio César de Oliveira Vellozo e Silvio Luiz de Almeida
Walter Guandalini Junior, Lívia Solana Pfuetzenreiter de Lima Teixeira
21 December 2020
BOOK: Geetanjali SRIKANTAN, Identifying and Regulating Religion in India. Law, History and the Place of Worship (Cambridge: University Press, 2020). ISBN: 9781108840538, pp.258, £ 85.00
Judicial debates on the regulation of religion in post-colonial India have been characterised by the inability of courts to identify religion as a governable phenomenon. This book investigates the identification and regulation of religion through an intellectual history of law's creation of religion from the colonial to the post-colonial. Moving beyond conventional explanations on the failure of secularism and the secular state, it argues that the impasse in the legal regulation of religion lies in the methodologies and frameworks used by British colonial administrators in identifying and governing religion. Drawing on insights from post-colonial theory and religious studies, it demonstrates the role of secular legal reasoning in the background of Western intellectual history and Christian theology through an illustration of the place of worship. It is a contribution to South Asian legal history and sociolegal studies analysing court archives, colonial narratives and legislative documents.
Geetanjali Srikantan teaches global legal history in the Department of Public Law and Governance, Tilburg Law School at Tilburg University. She holds law degrees from the National Law School of India, Bangalore and the University of Warwick, UK.
More information and table of contents with the publisher.
JOURNAL: Glossae: European Journal of Legal History, nº 17, 2020, OPEN ACCESS
The Theory of Social Defence and the Italian Positive School of Criminal Law, pp. 22-46
Michele Pifferi
Bernardino Alimena and Emanuele Carnevale: The third school of criminal law searching for a compromise, pp. 47-82
Stefano Vinci
Argentina’s Participation in the International Penal and Penitentiary Congress (1872-1950), pp. 83-118
Esteban González, Jorge Núñez
About the concept of the ‘dangerous individual’ in turn-of-the-century penal reform: Debates on recidivism, état dangereux, indeterminate sentencing, and civil liberty in the International Union of Penal Law, 1889-1914, pp. 119-149
Richard F. Wetzell
Zweckgedanke, Social Defence and Transnational Criminal Law: Franz von Liszt and the Network of Positivist Criminology (1871-1918), pp. 150-175
Karl Härter
Adolphe Prins and social defence in Belgium: The reform in the service of maintaining social order, pp. 176-210
Yves Cartuyvels
Gerhardus Antonius van Hamel (1842-1917) and the new horizons of criminal justice under penal positivism, pp. 211-232
John A.E. Vervaele
Echoes of Karl Binding and Franz von Liszt? The Discussion between the ‘Classical School’ and the ‘Positivist School’ in Austria, pp. 233-258
Martin P. Schennach
Toward New Horizons: Penal Positivism and Swiss Criminal Law Reform in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, pp. 259-276
Urs Germann
The hybrid construction of a European form of penal thinking. From Italian positivism to the birth of French criminology Reception, resistance and appropriation, pp. 277-302
Martine Kaluszynski
The reception of the positivist school in the Spanish criminal doctrine (1885-1899), pp. 303-352
Aniceto Masferrer
Pedro Dorado Montero: A Transitioning Figure, pp. 353-395
José Franco-Chasán
A frantic mayfly at the turn of the century: The positivist movement and Portuguese criminal law, pp. 396-439
Pedro Caeiro, Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto
Reception of social defense in the RSFSR and the USSR, pp. 440-468
Maria Filatova, Tatiana Alekseeva
Ascension and decline of positivism in Argentina, pp. 469-485
Enrique Roldán Cañizares, Matías J. Rosso
The Italian Scuola Positiva in Brazil between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the problematic issue of “influence”, pp. 486-516
Ricardo Sontag
The Plague in Constantinople
María José Bravo Bosch

Tratamiento jurídico de las lesiones en la Edad Media, pp. 550-568
Legal regime of injuries in the Middle Ages
Adolfo A. Díaz-Bautista Cremades

Oficiales competentes para reprimir la exportación de bienes prohibidos en Castilla hasta finales del Antiguo Régimen, pp. 569-596
Competent officials to repress the export of prohibited goods in Castile until the end of the Old Regime
Miguel Pino Abad

Ius commune and juridical conflicts in the early-modern almotaçaria of Lisbon on construction laws and disputes between neighbours, pp. 597-627
Sandra M. G. Pinto

Incumplimiento de la donación promisoria y beneficium competentiae: Bases romanistas de su recepción en el Código civil de Bello, pp. 628-672
Breach of promising donation and beneficium competentiae: The Roman law legacy and its reception in the Civil code of Bello
Juan Carlos Prado Rodríguez

Bans on Combinations: Nineteenth-Century France, Great Britain and Spain, pp. 673-696
Isabel Ramos Vázquez

Los estudios de Leyes durante el Barroco. El primer manual para la enseñanza de la Iurisprudentia, escrito en castellano, pp. 697-720
The studies of Law in the Baroque period. The first textbook written in Spanish to teach the Iurisprudentia
Marina Rojo Gallego-Burín

La influencia del Derecho romano en Estados Unidos en el ámbito académico y jurisprudencial, pp. 721-743
The influence of Roman law in the United States in the scholarly and jurisprudential field
José Luis Zamora Manzano

Hylkje de Jong, ’Εντολή (mandatum) in den Basiliken, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2020, XII + pp. 239 [ISBN: 978-90-04-41011-4], pp. 744-746
Francisco J. Andrés Santos

Aniceto Masferrer (ed.), Tradición e influencias extranjeras en la codificación penal española. Parte especial, Cizur Menor (Navarra): Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, 2020, pp. 1130 [ISBN: 978-84-1346-572-2], pp. 747-749
Álex Corona Encinas

NO TAN LEJANO. Una visión de la mujer romana a través de temas de actualidad (María José Bravo Bosch, Alicia Valmaña Ochaíta, Rosalía Rodríguez López, eds.), Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2020, 502 pp. [ISBN: 978-84-17203-00-9], pp. 750-762
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

Daniel Schwartz, The Political Morality of the Late Scholastics. Civil Life, War and Conscience, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, XIII + pp. 234 [ISBN: 978-1-108-49245-4], pp. 763-766
Francisco J. Andrés Santos

Daniel L. Dreisbach & Mark David Hall (eds.), Great Christian jurists in American history, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, XXII + pp. 336, £99,99 [ISBN: 978-1-108-47535-8], pp. 767-768
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Diccionario jurídico bizantino griego-español. Sobre la base de la Introducción al derecho del patriarca Focio y de las Novelas de León VI el Sabio, redacción y coordinación de Juan Signes Codoñer, José-Domingo Rodríguez Martín y Francisco Javier Andrés Santos, Granada: Comares, 2018, pp. 632 [ISBN: 978-84-9045-789-4], pp. 769-771
Álex Corona Encinas

Giuseppe Mecca, Il governo rappresentativo. Cultura politica, sfera pubblica e diritto costituzionale nell’Italia del XIX secolo, Macerata Edizioni Università di Macerata (EUM), Biblioteca del Giornale di Storia costituzionale, 2019, 240 pp. [ISBN 978-88-6056-623-2], pp. 772-776
Belinda Rodríguez Arrocha

Bernardo Bayona Aznar, Pactismo y Teocracia. Las dos caras del pensamiento político de Francesc Eiximenis, Madrid: Tecnos, 2019, pp. 237 [ISBN: 978-84-309-7792-5], pp. 777-778
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Manuel Ángel Bermejo Castrillo (ed.), La memoria del jurista español. Estudios, Madrid: Dykinson, 2020, pp. 416 [ISBN: 978-84-1324-413-6], pp. 779-780
Álex Corona Encinas

Modesto Barcia Lago, LA ARENA VISCOSA DEL FORO: El mundo de la justicia ante el espejo de la sátira, Madrid: Ed. Dykinson (Colección Monografías de Derecho romano y Cultura clásica), 2020, pp. 303 [ISBN: 978-84-1324-546-1], pp. 781-784
María José Bravo Bosch

George L. Priest, The rise of law and economics: an intellectual history, Abingdon- New York: Routledge, 2020, XII + pp. 118 [ISBN: 978-0-367-33938-8], pp. 785-786
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Richard J. Dougherty (ed.), Augustine’s political thought. Rochester studies in medieval political thought, 2, Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer Ltd., 2019, IX + pp. 290 [ISBN: 978-1580469241], pp. 787-788
Álex Corona Encinas

Beatriz García Fueyo, Amador Rodríguez Salamanca, creador de la categoría jurídica “concurso de acreedores” (1570-c. 1622), Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Oviedo, 2019 [ISBN 978-84-16343-82-9], pp. 789-792
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp (ed.), A companion to Early Modern Spanish imperial political and social thought, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020, X + pp. 376 [ISBN: 978-9004412798], pp. 793-795
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Nuevos catedráticos y profesores titulares de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones, p. 796
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Dolores Guillot Aliaga (1960-2019): Requiescat in pace, pp. 797-801
Aniceto Masferrer

Enrique Gómez Royo: In Memoriam, pp. 802-804
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

I Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia del Derecho, 14-15 May 2020, p. 805
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

6th European Society for Comparative Legal History Biennial Conference, 1-3 July 2020 p. 806
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

2020 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law, 15-16 October 2020, pp. 807-808
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

2020 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 13-14 November 2020, pp. 809-810
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Concesión del Premio Internacional «Galileo Galilei», en su LVIII edición, al profesor Carlos Manuel Petit Calvo, p. 811
Fernando Hernández Fradejas