The Theory of Social Defence and the Italian Positive School of Criminal Law, pp. 22-46
Michele Pifferi
Bernardino Alimena and Emanuele Carnevale: The third school of criminal law searching for a compromise, pp. 47-82
Stefano Vinci
Argentina’s Participation in the International Penal and Penitentiary Congress (1872-1950), pp. 83-118
Esteban González, Jorge Núñez
About the concept of the ‘dangerous individual’ in turn-of-the-century penal reform: Debates on recidivism, état dangereux, indeterminate sentencing, and civil liberty in the International Union of Penal Law, 1889-1914, pp. 119-149
Richard F. Wetzell
Zweckgedanke, Social Defence and Transnational Criminal Law: Franz von Liszt and the Network of Positivist Criminology (1871-1918), pp. 150-175
Karl Härter
Adolphe Prins and social defence in Belgium: The reform in the service of maintaining social order, pp. 176-210
Yves Cartuyvels
Gerhardus Antonius van Hamel (1842-1917) and the new horizons of criminal justice under penal positivism, pp. 211-232
John A.E. Vervaele
Echoes of Karl Binding and Franz von Liszt? The Discussion between the ‘Classical School’ and the ‘Positivist School’ in Austria, pp. 233-258
Martin P. Schennach
Toward New Horizons: Penal Positivism and Swiss Criminal Law Reform in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, pp. 259-276
Urs Germann
The hybrid construction of a European form of penal thinking. From Italian positivism to the birth of French criminology Reception, resistance and appropriation, pp. 277-302
Martine Kaluszynski
The reception of the positivist school in the Spanish criminal doctrine (1885-1899), pp. 303-352
Aniceto Masferrer
Pedro Dorado Montero: A Transitioning Figure, pp. 353-395
José Franco-Chasán
A frantic mayfly at the turn of the century: The positivist movement and Portuguese criminal law, pp. 396-439
Pedro Caeiro, Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto
Reception of social defense in the RSFSR and the USSR, pp. 440-468
Maria Filatova, Tatiana Alekseeva
Ascension and decline of positivism in Argentina, pp. 469-485
Enrique Roldán Cañizares, Matías J. Rosso
The Italian Scuola Positiva in Brazil between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the problematic issue of “influence”, pp. 486-516
Ricardo Sontag
The Plague in Constantinople
María José Bravo Bosch

Tratamiento jurídico de las lesiones en la Edad Media, pp. 550-568
Legal regime of injuries in the Middle Ages
Adolfo A. Díaz-Bautista Cremades

Oficiales competentes para reprimir la exportación de bienes prohibidos en Castilla hasta finales del Antiguo Régimen, pp. 569-596
Competent officials to repress the export of prohibited goods in Castile until the end of the Old Regime
Miguel Pino Abad

Ius commune and juridical conflicts in the early-modern almotaçaria of Lisbon on construction laws and disputes between neighbours, pp. 597-627
Sandra M. G. Pinto

Incumplimiento de la donación promisoria y beneficium competentiae: Bases romanistas de su recepción en el Código civil de Bello, pp. 628-672
Breach of promising donation and beneficium competentiae: The Roman law legacy and its reception in the Civil code of Bello
Juan Carlos Prado Rodríguez

Bans on Combinations: Nineteenth-Century France, Great Britain and Spain, pp. 673-696
Isabel Ramos Vázquez

Los estudios de Leyes durante el Barroco. El primer manual para la enseñanza de la Iurisprudentia, escrito en castellano, pp. 697-720
The studies of Law in the Baroque period. The first textbook written in Spanish to teach the Iurisprudentia
Marina Rojo Gallego-Burín

La influencia del Derecho romano en Estados Unidos en el ámbito académico y jurisprudencial, pp. 721-743
The influence of Roman law in the United States in the scholarly and jurisprudential field
José Luis Zamora Manzano

Hylkje de Jong, ’Εντολή (mandatum) in den Basiliken, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2020, XII + pp. 239 [ISBN: 978-90-04-41011-4], pp. 744-746
Francisco J. Andrés Santos

Aniceto Masferrer (ed.), Tradición e influencias extranjeras en la codificación penal española. Parte especial, Cizur Menor (Navarra): Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, 2020, pp. 1130 [ISBN: 978-84-1346-572-2], pp. 747-749
Álex Corona Encinas

NO TAN LEJANO. Una visión de la mujer romana a través de temas de actualidad (María José Bravo Bosch, Alicia Valmaña Ochaíta, Rosalía Rodríguez López, eds.), Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2020, 502 pp. [ISBN: 978-84-17203-00-9], pp. 750-762
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

Daniel Schwartz, The Political Morality of the Late Scholastics. Civil Life, War and Conscience, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, XIII + pp. 234 [ISBN: 978-1-108-49245-4], pp. 763-766
Francisco J. Andrés Santos

Daniel L. Dreisbach & Mark David Hall (eds.), Great Christian jurists in American history, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, XXII + pp. 336, £99,99 [ISBN: 978-1-108-47535-8], pp. 767-768
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Diccionario jurídico bizantino griego-español. Sobre la base de la Introducción al derecho del patriarca Focio y de las Novelas de León VI el Sabio, redacción y coordinación de Juan Signes Codoñer, José-Domingo Rodríguez Martín y Francisco Javier Andrés Santos, Granada: Comares, 2018, pp. 632 [ISBN: 978-84-9045-789-4], pp. 769-771
Álex Corona Encinas

Giuseppe Mecca, Il governo rappresentativo. Cultura politica, sfera pubblica e diritto costituzionale nell’Italia del XIX secolo, Macerata Edizioni Università di Macerata (EUM), Biblioteca del Giornale di Storia costituzionale, 2019, 240 pp. [ISBN 978-88-6056-623-2], pp. 772-776
Belinda Rodríguez Arrocha

Bernardo Bayona Aznar, Pactismo y Teocracia. Las dos caras del pensamiento político de Francesc Eiximenis, Madrid: Tecnos, 2019, pp. 237 [ISBN: 978-84-309-7792-5], pp. 777-778
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Manuel Ángel Bermejo Castrillo (ed.), La memoria del jurista español. Estudios, Madrid: Dykinson, 2020, pp. 416 [ISBN: 978-84-1324-413-6], pp. 779-780
Álex Corona Encinas

Modesto Barcia Lago, LA ARENA VISCOSA DEL FORO: El mundo de la justicia ante el espejo de la sátira, Madrid: Ed. Dykinson (Colección Monografías de Derecho romano y Cultura clásica), 2020, pp. 303 [ISBN: 978-84-1324-546-1], pp. 781-784
María José Bravo Bosch

George L. Priest, The rise of law and economics: an intellectual history, Abingdon- New York: Routledge, 2020, XII + pp. 118 [ISBN: 978-0-367-33938-8], pp. 785-786
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Richard J. Dougherty (ed.), Augustine’s political thought. Rochester studies in medieval political thought, 2, Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer Ltd., 2019, IX + pp. 290 [ISBN: 978-1580469241], pp. 787-788
Álex Corona Encinas

Beatriz García Fueyo, Amador Rodríguez Salamanca, creador de la categoría jurídica “concurso de acreedores” (1570-c. 1622), Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Oviedo, 2019 [ISBN 978-84-16343-82-9], pp. 789-792
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp (ed.), A companion to Early Modern Spanish imperial political and social thought, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020, X + pp. 376 [ISBN: 978-9004412798], pp. 793-795
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Nuevos catedráticos y profesores titulares de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones, p. 796
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Dolores Guillot Aliaga (1960-2019): Requiescat in pace, pp. 797-801
Aniceto Masferrer

Enrique Gómez Royo: In Memoriam, pp. 802-804
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

I Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia del Derecho, 14-15 May 2020, p. 805
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

6th European Society for Comparative Legal History Biennial Conference, 1-3 July 2020 p. 806
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

2020 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law, 15-16 October 2020, pp. 807-808
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

2020 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 13-14 November 2020, pp. 809-810
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

Concesión del Premio Internacional «Galileo Galilei», en su LVIII edición, al profesor Carlos Manuel Petit Calvo, p. 811
Fernando Hernández Fradejas

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