The University of RomaTre and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) in collaboration with the Sorbonne, have recently established a new Double Master Degree caracterized by an original structure and a fresh aim. The goal of this master is in fact to open the doors of law departments to people trained in humanities and social sciences in order to be introduced to the world of legal as well as other kinds of normativities. The master is of course open also to law students. The students will spend one year in Paris and one year in Rome and the cost of the apartments will be included in the enrollment fees. They will be admitted to a number of regular courses held in the 3 universities involved, as well as to ad hoc seminars and stages (e.g. in the legal clinics of the RomaTre University).
Enrollment is possible at the University of RomaTre until the end of July 2014.
Master in diritto e normatività comparate
Dir. Prof. Emanuele Conte (Univ.RomaTre) and
Prof. Paolo Napoli (CENJ - EHESS Paris)
For more information, click here or write to giuseppina.santilli@uniroma3.it.
For the description of the Master in French, please click here.
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