This conference aims at discussing the history, legal implications, and legacy of the 1917 Russian Revolution.

Illustration: Reidar Aulie: Tendens (copyright BONO).
In February and October 1917 Revolutions took place in Russia, bringing about dramatic changes in the society and the legal system. Did the Russian Revolution(s) have any impact on the Nordic countries? What legal transformations did the Revolution(s) bring about for Russia and for the Nordic countries?
Without understanding the legal and political transformations which occurred in Russia 100 years ago, we may not fully understand the legal system of Russian law in the later Soviet and post-Soviet period, and the implications for the Nordic countries.
This conference will be of interest not only for legal historians. We invite legal scholars, practitioners, students and everyone interested in history of Russia and the Nordic states, international and comparative law and Russian law.
9:00-9:15 Coffee
9:15-9:30 Welcome: Professor Dag Michalsen, Dean of the Law Faculty / Professor Alla Pozdnakova
9:30 Professor William E. Butler (Penn State University): Key note speech
Revolution: history, philosophy and law (10:00-12:15)
Chair: Professor Marit Halvorsen
10:00 History of 1917 Russian Revolution(s): Professor Emeritus Åsmund Egge (UiO)
10:25 Young Marx and why Revolutionists did not like him: Professor Christoffer Conrad Eriksen (UiO)
11:50 Coffee break
11:15 Comparative Law in Russia: Historical traces of influence: Irina Fodchenko, PhD candidate (UiO)
11:15 Revolutionary Law in Russia: Continuity and change: Dr. Tatiana Borisova (HSE St. Petersburg)
11:30 Questions and discussion
12:15-13:00 Lunch break
Revolution and ownership rights (13:00-15:15)
Chair: Professor Gentian Zyberi
13:00 Fisheries in Finnmark – relationship with Russia in legal history perspective: Professor Emeritus Kirsti Strøm Bull (UiO)
13:20 Right to state and other property after the revolution and/or recognition of new government in Russia, contra Russian recognition of the Norwegian government in 1905: Professor Ola Mestad (UiO)
13:40 Real property law in pre- and post-soviet Russia: Has the Revolution altered Russia's legal regime? Professor Tina Hunter (University of Aberdeen)
14:00 How Russia became a market economy - or did it? Professor Kaj Hobér (University of Uppsala; Stockholm Chamber of Commerce)
14:30 Questions and discussion
14:50 Commentary/ Professor William E. Butler
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee break
Afternoon session II: International and Comparative Law perspectives on the Russian Revolution (15:15-17:30)
Chair: Professor Alla Pozdnakova
15:15 The Martens Clause and Its Importance for the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Professor Gentian Zyberi (NCHR)
15:35 The Soviet Union and the negotiation of the UN Charter and universal human rights, 1941-1948: Professor Emeritus Åsbjørn Eide
15:50 Turbulent times: Finnish independence and civil war in a comparative context: Professor Jukka Kekkonen (University of Helsinki)
16:20 "Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic or so called "Stuchka’s Republic" (December 1918 – January 1920) as a Latvian statehood alternative and social experiment": Dr.iur. Elīna Grigore-Bāra (University of Latvia)
16:40 Commentary / Professor William E. Butler
17:00 Questions and round-up
(source: University of Oslo)
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